Have You Ever
- 3 years ago
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At nine o'clock Monday morning, Ali was stretching luxuriantly in her bed when the doorbell rang. Bill had had to get up early to go to New York so it was the first time they had been separated. She had wanted to go with him, but he had insisted she stay and prepare for her finals. Slipping on the unisex terry bathrobe, she went to open the door.
Standing behind the room service cart was Ginger in the hotel's room-service uniform, complete with white shirt and bow tie. Ali grinned broadly and held the door open. Only when Ginger pushed the cart in did Ali realize the girl was wearing no pants. Her beautiful bare legs disappeared under her waiter's jacket.
Ali started to laugh. "Ginger, you look great! Come over here." The terry-cloth robe was very short and Ali and Ginger stood side by side comparing legs.
Ginger was the first to speak. "You know, Ali, your legs are really very good ... for a middle-aged woman."
Ali grinned and punched her in the arm. "And yours aren't bad either ... for a little kid."
They both laughed. Ginger proceeded very professionally to open up the service cart. "Where's Mr. Clifford? His breakfast is here, too," she said.
Ali just grinned. "That's not his; it's yours. He's left for New York. You haven't eaten, have you? And where's Charley, by the way?"
Ginger gave her a big smile. "He couldn't get out of bed this morning. He just couldn't move. When my alarm went off, he just groaned."
Ali raised an eyebrow. "When your alarm went off? Why Ginger Jamison, that implies he slept in your apartment last night. I'm shocked!"
Ginger tried to look pensive but her grin kept getting in the way. "Actually, Ali, your statement isn't quite accurate. He spent the night at my apartment. However, he spent it in me. In fact," she said with a broad grin, "He spent very often in me. He didn't really sleep, though. That was the problem.
"Ali, may I sit down and spread my legs? I am absolutely ruined. I'm at the point right now where my body doesn't feel normal unless my thighs are spread wide. May I?"
Ali just grinned and nodded. "Gee," she said, "aren't you the girl who feels women are just cunts to be used by men as a depository for their sexual fluids? You sort of resemble that girl."
"That's me," Ginger said brightly.
She and Ali were attacking a huge breakfast and Ginger acted like she hadn't eaten in a week. She was smiling at Ali when suddenly her smile turned into a frown. "But I have a bone to pick with you, Allison Clifford. About that depository business? You didn't tell me that sometimes the guy runs out of those fluids!"
"So tell me what happened. Before you start, though, let me just say you could have a brilliant career in films if you want one. But with respect to careers, I have another idea I want to talk to you about later. You handled that material here on Friday like a pro. It was all I could do to keep from applauding your performance. Your delivery and timing were perfect. But then what happened?"
"First, Ali, while compliments are being passed out, you could have given Niccolo Machiavelli a run for his money. I may have spoken the lines, but you sure as hell wrote the script. It played brilliantly.
"Anyway, we jumped into Charley's car and roared over to my apartment. Strangely believe it, there was a message on my machine from my friend — your friend — Jen. The poor thing was in tears because she and Jeff couldn't make it. There was an emergency involving her new house." Ginger grinned. "I almost had to step back to keep from drowning in the tears coming from the machine. Who is Jen, by the way?"
Ali smiled. "She and Jeff are lovely people to whom I owe my sanity. On the other hand, they think I'm responsible for helping them get their house. You and Charley will have to meet them sometime. I know you'll like them. Jeff was Special Forces in Vietnam. Anyway, then what happened?"
"Well," she continued, "I smiled and said to Charley that I hoped he was hungry. He made more drinks, we ate shrimp cocktail and steaks ... and I did a beautiful job, if I do say so myself. Then we took our coffee and cognac into the living room and were really feeling expansive. I guess we had something on the cable channel and were sitting on the sofa. One thing led to another and he kissed me.
"Ali, it was all over right there. There were bells. I just melted. I couldn't wait, so I unbuttoned the front of my shirt. Since I wasn't wearing a bra, my breasts were bare. He held me and caressed me, and a few minutes later we were in bed. We made love, and slept a little. We made love and took a shower together ... and made love in the shower. We didn't eat much, we didn't drink much, and we sure in hell didn't sleep much. But God, did we make love. My snapshot memory of the weekend is arms, legs and bodies in every imaginable position. The common denominator was mostly my thighs were spread as wide as they could go. I guess that's about it."
Ali was beaming. "You don't regret it, do you? You don't think you compromised your intellectual integrity?"
