AssassinChapter 20 free porn video

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Still naked from my time with Anna, I climbed out her window and closed it. Instead of returning to my room I picked up a soft bag and donned my special footwear before lowering myself to the ground. I dressed in the shadows, checked my surroundings again and set out.

My way went near the other girls' houses so I detoured and found Rosalee's in darkness. With a blown kiss I passed it by and went around the corner to Hailey's.

The drive there was adjacent to the house next door and the boundary was marked by only a waist-high hedge for half the length of the house. Looking across from the next block I saw the window of the room Hailey had said was hers. It was lit.

There was no-one around and I simply walked down her driveway as if I belonged; it was far less suspicious than if I skulked in the shadows. I did skulk though, listening near the window. I couldn't see inside but there was no sound of people talking.

I took an unnecessary chance and tapped one finger against the window pane. Three times, wait five seconds then another three times.

This gave Hailey a chance to register the noise and then, when it was repeated, to trace its source -- provided she wasn't listening to headphones, or sleeping with the light on, or ... No, the curtain moved.

Just the edge and then Hailey's eyes. I waved and the curtain moved back further to show her stunned expression. Shock changed to delight and then concern. She put her finger to her lips; I could tell she was praying. I didn't make any noise and Hailey eventually pointed for me to go around the back.

The kitchen light came on and I watched Hailey fill a glass from the tap. My lovely Anna wasn't the only one who could think on the move. There was a snick and a line of light appeared around the door.

Hailey wrapped her arms around me and pressed her cheek to mine so our mouths were next to each other's ear.

"What on Earth are you doing here?"

"I was in the neighbourhood, saw your light was still on and decided to drop in and give you a kiss goodnight. Want me to tuck you in?"

"I'd love to have you tuck something in but you're going to get me killed."

I doubted it; giving the matter due professional consideration.

"I don't want to get you in trouble. I just planned on teasing you when you were up."

"I had a novel to read for Lit. Studies and was on the last couple of chapters. You know how it is; you pick something up, it turns out more interesting than you thought, and you can't put it down."

Hailey was only talking about her novel but I put my hands around her waist and lifted her feet off the ground and held her there after our kiss ended.

"I get the point and thank you but can you put me down now please?"

"I don't know that I ever want to put you down."

"Mr. Smoothy. It wouldn't be that Anna's out of commission and you're feeling lonely?"

"How do you know... ?"

"About Anna? Come on, we play Soccer every week. We know who is what on the team."

"Yeah, well that part is correct but she still finds ways to keep us occupied. I'm not lonely but I did miss you."

"Well I am lonely and if you promise to keep absolutely quiet I am going to do something bloody stupid about the situation."

"I can be mute."

"See you are! It's your skin as well!"

Hailey carefully opened the door and listened for any sign of noise, prepared to push me outside at the first indication someone else was up. We tiptoed across the floor and out the kitchen into a passage that gave us access to Hailey's bedroom and a couple of others.

Anna's house was basically a thick rectangle with the widest dimension across the block; Hailey's was more an "L" shape where the street was along the bottom, Hailey's room to the left of the upright and the kitchen on the top side of the horizontal looking towards the back yard.

Hailey pointed to the door down the end of the corridor; it was ajar. She put her finger to her lips and then drew it across her throat. Okay, now I knew where her parents were sleeping.

Hailey then pointed at the door on the other side and again made a keep quiet sign. No throat cutting this time, instead she indicated a small person; her younger sister or rather half-sister.

I pointed to the remaining door other than her own. Hailey waved her hands from side to side; there was no-one actually next to her so an accidental quiet noise was likely to go unnoticed. I could now see why she thought the adventure was worth the risk.

Hailey carefully closed the door behind herself after pushing me into her room. I looked around and inhaled.

Everyone's house smells a little the same and a little different. Hailey's had a slightly perfumed bouquet and I noticed a small air freshener hanging from her curtain rod.

She had a desk for schoolwork and a small bookshelf, a thick oval rug in a ghastly shade of pink that clashed with everything and a single bed. I gently pressed the mattress and decided it probably fell outside the definition "quiet noise".

I had no need to be told Hailey was happy to see me. Her tongue tickled my tonsils as she held me to her by gripping the front of my top with both hands.

There were tears in her eyes and I found I was almost as emotional. She let me step back and I pointed to the ducks and bunnies on her PJs with a grin.

She realised I was making fun of her night wear. Certainly not the seductive lingerie one might find in, say, a Victoria's Secret catalog but, then again, on Hailey it still looked good and, besides, even the lingerie was only gift wrapping and it was the present that mattered. Hailey was giving herself to me once more and that would have made the plainest granny nightie attractive.

I unbuttoned her top one button at a time, each fastening released with a kiss while she continued to hold me. Hailey was excited, smiling the whole while as I worked my way down.

I undid the final button and stepped back to admire the effect. Hailey's breasts remained hidden except over her breast bone and there was a strip of skin that promised so much more. I pursed my lips as though I was going to whistle and made an hourglass motion with my hand to indicate I thought she was sexy.

Hailey smiled and pointed to the lump in my pants; she knew I thought she was sexy.

I stepped closer and let myself enjoy the teasing pleasure of not revealing her charms just yet. I tugged her to me holding onto her butt and gently kneaded each cheek while our tongues writhed over each other.

Hailey mast have been feeling an itch inside and rubbed herself against my crotch. She would be able to use that to scratch herself shortly. With our passions rising, I had just slipped my left hand onto Hailey's breast when we heard a noise.

Hailey jumped and her eyes suddenly dilated. She looked around the room; her light was on and it was late. There was no way her mother or father wouldn't look in at her.

She fixed her gaze on her wardrobe -- the built-in kind fortunately without a separate floor that could creak. I quickly kicked a couple of pairs of shoes out of the way and parted the hangers as she opened the door and pushed me inside. There was room enough and I tried to remain motionless.

