A Tyler ChristmasChapter 5 free porn video

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‘It’s a mystery like the deep blue sea. You can take it, you can leave it, but I still believe. So I won’t give up and I won’t give in. I know I’m gonna find him, I just don’t know when. A girl trying to find herself the perfect man is like trying to find Atlantis. – Jamie O’Neal

Emily stood in her quiet living room, keeping an eye on Sarah’s brick rambler directly across the street. In the pre-dawn darkness, the only illumination was from the lights on her fragrant Christmas tree. The twins had done a pretty amazing job of decorating. Emily smiled as she thought about the few hours of rare family time when they were all together, listening to Christmas music and drinking cocoa as they decorated. She had resisted grabbing a sugar cookie this morning, and opted instead for her usual pre-workout protein smoothie.

She was the usual morning driver to the YMCA in exchange for Sarah providing fresh-brewed coffee to get them awake enough to face the early morning workout classes.

As soon as she saw Sarah come out her front door Emily zipped her quilted parka and slung her gym bag over her shoulder. She walked through her kitchen to her attached garage, pushed the button to open the garage door, and got in her SUV. It was a brisk winter morning and she engaged the seat-heaters as soon as she started the engine.

Emily couldn’t help it if she was cheerful in the morning. She was a morning person – she loved mornings. Of course, she’d already had her smoothie to get her started. She knew when she got home from her workout, Greg and the twins would be up and the normal morning pandemonium would be going at full blast.

Sarah, on the other hand, never seemed to wake until they were half way to the ‘Y.’ Emily figured it was much safer that she was the driver. Like Emily, Sarah was bundled against the cold, which included a knit cap over her blonde hair. She opened the back door of the SUV, tossed her gym bag on the seat, and then got in the front. Without a word, she handed Emily a travel mug filled with steaming coffee. It smelled heavenly. After Emily took a long sip, she backed the SUV into the empty street.

If you wanted scintillating conversation you’d have to wait until Sarah became fully conscious – usually about the time the class was over and they were in the showers. Otherwise it was a crapshoot. Sarah placed her travel mug in the cup holder, put her head against the back of the seat and closed her eyes. It was not uncommon for her friend to sleep for the entirety of the fifteen minute trip to the ‘Y.’

Emily drove in silence, enjoying the quiet of the winter morning, and the sight of her neighbors trying to outdo each other with their Christmas decorations. After a few minutes Sarah began to stir. She even took a sip of her coffee. Usually that signaled permission to begin a conversation.

“So, how was Dallas?” Emily knew she’d have to wait a bit for a response.

After an unusually short period, Sarah responded, “Dallas is Dallas, too big, too busy and too crowded.”

Emily found that comment amusing coming from a woman who spent much of her life in southern California. In two years she’d readily adapted to Tyler’s slower pace and become a small-town girl. “And the conference?”

Sarah took another sip of her coffee. “The conference? I hated being gone three days, but it was well worth it. The advances in emergency medicine are amazing – too bad the hospital can’t afford all the new devices and diagnostic tools.”

“I’m sorry I missed it, but somebody had to hold the fort. Plus the fact they only had money to send you.”

“Yeah, you would have enjoyed it too. Lots of good stuff. I’ll distill what’s in the binders and put together a presentation for the staff in a couple of weeks.”

“At Christmas?”

“Oh, right. Sometime after the first of the year.”

They were quiet for a couple of minutes. Emily knew she had to address the elephant in the room, James Cavanaugh. She’d not seen Sarah, nor spoken to her in the three days she’d been in Dallas. She’d learned a lot of things about their once-mysterious patient, but she was reluctant to broach the topic, considering the last time Emily saw her, Sarah had been storming out of James Cavanaugh’s hospital room.

“Are you awake enough to talk about James Cavanaugh?”


“Okay, I’ll talk – you listen.”

“There’s really not much to talk about, unless he’s been readmitted.”

“I guess that means you’ve not heard from him.”

“No, why? Did you give him my phone number while you were telling him about Mike?”

Her irritable tone told Emily that Sarah was now fully awake and still upset from her last meeting with James Cavanaugh. And, as Emily feared, she was under the misconception that Emily had been gossiping about her to one of her patients.

Emily glanced at her friend. She was sitting with her arms folded, looking straight ahead, clearly upset.

She took a couple of deep breaths to ensure she answered calmly. “No, I didn’t give James Cavanaugh your phone number, but as we know, James is a capable guy and he could probably get the number.”

