Losing Virginity To Tuition Madam
- 3 years ago
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Jeremy Stewart was, as his cousin Cara told Linnet, shy. In fact, that would have been an understatement. Every time he looked at Linnet, he blushed and seemed to have difficulty getting words out, though he spoke quite normally to his cousin. Linnet felt strange and couldn't quite put a finger on how or why. She liked him, certainly, and the naivete he seemed to show was attractive in itself.
Cara asked him to fetch more coffee all round and he shot off, stumbling against a chair on the way. 'Like a puppy', Linnet thought, watching.
"Like a puppy," Cara commented, unaware she was echoing Linnet's thoughts.
"Yes, and just as sweet," Linnet replied.
"He's not really clumsy, Lindy," Cara went on, "just a bit overwhelmed."
"You, silly."
"I'm not sure how I could cope if he's that way round me all the time..."
"That's the problem. I'm trying..." the woman blushed as she went on, "I don't just want you to teach him sailing. I'd get a male instructor for that. I was hoping you'd help him ... well ... relate to girls. I mean, you don't have to do anything you don't want to, I know you're not a prostitute, but I can't get him to even talk to girls. I'm sure he's not gay, though."
Linnet had noticed a bulge in Jeremy's trousers as he got up. His rapid turn to try to conceal it contributed to his encounter with a chair on his way to the counter. "No..." Linnet agreed, "I think you're probably right, there..." the two women's eyes met and they burst out laughing. "Would you mind..." Linnet fumbled for words, "if I was ... not professional in my relationship with your cousin?"
The other woman giggled. "My, how ... delicately you put it! No. It's entirely up to you. I'm sure you'll be entirely professional in your approach to sailing." This time as their eyes met, it was in understanding and agreement.
Jeremy returned with their drinks. "I've been assuming we can use Zephyr," Linnet said to Cara. "I have possibly got the loan of a ketch belonging to some friends, but it's quite large and more complicated than your little sloop."
"Of course; I thought that was understood. She's here just now, on a drying mooring, but I have a berth at Fox's Marina. That might be more convenient for Jeremy."
Linnet looked at Jeremy. "It's up to you," she told him. "Do you want to sail with me?"
He gulped. "Er, yes ... please ... Miss Masters."
"No 'Miss Masters' here, Jeremy. Skipper, Lindy ... or Linnet."
"Linnet?" Cara's eyebrows were raised.
"Long story. Well, not long, exactly, but ... personal."
"Ah! Okay," Cara said, "Which do you prefer?"
"Actually, I rather like Linnet, but Skipper is fine." She looked at Jeremy. "Well?"
"Linnet ... if you, er, really don't mind."
"Good. Can you be here by seven in the morning?"
"I suppose..."
"We'll lake the ebb out of the Deben and sail round to the Orwell. It'll be a chance to get to know each other and for me to assess your skills and knowledge."
"I'll bring you," Cara said, "and collect you from Fox's in the evening." Then she turned to Linnet with a smile, "and bring you back here, unless you have other ideas?"
The small car drew up at the top of the slipway. Linnet stood, leaving a bag by the small inflatable tender pulled clear of the water. As she approached the car, she saw Cara lean across to kiss her passenger before he got out. Before leaving the car, he reached into the back and brought out a large bag. He was wearing blue fleece trousers and jacket, sea-boots on his feet. Cara didn't wait once he was clear of the car; she was backing up as he walked towards Linnet.
"Morning, Skipper, erm ... Linnet."
"Hello, Jeremy. On time, that's good. Let's get aboard." Turning, she picked up her bag and dumped it in the tender, then reached out for his. "Good God – what have you got in this?" She didn't wait for an answer, but pushed the boat into the water. "Just grab the bows a minute while I get the outboard started, will you?" It took three pulls, but it started and Linnet looked at him. "Hop in, then."
He pushed the boat away and 'hopped' in. Linnet gunned the little motor and set the tender crabbing across the current towards a sleek thirty-foot sloop; 'Zephyr, Ipswich' across the transom. She laid the boat alongside to allow Jeremy to climb aboard with the painter, passed the bags and outboard up, then climbed aboard herself.
