Beetlesmith’s Ch. 05 free porn video

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Jackie was wiping away some of my semen away that had dribbled onto her tits, and remarked, ‘Maybe I should get them registered. My girls can sure work their magic on a stiff prick.’

It was just an off-hand remark. A bit boastful perhaps, but in light of the events of the evening, I thought it was funny.

Karen didn’t think so, however, and reacted to Jackie’s tongue-in-cheek boast with only slightly subdued ire, ‘What the hell are you talking about, bitch? The only thing your ‘girls’ did was hang around totally useless, like oversized cow’s udders, waiting until something with half a brain decides to use them. Come to think of it, half a brain and useless pretty much describes your life’s story. You should have those words chiseled on your tombstone.’

In a way, I could sympathize with Karen, even though I thought she had overreacted. It was probably that way when they were kids. Karen did most of the work, but Jackie tried to claim, and probably received, most of the credit.

Jackie barked back, ‘Jesus! What in the hell has gotten into you tonight?’

Karen looked like she was about to launch into a three hour dissertation to answer that question, when I grabbed her about the hips and pulled her back.

She started to laugh, and just like that, her animosity with Jackie was put on the back burner, ‘What are you doing?’ she asked, turning her head around to look back at me.

‘I’m not through with you yet. I think you mentioned something earlier about ‘quality time,’ my cock, and your ass.’

‘No,’ she corrected, ‘I think I said something about ‘deliciously wicked,’ your cock, and my…’

Jackie blurted out, ‘Jesus! Stick it in her already. At least maybe you can kill the bug that crawled up her ass.’

‘Play nice,’ I said.

Jackie responded by sticking her tongue out at me. I found it kind of endearing, a little snotty, and pure, unadulterated Jackie. I’ll give her credit, at least she didn’t say anything more to Karen.

I don’t know why I continued along this theme of antagonizing Karen, particularly in front of Jackie who would view my actions as a form of ‘carte blanche’ for her own devious, antagonistic behavior. Throwing my two bits worth of sexual humiliation into the kitty would only add fuel to Jackie’s fire. However, there were too many fun scenarios milling around in my head with Karen as marionette, for me to care about the consequences of my actions.

Karen remained on all her hands and knees, her breath coming in short, shallow intervals suggestive of piqued anticipation. Her ass was already well-lubricated and pliable from our earlier exploits, but I would take my time, oh, so much time.

I teased and teased with fingers and tongue. I’d apply just enough sustained stimulation to her vulva to where I would notice her leg begin in quiver, and then stop. I’d wait a moment for her twitching to subside, and then repeat the torture.

I had my lovely wife in that zone where she teetered between agony and ecstasy, and she loved every second of the torment.

I whispered into Gloria’s ear, ‘You want to help me torture my wife?’

She smiled and nodded her head enthusiastically.

‘You are such a naughty girl. Just do what I’m doing, and make sure she doesn’t come.’

Gloria replaced my fingers with hers, and commented, ‘Oh, she’s so wet.’

Gloria soon had Karen’s legs twitching again. Karen let out a soft whimper of protest and tried a halfhearted plea for Gloria to bring her quickly to climax, but Gloria refused, saying, ‘Sorry, but Will’s making me do it.’

Once I got Gloria squared away, I lay beside my wife, ‘Are you having fun? I’m having fun.’

‘No, I’m not having fun, you bastard,’ she answered, not too convincingly, ‘Why are you doing this to me?’

‘Why are you letting me?’ I retorted, ‘You can stop it any time you want and finish yourself off. But you wouldn’t want to do that. You and I know it’s excruciatingly more fun to have someone else tease it out of you, like the first time we did it, remember? We really didn’t know each other then. I didn’t know what you liked, or how you liked it. How hard, or how fast, or even how deliciously slow you needed it done at times. And I would blindly fumble around with you in the dark, hitting that sweet spot on occasion, but oftentimes just missing…So close to it, yet… And you were too shy then to tell me when I hit it, or that I just missed it. Then when I did hit the spot with just the right amount of pressure and speed, it wouldn’t be long enough. You would be lying motionless, pussy saturated as it is now, wondering, hoping, and even silently begging in agonizingly piqued anticipation whether I would return to the spot on my own. And all the time the brief hits and near misses are sending you frantically over the edge. That is until I did make you come, and boy, how you cam…’

‘Please, stick it in me…Please,’ she whined, the timbre of her voice showing the strain of her sexual frustration.