“By hacking into the hospital personnel records?”

“Possibly, but the easy way would be directory assistance. I believe you’re one of the few people in the country who still has a landline at home and has it listed.”

“Oh, right.”

“And while you’re jumping to conclusions, I need to set you straight about what I told Cavanaugh about you.”

“I think I know...”

“No you don’t.” Emily took another deep breath. “James Cavanaugh is a nice guy, and he’s interested in you. Unlike others around, he is not interested in married women.”

“So? You did talk about me though.”

They were stopped at a red light and Emily turned to Sarah. “We’ve been friends since you started working at the hospital two years ago, and you know darn well I don’t gossip about staff or patients.”

Sarah just glared at her.

Emily sighed. “James Cavanaugh asked me if there was a Mister Doctor Evans. Like I said, he’s not interested in being a home wrecker. And I told him you were a widow...”

“But then how’d he know about Mike?”

“He doesn’t know about Mike. Mike’s name was never mentioned. I decided that you both carry around enough Afghanistan baggage, so he needed to know that the reason you’re a widow is because your husband was killed in Afghanistan, and that was it. Anything more has to come from you, but at this point I’m beginning to be sorry I ever talked to him.”

They were silent for a few minutes and soon Emily pulled into the parking lot at the YMCA. She shut the motor off and as she started to get out, Sarah reached out and touched her arm. “I’m sorry, Em.”

Emily covered her friend’s hand. “I’m sorry too.”

“I’ve had a couple of days to think about what happened, and I don’t understand why I had such a reaction. It’s been six years...”

“Sarah, in that time have you been attracted to someone? I mean really attracted?”

Sarah shook her head.

“And you’re attracted to James Cavanaugh?”

Sarah didn’t say anything for a minute. Finally she said, “Yes.”

“And that caused you to feel disloyal to Mike?”

“I think so ... maybe.”

“And when James said he was sorry about your husband, what happened?”

Sarah took a tissue from her pocket. “All I could think about was Mike’s funeral – that sunny San Diego day with all the members of his SEAL Team pounding their badges into the lid of his casket.” She wiped her eyes. “And then he said he knew how it felt.”

“And that’s when you went after him?”


“Sarah, while you were in Dallas, I talked to my friend at Walter Reed. James does know how it feels. In his last recon patrol – the one where he was hurt so badly - he lost four of the six members of his recon team. He prided himself in taking care of his people and getting them home. They were his friends. He couldn’t even bring their bodies home.”

“Oh no...”

“James Cavanaugh has known his share of tragedy, and he has the wounds to prove it.”

Sarah stared out the window. “I guess, I probably won’t be hearing from him, but it’s probably for the best.”

“Oh? How did you come to that conclusion?”

“Em, first of all, the guy probably thinks I’m a maniac considering how I corked off at him. I also heard him tell some guy on the phone he wasn’t interested in relocating to Dallas because there are lots of attractive women in Tyler, starting right there in the hospital. I think he’s more interested in someone closer to his own age. Anne Blankenship was his day nurse. She’s pretty and single and doesn’t have a child or any Afghanistan baggage, as you call it.” She sipped her coffee. “Why would he be interested in me?”

Emily swallowed a laugh. Her friend seemed to be feeling sorry for herself – something she’d really not seen before. “Sarah, you know I’m wired into the hospital, especially the nurses, and I’d know if Anne was the subject of his interest - she was certainly interested in him - as were a number of nurses who found excuses to just stop in and see how he was doing. I can assure you though, the only attractive woman at the hospital he was interested in is you.”

Sarah stared into the distance. “Do you really think so?”

“Most definitely.”

She seemed to consider that for a few seconds. “There may be a mutual attraction, but look at it from my point of view. All I know about him is that he’s a wounded Marine Corps veteran. He has no past other than that. Mr. Bailey says he might be from California, but there’s no family history, no anything. I’m extremely reluctant to bring a man into my home when I know nothing about him.”

“That can be rectified. It’s called dating.”

“Yes, dating, but let’s be realistic. For the present, he works in a gun shop, makes maybe ten dollars an hour and lives in a free room upstairs. I don’t want to sound mercenary, but James Cavanaugh can’t even afford to take me out to a show and pizza - and I’d have to drive, since he doesn’t have a car. I know there are things to do on a date if you don’t have a lot of money, but really, this time of year, it’s not like we’re going for a moonlight stroll somewhere. I don’t need to be involved with a man I have to support.”

