Rebound Between Friends The Next Morning
- 5 years ago
- 28
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When Rob got home the next evening the guilty dog was barking. Brook had taken the baby to her sister for the evening. When he walked in the door, he barely cleared the front room before Brook pulled him into the bedroom and jumped him, screwing for an hour as if he had been gone for a month.
It wasn't that he didn't appreciate her offering but during the entire time thoughts bounced around. The night before he had experienced an overpowering reaction watching Brook and Trey. Rob couldn't quite determine what it was that was more stimulating to him... her obvious sexual reaction to Trey's advances after he had left or watching her with Trey while she was being sexually manipulated. Rob didn't know which was more intriguing, the result or the means.
Later that night, just like the day before, Rob couldn't think of anything else. There should have been at least some sensation of anger or jealously, but there just wasn't. Instead, he was literally counting the hours until the next time. Instead of anger, he was spending his time thinking how to enhance the experience if it did happen again. If nothing else he would hide a small pair of powerful binoculars in the tool shed. Why not have a close up shot of it all?
Then there was Brook herself. How should he approach her? His devious mind decided that he would do his part to make sure her libido stayed sky high the entire time Trey was in town. He had a little game he loved to play at times and he decided that it was the way to go for now.
Ever so often he liked to do an "attitude adjustment" on her. He would gently rub her pussy as she slept, coaxing her clit out and making it as hard as he could without waking her. Just when she was obviously going to wake up and have an orgasm he would abandon her, leaving her writhing fitfully in her half sleep and sexually hungry. He loved to tease her like that then go to work.
Her manipulated body would awake each of those mornings sexually on fire, leaving her in a burning condition that needed Rob's hose to quench but she only had her fingers to put it out. What Rob wasn't aware of was the many, many times each day that her fingers were between her legs, sometimes just fanning the flame more than dousing it.
Rob decided that was what Brook would get as long as Trey was in town... a morning wake-up call to tantalize her senses to a point that somewhere, somehow it had to be satisfied.
Just like Rob, Brook was looking toward the coming weeks. Not with excitement like Rob but more with dreaded anticipation. She wasn't a fool... she knew what had happened and how she had shamelessly reacted. She knew one other thing. It couldn't happen again. She would make sure of that! She would make sure Rob would be home next time.
She hoped so. Recently her pussy was excited all day every day!
Everything was working against her. When Trey called a day later and talked to Rob to schedule a visit the next day Rob quickly agreed. Then he apologized sincerely that he would be working late and unable to be home. He was sorry but "it was just one of those things."
"Hey, dude." Rob looked around and made sure Brook wasn't listening.
"Don't mention to Brook I won't be home. She might want to reschedule and that isn't fair. I know you have lots of folks to see."
"Uh, okay. If that's what you want. But I can come a different time." Trey tried to hide his excitement. Home alone again, baby!
"No, man, it's all okay with me. I just wanted you to know that." Rob was impressed that Trey was staying as calm as he appeared. Maybe he was wrong about all of this.
Rob was just busting to see if this was a pattern or a fluke. He told himself that even if it was a bust, a one shot deal, at least for one week it had caused an excitement within him that had really fired up their sex life. For sure, he knew one thing. Brook wasn't just not over Trey but she could be easily fired up in his presence.
Trey was beside himself. Was it his imagination or had he been right all along? Brook may not have thrown herself all over him but she didn't put up much of a fight, either. First the tongue and then this woman through the window with her pussy absolutely on fire. He was certain it was he who had ignited it.
Trey didn't want to overplay this. He had already decided not to show up every night and even made plans for a couple of small out of town visits. The fact that he was actually going over to their house to see his son had taken a back seat. A far back seat.
For Rob, the day of Trey's next visit was long and the hands on the clock barely moved. About six in the afternoon he made "the call" to let Brook know it was another late night.
"N-o-o-o-o, not tonight. Trey's coming over." Brook couldn't believe her bad luck. One thing was for sure... she wasn't going to invite Trey to dinner.
And she didn't. Instead, she mentioned casually that since Rob wasn't going to be home she didn't cook.
To her dismay, two hours later Trey showed back up with a smiling Travis, pizza and salad in hand.
"Instant meal, princess," Trey beamed.
"I worked around this," he thought to himself as they sat down to eat.