"Help me get the boat on board," she said. They lifted the inflatable and secured it down to the coach-roof, forward of the hatch-rails. "Can you get the mainsail up?"
He just nodded and went forward to the main-mast to begin getting the cover and ties off the sail as she took the bags below and stowed the outboard in its place. She released the cords securing the tiller and watched her student get the sail up the last inch.
"Good work, Jeremy! How would you get under way?"
"I ... I..." he stuttered for a moment, then paused. "I'd ... walk the buoy down the port side."
"Good enough! Carry on, then."
His action meant the boat began to point towards the opposite shore, and Linnet sheeted in so that Zephyr stemmed the flow of the current. Unfurling the foresail, she judged her moment very carefully. "Ready to gybe?"
"Gybe oh!"
Zephyr swung round, the sail slamming across, then for a minute or so was at the mercy of the current until she gained way. Linnet let out a pent-up breath as Jeremy dropped into the cockpit.
"Neat!" he praised.
"Terrifying," she responded, "until the rudder grips."
"You were frightened?"
"Sure, of course. There's nothing worse than losing control of a sailing boat in a strong current and this is as nasty a bit of pilotage as I know. How about you trim up the sails?"
They were heading south down the lower reach of the Deben; again, she watched him work. "You seem to have a pretty good grasp of the basics," she commented.
"Thanks. I've done quite a bit of dinghy sailing with Cara."
"I think with this wind we may need a tack before we turn to leave the river. You'll need to be snappy with the foresail sheet, but I'll say when. Don't want to miss stays."
Sometimes a sailing boat turning through the wind gets stuck, which is called being 'in irons', or baulks at turning and loses way so the rudder doesn't bite, which is called 'missing stays'. This can be avoided by allowing the wind to catch the back of the foresail, which forces the bows round. On Thames barges, this is done routinely using a rope called a 'bowline'. On an ordinary yacht, the foresail sheets can be 'cleated', so it is only necessary to hold off releasing the sheet until the boat is through the eye of the wind.
They were unable, quite, to make good a course to the mouth of the river, but a single board across the river was enough to get them to where they could turn east. The mouth of the Deben is constantly changing, with a 'bar' that grows across the entrance. About every ten years or so, the river breaks through, creating a right-angled bend in the fairway, which is where they exited. Once clear, they were able to beat against the south-westerly wind and the current – taking about an hour and a half – to cross the shipping channel at the Platters. Linnet left Jeremy to do most of the sailing, which he seemed to manage quite competently. They turned in to Harwich Haven just after the tide turned, and Linnet suggested dropping the anchor on the Shelf.
"Um ... Skipper ... I mean, Linnet..."
"Go, on, Jeremy."
"You're the boss, of course, but we could sail round and tie up at the Ha'penny Pier; get a cup of coffee or something?"
"Good thinking. Let's do that; but you're on the helm, Jeremy. Let's see how you manage."
He frowned a little, but she thought it was concentration, rather than irritation. By eleven o'clock they were tying up at the Ha'penny Pier, ready to go and get some coffee in the café.
It was good coffee. Mindful of her official role in the relationship – seamanship instructor – she grilled Jeremy over the theory of passage planning; tides, currents, weather, charts and pilotage, provisions, water and fuel ... all the minutiae a sailor has to bear in mind. He answered clearly and concisely, obviously understanding the subject.
"You know your stuff," she said, "all you need is experience, I think."
He nodded, "I've been reading about it; I don't have a problem retaining what I read."
They were silent over their coffee for a while, then, "Have you ... have you got a boyfriend, Linnet?"
"No." She quirked an eyebrow up at him. "Broke up with my last boyfriend last summer and I've been moving around too much since then."
"Would you ... I mean," he was blushing again, "would you, um, like to have dinner with me, or er, something?"
"Haven't you got a girlfriend, Jeremy?" She knew perfectly well he hadn't – Cara had said so.
"No ... I ... I'm not very good with talking to girls..." his colour deepened.
"You're talking to me..."
"That's ... different. And ... I'm not ... doing very well at the moment, am I?"
