A Mercenary's TaleChapter 9 free porn video

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It was just as they were finishing breakfast, that there was a loud banging on the door. There before them stood an angry, richly dressed man. He had four guards with him.

“Can I help you?” the priest asked

“Yes. I want to speak to the bastard that attacked the captain of my guards yesterday. I was told he was staying here.”

“Ah, that’ll be Sir Donald. Just wait a moment I’ll see if he is free.”

“I’ll come and see him, myself!” the man said as he pushed passed the priest and entered the house.

“Sir, please, there are ladies present. Please, come into the study. I’ll just fetch him for you.”

Donald, hearing the commotion, came to see what the problem was.

“What’s the problem, here?”

“I’ve come to see the man who nearly killed the captain of my caravan guard yesterday!” the man stormed

“And you are?” asked Donald, dangerously.

The man looked properly for the first time at who he was talking to. He quailed slightly when he saw the size of Donald.

“I am Nathaniel, Trader. Was it you who attacked and nearly killed the captain of my guard, yesterday?”

“Sir. I do not like you or your manner. Either you behave respectfully in this house, or I shall be forced to remove you. I am Sir Donald, formally of Gilbert’s Honourable Mercenary Company. I recall having to defend myself, my wife and our friends against an oaf who wished to rape them. If this is the same man as you are talking about, then all I can say is you have a poor choice in captains.”

“What are you talking about? Rape? Who said anything about rape?”

“Your man ... I didn’t catch his name ... attempted to attack and rape my wife, the Lady Isabella Blackmore. I did what any husband would do. I stopped him. I am surprised he has lasted this long. Did the surgeons say what his chances were?”

The man’s face dropped. He went ashen. That fool tried to rape a Lady. Not a tavern wench, not a storekeepers daughter, although that would have been bad enough, no, that idiot tried to rape a Lady. Not only that but with her husband present! Just then a woman stormed in. A very angry woman.

“Are you the man responsible for that oaf that attacked us yesterday? Have you come here to apologise? To think that such a man as that would dare to attempt to lay his filthy hands upon my person. I hope you will have him whipped!”she stormed, not giving the man chance to speak.

“Milady, I’m sure he didn’t know who you were. I’m certain if he knew you were a lady then he would never have troubled you in that way.”

“Troubled me? Troubled me? Do you know what he said? He said he wanted to rape me! Both me and my companions! If not for my husband here then I shudder to think what the outcome would be. Can you imagine my fathers reaction if that brute had defiled me? He would have hunted you down like dogs and killed every last one of you! Another thing. What if I had been a simple serving girl? Would that have made it alright? My husband is Sir Donald of Homedale. He is lately of Gilbert’s Honourable Mercenary Company. They do not rob. They do not rape, and they do not pillage. If these honourable men can wage war and still keep their decency, then why can’t a few caravan guards go for a drink without the need to molest and rape women?”

“I am truly sorry that he troubled you so. He is not expected to live. They give him a day or so at most. It seems despite their best efforts infection has set in. He already runs a high fever, as I say, he is not expected to survive. Unfortunately this is the way of things. Men will be men.”

“Things would not be this way if my husband were in charge. Oh, no! Certainly not! He would maintain discipline. He would not allow any woman to be molested, interfered with or ‘troubled’ as you put it. If he were in charge he would show you how to run a proper company!”

“Well, this unfortunate incident has left me without a guard’s captain. Would your husband consider the position?”

Donald looked at Isabella. What was she doing? These were the same self men who tried to rape her yesterday! What was going on?

“First tell me your destination.”

“We are bound for the port of Bridgeport”

“If we are to enter negotiations then at least let us be a little more comfortable.”

She looked over towards the priest who was standing there open mouthed. This was not the Isabella he’d come to know! Oh, no! This was The Lady Blackmore, aristocrat. She was dealing with her minions.

“Be so kind as to ask my maid to bring some watered wine and a few biscuits, would you, Father Patrick? Please, Nathaniel, sit.”

This was not a request, this was a command. Nathaniel sat. Wine and biscuits were soon brought.

