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Horny Florida mom has fun with her son

by Oediplex 8==3~

A Romantic a' clef: For images to keep in mind while you read this google Courtney Cox; or better yet, check out Diane Webber for nude photos, or email me.

The Situation

She was old enough to be his mother, but she looked ten years younger. He was old enough to go off to college, but still seemed a youth as he returned home at Christmas time. His mom looked at him and saw her boy. He looked at his mom and saw a beautiful, sexy woman with open arms for him. She greeted him with a hug. He loved the feel of her breasts against his chest as she embraced him. She felt the solid member that rose in his pants as she clasped him tight.

It reminded her of the night before he had left to go to the University. The night she had . . . they had . . . she blushed remembering, and at the feeling of arousal in her loins the recollection stirred. Her son was also thinking of that night and the wonderful events that had happened between them. He was certain there would be the same chemistry and similar results during this visit.

The Night Before College

He was wearing only the silk boxers she had given a month ago on his eighteenth birthday. She was dressed in a long over-sized shirt that was made of a clingy fabric which left little to his imagination. Though he knew she had to have some kind of panties on underneath (she would never be that audacious with him around). Still, he could fantasize about her being sans undies. This was ironic, because all through High School he had been embarrassed by his mom's vibrant sexuality.

She had her occasional lovers over, one was a neighbor no less. She had made the top of the town MILF list with her publicity for her decorating business. Her signs had a sensual image of her with low decolletage and the slogan, "Paradise Palms Interiors: Your Inner Beauty Made Visible". But her exterior was definitely gorgeous, his protestations of her scantily clad body at home, or her private scandalous behavior were merely defensive cover-ups to his latent attraction to his mom.

The last night of August, before his dad drove him to the University, it was sweltering. Humid, steamy and the air-conditioner was on the fritz again. His father might have tried to fix it if he were around, but dad lived on the other side of town and was likely keeping company with a tub of iced beer and bedding a hot bar-babe he had picked up. He hoped his pop wouldn't be too hung-over to get a start on the road by mid-morning. It would be a drag to arrive at night when the dorm was already getting into party mode and he still had to unpack.

"Trent!" His mom's sultry voice called up to his room and interrupted his thoughts. "Come down , so we can spend our last night together. You're not going to see me for three months. I've got your favorite beer in the fridge, Hon!"

He walked down the short flight of steps from the split-level where his room was. As he descended, his mother, Julie, waited at the bottom. From that angle he could almost look down her half-unbuttoned shirt and see the full curve of her ample breasts, nearly to the nipples. She was holding a can of suds with one hand and her ever present wineglass in the other. Jeez - her nips poked out like the adjustment knobs on an old radio he used to have. His cock twitched as he thought about tweaking those twin protrusions. The sweat that drenched her torso from the tropical heat, was making the fabric partially translucent in patches. His male organ grew fatter at the vision of - yes, a 'mother-I'd-love-to-fuck'.

There he admitted it. Not that he thought there was any chance. Trent took the dripping can and clacked it to her stemware of vino as he declared, "Here's to us tonight, mother and son; no fights, no feuds, no fuss and no fu . . uuhh . ." (Shit! he almost said no fucking! 'Freudian slip dick-brain', he mentally chided himself) "and no father to be a wet blanket." Trent saved the moment from being awkward. His mom knew what he meant by that, their relationship was sometimes strained by his pop's butting in where he didn't have any business being involved. But since she had kicked her big ape of a spouse out for his philandering ways, the paternal parent was less of a monkey-wrench; not that his 'tool' was any less promiscuous than some primitive primates. Now they were closer than ever, his mom and Trent.

"Yeah!" Said Julie, "Just the two of us, alone and intimate - I mean no interference, by the old man." (Was that a Freudian slip on her part, he wondered.) "Lets have a dance, let's party hardy, it's too damn hot and we don't have a pool, the AC is shot and I'm going to miss you - sooo muuchh, Babe! I mean Trent, I know you hate that nickname."

"It's all right mom, tonight you can call me Babe, or Honey, or any of those silly names that you use. Its our last night for a while and I know you love me. There's no one to hear you mush, so I won't get embarrassed. I'd love to dance with you. What shall I put on the stereo? Something to rock to, or a mellow piece?"

"Its too muggy to do much exercise, let's just sway and go slow - okay?"

The teen put on a selection of his mom's favorite romantic tunes, not his generation's, but tonight he'd cater to her tastes. He set down his beer and took her glass (after she gulped the last sips down) and they assumed the standard position for ballroom Terpsichore. Trent put his hand in the small of Julie's back and held her firmly to his body, trying not to let his dick stab her in the crotch but enjoying the buttons of her double pillows pressing against his chest. After a moment, Julie lay her head on his shoulders and he realized that he had grown to a height that he was now as tall as his dad. He had always thought of himself as smaller than his mom, but now he was lanky, and muscular and 'manly'. The perspective gave him a sense of having matured and he truly had become 'the man of the house'!

If he was as rangy as his father, he was also as randy as his pop too. A nice combination of his dad's handsome surfer good looks, and his mother's beauty queen attractiveness, he had inherited their strong sex drive as well. Trent had done a fair amount of dating. His girlfriends were always pretty and oft succumbed to his attempts to get into their panties. No virgin he to enter college a tyro, though he made sure to use protection if needed, many of the gals he dated were already on the pill. As he contemplated his maturity and experience with the opposite sex, he idly wondered about his mom, he figured she was on the pill. Did she have undies on tonight? He tried to discover whether she did, or didn't, by putting a hand low on her hip. He felt no evidence of anything underneath her shirt.

They glided around on the hardwood floor, a small space but enough for a few steps. Much swaying in place made the time they clung to each other sweet long moments. Julie whispered in his ear. "Trent, Darling, don't get flustered and pull away - but . . I feel your member against me. I have to ask you a question." Her arms tightened around him in a hug to hold him next to her. He didn't resist her clutch, but was a bit flustered all the same, as he had forgotten to not let her discover his arousal. "Do you . . (she paused) . . find me attractive, like you do the girls at school or at the beach? Tell your mother the truth for once, what you honestly think . . . and I'm not fishing for a compliment, I really want to know. Do you think I'm sexy? Trent . ." her breath was warm in his ear, her tits were hot on his front, her voice a seductive tone he had never heard her use with him before.

"Trrennt . . Dearest, do I turn you on? Would I be on your MILF list? Do you fantasize about mommy?"

"Jeez . . mom!" He pulled his head back to look at her, but her arm held his body tight in a clench.

