Share Your Toys, Timothy!Chapter 1 free porn video

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Smith meets Jones

TIMOTHY CHARLES Smith’s story begins about two and a half years earlier when his real relationship with the Jones family began. Smith and Jones; yes, it sounds corny but that’s simply the way things worked out. Tim was sitting in his sales office at Monroe’s Motors on a slow Monday morning, where he had been catching up with the paperwork for the weekend vehicle sales, when he noticed this gorgeous woman climbing into one of the shiny new sporty Jaguar motorcars out on the showroom floor. Mondays was always a quiet day at Monroe’s, following the intensity of the weekend, so half the sales force were absent for the first two days of the week. Therefore he thought he had better get out there and deal with this potential customer, irrespective of how beautiful or otherwise she looked.

As he walked across the showroom floor, she was just easing herself out of the low, hard-top sports car, giving Tim a perfect view of her lovely long legs, the hem of her thin summer dress hitched halfway up her smooth shapely thighs. She was tall for a woman, a good three inches taller than Tim’s five-foot-six, of slender build, with wavy multi-shade blond hair flowing down to her shoulders. The height of tall women had never worried Tim; being the runt of his parents’ litter, he had been surrounded by tall girls and women throughout his childhood and was extremely comfortable in such company. She had her back to him as she slowly ran a slender long-fingered hand over the sensuous lines of the sporty motorcar. She half-turned as she heard his crisp footsteps approach across the polished tiled floor of the showroom, showing off her hourglass figure and beautiful face, which opened up into a glorious smile in answer to Tim’s own charmingly welcoming one. Tim guessed she was about his age or possibly a few years older; say late thirties to early forties? Stunning, barely began to do justice in describing the effect she gave off.

“Good morning, madam,” he opened, “I’m Timothy Smith, the sales manager. She’s beautiful isn’t she?”

The lovely vision nodded in agreement with him and partly turned back towards the car and ran her hand along the smooth gleaming paintwork again.

“Mmm, beautiful, yes,” she turned back towards him, “Oh, I’m Jenny Jones by the way.” Her voice was like liquid honey, a cultured but local soft middle class Yorkshire accent rather than haughty Home Counties that her summer dress proclaimed.

He held out a large hand towards her and she put her warm dry slender fingers in his momentarily and smiled once more. It was a smile that could have launched a thousand ships onto an Aegean sea, Tim thought, so he was not surprised at the effect it was having on him and the rigidity of his knee joints. She turned back away from him and stroked that gleaming car once more. Tim swore he had never been so jealous of any inanimate object before.

“Were you particularly looking for a sports car?” he managed to say, his usual professional attitude kicking in being his saving grace, “This one is a hard-top but it can easily become a convertible with a soft-top kit.” He didn’t actually say it, of course, but he knew to a T that she would look better than simply good in that car with the soft-top down, hair blowing in the sunshine of a coastal road or cresting a hill in the nearby moors.

She turned her attention back towards Tim and looked him over, appeared to appraise him, checking him out, actually making him feel a little uncomfortable and he was normally very confident about himself and his appearance. For a fleeting moment he wondered if he had left his flies undone, mentally checking back through his recent movements, his last visit to the men’s room and steeling himself from physically checking the front of his trousers with tentative exploratory fingertips. However, she had clearly now completed her swift examination and was looking Tim in the eye once more and smiling as if she was enjoying a secret joke. This made him more, rather than less, nervous about the condition of his attire. She was a classical beauty. It has already been stated that she was tall, slim and shapely. In addition she was blessed with a long graceful neck, a narrow face, clear complexion and the brightest blue eyes that clearly demanded your complete attention. She was casually dressed in a light silk or cotton skirt and blouse; it was a hot summer day, ideal for going out shopping for an open-topped sports car. She looked cool, in every sense of the word, yet at the same time hot, oh yes, devilishly hot. Tim had donned his suit jacket as he walked out of his office and he felt warm and sticky and totally uncool in her impressive presence.

“I’m looking for a car for my daughter, actually.”

“A sports car like this or is she considering something a little more sedate?”

She laughed at that. It was a laugh that made the hairs on his arms stand on end, sending electrical pulses up and down his body.