“True, but what if he had the means, and a car to take you to more than a show and pizza? He is very attracted to you after all. I’d say it’s definitely worth taking the chance, even if you do have to drive.”

“Em, that’s all hypothetical, and what about the future? Attraction or not, he could pack up and leave Tyler tomorrow. He has no ties here.”

“So you’ve got it all figured out?”

Sarah nodded, but she didn’t look happy about it.

“Okay, well I hate to upset your preconceived notions, but while you were gone lots of things have happened.”


“My friend from Walter Reed called me with more news – James’ mother and sister showed up at the medical center looking for him. He did grow up in California, but what’s interesting is that four and a half years ago he left school at Stanford and walked out of their lives, because of family troubles – troubles he did not cause. They hadn’t even known he was in the Marines. He just disappeared. A few days ago they discovered he’d been badly wounded and had been at Walter Reed. They knew he’d left there at the end of September, but wanted to discover if anyone could give them more information on where he might have ended up.”

“Okay, so now I know he has a concerned mother and he has some college from a good school, but what does that change?”

“There’s more.”

Sarah peered at her watch. “Okay, but if we’re going to get to class you’d better speed it up.”

“My friend told me the family was coming to Tyler and hoped to reconcile.”


“They’re here and staying at The Austin House B and B. James’ mother called me last night and we talked for about half an hour.”

“So now you’re going to tell me he’s a missing prince of the realm, and can actually afford to take me out for a show and pizza?”

Emily looked at her friend. “Damn, Sarah, sometimes you can be as stubborn as a mule, but you might be on to something.”


“After I got off the phone with Pamela Hawthorn – his mother’s divorced and goes by her maiden name now - I called Clarice at the B and B. She’s a terrible gossip, and I love her dearly. Clarice told me that Ms. Hawthorn has rented the whole place for a week.”

“She must like her space, or maybe she has an entourage.” Sarah smirked.

“You’d be surprised. Apparently she got rooms for her two pilots, a flight attendant, her personal assistant, and her daughter.”

“Pilots, flight attendant?”

“Yes pilots, as in private jet. James may not be a prince of the realm, but mama has definitely got some money.”

Sarah was silent for a few moments. “But you said he walked away – so that doesn’t mean his mother will give him any money, or that he would take it. James Cavanaugh seems like he’s pretty independent.”

“That’s what I figured.”

“Okay, so how does that change not having a car or being able to take me out and having him stick around?”

“Yesterday, I called Ed Bailey, to check on James. You remember Ed?”

“Sure, he’s Cavanaugh’s boss.”

“Not anymore.”

“Cavanaugh quit?”

“No, he bought the gun shop.”

“What? But I thought you just told me he hadn’t been in touch with his mother and her money. I’m confused.”

“Ed couldn’t wait to tell me that he had sold the place to James. He admitted that he had thought about selling over the last few months, but with his wife sick and all, there was no way he could even consider doing all the things that he needed to do to get it on the market. He was just overwhelmed. So, when James came to him with a generous offer, he was astonished. He told me that he jumped on the offer though, ‘before James could change his mind.’”

Sarah thought about that. “So now he’s a business owner as opposed to an employee, but probably even poorer since he’s mortgaged to his eyebrows?”

“Apparently not. The one thing that isn’t general knowledge is that James Cavanaugh put a substantial amount down in cash – more than half of the selling price.”

“How’d you learn that?”

“A confidential source, where else?”

“So, where’d the money came from?”

“My confidential source didn’t tell me. Actually I think I was too surprised to ask. Maybe he robs banks when he’s not in Afghanistan getting hurt, but now we know about his past, present and promising future in Tyler. In fact, Ed told me that James convinced him to carry the note for the balance so he and his wife would benefit from the income stream and interest.”

Sarah sat in silence for a few moments digesting what Emily had told her. “Maybe he has a trust fund.”

“That would have that kind of money?”

“Possibly. His mother has a jet at her beck and call. I’d say that puts her in the very wealthy category and either she, or someone like a grandparent, set up a trust for him.”

“And you think that’s how he came up with the money?”

“That’s certainly one explanation. You’re his friend. I guess you could ask him.” Sarah smiled as she said it.

“We’re not that close of friends!”

“Well, at least find out if he’s been robbing banks, since I don’t think a sergeant in the Marines makes much money.” Sarah looked at her watch. “We’ve got to go.”

They got out of the SUV and walked toward the entrance to the ‘Y.’

