Sneaking A QuickieChapter 3 free porn video

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"Christina!" Her father's voice was booming against the silence of the night.

My girlfriend's head popped off my cock, her eyes wide with panic. Amy went rigidly still above my face.


There was a flurry of activity as both girls hurried into their nightshirts. I looked around, trying to stay calm but totally freaked out about what I should do. In the end, Amy literally rolled me underneath the bed while Christina went to the door.

I was cold, naked, and trapped in this claustrophobic position with the bed frame only an inch from my nose. Fighting down my dread I went rigidly still and quiet when I heard the door open and Christina ask softly, "Yes, father?"

"I heard someone scream. And Amy isn't in her room."

"I'm here, father," Amy answered, the sound coming from the bed just above me. Her voice was high-pitched and whiny, as if playing the innocent young schoolgirl her parents must remember her as. "I had a nightmare and I came here to talk to Christina."

"Oh, well, that's okay then." The girls' father sounded relieved. He was just being a concerned parent, apparently harboring no suspicions about his daughters' activities. "I just wanted to make sure you were both safe. Goodnight, ladies."

"Goodnight, father," both girls said in unison.

The door closed and then Amy dragged me back up and onto the bed. That was way too close, and I was sweating while my heart did its best to thump out of my chest. The three of us looked back and forth between each other for a minute to collectively catch our breath. When I'd calmed down enough, I muttered, "I'd better get back out onto the couch."

Amy silenced me with a finger to my lips, her eyes aflame. "No way. I've only got one chance left and you are NOT leaving until you fuck my ass one more time."

Christina's tongue was on my limp dick again, and all I could do was groan as Amy lifted her nightshirt over her head and then shoved those perky tits into my face.

One day these girls were going to get me killed.

I slept in the passenger seat the whole drive home. It was early in the afternoon, so there were no night vision issues. But I was plain exhausted.

Christina and her little sister Amy had both fucked my brains out every opportunity they had. Discrete groping and short blowjobs throughout the weekend had escalated into unabashed fucking, and we'd come THIS close to getting caught. I was almost relieved when Christina and I finally left to return back to campus. And the aerobic shagging of the previous 70-odd hours had drained every ounce of energy I had left.

After I dropped Christina off at her apartment, I took a quick shower and then crawled into my own bed at 4pm. I was out like a light soon after, drifting away to sleep while imagining what kind of conversation Christina and May might be having when the roommate asked Christina about her Thanksgiving weekend.

The academic week then flew by, and Christina and I returned to our normal relationship. I didn't see her for a couple of days midweek, but we still caught up on the phone. Not much was said about the previous weekend and its outrageous activities. So I chalked it up to a once-in-a-lifetime experience and decided to move on.

It wasn't until Friday night that the simmering passion re-ignited into a full boil of lust. One of our mutual friends had set up May for a first date and Christina made clear that she wanted to me to spend the evening at her apartment since we had the place to ourselves for a few hours.

We puttered around and made dinner. And to her credit, Christina gave me enough time to finish my food and settle onto the couch for a full twenty minutes before she finally attacked me.

The next thing I knew, Christina was straddling my legs, her knees on either side of me while she slammed my body against the backrest and started stripping off my shirt while jamming her tongue into the back of my throat.

She giggled and ground her hips when she felt my penis hardening beneath her body. Then she backed up just enough to lift her blouse over her head.

With practiced ease, I leaned forward to kiss her chest and nibble between the valley of her cleavage. Meanwhile, my hands snaked around her back until I slipped the catch of her bra, and then pulled the cups off to toss the offending article onto the floor.

I loved Christina's tits and mauled them with my mouth while clutching her shoulder blades and holding her warm body tight against me. She moaned and held my head in her hands while I nursed her swollen nipples, and then she was dismounting me to get at her own jeans.

My eyes were on Christina's familiar body, slender waist and pleasant hips, while she dropped her jeans and panties to her ankles. I was stripping my own pants and boxers and then we were both naked and looking at each other.

This wasn't a time for foreplay as we both panted and shot flames of lust from our eyeballs. So Christina climbed right back into my lap. I held my pole upright for her and she aimed then sank me deep into her velvet channel in one go.