“She wants to stand out in a sports car ... her father wants something safe and I ... well, I was ready to be persuaded either way or even go for something in between. In fact, since seeing you, Mr Smith, I am quite prepared to put myself completely in your hands.” Her beautiful smile went beyond her lips to include those sparkling blue eyes and she looked enchanting. The double entendre of placing herself completely in Tim’s hands did not escape him, as she no doubt intended, which had the effect of making him feel even warmer under his increasingly restrictive collar. ‘I will have to take off my jacket at the first opportunity,’ he said to himself. She had referred to her daughter’s father, which gave him food for thought; did she mean precisely that as a hint to her current unattachment, or did she ambiguously mean her husband? His eyes were focused on her sparkling eyes, eyes that held his gaze in rapture and he had no wish to break that contact for the moment; so he made a mental note to check her ring finger when the opportunity eventually presented itself. That offhand expression ‘Milf’, he thought, just didn’t do this beautiful woman justice, she was Helen of Troy, the Virgin Mary and Cinderella, all rolled up into one honey-coated fairy-tale package.

“Call me Tim, please. We are all on first names here at Monroe’s, we really don’t bite,” he smiled as if totally at ease in her presence, although he was anything but.

“I’m Jenny, in that case,” the vision smiled sweetly, “But I warn you, I have been known to bite!” She giggled as she delivered that line and Tim’s palpitating knees felt even wobblier for an instance.

“Well, this sports car would definitely fit the bill if your daughter wants to stand out from the crowd, but there are a wide range of other possibilities available here,” he said, trying his damned hardest to maintain his cool under fire, “We have a number of smaller cars on the lot that would be better suited for the young lady running about town, attending college or wanting something more comfortable for touring. The insurance on a monster like this would be crippling until she was over 25. Also, this thoroughbred would be quite a handful for a driver with, I presume, limited driving experience. Better to start with something smaller and less powerful for a couple of years or so, even as much as half a dozen years, before considering something as powerful as this beast.” Tim tried to disarm or deflect his observations with a smile as he joined the lovely woman in stroking the paintwork of this gorgeous car, adding, “I hope I’m not talking myself out of a sale...”

She laughed again; it was a sound that could launch any red-blooded man into orbit.

“I don’t think you are talking yourself out of anything, I hear only good sense from you, Tim. I hope Abbey can get her head around the practicalities of owning such a motorcar. Ah, here she comes now.” She looked up towards the entrance leading from the second-hand lot by the side of the showroom. Tim turned and followed Mrs Jones’ gaze. The newcomer was almost a carbon copy of her mother, a little shorter by an inch perhaps, somewhat coltish, slightly flatter chested and a little less shapely, but with similar coloured hair, worn long down her back a good half a metre longer. She possessed the same brilliant smile as her mother adorned, with the addition of the cutest of dimples in her cheeks.

“Nothing at all I like out there, Mother,” she said as she approached, her voice pitched slightly higher than her mother’s honeyed tones but not gratingly so. Her voice was clearly much more affected Home Counties to his ear, attuned as it was to the usual Yorkshire dialect of his hometown. Abbey’s accent dripped with what he imagined would emanate from a leafy southern suburban finishing school.

“Never mind, Abbey, we find ourselves in the excellent hands of Mr Timothy Smith here,” her mother told her daughter brightly, “He’s the sales manager and I’m sure he will sort out something suitable for you that fits you like a glove.”

“Hello,” Tim said, taking his cue from her mother, “Please call me Tim; may I call you Abbey?”

“Of course, Tim,” she replied with the sweetest flash of her dimpled cheeks as they briefly touched hands lightly in greeting.

“I just need to ask you a few questions so I can figure out the best way I can help you. OK?”

She nodded her affirmation.

“How long have you been driving for?” he asked, “and what car did you learn to drive in while you were taking lessons?”

“Oh, I passed my test last week, and I had most of my lessons in a Yaris, I think, yes a blue Yaris it was.” Her dimples put in an appearance once again as she rested her index finger on her chin.

“So this purchase is going to be your first car?”


“And what will you be using your car for, primarily?”

“Mostly I need to get to and from college.”

“And that is how far away?”


“Say about 100 miles, then. Will you be doing that every week or once or twice a term?”

“Probably four or five times a term. We have a busy social lifestyle.”

“What about the carrying capacity you need, because you wouldn’t be able to carry much in a sports car?”

