Fall Of The KingChapter 3: New Beginnings free porn video

When Penny walked into the Jasik's kitchen Sunday morning, she found Lee's mom and dad sitting with her mom and step dad, but she didn't see who she wanted to see. Last night she had walked with him in the cool fall night, with Lee's arm holding her tight. The ranch was so far from the lights of the city that the stars seemed close enough to touch. She didn't remember her feet touching the ground as they had walked back to the house. She had dreamed about him all night and longed to see him this morning, but he was nowhere in sight. "Where's Lee?"
Jake stood and pulled the chair out for Penny, "He's getting something ready for later, go ahead and eat your breakfast and then Sara needs to help you with something." Penny sat, confused and suspicious of what the four adults were up to. As soon as she had eaten the last bite, Jake stood and pulled her chair back for her. Her step dad grabbed her dirty dishes and walked them to the sink and Mary and Sara grabbed her hands and led her down the hallway to the back of the house.
Once in the room which was, obviously, Jake and Sara's bedroom, her mom turned to her, "Quick, get out of those clothes."
"Mom, what's going on?" Penny was very confused.
"Get undressed girl, now!" Mary started pulling the t-shirt Penny was wearing over her head. In a few minutes Penny was standing in her bra and panties', wondering what in the world was going on.
Sara walked out of a large walk in closet carrying a dress, "This should be ok." She slipped the dress over Penny's head and then stepped back to look at it.
Mary was shaking her head, "No, the bra has to go." Penny looked down to see that the dress was fairly low cut, low enough that her bra was showing.
Penny rolled her eyes and did the female magic trick and slipped out of the bra and handed it to her mother. When she looked up both women were nodding their heads in approval. "Come look in the mirror," Sara beckoned.
Penny walked over to the mirror and looked at her image. "Wow! It looks like something they would have worn a hundred years ago." When she turned both women were smiling like the cat that ate the canary. "What's going on?" Any answer she might have got was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Shoes, she needs shoes," After a few frantic moments Mary just threw her hands up, "oh, just put your tennis shoes back on."
Penny put her shoes back on and once again the two women pulled her back down the hallway and into the kitchen. There in the kitchen was Lee. He was dressed in a dark western cut suit and a bolo tie. He offered his arm, "Miss Bishop, would you care to go on a picnic with me?"
Penny's smile lit up the room, "Why yes, I think I would like that very much kind sir." Penny hooked her arm into Lee's and they started towards the front door.
"Wait," Lee's mom called. The couple stopped at the front door and waited. Sara came rushing into the room, "Here you need this," Sara draped a beautiful lace shawl over Penny's shoulders. Lee opened the door and Penny gasped, there standing at the front gate was a black horse hooked to a beautiful black surrey.
Lee helped Penny into the surrey then went around and untied the horse and got in on the other side. With a click of his tongue Lee started the horse off. Penny pulled herself even closer to Lee and sighed. She looked up at the young man who in the last forty eight hours offered her aid without question and yesterday had even risked his life for her. Then she thought about the fact that eight hours before he picked her up Friday night she wouldn't have given him the time of day and that wave of guilt brought tears to her eyes.
"Whoa Tess, Penny what's wrong?" Lee set the brake on the surrey and turned in the seat to face Penny.
Penny looked up, crying, "I treated you like dirt for two years, how can you be so nice to me?"
Lee held Penny's face in his hands, "I won't say that the way I was treated didn't hurt, because it did, sometimes a lot. It's over now, the king has fallen. Penny, just one of your kisses has erased all of that for me. Do you know how it will feel to walk into that school Monday with you on my arm?" Lee leaned back and cocked his head and put a wry smile on his face, "You will be on my arm Monday won't you?"
"Yes, yes, I'll be on your arm," Penny kissed Lee with every once of her being. When they broke the kiss Lee pulled out a bandanna and daubed at the tears on her face.
"Can I tell you something that I've been waiting for two years to tell you?" Penny nodded her head not trusting her voice, "I love you Penny Bishop. I have since that day two years ago when you asked me where the office was. I knew then that if it was meant to be that it would work out. You're sitting beside me. We are going on a picnic. It doesn't get any better than this."
"We could've had two years together," Penny cried and the tears continued to fall again.
"No we couldn't, we both had some growing up to do. You finished yours Friday night."
A tear started down Penny's cheek Lee kissed it away, "And you Lee, when did you finish growing up."
Penny watched as tears formed in Lee's eyes, "Yesterday when those men tried to kill the woman I love."
Penny wrapped her arms around Lee and held him as if her life depended on it, "Oh Lee, I love you."
They sat there holding each other for almost half an hour, "Come on, "Lee kissed her, "let's go have our picnic." Lee released the brake and gave a click of the tongue to set the horse off and two gates away and two miles down the trail Lee set the brake and helped his lady down off the surrey. "His Lady", Lee liked the feel of that. After tying off the horse, Lee got the basket he had put together early that morning. With Penny on his arm they walked over to a huge old mesquite tree where Lee spread the blanket.
"This is the biggest mesquite tree I've ever seen." Penny tried to reach around it and couldn't.
"We measured it a couple of years ago. It was fifteen foot around then. The water table is pretty shallow here. You see that wind mill over there?" Penny had just taken a bite of a peach Lee had uncovered so she waved him a "yes", "well we hit water at fourteen feet when we drilled it so it's not hard for these old mesquites to get to water."