"Well? Its okay if you do - I think you do - but I want to hear it from you. After all those years growing up in this house and acting like you wished you didn't know anything about my sex life; much less my healthy body and good looks - if I do say so myself - what is the truth? You're going to be away from your old lady for quite awhile and you're all grown up, a man now - twice the man your dad is, and every inch the stud he ever was in his prime. So tell me - just exactly what do you think of your mom?"

Trent looked into Julie's eyes as blue as the deep ocean, put his hand under her long raven locks, then put his face right next to her stunning features and nearly touched her luscious rosy lips as he spoke. "Mom, you are the most beautiful, sexy, wonderful female I have ever known. And yes, I get horny thinking about your body and what happens in your bedroom with guys. I'm a bit jealous that they have the opportunity to show you their lust, but I can't 'cause you're my mom and I'm not allowed to fool around with you; even though I do fantasize about it sometimes, especially when I hear the noises from down the hall when you're screwing. There are you satisfied, is that what you wanted to hear? It's the truth and it comes straight from my heart and groin."

He ground his hard-on against her lower belly and pulled her even firmer to himself with a strong hand on her backbone and pressed his lips to hers. When she did not resist his amorous moves, nor pull away from his kiss, even thrust her hips to better have his meat mash her pudenda; he made bold to insert his tongue into her mouth and they passionately Frenched. Her hands dropped to clamp on to his tight muscular buns. He reciprocated by the same move so that his fingers spread and encompassed her soft fleshy globes. He felt no panty seam, so she was either wearing a thong - or could it be? - nothing at all!

The moment seemed to last an awfully long time, the temperature was like the middle of a fire, they could burst into flame at any time it seemed. His cock was like a big match, the red knob the part that was going to scratch and ignite. The kettle was going to boil over, the whistle - her scream of ecstasy; as the cauldron of her sex was blasted by the exploding geyser of his . . .

Julie broke them apart. Like the dividing of suction cups being unstuck from one another; a powerful connection that needed robust and brawny forces to overcome the intensity of the clinch. She was panting, wild-eyed. His lungs heaved to suck air for oxygen starved lungs. He looked at her wondering if that was it - it was over and done, the moment ended and had he, had they, gone too far? Was she regretful, come to her senses? What was she thinking right now?

Julie gasped, "TOO HOT!! This fucking damn weather is too damn fucking hot." She seemed to be talking fast, speaking more rapidly than normal, to try to break the strain of the previous moment's heightened erotic tension. As if 'too hot' were more about the sexual heat they were feeling than the thermometer. "I'm going to melt into a puddle of goo right here. I need more wine, get the jug, it's in the fridge, I'm having sangria tonight. Bring a brewsky for yourself."

Julie continued, "How can we beat this heat? I'm dripping all over, I've soaked through this shirt! Why don't you fetch the fan from my bedroom when you've brought the drinks, the ceiling fan is on full speed but hardly seems to provide any relief. Can you come up with any ideas how to cool down? Fucking goddamn air conditioner anyway, shit!" Reluctantly, not wanting the contact to end, but obedient as usual, Trent left to do his mother's bidding; wondering if in a little while he might once again be enfolded by his mom's amorous hug, and if that might possibly lead to more.

Recollection and Reflection

She held the cuddle of her welcome home embrace, her mind going back three months to the moment of that first French kiss between them. She had been overcome by the heat of the moment; as much feeling faint from their blistering sexual desires as the broiling temperature of the tropical night. She had not meant to end their first dance of romance like that, but just to come up for air, both literally and figuratively.

She had not expected things to get that intense so quickly, but she had accepted it as a natural intimate point of contact between a male and female. It was the release of the growing tensions that had been developing over the years of his youthful maturing and her developing liberation. The mutual attraction, despite the taboo nature of their lustings, had finally overwhelmed them both.

What was going to happen next? That was what she had wondered back on that night of incestuous bonding as Trent went to fetch fan and refreshments. She was more sure of what would happen during the time of their present reunion. It would be a uniting once more in naughty urgency, horny intimacy; the sexual engaging of their bodies together in secret privacy; a satiating of their needs, interrupted by their separation, so long anticipated physical fulfillment.

That eventful eve of months ago was the gratification of their love on a carnal level, which had been building to a climax (ironic term that) which turned clashes into clenches, confrontations into comfortings, and companions into paramours cumming together. But while they had been cohabitating all those years, now they were separated due to his education. Just when the incest had happened, the schooling had inserted distance to their relationship. At last, now they were together again. She held him tight tonight and they kissed, with tongues and thrusting hips communicating sinful stirrings, and longings which could wait no longer.

The Night Before Grows Even Hotter

Trent brought in the pitcher of Sangria for his mom, the glass jug already beaded with condensation on the short trip from the kitchen. He had chugged half a beer and it along with a second occupied his other grip. He set everything on the end table on some magazines, make shift coasters, and with the open can bounded up the steps to retrieve the fan from his mom's room. As he was unplugging the appliance he looked over at her bed, the sheets pulled up neatly. He briefly fantasized the two of them squirming together in squishy screwing, Julie squalling as he made her cum with his ramming cock in her cunt. Then he was rushing back to the living room, nearly tripping as he tilted his head to finish off the cool drink.

"Easy Tiger!" his mom admonished, helping to steady him from the stumble. She took the fan, set it on a chair and plugged it in. After adjusting the setting to high she stood in front and let it blow directly at her torso. She held open the sides of her shirt for better ventilation. The angle of where Trent stood was excellent for the titillation of viewing her right breast and the brown rosette of the half-dollar size nipple topped with a pink gumdrop. As she bent into the breeze her bun-cheeks were exposed half way and nothing but her tan line was showing. Trent's erection again tented his silk shorts. He made a move to get angle on her ass after a last peek at her pert tit. But as he took a step she turned toward him.

"Well, what do you think?" The question she purposed seemed too ambiguous for his brain to formulate an answer, he was momentarily confused. Was his mother asking about his liking the glimpse of her nipple, what he thought about the shape of her ass, the experience of the erotic moment of earlier . . . what was she referring to? She stood there, the damp shirt clinging to her skin almost transparent from her perspiration. Jeez! What a beautiful woman she was, and he was alone with her. Her hair a dark lustrous mane of silky waves made slightly more curly from the humidity. The long legs of sculpted pillars went from delicate feet to shapely calves to narrow thighs to a shadowed region which the fabric of her (only?) garment gave a sexy mysterious allure to.

"Well, what do you think?" she repeated, "How can we beat this heat? Any ideas, . . (pause) . . any . . ideas . . at all . . humm?"