“Sarah, so, that probably means he can afford to take you out to something nicer than pizza and a show, and he can probably afford a car.”

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The sexual awakenings of teenage private schoolgirls part 3

The summer school trip was coming up. It wouldn’t be like your usual school trip, however. The Long Stockings Private School for Gifted Girls and Young Ladies never really seemed to have party style school trips. They would go to Sea World to study the marine life – no rides while there, no swimming, no fun! The students even had to have their swimmers made to school regulation, with a bare minimum of flesh to be seen and not skimpy in any way. That was a no no. Head mistress Miss Noefun...

3 years ago
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Fathers Day Pt4

I woke up Saturday morning and quietly crawled out of bed busting for a pee, my head was on the floor and my mouth was like the base of a parrot’s cage – the wine.It always happens to me at dads, I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s because he brews his own, maybe, for some reason, I always drink it faster than normal, but it always happens.Suddenly there’s a knock on the loo door, dad pokes his head round the door and asks if I’m ok.“Yeh, I think so why?”“Well it’s just that you’ve been there...

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SRU Convention

Just a quick note, this is my first attempt at a transgender story. So all critism will be openly accepted. SRU: Convention by Greg Iacovelli As I walked through the mall looking for a costume to wear to the animae convention I saw the same stuff in every store window, stuff for Halloween. It was October 12, 1998 and my friend agreed to go in costume if I got it for him and he said any costume so I planned to do him over good. I still remember the conversation...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Stories Fact Or Fiction

Katie has a vivid imagination when it comes to sex, or is it imagination? Here her story and you decide. My wife or three years likes to tell me stories about her supposed sexual adventures when we're in bed which always leads to the hottest sex imaginable. She never tells me if any or all of her very vivid tales are true and no matter how hard I try I just can't figure it. She started with stories from before we met and gradually moved forward to recent escapades. Whether intended or not, I...

Cheating Wife
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Inability And Fantasy 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, My name is Rohan. You can contact me at ,I am an unmarried guy from Pune, I am 26 years old engineer and work for a reputed MNC firm here. I have normal physic and I keep myself healthy by jogging and little exercise in morning. I live in a apartment at posh society which is somewhat away from the city. I used to participate in local body meetings at society so everyone in society personally knows me. In my apartment very few flats were actually used by owners for living otherwise...

2 years ago
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Making Her Daddys Baby Girl

I stared at Shay as she finished her dinner, shocked to realize that she was looking like her mother more with each passing day. It made my heart ache still to think of my beautiful deceased wife. She had lost her battle with breast cancer 5 years ago but the wound on my heart still felt fresh. I hadn’t starting seeing anyone in the years following her death because every time I thought about it I felt like it would be cheating. That isn’t to say there had never been anyone interested since,...

2 years ago
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Those Eyes the Sequel Are There Any Faithful WomenChapter 6

Debbie We got in his Porsche and he made a phone call. He said, it’s me. Get Miss SMJ ready to take out. I thought what’s Miss SMJ? He called Janet. I heard him say, can you have the kids picked up. I’m going to be out of town until tomorrow. He said Thanks and hung up. I said if we are going out, I need to change. Jake said, I will take you by your house to change and you will need a bathing suit and some casual clothes. If you want to go out tonight, you might bring a dress, heels, etc ......

1 year ago
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xHamster Granny

Are you the kind that has mommy issues rooted so fucking deep that they have now transitioned to granny issues? What if I told you there is a whole niche of granny porn? That's right; you pussy starved motherfucker. The name itself is self-explanatory, but I still feel like I have to explain to some of you noobs and newbies; granny porn is just that-porn featuring grannies. I'm talking 60-year olds who still have that sex drive. They may have sagging breasts and wrinkled skins, but these old...

Granny Porn Sites
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Aficionadas part one

Creative Non-Fiction Creative Writing 214 Clara Gould Questions I saw you running in PE class! Your buns are really cute! They make me hot! the note read. Below the message, as a signature, was written: Your Admirer! Peter had waited until almost the end of the class on Wednesday afternoon. He wanted to put off disappointment should a note not be there, and to make the discovery of the note, if present, sweetened by anticipation. He folded the note, slipped it into his left jeans pocket. He...