The wardrobe door opened again; Hailey tossed my pack to me and again put her finger to her lips. There was a tap at the door and Hailey closed the door as she said, "Yes?"

"It's late Hailey and there's school tomorrow." It was her mother.

"I've just finished reading and was putting things away and getting ready for bed."

That might explain the limited number of buttons done up on her pyjama top.

"Okay dear. Goodnight."

"'Night Mom."

Hailey turned out the light and listened to her mother go out to the kitchen. She left me in the wardrobe and turned down the bed before sitting on its side.

There was another tap and the door opened again.

"Did you open the back door?"

"No", Hailey lied.

"I could have sworn I'd snibbed it earlier. I must be getting forgetful."

"Goodnight Mom," Hailey repeated.

"Goodnight." The door closed and we both listened to each step to her bedroom.

Hailey sighed with relief, her heart was pounding -- and she was now incredibly horny. She undid the buttons that she had just refastened and threw her pyjama top onto the end of her bed. Her long legged pants followed and, naked, she released me from my prison.

"Shit!" she whispered in my ear. "I thought I was dead. I need you so much now."

Hailey decided I was overdressed for the occasion so she started to pull my pants down. I assisted, removing my top and found myself being blown for the third time that night as Hailey knelt before me.

I stepped out of one pants leg and then the other, the movement making my prick bounce around as Hailey tried to retain possession.

It was nice, more than that, but I wanted to taste Hailey's pussy. It wasn't just that I'd missed Anna's yesterday and tonight; though that was part of it, I knew Hailey was tasty and produced copious juices.

Hailey didn't want to release me but lay herself back on the now invisible rug at my silent request. I lay beside her, head to toe, and found her pussy. It was soft, warm, fragrant -- and wet; I dove right in.

Hailey sighed and pulled on my hips so I straddled her face. She wrapped her lips around me and began licking and sucking while I drained the swamp that had been accumulating in the nicest patch of lowlands I could imagine.

I realised it was the first time we had been significantly alone in a sexual situation. For Anna that had been a regular occurrence and Rosalee had at least our first date. I hoped to make it special for Hailey.

I briefly debated the best way of doing so. I wanted to make love to her slowly, tenderly, but our passion at the moment would make that impossible. My choice was therefore to allow this wonderful feeling to continue to its obvious conclusion and to heat Hailey until she climaxed as well or to rearrange things and try to achieve the same result with a lusty fuck.

I guess I considered my own wishes as much as Hailey's and though I liked what she was doing I knew I would prefer being inside a different part of her. I was just as sure she would prefer I didn't fill her mouth as she lay back like this.

She offered some resistance to any change at first and I was still caught in her mouth, angled painfully downwards as I sat back. I gave her nipple a little squeeze and she retaliated with a mock bite. Sufficient warning that I shouldn't try anything worse!

My prick broke free with an audible plop and I moved around to lie between Hailey's legs where I could lick her pussy once more.

Hailey heard me fumbling for my bag as my tongue caressed her and correctly determined the object of my search.

"Roger! Come here."

I stopped both activities and moved up her body.

"I'm due tomorrow. I've read up and that means I'm safe. Do you think we could do it without one?"

I kissed her, no reply being necessary. Hailey would know if I continued to search my pack that I thought it important and if I left it alone then I agreed.

I tongued her breasts while I was there and rubbed her pussy to spread more juices in place of those I'd washed away. That was the problem with fucking after eating!

Hailey arched her hips at each contact, her hand holding my head to her breast and I knew she was eagerly awaiting my next move.

I knelt between her legs and lifted them to my shoulders. I could feel her pussy was flooding again and rested my knob at the entrance. One swift thrust and I was deep inside.

"Yes!" Hailey suppressed her shout but the joy was clear. "More!"

I leaned forwards and touched my lips to hers. For a brief fraction of a second her knees made a similar contact with her shoulders then, spring-like, they forced me away. I began to move my hips.

This was shared lust; any love was hidden behind our animal urges and Hailey's fingernails marked my back as her fingers became talons holding me to her as our hips thrashed together.

Hailey pushed up against me; meeting my thrusts; anticipating the loving violence. She came; I came, and time stopped.

Had we made any noise? I didn't think so but I have to admit my memory of those seconds -- oh so brief yet lasting forever at the time -- concern only the feeling of Hailey clamping her cunt around me as I filled the spaces with my cum until it was forced back over my balls and down the crack of Hailey's ass.

I let her legs slip from my shoulders and felt them circle my waist instead. Hailey might have come but she didn't want my prick to go just yet.

I couldn't see her face properly in the dark room; her curtains were quite effective in isolating her when viewed from this side. I imagined she was smiling like I was and leaned forward to find her mouth with my fingers, then my lips.

"How long can you stay?" It was barely a whisper -- and I thought Anna and I were quiet!

"How long do you want me to stay?"

"Forever -- especially if you keep loving me like that."

This was my little virginal Hailey. I didn't have to count the days; I could count how many hours it had been since she had first lain with me. Of course, her introduction to sex had been anything but usual -- sharing your first lover with two other women had to make it even more unforgettable. I unfortunately had more trouble remembering who had done what to whom and even mixed Kyra and Mark in with the three girls.

"How long should I stay?"

Hailey thought carefully; the smart answer was "You shouldn't be here now!" but her heart over-rode that.

"Make love to me once more -- at least."

I kissed her and eased back; Hailey released me and I reached for my pack again. Hailey was patient as I wiped her and then myself. Mutual gooiness is okay when the gooey parts are rubbing together but I was sure Hailey didn't want my sticky prick against her side as we cuddled.

I grabbed the pillows from her bed and placed them under her head and then opened the curtain just a fraction. The room was still essentially black except for a dim line of pale light but to our dark-adjusted eyes we could now make out each others features.