It was a dumb idea, well it was obvious really, but she would never go for it . . . or would she? Then a second idea also came to him, and that would go along with his proposal as motivation for the first suggestion, and he also had the perfect lead-in to the strategy. Brilliant! You couldn't just blurt out - 'get naked' - too crude; too rude, like what dad might spout, the insensitive lout. But if he reminded her of when she did the same trick for him, back when she was being motherly . . . ? It just might possibly work. Nothing ventured - etc.

"Well, remember when I was young and had a real high fever?"

"Yeah, you were burning up even though it was January. We were worried that you might have to go to the hospital."

"But I didn't, because the doctor recommended that I lay on the bed and you bath me with cool washcloths, every fifteen minutes. You did that for over five hours."

"I was so glad when the fever broke finally."

"Lets get some wash-rags and put them in ice water. Then used the damp cloths to wipe each other down, that ought to help."

"You were nude on the bed back then, remember?"

"Yes, and going naked now would help the evaporation to cool us down, with the fan blowing on us."

"Smart kid - I see why you're going to college."

"It's just basic science."

"Well," said Julie with a smile, as she began to undo the few remaining buttons that were left on the lower part of her shirt, "I think you'll get an anatomy lesson that they don't teach in biology class." She had finished with the unfastening, but held the garment closed for the nonce. "You first."

Trent didn't hesitate, she was going for the idea! He dropped his drawers and out popped his stiffy as the shorts slid to the floor. He looked at his gorgeous mom as she slowly opened the sides of her covering. Her son's eyes were focused on her middle as the triangular patch of pubic hair made its appearance, like the curtains parting to reveal a star performer. NO THONG! the song rang in his brain like a gong, no panties, no undies of any sort; nothing but the finest fur of pure pussy!!!

Eventually his eyesight rose to the twin mounds of his mother's mammeries, the left matched what he had seen earlier of the right. Like a Venus statue in the museum, but in living color and loving display and with luscious lasciviousness, this divine lady who was his own Madonna of MILFdom, stood unashamedly completely unclothed before him. His penis was stone hard, a phallic statue of flesh turned petrified by the beauty of his companion and the eroticism of the moment of their mutual nudity.

"Trent?" He realized with a start his mother had called his name twice before he had heard her. "You go get the washcloths from the linen closet and I'll get a big bowl of ice water. Okay?" His voice didn't seem to work, which might have been just as well he thought, as at best he would have emitted a squeaky sound, his voice cracking from the nervousness he felt. He comically backed up the stairs never taking his eyes off his naked mom. Julie made a concerted effort not to break down and laugh as she watched him exit, then she zipped to the fridge, and once out of sight and earshot just had to giggle. But none the less, she realized that her lubrication had dampened her crotch from looking at the rigid member her boy - no, a man now for sure! His stalk was fully grown, and fully turgid too!

She remembered, but wondered if he did, that even when she had given him the sponge baths for his fever, he had gotten boners. That was a secret joy for her to observe, and even rub with the cloth over the swollen muscle. It had gotten her so horny that the very memory had been a fantasy turn-on for many years. Was that why she was a 'cougar'? That lusting for younger men, a reflection of her aroused reaction to her own son's erection? That might explain it, aside from the fact that younger guys could be harder, and last longer, and cum more often, and were more adventurous in bed, with more energy and attractive bodies. Demi Moore knew that, and other gals were onto it too. Colette's novel "Cheri", recently made a film with Michelle Pheiffer, was about an older woman with a younger man. Julie remember reading that it had been written even before Colette had her affair with her own stepson!

Trent and his mom met back at the living room. She set the bowl of water, with a whole tray's worth of ice cubes floating in it, on the glass-topped, square coffee table. Trent tossed in the four clean squares of terrycloth. He poured more wine for his mom and opened the beer waiting for him from earlier. They sat on the salmon colored couch, (thankfully well Scotchgarded, Julie mused) their bare feet on the cream colored rug. Trent in a playful mood, but still some what keyed up, touched his mother on the arm with the cold can.

She let out a shriek at the unexpected sensation. "Sorry, I guess that wasn't so kind." the prankster said.

Julie chuckled and nodded, "Thank God you didn't do it down at my ass, like you father used to do. I banged my shins on the table top from jumping straight up a couple of times. He wasn't being mean exactly, but he knew that I really didn't like to be goosed with an icy can, yet he still got a chuckle from doing it. I got even with him one day, he was barbequing on a Sunday afternoon a few years ago; I grabbed his belt and poured a huge glass of ice tea down his pants. We had the neighbors over too. It was hysterical seeing him dance with the ice cubes in his pants freezing his nuts. He finally just turned his back and dropped drawers to shake them out, then pulled up his pants and went to change.

"What did dad say when he came back?"

"Oh he has a pretty good sense of humor about things and doesn't take himself too seriously. When he returned he said it served him right, but if I wanted to get laid that night I'd have to thaw out his hotdog. She took one of the wet rags and wrung it out. "Here let me start with you."

But as she was doing Trent's chest he fished another from the bowl, squeezed most of the excess water and began to wipe his mother's face. Her cloth went lower and so did his. She brought hers down to his crotch and he swept his over her boobs. This was obvious as sexual as it was a way of beating the heat. They didn't speak except to murmur 'yes' and 'good' and 'mmm' as the pair began to bath each other. They would switch off the terrycloth for another in the chilled water. Trent took the initiative of working from Julie's feet up her legs and then right into her crotch, dampening the delta which was already juicy at her juncture.

After that she pulled her son toward her to do his back, and he did hers also, that way they were torso to torso, her ta-tas mashed against his pects. Their faces looking into each others eyes with love and lust and they began to kiss once more. Tongues went exploring and fingers caressed through the fabric on spine then tush, sides then front. By then the terrycloth had been abandoned and it was a field day for fondling the forbidden fruit of incestuous flesh, apples, banana, etc.; feeling the places that were once private, but now were freely explored by dexterous digits.

Then Trent slid down to the carpet and pried wide his mother's thighs. Julie moaned and surrendered to the oral administrations of her son's tongue.

Unwrapping Her Presence

Julie felt her son's fingers in the belt of her house dress, a simple wrap she had thrown on when she heard him at the door greeting the neighbors as he returned. Wouldn't they be surprised if they could see what was going on - or actually coming off, as the gown slid to the floor. Just her brassiere and panties were left. Had she had time, she would have divested these before meeting him in the foyer, but his nibble digits managed to popped the snap in the back easily. She switched from hugging to tugging, working the sweatshirt off his athletic frame. He slid his palms along her ass and his hands went under the elastic of her brief low-cut scanties and leveraged them down her hips. The demi-bra fell between them.