"That's one of the things that's so strange. In the first place, you can take intellectual integrity and stuff it. But in the second place, we had some great post-coital conversations. Incidentally, Ali, I took a tip from you. After making it, when I was absolutely drained and limp, I was on my back in bed next to him with my head on his shoulder. Then I snuggled as close as I could get and put his hand on my breast. He cupped it, I held his hand, and we were instantly asleep. God, it feels so great to feel a man's big hand on your tit when you wake up! The funny thing is, the talk was intellectual ... or at least intelligent. Does that sound strange?
Ali shook her head and said, "No, not at all. To change the subject let me ask you: What are your plans for after school? Do you have a job?"
Ginger smiled and said, "I did. Unfortunately, my offer is from the same firm where Charley is going. He got terribly unglued, but I told him our relationship compared to a law firm was no contest. I told him I would be his secretary so he could take me on his desk, but we agreed that the law firm probably wouldn't like that idea much better. So anyway, now I'm looking for a job again."
Ali beamed and Ginger looked puzzled. Ali said, "I'm offering you a job. But there's a minor contingency: we both have to pass our bar exams. Are you confident?"
Ginger paused for a moment and said, "Virginia Jamison is in a panic ... but she's always in a panic. Ginger Jamison, on the other hand, is confident as hell. She'd climb Mount Everest naked if she had to. Hell yes, I'll pass. I'll ace it!"
"Great!" Ali continued. "How would you like to be a partner in the firm of Clifford & Jamison? Bill thought the idea was great when I talked to him about it last night. Here's the deal: The money is mine, but most of the time will be yours. As you know, Bill hired me — married me — to travel with him, and I'm looking forward to it. Meanwhile, you'll be working your buns off ... what's left of them after Charley's through with you, of course.
"I have my eye on an office suite downtown — it's on the 38th floor, northwest corner, with a view of the mountains to the north and out to the ocean in the west. I can't wait to be there at night with just the lights of the city, with the office dark, and being laid on my desk in full view of the ocean and the mountains. Does it scare you?"
"Scare me?" Ginger exclaimed, "Ali, you're a witch! You just sold me. Where do I sign?"
Ali held out her hand and said, "Shake, partner!" They shook hands and then Ginger took the older girl in her arms and hugged her. Ali was surprised to feel the girl's shoulders shaking. She held her by the shoulders and stepped back. Ginger was sobbing. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.
"Ginger, what's wrong? Why are you crying? I thought things were looking pretty good?"
Ginger held her head up, but the tears continued to stream. "Allison McGrath Clifford, you have turned my life upside down in just five days. I thought I was happy in my little gray shell. Now you have smashed my shell, forced me into love ... into the most wonderful relationship a girl could imagine. Then you give me a law partnership — a partnership, for God's sake — before I even graduate! You are a piece of work. And I love you. And I'm so damned happy, the happiness is streaming out of my eyes." She tried to grin, but instead just kissed Ali on the cheek.
Ali didn't know what to do as the younger girl sat down on the sofa and leaned back. In seconds, she was sound asleep. Ali lifted her legs up on the sofa and stretched her out. Then she went to the bedroom and came back with a pillow and a blanket. Placing the pillow under Ginger's head, she covered her with the blanket. Then she went to the table by the window that was used for eating, drinking, and as a desk the rest of the time.
Because of the VIP nature of the suite, it had provision for private telephone lines that bypassed the hotel switchboard. These were now in use for a private fax machine and a private telephone in addition to the regular hotel line. She spent time looking over the securities research she had received over the weekend and made plans to invest more of the money she was managing. Then she studied for her final exams.
At eleven-thirty, there was a stirring on the sofa. Ginger's eyes opened and she looked at Ali. "Hi," she said sleepily. Suddenly, she jerked upright. "Ali, did I do what I vaguely remember doing? Did I really collapse in tears?"
Ali just smiled and nodded.
"Oh, shit!" Ginger jumped up and remembered what she was wearing — or not wearing. "Ali, you've done everything else for me already. Could you stand one more favor? Could I use your bathroom?" Ali started to say, sure, when she remembered something.
"Ginger, I can do better than that. You can have a bath of your own. There's a second bedroom we pay for but never use. It has its very own bath that's cleaned religiously every day. Come on!" She glanced at Ginger and asked, "Where are your clothes?"
The girl grinned and removed them from under the service cart. Then she quickly stripped off the uniform tunic and stood there in only a pair of bikini pants. Ali had seen her figure the previous week, but now there was a glow. "You've been well loved, young lady," Ali said. "You glow!"