"Aww, fuck, yeah." It was the first words either of us had spoken since we'd gotten started.

"Fuck my pussy, honey," Christina cooed into my ear. "Pound that hard stick of meat into my body!"

So I did just that. I gripped Christina's hips in my hands and pulled her down on me in rhythm with her legs carrying her back up a few inches before I yanked her down once again. The springiness of the couch cushions helped immensely.

Christina rubbed her lips against my ear before whispering, "Imagine my parents are asleep on the other side of the house."

Immediately, I quieted my grunts and thrust ever harder into my girlfriend.

"Oh, we're being so naughty. I'm fucking you in my parents' house."

I groaned, in a low pitch, and began to circle Christina's body around my pole building up a side friction as a change of pace from the frantic up and down.

"Now imagine it's Amy's tight pussy wrapped around you! You're fucking my little sister. You're splitting her tight teenaged hole with your dick and loving every fucking second of it!"

I gasped, a little too loudly for the scenario but I wasn't going to hold back any longer.

"Amy's crying 'Yes! Yes! YES!'" And then she quieted down, her voice dying out while her hips began to shake on top of me. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"

In my mind's eye, it was Amy's voice I heard, and then as I felt the vibrations against my shaft I let myself go and poured out my sperm into the tight cunt squeezing me so pleasantly. I could literally feel the fluids rocket up my inner tube and I rejoiced in the relaxing pleasure of that built up tensions flying out of my body while blast after blast of cum splashed against this beautiful girl's insides.

We thrashed together on the couch, our TV program long forgotten. And finally Christina collapsed against my chest, panting heavily and resting her head on my shoulder. We lay together, hugging and cuddling tenderly. I was absolutely thrilled with the mental fantasy of cumming inside of Amy again. And I really did love my girlfriend for giving that fantasy to me.

Eventually, Christina got up and went naked into the bathroom to clean herself up. I just sat there, happily glowing for a moment until Christina returned and started picking up our discarded clothing.

"May will be back soon. We should probably go somewhere a little more private," she warned me while I stared at her still erect nipples.

I agreed. But as I watched Christina's splendid nude form move about her apartment, I could feel a new stirring of lust in my body. So I gathered up my things and went into her bedroom and closed the door. We got inside and then Christina made as if she was going to start putting her clothes back on. Instead, I reached out and grabbed her, flinging us both onto the soft mattress.

Christina squealed in half-fright but then she was giggling again while I kissed her. We rolled around for a good few minutes just kissing and re-energizing our tired bodies.

I was still sparring with her tongue when Christina snaked her hand down between my legs and she found that I was not yet as hard as she would like. So suddenly her lips left mine and I was half-kissing the empty air while Christina slid down and took my cock into her mouth.

"Oh, suck me baby," I groaned as Christina's talented tongue swirled around my sensitive nerves. She bathed the head with her saliva before coating the rest of me, ducking her head to the sides and then back to get me fully lubricated and fully aroused. And when she had finished this she took a deep breath and then slowly inched her way down my entire length, gradually working every bit of my cock into her mouth until she'd accomplished her deep throat once again.

I was in heaven, urging her on, "That's so good, baby."

She backed off, caught her breath, and then smiled at me. And with one hand still jerking my shaft, her lips danced around the crown and titillated my skin until I was rock hard and ready to penetrate steel with my dick if need be.

She lifted off my cock with an audible popping noise and invited me seductively, "Come and get it."

My girlfriend put herself on all fours atop the bed, bending her arms until her cheek rested against the mattress while she looked back at me with a twinkle in her eye.

"Don't make me wait, honey. I've been dreaming about you violating my ass all week!"

She was already trying to stretch it open for me. I pondered for a moment exactly what good things I had done in my life for fate to provide me such a gorgeously hot, kinky girlfriend for my fucking pleasure. Now if only I could convince her to do an actual threesome with another girl.