God! At this rate he'd ravage her right there on the floor, but a few feet from the door! She wanted to make it to the bedroom at least. Nonetheless, mother worked to strip her college kid of his jeans. The buckle gave her little trouble, a western style simple post-in-hole; as she shoved the denims down she saw he was commando and his bayonet was at the ready. Trent kicked and stamped until he was free of both Levis and sneakers. He swiftly squatted to yank Julie's undies to her ankles and straightened to mash his manhood against her Mons, as chest and breasts had happy reunion. They resumed their French lip-lock smooching with renewed passion.

"Oh God, Mom I missed you!" Trent all but squealed in his high strung emotional state.

Julie choked up from arousal and overwhelming love for her boy, the Adonis male that she had raised and who now held her skin to skin, flesh to flesh, could only manage a husky whisper, "I need you, Trent, I need you!" She stepped out of her silk puddle of fabric and with his hand in her's turned to go up the stairs to her room, with the broad mattress and the fresh sheets she had put on this morning, just for their anticipated romp. She had another set ready since these would be well soaked with perspiration and cum stains before midnight. She got up to nearly the top of the short flight before tripping.

Trent saw his mom slip and fall forward, landing on her hands at the top but her knees two steps below. Her nudity was erotic, but when the bare tush was presented in that fashion, thrust back at his prow of a prick that was prodding her already as they ascended, he couldn't resist the tempting target. She gave a short laugh, clearly she was fine. But she was exposed so openly, her sex a red gash, shiny with her lubrication, perfectly framed by the twin globes of her tan bottom. What man could do otherwise when confronted with such an awesome sight and so horny a hard-on?

They didn't make it to the bedroom.

Oral Exams and Good Marks

With her thighs spread before him Trent could have dived right into the steamy split that came so obscenely into view. But he was more experience than that. A seductive senior co-ed he dated a couple of times had taught him that contrast was an excellent way of making foreplay fabulous. His mouth's warmth would be that much more sensuous if her center was cooled. He reached back and took a wash cloth from the table. It was damp, but not soaked and chilled. He rubbed it first over her tummy, so as not to startle her with what he was doing, then on her thighs to bath even more sensitive skin, finally the fabric swiped the furry triangle and then slipped down the groove of her sex to prep the slit.

Funny little moans and pants issued from his mom while he did this. But the wavering cry she made when his tongue made contact with the rosy gash of her womanhood was most satisfying of all, and energized his libido with extra oak in his woodie. He made the most of this surrender, lapping all the way up to her clit. Repeating the action several times before using his lips on her inner thighs, his thumbs widening the division of flesh as his mouth descended to the tissues defenseless before his oral assault. The sucking climbed to clit to have his wriggling digit dance with the protruding nub of pleasure, jitterbugging and tangoing.

Then scooping and swooping along the trench of love, digging and tunneling in the hole of her heavenly hollow. Patience was the important virtue for cunnilingus, that and a tongue which could last longer than what it took to bring the lady to three orgasms. Julie achieved one more than the standard triple Trent tried for, her hips and abdomen heaving with each climax, but he hung in there, never losing contact or control. Her breasts were like the undulations of earthquakes as she shook from the concussions of her cums. His mom made the familiar sounds that had echoed down the hall, back when he was not the one bring her off, but these were now his accolades of proficiency.

She needed a break to refill her lungs and regain her senses which had been sent into the clouds by the successive set of sensational bangs her boy had provided. Julie looked at her kid kneeling between her legs in amazement at the level of lewd loving he was capable of. 'Talent will tell!', she thought. He half turned to secure another rag from the bowl, wringing it out and began to wipe her face and down her collar bones to the tits and then her pooched tummy. She was still remaining silent as he quietly progressed to her arms, first the right then left. At last she had to express her admiration.

"Jeez! Trent, with a tongue as talented as that, I'm surprised we didn't have half the girls from your school knocking at our door to hang with you and get you in their panties."

"Mom" he replied, "Aside from my last girlfriend, the blond you chase off because you thought she was cheating on me? Remember?" Julie tilted her head side to side even as she nodded she did - meaning she acknowledged her overly protective faux pas by sticking her nose into Trent's business where it didn't belong. She realized that in some areas she was as butt-in-ski as her ex. "Aside from her, and one of your - don't get mad, and I'm not going to mention her name - close female friends," Julie was sure that it was a certain slutty, but dear, co-worker; however she was wrong, it was an otherwise faithful wife who was a best friend next door! "Aside from those two gals, " Trent continued, "I haven't really gone down on any girl . . er . . woman so intensely and with as much inventive investment as I did just now. You inspire me!"

"Listen, Sweetie" his mom advised, "You have a wonderful technique, invest wisely, and it will pay off handsomely. What do you say we -" she stopped mid sentence as her son's move caught her off guard. He was still situated on his knees between her thighs, as he had been while he sponged her down to cool her and provide a momentary break in the erotic action. But he had leaned forward, his pole nudged now into the grotto of her most private parts, indeed the tip was exactly at the most dangerous of spots and the greasy fluids of her cavity had continued to seep.

"Trent . ." it wasn't a question, it wasn't a warning, it wasn't anything but a recognition that they had touched in the most intimate way possible of a man and woman; and that since they were mother and son, they were about to embark on a journey into incest and there was no turning back at this point. He tilted more toward her and the angle made his cock skitter up the puffy lips of her crotch. He bent over to kiss her lips and as he did so, hitched his hind back and the tip mashed down the raw maw of her femininity and burrowed in the soft opening of her vagina. She aspirated a little 'ahh!' as the whole head of his penis was engulfed within the clinging cleft. It slowly slithered up the void, becoming the rigid core that her liquid chamber melded to.

Deeper and further the invading pleasure probe penetrated her interior, greater and more wonderful it filled her, wilder and more wanton her brain was converting emotions into ethereal flights of ecstasy. There was a transcendent quality to the rapture his phallus was delivering as it ravaged her, the spiritual nature of having intercourse with her own son, the true love of her life, her whole life since his conception, was beyond words to describe. But even as this effervescent mental trip took her to the highest airy peaks, the real lowdown dirty physical copulation of bawdy balling, banging, bestial fucking was just as thrilling. She needed, loved it, craved it hard and fast, and pounding strong when she was ready for the time of solid screwing.