Her mother jumped in then, “Her father and I will drive up to Newcastle with everything that she will need in his big Merc, and also to collect her stuff as and when required.” She also smiled just as sweetly as her daughter, only missing the dimples.

‘So,’ he thought with mixed feelings, ‘the husband/father is still on the scene. Oh, well, the thought was good while it lasted.’

“What about availability of parking at campus, and getting around the town?”

“Mostly I won’t need the car too much in town. There is plenty of parking at the halls of residence.”

“Do you feel very strongly about environmental conservation? Have you considered a hybrid or electric car for instance?”

“Not really, even an electric car uses power from an oil-powered power station, and the materials used for batteries is also wasting resources and polluting the atmosphere. No, I’d rather go for this car.” She pointed at the XK-R convertible. “It looks so cool.”

“OK Abbey, I’ll do a deal with you. We’ll take one of these cars out for a spin, but only if you will also let me take you out in a different car of my choice. Then afterwards we can consider whether you want to purchase the one you feel most comfortable with out of the two. Agreed?”

Abbey looked at her mother, who smiled back at her and suggested, “Two test drives for the price of one. Go for it, sweetie.”

“OK, then,” Abbey smiled with both dimples blazing. Tim grinned and excused himself for a moment as he collected the keys from the rack behind the parts and service desk, having a quiet word with Alec, the desk clerk, while he was there.

They had a gleaming black test-drive model of the Jaguar sports car they were interested in on the lot, that he pulled out for her to try. Through the open driver’s window, Tim went over all the controls with Abbey firstly, while her mother squeezed herself into the back via the passenger door. It was a two-door coupe and there was very little comfort room for her lovely long legs in the relatively cramped rear seats. Abbey hesitatingly pulled the long powerful vehicle out of the garage and they drove around the Halifax ring road for a while. Soon she found she was becoming used to the car and after about twenty minutes she visibly relaxed. She was quite a competent driver, Tim assessed, despite her lack of experience. This was too much car for her, though, in his quiet opinion. They drove back into the garage and Tim got her to reverse and park it safely in its parking spot using the assistance of the rear radar. She made a reasonable job of it despite the poor visibility from the rear window, especially with her mother’s head in the way. With Jenny as a distraction Tim imagined that he couldn’t have parked that car straight in a football field!

“Right,” he said grinning at the two ladies once they had managed as elegantly as was possible, in the circumstances, to extricate themselves from the car and stood beside the gleaming beast, “That is one serious motor car.” Then they walked to the front entrance of the showroom, where the smiling service desk clerk Alec stood next to a blindingly shiny bright yellow Mini Countryman, a sporty four-door version of the relatively diminutive motorcar, holding out a set of keys for Tim.

“On the other hand,” Tim turned, handed the set of keys to Abbey and chuckled, “This is anything but a serious car! Go on, Abbey, get in.”

Initially they travelled along the same route as the previous test run, then into some curvy residential roads and it was almost an hour before they worked their way back to base. Abbey wore a huge grin on her face the whole way round. She even smiled as she parked the little car, this time without the aid of any radar. Then the two women moved into Tim’s office, and were sat down with a cup of tea each before Tim hung up his jacket, sat down at the desk, got out his tablet and loaded up the purchase forms.

“Right,” Tim said with a smile, “Do you want me to run through the prices, options and details of both cars or just the one?” He looked at Abbey, who briefly glanced over at Jenny before turning back to Tim; both girls were smiling broadly in agreement.

“The yellow one, I loved it!” Abbey enthused, “I’d not seen a four-door Mini before.”

“That’s the Countryman version.” Tim explained as he started tapping into the tablet and bringing up images and data on the vehicle. “It’s got an efficient diesel engine, which gives excellent mileage both for urban and distance driving, the four doors make it easier for your girlfriends and your mother getting in and out, while maintaining their modesty and comfort. It’s got full climate control, so you will always be as cool or as warm as you want throughout the year and the windows will never fog up, so you will always be able to see all around you. As you know, it’s very easy to park and you should be able to spot that colour in any car park.”

“I love the colour,” Abbey said with a big grin.

“Now, down to the details,” Tim addressed the form on his tablet to start filling in the price figures. “It’s not a new car, as we are not a Mini dealer. This came in as a part-exchange this weekend for someone trading up to one of our Range Rovers. Nothing suspect about the sale, a couple just got married and traded in their two smaller cars and drove away with one family-size car.”