Ginger smiled and ran into the second bedroom while Ali moved the cart out to the hall and then went back to her law books. Awhile later Ginger emerged with a towel wrapped around her hair wearing her Levi's and a shirt. "What are you doing?" she asked.
"I'm getting ready to give your mother some business. Would you mind calling her from here?"
Suddenly, Ginger was excited. "Could you handle some true confessions? They say confession is good for the soul. I see your phone has a speaker unit on it. Could we use it?"
Ali said, "Of course! What's your mother's number?" Ginger told her and Ali dialed Seattle. The phone was answered with the name of the firm. Ali said, "Mrs. Jamison, please." A moment later a girl answered saying it was Mrs. Jamison's office. Ali asked for her and identified herself. She had learned that Ginger's mother's name was Barbara.
A moment later a very musical voice came on the phone. "This is Barbara Jamison. How may I help you?"
"Good morning, Barbara. This is Allison Clifford. Your daughter, Virginia, is here with me, and would like me to turn on the speaker on my phone. Do you mind?"
"What a surprise!" came the reply. "Of course, I don't mind." Ali hit the button and Barbara said, "Hi, Ging!"
Ali began. "Before we get to the personal part, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Allison McGrath Clifford. You may have heard of my husband, Bill Clifford?"
"Mrs. Clifford," Barbara Jamison replied, "Is that William Harrison Clifford of points east? Somewhere in the top ten on Forbes list?"
"I'm afraid so. Do you mind if I call you Barbara? And please call me Ali," she said.
"My God!" Barbara exclaimed, "Are you Ali McGrath, the actress?"
"I was, Barbara. Right again. But why the surprise?" she asked.
"Ali, the only thing that saved my marriage was the invention of the VCR. If you were on the screen I could be standing naked rubbing my groin, and Bob would just peer between my legs. We have every movie you ever made on tape. Bob Jamison is going to absolutely freak out when I tell him I talked with Ali McGrath."
She paused for a moment and continued, "Ali, could you send me an autographed picture or something? Bob flat-out just won't believe it if I don't have some solid proof."
"I think I can do better than that. First, Ginger tells me you're a broker and she says you're doing very well. I love your daughter, and I envy you and Bob. But this is all business. I am a money manager. Right now I'm running $200 million and it's going up to $2 billion. I have a broker here, but it occurred to me that Seattle could be a very nice place to trade from. No one thinks of people running money from Seattle. Do you have room for another client?"
There was silence for a moment. Then the musical voice, now sounding somewhat shaken, said, "I'm not sure I heard the size of the account. It almost sounded like two hundred million dollars."
"Well, that's only now. It'll get bigger. Are you interested?"
"Ali, I don't know how long it will take, but I'll crawl on my hands and knees from Seattle to Los Angeles for a small fraction of that amount. You are serious, aren't you?"
"Barbara, I don't joke about money like that. I take your answer to be yes. Let me give you some information about it." She gave her the numbers, the Chemical connection and the rest.
Barbara then said, "Thank you very much, Ali. By the way, for my daughter's information I'm now a vice-president of the firm. Now what's the next step?"
"Barbara, how would it be if I have Chemical Bank wire you open authority for an initial $100 million, subject to discussion of investment objectives and specific securities. Would that be sufficient to break you loose and get you down to see me here in LA? I am serious. I would like to meet you very soon."
"There's a two-thirty flight that gets into LAX about six-fifteen today. Would that be soon enough? Or would you like to do it some other time?"
"Barbara, I'd love it. Ginger and I will meet you at the United terminal. I'll make a reservation for you here at the Beverly Wilshire, if that's all right?"
"It's great. Now may I speak to my backward daughter for a moment?"
Ginger picked up the phone and said, "Mom, now that you're a vice president, do you rate a private line?"
"I sure do, why?" she asked.
"Because I'll call you, or better yet, you would call me at this number. It's a private line into the suite bypassing the hotel switchboard." Barbara agreed to place the call, and Ginger hung up. Moments later, the phone rang and Ginger picked it up again. "Mom?"
"It's me," Barbara said. "What's on your weak excuse for a mind?"
"Mom, the speaker's still on. I want Ali to hear this because she engineered it. I want to apologize to you. I remember always thinking how physically abused you were ... how Dad was always using you as a sexual plaything. You'd be in the kitchen and, when Dad thought I wasn't looking, he would grab your buns. You always sort of melted and kissed him. I always thought you were being abused. I never said anything, but each night I could hear you being tortured. I always thought you were so brave and self-sacrificing.