Trent had a firm grip on her hips and he socked it to his mother in the frenzied carnal lust he understood was her first stage of making love. He spared no energy in driving his spike into her delicate flesh, giving her all he had; to send his mom over the mountaintop, sailing into the sky, rocket to the moon paroxysms. She bounced like on a bucking bronco, though she still was on her back on the sofa. Like some runaway machine her new man crashed again and again into her saddle, a wild and wooly wedding of genitals out of control. After her next three cums, like the calm of a river runs past the cascade of exciting rapids, her son began the gentle stokes of a gentleman's fornication.

Julie looked at him almost not recognizing the male who had so savagely granted her a truly unprecedented frigging. Yes, he was her son but he was a man who was demonic in his desires for her body. And now this crazy creature yet transformed again to her son, but a tender and most tempting of seducers as he glided in and out of her maternal refuge. Her nipples were pinched to rubbery points that swayed with the rocking of her boobs, as they continued to make sweet love. Then unexpectedly another cum washed over her like a frisson of a hot flash and chill at the same moment, a magical orgasm of sparkling excitement. So different than what had passed but minutes before and yet special in a fabulous way.

This was the doing of her boy, her son, her young man, her offspring, the child of her loins returning to that place to repay the pain of birth with the pleasure and ecstasy of passion, the awful with the awesome, and the joy of new life with the ecstatic revelry of renewed energy as a sexual being liberated to enjoy time and again the peaks of climaxes. Speaking of which another was climbing, approaching the apogee, when upon reaching that plateau from where the plunge was, she took a dive into the zest of tingle and electric trigger of contractions in the most terrific of experiences.

This time she wanted Trent to join her. She spoke the words of encouragement she knew he had long to hear her say to him all those times he had listen to her from down the hall. "Oh God, YES! Just like that!! Do it, Honey! Fuck me . . FUCK ME . . make me cUM! Yes, Trent, do it to your mom, cum for mother, shoot in mommy, Baby, yes with me! . . cuumm nnooww!!!" And he did, even as her shuddering, shivering, shaking climax flooded her nervous system; his pulsing, pounding, lock in and blast off lust driven dick did the same in her ruddy receptacle. She could feel the flow of his semen spill out, and it was the naughtiest, yet neatest, squirt of sperm she had ever experienced.

Trent lay on top of her and planted a kiss on her right breast, just to the right of the nipple, where her bikini would hide it. He sucked and when she realized what he was doing, gave a bark of a laugh. An incestuous hickey was what he left on her hooter. She was not to be out done. She wrapped her arms around him and rolled so he was almost under her on the couch. Julie kissed her way down his taunt muscular belly and to the left of his pubic hair, high on his groin she gave him an equally rosy love mark, his own hickey to remind him of their night of sin. Then she took the fat worm of his whopper and let her lips suck the whole head into her mouth. Using tongue and techniques she had practiced to perfection, she coaxed it to swollen tube steak, stiff and studly and sturdy, ready for round two.

Stairway to Heaven

'The Naked Ape' was an anthropological book Trent had taken out of the library at the college. It was not part of a course, just his curiosity on things in general. That was exactly how he felt about the immediate situations on the stairs, with him and his mother both nude and in heat. Her hind end raised to him, the red sex a flag that she was in estrus. His penis primed to monkey around in her vagina and mate in animal rutting, breeding with her in untamed coitus. Thus the thrust of his simian lance stabbed her sheath and buried itself in her wet furry quim, and with a single stroke slid all the way up his mother's snatch.

Julie froze in the pose of her stumble and the perfect exposure of her maidenly charms to the prince who's prick invaded the chamber of her fabulous fanny. The thick meat felt so right in her tight twat, gorging her honey hole with the beefy member of her son's cock. She felt his hips begin to make the in and out motion that was the sensation she had desired during the long wait for his return. Not that she hadn't had lovers, but the magnitude of the licentious incest that penetrated her liquid center was so much hotter and of an incredible intensity beyond the range of those who had cum between that night before he left and the time her teen returned.

Mother and son's pubic hair tangled and mashed and pulled apart in a mucky mix of gooey kinky connection, as their juices slopped their crotches and ran down their thighs. She had cum with just three stokes and her boy was not far behind in his first orgasm, but the action did not slow as his piston continued to shove and withdraw in rapid pace. His balls swung up and even bounce on her clit a couple of times; he was hung like a stallion she realized once more as he mounted her. Julie began to rock her haunches in time with the pounding, which made the slapping noise of their impromptu orgy echo down the hall as their fucking got more physically intense.

Suddenly Trent grabbed his mom's tits and pulled her back to him to halt all movement. She knew what he was doing, it was the male stab of climaxing, the drive to be as deep as possible, to make the tip poke the cervix and blast the sperm of his testes into her very womb. She waited for the moment to happen and when the throb of the cock came, so did she, her Kegel muscles gripping him for maximum pleasure as son shot his wad in mom. It was mind-blowing baby-making (if she wasn't using - thank God she was! - the pill) a spiritual reuniting that they had needed and craved for all during the acutely-aching stretch of separation. But with this unplanned screw, but serendipitous nonetheless, they had reconnected both their bodies and hearts.

The Puma Pounces on Her Prey

Julie spoke once her mouth took a rest from giving Trent her oral treat, "Get on the rug, Sweetie, over here where we have a little space. On your back, Babe!" Her son was game for anything his mom wanted. He was sure that she was planning on more naughtiness and that was fine by him! He stretched out, his arms above his head, feet pointed toward the divan, but far enough to the side of the coffee table that it wouldn't be a hazard. His expectations were confirmed as his beautiful brunette mother mounted his body. On her knees, with long thighs straddling his middle, she prepared to place the phallic pole of his dick into the depths of her wet haven.

Julie aimed the muscle of love her handsome son sported to the spot she had for such a wonderful instrument. She began to sink so that the tip slid in aways, but not far; she rose slightly, not because the angle was off, but because she wanted to build his anticipation of penetration. The mother removed her hand and then dipped again, but just so that the penis did not enter her burning cavity but half way. Then she lifted her hips, before once more driving the male spike into her hole a bit further than before, but still not all the way. She rose, and Trent moaned his frustration, but he let her have her way with him, not grasping her and nailing her good as he so wanted to do. At last she did allow his cock to be plugged all the way to the root and held it socked to her with the weight of her body.