“How old is it?” Jenny asked.

“Eleven months old and has just over 8000 miles on the clock, so it is only just broken in, still guaranteed by the original warranty for another two years and should give three or four years’ absolutely trouble-free motoring and, if regularly serviced, should still be easily traded in at a reasonable price for your next car.”

“How much?” Jenny asked.

He grinned, “It’s about £70,000 cheaper than the Jag!” Jenny matched his smile with one guaranteed to make any man melt, as he tore away his eyes and typed in the figures for the base price of the car and the extras, and turned the tablet round for the girls to see the figures. He pointed to the breakdown figures with the tip of his pen.

“That’s the discounted base price, plus the cost of twelve months’ road tax, a full tank of petrol, basic service costs for the next two years and a set of rubber mats to put in during the winter months.” They could see the final price, which was very reasonable, broken into two figures, the deposit and balance payable.

They looked at each other and Jenny nodded, almost imperceptibly, before Abbey turned back to him and squealed, “I’ll take it!” giving him both devastating dimples. “Can I drive it home today?”

“No,” he said gently, with his own disarming smile, which had always worked well for him in the past, “We have a few formalities to go through first. The car only came into us this morning after a part-exchange sale arranged at the weekend, which is why it was in the workshop earlier and not out on the lot. I got the guys to give the outside a quick wash while we were out test-driving the Jag, but it needs a little more work and a proper polish. We need to give it a complete mechanical service and valet throughout, arrange for the transfer of ownership and purchase the road fund licence as there is less than a month left on the old one. Also you need to sort out your motor insurance, and we can go through the payment terms. You can pick it up first thing day after tomorrow if you can bring in an insurance certificate tomorrow by lunchtime.” Tim looked at Jenny, “How do you want to pay? I need a small deposit now and the balance when you collect the car. Do you need finance arranged?” He thought it was an unnecessary question, but he had to ask.

Jenny shook her head, “Is credit card OK for the deposit?” Tim nodded, “That’ll do nicely.” They all smiled. “Right, I’ll print out all these papers, we’ll go and look over the car again for any knocks or scrapes that need correcting and then we can sign the paperwork and relieve you of your deposit.”

“I’ll call your father,” Jenny said to Abbey, as the three walked towards the door, “He wanted to see what you ended up with.” She turned to Tim as she pressed the speed dial on her phone and put it up to her ear, “It won’t affect your sale, Tim, Roger will arrange the insurance through his company but he wanted to see it before - Oh, hi Hon ... Yes ... a Mini ... Nice ... Safe, bright yellow ... Yes, very bright ... Mmmm ... Yes ... Now? OK.” She hung up. “He’s coming down now, in five to ten minutes.”

By this time they’d reached the car again and Abbey wanted to check out how roomy or otherwise it was for her friends in the back. As she ducked inside, Jenny pulled him to one side with a hand on his arm.

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Testing The Toys

The Unexpected Consequenses Of Being Bound Together Testing The Toys Part 1 Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same. Since like most men he was no fan of shopping he'd decided to stay and relax by watching some of his old porn videos on their new 60 inch flat screen TV. His wife had been gone about 3 hours before she returned home. Lois was wearing a short black...

2 years ago
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Testing The Toys Rewrite

Introduction: Family Guy Griffin The Unexpected Consequenses Of Being Bound Together Testing The Toys Part 1 Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same. Since like most men he was no fan of shopping hed decided to stay and relax by watching some of his old porn videos on their new 60 inch flat screen TV. His wife had been gone about 3 hours before she returned home. Lois was wearing a...

1 year ago
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Testing The Toys

Introduction: Family Guy part 1 The Unexpected Consequenses Of Being Bound Together Griffin The Unexpected Consequenses Of Being Bound Together Testing The Toys Part 1 Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same. Since like most men he was no fan of shopping hed decided to stay and relax by watching some of his old porn videos on their new 60 inch flat screen TV. His wife had been gone...

3 years ago
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Digital Chains Chapter 2 Grownups Get the Best Toys

For the first time in months, Stacie was breaking her tradition. Her computer was open, but her eyes did not linger on it, despite it being past 8:50 pm already. She was waiting for her master to log on, as she had for months, but today- tonight- was a little different. The first thing that was different was that she was no longer a sixteen year old sex slave, as she had been since she had met her master. Her birthday had been today, complete with a party. Friends, cake, presents, and...