"I love you Hailey," I whispered and got a hug and a kiss in reply.

Hailey pushed me onto my back and sat over my legs, then wriggled back towards my feet so she could attack my nipples. Her breasts hung down and I cupped them, taking their weight and rubbing all around her own pretty nipples.

She murmured and then began kissing across my belly. I only hoped she liked the taste of the mixture of our juices.

If she didn't, she at least restrained her nausea to clean me up. I was a limp noodle between her lip, being sucked in and blown out again. I wasn't sure about how easily I would recover after two and a half blow jobs and a F-U-C-K fuck but Hailey showed she had some talent.

Satisfied that she could continue to build on what she started, Hailey stretched out on top of me and our lips met once more. My prick lay along the groove of her pussy and her hips gently moved around letting our sensitive parts collide. I continued to harden.

"I love you. I love you. I love you."

I hugged her to me, my turn to reply noiselessly. Hailey reached between our bodies as she raised her hips a little, one slight rearrangement and she slid all around me -- the entry itself providing enough of a hit to restore my complete rigidity.

My earlier release made entry almost frictionless and this time Hailey had complete control over when, what and how. We stayed as we were, Hailey flat over me, except for that one change.

It was sweet and I could have slept joined to her except for three important reasons.

I still had to pick up my supplies; her mother; and her father!

Hailey continued to move around and even squeezed me occasionally; it kept me hard while we kissed and played with each other's nipples.

"I love being like this," she whispered.

I agreed in my own mind. I loved being with Anna when I was with her and could quite happily have spent the rest of my life with just her but when I was with Hailey like this I imagined the same thing -- but with a different face beside me. I guessed I might feel the same way with Rosalee.

And then there was the joy of sex with all of them together!

I knew it wasn't just me and sex though. Kyra was every bit as pleasurable to be with yet I never felt I wanted to spend my life with her; Mark could have been a friend but, though a good enough lover, was not what I saw as my ultimate direction. Was it that I saw them as part of a job? Strictly speaking Anna, Hailey and Rosalee were no more. I guess it depended on whose father was in my sights.

Hailey straightened eventually and her mound rubbed more heavily across my pubes. She moved back and forwards, lifting herself at each end like a pendulum; really starting to grind us together at the bottom of the swing.

Abruptly she stopped and then changed to a rapid straightening and bending of her knees as she began to fuck me with the intensity of our first fuck.

Again she felt me spurt inside her and this time she threw herself around, pressing the side of her hand between her teeth to stifle her screams.

I waited, over my explosion and wishing I could really see how she looked. Hailey was coming harder than I think she did over the weekend and it wasn't just a simple mountain peak of pleasure but rather a series of them. Hailey never dropped into a valley where she could recover but instead staggered along a jagged ridgeline until she fell off an inevitable cliff and collapsed on top of me.

"Wow!" I whispered.

I felt Hailey laughing silently then she hugged me hard.


"Don't ever stop loving me. Please! I thought what Anna and I did together was going to be impossible to top but that... !"

"I'll do my best."

"I think you just did."

I didn't point out that throughout our lovemaking I had barely moved. Our parts had meshed in what seemed to be the most absolutely perfect way and I wasn't about to reject Hailey's praise but I knew anyone else could have done the same provided he and she felt the same as we did -- and were as lucky.

Once again I felt in no hurry to move and Hailey kept me inside her until angles and a lack of rigidity and, more importantly, size caused us to part company. This time the flow coated me but I'd already been liberally covered by Hailey's juices so having more mess was of no concern.

"Oo-yuck! I feel like I'm flooding everywhere."

Unbeknownst to me Hailey was worried that she'd started her period a day early -- like Anna. With the excitement over the weekend her body could have gone a little haywire so it wasn't an impossible scenario by any means. If I'd known I would have reassured her more completely -- a young lady doesn't want to gross out her new lover and I could have told her that getting someone's blood on me was not a bother. Telling her why it wasn't would probably bother her though.

All Hailey heard however was me saying I would remember the reason I was messy.

"Remember or remember?"

"I don't think I'll need or even be able to do that for quite a while."

"I think I need to go to the bathroom. You should probably go out the backdoor at the same time or Mom and Dad will wonder what I'm doing up a third time."

"Or I could stay here and have breakfast with them?"

Hailey shuddered. "Before I would have been scared silly at the suggestion; now, knowing what it's like to have you here like this, I'm almost willing to see their faces."

"Maybe one day, Love."

"I'd like that Roger. I really would. I won't ask you to choose between us but I want you to know that, if it's a choice between sharing you with Anna and Rosalee or losing you, I'm willing to share you on whatever terms you say."

"I know it sounds greedy but I don't want to choose either. You all mean so much to me it would be incredibly hard. I guess I fall in love too easily."

"I'm glad but I hope you don't do it too often."

It was my turn to shudder. "I will definitely try not to add any more loves to my life but I doubt there are more like you three to be found; you are all rather special."

Hailey doubted they were that special. If it had been others on her team who had ridden home in the car that first week she didn't doubt she would be getting no more than a kiss before each game. Enjoyable as it was seeing how the other team reacted, she thought that it was time to stop that practise. Perhaps, instead, the three of them would each give me a real kiss. That would stir up her own team as well as the opposition and certainly have the parents wondering.

I heard a giggle and couldn't know Hailey was imagining the response if it was a four-way kiss.

We kissed and she stood before giving me a hand up. Aware that knowing what I looked like was going to be better than imagining the possible mess, Hailey turned on her light long enough for me to find all my gear and for her to note that I had nothing worse than semen matting my curls.

"Can I tell Rosalee you visited?"

"Apologise for me and say her light was off. I might arrange for her to stay up some night soon."

"Would you have stopped off there instead of here?"

I attempted to put my arms around her and found she was buttoning her top. I helped.