They were once more interlocked in intercourse, a sexual congress sinful and incestuous, but not a whiff of guilt crossed their minds. Julie was the cat playing with her prey, Trent the willing victim, at her mercy, happily so. His mother ground her clit against his pubic bone, as his boner was piercing her vagina. She leaned forward and began to sway her hips with small but firm rocking motions. Her tits swayed and brushed along his lightly furred chest, the nipples like rubbery bumps that scrapped his skin gently. He reached for the double melons, but Julie caught his wrists and pinned his arms next to his head. She was in charge, and was doing this fuck her way.

Still he wanted to aid the screwing, could not help clenching his buttocks and giving thrusts to assail her cunt, as she began to pick up the tempo of her balling her baby boy, now rampant man inside her cunny once more. What was it about this kid that his cock could drive her so wild, made her want him in the most wanton of ways? She would not have conceived of fucking him a year ago, even though she was aware of how attractive he found her and how much she could see with him same sexiness his dad exuded. Yet now she just had to have his manhood inside her body, and wanted to experience his pulsing cum, the flow of his semen welling within her womb. It was a crazy craving, but a desperate urgent hunger to have him and bond physically with her child.

She was driving the pace even faster now, she sat up for better balance and released his wrists. Her son's hands went to the breast he had wanted to feel earlier and now made the most of their opportunity to hold and fondle the pair of knockers that had been so teasingly half hidden in the tee shirts and bikinis she wore in the tropical climate, oft without any bra. Those darling pillows he long to grab and palms on nips squeeze to his heart's and hard-on's contented delight. Now his fantasy was come true and he made the most of the chance to feel up his mom's ta-tas. Julie gave her blessing to her kid's clutching of her bosom by placing her hands over his grasping fingers and pressing them even tighter to her body.

"Pinch my nipples!" she cried, needing greater stimulation in her throes of passion as she banged atop her youthful offspring. He did so and this was her trigger, the last little push to get her over the edge to another orgasm. She leaned back for the deepest penetration and went into the back/forward/back/forward motion which flexed the stiff cock in her cunt like a meaty metronome, hitting the G-spot and creating an exquisite sensation that culminated in her greatest climax of the evening yet. Trent could tell that his mom was peaking and this brought hum to cum in her, shooting more jism in a wonderful spurt inside the swaying torso of the most marvelous MILF in all Florida.

Julie collapsed onto his heaving chest as they both fought for breath, the exertion having depleted energy and oxygen from their whole beings. But a sweet cuddle it was between mother and son. They held each other and managed tiny kisses as they grinned and giggled over the extraordinary sort of way they had come to connect and cum together in a spectacular release of lust, and special love that was consummated. Eventually they helped each other up and stumbled/staggered to the shower. They got under the spray together but while the delight of slippery skin was a pleasure to both, neither had the energy left to do more.

They slept in her bed together, arms and legs entangled, with smiles that wouldn't even be relaxed in slumber. In the morning, the noise of the rattle-trap her ex drove woke Julie and she got Trent back to his own room just before his father opened the front door calling out for the 'college-boy' to hurry so they could beat the traffic. Fortunately, Trent was already packed the day before and Julie had fixed a sack lunch for the guys which waited in the fridge. So with quick kisses, they parted, mother and son, lovers now. A sad sort of goodbye considering the evening before. But as she began to close the door, and to tear up as the motor cranked to life, suddenly Trent pushed his way in and shut it behind him. Julie was started, but stifled her sniffles.

"I told pop there was something I forgot."

"What? I thought you had everything." said his mom, not catching on.

"I forgot to give you a real kiss. Not a goodbye kiss, but a thank you kiss for last night, mom!" He took her in his arms and gave her a great and deep French kiss, his hands on her ass and his prick hard and mashed against her belly. She thought he might just rip her caftan off and ravage her right there. But it would be too dangerous with the old man waiting just outside.

She gave as good as she got and made sure he could feel her tits tight against his chest as they hugged and tangled tongues. She pried him loose finally and reached down to grip his erection. "Trent, I promise that you will have just as warm a welcome on Christmas break as we had a hot time last night. You don't have to be faithful to me, I'm not going to give up sex for the time we are separated either. But the day you come back it will be just you and me, together in the sack and having a ball together, pun intended."

"Mom, you are the greatest!"

"Go get 'em, Tiger! Just remember that you have a hot MILF to return to." With that she shoved him back out the door, and wondered if there were any sangria left or should she open a new bottle of wine.

The Cougar's Clause Keeps the Cub Close

When the fat worm of his dick began to soften and withdraw, Julie finally made it all the way up the stairs and on to her feet. Trent crawled up and stood next to her. "I couldn't help it mom, you just were too tempting a sight!" Her son exclaimed as an explanation.

"That was a wonderful home cumming, pun intended," she rejoined. "But I've got cold beer and champagne on ice in the bedroom, whatever you want. Fresh sheets and romantic lighting and scented candles lit and some other nice surprises for our reunion. Let's go in there and relax and enjoy our evening alone, okay?"

"Sounds fine, mom. As long as we can do more of our private games, I'm all yours!"

They entered Julie's boudoir and it was as she had said, prepared for a night of romance. They help each other off with their clothes and lay on the bed naked fondling each other affectionately and kissing, sometimes Frenching, sometimes sucking nipples or licking genitals, but just light foreplay, bidding their time, waiting for the passionate action to begin in earnest again, but savoring these moments of sweet quiet tenderness.

"I missed you, so much Trent, more than I ever thought I would. Nobody turned me on that way you did when we had sex the night before you left."

"Yeah, mom, same here. That was just so special and super, not even the cheerleader I dated came close to making me so horny and fucked anywhere near like you did with me."

"Babe, I mean Trent . ."

"When we're alone, call me those gooey names, I kinda like it now."

"Good, - Okay, Honey . . . I have a proposition for you. I'm sure you liked going to that school you were at, but you could transfer to the other one that accepted you, the one that is closer, only 20 miles from here. If you did that, well, see I closed a really really big deal last week and got a huge commission - I'm trying to say, that if you were closer, I'd be happy to buy you a car . ."

Trent interrupted, his voice going to the excited squeaky pitch like when he had been in high school, "A car? A mustang, like I always wanted? Oh mom you ARE the greatest!!"

"I didn't say Mustang, well maybe not a brand new one, it wasn't quite that big a fee. However you could then live at home again and . ."

"and we could have more of our private fun and games, huh?" he finished for his mom.

"Yes, but we still would have dates with other people, not be exclusive, especially we wouldn't want to get your father suspicious or the neighbors of our new intimate relationship. I wouldn't have to pay for your room and board so we save money that way, which would help to pay for the car . ."

"But a mustang, right?"