‘And what?’

‘And? I don’t know…Kill the bug up my ass? What?’ she asked confused, sounding as if she were on the verge of laughing and crying at the same time.

I didn’t say anything, but watched Gloria sometimes hit and purposefully just miss all the right spots with her tongue. She winked at me and giggled with delight at the torment we were inflicting on her lifelong friend.

‘I’ll do anything you want,’ Karen finally said, ‘Is that what you want me to say?’

‘It’s a start. But now that you mention it, I’ve been thinking there’s one thing I haven’t seen you do tonight. It’s been on my mind since the kitchen and it’s made my dick ache ever since I brought it up. I would really love to watch as you eat Jackie’s pussy.’

For the first time since I started this whole, torturous ordeal with Karen, Jackie made a sound, ‘Oh, you sweet, sweet man, you.’

For all of her blustering this evening and faux annoyance dealing with anything ‘Jackie’, Karen did not seem too unhappy at the prospect of servicing her cousin. In fact, she looked like she relished the opportunity. I suspect given the extreme state of arousal she would have willingly gone down on an aardvark if I had suggested it, providing one were available, of course.

When Jackie slid herself inches from Karen’s mouth, Karen wasted no time diving into her wet vulva, as a hungry animal would lunge for a morsel of food inadvertently dropped from a glutton’s plate.

‘Slowly,’ I said, as I gently pulled her head back by her hair, ‘I want to see your tongue working all over her pussy…That’s right…in and out…up and down…all around’

Jackie remained surprisingly quiet, foregoing her customary raunchy banter and allowing Karen to work her enchantment on her own accord.

Probably as a way to enact some measure of revenge, Karen teased at Jackie’s pussy the same as Gloria and I had teased at hers. Slowly and deliberately, she worked her tongue in and around every nook and cranny from top to bottom, spending more of her effort tonguing her opening while purposefully neglecting Jackie’s now protruding clitoris.

I moved in behind Jackie, cupped and pinched her hardened nipples, and said, ‘Seems like you two are finally playing nice.’

She mumbled something back that was inaudible.

Pressing my cock hard into the small of her back, I asked, ‘Where would you like this?’

‘You really are a sweet, sweet man,’ came her dreamy reply, ‘Surprise me.’

I lifted her up, and slowly pushed my cock forward between her buttocks, it easily slid into the first available opening encountered.

Jackie let out a terse moan of delight before saying, ‘You read my mind.’

Karen started to protest the injustice of the circumstances, ‘Hey, wait a fucking minute…’

‘Now Karen, you need to be a better hostess. Guests always come first,’ I said, laughing at my pun.

‘Fuck that! I’m doing wha
t you said…’

‘I said it was a start, but if you weren’t serious about ‘doing anything I want,’ then we can stop it now and you can finish yourself off.’

‘That’s not what I want,’ Karen whined, ‘I want you to fuck me…There!’ putting frustrated emphasis on the ‘There.’

‘All good things to those who wait, and right now I want you to wait for our guests. Think of it this way, my love, the quicker we get Jackie off, the quicker I can turn my attention to your sweet ass.’

This really must be killing her. Not only did she have to watch others, particularly her nemesis Jackie, becoming sexually gratified when she had been nearly bursting at the seams with her own pent up and heightened arousal, but she was now made to service those others in the process.

I could tell it wasn’t going to take much effort to bring Jackie off. All of the women were in an extreme state of arousal, brought on by the additive effects of the elixir coupled with my raunchy behavior. My goading of Karen and her increasing sexual frustration were acting as a new catalyst of the evening. In essence, everyone was feeding off Karen’s state and it escalated their own feelings of eroticism into unprecedented heights of arousal.

I held Jackie tight, keeping her still so that Karen could easily work her mouth around her sweet spots without having to worry about a moving target. I didn’t do much thrusting myself, allowing Karen to do most of the heavy lifting while I just shifted my cock a bit.

When Karen fully enveloped Jackie’s clitoris with her mouth, Jackie signaled us of her inevitable climax, by loudly proclaiming, ‘That’s the spot, cousin…That’s the spot…Suck my clity…suck it…suck it…Oh, you’re so good…,’ with each phase ending on a higher note than the one previous.