I reached my fingers into her dripping wet honeypot, bringing out gobs of fluid and using it to coat Christina's puckered anus. I spread the mingled cum lubrication around liberally, coating an inch radius around the brown star in the middle before plunging a soaked finger into that gaping hole. Christina gasped and then cooed a happy "ohhhhh" as I slid back and forth for a moment before introducing a second finger up her bunghole. But this joy only lasted a few short moments before she growled, "Stop fucking around."

I grinned to myself and coated my own rod, giving myself a few short tugs to make sure I was as hard as possible. So settling in just behind Christina's ass, I paused to look down on one of the best views of my life.

Perfectly defined asscheeks, heart-shaped and round. Tender spine along her naked back and the gentle swells of her round tits slightly visible beyond her sides while they hung down and swayed gently with her every movement. And then Christina's body went half-limp as she relaxed her muscles the moment my crown touched her body, and she exhaled loudly while the fat head pushed its way through.

For the first few moments, we were both relatively quiet while she got used to the sensation. It was our first chance since the weekend to assfuck without the pressure of sneaking around her parents' house. So we took our time, slowly thrusting and luxuriating in the warmth and tightness and fullness of our union.

But as with most of our sexual activities, the slow pace gradually began to pick up. The quiet squishing sounds gave way to louder slaps of flesh impacting flesh. The constricting tightness that restrained our momentum gradually relaxed until I was able to drive my rod deep into her body with a metronomic rhythm.

"Oh honey, fuck me! Fuck my ass!"

"I'm fucking you baby!"

"Oh, damn. This is what my little sister must have felt the first time you took her! So full! So damn, fucking full! I can barely stand it!"

I leaned over Christina's back, letting my chest touch her and putting me in range of her ear. "You like that thought don't you? You loved watching me violate your little sister." I drove a little harder into her backside for emphasis.

"Yes! Yes!"

"You wanna watch me do it again?"


"The next time we see Amy, you want me to just fold her over a couch and shove my hard meat all the way into her tiny, little asshole?"


"And you want to watch the whole thing happen just inches from your face?"

"Yes! Oh, FUCK me!"

By now I was flinging my body into Christina's, and our hips were slamming together violently with each impact. I wrapped my hand around her and gripped her firm tits into my hands, squeezing them with each effort of thrust to match my grunting. Christina was wailing like a banshee while I pistoned in and out, faster and faster.

My groaning was joining Christina's moans in a chorus of sex that filled our room and announced to anyone and everyone that we were in the throes of passionate, aggressive, animal sex. It was such a relief to let loose our vocalizations without fear of parental retribution, and the two of us fully let ourselves go. Her body began shaking all over and I moved my body upright while gripping her hips to ram Christina's ass with short, staccato thrusts.

"Can you see it?" I called to her. "Can you see me about to blast my cum into her asshole?"


And then her piercing shriek shattered the air, an otherworldly cry of simultaneous delight and pain and ecstasy that blew out of Christina's mouth, so loud and so frenzied her throat must have instantly gone raw. I could literally feel her juice squeeze out from her pussy and splatter against my legs as well as hers as she came.

And with her ass muscles rippling I lost all semblance of control and then I was spewing my own liquid offering deep into the darkest corners of Christina's body; pouring white hot spunk down into her inner caves where the Sun would never shine.

The absolute agony of all that built up pressure had weighed heavily on my mind in those last few moments before release, so intense that I didn't even realize it. But now that the agony was gone, all I had left was the bliss and the joy. And then the peace of blacking out from too much pleasure.

I awoke alone in bed. For a time I was content to remain as I was, half awake and very comfortable in my current position underneath the warm bedcovers. But as consciousness gradually filtered into my mind, and my eyelids took their first hesitant blinks into the world outside, I realized where I was.

This wasn't my place, it was Christina's. And if I was in Christina's bed, then that meant that last night actually happened. And the heavenly memories of last night's activities came right back to me. Between an awesome fuck and a perfect nine hours of sleep, I felt absolutely incredible.

I sat up, realizing I was now clad in my boxers. I peeked underneath to find that Christina must have had the presence of mind to clean me up and slip my underwear on as well before she too went to sleep.