"Yes, a mustang, okay; maybe a 2008 model, alright?"

"OKAY! God! Mom I love you! And I lust you too!" He rolled on top of her as she spread her legs to accommodate him. His dick nudging her pussy, ready to get back into her wet hole. Julie smiled and raised her hips to let her son fuck her again. This was just the way she planned, to have him excited about the car, about coming back to live at home, about cumming in her body once more. She was the top MILF in town, and her son was going to be one fantastic motherfucker. 'Cause she just couldn't keep her paws off him!



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"I thought we were going shopping?" I said, looking around the Female Health Clinic. The automatic doors yawned wide with a rush of cool, antiseptic air to tickle my nose. "After we see the doctor," Mom promised. She gave me a gentle push, following me into the place. I'd been there before, of course. Maybe six or seven girls were sitting in the waiting room, a couple boys as well, and they were all about the same age as me. I recognized most of them. They were with their mom or dad...

3 years ago
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Dead Girls VengeanceChapter 5 We spy on a target

Filene wanted us to go back to advanced ‘Seeing Ahead’ but a serial abuser had just escalated to murder. That gave all of us at The Grotto the ability to read his thoughts. We could only read his thoughts. We could not change his thoughts except by presenting willing targets ripe for his perversions. Little Joann’s killer would face a nasty demise. Filene sent us and another trainer sent her two to listen to the thoughts of the recent murderer, Peter Jelson. We gathered in his home cloaked...

3 years ago
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Oral sex with a masseur and ass fingering

I like someone doing massage for me. I like it especially when a masseur is a handsome man. Once I visited a salon for massage. Masseur was a man of my type: dark-haired, tall, with strong hands, humour sense and he smelled nice. And the spiciest thing was I was absolutely naked. At first the masseur massaged me several times. He started from the neck and shoulders. I like man touching my neck, it turns me on so much. After he massaged my back tenderly and moved down to the buttocks. My pussy...

4 years ago
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My perfect morning

I wake up finally, refreshed from a night of love making. I remember the night fondly. In my arms is my lover, Kelly. As I hold her I admire her perfect body. She stands 5'6" and is about 120 pounds. Kelly's short brown is died blond with purple red mixture in the front. Her breasts are perfect: small and perky. However, Kelly's best feature is her bum; round and perfectly heart shaped. Fixated on her, I begin to get hard. She feels my arousal against her bum. She giggles and rolls over....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 24

Only the day after her sentence started and just prior to the end of the year, Rita Skeeter submitted the first of her reports to the Ministry, as required by the terms of her release. When Dumbledore had proposed this as a part of Skeeter's sentence, he believed that the Wizengamot would think it hard punishment indeed to compel Skeeter to catalogue her humiliation on a regular basis. As usual, Dumbledore had judged correctly, for many of the members believed that Skeeter's reports would...

2 years ago
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Anonymous Stranger Sex

When my male friend and I began to seek sex partners by appearing as a couple the response for me a retired well spoken woman in her sixties was rather overwhelming! After he had sorted out the inevitable time wasters two groups emerged as potential sex partners for me. Young men aged 16-24 and a group of men who felt that sex with an elderly woman was especially attractive of all ages.I tend to be celibate for several weeks between sex partners as I find that way I can have a week before...

1 year ago
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Airing Out the Laundry

Rick was so excited to be moving to the big city. He was 22, from a small town, and got a good factory job in the city a few hours from his home town. Rick would be far enough away from his parents that Renae would be able to roam free. Rick found a little 2 bedroom apartment on the ground floor of a building in a gay community, though he did not tell his parents it was. Rick's parents were very old fashion and would disown him if they found out about Renae. Rick spent the first few days...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 16

On Tuesday at school, I met up with Kathy at break time and asked if she’d like to go to the regular gang cinema outing with me on Friday. She said yes (of course) but reminded me that I’d have to ask her Dad but did say that she didn’t think it would be a problem. Which is why, at seven thirty that night I walked through the doors of the Roundhill Working Men’s club in Castleford, walked up to the bar, and stood next to the club chairman. “Evening young David,” he greeted me, “what are you...

3 years ago
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 17

Tonya walked, naked, through a dark forest; the trees were too thick for her to see anything above, but she knew it was the middle of the night. Somehow, she was able to make her way through, but she had no idea where she was going, or where she'd come from; she also had the distinct feeling she was being watched... She knew she needed to find something here in the forest, but what? Aside from the way out, she didn't have a clue what she was looking for, so she didn't know how she'd be...

1 year ago
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Time and AgainChapter 3

“You’d best get over here and have a look.” Sam Styles was calling James Masters to appraise him of the problem that he had encountered, which would undoubtedly require a decision and an an extra payment because it involved extra work. James Masters was a developer, that is the man who put the deals together and provides the money, and Sam Styles was his long time builder. James had no particular knowledge of building, but over a number of years the two men had established a mutual trust,...

3 years ago
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Sexting With Aunt Meg

Aunt Meg is my fathers divorced older sister. My father is 43 so that would make my Aunt about 48. I would not say that we are real close but she does not sugar coat anything and calls things as she see them. She lives near by and was over one day. It was just she and I in the kitchen together and the radio was on. They had a report of some school teacher that had been fired for sexting to his students, you know, sending nude photos back and forth and sex talk. "That has always sounded like fun...

2 years ago
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A Strange Happening

At the time this happened my wife Jean and I had been married for about 5 years. She was 24 and I was 29. Once or twice a month we would go to breakfast on Saturday at a little café in the office building where I worked. After breakfast we would go home and have a leisurely couple of hours of sex. We both loved to have an old-fashioned missionary style fuck. Then Jean would push me onto my back and climb over me for a sloppy 69 session. After I had sucked all my cum out of her pussy and she had...

2 years ago
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Loves MastersChapter 10 An Adventure with Leanne

I need to backup and cover somethings. After spending a week and a half following Crow Academy’s schedule in two periods where I alternated between two classes and attended the rest normally, I found myself dissatisfied with that and convinced the teachers and Dr. Higgs to allow me to go at my own pace in just six classes full time. Other than classes that were participation-based like gym, I could use the class time to zip through the assignments and take the tests. The idea was I could...

1 year ago
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ZebraGirls Alina Ali Jessie Saint Nicole Kitt 03062021

Nicole has been going to massage school and since it is close to their final exams she invites a couple of fellow students over to her place to practice their techniques. Jessie and Alina have been checking out Nicole’s tits ever since the class started and are finally given the opportunity to see them up close. First they get to work on her shoulders, legs and back. Covered in oil they start to rub her plump butt. Nicole is getting excited as the girls really work her creases. Arched up...