"I don't know. When I went out for a jog I hadn't intended to stop anywhere and I was only going to say goodnight and let you know I love you. I'm certainly glad we had this time alone though."

Hailey held me tight. I guess knowing that it wasn't simply a matter of being the only convenience store open was reassuring.

"You'll tell Anna I suppose?"

"As open as possible at all times with the three of you. It's the only way we have any chance."

"So did you and she fool around earlier?"

"Yes but I'll have to tell you some other time when we don't have to whisper."

It was as subtle a hint as I could give her that I should probably be going.

"I really want you to stay."

"And I would really love to be able to. I'll call you tonight."


I pointed to her alarm which showed a couple of minutes of Tuesday morning had passed by.


One more kiss and Hailey cracked the door. She headed noisily to the bathroom and I silently to the kitchen and out the door. Hailey would re-snib it lest the automatic click be too loud in the quiet house.

"Geez you're late! I thought something had happened to you."

"It did," I thought. The woman had been sitting in her car -- slouched down -- for probably two hours.

"Sorry, I couldn't get away as easily as I thought. Still, if things continue to go to plan, you will be able to take a little vacation ahead of schedule."

"That would be good. You going anywhere nice?" It wasn't kosher practise to give out that sort of details but a general question was okay.

"I'm not sure yet. There's some suggestion I might have to take a longer one later."

"Pity. From what I've heard you're taking care of five at once. I wouldn't mind being sent on vacation with you; lately my hubby can't seem to take care of just me."

I looked closer at my contact. She looked to be in her very early thirties and was definitely not too hard on the eyeballs.

"What's your handle?"


It wasn't her name, and Hubby was probably another contact -- perhaps even the guy who had helped me out in the taxi before on this job.

"Well Jane, I have to say I think your hubby is a fool and if he wasn't likely to leave me stranded some day I'd see about getting our travel plans altered.

'Jane' laughed.

"I think I'll stick with him -- I doubt I'd survive having to replace five teenagers."

"Can I get a lift with you for a little of the way please?"

Jane thought. We were supposed to have minimal contact. No-one could have seen me reach the car and I would only be in it with her for a couple of minutes.

"Okay. I can't get too close to your base though." That was SOP.

"I understand. It's just I've got to set things up and still get some sleep."

"No fooling around tonight?"

"No more. I've given one blow job and come four times in the past seven hours; I think I deserve a rest."

"Get in."

I looked around and then circled the car before sitting in the front beside Jane. She drove off almost silently and I hefted the parcel she had given me.

"They are rated 98%+. We've checked out a sample and they work like a dream. Just don't set them off yourself!"

"I'll be leaving them set on safe mode until the last thing; after that I have to just hope that nothing sets them off early."

"It shouldn't, but..."

"Yeah, but!"

"Roger, can I get personal?"

I wondered what she was going to ask me. I was reliant on her and her colleagues so she could ask me anything.


She reached out and felt my crotch. I immediately hardened.

"Would you really have taken an old lady like me on vacation?"

"I think it would have been lovely to share a suite with my big sister -- no that should be my cousin, then we could be kissing cousins without shocking the hotel staff so much."

"I can see sister and brother might upset them. You didn't say anything about the old lady though."

"You're just fishing for compliments and you know as well as I so that you're good looking."

"Maybe I should ditch Hubby."

"Do you drive holding his gear stick?"

Jane laughed. "Not for quite a while."

"Try it. I'm sure he'd like it as much as I do."

"It's good?"

"Jane, as I said, I've come four times and you got me hard almost straight away. You look good and you play good and I wish I had time to see if you tasted good as well."

Jane released me, fumbled between her legs, grunted and then passed me two glistening fingers. Ah! If I'd been bluffing I had been called.

I let her slide them into my mouth and licked them clean. She wasn't bad and that was after sitting waiting for quite a while.

"Mind if I get some more?"

"I'll have to drive around the block a couple of times."

"Make them big blocks and don't speed. If you have to pull over I'll understand."

I turned in my seat and watched her expression as I found where she'd moved her panties to one side of her pussy. Jane was wet and I noticed she was barer than any of my teenage ladies. Not naked -- there was an interesting strip up the middle -- but between her legs there seemed no trace of curl. I dipped my fingers into her wetness and then slid them deeper inside.

Jane kept driving though it was fortunate that the roads were relatively empty as the wheel moved erratically a couple of times and the accelerator pedal wasn't as steady as it should have been.

"Can I pull over?"

"Find a darker spot."

Jane drove further along the block and then quietly pulled into the driveway of a house set well back from the road. She killed the lights and the engine. We then waited for a minute with me just marking time in Jane's pussy; there was no sign of movement at any of the windows and no lights. I turned to Jane and began to fuck her properly with my fingers.

Jane responded by finding her way into my pants to grab my prick. It was still sticky from Hailey and my exertions but Jane just paused a second and began to pump me with her fist.

I won't deny it felt excellent and I was male enough to enjoy the attention from any half-way good-looking female but I had been going strong for the past two weeks and there was no way a hand job was going to make me come before I'd brought Jane to her own enthusiastic release.

She pulled my face to hers and screamed into my mouth as her body shook. I suspected Hubby hadn't visited lately or if he had it had been with a serious lack of interest.

As Jane calmed she began to stroke me again but I put my hand over hers. "It's all right."

"But I hoped I could make you come a fifth time. Would you rather I sucked you instead?"

"I'm a fool for saying it but I have to go. Are you going to be around much longer?"

"I'm scheduled for two weeks, all matters staying in the green."

"Then there is a possibility we'll meet again. We can see then."

I was a little guilty about fooling around with Jane. There was no rule against it as we tended as a group to work outside all rules. I hadn't made the first move and Hubby obviously wasn't making it harder for me but I probably wouldn't be able to work with him armed behind me and for that reason alone it wasn't to smart of me.