I also heard quiet talking going on in the living room outside, so I silently got up and moved to the door.

"He did what?"

The female exclamation was loud enough and sharp enough to stop me in my tracks. So I paused right at the door and strained my ears to listen to what came next.

"Yeah, he fucked my little sister up her ass! And the incredible thing is, once I got over it I found that it was really quite a turn on! So he spent the entire weekend taking turns fucking our lights out."

"No fucking way!" May's voice was filled with her surprise. "And then last night? I got sooo horny listening to you two go at it. I mean, I've heard you guys screwing before. But last night you were so loud!"

"Well, we first had sex on the couch. Really though, it was just a warm-up for later on. I'm guessing you came home soon after we went into the bedroom. So the moment we got inside, he fucked me up my ass again."

"But you've done that before, right? So what made you so loud?"

"He was whispering in my ear the whole time. So we're both playing with my pussy, he's got his baseball bat of a cock shoved up my asshole, and he's whispering dirty thoughts about my little sister. I was braying like a freakin' donkey! God, I can't wait for another chance to see him bugger Amy. I totally got off on watching!"

"Oh, god," May moaned. "I'd be happy to let you watch if you let him fuck me."

The room was deathly silent for the longest two seconds of my life. "What?"

"Ohmigod!" May's tone had switched from aroused to panicked in half a second. "Christina! I mean, I'm sorry. I don't mean. Oh, fuck. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to steal him or-"

"No, no! Don't apologize." Christina's voice was soothing, but still had a little edge to it. "I WOULD like to see that."


"Uh-huh. And I know just what to do. He's still asleep in there. So..." Christina's voice naturally got quieter as she divulged her secret plan. And I figured I'd better sneak back into bed before I got caught eavesdropping. So I padded silently back to the bed and crawled into my previous position. My dick was rock hard from the conversation, but I figured I could pass it off as typical morning wood.

Two minutes later, the bedroom door opened and Christina made her way to the bed. I stirred as if I was already half awake but enjoying just lying amongst the pillows, so when Christina crawled onto the bedcover I just turned my head and gave her a sleepy smile.

"Morning, bedhead." My hair was always an insane mess when I woke up, and she ran her fingers over my scalp before leaning down and kissing me. I had a gorgeous girlfriend who not only let me fuck her little sister through the floor, but also might just let me get a piece of her hot roommate I'd been secretly lusting after for months.

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"How does this look daddy?" I was sitting in the garden drinking my coffee when she finally appeared in what she called her travelling clothes. "For God's sake Katie" I laughed, "I thought you were going to get dressed!" She had on a light blue tee shirt, a very short denim mini skirt, white ankle socks, white trainers and she looked absolutely bloody gorgeous! "I am dressed daddy" she giggled and twirled around to show me the cheeks of her sexy little bottom peeking out from...

2 years ago
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Graduation With Heather Owwh Part 3Chapter 11

Sandra saw my member and said, “Looks like it’s time for the girls to play!” “John, lay down on the floor like Jane did,” Valerie continued, still orchestrating. “Amber, please climb onto his penis,” she said. Valerie’s tone was always very calm and neutral, not threatening in any way, yet for some reason, the way she delivered her instructions caused everyone to obey without question. She had said for Jess to sit down and let semen dry all over her body with the same infliction that one...

3 years ago
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My Little Girl is a Pervert

My Little Girl is a Pervert Mistress Lisa became owner of my life a week ago when she showed me that she had caught me fucking someone who was not her mother. So my dear little girl, who had turned 18 only a few weeks earlier, beat the hell out of me and then used me… well you can read about that in “My Little Girl is Responsible” The second Thursday went down this way….. ===================== Lisa or, I mean Mistress Lisa met me at the door to our home. I walked past her and put my...

4 years ago
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Early Sexual Experience part 2

Hey everyone this is my second time writing mystory so please excuse some errors. This story is really about me when I was (11+1) years old. Please enjoy :) A few days later at school Matt told me to meet him at the church storage room. After we went in there he locked the door and said he had a surprise. He had taken a Hustler magazine that he took from his dad. We sat in there looking at the pictures, within seconds we were both hard. He told me to show him my cock and I did. I was nervous...