Rob waited until dark barely settled in before leaving work and make his first pass in front of his house. Even though he made the obligatory cell phone call much earlier to ensure that Trey had indeed come over he still left work and drove home with his heart pounding.
YES!! There was Trey's car in his driveway, long after he should have been gone. He drove on down and parked, walking back as much in the dark as he could. He had left the gate open so that he could mask the creak when he went in, then very slowly closed it behind him to set "the trap" if anybody came in behind him again.
Much to his joy, there was a familiar scene in front of him. There they sat, just as before. Travis was surely sound asleep by this time and Trey was eating his pizza about one bite per minute, the two of them chatting and laughing as they carried on. If Brook was having any second thoughts from last week it certainly didn't show.
Rob recognized what Brook was wearing. It was a surprising selection knowing that somebody, especially Trey, was coming over. She had on a long thin dress that had a split all the way up her right thigh. Not only did it expose most of her leg when she walked but it also bared her leg all the way up to her panties when she sat, the loose top falling open to expose her breasts whenever she leaned over.
She never wore it out of the house and, as far as he knew, had never worn it in front of anybody other than him. He felt sure Trey thought he had hit a gold mine!
And he had.
"My God, look at what she's wearing!" was the first thing that crossed Trey's mind when he brought Travis back in. When he had left she was wearing a pair of old jeans and a tee shirt.
The minute Trey walked in the door and his eyes lit up Brook instantly regretted her poor judgment.
"How totally stupid of me," she thought. What could she have been thinking? Deep down she knew the answer. During their previous conversations Trey had spoke lightly about some of the women he had dated after the divorce. For some reason there was this little gnawing part of her that wanted to "dress up" a little, to put her best foot forward. But she had certainly overdone that and there was no room to back out without embarrassing both of them.
"Sorry about the way I look," she apologized. "I was just ready to get comfortable for the night and didn't know you were staying."
"Oh, it's fine." Trey tried to blow it off.
"Real, real fine," he thought. About fifty percent of his doubts about the next few hours were instantly wiped away. Earlier when they had put Travis to bed Trey was treated to a nonstop tit show thanks to her loose fitting top.
When Rob arrived she was sitting with her legs crossed under the table, her right leg exposed to her hip. The touching was already in progress when he got there. It wasn't that Trey was all over her with his hands but he would just casually let his hand leave the table every minute or so and touch her under the table. By that time, Rob suspected the casual brushing of the knee had already come and gone as his fingers were exploring higher. Rob gave her this much... she was casually but persistently fighting his hand off without making a scene.
She could have obviously ended it all by simply getting up or sitting all the way across the table from him. But she thought she could handle it and the hidden maneuvering continued for some time as Rob watched.
A few minutes after Rob arrived Brook excused herself for a minute and went to the bathroom in their bedroom. Rob followed her from the outside, knowing that he could see through the bedroom window. When she came out of the bathroom she hesitated before she opened the bedroom door to leave. She leaned back against the door and lifted her skirt. She closed her eyes and started gently brushing herself through a black thong, her mouth open and her legs dipping very slowly. Catching herself, she shook her head, dropped her skirt and went back in to the kitchen. Rob thought that maybe he had prepared her TOO well for the evening!
He remembered that he had his little binoculars available and got them out of the shed. Slowly but surely, it was obvious to his closer scrutiny that Trey was winning the war. As he went explored higher and higher she allowed it to linger just a wee bit longer.
By the time they called it quits Rob could tell it was really starting to get to Brook. Her chest was starting to heave a little and she was squirming in her chair as Trey's teasing fingers had wandered high on her leg, up to the split of her dress. The binoculars allowed Rob to see the faint rotation her ass was doing on the chair and by experience he knew she was really feeling it.
They ended up on the couch again, talking as if nothing was going on between them. She sat sideways, facing him with her right leg crossed over her left, exposing her leg almost to her waist. After feebly trying to cover up, Brook just gave up the cause and let him look. As they discussed old friends, she reached around to get an old photo album from under the table next to the couch. When she did her legs opened and treated Trey to a great open shot of her black thong-covered pussy, exposing little black tufts of hair.
He took advantage of the situation. Brook obviously wanted him to look at some of the photos but instead of moving in close to her he intentionally kept his distance. Both she and Rob appreciated him not crowding her but it caused a separation that made her lean over considerably in order to share the book. When the loose top of her dress fell wide open it revealed that skimpy white bra that barely covered her nipples. Trey managed it all beautifully, taking in her unintentional offering without giving himself away. He enjoyed the show for at least ten minutes before he had a chance to change the mood.
