Mercenaries 1
- 2 years ago
- 17
- 0
It was just as they were finishing breakfast, that there was a loud banging on the door. There before them stood an angry, richly dressed man. He had four guards with him.
“Can I help you?” the priest asked
“Yes. I want to speak to the bastard that attacked the captain of my guards yesterday. I was told he was staying here.”
“Ah, that’ll be Sir Donald. Just wait a moment I’ll see if he is free.”
“I’ll come and see him, myself!” the man said as he pushed passed the priest and entered the house.
“Sir, please, there are ladies present. Please, come into the study. I’ll just fetch him for you.”
Donald, hearing the commotion, came to see what the problem was.
“What’s the problem, here?”
“I’ve come to see the man who nearly killed the captain of my caravan guard yesterday!” the man stormed
“And you are?” asked Donald, dangerously.
The man looked properly for the first time at who he was talking to. He quailed slightly when he saw the size of Donald.
“I am Nathaniel, Trader. Was it you who attacked and nearly killed the captain of my guard, yesterday?”
“Sir. I do not like you or your manner. Either you behave respectfully in this house, or I shall be forced to remove you. I am Sir Donald, formally of Gilbert’s Honourable Mercenary Company. I recall having to defend myself, my wife and our friends against an oaf who wished to rape them. If this is the same man as you are talking about, then all I can say is you have a poor choice in captains.”
“What are you talking about? Rape? Who said anything about rape?”
“Your man ... I didn’t catch his name ... attempted to attack and rape my wife, the Lady Isabella Blackmore. I did what any husband would do. I stopped him. I am surprised he has lasted this long. Did the surgeons say what his chances were?”
The man’s face dropped. He went ashen. That fool tried to rape a Lady. Not a tavern wench, not a storekeepers daughter, although that would have been bad enough, no, that idiot tried to rape a Lady. Not only that but with her husband present! Just then a woman stormed in. A very angry woman.
“Are you the man responsible for that oaf that attacked us yesterday? Have you come here to apologise? To think that such a man as that would dare to attempt to lay his filthy hands upon my person. I hope you will have him whipped!”she stormed, not giving the man chance to speak.
“Milady, I’m sure he didn’t know who you were. I’m certain if he knew you were a lady then he would never have troubled you in that way.”
“Troubled me? Troubled me? Do you know what he said? He said he wanted to rape me! Both me and my companions! If not for my husband here then I shudder to think what the outcome would be. Can you imagine my fathers reaction if that brute had defiled me? He would have hunted you down like dogs and killed every last one of you! Another thing. What if I had been a simple serving girl? Would that have made it alright? My husband is Sir Donald of Homedale. He is lately of Gilbert’s Honourable Mercenary Company. They do not rob. They do not rape, and they do not pillage. If these honourable men can wage war and still keep their decency, then why can’t a few caravan guards go for a drink without the need to molest and rape women?”
“I am truly sorry that he troubled you so. He is not expected to live. They give him a day or so at most. It seems despite their best efforts infection has set in. He already runs a high fever, as I say, he is not expected to survive. Unfortunately this is the way of things. Men will be men.”
“Things would not be this way if my husband were in charge. Oh, no! Certainly not! He would maintain discipline. He would not allow any woman to be molested, interfered with or ‘troubled’ as you put it. If he were in charge he would show you how to run a proper company!”
“Well, this unfortunate incident has left me without a guard’s captain. Would your husband consider the position?”
Donald looked at Isabella. What was she doing? These were the same self men who tried to rape her yesterday! What was going on?
“First tell me your destination.”
“We are bound for the port of Bridgeport”
“If we are to enter negotiations then at least let us be a little more comfortable.”
She looked over towards the priest who was standing there open mouthed. This was not the Isabella he’d come to know! Oh, no! This was The Lady Blackmore, aristocrat. She was dealing with her minions.
“Be so kind as to ask my maid to bring some watered wine and a few biscuits, would you, Father Patrick? Please, Nathaniel, sit.”
This was not a request, this was a command. Nathaniel sat. Wine and biscuits were soon brought.
“We ourselves are putting together a caravan, we intend to leave in three weeks. After witnessing what happened yesterday I would estimate that it would take my husband that long to bring those men of yours up to standard. You do realise that many will leave as they will not be able to make the grade. We may have to find more men. For our services we will do you the kindness of only charging you a hundred crowns. We will incorporate our animals in with yours. My husband will be in charge of the guards, but I will be in charge overall. I will of course consider any recommendations you may have, but my decision will be final. Is that understood?”