1 year ago
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All Saints Day

When I first woke up, I wasn't really sure just where I was. I mean, I remembered falling, but at the moment I couldn't remember why. I found myself in a dark bedroom, lying on an incredibly soft bed, but propped up on my side. I tried to speak, but the only noise was a rather small squeak. Apparently that was enough, for a moment later a woman I didn't recognize appeared by the side of the bed. "Oh, you're awake. I only stepped away for a moment to get a glass of water and... well no...

3 years ago
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The Tide RisesChapter 3 All Good Little Things

At dawn, the morning after our wedding ceremony-celebration, an impending shower threatens a deluge! Amaru and I are anxious with concern! The damp will ruin our love warmed wedding bed, where we spent the night making love under the old oak tree. Can’t dampen our spirits! A little precipitation can’t fog our happiness! It CAN make our bed miserable to lie in! Out of the foggy haze came riding shiny knights in wet slickers! Muddy clay clods spraying from their horse’s galloping hooves, our...

4 years ago
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Pleasure Of Spying Mom

Hi iss readers I am karthik ,regular reader of iss . I am going to narrate my real experience of me spying my mom.I am not very good at narrating a story please forgive me . I’ll do my best to make you understand and I cant get you to the entire thing and the intensity of the real incident.(mom : Sudha age 48 ,size 36 fair)(me 22 height 6 fair”) Coming to the story when I was 20yrs I got connected to internet and surfed different sites and unknowingly landed in incest stories site. While...

2 years ago
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A fun time sucking a buddy

I have a buddy who I would get together with every week or two to service, prior to covid. Now it's been really tough trying to make our schedules line up, but today turned out to be a lucky day.I got a text from my buddy saying that he would be free today and it was a time when I would have the house to myself for a few hours. I let him know it was cool to come over. He showed up at 1pm as planned and we went to the bedroom where he stripped naked for me. My buddy, who I will call Joe for the...

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Introduction: One mans incredible month of sex, and the twisted aftermath. CHAPTER SEVEN I met Danny at The Wing Hut on Monday night. Nine p.m. Danny was holding our favorite table. As I approached I could see his scorecard on the round table top. With three empty beer bottles. A fourth in his hand. Oh. Oh. Not good. I was expecting to see two names on Dannys scorecard. There were none. The four Amigos were using golf scorecards to record our game. From the Wisconsin Breeze Golf and Country...

3 years ago
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Red Orchids Ch 01

‘THE DAILY GRIND’ EDITED BY: Miriam Belle CREATIVE CONSULTANT: Simply_Cyn Author’s Note: ‘The first two chapters of this story were originally one, but when I first posted the story to the site a lot of readers complained it was too long. In hindsight, I agree. SO, for this reposting I’ve broken it in two chapters. On a personal note, the character of Mark Gordian is the vilest and most arrogant bastard I’ve ever written about. He’s also the most hated character out of all the stories...

3 years ago
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Watching my Waitress

You are at work, wearing your uniform and bustling about , cheeking the customers, laughing like an angel. I sit in one corner nursing my coffee and watching you. I think you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. As some one opens the door a gut of wind catches your skirt and blows it up, slightly, I see a glimpse of high delicious thigh and the hint that you are not wearing any panties. As you ask to take your break you sneak out in to the back. I pay for my coffee and then ask to use...

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The Girl In The Lift 8211 Part 6 A BDSM Slave

Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the part of the story where Simi and I explored our BDSM slave fantasy. If you haven’t read the first parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. I started preparing for the BDSM session. I had the bondage tools with me but required more items like ropes, wax, and other stuff. I purchased and kept my bag ready for the day. I messaged Simi that I am ready. I also...

3 years ago
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Janets dirty games with me part 1

The story happened when I was a boy about 12 or 13 years old. At school, we had a girl at class we all thought to be a little different and out of the normal - her parents being everything but rich, and she had a mind of her very own, and no one ever saw her except from school, waht might have been because she and her family lived in a small village outside. She wasn't what one would call a model or even a beauty but not exactly ugly as well, she just looked average. One day, we all...