As they were looking they came upon a photo of a group of kids sitting around a campfire. Trey recognized it immediately. So did Brook. She had forgotten it was even in there and immediately wished she had removed it. It brought back memories best left alone.
Trey didn't miss a beat. Time was short and he couldn't miss opportunities.
"Let me see that," he laughed softly.
Rob didn't have a clue what they were looking at. If he had he wouldn't have given it any thought. It was just a photo of a few kids sitting around a campfire in the dark.
Trey looked at it a few seconds and said softly, "Remember that night?"
Rob could have answered for her. Yeah, she remembered. Otherwise her face wouldn't have turned red and have such a strained look on it.
"Yep, I remember," Brook said softly.
And boy, did she!
It had happened about a month after her graduation from high school. A small group of them were having an all day summer affair down on the Little Sandy River and the day had moved into the early evening. Brook's tiny black two-piece bathing suit was covered by a large tee shirt to ward off the evening chill and to keep the bugs off.
Trey had been touching her all day, stroking her between the legs and teasing her nipples every chance he got. Even though they didn't see much of it going on they both knew the other couples were doing it, too. There had been a few times that some of the other couples had disappeared alone for an hour or so into those woods.
About nine o'clock Trey coaxed Brook into getting on one of the inflated rubber tubes and moving out into the river a little. Brook protested as much as she could before relenting. She didn't want to spoil the evening for the others by making a scene but they had seen a snake earlier and she was petrified of them.
Trey wasn't taking her for a ride just for fun. The teasing he had given her all day was taking a toll on him and he was in the mood for what he knew was nestled softly under that tiny patch of black cloth between her legs.
O-o-o-o-o-h, yes!
Sweet Brook wasn't exactly what her parents had hoped. By that time Trey had been in her pants for the past nine months and that night he was hungry for more.
Brook definitely wasn't in the mood. Not only were friends just up the creek from them but also those dreaded snakes! She squealed a little in protest but let him guide her slowly out into the dark river.
To protect herself, Brook wrapped her legs high around Trey's neck to lift her out of the water and off that float as much as possible. She gave no thought that she was grinding her crotch right in his face.
Trey was well aware of it, though. The sweet aroma coming from her hot pussy was honey to his senses. As he moved her further from the group he nuzzled his face gently into her, using his nose to slide up and down the wet cloth.
Trey knew there was a small sand bar there but when he approached it he made no mention of it to Brook. He let her think she was in peril and totally at his mercy.
He stayed between her legs and slowly untied her bikini bottom, carefully sliding it off and tucking it down inside his own tight trunks to make sure they didn't disappear into the night. He was being offered a feast, a sexual fantasy that he wasn't going to pass up.
Like most of the other girls, Brook had limited their sexual activities to random encounters in the back seat of their cars. Although they both thought it was wonderful it was always the same... Trey on top riding a receptive Brook for a few minutes before exploding into her with a youthful exuberance.
But he wanted more. So did she but she didn't know exactly what.
Trey had never done it before but he had heard talk, had read about it. He was more than willing to take a chance.
All at once Brook lurched at his touch.
"Trey, what are you doing?" she whispered hoarsely.
Even through her apprehension of the dark river she couldn't miss what was happening.
Trey didn't answer. What was he to say?
His face was buried deep in her pussy; his mouth searching hungrily for the clit he knew would be hard and receptive from the days teasing.
He was right. This was something totally unexpected and Brook reacted that way.
"Tre-e-e-y-y-y," she moaned in protest. "Stop it!"
Trey ignored her. He knew she couldn't move and definitely wouldn't call out. Most of all though he was feeling her ass move in response to his mouth.
Oh, yeah! Through her protest there was an instant response and her hips jerked slightly before pressing forward against his mouth.
Fifteen minutes. Later in life there were times he could do it in two but that night, in the middle of that creek and for the first time, it took him fifteen minutes to bring her off.
He didn't really know what to expect at the time. He certainly never imagined a Brook that went totally out of control; thrashing wildly from the rapid sucking her clit was receiving and pulling his head into her crotch as hard as she could. The only thing that wasn't perfect was the effort she had to make to keep her voice down. Both would have liked for her to just let go but there were people just yards away.