The man’s eyes widened. This was outrageous! This woman, a woman mind you, was going to take over his caravan! Never! He allowed his outrage to settle. He had been in this game a long time, he was anything but stupid. He looked again at this woman with new eyes. She was good, very good. Now, what was she after? She had her own caravan did she? She had no guards. She needed his guards while he needed her husband. A hundred crowns indeed. He’d offer her ten. She needed to acquire her animals, her goods and recruit her guards. That is why she needed those three weeks. He had the animals, he had the guards.
“I intend to leave at the beginning of next week. I will offer you ten crowns. You say you have your own caravan, have you found your animals yet? Have you assembled all of your goods yet? I do not think so. This is why you need the time. If necessary I will delay one more week. One more thing. I retain control of my caravan. It’s my caravan. You will do as I say.”
“We require fifty crowns. We will also require some animals.”
“Twenty, find your own beasts.”
“Thirty, and thirty horses.”
“Twenty, and twenty horses.”
“Done. I am Lady Isabella Blackmore. I make this deal.”
“I am Nathaniel, Trader. I make this deal.”
“I am Sir Donald of Holmvale. I make this deal.”
It was settled. They were going to Bridgeport. Now all they had to do was to find some goods.
Nathaniel looked at them and asked, “Do you know how a caravan works?”
Donald and Isabella looked at each other.
“Well, we assumed that you would have several merchants along, who you charged a fee to escort them to their destination.”
“For the most part you are right. Some are made up like this, others are wholly owned by the caravan master. He is the merchant and everything is his. Most are a mixture. I have several wagons of my own goods as well merchants who I am escorting and protecting. Some merchants have their own guards. They will only protect their master’s goods. I do not have any of those in my caravan. All the guards, no matter who they work for, protect all of the caravan. If they are not agreeable to this then they can find another caravan. It makes for too many difficulties, otherwise.”
“This I can understand. You only want one commander, and all the men working together.”
“That’s about the size of it.”
They saw Nathaniel out, telling him that they would be along in a couple of hours. They then went to talk to the others.
“Lady Isabella has signed me up as a caravan captain with the same caravan guards that we had trouble with, yesterday. I was wondering if any of you wished to sign up as well?”
Simon immediately stepped forward and said, “Where you go, I go.”
“My duty is to the Lady Isabella. Where she goes, we follow,” Alan stated. David and Henry nodded
“My place is at her Ladyship’s side,” Bishop Rathbone declared.
Paul looked over towards Miriam and said, “We wanted to go south, anyway. Why not earn some money on the way?”
“Go on. I know you wish to continue this adventure. I had better come along to keep an eye on you. I can sign on as a cook, I suppose.”
They looked over towards Michael and Brianna.
“Of course we’re going. I’m still your maid aren’t I?”
“Of course you are. You can also help Miriam do the cooking.”
“I’m coming, too. Nothing will keep me from Brianna.”
“Very well, in that case, all the men come with me. If we are going to be guards then we’d better look the part. First let me have a look at your armour,” Donald told them.
He was appalled at the state of what he was shown. None of the men had so much as a coat of mail, they just had a padded jacket. They all trooped out to where the baggage was kept. He retrieved four coats of mail, a stout boiled leather jacket and two helmets. There were also two sets of leather greaves, reinforced with bone. He also collected his best armour.
“We need to make an impression when we arrive. I think this should do the trick.”
“These are magnificent! They must be worth a fortune!” exclaimed Alan.
“They are, so take good care of them. Keep them clean, and look after them. They are almost literally ‘worth their weight in gold.’”
Again they were astounded at the generosity of this man. He had just given them a fortune.
“Now then, let’s have a look at your weapons.”
He inspected their weapons. Alan’s sword was in reasonable condition, not the best, but serviceable.
Henry and David’s swords were, to put it bluntly, rubbish. He turned to his supplies, and brought out what he considered to be adequate swords. He carefully unwrapped them, and gave them to the two men. They were astounded. These were the better than the best swords in Lord Blackmore’s armoury! They had never dreamt of owning swords of such quality. Next Donald inspected their daggers. They were adequate. He did however show Alan his dagger.
“Look at the design of this dagger. Can you see these two tines along side the main blade? This is known as a ‘sword breaker.’ Look, take one of those old swords and swing at me.”
Alan did so, Donald trapped the blade in his dagger and twisted. The blade stuck fast.