1 year ago
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A night out

I was on secondment to a local authority for 12 months and the team I was working with had a conference someone had to attend providing a promotion stand. For various reasons none of the permanent staff were able to attend as it meant an overnight stay, so Sarah my boss and I were the delegates.We arrived at the hotel late afternoon, went to our rooms to clean up and agreed to meet in the bar for a pre-dinner drink.Showered & changed, at about 5, I wandered down, Sarah arrived only a couple...

1 year ago
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Ruby Fortune Casino

Are you looking to secure the fortune of your dreams finally? Of course, you are. Fuck hard work, long hours, and begging for cash. That’s no way to make fat stacks of dosh quickly and easily. There’s a simple solution, and it’s called gambling. Sure, sure, you’re more likely to end up without a penny to your name as you beg people on the streets to let you wash their windshields for a cigarette and a slap on the ass, but it’s a better chance than what you’ve got working whatever bullshit job...

Betting Sites
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Passionate Wild Erotic Love Making Sex With Girlfriend On Her Birthday

hiiii friends,,im a regular reader of iss and wanna thank iss team for providing us with such nice platform to share our fantacies,desires & experiences with others. Dear readers please pardon if i make any mistakes as its my first story . Its a real incident happend last year on my GF’s birthday. My story is a bit long as its described and filled with all parts of love,creativity,passion,lust,romance,sexual activeness and wildness,,so i request all to please read it full with patience as i...

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Daddy Washes My Hair Ch 3

Mom, Jim and I sat around the breakfast table discussing what might happen that night when Dad came home. Mom said there was something she wanted to teach me to surprise Dad. She asked Jim if he would be willing to join us and assist in her demonstration. We went to her bedroom and Mom had us sit on the end of the bed. She took my hand and pulled me up. She slowly began to unbutton my blouse kissing the skin area revealed behind each open button. When they were all undone she lifted the blouse...

1 year ago
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Boy Stud1

That being said, if you’re as depraved and twisted as I am, go ahead and read on... I hope you enjoy. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! Yours Fictionally, –RogueRambler ***************************************** I had a normal childhood I guess. I mean, it was just Dad and me (and Greta, our housekeeper). My mother died giving birth, which I just somehow always knew, even if no one ever talked about it. At least they didn’t talk about it around me. And I guess I always did think that...

4 years ago
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Mystery Man

It's nearing the witching hour, and still thoughts of you play across my consciousness. Dark thoughts....secret thoughts....thoughts of our time together.....The full moon masquerade was, in spite of being my favorite event of the year, boring. The same people in the same costumes, making their masks unnecessary. I smooth my aubergine dress and adjust the feathers adorning my face, desperate for-something. For someone. And, as if by magic, you appear. Like you stepped out of my head and onto...

3 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 15

I was in a foul mood Sunday morning. Everyone knew it and kept their distance. I was up early and running; on my fifth lap around the hospital I spotted Lilly sitting on the curb, huddled up and trying to pull herself deeper into her parka like a turtle disappearing into its shell. I pulled up and slowed down, coming to a stop beside her. She got to her feet and we walked the route I normally ran. "My husband came to see me yesterday after you left." she began. "He doesn't come here...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 La Petite Mort

IntroductionLove and affection come in many forms.  I’ve experienced them all, from the playful love through new experiences; the unwavering selfless love of a years-long friendship; and the deep, maturing love of a committed romance.Throughout all these experiences has existed the delicious fire of eroticism.  The burning passion of two ships passing in the night, aware of each other for only the briefest of encounters.  An understanding gentleness, touched by the sweetness of childhood...

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My Master Part 1

Chapter 1 You woke up Friday morning before the alarm went off. You did not sleep much last night. Master didn’t touch you at all. Even on the nights that he doesn't use you for his pleasure he will usually rub your pussy or finger your ass before he falls off to sleep, getting you wet and wanting more. Master likes to tease you, to make you want him even more. Even when he teaches you how to be a good pet for him, he leaves you wanting more of the pain he inflicts on you. Your body aches as...