That night Brook had no idea how quickly she had reacted to his mouth. What had started minutes earlier as something dirty had ended in a sexual bliss she never imagined possible. For all their sweet lovemaking in the past she knew that she had never really came close to having an orgasm with Trey. But she did then and she surely knew she wanted more of it!
And that's where she became a little 'Trey slave", right there in the middle of the Little Sandy River in the darkness. After that she never denied him anything.
As they looked at the photo they both remembered. Trey was hard and Brook squirmed slightly on the couch. The memory still made her tingle between her legs.
Their silence during that entire thought process had taken only a minute. Rob had no idea what they were thinking but he did know was what he was seeing.
Trey had carefully slipped his hand up and was gently rubbing her neck and shoulders.
"Those were some good times, huh?"
She slumped down a little.
"Yeah, some good times," she sighed.
"Remember all the trips to the Little Sandy after that?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah. Lots of them." After releasing her first orgasm with him they became commonplace. It was like the ice was broken and she began to come with him on a regular basis as she rode his cock. The few times she didn't make it they would wait a few minutes and then he would take her with his mouth. The first couple of times he went down on her after he had already come inside her she protested. After a while though she didn't care. She just wanted to come.
"Would you do it all over again?" It was almost like a challenge he was throwing out, but it was tempered so that it was more of a probing question.
While she was trying to wrestle with an appropriate answer, Trey had eased his hand down to the zipper on the back of her dress, lowering it down in an excruciatingly slow descent.
"Oh, Trey, you know I would never do that again." Her denial was so weak, her voice so soft, that even her mother wouldn't have believed it.
Rob didn't know if she was aware of the zipper going down, but by then it was low enough to expose the back of her bra. Trey leaned over and barely pressed his lips to her neck as he spoke. He was speaking so low that, through the open window, Rob could barely detect what he was saying.
"You don't remember that you always wore black panties after that when you really wanted it?"
Brook suddenly realized that Trey was unzipping her and he had really nailed her about the truth from their past. She suddenly shuddered and moved back against him. Trey didn't miss the moment, forgoing the light kisses to bury his face in her neck. She turned her head slightly away from him, allowing him easy access to her soft areas there.
"I would always remove your top and kiss your breasts a long time before I took off the bottoms."
She turned so that Rob could see her face well. She didn't try to deny any of it. It was all in her face. As Trey moved freely with his mouth, she closed her eyes and a soft look came on her face. If she was aware of all his actions and the fact that she was totally unzipped, she was mentally caught in a vacuum and didn't object.
When Trey eased her dress down over her shoulders and down her arms, she either snapped out of it or decided to draw the line.
"Trey!! What do you think you're doing?" She pulled away from his mouth, but her dress was already down to her elbows and her breast pouring out of the top of the extremely flimsy bra. There wasn't much left to imagination.
"Fulfilling a dream." Rob couldn't imagine her not detecting the tone of Trey's voice. It resonated with a deep, deep desire from the past, not just from spontaneous lust.
"You know we can't do this, Trey. I'm married." The protesting voice was soft but sincere.
"I know." He gave her the response she needed to hear, but his lips went back to her neck and his hand moved slowly to gently cup a breast. Rob thought he heard them both suck in their breath with the contact.
"Great move," he thought wryly. Tell her anything, but keep moving. Boys all learn that in the ninth grade but the girls never seem to catch on.
"I'm serious. You need to leave now!" Brook spoke with authority, placing her hands over his as he slowly massaged her breast. But Rob saw no attempt on her part to forcefully remove him.
"I know. I need to go." His fingers found her nipples, sliding them free of the bra and rolling them in his fingers. She closed her eyes and her head went back, unintentionally inviting his mouth to explore her neck even more. She were facing straight out the window towards Rob but he felt no danger of being caught and didn't move as they were obviously involved.
Her voice was saying, "leave" but her body was not and Trey knew that it was time for a move. During the distraction, her legs had spread, leaving them an open invitation for his hand. Not losing the chance, he moved his right hand from her breast and slid it slowly down her stomach.
"Brook, are you wearing black panties tonight?" He already knew the answer.
Brook said nothing but she turned bright red and her breath sucked in.
"He's right!" she thought. She had intentionally put on black.