Jackie proceeded to sit down hard on my cock. Wedging her hand past Karen’s mouth she started slapping her clitoris as she had done with me. Jackie grunted one last, deep, ‘Oh,’ before a torrent of warm fluid burst into Karen’s face. She continued her slapping well after her initial climax, triggering more fluid to spurt forward. Surprisingly, Karen didn’t shield herself from the onslaught, instead she forcefully pushed her tongue into Jackie’s saturated vulva, and swirling it vigorously around her opening, coaxed the last remnant of Jackie’s climax to trickle out.

After Jackie slid off me, I leaned forward and looked into my wife’s face. She was flushed and breathing heavily through her mouth. The vestige of Jackie’s orgasm formed large droplets across her forehead and cheeks, making it appear she was soaked with perspiration. Her eyes blazed back at me. It wasn’t a glare of acrimony, however, but one of severe sexual distress, and that look of burgeoning passion stamped on her features was seductively augmented by her mouth, which curled up into a ‘Mona Lisa’ smile.

‘God, you are beautiful,’ I said to her in all sincerity.

At that moment I came to realize that all of my thinking this past week about our marriage had been wasted effort. There were many reasons why I forgave her, but it wasn’t because we were both guilty of the same transgressions in our own way, or whether I was somehow culpable in her infidelity through neglect, or even out of some antiquated obligation to our marriage vows. No, I finally shelve all of the rationalizations when I saw the look she gave me, I forgave her for the simple fact that she still took my breath away.

Her smile broadened. Had she read my mind? I could only hope.

‘Give us a kiss,’ she said.

I could still taste Jackie on her as she pushed her tongue deep into my mouth.

Releasing me, she asked, ‘Satisfied?’


She didn’t like my answer, and started to whine again, ‘I can’t take this much longer. Really, I mean it. I can’t fucking keep my fucking legs from fucking shaking, and it’s fucking driving me nuts.’

‘Sounds like you’ve got something ‘fucking’ on your mind.’

‘Yes!’ she almost shouted, ‘Your cock buried about seven inches in my ass….Please!’

‘All good things,’ was all I said to her.

I looked down at Jackie, who was lying peacefully on her side. Slapping her on the ass, I said, ‘Hey, no time for rest. Go take Glo’s place and tease your cousin for a while,’ and then to Gloria, ‘You ready, Glo? It’s your turn.’

‘Oh, goodie,’ came Gloria’s enthusiastic reply.

Knowing that further appeals for mercy would fall on my deaf ears, Karen tried persuading her cousin, ‘Jackie…Please…Just touch my clit….Just a little…Jesus, just blow on it, for Christ’s sake…Please.’

Jackie giggled, ‘Sorry cuz, Will’s orders.’

‘God, you fucking bitches…,’ she said as a final, half-hearted curse before succumbing to the inevitable, torturous wait.

Gloria shouldered up to me, and grabbed my cock, saying, ”Bout time. I was starting to feel neglected.’

I flexed my cock, which teased a gleeful laugh from her, and said, ‘You’re still not griping about being a fifth wheel, are you? Because I’m sure Karen wouldn’t mind you taking her place.’

‘No, that’s okay,’ she answered, then feeling apologetic to Karen, said down at her, ‘Sorry Karen. Will made me do it.’

I don’t think Karen was paying attention to us at the moment. Jackie was doing something with her mouth that was making Karen’s legs twitch, and Karen was too busy biting the bed sheets to acknowledge Gloria’s contrition.

As I did with Jackie before, I pressed my cock hard into Gloria, and asked, ‘Where would you like this?’

She didn’t hesitate with an answer, ‘Fuck my little twat.’

I had never heard Gloria use such a coarse euphemism, and it shocked me a bit to hear her say it in that manner. By now, I shouldn’t be surprised by anything anyone said or did when under the influence of the elixir. Still, these little abnormalities in behavior would catch me unawares every time they peeked at me from around the corner, and Gloria’s little abnormality was a blatant tell of her own level of sexual arousal and frustration. It also should have tipped me off as to how she was going to interact with Karen, because as soon as she climbed onto me she began a verbal assault on my wife that was stunning.

Karen had her head down, face buried in her arms as she vainly tried to stop her lower extremities from shaking, as Jackie continued to tease her pussy unmercifully. When Gloria and I were finally situated scant inches in front of Karen, Gloria began rocking her hips while I remained still, then placing a hand on Karen’s still prostrate head, she commanded, ‘I want your lips on my pussy.’