1 year ago
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playing with toys

I had just finished eating my lunch and was walking from the cafeteria to my office when my cell phone buzzed. I was pretty sure it was a text from my girlfriend Ann, since I knew she was on her lunch break too. Having my hands full with my lunch bag and my drink, I figured I could wait until I got back to my office to see what she had to say. After only a couple more steps, it buzzed again. Now this was somewhat unique and I decided I should see what was up. The first message was a text...

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Share Your Toys TimothyChapter 9

Christmas comes but once TIM HAD been up half the night preparing dips and salads for the Monroe’s carol singing party. Michelle had also helped for a while before giving up, utterly exhausted. For Michelle, she felt that she was still in information overload after the last hectic week. As well as being a cook of near-professional chef standard, it appeared that Tim was a genius businessman, with interests in small businesses all over the town. Hundreds of people relied on Tim for their...

2 years ago
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Share Your Toys TimothyChapter 11

Return ticket TIM KICKED his heels in the hospital waiting room; every emotion racked him from anxiety and frustration through to weariness. All he could do was wait and hope. He had followed the ambulance under police escort through red lights and heavy evening traffic but could barely remember anything of the journey, his eyes focused on the back doors of the flying ambulance. He wasn’t allowed to accompany his wife all the way to where they were working on her in the theatre; he had to...

1 year ago
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My wifes new toys

My wife was constantly doing this, maintaining her pleasure and her pleasure only, god knows how long it had been since I had been inside her; but I thought to myself that will be coming true tonight. Anyways her pleasure to me was always more important and I loved seeing her moan. We both had showered together and not once did she touch my dick, it was simply hands on her and make sure she is satisfied. After showering we dried off and moisturised and then I laid down on the bed and...

4 years ago
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My wife and her old sex toys

Thursday late evening I managed to run away from the office as soon as my Boss left the building; just like Elvis used to do.I hurried in my car to get home; I was a bit tired but horny at the same time. I wanted to tie my sensual Ana naked at the bed…I found my sexy babe kneading on the floor, looking inside the basket where she kept her sex toys… our sex toys…Anita was wearing just a tight tank top and black stilettos. I noticed she had shaven clean her sweet mound. I also could see her pussy...

3 years ago
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Testing the Toys

Testing the ToysWe met, quite by accident, at the DVD section about femdom and male submission in one of those adult bookstores that no longer really sell books. The guy I shall call Jacob spoke first, asking if this kind of video was what turned me on. With my response being yes, he inquired whether I was submissive or dominant, as he had seen me earlier looking at various devices to use on the male in bondage situations. When I indicated that I now was pretty much restricted to the submissive...

3 years ago
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Night of the Living Sex Toys

For this story theme, sex toys come to life. They have only one goal and that is to fulfill the purpose they were made for, and that is to fuck humans. As to how this happens and whether or not humans consent of course is up to the writer. As with most of my stories I leave this open to whatever the writers want to do as long as the theme is "Sex Toys Coming to Life". As far as what can be used as sex toys, I'm limiting it to things that are actually made to be sex toys "dildos, pocket pussies,...

3 years ago
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A Come BackChapter 42 Toys Toys Toys

Eddie opened the door and I stopped in my tracks, a puddle of rain water gathering below me. "I've never been to one of these." I whispered as quietly as I could. "Can't say that anymore." Eddie sound rather loudly, drawing attention our way. The store was a sex store. It had sex everywhere. In front of me were aisles of DVD's that were all triple X. There were racks of magazines that were only nudes. I didn't know that made that many. Sure everyone had heard of the the money...

1 year ago
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Toys in the Attic Part 2

Part 2 of 10 Parts. Part 2. For some reason, Tim didn't refer to the incident or the toys in the attic again that day or the next. While he worked getting the house in order under Diana's directions, he sometimes found her looking at him with a strange smile and he found himself blushing, guessing she was remembering how he had looked when he tried to come. On Monday, they kissed goodbye and Tim drove off to his architect's office while Diana drove off to the school she taught at. A few days...