Her hand followed his but it was more if she was only trying to know its location more than remove it. Moving his hand on down, he slowly spread her skirt open as far as it would go to give him an open view of her thong. He stalled a minute to admire the view and to test her reaction. When there was none, he slid his hand under her thong and gently cupped her mound. Rob could see perfectly when his fingers went under the flimsy cloth and began a slow, steady rub.
"No, Trey." It was a half-hearted protest at best and rather than her hand trying to push his away she just placed her hand on top of his. It didn't deter or slow him in the least. Trey had already found her sensitive clit and was stroking it to life.
"Black panties. Very nice."
"No, Trey. Let me go." She moaned it more than spoke it.
Ignoring her feeble protest, Trey moved off the couch, letting Brook lay back. He had full access to her mouth for the first time and took advantage of it, engaging her in a long, deep kiss that drew a response. She let out a little sound and her legs spread slightly as her hips lifted to meet his busy fingers.
"Trey, if you think that's a reaction, wait until you see what happens when your mouth gets to her nipples," Rob thought. Then he realized that Trey would already know how sensitive her nipples were.
But Rob gave him credit. Trey was patient enough to stay with her mouth, neck and ears for quite a while as he continued that slow assault on her pussy with his hands. He certainly wasn't new at this and Brook was totally lost, being drawn out of her safe environment in which she was accustomed and not dealing well with her gentle predator. Rob was already starting to see how much she was going to be overmatched.
"Please, Trey. We can't do this. You have to leave." The words were barely out of her mouth when he teased her with his lips again and she eagerly responded with her own.
Rob was almost urging him on; then, as if on cue, Trey's mouth slid down to take in a nipple. He licked it at first, enclosing it with his lips, making her turn her head sharply and causing a definite upwards thrust of her body. He smelled the victory and quickly released the little clasp in front. Her breasts slipped from the bra and Trey gorged himself on her left one, opening his mouth wide and filling it, sucking on it very hard and very quickly as it came in and out of his mouth.
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Walking Precious out to the car, he can’t help but caress her ass, thinking about the evening ahead. As he buckles the seatbelt on her, he kisses her softly on the lips, careful of her lipstick, then smiles and says, “Oh, the evening I have planned for you, Precious Little One!” He looks her in the eyes and sees her trust and devotion to him in them. He caresses her cheek gently and places her blindfold over her eyes. And with that, he stands, closes her door and walks around and gets in the...
I was a junior in college. My parents finally stopped footing the bill for my spending money. They paid for my tuition and books, but made me get a job for rent on my apartment, food, etc. There was a guy in one of my classes who was a bouncer at the local strip club, A Gentleman’s Club. He told me that they were hiring for a DJ. Given my wide range of music knowledge, he referred me to his manager and I became the man for the job. In about a week’s time, I was on a first name basis with...
Introduction: He dressed me like a whore My hubby had always talked about the Gentlemens Club in our town and I finally told him if you want me to go with you I will. He had teased me about entering an amateur night contest but I wasnt up to that. I did tell him we could go for a little bit so I could see what it was like inside these places having never been to one. The first thing he had me do was my outfit for the evening, a very, very short and tight mini skirt with thigh highs and boy...
The girl was eighteen, when a new friend invited her to hang out with her after school. It was supposed to be just another day, the kind of day where you open your eyes, hug your pillow wishing you could stay in bed and sleep, but know that it isn’t possible. The routine of putting on the same uniform and shoes, brushing your teeth, your hair and eating a bowl of cereal is predictable, meant not to be altered. But in the most insouciant manner, the girl’s new found friend introduced her...
Gentlemen's park retirement home was founded in the 1960s and was originally a normal retirement home for the more upper class. Man and wife would live out there days in a pleasant mansion. Over time Gentlemen's park changed into something different. The old women slowly faded out and new management took over with an idea of a more male exclusive home. The original staff was fired and replaced with younger desperate beautiful woman that would serve the male residents in anyway they could and...
I have always had a thing for larger, older gentleman. Not sure why, but have always been attracted. I hadn't sucked a cock in over 20 years. one was my friend from when we were young. I don't know if I was any good or not at the age of 14 or I am 38 now... But anyway...this older gentleman claiming to be 60 emailed and said he would like to get together. Now keep in mind that I had struck out MANY times on Craigslist and other sites, so I decided to try Manhunt. We had emailed each...