Karen responded, but slowly at first, her reactions suggesting slight disorientation with her surroundings. Her mind must be reeling at this point, steeped in a sexual fog brought on by continually being at the brink of climax, but never achieving release. Her breath was shallow and rapid. Her eyes looked glazed and unfocused. But she still retained that ‘Mona Lisa’ smile as she tongued her way around Gloria’s vulva. Karen was being used in the worst way, she knew it and loved every second.

‘That’s right,’ Gloria intoned, ‘Lick all around my pussy. You like sucking my pussy, don’t you?’

When Karen didn’t respond, Gloria asked more forcefully, ‘Tell me you like the taste of my pussy.’

‘Yeah baby,’ was Karen’s dreamy reply.

Gloria pressed Karen’s face a bit firmer into her groin, ‘I finally figured out what you told Will in the kitchen, that you love sucking me. You love it when you bury your face in me, getting me wet and smearing me all over your mouth and cheeks. And I know you love it when I come.’

‘Yeah baby,’ Karen said again as she fully pushed her face into Gloria’s pussy, and when Karen pulled away she held Gloria’s clitoris between her lips, playing it with her tongue.

‘I love it when your husband’s thick cock is fucking me while you suck on my pussy. Lick his shaft while it goes
in and out…Oh, that’s nice…It looks so good when you tongue his cock.’

After each of Gloria’s statements of desire or fact, Karen slowly came out of her fog and attacked Gloria’s vulva with ever-increasing vigor.

Seeing the effect on Karen, Gloria escalated her raunchy behavior, ‘Your husband’s cock feels so good. God, I’m getting so close. I want to see you suck on his balls. Suck his balls while he fucks my twat.’

If Karen was going to extract a pound of my flesh in revenge for putting her through this agonizing, sexual ordeal, now was the time. I must say that I was just a wee bit apprehensive when I felt Karen’s lips close around my balls, but she took pity on me and gently, lovingly sucked on my balls with lips and tongue. The sensation was incredible.

Spurred on by Karen’s continued submission to her desires, Gloria rocked faster, ‘That’s right baby, suck on Will’s balls. You look so hot with his balls in your mouth. God, I’m so close.’

Gloria then turned her banter toward me, ‘I want you to come inside me.’

‘You can ask better than that. What happened to slutty Gloria, the one who said all those naughty things to my wife?’

‘I want you to come inside my pussy.’

‘That’s still not good enough. Ask me like you really mean it.’

Gloria giggled, then, with a hint of embarrassment in her voice, she said slowly, ‘I want you to shoot your thick, gooey load deep inside my twat…Now, hurry before I come.’

‘See, now I believe you. All right sweetheart, bounce for me and make me come.’

Bounce she did, like a rubber ball trapped inside a cement mixer, she pounded herself down on my cock with ever increasing force, repeating the whole time, ‘Come for me,’ like some ribald chant

I don’t know how much cum I had left in me after all that had happened this evening, but she pounded it all out of me. As my climax began to subside, I still had enough of my faculties left to reach around to give the ‘slap-Jackie’ treatment to her clit, but Karen’s mouth was already there.

Gloria had stopped her bouncing. Wrapping her arms around Karen’s head and pulling her tight against her groin. She started to say, ‘It feels so…,’ before she was silenced by the involuntary wrenching and twitching of her body.


Karen continued to gently lick Gloria’s vulva as I made my way toward Jackie, and the business end of my wife.

Jackie’s lips were turned up into a devilish smile, ‘She’s about to pop,’ she said, and as proof of that fact, she lightly dragged her nails across Karen’s buttocks, stopping only to gently massage the sensitive spot between Karen’s pussy and anus with a moist finger. The effect caused Karen’s legs to shiver while gooseflesh erupted about her buttocks and thighs.

I gently rubbed her ass, saying, ‘You still with me, baby?’

She only moaned a reply.

I licked that area where Jackie’s finger had been, more tremors and gooseflesh. Then I shifted up, lightly applying my tongue to her anus.

‘How does that feel, honey?’

‘You have no idea. Make me come.’

I applied more pressure and slathered a liberal amount of saliva about her hole. She lowered her head down onto the bed while pushing her ass even farther in the air. It was her final, silent appeal for me to end the ordeal.