“If I twist any harder I will snap the blade. I have a couple of these, once we start training I’ll teach you how to use them to disarm your opponent.”
He looked over at Paul and Michael.
“I will not give you swords, you cannot yet use them. Archers. You can both use a bow. Here, take these. They are pole-axes. See, they have a thick sharpened spike here, and on the other side a narrow axe blade. The spike is for going through armour, helmets and the like, the axe is for softer areas. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are well trained in their use.”
To both boys he gave light bows and hunting arrows.
“If we are attacked, aim for the horses. If the horse goes down, the rider will follow. The ground will hit him harder than you could ever manage.”
They all laughed at this.
“Right then, let’s collect up the others, and see what we have let ourselves in for.”
They made an impressive sight as they made their way towards the caravans. They walked through the town, Donald at the front, looking magnificently imposing in his armour. Next to him was Lady Isabella, dressed scandalously in leather jacket and trousers carrying her bow. Next came the Bishop and Carlos. Behind them were Miriam and Brianna followed by Lieutenant Alan. Michael, Paul David and Henry were flanking them.
Nathaniel was talking to one of his guards when they arrived.
“Oh, shit! Who the fuck are these?” the man exclaimed as he saw the procession approach.
Nathaniel smiled. The woman really knew how to make an entrance.
“That is our new guard captain. I think there are going to be some changes around here, don’t you?”
“Changes? Most of the men are going to shit themselves. Where the fuck did you find them?”
“That’s Sir Donald of Holmvale. He’s the man that did for Eric, yesterday.”
“Eric fucked with that? What did he do? Try to fuck his woman?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what he did. His wife is the Lady Isabella Blackmore. That’s her next to him.”
“Who’s that with them?”
“Her personal guard and entourage I would imagine. I expect I’ll have to sign all them on, as well.”
“Well, I’ll tell you something. I wouldn’t want to mess with any of them. Shit they must be good. Look at their armour. It must be worth a fortune.”
“Indeed it must. There’s more going on here than meets the eye. Well, let’s go and meet our new captain, shall we?”
They went over to greet them.
“Welcome, Sir Donald, Lady Isabella. I see you have brought some companions with you.”
“Yes, we have. May I introduce Bishop Rathbone, his man-servant Carlos. Lieutenant Alan with my personal guard David and Henry. Brianna my ladies-maid and her husband Michael. Paul and his wife Miriam - my cook - with their son Peter; and last but not least, my husband’s squire, Simon.”
“I must say that’s quite an entourage. I take it you would like to view the guard.”
“Yes, and the animals. We must have an idea on what they are able to carry.”
“Tell me, if necessary would your guards be willing to protect the caravan?”
“That is something we could discuss. It would be to our mutual benefit, now, wouldn’t it?”
“Yes, yes it would,” he said, and turned to his companion. “William, assemble the men. It’s time for them to meet their new captain.”
The men were assembled. There were around fifty of them. Donald looked them over. He was not impressed. Many of them were hung-over, and some were still drunk from last night’s excesses. He walked up and down the line not speaking. Finally, he nodded and turned to face them.
“I am Sir Donald of Holmvale, formerly of Gilbert’s Honourable Mercenary Company. I have been a warrior for the last twenty years. I have probably forgotten more about fighting than most of you will ever know. I have been appointed your new Captain, after the last one had an accident with my blade. Yes, that’s right it was me who killed your last captain. Do you wish to know why? Well, I’m going to tell you why. He tried to rape my wife and her companions. This is my wife. The Lady Isabella Blackmore. If any man tries to harm or molest her, or any woman in our party ... that is, the entire caravan ... then I will personally geld him before I gut him. This is now Nathaniel’s Honourable Caravan Guard. We do not rape. We do not rob. We do not break our word! Now, if anyone is unhappy with this, see the paymaster, collect your pay and leave. As of now, the free ride is over. From this day forward, we will train. I will make you the best caravan guards in the entire kingdom, even if it kills you. We will train every day, starting at dawn. Kit and uniforms will be cleaned, and inspections will be done at lunch. We will continue to train until dusk. Those not passing inspection, will be very hungry and very unhappy. I will make sure of it. Do I make myself clear? Good! Carry on. Inspection in one hour.”
The men looked at the warrior standing in front of them. Several of the older, fatter ones moved over towards where the paymaster was sitting. They looked daggers at Donald. Their nice comfortable life was over. They decided to leave. The others made their way back to the barracks to clean and inspect their kit.