The little head doesn't always get its own way though and Jane drove me to my drop off spot after we'd shared the juices coating my fingers. I would really have been quicker just jogging home after picking up the parcel but I hadn't anticipated the delay and it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun. Besides, now I'd satisfied a sixth person in two and a half days -- not counting myself.

Same as Assassin
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9 Stone Cum Queen in the Suburbs

Here I am.I am the 9 Stone Cum Queen.My cunt is tighter than your wife's.I am five foot six. That's the perfect weight for my height, a doctor told me.I'm a good height for the average man. When I'm wearing heels and I bend over a table I find my cunt is at just the right height for the average man to slide his cock into.Are you an average man? Would you like to bend me over your table?Here I am. I'm in a house in the suburbs. I am wearing fishnet hold ups and black high heels. I have a man's...

4 years ago
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Part 21 Sharing Shareen With Husband

Having promised Shareen that I would have sex with her, I decided to plan to visit Mumbai once with an exclusive objective of taking her in her home. Asif was well aware that Shareen’s stay back at Bangalore to join my company was only a pretext by Shareen to have sex with me. Asif was also okay with it, so we went ahead with the plan. I got in touch with them and indicated my plan to visit Mumbai. They made all the necessary arrangements and picked me up at the airport. The thought of fucking...

4 years ago
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How I Fucked The Old BeggarWoman Roadside

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

1 year ago
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A Spanking Extravaganza at Middlesex High Part A

Bob Perkins, the Boys’ Dean at Middlesex High, arrived at work a bit early. He needed to clear his head for the full day ahead of him. Holly, his 21 year old secretary, came in shortly after him and gave him a big hello. She was at the age where she could take him on twice a day and still need more. Perkins was very happy to have her around, even more so to be able to slip his cock into her warm and very wet pussy a few times a week. On occasion though, even he needed a rest.

3 years ago
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Sucking another man cock

My Husband Sucking Off Another Manhusband interested – husband sucking – expressed interest - watching husbandWe are a married couple of six years. I am 5'4", 34C pert breasts and wear a bikini well. My husband is 5'10" with a well toned build. We have always been pretty open and honest with each other when it came to sex.One night, while making love, my husband expressed his desire to watch me fuck another man, one with a large cock. I told him that I indeed was intrigued with the idea and...

2 years ago
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His Mothers Clothes

It was now three weeks since seventeen-year-old Christopher Jenkinson had been caught by his mother Julie wearing his sister Catherine's old school uniform and she had given him two hairbrush spankings.The atmosphere between mother and son was a bit strained but the events of that fateful evening were not mentioned.Christopher still had urges to wear female clothing but he had so far refrained from doing so.Julie, on the other hand, was concerned that she had got sexually aroused by spanking...

2 years ago
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Caught in the Storm Chapter 6 A Twisted Game

Caught in the Storm Chapter 6 - A Twisted Game The rules were explained as everyone was given a very very full shot glass of rum, as it turned out to be. Billie downed his quickly as Terri, Lisa, and April had. Each glass was immediately half-filled again. Lisa listed the rules, mostly for Billie's sake as she'd never played. There were so few, Billie noted. 1) Everyone does every move until someone falls. Then everyone starts clean. 2) If a placement comes up you're already...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Best Friends Dad

It was August this summer, and I had recently turned 18. I was tanning in my best friend, Keirsten’s backyard. I was wearing a tiny white bikini, the bottoms a thong style. Let me describe myself: I am tall at 5’10”, with long legs and naturally tan skin. I have brown hair with natural golden highlights from the sun that goes down to the middle of my back. I have C cup tits that are round and firm, yet still bouncy. I have a toned stomach and neatly shaved pussy. My ass is a perky bubble...

3 years ago
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Lund ki lambai

Friends myself yash, this is mine first story,well main koi story writer nahi huin lekin iss pe itni stories padh ke bas mann mein josh aagaya ki main bhi kuch likhu,so agar maine likhne mein koi galti ki ho to maaf ker dena as its my first time, waise to maine aaj tak kisi bhi story per comment nahi likhe hai and i think most of people also don’t write any thing but fir bhi agar aap logo ko meri stori pasand aaye to aap muzhe per mail ker sakte hai,i m really waiting for your replies and ur...

1 year ago
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MAU Rules and Authors Notes

Rules for the Morphic Adaptation Unit, Mark 5 Foreward: Some may consider these rules and notes to be extreme. Some may find them offensive. I have been told that I should write "minimal" rules and let people play, like has happened in other universes. I tried that; even with reasonable guidelines, my universes have been radically altered by adventurous authors. If the story universe is to stay open, it is with some stronger guidelines to help keep things in line with my original...

1 year ago
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Daddys Home

My kids had just left for the weekend when my cell phone sprang to life. A picture flashed on my smartphone screen, a special ring tone shattered the silence, and the words “The Hubby” rolled across the picture. I pushed the correct area of the touch screen and answered his call the way I always do.“Hey, baby!” His response scrambled my brain and kicked my heartbeat into overdrive.“Get your bath. I’ll order dinner tonight. Chinese delivery. Be on the rug at 7:45.”Before I could respond I heard...

3 years ago
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Rural Road to Ranch

Her stomach growled and she glanced at the box she had packed for lunch and decided she would find a place to picnic. About 10 minutes down the road she found a spot with a few picnic tables next to a rushing creek. Two cars were parked there. One at the far end of the picnic area, a couple was eating at that table at that end. The other car was parked at the other end and she could see the guy had his hat pulled down over his eyes napping the afternoon away. She parked close to the seconf...

1 year ago
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Harry and His Friendcontinued

Gary grunted and his penile head swelled and twitched and without a warning, Gary shot load after huge load of young semen into my mouth chanting '... swallow my baby gravy bitch, swallow my jizz...' Gulping his load between the powerful thrust of Harry was all I could manage to do. Gary pulled from my mouth and holding my head, ordered me to '...lick my dick clean, lick it clean...' As I licked at Gary's penis Harry plowed into my butt as if he was drilling for oil, he kept saying holier...