1 year ago
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Pehli Chudayi Best Friend Ke Sath 8211 Part 2

Hi friends. Thanks for all your reply and comment. Mujhe ye jankar bahot khushi hui ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni achhi lagi. Please ek request hai. Don’t ask me for my number. Main kisi se number share nahi karti aur na hi interested in meeting or sex with the reader. Main Nafeesa aaj apni pehli story ka part 2 publish karne ja rahi hu. Main 23 saal ki hu. Mera figure 34 28 34 hai. Main fair hu aur slim bhi. Koi bhi ladka agar ek baar dekh le to tabhi hi uska lund khada ho jaayega. Mujhe...

1 year ago
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BabySitting Next Door

Note : This story is complete fictional : never try to do it in real live! It was Friday and I had just been asked if I could look after my next door neighbours children for a couple of days as their parents were going a way for the weekend. I was only 17 at the time but nevertheless accepted. I was left to look after abbey who was 15 and Elizabeth who was 13. I was told I could sleep in their parents bedroom and the girls could not be in bed any later than 10. Late Friday night I was going up...

3 years ago
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The Presence

My heart was racing as I reached the doorway. I could hear the footsteps behind me and feel the presence drawing closer. I know we had planned this, even practiced it, but now I was unsure about going through with this fantasy as my heart pumped faster and faster. I fumbled for my keys and tried to get them in the door. When they slipped from my hand I knew I would never get inside before the presence was upon me. Suddenly I was pressed against the door to my apartment as he pushed his body...

2 years ago
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It was getting late, I turned off the car and stared at the wheel for a while, contemplating my thoughts, I was trying to decide if I should return, but at the same time I felt a fast pulse, the adrenaline was running through my body.When I entered the room, Violet recive me with a kiss on the mouth, and asked me why it took me so long to enter, she told me that she had been watching me from the window for some time but I seemed motionless. I commented that I was a bit nervous about what we...

4 years ago
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Size doesnrsquot Really Matter Blacken

This is my story; it is the story of a modest small town gal that has become a full time 24/7 slut. I have become addicted to sex, especially when big black cocks are involved, I just can’t seem to get enough of them in me. I have gone from being a wife in a small town raising twin boys married to an insurance salesman to being a full time white trash slut being fucked daily and often with as many hard cocks as I can find, and I find a lot of them. I enjoyed my life and was what I thought quite...

2 years ago
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Rosie Turns Nasty

It was always quiet on Friday mornings at Justine's Law Offices.She was idly flipping through the photos of last weekends wild daughter-swapping orgy with Rosie the Lush Shop lesbian. The video clips of their sixteen-year-old daughters Molly and Chloe tribbing on the sheepskin rug and the four of them riding the dildos on a table brought distinct dampness between her thighs.The ringing phone dragged her back to reality. "You've got a visitor," announced the young receptionist, "I've put her in...

3 years ago
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Janeys May

For some reason, I was feeling out of sorts a good part of May, and just didn't feel like writing a story. Then I had this dream... I woke up and tried to turn my head to look around. Couldn't. Looked straight ahead. Hmmm. My left leg appeared to be in a cast, in traction. Kind of hazy, but I figured I must be in a hospital. Yellow walls with grey doors. Machinery. Could be worse, I thought. Tried to move my right arm. Couldn't. But I could move my fingers, and I felt the edge of...

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The Partners

Author's note: Turns out my next idea came pretty quickly after all, lol. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. I certainly enjoyed writing it. The Partners by Hazel M Part 1: The Hookers Steve was really horny. When were these hookers going to get here? His wife, Liz, had spoiled his mood this morning by burning his eggs a bit. He'd taught the bitch a lesson by smacking her around a bit, but she'd started bawling and her face had got all blotchy. That had been a major turn...

2 years ago
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Fallout New Vegas

Author's note, I'm new to this, so please excuse me if it sucks. Please leave notes and feel free to add. "Good, you're awake. I was a little worried for a second." says a voice that sounds like it belongs to an old woman. You open your eyes, but can't see clearly. Blinking repeatedly, you get your first good look at the old woman. She's not much to look at, but you've seen worse. Her breasts look like a small B cup, and you can't see her ass. "Who are you, where am I?"you ask nervously. "Well,...

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Uncle Mikes Excellent Camping Adventure

"It'll be fun," my brother Nick told me over the phone, "and Kristy and Karly really want you there." I didn't care what my brother or his wife Amanda or his two rugrats wanted. I wasn't into camping. "It's a great time to spend as family," insisted Nick. "We hardly see each other." I rarely saw Nick or his family because we lived over 500 miles apart. He had his nice suburban life of a wife and kids and I had my nice city life of a divorced bachelor. My marriage lasted less than...