He turned to where the others were watching.
“That was quite a speech. I can see why some of the older ones are thinking of leaving. How many do expect to keep?”
“At best, half. I will not go too hard on them, at first, but they have been used to an easy life. The shock will get to them. Those that stay, however, will be the best guards you will ever see. I have given them an hour to prepare their kit for inspection. I don’t expect to be overly impressed. Now then, while they are doing that, why don’t we go and look at some horses?”
They made their way to where the horses were tethered on several long lines. There must have been over three hundred.
“Well, there’s the horses, go and choose your twenty,” Nathaniel told them.
Donald asked Michael and Isabella to assist him in choosing them.
“We need pack horses, what do you think of these?”
Michael looked up and down the line. He would stop by one and pull it out. He asked Donald to run with it. He then approached it and examined it’s legs and hooves. He then ran his hand over it’s back. If he was satisfied he would lead it to another area, hobble it and return for another one. He did this thirty times.
“We agreed to twenty horses, not thirty.”
“I haven’t made my final selection yet,” Michael told him.
Isabella watched, entranced, as he chose each horse. She thought she knew horses but she could see no difference between most of those he chose and those he discarded.
Michael walked down the line. He came up behind each one, then clapped loudly. If the horse jumped he rejected it. Finally, he had his twenty.
“Very good, young man, very good indeed. You know exactly what to look for in a pack horse. I think you probably have the best horses in the string. You must have been around horses a long time,” Nathaniel said to him.
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It had been euphoric, the warmth and softness spreading under his fingertips as he had groped and squeezed her, needing to feel her in his hand, his confidence building as he wanted more and more, cupping and freely playing with the swell of her breasts, much to her delight. As they kissed, his hand firmly pressing against her chest he felt her hand move down the front of his pants, tracing the smooth line of his feminine figure until it had come to his cock. He had moaned into the kiss,...
Dear ISS readers I am reading stories on this site some ages ago… And almost all the stories posted here are mugged up by me. I never use to believe that these stories can be true until this happened in my life. I am a 23 yr old guy with an average personality I am a junior Doctor by my profession and the story I am narrating here is about a girl whom I met during my coaching for PMT. Her Name is Pankhuri she is of My age and she is damn beautiful with a very fair complexion 5’6″ and 36-28-36...
The banging on the door wouldn't stop. Gavril was too groggy to figure out for a minute why someone wouldn't get the damn door until he realized that he was on a couch in a "lovely" suite and he was the low man on the totem pole. He struggled to the door and flung it open. "What?" he bellowed. The waiter cringed. "Ah, your breakfast, sir," the timid man said. Gavril pointed to the middle of the room and stormed off to the other, unused bedroom, hoping there was a toilet somewhere...
MY HIPPO SAGA: (the essence of this tale is indeed verifiable but also embellished with a smidgen of humour)Being new to Fort Victoria, I heard there was good Bass Fishing in Lake Kyle with a word of warning for Hippo. With indelible recollection, I did not succumb to the imminent possibility of a REAL Hippo being resident where I was fishing so I continued unremittingly in my endeavours to seek the ‘lunker bass’. I was just above knee deep in the water when I heard the distant snorting of a...
(A repost - but we thought you all might like to read).White Mischief***Based closely on the real happenings of the wild and wealthy British in 1940's Africa involving d**gs, alcohol, sex and adultry. (couples, intr, swing)***This is based on a true story. A number of the events have been changed very slightly to protect the identities of those still living, as have the names; otherwise all is as was. Once upon a time, in a place far, far away … there was an idyllic location in the early...
Logan settled into the hot springs with a deep groan of contentment. His arms ached. His back ached. His butt felt mildly violated. Beauty set their newly acquired items near the rest of their loot and moved to join him. The generous curves of her lavender body descended gracefully into the steaming water. She slipped in behind him and started massaging his tired shoulder muscles. Their guest lay nearby, moaning and writhing on the moss. Even unconscious she seemed to still be in a highly...
“Come on Laura! You only live once!” exclaims Michelle in frustration, regarding Laura's reaction to the idea of male strippers at her bachelorette party.Blushing more and more, Laura shakes her head. She's always been quiet and fairly shy. The idea of a couple of men dancing around and taking off their clothes all in her honour absolutely horrifies her. She shifts her attention to the pool table before her, trying to hide some of her discomfort.The four friends are gathered at Steve and...