The girl who was dancing saw me and gave a big smile. I smiled back, and sat mesmerized by her movements. She was in the middle of her routine, and was down to just a tiny g-string, gyrating her hips and sensuously stroking her own body. She was a slim light with large, obviously "bought" breasts with large areolas. Her nipples were erect and her tongue was darting in and out of her red lips, in rhythm with her dance. Soon she tugged at the bows at her hips and the g-string floated to the...
The woman looked at the note I gave her, then looked at me, twitched her nose and looked at the note again. Her home was a large, wooden farmhouse with several ells and many outbuildings near the river that I had been taught was called something like Skoolkull. "You are," she said at last, folding my note into her pocket of her apron, "the largest, smelliest, dirtiest man I have seen in a long time. If you will go wash yourself, and your clothes as well, and your hair, lord help us, how...
If the calendar was not cooperating with George’s desires, the weather was. It was bitter cold with a biting wind driving light snow when he drove toward l’Ecole Gallienne. He knew that nobody could see what was happening under the shell top of a curricle at night, and damn few in daylight. Girls, though, felt that they could be seen when they could see. A porter was outside the school blowing a whistle to summon hackneys. One of those was turning the corner as George stopped in front of the...
Once inside, the house, George stood back from Esther. “Can you stand?” he asked. “Y-yes.” Her teeth were chattering and her frame was shaking. He dropped the lap robe on the floor pulled off her cloak and bonnet and dropped them as well. “Deal with those,” he told the footman who had opened the door. “Have Ian attend me and Nicholas deal with the horses ... Come, dear,” He was speaking to Esther now. He helped her up the stairs. Before they had arrived at the top, Ian was above them...
Annie was shocked to have a guest, let alone a peer, enter by the kitchen door. Esther merely asked her to fetch mother. “Dear,” Mother said when she was far enough down to see George, “who is this.” “This is Lord George. He has asked me to marry him. I have accepted.” She turned to George, who was stupefied, but not so much as to miss her expression. He took her in his arms and kissed her. The kiss was emphasized by her total cooperation, but limited by his consciousness of her mother’s...
Esther answered the questions the vicar asked her. Lord George answered his own. Lord George slipped a ring on her finger, and then he kissed her. The kiss was less arousing than the ones in the curricle had been, but she was very nervous. She was also married. She had wanted to be married to this man, but being married to him frightened her. They went off together in his coach with Dorcas and George’s man sitting across from them. Then they were in his family’s house. The meal was heavy,...
When Esther woke, she felt George stirring against her. “Your tea is here,” he said. “Wait until I am out of the room, if you please.” He got up, donned his dressing gown, and left by the door to his room. She put on her night rail, and called for Dorcas to come in. The tea was hot and sweet, and Dorcas seemed to be cheerful for so early in the morning. Dorcas dressed her in the traveling clothes, and she left the dressing room to see what the day would bring. George was waiting to lead her...
Getting in the car Ian suggested they call for a some lunch and a drink at his club,Jill was a little concerned about going in with no panties on,a predicament arising from their exploits in the car park. She felt her skirt was damp at the back,but Ian reassured her it did not show. Going in to the club, which was very elegant, they checked in. Then proceeded to their respective toilets to freshen up.In the luxurious ladies toilet Jill wiped her tummy and legs with a damp flannel,before...
FetishSeth Vaughn had never seen anyone so beautiful. She was in the fifth or sixth or seventh…it didn’t matter for she was captivating. Clad in red, and smiling…seemingly at him. “You here…Hello!” a familiar voice yelled jarring him from the beauty before his eyes. Seth looked at his trainer, Pops McKensie. He used to train boxers, but as time passed, Pops saw the writing on the wall, and started dealing with martial arts. Soon he became well known for training MMA fighters. He “retired” from...
Jessica Johnson was a very slutty journalist, working for one of the biggest news companies in the world. 'Daily National News (DNN)' were a news company that broadcasted on TV and newspaper all over the world. In order to be a journalist at the company, you must be very qualified and be good on TV as they would be representing the company to the rest of the world. Getting into the DNN was a big deal for Jessica, as she was all about fame and money. In fact, it was this goal that made her a...
FetishMorgan liked to joke she'd been friends with Elis since before birth. Their moms proudly showed anyone, who stood still too long, baby pictures of the two playing, bathing, and sleeping together. Morgan staying our friend after puberty was a something of a mystery. She had the goods in the looks department: tall, short hair more red than brown, pale skin, and flat-out pretty as hell. Her mother (a lot on the overweight side) loved shopping for Morgan and saw no issue with her daughter's...