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The Con

For Dave, over the next few days it would be his last at his job. He had been working there as a Pharmacy technician and after four years he felt it was time to begin his approach to his actual career. His thoughts on Pharmacy were not at all negative; he enjoyed it for the fact of all the women that worked there with him. For him being a tall black man with an incredible physique, despite being engaged he took every chance to marvel at the women. First of the bunch was Diane; she was a...

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Jacqui and Heidi aka Jekyll and Hyde Chapter 12

Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van*******Chapter twelve - Marriage and Work in Nevada*******​Since the surprise visit of Robert and Heidi to his office, Dale had heard nothing more from either of them. He wasn't unduly concerned for he was very much aware of Robert's tendency of being a control-freak and the lack of contact just another example of 'her master' demonstrating the influence that he now held over his wife. Indeed, he was...

1 year ago
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Motel Foursome

Motel Foursome As she checked into her motel for the night the woman was pleasantly surprised to be told by the receptionist that the owners were putting on a barbeque for their guests that evening. She confirmed her attendance and drove to the parking space in front of her room. It didn’t take her long to unpack, shower, make up and dress. One final look in the mirror confirmed to her that she looked good for a woman in her mid forties. While short in stature she kept herself in good physical...

2 years ago
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First with 2 cocks

Alright now this is my new story…. Well this is abt the time i had 2 cocks for the first time ever. And well its the only time i have had 2 ckcks fucking me actually. I was all because of my friends party he had thrown in the Club. So i was dressed as i usually do in a party. A short skirt and Tight shirt. Pink satin panties but no bra. The party was a complete brawl with drinks and all sorts of stuff. It was during the party that i saw the 2 hot guys Alex and Mike. Ive always liked them. And i...

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Our Lunch Date

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! I decide to go see my boyfriend at his work for lunch. It’s something we do every so often because the last few months have been so busy we don’t get enough time together. He doesn’t know I’m coming this time, I want it to be a surprise. I of course have more in mind than just lunch because not only have we not seen enough of each other we’ve not had enough sex, and I’m horny as ever. I’m wearing a low top showing enough cleavage to make any man look...

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A White Knight and a Dark Witch

Friday night, nothing on the TV so just aimlessly playing with my phone. No sign of this night getting any more exciting at all. A message pops up on the screen, coming from one of my girlfriends. You see, even though I'm happely married, I just happen to be in a very open relationship with my wife and seeing different girls on occasion.The girl sending a message is called Nicole, and she is one of my wife best friends and also a little horny Gothic. I wonder what's she's up to tonight. Sadly,...

1 year ago
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CherryPop Dana Vespoli Jenna Foxx Show Me Those Curves

Jenna is heartbroken when the boy she likes blows her off for another girl. Her sexy stepmom, Dana, is ready to soothe the sweet teen and give her some motherly advice,sure to bring all the boys their knees. Dana will teach Jennahow to confident and sexy. First, Jenna needs to remove the boggy clothes and show off her hot body and big perky tits. Next, Dana shows her how to seduce with her pouty mouth and doe eyes. Dana’s final lesson is all about how to tease… covering the horny...

1 year ago
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Big surprise from petite brunette with nice size breasts

I was at a conference and it was boring as usual. The second night I went to the bar ordered a drink and sat there sipping on it. The bar was crowded and when a very petite brunette asked if anyone was sitting next to me I was so glad. She introduced herself as Marci and I said hello, I'm Ben. She had 2 drinks to my one and with each drink it seemed as though she was getting friendlier. Now I'm an average looking guy nothing to brag about but obviously she saw something she liked in me. We had...

She Males
2 years ago
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Cock Hungry

Christine often went to Edge Play after work on Friday nights. Her job as a legal secretary for a law firm on Wall Street didn't leave much room for self-expression.The cab let her out on 14th street. After a short walk down the block, she stood before a pair of glass doors in a stainless steel frame on an, otherwise, featureless gray stucco building, the entrance to Edge Play._She walked down a short hallway, past a BDSM bookstore on the left and a novelty store on the right, around a corner...

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