She smiled, "You're doing well enough," taking pity on him, "yes, I'd like to have dinner with you ... or something."
His eyes widened. "Really?"
"Yes, really. Jeremy, you've got a lot going for you. You've passed the hardest part..."
"I have? What's that?"
"Asking." She waited until she thought he'd understood, then, "I think we've got time for another drink."
"Coffee? Or tea?"
"Ask if they've got Earl Grey, would you? Otherwise, more coffee, please."
When he returned with her tea and his coffee, Linnet steered the conversation onto his work. She was impressed that he could talk about it in words that she understood; previous encounters with computer geeks had left her gasping in minutes. They were back at Zephyr by mid-day and underway shortly after, heading round Shotley Point up-river towards Ipswich.
"It's probably time to have some lunch," Linnet declared as they rounded the point.
"I've got some things in my bag," Jeremy said, "sub rolls, pate, tomato, cucumber ... wine, grape juice."
"Well ... that's thoughtful. I just brought sliced bread, cheese and pickle. Yours sounds more interesting."
He blushed again. Why? They ate in the cockpit as they continued up-river, passing low, sandy cliffs and trees, the marina at Levington, the moorings, boat yards, houses and pub at Pin Mill. The Royal Harwich Yacht Club and marina at Woolverstone; under the great Orwell Bridge and finally, as the last reach to Ipswich opened out, into Fox's Marina, Zephyr's home. The little inboard motor got some work for the first time as they turned into the wind to enter the marina and Linnet took over, not wanting to risk Cara's paintwork.
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A few years ago, I was dating a lovely young woman; for the sake of this story, we will call her Carolyn. She was my ex’s best friend, and we always knew we had chemistry. Needless to say, when things ended with my ex, Carolyn swooped in and claimed me for her own. I definitely wasn’t complaining.Carolyn was definitely petite, coming in at five-foot-two-inches, ninety-five pounds. The thing that got me was her 28H breasts and the tightest, tiniest pussy I’ve ever experienced. She was a...
ThreesomesBecca was cooking breakfast when Steven put in an appearance. He came up behind her, placed his hands loosely on her shoulders and kissed her cheek. "Good morning, Becca my dear." "Good morning, Uncle Steven." She smiled at him. It was a genuine, friendly smile and he was delighted. "Do you want some cereal first or shall I cook your egg now?" "Now please." "Two minutes. The coffee's just made." "Thanks, Becca. You're very organised this morning." "Well, the alarm clock...
"Then again, little brother Zax, do you take extracting a Core from a cultivator is such an easy thing?" Mes's sentence pulled Zax back into the firm grasp of reality. "To shatter a second realm Core can be done in the span of a breath, even less!" If the situation was otherwise, Mes would have laughed at Zax's current face. "That's why I referred to the instant big sister Hagen aims to attack Ginlin as a 'short window', shorter than what it sounded". Mes's expression became...
Ahh Brussels…Ahh Brussels, City of Culture, Fine Dining, Fine Art museums and some pretty serious sexual activity we were about to find out!Myself and my wife occasionally take some time off to do a City break somewhere toward the end of the year when it turns out we haven’t quite used our work annual leave entitlement. On this occasion we chose to pop over to Brussels on the Eurostar as I had travelled through there briefly as part of a charity bike ride earlier in the year and thought Vicky...
Most of Megan Richards' dreams for the future had been shattered ... the only one that remained in tact was her dream to use her talents in Hollywood some day ... one way or another. She was every bit as talented as her mother, Diana, and she'd always thought her slightly superior intellect had come from her father ... Her Daddy, Charles, was a highly intelligent and rational man, but she'd not inherited her smarts from him ... except maybe by osmosis. Her biological father, Thomas...
We'd just come through town and were about a half mile from our street when we had to pull over for an ambulance with its sirens and lights going. They slowed down to make the turn and Bev looked at me. "I don't like that. It could be our place or someone at the Bells." I sprayed some gravel as I got back on the main road and took the corner about twice as fast as normal. It's a two mile drive from the intersection to our driveway. Everything looked quiet as we drove by the Bell...