2 years ago
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Sex Toys

I've performed as a sex toy for a dominant woman this past year. It was never my fantasy to be a sex toy, but here's what happened. One day, I searched through the website profiles in my area, looking for someone that shared my smoking and orgasm control fetishes. This particular time, I found four profiles that were close to what I was looking for. I typed up an introductory message, and sent the message to the four women. One replied rather quickly, saying that I lacked experience in orgasm...

3 years ago
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A Lesbian Love Story of SortsChapter 3 Buying Some Toys

The school week went on with little fanfare as it was report card week, so both Gwen and I were bombarded with work. Writing down comments for 60 kids in every category of learning is exhausting and brain-numbing. So on Friday, Gwen and I went out for drinks, to celebrate another ending of report card reporting; Rob was out of town as was often the case. After a couple drinks we left, Gwen saying she was exhausted and needed some sleep. I laughed and said it was only 7, but I too was pretty...

2 years ago
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Share Your Toys TimothyChapter 4

Party time TIM COLLECTED Patty from her mother’s house early on Friday evening. He had his raincoat over his arm and handed a bunch of flowers to Babs to brighten up his sister’s living room. Patty polished up even nicer than Tim expected, coming into the sitting room where he had waited for only about 15 minutes, although it seemed a longer time to him. When she arrived he considered the wait was well worth it. Her shoulder-length hair was piled up high, studded with sparkling cosmetic...

1 year ago
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Thigh Highs and sex toys

The phone rings , it is you on the other end asking me when we are going to get together again. I ask when is a good time for you and you say you have no plans for tomorrow. I agree and ask where we will meet,you say you are going to rent a hotel room for the night . I tell you to call me tomorrow with all the details and hang up. I sit down and pour myself a glass of wine thinking about the preperations I am going to need to do before tomorrow night,thinking to myself I am going to have a few...

2 years ago
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Share Your Toys TimothyEpilogue

TWO WEEKS later, Tim’s brother Ned pulled his beat-up old pick-up truck over to the kerb and parked in the road in front of Tim’s house. When he walked up the drive he saw Tim working on his classic Jaguar sports car in the garage with the doors open. It was a nice bright sunny spring day. Tim looked up from polishing his pride and joy and waved at his younger brother. “Hi Tim,” Ned saluted back, “Just to let you know that the ... er ... scrap you wanted collecting and getting rid of has...

2 years ago
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Sister finds my toys Pt2

Comment welcomed and appreciated… I awoke early next morning. Sometime during the night Chris had gone off to her own room. I was glad because it was easier to prepare to see her again after our wild night of electronics and rubber dolls. As I got out of bed I stumbled and bumped against my closet door. Chris must have heard me because she called out from the kitchen. “Hey hot-stuff! You up yet?” “Yeah,” I said. “I’ll be right there” As always, Chris had breakfast ready with plenty of...

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The new toys

i received the email on a wednesday afternoon at 5pm. All it said was be my house friday night at 7:30 pm sharp! Do not dare be late. It does not matter what you wear as long as you wear a thong under your clothes and your 6" heels. The moment you arrive at the house you will strip and the rest of the directions will be given to you then. As i sat an read it i could feel my pussy already throbbing and getting wet. i knew Sir just got some new toys and wondered what they were and if He was going...

3 years ago
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The Greatest Sex Toys Part 3

I still can’t believe the effects of that gel! It took over two more hours for us to drain its potency! Drained us also. Sadie and I washed up, dressed and were out the door by ten-thirty. We kissed and hugged close and agreed to meet again, on Friday evening after I returned from the Pensacola market swing. We both needed the rest.I laid out at the beach Friday afternoon and soaked up the rays for a couple of hours checking out the girls showing off their bods. Saw several cuties that I would...

Mind Control
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family Guy Testing The Toys

Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same. Since like most men he was no fan of shopping hed decided to stay and relax by watching some of his old porn videos on their new 60 inch flat screen TV. His wife had been gone about 3 hours before she returned home. Lois was wearing a short black skirt and short white cotton top that showed off her well endowed breasts. To go with this she wore...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 26 Mexico Sex Toys Boating

Mark I caught Lucas alone a few moments later. I told him, “If you and any of the girls ever want to enjoy one another, please go ahead. No foul. No harm. Quite the opposite, in fact. I know Elsa and Cindy especially have hopes of being with you.” I pointed at the two of my girlfriends who were walking up the steps ahead of us peeling their clothes off and shaking sand out of their hair. Lucas just nodded that he’d heard me; otherwise he was stoic, as usual. Cindy and Elsa rinsed off in the...

