A Teacher And Her Student, A Forbidden LoveChapter 15: Missing John free porn video

The following week was a living hell for Alice. She barely had any appetite and with nothing to do, the only thing she could think about was how much she missed John.
She did some household chores, went grocery shopping, worked out at the gym and even visited the pool, but no matter where she went, she was constantly reminded of John, or the things they had done together. It really felt as if her heart was slowly torn apart.
John was limited by Anna to use his phone only in the morning before breakfast and after dinner, forcing him and Tara to spent time with their grandfather during the day. John had texted her that it was normally Tara that she had to reprimand, but this time he had received an earful several times too. He feared that his mother was growing suspicious of his texting activities, since his normal routine never included so much texting. So, to prevent detection he had to cut down on sending her messages.
The following day he had texted her that Anna had asked him if anything had happened between him and Alice, she found that they had been surprisingly quiet during dinner that evening. John had told her off that she shouldn't have to worry about anything. He had explained her that they had just been very tired from all the traveling and hiking they had done, but he wasn't sure if she bought that excuse.
The only good news he had to offer was that Harry and Tara were completely oblivious and Harry had told Anna to give John some space and just take his word for it that he was tired of the trip. According to John, that had been the end of it for a while, but he still warned her that they would have to be very careful around his mother in the future.
Alice really felt like a zombie, as she walked around her house aimlessly.
Letting out a deep sigh of frustration, she thought, Why does life have to be so unfair? If I were ten, or just eight years younger, nobody would have made a problem out of our relationship. Sure, some people might look weird at an eighteen year old dating a fifteen year old, but such a relationship would only be frowned upon at worst and doesn't carry the same stigma like my relationship with John does...
Why aren't people allowed to pick who they want to love on their own terms, without being judged by society? In some Muslim countries forty or fifty year old men marry with ten year old girls, now that's sick since it could be their granddaughter, but I'm not even old enough to be John's mother! Yet it is acceptable in Muslim countries, while here it is not tolerated because John's physical age is below eighteen. His mental age is at least twenty-one, maybe even higher! He treats me so gentle and has been so considerate of me...
Alice felt herself close to crying again, which was something she had done a lot this past week. She didn't want to cry again though; she wanted to be strong, for John.
Letting out another sigh, she thought, Only one more day until I can hold my love in my arms again ... Tomorrow it's finally Saturday and he will finally be back from his family trip.
The following day Alice was literally counting down the minutes till John would come, Anna had tasked him with a lot of chores today and he said that even if he rushed them, he wouldn't be able to make it until after two p.m., but he'd do his best. Dinner, like usual, was at six p.m., so that would leave them with less than four hours that they could spend together. John had texted her how his mother didn't want him to go visit her, but he had come up with a good excuse of going to a friend's place.
Finally at nineteen minutes past two, she heard John's bike being put away behind her house and she quickly walked over to the kitchen door. John was barely inside, when she pulled him in a passionate embrace, lustfully French kissing him as soon as her lips found his.
John was already tugging at her clothes, to get her naked as quickly as possible, but Alice stopped him and insistently said, "No, not here. Upstairs, the neighbors can look inside and the bed will be more comfortable."
As quickly as their legs allowed they ran up the stairs, pulling their clothes off in Alice's bedroom. Alice had already anticipated that they'd end up here and as such her curtains and window were already closed, least anybody saw or heard something. Alice barely had time to give her bedroom door a soft kick so it'd close, before John pulled her on the bed and moved on top of her.
Their love making was raw, ferocious and filled with a temperamental fury. It barely took John a minute, before he grunted loud, pumping Alice's pussy full with his sperm. No matter how horny Alice was, their coupling had been too short for her to cum, but she knew it'd only be a matter of minutes before he recovered and could go again.
Currently he was panting heavily on top of her, while she held him close to her body, gently caressing his hair.
"You didn't cum, did you?" John asked her, it was more a statement than a question.
"No, I didn't, but that's okay ... You'll be ready to go again in a few minutes."

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