"Mom, I know better, now. It really does feel great, doesn't it? Last weekend I was naked and peeling a carrot at the sink. My lover came up and grabbed my buns. I almost fell when my knees wanted to turn to water. The next thing I know, he is lifting me by the hips and is entering me from behind. And Mom, guess what? I'm about to cum, and I'm still peeling the damned carrot!"
Barbara gave a soft, musical laugh and said, "I'll give you a tip: Try to keep the cum out of the salad. The taste clashes with several popular salad dressings. Dad and I know from experience. How did it feel, honey?" she asked softly.
"Mom, it was heaven! Right now, I don't know what to do. We made love so much over the weekend, my cunt hurts when he enters me. On the other hand, I'm in agony if he doesn't. So he does. Was it like that for you?"
"Welcome to the club, darling. I'll see you this evening. Will I meet this paragon of manhood, too?"
"Bet on it, Mom!"
At five o'clock, Ali and Ginger were in the gray limousine going west on the Santa Monica Freeway towards the San Diego Freeway and the airport. Ali leaned forward, opened the small bar and made two martinis for Ginger and herself. She gave the girl hers and said, "Ginger, a toast: To us and to our partnership, Clifford & Jamison." They clinked glasses and sipped.
"Why is it this traffic doesn't bother me, Ali? Normally, I detest rush hour in Los Angeles, but this doesn't bother me at all. I really can't understand it," Ginger commented with a very broad grin. She leaned her head back on the seat. "Ali, I really wouldn't have to train very hard to get used to this. In fact, I think I'm going to give my dad hell. I think my real talent is to be a second-generation millionaire. Why didn't he cooperate?"
Ali picked up on the joke and said, "You're quicker than I was, Gin. It took me a long time — thirty or forty seconds — to get used to it. Of course, being a woman you have an advantage. If your dad didn't make it, you marry it. That's what I did. Charley is a millionaire, isn't he?" Ali's eyes were dancing.
Ginger stuck out her tongue. "When I told Charley about tonight and about our partnership, he was ecstatic. He said I could now support him in the style to which he would like to become accustomed. When I said we were just starting out, he said I could easily make it on my back with my legs spread. He said he'd give me a great recommendation. And besides, he says I'm a nympho and he needs all the help he can get. Wait until I get him alone!"
Ali pretended to look puzzled. "Ginger, I don't understand. If you're mad at Charley, why did you lick your lips when you talked about getting him alone?"
She grinned at Ginger and then said, "Do me a favor? Better yet, I'll make you a bet. I'll bet you ten dollars I can identify your mother with no help from you. A bet?" Ginger grinned and nodded. Ali said, "Sucker bet! First, I have a pretty good idea who I'm looking for. A woman who looks about my age, but with a figure like yours. There won't be that many of those. Furthermore, you forgot something: She knows me. But thanks for the money, partner. I'll deduct it from your first pay check."
Ali picked up the car phone, called United Airlines, and learned that the flight from Seattle was on time. Looking out the window, she decided they would hit it just right. When she picked up the intercom and told Fred they were right on the dot, they could see his smile in the rear-view mirror. The car pulled up to the curb at the Arrivals entrance of the United terminal, the two girls got out and walked inside. After passing through the tunnel they checked the Arrivals screen and found the Seattle flight was shown as being on the ground taxiing to the gate. They went to the security barrier and waited.
Ginger said, "I'm not going to make it any easier than it is already. I'm just going to stand well back and watch." Ali just grinned.
A few minutes later, Ali saw a beautiful woman walking up the concourse with a long-legged stride. She was wearing a well-tailored business suit and carried a shoulder bag. Ali went up to her and said, "Barbara Jamison?"
The woman stopped suddenly and her eyes widened, "My God, it is you! Ali McGrath!" The two women, for reasons neither understood, hugged each other like long-lost college roommates.
Just then Virginia came up. She was holding a folded ten-dollar bill which she gave to Ali with a wry smile. "You win. And you didn't even cheat. I thought I had won. Mom was looking for me, not for you." Then she gave her mother a big smile and hugged and kissed her. "Mom, it's so great to see you! Let's go. Where's your baggage check?"
Barbara Jamison winked at Ali, held up her handbag and said, "This is my baggage. An extra bikini doesn't take up a lot of room these days. Shall we go?"