It was fifteen years after Martha had come into the brothel as little more than a pile of battered meat and broken bones, when Madame called all the girls to a meeting and warned them that there were some changes being made in the Police to comply with some new law or other which was supposed to combat police corruption. "We, in the House of Joy, provide a necessary service to the community. If men could not come here and take their pleasures, then they would take them elsewhere and the...
Author’s Notes: A heartfelt “thank you” goes out to the people who helped in refining and improving this chapter. My lady love for her undying support and the harshest critique one can hope for, my editor bikoukumori for his unending patience and a host of volunteers who suffered through the early drafts of this tale. In no particular order: Thornfoote, Pyvent, UKWaterRat and of course my Patrons. All participants in sexual activities are adults. This chapter contains scenes of explicit...
A Gentle Soul "Jeremiah! Have you finished practicing your archery?" "Yes father," a thin voice replied from inside the house. "Sword practice? Spear work?" "Yes, sir." "How long did you practice?" "Ummm, urr. None?" The voice almost dropped to a whisper as the big man strode into the hut. "WHAT? Why did you say you are finished then?" "Because I wasn't planning to do any practice today. So technically I am finished." "Don't you play your little word games with me,...
To most of the world at large, they're names above compare. Names that everybody, from the youngest girl, just learning to figure out what she likes and dislikes on the radio, to the oldest man, who can barely work the darn thing, would know, even if just by cultural osmosis. Rihanna. Taylor Swift. Ariana Grande. They were celebrities so damn successful that it's hard to think of them as even being humans on the same plain as's even harder to think of them as being lesser. Yet despite...
I awoke with the sun blaring through the window and shining directly on my face. I was alone and naked, sprawled across my bed. I looked over at the clock. It was 3:30pm. I had to be at work in an hour and a half. Still groggy, I got to my feet and slipped on my shorts. I walked out into the living room. My roommate, Chad, was sitting on the couch watching TV. "The creature stirs." he smiled, looking over at me. "Man, you must have been fucked last night!" I just looked over at him. If only he...
BisexualI was a junior in college. My parents finally stopped footing the bill for my spending money. They paid for my tuition and books, but made me get a job for rent on my apartment, food, etc. There was a guy in one of my classes who was a bouncer at the local strip club, A Gentleman's Club. He told me that they were hiring for a DJ. Given my wide range of music knowledge, he referred me to his manager and I became the man for the job. In about a week's time, I was on a first name basis with...
College SexI sat in my office watching the wall of monitors that were attached to the security cameras hidden in various locations in the Club. The Club, you ask? Well the Club is a very upscale gentleman's club, actually I guess you might describe it as a strip joint. That is a poor description, but sort of accurate. The Club is a huge 4 story building located in best part of town. It's worth, at last appraisal, about $5,000,000, definitely not your run of the mill titty bar. I'll describe the...
Reddit Gentle Femdom, aka r/GentleFemdom! It is exactly what you will expect it to be… is that a weird way to start this? Well, when you read ‘Gentle femdom’, what the fuck else do you expect other than real gentle femdom? Exactly. Welcome to r/gentlefemdom/ a subreddit dedicated to a lot of content surrounding the love of the soft kind of femdom… whatever that might be for you or others. You have a lot of random content.Take your time and browse through. Sooner or later, you will find the...
Reddit NSFW ListThis is a newly revised version of my story, in the original, I had broken some boundaries set for the Bikini Beach Universe. This is my attempt to set that it back in order. To Elrod, who created this universe, please accept my apology, It didn't even dawn on me that I may have crossed the line until I had already submitted it to FM. To the Radioactive Loaner, thanks for bringing it to my attention. Then finally, Ellie Dauber, thank you for your help in bringing my story into line. Thank...
"Very good sir. At this price she can be with you through the end of your business stay. You will find that all daily matters are taken care of and the principal concern is your enjoyment." "You took note of the picture I gave you?" "Indeed sir, we have done our best to provide you with the character and feature you requested. It is nothing less than we do for our best customers." "Pavla Matriona will be attending to the girl during your stay here at the Hotel...
The idea that I'd passed my 21st birthday with no sexual experience whatsoever to speak of, was depressing. And those who said that sex did not necessarily mean manhood, particularly those who said that to me at *this* time in my life, I ate for lunch. Of course, sex alone did not make a man, but without it.. The issue slowly became irrelevant. I knew that letting it show, would only help it feed itself. I put sex on a back burner, hoping it would knock me in the head just to get its fair...