I pressed my cock firmly on her anus. Not enough to cause penetration, but enough so that the pressure and tension it exerted around the whole area of her groin sent her legs into a continual, uncontrolled twitching spasm.

I pushed in further, but barely half way.

She let out a long, low groan that ended with, ‘Oh my god!’

I pushed all the way in, finishing with a light bump of her ass against my body. It was the faintest of taps, but caused enough of a vibration that rippled down through her vulva and tickled her clitoris.

She uttered a more frantic, high-pitched shriek that ended with, ‘Oh my god!’

I continued the pattern, slow and unvarying at first, pulling nearly out of her then pushing in until I felt that little bump, and with each little bump a new vibration rippled through her groin.

The sensation started her moaning incessantly, no words, just load, protracted wails of pleasure accompanying every subtle tap, bump, and pat produced whenever I pushed in fully.

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Suddenly Woman Chapter 4 My head was filled with a storm of thoughts, ideas and emotions. In spite of this entire, surreal transformation, there was no way in hell I thought of myself as a woman. In spite of the fact that I had just walked through the streets of the city in this elaborate masquerade, I couldn't be a woman. In spite of the fact that I sat here now, a half a foot shorter, sixty pounds lighter, this long hair, hanging, these hands, these In spite of...

1 year ago
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Long hot summer Part 1

100% fiction! Hi, my name is Denny I am 20 years old with blue eyes, brown hair and I am in great shape, i'm 6'6 265lbs with no fat on my body. I am a very shy guy around other people but even more so around girls. School had came to a close and the long lonely summer had began. It was sat. morning and I did not have any reason to get out of bed just then I heard a knock on the door it was my sister Amanda. She is 19 with long blonde hair, a butt to die for and tits you could suck on all day...

2 years ago
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Katie and the Koral Chapter 1

In which Jenny spills the beansAt the start of this ‘life changing’ episode in our lives, my wife Katie and I had been married for five years.  Just the two of us, trying to stake our claim before having children.Kate and I had met as children in the late fifties, of officers serving in the British Army On the Rhine (BOAR). Despite our young ages, we had formed a close attachment, promising that we would be together come what may.I flew back to the UK to attend boarding school. During my first...

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It Isnt Always So Easy

“You’ll find the right one some day,” mom said. “That’s what everyone says,” I retorted, and they did, especially the sweet girls who liked to keep me safely in the friend zone. Mom came to my room that night. I didn’t understand what that was all about. She never did that, and she was only wearing a disturbingly thin nightgown which left the bumps of her dark nipples clearly visible through the fabric at the point where her saggy breasts were hanging down near her stomach. My gaze quickly...

1 year ago
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Shelley was low on supplies. She needed to go down to the village to collect her mail and pick up some essentials. It was not too often that she left her cabin here on the outskirts of the Brazilian savannah. She had lost all faith in humanity after her bitter divorce and now thrived on independence and trusted only her seclusion. Nonetheless, she had needs and they necessitated a periodic trip to the village on the river. The local people scattered sparsely about the area had a deep,...

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A Modest FairytaleChapter 5

Adray found the larder under the house, a space that Pardin had missed. The builders had carved a significant hole out of the living rock under the house that went just a bit into the mountainside. The entrance was a trapdoor not far from the chimney. The shelves of the pantry were completely empty except for two empty pickling barrels but the potential storage was more than enough room to store food for a long winter. She didn't let him forget that oversight either, reminding him in her...

4 years ago
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Lust Of An Aunty And A Grandma 8211 Part 1

I am a 6.2ft guy with athletic body and my dick size is 7inch and thick.It all happened in a apartments .. I am from madipakkam,chennai. Coming to the story in my street an apartment is there and there are 7 family living and its newly constructed so all people are new. My name is arun(name changed) and I always walk in the street where the apartment is located so the aunties living there will always make a glance at me. Its been 2months and a certain aunty is always looking at me with a smile...

1 year ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 17 Holidays in the New Mansion Family Reunions and a Korean Surprise

Characters Introduced: Chasity, 20, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'6, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C Breasts Carrie, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carmen, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carson, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Megan, 13, Jessica Taylor's Cousin, 5'3, White, Red Hair with Blue Eyes, 34C Breasts Miranda, 13, Jessica Taylor's Cousin,...