“We ourselves are putting together a caravan, we intend to leave in three weeks. After witnessing what happened yesterday I would estimate that it would take my husband that long to bring those men of yours up to standard. You do realise that many will leave as they will not be able to make the grade. We may have to find more men. For our services we will do you the kindness of only charging you a hundred crowns. We will incorporate our animals in with yours. My husband will be in charge of the guards, but I will be in charge overall. I will of course consider any recommendations you may have, but my decision will be final. Is that understood?”

The man’s eyes widened. This was outrageous! This woman, a woman mind you, was going to take over his caravan! Never! He allowed his outrage to settle. He had been in this game a long time, he was anything but stupid. He looked again at this woman with new eyes. She was good, very good. Now, what was she after? She had her own caravan did she? She had no guards. She needed his guards while he needed her husband. A hundred crowns indeed. He’d offer her ten. She needed to acquire her animals, her goods and recruit her guards. That is why she needed those three weeks. He had the animals, he had the guards.

“I intend to leave at the beginning of next week. I will offer you ten crowns. You say you have your own caravan, have you found your animals yet? Have you assembled all of your goods yet? I do not think so. This is why you need the time. If necessary I will delay one more week. One more thing. I retain control of my caravan. It’s my caravan. You will do as I say.”

“We require fifty crowns. We will also require some animals.”

“Twenty, find your own beasts.”

“Thirty, and thirty horses.”

“Twenty, and twenty horses.”

“Done. I am Lady Isabella Blackmore. I make this deal.”

“I am Nathaniel, Trader. I make this deal.”

“I am Sir Donald of Holmvale. I make this deal.”

It was settled. They were going to Bridgeport. Now all they had to do was to find some goods.

Nathaniel looked at them and asked, “Do you know how a caravan works?”

Donald and Isabella looked at each other.

“Well, we assumed that you would have several merchants along, who you charged a fee to escort them to their destination.”

“For the most part you are right. Some are made up like this, others are wholly owned by the caravan master. He is the merchant and everything is his. Most are a mixture. I have several wagons of my own goods as well merchants who I am escorting and protecting. Some merchants have their own guards. They will only protect their master’s goods. I do not have any of those in my caravan. All the guards, no matter who they work for, protect all of the caravan. If they are not agreeable to this then they can find another caravan. It makes for too many difficulties, otherwise.”

“This I can understand. You only want one commander, and all the men working together.”

“That’s about the size of it.”

They saw Nathaniel out, telling him that they would be along in a couple of hours. They then went to talk to the others.

“Lady Isabella has signed me up as a caravan captain with the same caravan guards that we had trouble with, yesterday. I was wondering if any of you wished to sign up as well?”

Simon immediately stepped forward and said, “Where you go, I go.”

“My duty is to the Lady Isabella. Where she goes, we follow,” Alan stated. David and Henry nodded

“My place is at her Ladyship’s side,” Bishop Rathbone declared.

Paul looked over towards Miriam and said, “We wanted to go south, anyway. Why not earn some money on the way?”

“Go on. I know you wish to continue this adventure. I had better come along to keep an eye on you. I can sign on as a cook, I suppose.”

They looked over towards Michael and Brianna.

“Of course we’re going. I’m still your maid aren’t I?”

“Of course you are. You can also help Miriam do the cooking.”

“I’m coming, too. Nothing will keep me from Brianna.”

“Very well, in that case, all the men come with me. If we are going to be guards then we’d better look the part. First let me have a look at your armour,” Donald told them.

He was appalled at the state of what he was shown. None of the men had so much as a coat of mail, they just had a padded jacket. They all trooped out to where the baggage was kept. He retrieved four coats of mail, a stout boiled leather jacket and two helmets. There were also two sets of leather greaves, reinforced with bone. He also collected his best armour.

“We need to make an impression when we arrive. I think this should do the trick.”

“These are magnificent! They must be worth a fortune!” exclaimed Alan.

“They are, so take good care of them. Keep them clean, and look after them. They are almost literally ‘worth their weight in gold.’”

Again they were astounded at the generosity of this man. He had just given them a fortune.

“Now then, let’s have a look at your weapons.”

He inspected their weapons. Alan’s sword was in reasonable condition, not the best, but serviceable.

Henry and David’s swords were, to put it bluntly, rubbish. He turned to his supplies, and brought out what he considered to be adequate swords. He carefully unwrapped them, and gave them to the two men. They were astounded. These were the better than the best swords in Lord Blackmore’s armoury! They had never dreamt of owning swords of such quality. Next Donald inspected their daggers. They were adequate. He did however show Alan his dagger.