1 year ago
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Rachel Fire Innocence Pt3 Toys R Us

Rachel – Fire & Innocence-Part3-Toys R Us I started to get up when I saw Harry head to his private shower. Rachel grabbed my arm and pulled me down to her side. She had a warm, wistful look on her face, and she tilted her head and smiled at me. She told me that Uncle Harry had said he thought I was a special person. She said she could see why. She thought I was special too, kind and cute and fun to be with. In fact, I was the first person her age that she ever had sex with. As she ran her...

2 years ago
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Sister finds my toys Pt4

'Shit,' Chris said. 'How long will she be here?' I kind of gave a little shrug. 'She said two weeks.' This was going to ruin everything. Chris and I had just about settled into our brother/sister relationship. Things were going so well for both of us and now everything would have to be put on hold. Carol had always been the thorn in our sides. She’d always been the one to tattle on us, to spy on us and to generally make our lives miserable. Looks like nothing had changed. Chris laid...

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Rachel Fire Innocence Pt3 Toys R Us

Rachel - Fire & Innocence-Part3-Toys R UsI started to get up when I saw Harry head to his private shower. Rachel grabbed my arm and pulled me down to her side. She had a warm, wistful look on her face, and she tilted her head and smiled at me. She told me that Uncle Harry had said he thought I was a special person. She said she could see why. She thought I was special too, kind and cute and fun to be with. In fact, I was the first person her age that she ever had sex with.As she ran...

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Putting Sandys New Toys to Work

Carby’s cock twitched painfully as he stepped out of the elevator and into the chic hotel lobby. He had just finished, sort of, fucking Sandy for the past hour upstairs. It was only sort of because she had made him wear a longish rubber sheath over his cock. This wrapped around his balls at the base of his cock and trapped him inside.As he entered her, he could feel little more than a vague pressure on his rock hard cock, although it did seem to warm up as he went along. Goaded on by her, he...

4 years ago
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Sister finds my toys Pt5

We put Chris on the plane on August the 7th. I remember because the 8th was Carol’s birthday. The drive home was very quiet with Carol and me exchanging little in the way of conversation. Mostly we just commented on the weather and how we would miss our sister; not really even much small talk. Once home, Carol went to take a shower and I poured myself a glass of whiskey. This was going to be a long two weeks. I tried to figure out why Carol and I were so close when Chris was around and yet...

2 years ago
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First Time With Toys

(Can be read alone but is part of the series, "Daddy's Desires") My daughter and I have been having sex regularly for the past month. It was dangerous, because it was always so spontaneous. Neither of us stopped to grab a condom, or even think about the existence of such items. We just went for it, we did what we desired, we followed instincts that neither of us previously knew we had. We made love. We had sex. We took it rough, we did it slow. We simply could not stop. My adorable princess...

3 years ago
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First Time With Toys

(Can be read as a stand alone but is part of the series "Daddy's Desires") Mydaughter and I have been having sex regularly for the past month. It was dangerous, because it was always so spontaneous. Neither of us stopped to grab a condom, or even think about the existence of such items. We just went for it, we did what we desired, we followed instincts that neither of us previously knew we had. We made love. We had sex. We took it rough, we did it slow. We simply could not stop. My adorable...

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A Toys Touch pt2

The year-and-a-half after Maddy’s first encounter with her sister’s toys was filled with more of the same. She would often find herself home alone, would become frisky for one reason or another, and would eventually make her way back into her sister’s room for some pleasurable private time. This all changed when she turned 18. The time is 12:03am, December 3: Maddy’s birthday. *ring ring*…..*ring ring*…..*ring ring* Maddy’s eyes slowly open as she gains consciousness. *ring ring* She...

2 years ago
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Stress Toys

Dave sits at his desk, mountains of work piled up around him. There are files on his desk, files in stacks on the floor and more files stacked up on the chairs reserved for his clients. He looks up from his work and surveys the insurmountable pile of work around him.The window behind him is dark. It's well past sundown and he knows he won't be going home for hours. So is the life he has chosen. He grabs his pen and points his weary eyes down to the papers in front of him.Just as he's settling...


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