They went out to the car and Fred Clark saluted as Barbara got in. Ali winked and he grinned back in return. Fred was another in a very long list of people who loved Ali. Nothing Ali wanted was ever any trouble for him. The women got in the car and it pulled away. Then Ali peeked into the ice bucket and smiled. As she had expected, it had been refilled. She decided she didn't want to know how or where Fred obtained the things he did. They were just always there.
Ali grinned at Barbara and said, "I don't know if you're used to riding in a limousine, but I'm not. I always feel like a little kid. I want to press all the buttons and bounce up and down on the seat!"
Barbara was sitting next to Ali in the back seat while Ginger was riding backward in a rear-facing seat in the stretch limousine. Barbara grinned back at Ali and said, "Ali, I feel at home already. Can I bounce?" And she did, with a broad grin, while Ginger pretended to look chagrined.
Ginger, pretending to look embarrassed, said, "Mother! Really! I can't take you anywhere."
They all laughed and Ali asked if she could make Barbara a drink. She said it was what she enjoyed most about the car. You could drive and drink. Ali started to make martinis for the three of them.
Ginger's head was nodding up and down and Barbara said, "I can't believe it! My daughter? Having an alcoholic beverage! Darling, I thought you only drank spring water ... and then only from selected springs."
Ginger smiled and said, "Mom, you're right. Virginia Jamison only drinks spring water, but Ginger Jamison is a real swinger. She likes Beefeater martinis. Virginia Jamison disappeared, Mom. She hasn't been seen anywhere since last Wednesday. That's when I met Ali. Mom, I love you and Dad. But why didn't you drown me or something? I was a real bitch."
Barbara Jamison looked quite serious as she replied, "I tried, dear, several times. Your father always pulled you out by your hair at the last minute. He's the one who's soft-headed, not me." Then she smiled and Ali realized that Ginger's smile was a near-duplicate of her mother's. "Ginger, you look lovely! You've never looked so good. In fact, as we used to say in the Air Force Officers' Wives Club, you've got that well-fucked look."
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IncestHi, it’s me Arun again, with yet another experience. Your comments have made me bare all my secrets. Thank you all for the good ratings that you people gave me for my earlier postings. That is an inspiration for me to come up with another one. I am working as finance professional in a mnc bank in bangalore. I am 28, 5’7” tall, athletic body. This is the story of my experience with a lady, who is about 32 yrs old and is my immediate boss bindiya (bc), she malayali married to a tamilian, not too...
Did I tell you I hate clothes shopping? I’m a ‘Jeans and T-shirt’ type of girl. Buying a dress for a date was also a new experience for me. Since I lived at home, I don’t spend a lot of my wage, so I knew I could splash out a bit. I did want to look nice for James but not sluttish. I had to buy a dress because I didn’t own one. A sad indictment but true. Possibly, if my mother had lived longer, I might have had a bit more girl training, but dad had been a bit lost in that department. The...
Best Savita Bhabhi Sex Stories This is one of my favorite Savita Bhabhi episodes in which Savita and her husband Ashok attends her friend Mamta’s wedding reception. An handsome looking guy standing next to the groom catches Savita’s attention and she is impressed by the guy’s looks and manners. Savita then thinks about her own wedding and the adventure that happened just before it. Savita’s friends were gossiping and making fun of her just before her wedding and an irritated Savita drives...
I was surprised to find that, over time, the world managed to confront an amazing number of new problems that neither I nor anyone else, probably, had anticipated. The world economy had been suffering at the time I started my New Morality campaign, and it continued to suffer now. Nothing I had done had attempted directly to address this issue. I didn’t really feel competent to do so. However, the much-increased level of public morality was helpful. Also something of a boon was the drop in...
Hello, my dear readers. Let me introduce myself to you as Doctor Vikranth, a 26-year-old sexologist. I recently graduated from A.S.H.A Medical College in the USA. I am one of the youngest Sexologists practicing in India. I have specialized in helping women above 35 years. I completed my MBBS course in Delhi, before moving to the States for my higher education. I was always interested in sex from a very young age. I had a peculiar liking for a mature woman. These two were the major factors why I...
Doug was very unhappy with the way his quest for utopia was working out. Oh, there was no problem with the way things were as far as the people were concerned. In the last hundred or so years, Doug's World had grown into Doug's Empire. The entire world was now run by the benevolent bureaucracy that Doug had instigated. What worried Doug was that he was afraid that his empire would turn into a Mandarin China, where all progress was stifled because nobody wanted to rock the boat. The vast...