2 years ago
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Hotel massage for my sub slut

I wrote this and sent it to my sub of what I'm going to organise I want you to imagine I've taken you away to spend the weekend in a luxury hotel. After a day of shopping we unwind in the hotel bar your relaxing drinking your favourite red wine. I tell you I've got one more treat for you today. I've organised an in room massage for you. We had up to the room and the massage table is already there in the lounge part of the suite. I unzip the little black dress your wearing you slide off your...

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The Tantric WayChapter 6

Continuing to hold Ami's hand, she led her into the Sacred Space, followed by Jess. The floor was now completely covered in what looked like a giant yoga mat. The lighting was soft and the music hypnotic. "Let's get undressed." Without a word the three women removed their clothing. Ami was shocked by Cregan's perfect body. Now she was sure that Cregan wasn't 91. Her breasts were on the small side, firm with protruding nipples. Her body was lean and sensually muscular. She had the same...

2 years ago
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A Year Of Darkness The Sorrowed Part 3

Introduction: I turned around, and my happiness was shattered into a million pieces… (This is the third part of A Year Of Darkness, read the first two parts to fully grasp the story.) I stood up and looked into the sky, Damon was out there somewhere, somewhere far. I was going to find him, and then kill him. I wanted vengeance for Devon… That was exactly what I set on doing… ————————————– I turned around to Russell and Jamie, a look of determination on my face, a feeling of darkness...

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The brain fungus

The nature all around us is wonderful ! It is so full of life, so full of gifts just laying there for you to pick ! Every forests, every lakes, every mountains can sustain your needs, if you know where to look ! It was Sara's case. The 25 years old blonde loved to walk and hike in the surrounding forests and hills of her hometown. By now, she could identified almost every birds, trees, flowers living there. She also had a very good knowledge about mushrooms, growing a lot between the logs and...

Mind Control
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Victor loved owning a casino in Vegas….he especially loved that he got to fuck just about every female employee he hired whenever the mood struck him. In Part 1, Victor interviewed two waitresses, getting a blowjob under his desk from one, while he interviewed the other in front of his desk. In Part 2, Victor checked on the kitchen staff and found time to fuck the sous-chef before the dinner rush started, and later got a massage with a happy ending from one of the masseuses he hired. In Part...

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Erotic Journey With FatherInLaw 8211 Part 2

Hello, everyone. I write this second part taking forward how my father in law made love to me on our overnight train journey from Mumbai to Bangalore. In the last part, I explained how he had turned me on and how he was hugging me with his hands moving all over my body. I shuddered when my father in law placed his hands on my bare waist. I was wearing a saree and I could feel his cold hands trying to feel every inch of my waist. At this moment I wanted to stop him as I knew it was wrong but I...

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Family GroupingsChapter 27

The following Saturday, as Sean drove to her home, to pick up Becky, he reflected on the past week. He had gotten home after three, from his first date with Becky, and went directly to his room, and to sleep. In the morning, he found all three of his women, in the kitchen, in the midst of breakfast. He joined them for coffee, and toast, and all three of the girls, filled him in on their dates, of the night before. He was bursting to tell the twins what their trolling had caught, but he...

4 years ago
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I Saw Her Standing There

I Saw Her Standing There by Harddaysknight © I had been scheduled for a morning meeting at my company’s main office in Harrisburg. Fate had other plans. Jack Winston’s teenage son had gotten involved in a traffic accident while driving to school. That removed Jack from the meeting, which in turn, removed any need for a meeting. I was headed north on I-81 before nine. I pulled into my driveway just after noon while my wife, Brooke, wasn’t expecting me home before dark. I was grinning to myself...

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Beths Story

My name is Beth. I am daddy's little girl and very sexy. I know this because my daddy has always told me how sexy I am. He's worshipped my body for years now, and this is me telling you how my daddy got his large penis inside my tight little cunnie. For the longest time, I was afraid of my daddy. He was so big and powerful, with huge arms, and long legs. His eyes were dark brown, and I thought he had to be a bad guy because of the depths of darkness I saw in them. They were so dark...

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Cum Eating Hubby pt1

A year or so ago I told my wife about my fantasy of her having sex withanother man. This caught her by surprise because our marriage had been strictlymonogamous up to this point. I acknowledged to her that in bed I wasn't a goodperformer -- I cum too quickly and my cock is too small. She didn't argueeither point. I convinced her that she can and should do better. My wife isreally cute and could have any man she wanted. She's 5'2", 110 lbs, blue eyes,brown hair...