The constant roar of the cannons had the men pulling as hard as they could to battle speed. The guns of the Justice were battering down the walls of Knock, as shot after shot of solid iron kept crumbling the blocks apart, while other shot burst into flames when it hit. The birlinns kept racing towards it, the men readying arrows and lighting a fire in a steel pot. The larger, heavier galleys lagged behind their smaller counterparts, but made as much speed as they could. A lookout in the...
Since for two years, first time I had seen her. She was walking on the street. First I wanted to be sure if she is Natalie. Yes, she was Natalie , my friend Haluk's wife. Natalie is almost 49 years old and sexy Russian originated woman and she is married with my friend Haluk for a long time.Natali is tall , blonde and has blue eyes. She is almost 180 cm tall.During many years I never thought about her. But, for one year I was dreaming that I was fucking her. Because I was sure she had very sexy...
Karen Masters arrived by stage in the rough frontier town of Canyon Woods with her 10-year old son Sam to learn that her husband was dead. Don Masters had been killed soon after his family set out on the long trip by train and stage coach from New York to Arizona. He'd been shot near the town by a mystery gunman. No one had been arrested for the murder, but it was rumoured to have been connected with a dispute over a mine concession. Karen's husband had tried to start several business ventures...
Group Sexi was in the examination room, i took all my cloths off and put on a gound. i sat on the table. the doctor came in and told me to scoot down as far as i can and put my feet in the surups so my legs were spread apart. he sat down at the end of the table and turned a light on. he put his fingers in and moved them around pushing in and out while pushing on my stomach. them he put a sptcrum in and used a screw to open it, them he put a long stick with cotton on the end and put it inside me and...
John emerged from the opening this time at a leisurely walk. Stopping a moment he looked out past the blurriness of the edge of the time bubble they were all in. Well he thought so far so good, feeling a slight vibration he looked in the bag he was carrying. John’s mouth dropped open, was it his imagination or was the crystal growing? Funny he thought it wasn’t any heavier, shaking his head he knew he was going to have to get used to it that was all. After everyone was settled John decided...
It was too dark outside to see anything. All you could do was hear. The footsteps, the heavy breathing, the panic as the duo ran for their lives. Darkness was preferred – light meant flashlights, and that meant that the very people they were running from were catching up to them. They knew not where they were running to, just who and what they were running from.After too long a time spent making their lungs bleed and legs beg for death, the pair saw no flashlight and heard no voice. Without a...
In my last post I had told you regarding another an incident with my aunt first time …this time I am going to tell you about my Mother’s Sister. It was this last June when I was in India. We were travelling from Calcutta to Kanpur. My maternal home is in Kanpur and we go there every two years. I was 24 Last year and now was quite active in sexual life. My Paternal aunt was my first fuck (in my last story), and now we were Dating, but we knew that we would never get married. So we decided to...
IncestI was in my room thinking of girls witch I normaly do not think about but i have always wanted to try. Then there was a girl who walked in she had red hair big tits. "my name is Hana I heard you wanted to try girls"she smiled. We kissed i was horny for her and wanting her to touch me all over. I was in a wight dress with see through panttys and no bra. Hana sucked my touge and lay me down. Then she riped my dress of showing my tits. Hana sucked them playing with them I moaned. "Your so cute...
LesbianWhile scrubbing the pan in which she had burned the brownies, June heard the front door slam. Hearing the booming echo all of the way to the kitchen, she figured that Jack was still angry. She couldn’t blame him if he was. Turning to Lisa, she said, “Jack’s home. Stay here and let me talk to him first.” “Why?” “I have to tell him that I’m sorry,” June said wiping her hands on a towel. She was prepared to do anything to get his forgiveness, even grovel at his feet if necessary. “Okay,” Lisa...
(Author's note: Remember to customise your name if you don't want everyone to call you John Doe) (Moderator's note: Please feel free to add chapters to any threads. I'm pretty easygoing when it comes to moderation) As the future ruler of the world it behooves me, John Doe, to write these memoirs of my inevitable rise to power so that those who follow might know the unsurpassed genius of your benevolent lord and master. I therefore begin these notes on the eve of my first test of the device that...