Petite would not best describe Toni. A better description would be tiny. She was twenty-one but still had to shop in the little girl’s department for clothes. Even though very tiny, she was voluptuous for her size. Her tits and ass were impressive and shapely, though most would not know it. Most people mistook her for a little girl.Toni felt cursed by her size and was not aware that there was a segment of men that preferred tiny women. Some men that even sought out midgets to fuck. But make no...
Group SexShe takes her time in the shower, making sure that she is nice and clean and the hot water has her good and relaxed before she goes to bed for a nap after a long night at work. As always, she walks into the living room to shut and lock the sliding glass door and turn on the air conditioner. As she reaches the end of the hallway leading to the living room, he grabs her and covers her mouth so she can not scream. He tells her, you are so predictable coming home and opening your door to your...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers This is a story about a threesome with my cousins.I have already fucked my elder cousin when my younger cousin gave birth to a baby. I was sex starved for 4 months and dying for sex. Before going to the story I’m Sidharth from Chennai tall guy with an average cock. Ping me for sex at Coming to the story my elder cousin was a sex bomb and I have fucked her 5 months ago. Those who haven’t read my previous story read that story. I was waiting for another...
IncestSex Club 7 - Chapter 2After the gig the girls walked into their changing room leaving the guys behind. They each pasted comments on their performances and reminded themselves of their experiences early that morning."Hannah, you make me feel so horny on stage, I just love your dancing moves." explained Tina examining the beautiful blondes gorgeous body. Mostly Tina enjoyed looking at Hannah's small but firm breasts. Tina moved behind the curtains and slipped out of her dress."You don't have to...
It was just around 3:30pm and she expected that Sam would be home shortly as his construction job tended to start early and end early. On her days off from work in the past he could arrive anywhere from 4 to 5, while Angus was typically 6:15pm practically like clockwork. She was under no illusion that Sam’s mind would be on her as soon as he walked in the door. Thinking back to her earlier fantasy she threw on an apron and cinched it at her waist leaving herself naked from behind, wondering...
As the sun dropped behind the western hills, a quiet exodus left vacant the stilted lodges around the rim of the Chakcha fields. Silent women filed swiftly along well marked trails, the last in each line carefully removing the markers as she went. Just as silently, a small group moved the other direction, on their way to steal the ponies that Chakcha city's small army relied upon for swift movement. "This way," Riggan gestured. The shelka, as the Chakcha ponies were called, were stabled...
Study Buddies By Wolverine Ada stared across the table at the blonde chatting away on her cell phone. One of the blonde's oh-so-perfect hands held the phone up under her silky, blonde locks, while the other hand absently twirled strands of her hair playfully. Her eyes were sassy and her smile was absolutely perfect like she was forever amused by something, so much so that nothing could pop her perfect little bubble. The blonde giggled and she turned the page of the book sitting on...
Hi, guys, This is my first story. Let’s begin. I am Kiran(fake name) of average height and the normal looking guy, working in a corporate company. One day we had a lot of work in an office, so we had to extend our office hours till late night. There is a girl named Neha in my team who had to extend with as most of our team members were on leave. She had an issue with her work and called me to her cabin. She was there sitting in front of her system with free hair, nice curves wearing tight...
I couldn’t tie the boat off to the dock fast enough. After eating her out, having her suck my dick and fucking both of her holes I figured we had done it all. I couldn’t wait to do it all again as soon as we got to her cabin. Like I said, I thought we had done it all, but as it turns out she had other plans. As soon as we got through the door of her families cabin we were all over each other. Our lips were locked together and my hands roamed freely over her body. I have never felt such...
It was a cold November night in Squall’s End. Samantha could see her breath as soon as she stepped outside. With a sigh she tucked herself further into her coat, trying to avoid the light snowfall as she fumbled with her keys. She had been given them as soon as she was promoted to Denny's general manager, (a position that paid adequately but had absolutely shit hours), but in the month that followed she had only figured out what two of them were for. She had no idea what the other ten did,...
FantasyKnight-Errant Angela – Northern Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae "I can't believe you want to go another round," I gasped as Sophia nibbled on my pink nipple. Sophia flashed me a mischievous grin, her green eyes twinkling in the moonlight drifting through the thick canopy of Deorc Forest. Her tongue licked my nipple, a slow circle that sent fluttering delight shooting down to my aching pussy. "You've already made me cum twice," I groaned. "And poor Xera's already...