1 year ago
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Guess Whos Coming To town

My name is Toby and I am 36 and happily married for almost a decade now and I have 2 kids Jenny and Jimmy and my wife is a wonderful woman. I am an IT technician and my wife is a nurse and so all is going fine for me and my family. Our sexual life is very satisfying and I am very glad that my wife is very open to new stuff. I don’t normally drink but I do only on occasions like holidays or special events or when I go on vacation. I work six days a week and since my wife is a nurse things can...

4 years ago
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Duty Honor Country Family Part Four

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part 4 By Danielle J ***** A few things happened that Monday morning, one odd and the other a concern to Hiromi. Both happened shortly after she and Chuck woke up. After a good morning kiss, Chuck said, "Is everything all right? You seem a little off of late." "I'm fine. Have I been doing something wrong?" "No, not at all. It's just since you came back from Kushiro, I don't know how to put it but you seem different." "Different as in bad?"...

1 year ago
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Claire Thompson sat in her recliner, sipping a soda gingerly. This was the fourth time this month she'd been stood up; it seemed in this town, even the women were assholes. She flipped through channel after channel,trying to find something to take her mind off the fact she was stood up...AGAIN. AHA! she finally found a movie she liked, "War of the Worlds (the new version)." She sat back and began to drift off. "You know," she thought to herself, "I guess no one on this planet would ever date...

4 years ago
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Susan was a very attractive blonde haired woman. Susan had awesome stats at 5ft.-8 tall-36D-23-34 measurements and was a slender 110 pounds. Susan never shaved her natural hairy body and had thick blonde hair in her armpits. Susan also had a thick hairy blonde pussy with thick hair all the way up her hairy belly to her hairy navel. Tonight Susan would let her black lover Duke use her oral hole for his pleasure. Duke levered up on his hands into a push-up position above the slowly, undulating...

2 years ago
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All because of my suisters panties

Let’s be honest right up front, I am a geek or maybe a nerd, I figure that I am adopted or something, cause my family are all attractive and I am just so plain, add to that that I was obviously way back in the queue when the breasts were being handed and my sister must have been in the first three, my dad calls mine bee stings, thanks dad that always helps! I have never kissed a boy and when I talk, talk? More like stutter, to one I am convinced that I’ve got spinach in my teeth or am...

1 year ago
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Right Time Right Place

Hi my name is John I am 34yr old Nurse who has been working as a drug rep for about 5years. Up until 2 days ago my sex life had bean non existent due to my wife leaving me 12 months ago, and basically I had buried myself into work. So when I met Julie I never thought that I could have been so lucky. Here is my story I hope you enjoy it. There I was driving down the road in my company car, when out of nowhere a small car pulled out in front of me. I of course stood on my breaks but there was no...

1 year ago
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Betli Must Be PlayedChapter 2 The Robber Ulti

Paul: Pablo and I became very excited about John's invitation and when my girlfriend worked in the mall Saturdays or Sundays, we organized the Robber Ulti training. John's wife Heather was a dyed blond haired, blue eyed and tall woman with D cup breasts. They had a three-year old son, and a two-year old daughter. Pablo took his new wife, Gina to John's house. Gina came from an Italian origin family and she was of an average height, black haired, brown-eyed, young woman with C cup breasts,...

4 years ago
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Baby Boomers TaleChapter 6

Mum just lay there flat on her back not moving. Her legs were parted a little and her arms lay at her sides. She had her eyes almost closed and was breathing in fast shallow pants. I moved up and lay beside her and kissed her gently, first on her lips and then her eyes and all over her face while gently petting her body at the same time. I was a bit worried that she might have had a fit or something and I did not what I should be doing. Slowly she relaxed and her breathing slowed and she...

3 years ago
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Mother Gets Fucked By Our Muslim Neighbor

I am posting a weird yet hot experience that happened in my life in fact with my mother. So without wasting much time let’s dive in.It was Wednesday, I was having only 2 classes in the college. The teacher whose class was immediately after the lunch break was absent. So having no mood to attend the next class either skipped both of them and rushed back home.I parked my bicycle down and used stairs to head into my house in the apartment. When suddenly I saw my mother moving in the corridor...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 147 Homecoming

Utha crumpled to the ground, her unblinking eyes open, not even a rasping breath left of her unfortunate life. Zevran taught me well ... but what does that say about me? Chaos broke out around me, but I ignored it, settling her body down, closing her eyes, and whispering a sincere prayer to whatever deity might be listening. I looked up for something to cover her with, and found Zevran, an island of calm in the chaos, handing over a length of rough fabric, scavenged from where I couldn’t...

4 years ago
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I WonChapter 4

We loaded the baby gifts into the car. Sandy, Candy and Mandy helped. That’s why it took twice as long as it should have. They kept flirting with me and asking me when I was going to see them again. I had to assure them that I wouldn’t forget them and that I would see them again soon. I sighed in relief as we pulled away. “Why did you do that?” I asked Elizabeth. “Why did I do what?” “You know what I’m talking about. Telling the twins and their mother they could be my sluts.” “I didn’t...

2 years ago
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Sick Day

Introduction: Some days it is just more fun to stay home from work. It was just one of those days. The kind of days where you call in sick to work and stay in bed all day long. Thankfully she had an over stocked bank of sick days and nothing important to do all day long. It was also helpful that her boyfriend was sleeping next to her, and it only influenced her judgment slightly that he had the day off. She had thought she did a great job convincing her boss that she was sick, she had even...

1 year ago
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The Vermont Boarding School Part 3 bottoms up rev

This is the third part of "The Vermont Boarding School, Part 1, the first two nights," and "The Vermont Boarding School, Part 2, pump and swallow." To recap the previous stories, Sean and Noah were assigned mentors named Reese and Sanford. One of their duties was to suck their mentors' dicks each night. In part two, two weeks later, Sean and Noah have to not only suck but also swallow their mentors cum, but are rewarded with fewer of their other duties. Now Part Three. Noah and Sean had just...

First Time
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A Fantasy of a Womans Prison Becoming a llegalised Slave Service

Captain Morgan looked at his computer screen and read the email from the Welsh Assembly Government with a growing smile ?Captain Morgan looked at his computer screen and read the email from the Welsh Assembly Government with a growing smile. At last the thought to himself as he opened the attachment that detailed the provision of European Directive 2005/1002.For the best part of four years and after many fact finding missions, research documents political commissions the well paid...

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