4 years ago
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To Be or Not to Be a Cuckolded QuestionChapter 2

Jed's dominance of Stella and Jim continued apace; Jed was now living rent free and supported by Jim's income; while Stella's pregnancy developed she became less able to cope with the length and thickness of Jed's powerful cock. This resulted in Jim having to literally become a male prostitute to Jed's wishes. Now he had no difficulty in taking the full length up his arse and even managed when necessary to press his nose to Jed's pubic bone when sucking his cock. When Stella was seven...

4 years ago
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EXIT 33 Trust

We are having a slow day on the ‘big road’ due to the usual traffic snarls along the Interstate highway. My favorite truckstop is just ahead 3 miles down the road. These people go out of their way to make a driver feel welcome … from the manager(s) to fuel clerks to convenience cashiers to floor sweepers. Everybody is so friendly here. Their big neon sign is truly a welcome sight for me. This stop has the nicest / biggest shower facilities and the fluffiest of towels. When I am here, I really...

2 years ago
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My Teachers After Class Lesson

My senior year in highschool ... I had been 18 for about a month. I was so excited, this was my year to rule the school. I wore a sexy skirt and tight top on my first day. I left my long dark hair down, falling almost to my waist. The day went great untill my last period class. Calculus!! Sooo boring. I was passing notes, and generally cutting up, when my teacher Mr. Denton said, "Delilah, bring that note up here right now!" My face blushed fiery red. The note was about him. I refused to...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Lulu Chu Xxlayna Marie Dick Appointment For Stepbrother

Lulu Chu is hanging out with her BFF Xxlayna Marie, but she finds that she’s restless. She has had the hots for Xxlayna’s stepbrother, Robby Echo, for a while now, and today she decides it’s time to start acting on that desire. Lulu begins by making a list of dick doctor questions. Then she blocks her phone number and calls Robby up and starts going. Telling Robby that she’s calling from Dr. D’s office, Lulu goes down her list of questions under the pretense that...

2 years ago
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Farzana Kausar

By Suhail (Pakistan) Hi! My name is Suhail and I would like to tell you about my true story. It involves my co-worker and friend Farzana Kusar. But first a little back ground to my story. Farzana is a good looking girl. Definitely not one you would refuse admission to your bed. Farzana and I have known each other for several years. But only recently has she begun working in the office where I work. She has a friendly outgoing personality, always greeting everyone with a friendly "Hello!"...

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One Dark NightChapter 6

Last night all seemed like a bad dream. Surrealistic. Rick's rough sex with me. The idea of me being a stripper!But the reality all set in this morning with the sun streaming into the windows and sitting here with my cup of coffee. You may wonder a little about me, wonder why I would take off with these two shady characters and leave my old life behind. Well, the answer is much too complicated to give a simple reason. I had been very lonely for a long time. I was trapped in a loveless...

1 year ago
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sister in Law and somemore

Okay so after my last story i told you about my brothers wife. Well this time we had all day. I was off work today and so was she. My brother left early for work and my sister in law was about to take a shower. She told me to go in there room and make myself comfortable.When i got in there i laid on the bed waiting for her to get out of the shower. When she came in she was wearing a big t shirt that went down to her ankles. I was getting hard by looking at her soft legs and wanting to know what...

2 years ago
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The Grantham ClinicChapter 13

As the train pulled into the station, the motion disturbed her reverie. Her pussy still tingled from the memory of her final orgasm; Joanna kneeling in the shower with her face nestled between her thighs, juices dripping from her chin. Jim waited on the concourse and hugged her as soon as they met. He quickly relayed his suspicions about Wilson. "Do you think he has some hold over her?" she asked. "According to our intelligence, there's little love lost between Stephen Wilson and Sir...

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Accidents Happen pt 1

It turns out a car, driven by a drunk driver had swerved onto the sidewalk and knocked me off my feet. I’d managed to break my leg, and both arms, but what had the doctors concerned was the blow to my head. They’d kept me unconscious for a couple of weeks to makes sure I wasn’t overly stressed and thereby allow the swelling to go down. I underwent a battery of tests to see if I’d suffered any brain damage. Finally I was released home and into the care of my mother. This didn’t sound so...

3 years ago
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Hello, how are all of you Desi Stories Fans. I don’t know what am I doing here but I think this is a good source of finding people of same taste. I always liked these sex sites and used to masturbate while watching nude Pics and reading stories but now I thought of sharing myself with you all and who knows may be I’ll find someone out there. Before I should start let me introduce myself to all of you. My name is Ahmed, 33 years of age. I had passed Engineering and I am 5ft 9 inch tall have...

3 years ago
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Family ClosetChapter 3

When Kay awoke the next morning, she still had the taste of her son's cum in her mouth and throat. Memories of the night before and the things they had done poured into her mind. She felt her cunt start to lubricate and she forced the thoughts from her head and climbed out of bed. She paused to look at her sleeping teenage son and admired his smooth, hard body. She gazed at his firm young ass and couldn't resist. Bending over, she softly kissed each cheek. She paused at the crack in his...

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Mere maamu jaan 4

Hallo chodu ladkon aur lund ki pyaasi ladkiyon aur auntiyon kaise hai aap sabke lund aur choooot………..? Coool na…? Ok to meri last kahaani mere mamu jaan part 1..2…aur 3 ko aap sabne bahut achha responce diya aur jin logon ne mere mamu jaan ke 3no part nahi pade to plzzzzzzzz pahle wo pade fir yahaan se padna suru kijiye tab hi iska maza aayega warna sirf haath hilaate rah jaayenge aur samajh me kuch bhi nahi aayega. Haan to ab badchodi bahut ho gayi ab main kuch suru karoon…? Kuch kya bas wahi...