"Well, since we have all night, why don't we enjoy the fire for a few minutes while we get in a little sixty-nine time?""Mmmm!" Annabelle purred as I rolled onto my back, and she turned to squat on my face. She rode my face for several minutes before she finally bent down and took me in her mouth. We stayed there until there was little left of the fire but embers. During our oral fest, Annabelle came several times but held mine at bay.Releasing my throbbing member and sitting upon me,...
BDSMI got the 1,000 views so here is part two. 1,000 views or 10 comments and I will write part three.As Dave drove home from Jesse's, he called Lucy to let her know he is on his way home. She told him she had gone out with Carla for a girls night. When Dave got home he hit the shower, put his clothes in the hamper and went to bed.Lucy picked up Carla from her house went to the bars in down town. Guys were buying them drinks and hitting on them. Their conversation was getting disrupted so much they...
*******************************************************************************Disclaimer:Credit to Sanjay this story and the fantasy one can be found at www.indiansexstories.net. do enjoy it was one of my favourites.*******************************************************************************My wife cheatsBy: Sanjay My wife Neeta planned a weekend trip with two of her friends and their husbands to a resort out of Bangalore. I had met her friends before-- Neha, a very sexy 28 year old with...
Tuesday morning was comfortable considering that two delicious girls were snuggled to me. I hope that Jules was being sincere about this because it will be tough to shut it off once begun. Both of these women wanted to be with me when they could, and my wives had given them permission. The clock gave a local time of six AM, so I figured we should get up and go to the hotel gym to get revved up. Both girls easily woke up and went to put workout clothes on. I was ready to go to the hotel gym...
The magicians spent a week trying to sort out the Palatines at Spur. As Markus had predicted, it was a mess. Some wanted to stay, some want to go. This included both slaves and invaders. Some of the women wanted to keep their man others emphatically didn’t. Then there were the kids. The magicians had arrived en masse and Storm had them do a blanket spell to remove the bad spells that were on the people in the valley. They had agreed to put a temporary spell on them so that they couldn’t...
This is a true story about a journey I made recently with my partner into the swinging scene. This is the first time I have ever written a story of any description, so please feel free to feedback! It was nearly a year ago when my partner Jake and I were discussing fantasies. He was not particularly forthcoming with regards to his fantasy, saying that he loved everything we do and would be willing to try anything. I on the other hand, had a reason for starting this conversation, I had always...
My mom is thirty five years old which is exactly twenty years older than I. She is no super model, I am not sure she would be a milf. But the whole time I was growing up she would flirt with me or maybe tease me may be a better way to put it. I seeemed to always get a beaver shot here and there or catch her naked, not that is a big deal as I thought it was normal. The other thing with mom is that she and dad always seemed to be having sex, loud hard sex. Looking back on it I would say mom was a...
dosto aur Khas karke ladies friend ko salam kyo ki muze jada sabka mail aate ha i thanks , ye sory hai maere college ke wakt ki ,muze bhagwan ne ye aashirwad diya hai ki dosto ,lady ko jitna chahe uske marji ke time tak sex karta hu , MIRA NAM KI MEDICAL College ki sudunt second-third ko hai wo camp ariea me rahe thi hai, mai roj ki tarah cantine me bata tha utne me bahoot sari ladkiya cantine me aagai , usi me mira bhi thi uski meri jan pahechan nahi thi, mai thod mod raheta hu issliye uska...
I’ve known my best friend for so long, I’m not even sure of when we met. All I know is that back then, I didn’t even like girls yet. But she changed all that without trying. She was kind to me when no one else at school was. Oddly enough, I was the guy who became interested in a girl’s personality before I was even interested with their bodies. But enough of that. We’ve been friends ever since, even after my unrequited love faded. And she’s grown more beautiful every day since. I’ll describe...
I was sitting in a local tavern, in a chair with a woman kneeling on the floor in front of me, her head under my kilt and my cock in her mouth. I’d pulled it up like a skirt and was close to coming, watching some stranger as he looked, staring at her, listening to her slobbering all over my cock and balls. She sucked my balls for a while then put my cock in her mouth and stroked me with one hand as she rolled my balls in her other. She was very good at it and had no trouble getting me all the...
I found out about this episode when she came home, after hearing tails of her escapades from friends, so I asked her what went on. This story relates what I was told went on. Some time ago my wife was staying at a nice hotel while on vacation alone as I had to work and could not go with her. During her stay the hotel manager paid her a great deal of attention because she was really a stunning beauty, and she was there alone. He bought her drinks and chatted her up at every opportunity. One...