1 year ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 23 Monday August 9 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010 Annabelle, we need you out here in the entryway. Yes, Jake. She appeared a moment later. “Annabelle, you need to pretend that you were escorting Mr. Hamilton out the door when he fainted. If he presses you for information, say only that. If he demands that you say more, tell him you have other duties, excuse yourself, and leave.” “Okay, Jake.” “Everyone else, go back to where you were when Jan put Hamilton out. Leanne, will you stay here, please? We’ll pretend I...

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Hot Chocolate Ch020

Casey was sat cross-legged on his bed with his laptop open before him when he heard the familiar and teasing cadence of his sisters voice. Surprised by her presence he looked up from his laptop towards his open bedroom door, taking in the sight of his sister stood there, leaning casually on its frame, the hall's lights spilling into his room around her like an aura. She smirked as she held up her phone, wiggling it from side to side, showing him the most recent text message on display from...

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They sit, one in each corner of the double closet, like two, squat, white, abstract pieces of art, open to whatever interpretation the viewer chooses to make of them. Only the sculptor can validate the interpretation of any observer. Even though I own them I have no intention of even confirming what they represent or why they stand, alone and abandoned, in the corner of my clothes closet. They are both my cross and my salvation, all in the same breath; my sole remaining link to the past and the...

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Club Inzest 02

2: Slumber Party by Micaela Reynolds as told to BrettJ © 2009 * I hope I don’t screw this up, but goodness, I’m exhausted. I just spend a night with my daughters and my wife, a 4-girl lesbian orgy that left me not wanting to go to work this morning. I guess I’m fortunate Deb’s a bit more responsible than I am, having not grown up with money. She kicked my butt out of bed around 9, although the incentive of showering with my stepdaughter didn’t hurt. Christina absolutely loves sex in the...

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Perfect 10

It was the size of her arm. The head bigger than her fist. It was an immense cock and she must have it inside her.The man lay on his back in the center of the gymnastics mat. His identity didn't matter. Maybe she recognized him, maybe she didn't. All that mattered was the mountain of meat between his legs.She knelt close to it, salivating. She wrapped both hands around the thing. Or at least tried to. It was so thick, she could only cling to it like an uneven bar.And it was so long. Nine...

3 years ago
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Special Delivery

You wouldn’t believe what has happened to me! I really thought you were kidding about the panties! Now, while I’m typing this, my cheeks are still burning and my fingers tremble with every letter I enter into the message window. I mean, you told me to be prepared for the shipment. You didn’t tell me what you wrote on the package though. But you know that yourself. * * * * * It was this morning, around nine, on a perfectly lazy Saturday. I had just crawled out of bed, slipped into my white...

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My cousin Jo and I Part 81

Christy says “Well are you going to be able to get it up again?” “If I can your doing all the work.” Christy comes over, “I want my pussy ate if I have to suck you hard.” I look at Jo beside me. “I’d say thats a good job for you.” “Sounds like a winner to me. I love to eat pussy.” Jo says. So Christy kneels on all fours between my legs. Jo slides her head between Christys thighs. Jo starts sucking and eating Christy. “Mumm yea thats it.” Then she starts sucking my limp dick....

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Sarah and the Silver Master 2Well you having read part 1 I suppose I had best start by describing my consulting rooms, they are situated in the lovely Alkam valley, just between Folkestone and Dover in the lovely county of Kent. For our overseas friends Kent is a farming county of rolling hills, its green and pleasant and for most part on earth covered chalk ground. My home and workplace is a red brick and peg tile farmhouse, set in an old chalk pit, once numerous in the area. There is...

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My tranny girlfriend Kim and I had a nice encounter with a elderly hot lady in a classy hotalbar a week ago and she had left her businesscard.See my blog for that story.The whole week we had been talking about her, because she was so hot so snt her a few emails.Yesterday we got a reply.She wrote she had a booked a room in that hotel and that we were welcome to see her.Kim put on het black silk skirt, and white blouse, making sure her cleavage was OK and we sat ourselves at the bar.It didn't...