(continuation from 'Elizabeth's Fall From Grace'.) Some weeks later, Helmut asked Elizabeth if she would like to earn alittle money. 'By what means Helmut?' 'A travelling salesman visits me once a month, and stays at the night atlocal hotel. Would you like to have him stay at your house instead?' 'We have no spare room in our little house.' 'I know. But he'll pay handsomely if he can share your bed!' Helmutreplies with a grin. She is shocked by what he proposes! Elizabethreplies...
He was gentle and it's a good thing. His cock was huge, bigger than any cock I'd ever met, and I'd met quite a few before his. I did my best to suck it but I could barely get his head in my mouth. I guess you'd call my work "licking and kissing" instead of sucking. But jesus I enjoyed it. I'd still be doing it if he'd let me. Long, thick and uncut. His skin was sweet and soft. He had so much wonderful precum that I could only imagine what a load would be like. I would have loved to have tasted...
I decided to take a detour after a long day's meetings and head to a quiet naturist spa. I'd not been there solo before. It was quiet, but the steam was good and there were 3-4 men there relaxing. After un-chilling myself from the winter weather I enjoyed watching a trio of men, who clearly knew each other, eat and stroke each other to a warmer temperature for them, and me. I left them as they headed to the sauna and, from my vantage point inn the steam room, could hear their friendship...
Opening my eyes after removing the thin silky blindfold my lover told me to remove, I looked around, puzzled yet excited at the same time.Although it was difficult to see in the dimly lit room, I began to make out the shapes of different devices before noticing ropes, chains, whips, paddles and several other items – too many to take in - hanging from the walls.We had spoken often of my fantasies of being dominated but had never acted upon them. Until now, that is. After careful perusal of the...
Good morning/noon/night (I don’t know when you l read this, so this type of Initiation). Myself Joe (nick name-original name- sorry I’m not supposed to reveal obviously it’s just because of privacy) This is my real time story which happened one week back (i.e. 30/7/2016) About Myself: Name: Joe (CEO of a Startup) Age: 19 years Old Extra Things: 5.8 in height, 62 Kg weight, fair skin, and doing my final year of engineering in Chennai, Tamil Nadu reputed college Contact details : [I didn’t...
When Margie slipped through the downstairs bedroom door and closed it behind her, she felt like her mind had gone through deep tissue massage, painful during the massaging but looser or more at peace afterwards. Scanning the large dining room/living room, she saw her sister/wives Mary and L immersed in conversation with Denise and Joe's sister. It seemed impenetrable to her, and she preferred not to be in the outsiders' company anyway. Joe and Marta had disappeared as had Roger and Carol....
Gentle Robert becomes a New Eve By Kresha Matay My parents died in an automobile accident shortly after I was born. The probate court decided that I was to be raised by my mother's younger sister, my Aunt Lilly, in accordance with my parent's will. My Aunt, barely an adult herself, just twenty-one years old, was my only living relative. Little did the court realize that Aunt Lilly unfortunately lacked the necessary knowledge, experience and most importantly, attitude to raise me...
She tiptoed down the hallway, careful not to make a single noise for if discovered she would pay dearly. She could see the light coming from the cracked library door, breathing a small sigh of relieve she knew that part of her quest would be easier now, she had not figured out how she was going to open the doors silently, but that was no longer a concern now. As she reached the doors she pushed the left one open slightly so that she could see him, sitting behind his desk, buried in papers, brow...
This is continued from my previous stories, and is about next day with my pet. Again any and all comments are welcome, and I hope you enjoy. I woke the next morning, the memoriesof yesterday still fresh in my mind, as I lay still, holding my pet close to me and wishing I’d never have to let her go. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was about time to get up. I reached over turning the alarm off and went back to holding my pet until it was time for the alarm to have gone off. I gently leaned over...
This is continued from my previous stories, and is about next day with my pet. Again any and all comments are welcome, and I hope you enjoy. I woke the next morning, the memoriesof yesterday still fresh in my mind, as I lay still, holding my pet close to me and wishing I'd never have to let her go. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was about time to get up. I reached over turning the alarm off and went back to holding my pet until it was time for the alarm to have gone off. I gently leaned over...