Cheating WifesIt was Thanksgiving and there wasn’t any family in the area to share it with so Courtney suggested that we invite Ramiro and his son to dinner. They had no one else in the USA to be with either. He had been so helpful to both of us during the last several months that it was the right thing to do. The big Hispanic man had helped me with a variety of house repair and yard maintenance projects that might not have gotten done otherwise. He’d frequently taken care of our youngest son who was his...
When our stud goes to stay at his not quite uncles house to check out colleges, he is immediately attracted to his hot wife. He realizes she is his dads so called sister, but he just cannot help himself. His not quite uncle assures him that he will put in a good word at the college, but his wife knows that the guy is full of shit. On the other hand, she can pull some strings if he does her a favor. She wants to know what it feels like to be with a young college kid. So he stuffs her muff full...
xmoviesforyou(Author's note: All people are fictional characters and actions in this story are completely fictitious, they do not really exist and have never happened.) More 120's Mentor: Part I By Verna Benson I'll never forget the first time I met the woman who changed my life. I was a paperboy and frequently I would stop at a liquor store on my route to get change and a soda. One of the first times I went in, I noticed an ashtray next to the register containing a smoldering More 120...
Jenny stood above the sleeping woman and marveled at the way Susan's skin glowed with the sunlight that streaked through the window. She placed the coffee tray she had brought onto the nightstand and poured two cups of the brew. She gazed at Susan as she slept, flat on her belly, the sheets pulled down to her thighs. Her plush ass cheeks jutted upward as if begging to be caressed. Jenny screwed up her courage and, sitting on the bed, placed her fingertips on Susan's smooth ass flesh....
My stepdad came into my life when I was about 7 years old. I didn’t primarily live with him and my mom until high school, and around then a bond formed. I would notice my stepdad casually checking me out when we would all swim in our pool. He drunkenly made a comment to his friend once about how big my tits had gotten and I overheard him. Once while hI’m and my mom were out I had my boyfriend come over only to have my stepdad walk in my room to me riding him completely topless. He seemed angry...
I awoke on a couch, it was warm yet I had no covers. And I was naked! My girlfriend, Heidi, was slumped in an arm chair across from the sofa where I lay. She was also stripped though she was still in her pale blue bra and panties. Looking around, I couldn’t see our clothes. My head was fuzzy but we’d been at Amy and Ali’s place for a few drinks the night before. I heard movement as our hosts entered the room. I quickly put my hands over my cock, especially as Amy had a camcorder in her...
Introduction: I cancel out the any guilt of cheating on my wife, we plan to include her in our fun Diaries of a Soldier – R&R (part 3) I awoke in a empty bed with the sun beating me down through a opening in the shades. That farmiliar feeling I hadnt had in a long time, hangover! Oh god, I thought I hate drinking. If I could smoke weed in peace and freedom I would never drink again I often thought after a hard nights drinking. I knew that Kimmie had gone to bed before everyone left last night...
I am so ready to get my hands on Dana for this next episode of Filthy Massage, her tight body is ready to be covered in oiled. Her tan skin shines in the light, I slowly start to glide my hands all over her body. I can feel her pressing her body against my hands wanting more than just a massage. I can see her eyeing my dick, Dana slowly reaches out to grab it, she can feel how hard I am through my jeans. I pull out my cock and feed it deep into her mouth. I can feel her gagging on my cock and...
xmoviesforyouWhat's taking so long? (Part 5) Never ask your wife, "What's taking so long?" while she is getting dressed to go out to a fancy dinner. I did, and so far it's been very interesting... The story continues... Briana Returns During dinner on Wednesday, Jamie had asked me to take Friday off again. She wanted Briana back for the weekend. I knew that she liked my feminine side, but it surprised me that she wanted it back so soon. So, on Thursday I checked on taking Friday off. It...
I had been best friends with Ryan since we were in High School. We always had a lot of fun back then. We were called the 2Ryan's; in case you are wondering my name is also Ryan. Both of us had spent a lot of time at each other's homes, and our parents didn't seem to mind. We finished high school and went off to different colleges, but as time went by we drifted apart. Ryan's Mom was a nice lady, good looking but a bit overweight, I know that I would have had a crush on her if she had a better...
I had been living with that woman only shortly but long enough she was very liberated. Should I go with another girl, that was alright as long as I used a condom. She also told me she had been with other women and that things couldn’t get wet enough as far as she was considered. So one night I ‘m in this neighborhoodbar in the centre of Amsterdam when a girl sat herself next to me. Long brown hair, black rimmed glasses. The girl nextdoor, but that special girl nextdoor.Miniskirt in Scottish...