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Chapter One. Gina was bored with the party, bored with her friends,and frankly, with her life. Her job was a relative dead end and the men she dated were almost all classified in her own mind as losers or just nonentities. She had no difficulty attracting lovers; she was beautiful by anyone's standards. But when they left her apartment after a night of post dinner sex, she was always relieved to see them go since their pitiful attempts to please her sexually only left her aching for...

2 years ago
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Ryans Barter

“Ryan, down here now” his Mum exploded.     16-year-old Ryan knew he had been found out but entered the kitchen hoping to brazen it out. A sore bottom, his to be precise, was at stake.   “What’s up Mum?” he asked looking without a care in the world.   “I’ll tell you what’s up. I baked this cake for tea this afternoon for when the neighbours, my friend Sally is coming over with her daughter Karen?”   Ryan remembered alright and didn’t need to be reminded who Karen is. He fancied Karen...

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What happens abroad

So, the day officially came. It was June 29th, my tenancy was running out and my finals were over. Having secured a job at an important investment bank in London, my summer was free from all the worry of job seeking. I was looking forward to travelling and seeing what Europe has to provide. After all, during the 4 years I studied in the UK, I never got the chance to really travel Europe, which had always been my dream ever since I grew up in a small town in rural USA. So much opportunities laid...

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The Filmmaker

THE FILMMAKER Cindy Brawdell's initial consulting in the world of erotic teasing had been in film?she'd needed a way to get through college. Her boyfriend Lancaster " Lane " Trotter had been shocked when Cindy had told him she might have to transfer to a state university because she'd begun running out of money. "Lane, I don't have your trust fund, honey.."there's no way." Cindy said sadly. At the time they were having this conversation, Lane was kneeling precariously on a hard stool with his...

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Finding a New Life Ch 0910

CHAPTER NINE ‘Lily, would you relax?’ Grace asked with a grin. ‘I’m nervous as hell,’ Lily grumbled. ‘It’s just dinner with my parents,’ Grace reasoned, as she unwound the curling iron from a strand of Lily’s hair. ‘Yeah, and I get to tell your parents that Ty and I are engaged,’ Lily said, tapping her fingers on the arm of the chair. ‘No, Ty said he wants to tell them,’ Grace told her friend. ‘I don’t know if I can do this,’ Lily groaned. ‘You’ll be fine. What are you so afraid of?...

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Ellens Sex Shop 1 Maras Plot

Amber was simultaneously incredibly turned on, and extremely irritated. Oh, she loved working at Ellen’s Delights, she really did. For an adventurous young woman, there were very few things that could top working at a high-end, well respected, sex shop like Ellen’s. It was safe, fun, and paid exceptionally well, for the rare few whom made it through Ellen’s selection process. Add in an amazing boss, cool coworkers, a few free or reduced cost gene mods, discounts, and pretty much guaranteed...

1 year ago
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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 30 Interlude Luna

His new aide alsdo a Commander came into the office of the Admiral and said. “I am unable to raise the Commander or the Midshipman. The local police found the Laboratory empty, but found the flier of the Xenobiologist 3 miles away near the mountains. No sign of the two. There is a piece of ground burned by TKU before a cave entrance.” The Admiral leaned back and pointed at the file he was reading.” I was reading up on the Big Bone Mystery and I wonder why we never put more efforts in this to...

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RoommatesChapter 3

I stood in the street and watched as my two best friends and my sometimes lovers drove off in their mustang convertible, tin cans bouncing and clanging behind them. My job as a Dallas Police Officer demanded that one learn to control their emotions, but I couldn’t help myself. I joined the other ladies at the small wedding in crying happy tears for the young couple. That night, lying alone in my bed, I thought back to how I’d met Jan and Susan. I’d been on duty, riding my Segway around the...

3 years ago
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Wives Sister Shows Best

This is not my story, but its a good one!My wife’s sister, Gloria, was visiting for a few days. I know, I know – another story about being tempted by a sister-in-law. It’s not exactly like that. Not that I wasn’t immediately tempted.She, first of all, is a knockout. A tennis coach, so she’s fit, but beyond that she’s beautiful. Striking eyes, high cheekbones and a long, supple neck. Many times really fit girls have these flat chests – and that’s fine, too, but she flaunts some very serious...

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Her Sensuous SearchChapter 8

After going to bed with two men, Sue knew she should be feeling downright demented and horribly guilty. And she did feel guilty, but not nearly to the extent that she thought she ought to, that any decent married woman would. Actually, the small amount of guilt she did experience was mostly due to the fact that she had so thoroughly enjoyed the thrilling three-way orgy. The immorality of her marital transgression bothered her, to be sure, because it told her in no uncertain terms just how...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Callie Brooks Bootcamp Booty Send Off

When Brett’s parents plan to ship him off to boot camp, he isn’t exactly thrilled. School, his friends and more importantly his relationship with his hot stepmother Callie – all gone! That’s right, Brett & his stepmother have violated convetional social norms by secretly having fucking each other. Callie tells him it can’t go on and Brett can’t hide his disappointment – he leaves in a few days! As Brett mopes around preparing for bootcamp, Callie...

2 years ago
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Bassae 3 Endava Prime

This is a sequel of sorts to Bassae 1 and a prequel of sorts to Bassae 2. The TG character is only a supporting character while the POV character does not undergo a gender change. I post it here merely to supplement parts one and two. As always, comments are welcome at [email protected] Bassae 3: Endava Prime By cvn88 Laura practically jumped out of her car and rushed into the lab building. Tonight was the night she and the professor believed they would finally be able to...

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Lesson in Vegas

We arrive in Vegas in the early afternoon on a hot Friday in July. He won’t tell me where we are staying, says it’s a surprise. After finding our luggage, he holds open the cab door for me, and we are off on our Las Vegas excursion. I can see the sweat beading up on his forehead, he reaches over and caresses my leg, I moan slightly and close my eyes to imagine him caressing so much more. The cab comes to a stop, I open my eyes and here we are in front of the Palazzo! This place is amazing,...