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Dream of cream

*never happened,just a fantasy*As a rather large fellow I always figured I was safe out on the town,so I ducked into a night club around 2 am to get out of the chill and ordered a rum and coke,I figured it's an easy enough drink how can they possibly fuck it up. It must have been happy hour or the bartender thought I was cute,either way it was strong enough to peel the rust off of a battleship and way too tasty to just have one. So I ordered another,and another,before long I felt myself needing...

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Billys Night

Billy was trembling as he slowly opened the door to his step-sister’s room. Inside it was dark, with only a dim nightlight allowing for vision. His step-sister was currently away at a friend’s house, and his parents were out for a night on the town, leaving Billy alone to fend for himself at the house. Specifically, to fend for himself against the incessant, wicked teasing of the mysterious woman who kept calling him when he was alone, and used the delightfully evil powers of Sex Magic to...

3 years ago
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The familiar sound rings in my ear, loud as thunder. I rush down the stairs in a frenzy, not wasting a second getting to the door. I unlock the door and open it to see your smiling face drawing eerily close to mine. There’s a tense silence. I open the door even wider now, smiling back at you as I motion for you to follow me. You step inside and close the door behind you, your eyes refusing to take themselves off me for even an instant. The door locks behind you. ‘Welcome,’ I smile crookedly...

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The Making of Rosie Chapter One ldquoTara discovers T

Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a young boy and his whore mother. The young boy has sexual desires for his slut of a mother and also longs to be like her. This is the first instalment documenting his journey to becoming a shemale whore. (Fb, M+F, prost, whore, size, tv, toys, creampie, strap-on, ws) Chapter One “Tara discovers Timmy’s secret”The sound of Salt-N-Pepper let’s talk about sex broke the mornings silence, as Tara’s mobile phone came to life, it was just coming up to seven...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 27 Snack and more partner sharing

Paul addressed Robert, “I have pie and ice cream if you two can stay.” First looking at Roberta who nodded, Robert answered, “Pie and ice cream sounds good.” Paul suggested rinsing off in the pool shower. We did and dripped water on the floor as we went to the kitchen. Robert asked if he could make a cup of regular coffee in the Keurig coffee maker. “Help yourself. Look in the drawer under it.” He took a mug from a mug stand and started the machine. Meanwhile, Roberta and I cut and warmed...

4 years ago
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Curiosity 2

It had been five days since Kelly let me touch her and make her come, five long days during which I was completely and utterly lost to the world. My mind could not make sense of all the feelings that raked it from when I woke up until I went to bed. Kelly was no use, she simply refused to talk about the subject saying it had happened and it was time to move on. For me, it wasn’t that easy. I wouldn’t say I had emotions for Kelly, I wasn’t in love with her, it was more of an aching yearning to...

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My Darling Neighbor 8220Lavanya8221 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am madhan age 20 studying 3rd year b.E in reputed collage with an average penis length of 6 inch long and 2 1/2 inches girth. I am from tirunelveli I am an regular reader of iss for past 5 years. This is my first story posting here which happened true in my life if any mistakes please pardon me.So coming to the story my family consist of me dad and mom this story is about my sexy neighbor named lavanya residing near our house about her she is 27 ,married to an business man having...

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Forbidden Part 1

When Sasha Lake and Monica Brown became best friends in the sixth grade, they could never have imagined that one day one of them would betray the other by not being able to control her erotic desires for someone who is forbidden. She never planned to have such a strong erotic attraction, but as she says, the erotic fate gods stepped in, and her attraction for the young, good-looking twenty-one-year-old took control and their heated passion also took control. It all started when Sasha moved back...

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itiswhatitis Wedding 2

Angie is the sweetest teenage girl you can imagine. She has brown hair with blonde high lights, small in stature with heavy legs. Small breasted and she has a near Angelic personellity. One could not ask for a nicer girl. Near Sonia' age of sixteen I would think. I was about to say hello when I noticed she was upset ............. then I noticed way. Two black guys were bothering her. The nearer I got the more of the conversation I picked up. The short version is that they wanted to fuck...

3 years ago
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My Friends

Hi everyone this is my first experience which is happened in my life.there is no lie or imaginations im this.but now i feel its a big fault that i ever made.i feel guilty.just for you all im posting this have fun and enjoy and reply me if its not that much worst that i have done.now im 26years old man the incident happened when im 23years.im living in chennai.after my college studys got over i joined in an reputed company for a trainee manager.im good looking and average built body.im so much...

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