Penny was staring at the food that Lee had pulled out of the basket, "Who made all this?"
Lee tried to look hurt, "I did of course."
"When? We were out walking till almost midnight?"
"Well I put the chicken on after you went to bed and fixed the salad and the devilled eggs this morning." Lee opened a bottle of wine, "Your mom and step dad said it was all right for us to have this. I promise not to get you drunk and take advantage of you."
Penny laughed, "I don't. In fact if you get drunk, I promise I will take advantage of you."
Lee leaned forward and gave Penny a kiss, "Can't rape the willing sweetie."
They ate, talked, kissed, and spent the afternoon enjoying each other's company. It was with great reluctance that they put away the leftover food and folded the blanket. The trip back to the ranch house was quiet with each thinking over the events of the last few days. Penny was deep in those thoughts when Lee stopped the surrey at the house. "I'll go put the horse and surrey away and be right back." As Lee helped her out of the surrey, neither saw the curtains part as they kissed once again.
"Don't be long," she called to him.
"I won't," he called out. At the barn Lee tried to set a record for rubbing down a horse. Still it was a half an hour later when he walked into the house. His dad called to him from the den and when he went in he found Mr. Brown sitting with his mom and dad. "Penny will be out in a little bit. She wanted to have a talk with her mom," Matt explained.
"Oh ok, well I'm going to go get a shower and get ready for bed. Good night Mr. Brown," Lee gave his mom a kiss, "night mom." Lee noticed the tears in her eyes, "Mom you ok?"
"I'm fine. Goodnight, Son,"
Lee gave his dad a hug, "Goodnight Dad, see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight son," his dad's hug seemed to last longer than usual that night but Lee didn't think it too strange."
He went to his room and showered, afterwards he pulled on a pair of sleeping pants and a t-shirt and crawled into bed and started rereading his history assignment. He had just laid the book aside and was about to turn out the light when there was a knock at the door, "Come in, it's open."
Penny walked into the room wearing an outfit that made Lee's heart skip several beats. He wanted to say something, even Penny knew that because his mouth was working back and forth opening and closing but nothing audible was coming out. Penny walked over to the bed, as she got to the edge she slipped off a robe that had been so shear that Lee hadn't even realised it was there. He made another effort to speak as Penny pulled back the covers on the bed and slid under them. She leaned across and kissed him.
"Penny are you sure?" the kiss had told him why she was there and released his need to talk.
"Yes, very sure. Friday I could have lost my virginity to someone that I would never have given it to. Tonight I give myself to the most wonderful man I have ever met," Penny kissed Lee once again.
"I don't have any protection and your parents, my parents won't they... ?"
Penny placed her finger on Lee's mouth, "What do you think I was talking to my Mom about? And as for your parents, well, this is the second thing of your mother's that I've worn today," Penny giggled when Lee swallowed loudly. "Besides, Dad thinks you're a great guy and Mom loves you almost as much as I do."
For Penny and Lee making love became a slow dance. Both were nervous, but Lee was afraid of hurting Penny to the point of frustration for Penny, "Lee, I'm no china doll, I won't break."
Lee looked her over, "You may not break but you are a doll."
Penny pulled Lee's t-shirt over his head, slowly, placing kisses all over Lee's chest as she did. Lee pulled the diaphanous gown Penny was wearing up and over her head, returning her kisses one for one with interest. Penny took hold of Lee's warm up bottoms and pulled them down, taking his boxers that he normally wore to bed, with them. Before Penny could do any of the things that she had heard the other girls talk about Lee reached down and, putting his hands on her sides, lifted her. Lee dropped to his knees and started pulling the lacy panties she was wearing down to the floor. Lee was about to start kissing Penny's hot centre when she put her hands in his armpits and lifted him up and slowly pushed him backwards onto the bed. There she moved him to right where and how she wanted.
Once Lee was lying flat of his back, Penny got on top of him and they started kissing. Penny's breasts were small, the nipples were small and hard and Lee started rolling them between his thumb and index finger. Penny used one hand to flatten Lee's cock then she pressed her hot centre down and started rubbing back and forth. Between what Lee was doing to her nipples and the stimulation that her clit was getting from Lee's hard cock, Penny found her peak in a hurry. When she felt she was as ready as she was ever going to get, Penny reached with one hand and lined Lee up and eased down onto him. Years of gymnastics and cheerleading had battered her hymen so there was no pain as Lee's cock slipped into her. Lee groaned as the most wonderful feeling he had ever felt engulfed his member. Penny found that by rotating her hips as she eased back and forth she was generating some amazing feelings. Lee watched as Penny closed her eyes as she climbed another peak. Lee was getting very close to cumming and was trying everything he could think of to hold it off. Suddenly Penny sped up her strokes, Lee groaned as holding back just became exponentially harder. Penny was panting, "Oh God, Oh God, Ohhhhhh!" Penny's pussy began to flutter and that was more than Lee could take. He pushed up on Penny as she pushed down on him, the jets from his cock seemed to magnify her orgasm, "Yessssssss," Penny hissed out then collapsed onto Lee. "Oh Lee, that was wonderful, I love you so much." Penny began trying to smother Lee in kisses.

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