3 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 74

~~Damien~~ Damien looked over at Amanda, and she smiled at him before offering a small wave. She seemed like a kind little creature, dark skin and long black hair. Damien did not care for her sire, Gloria Jenning, who had a far larger mouth for gossip than any Mekhet should have, but Amanda seemed alright. Perhaps a little ditzy, but then, after being around Fiona, ditzy didn’t seem to bother him so much anymore. Ditzy people had the amazing ability to be happy and enjoy themselves. For...

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The Special Delivery

"John I am in a bind and I need your help.Here me out first though.I have a one stop delivery.However the stop is 2 hours away in the New York mountains.If you do it I will double your pay for the day.The only problem is that I dont have anyone to go with you on this one.No one else is able to go,"his boss said while showing him the work order. "I dont know about that,"John said,its already 5pm and it says here theres a headboard and a footboard to put together.As well as a queen...

1 year ago
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A Sissy Slave for a Transvestitecontinuation

Gwendolyn giggled and hung up the phone and begin to grind more exuberantly as her penis harden. Gwendolyn rode me for nearly an hour, my bung hole was full of her seed and made obscene sloppy sounds before she stiffen and flooded my bung hole once again. Gwendolyn laid there for a little while before pulling her flaccid penis from my bung hole and admired her handy work. '...Look at my cum oozing from your pussy, my girls are gonna luv you boy. I've got to get cleaned up, just relax, I'll be...

3 years ago
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Fucked Out OF Her Heels

I was in my early 20's and had been dating Kate for a little over a year at the time. Kate was almost 3 years older than me. She had been seeing an older guy she worked with for almost our entire relationship. I had watched them fuck once and had listened to them on the phone several times. I have posted some stories on this so you might take a look at those. Kate was a very sexy blonde, about 5'3", green eyes and a smoking body, almost a cheerleader build. She was well out of my league I will...

2 years ago
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Tinder for Teacher 5

I put on my maroon velvet body suit with the piece of fabric that goes around my neck like a choker. It makes a window to my cleavage. And I put on my black jeans that hug my legs and ass to make it look plump. And I pair that with my black chunky boots. I look sexy as fuck in my fall outfit. I always dress nice to school, but never to this extent. He’s for sure gonna notice me. I walk into the school and make my way to my locker. Mandy is waiting for me. “Wow! You’re looking extra sexy...

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Mother Virgin SonPart 2 of 3

As I approach him, I notice there's enough room to lie down and rest my head on the pillow he's using. "Do you mind if I lie down and put my head on that pillow?" (Dylan) Shit. I can't say no or else she'll know something is wrong. "Sure." (Jessica) As I lie down on my right side to face the TV and put my head on the pillow, I notice a shift under the pillow. I hope I didn't just crush his balls. "What are you watching?" (Dylan) I don't know what the hell I'm watching. I put...

1 year ago
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Natalies New Job

Note : This story is completely fictional! Natalie had jut finished taking a bath and, having put on her short white silk robe, was combing her hair. Looking at her watch she came to realize that she really didn't have as much time as she thought she did and began to put on some makeup. Mark rapped on the door. "Hey, mom, can I come in?" Hearing a mumble he opened the bathroom door. Closing it behind him he watched a few seconds at what she was doing. "What ya doing, mom?" "I've got a job...

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CockSucker Ad

I was reading this Craigslist ad from some 33 year old guy: "I have a cocksucking buddy who likes to suck me off. Last week we had another dude join us. He really got off on my cocksucker sucking another cock. He even jacked the dude a lil. We're looking for a dude or a few guys that want oral service, he will lick suck deepthroat and swallow your cocks and cum." That sounded great to me - who doesn't like a great blowjob? So I replied and showed up. A tall slim good-looking guy, who was acting...

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The Retired Headmaster and the Schoolgirl

This happened when my marriage was virtually at and end.I used to go out for long walks to get away from the house. My route took me out of our middle class suburb through one or two rough areas of the city.Near the footbridge across the river there is a path which leads through a council estate to the city so I thought I would go through and have a coffee at some nice place in the town.My attention was suddenly diverted by a very slim young half-caste teenager. She seemed upset and I thought,...

Love Stories
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Mom and her Boyfriend

I heard him say " Oh baby that feels so good, suck me more." and "I love your tits bring them closer so I can play with them." Then I heard him say "I going to shoot my load, are you ready?" Then I heard him say a few ooo's and ah's and as he was saying that I heard her mmmmmming and then I heard him say, "lick it all up baby". Then I saw her start to stand and lean over to him and kiss him. That was the first time I had seen her tits. I wanted to stay and watch some more...

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Office Virgin 8211 Lite Aa Blood Vanthathu Pola Irrunthathu

I am back after small gap with one real story. Real story padika yeppavum konjam porumai vendum friends. Na eppo work pannitu irrukura company la nadantha oru unmai sambavam ethu. En office ku puthusa oru 10 peru join pannaga athula boys 7 peru girls 3nu peru.Athu la 2 ponnu north india oru ponnu hydrabad. 2 peru nu oru team la potanga athula yen team ku oru paiyanum oru ponnum potanga (hydrabad). Antha ponnu name preethi. Antha ponna paaka appavi maari irrukum, avaluku padipu mattum tha...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetDupes Megan Rain Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies has Megan Rain playing a school girl out on a beautiful sunny day selling cookies to raise money for a trip when she knocks on the door of J-Mac. After selling 3 boxes to J-Mac Megan is only $700 short to get enough money and it’s the final day. Not wanting to miss out, Megan decides to offer something a little more to get the money she needs. Taking his big dick in her mouth she quickly shows him what a dirty little girl she is before trying to take his big dick in her tight...


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