Group SexTo those of you who have waited patiently I humbly apologize. Real life has a way of changing your priorities, and I didn’t get a chance to finish this last year. Thanks to the prodding from my muse Chrissy, I took up the story again and after a few false starts got it down in print. You need not worry that I’ll leave you hanging again, the rest of the story is down on (virtual) paper and I’m going through the editing process. Thank you for taking the time to read my stories, and as always,...
"Brava, ma chéri! Brava! Tu êtes une merveille! Non! Tu êtes mon ange parfait¹!" Forcing his eyes away from the lovely blush, which blazed across her cheeks, tumbled down the column of her elegant throat and swept across the rapidly heaving expanse of her chest, he smiled broadly at Christine. "You know that I would not say it if it were not true. I never lie. I am pleased with the progress we made today. Now, close your mouth, ma chéri. Allowing your mouth to hang open in such a manner...
September 7, 2006, early morning, I was nearly exhausted after having sex with a young hottie named Saleisha six times in a row. I leaned against my wall, taking a time out to catch my breath. The sweat poured down my body like a waterfall. I felt like I just hopped out of the sauna because how moist my skin was. Saleisha kissed my back and squeezed my ass. She was twenty-two years young, five-foot-seven, light-skinned and blessed with a smooth youthful face. What made her stood out was her...
The next morning was dreary. I closed my tent flap, and went in search of a couple guards. My camp was probably safe for now, since no one knew where I was. But, that would change, soon. I had left my mule staked out a little deeper in the woods, in a little clearing, and he was enjoying the growth. I also had to consider what to do with him. I didn't want to take care of a mule. The first item on my list, guards, was easily handled. There was a gathering place and miners that were seeking...
Storm lay across her bed, nude as always, and caused a cold breeze to blow across her nipples. She appreciated how they stiffened at once, resembling nothing more than two milk chocolate kisses. With a contented sigh, she cupped her double D cup breasts in her hands, roughly squeezing her flesh and tweaking each long nipple. She sighed again and softly moaned, savoring the thought of what she knew would come next. As if the regal weather witch had summoned her with her mind, Jubilee knocked...
Planet Taelinas The impending wedding ensured peace between the two warring nations. At least that was the guise presented to the Yewn and the Taelin. Luciana, daughter of the Taelin Queen, knew better. After all, her mother was not known for her compassion or fairness. ‘Luciana,’ Berith snapped at her inattentive daughter. The Queen was beautiful with her long pale hair and ethereal looks. Even with her serene beauty, all who knew the Queen knew that she could be as fierce as she was...
"Mona, do you mind setting me up on a date with Marc?""Nope, I'll ring him up right now! Call you right back.""We're really going to do this, aren't we?" Penny asked as she pressed the End Call button."Uh huh! I just hope it lives up to the fantasy we've built up," Joe said as he rose and folded her into his arms. She rested her head against his chest."I've seen it, remember. I've seen big black cock first hand, and I'm just dying to give it a try." she whispered. ***This was it. The moment of...
Shocked, emotionally drained, and sexually overwrought, Laura locked the door and made herself another drink. She was very sad that this had happened, but in her experience--chiefly with Yvette, and Sholandra, and Jonelle--she had found that they always came back. Once they had tasted what Laura had to give them, they couldn't refuse it. Would it happen with Trina? Things were so different with her, complicated by the memory of Rina. How true might it be that Laura was trying to sleep with...
After her goodbye kiss to me she turned and walked away. I watched how her ass moved so seductively as she walked with the narrow thong running down between her sexy cheeks. I heard the erotic clicking of her high heels on the floor as she made her way directly back to him. Watching her hips sway and hearing the sound of her heels as my loving wife walked away from me was something I would not soon forget. It was gut wrenching but erotic as hell. She was being a seductress. The symbolic kiss...
Introduction: a family christmas The next real chance I got to have sex with Karen was over the Christmas period. We had some quiet times together but they werent very long, like the time Karen sucked me off in the car on her way to work. She asked me to park up in a side street close to the hotel as she wanted to chat. But I was surprised when, instead of chatting, she got my prick out of my trousers and started sucking it there and then in the car. I was that scared that someone might see I...
I had been having gay sex encounters since 16 but always with other white partners mainly because of either where I lived and worked but that changed when I got to Berkeley to go to college at 20. I lived close to the campus and walked to class in the morning and within the first week, noticed magazine racks no the street corners with one geared for the LGBT community. I grabbed one on the way back from class one day and thumbed through it as I relaxed at home. In the back were personal ads...
Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell The Girl Scout -15 Training and...
As I stood silently on the crest of Vishnar hill and gazed across the blackened, blighted ruins of the keep of Eridu, I could not help but breathe a sigh of relief that I was leaving that unholy place of ancient sorcery and decay forever, even though the memory of the events that had transpired there would no doubt linger with me for just as long... I gripped my staff, shrugged my shoulders to settle my long robe more comfortably around my body, turned and headed towards the moss-thick,...
FantasyMarily and Peter lay quietly together for some minutes, then she got off the bed and went to the bathroom. She washed herself, using the douching equipment that Anna had pointed out to her earlier. She washed her face in cold water, then went to the door of the bathroom and carefully opened it, and gasped when Anna brushed against her. They both laughed, softly, and Marily continued on, groping in the darkness for the bed. She moved herself onto it, guided by Peter's strong hands, and lay...
It was that moment when defeat showed on her face that I knew that I had won. I had won the day against a rich bitch mother and the spoiled teenage daughter who I had caught shoplifting in my employers department store. I had made the mother an offer that was just too hard to refuse. “Come around her momma” I beckoned her as she sat on the other side of my massive desk. Momma (real name Julie) was a 40 year old married rich bitch. She just exuded money, but the behavior of her daughter had...
Wo upar se nich puri gori pann sundar thi same aishwarya jaisi usko dekh her ek ka mann chudne ko karega.phir mami ne kaha”kya soch rahe ho rajesh?kya tume mein tumepasand nahi ayi kya?”Phir meine mami se kaha ki”aap to aishwarya rao jaise dikhti ho?”Wo muskurayi aur muje dudh pine ko kaha mein ab bahut garam ho chuka ta mera lund 3.5 inch ka tha wo ab 4.5 inch ka ho gaya thameine jor jor se chusna suru kiya us samay mami mera underwear mein hath dalke lund ko wapis sahalane lagi usne apna...
DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW."Oh yes! Oh fuck! Don't stop! Keep going.. make me cum! Wanna cum so bad... Unghhhh.. oh fuckkk.... gonna... cummmmm.....ouuuuuuu!" I yelled and came down his throat in hot, loving gushes, him eating all my fucking seed! "Ohhhh shit that was soo fucking good! And the fingerfucking.. ouuuu yessss!" I groaned, and rolled over into a...
For Noah Reddington life had always come easy. He was a standout athlete in high school, joined the Army as soon as he graduated and had spent the last 8 years serving in the 511th Special Forces Brigade after excelling at every aspect of being a soldier. But things don't always work out. Noah had a beautiful wife and a daughter once, but constant deployments on his part had led to feelings of anger and seperation on hers. It wasn't long before she started sharing her bed with others while Noah...
A Night to RememberI have moved around a bit during my life. One recent chapter of my life took me to an isolated northern town where I had been hired to start a new job. When I first moved there I knew only one person, a fifty-year old woman named Laura. I met her the previous spring when I traveled to town for the job interview. Through a serendipitous encounter, I met a contractor while waiting for the bus out of town who was looking for an extra hand ripping shingles off a roof of some...
It was a warm Friday afternoon and school was fanally over for the year. I had been wanting to take a trip to the beach for some time and had been doing odd jobs cutting grass and such trying to save up enough money for gas and a couple nights room rent at the beach. I got a phone call from my neighbor asking if I could watch her two k**s while she went out for the evening with her girlfriends. I told her I would be happy to come over and babysit them since I had no plans that night and I could...
Hello guys, I am Shobhu. Mai ek average looking ladka hu meri age 17 thi jab mere saath ye sab hua….any girl or aunty can contact me by e-mail () Ye kahani 2011 ki h jab mai 18 ka tha aur 12th std me tha, vaise aap logo ne bahot si stories me padha hoga like ‘ mai unko is nazar se pehle nhi dekhta tha’ Lekin ye baat 100% same to same hui. Ab mai thoda sa aap logo ko apani hot super sexy Mami k baare me bata du , unka naam Swati h dekhne me vo bahut hi sundar h unke boobs 36D the , overall...
Tamara left the meeting and headed directly to her office. She was glad that Billie was away from the desk, she needed to vent out her frustration about this proposed merger of resources and personnel that Bagley and Stephen set forth. Under this new merger, local regional branches would work in tandem on major campaigns. First up to test the new merger was the Marketing departments. The bid she made for the latest ad campaign was accepted with the contingency that she worked with Kent James...
Love Stories