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I wait every day for her to go by. She never fails. She runs her run and always in the same places. I hide behind a tree, or in the bushes and watch as she goes by. She runs without style, but it just causes her breasts to bounce up and down inside her tight top. She never wears a bra and I can see her long, thick nipples as they strain against the thin material. I am already hard when she comes into view. I dip my hand into my loose shorts and feel the greasy pre-cum ooze onto my fingers....

4 years ago
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Moodu Thanga Mudiyaamal Kathaliyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kathali udan nadantha veri thanamaana kama anubavathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar ajith vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval peyar ramya vayathu 19 thaan aagugirathu. Ipozhuthu naangal ondraaga ilai breakup seithukondom. Breakup seithukondathaal enaku pen vaasame en meethu adikamal irukirathu, naan avalai muthal muthalil puthithaaga kudi vanthu irukum veetai thaan paarthen. Antha veetil...

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Alien Flashlight Hypnotizes Women Ch 01

A man finds a magical, hypnotic flashlight in the middle of the road and accidentally hypnotizes his future mother-in-law with it. ‘Oh my God,’ said Brian staring through the window of his pickup truck at a fiery object rocketing through the sky. ‘What the Hell is that?’ If Brian hadn’t seen the flash of fiery light shooting through the sky, he wouldn’t have believed it. Stuck in this small, boring town, not use to such excitement, not much happens here and things like this never happen to...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 2 Michael

-- Earth time: 2057-- With trepidation, I flew to the island. I had barely survived the ten weeks of torture of working with Crystal. Now I was to spend an entire week with her in close confinement. The damn woman was one contradiction after another. I hoped this wasn’t a mistake, but the Professor had insisted that she was the best one to deliver the proposal and reluctantly I had to agree. When I was shown the suite, I was surprised by its opulence. I peeked into the rooms and determined...

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The Nude Beach loyalsock

The small cove was nearly deserted as I carefully made my way down the steep, winding track. The sun had baked the cliffs and turned the mud into dust. As I got to the beach I kicked off my clothes, damp and sticky from the long climb down, and ran into the sea. The water was cool, good and clean as I swam half a dozen strokes underwater then flipped onto my back and surfaced. I was about 20m from the beach, looking up at the cliff I could see why the guidebook had said that this beach was for...

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Jennifers Birthday Gangbang

As Phil turned off the ignition outside the club he asked, “Okay, now you’re here are you sure you want to go through with this?”I looked out of the windscreen at the blue azure sea of the Mediterranean and bit my lip slightly, then nodded and smiled turned to him with a shy little grin.It would be my 40th birthday in three days, we’d been married for over 15 years now, both with professional careers, I’m a partner in a top legal firm, we have a nice house and a great lifestyle that has...

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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 9

I got down and walked over to the man sitting right in the way. "What's the problem, Sir? Do you need help, or do you have another reason for blocking the road?" "I swear, you humans are dumb! Can't you see that I am a woman?" "No, Ma'am, your magnificent beard had me fooled. I thought you were a human man who just happened to be very short." That appeared to mollify the woman sufficiently so that she calmed down. Why do I keep putting my foot in my mouth? "No, I ain't a human,...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 19

Even though the days had been nice, the water in the swamp was still pretty cold, and Pam Appleton could only stand to slog around in it for so long before it started to get to her. She'd been back home for almost ten days, now; she'd only been marking time in Athens, hoping something would turn up to keep her going over the summer. There'd been a project down in Texas she'd been hoping to get funding for, but it just hadn't come through, and it had begun to look like her summer project...

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Marriage Fun With A Sexy Hot Girl 8211 Part 2

As the function continues, my anxiety grew. It took me about an hour to extract myself out of it. Now I started thinking about how to get hold of the teasing little minx and the ravage her like she would have never imagined, where to look first? Maybe the same place where she disappeared to before she left. Asking around was not much help but I did know that she changed her clothes and left the party hall without anything. Bit more of looking around, found the clothes she wore in the evening,...

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I was ready to leave when I heard somebody else

I’m in a dark back room with boxes and things, getting my coat after a dance with the music still ringing in my ears loudly. Somebody spoke from behind me, saying ‘ its kind of dark back here, there’s no light, something bad could happen in here’. ‘Uh, like what’, I asked nervously, not sure what he  meant as the music was still blaring loudly just beyond the confines of the wall. Then he responded saying, ‘You see right over there…let me show where you do not want to be’ as he moved,...

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