“Look at the design of this dagger. Can you see these two tines along side the main blade? This is known as a ‘sword breaker.’ Look, take one of those old swords and swing at me.”

Alan did so, Donald trapped the blade in his dagger and twisted. The blade stuck fast.

“If I twist any harder I will snap the blade. I have a couple of these, once we start training I’ll teach you how to use them to disarm your opponent.”

He looked over at Paul and Michael.

“I will not give you swords, you cannot yet use them. Archers. You can both use a bow. Here, take these. They are pole-axes. See, they have a thick sharpened spike here, and on the other side a narrow axe blade. The spike is for going through armour, helmets and the like, the axe is for softer areas. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are well trained in their use.”

To both boys he gave light bows and hunting arrows.

“If we are attacked, aim for the horses. If the horse goes down, the rider will follow. The ground will hit him harder than you could ever manage.”

They all laughed at this.

“Right then, let’s collect up the others, and see what we have let ourselves in for.”

They made an impressive sight as they made their way towards the caravans. They walked through the town, Donald at the front, looking magnificently imposing in his armour. Next to him was Lady Isabella, dressed scandalously in leather jacket and trousers carrying her bow. Next came the Bishop and Carlos. Behind them were Miriam and Brianna followed by Lieutenant Alan. Michael, Paul David and Henry were flanking them.

Nathaniel was talking to one of his guards when they arrived.

“Oh, shit! Who the fuck are these?” the man exclaimed as he saw the procession approach.

Nathaniel smiled. The woman really knew how to make an entrance.

“That is our new guard captain. I think there are going to be some changes around here, don’t you?”

“Changes? Most of the men are going to shit themselves. Where the fuck did you find them?”

“That’s Sir Donald of Holmvale. He’s the man that did for Eric, yesterday.”

“Eric fucked with that? What did he do? Try to fuck his woman?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what he did. His wife is the Lady Isabella Blackmore. That’s her next to him.”

“Who’s that with them?”

“Her personal guard and entourage I would imagine. I expect I’ll have to sign all them on, as well.”

“Well, I’ll tell you something. I wouldn’t want to mess with any of them. Shit they must be good. Look at their armour. It must be worth a fortune.”

“Indeed it must. There’s more going on here than meets the eye. Well, let’s go and meet our new captain, shall we?”

They went over to greet them.

“Welcome, Sir Donald, Lady Isabella. I see you have brought some companions with you.”

“Yes, we have. May I introduce Bishop Rathbone, his man-servant Carlos. Lieutenant Alan with my personal guard David and Henry. Brianna my ladies-maid and her husband Michael. Paul and his wife Miriam - my cook - with their son Peter; and last but not least, my husband’s squire, Simon.”

“I must say that’s quite an entourage. I take it you would like to view the guard.”

“Yes, and the animals. We must have an idea on what they are able to carry.”

“Tell me, if necessary would your guards be willing to protect the caravan?”

“That is something we could discuss. It would be to our mutual benefit, now, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes, yes it would,” he said, and turned to his companion. “William, assemble the men. It’s time for them to meet their new captain.”

The men were assembled. There were around fifty of them. Donald looked them over. He was not impressed. Many of them were hung-over, and some were still drunk from last night’s excesses. He walked up and down the line not speaking. Finally, he nodded and turned to face them.

“I am Sir Donald of Holmvale, formerly of Gilbert’s Honourable Mercenary Company. I have been a warrior for the last twenty years. I have probably forgotten more about fighting than most of you will ever know. I have been appointed your new Captain, after the last one had an accident with my blade. Yes, that’s right it was me who killed your last captain. Do you wish to know why? Well, I’m going to tell you why. He tried to rape my wife and her companions. This is my wife. The Lady Isabella Blackmore. If any man tries to harm or molest her, or any woman in our party ... that is, the entire caravan ... then I will personally geld him before I gut him. This is now Nathaniel’s Honourable Caravan Guard. We do not rape. We do not rob. We do not break our word! Now, if anyone is unhappy with this, see the paymaster, collect your pay and leave. As of now, the free ride is over. From this day forward, we will train. I will make you the best caravan guards in the entire kingdom, even if it kills you. We will train every day, starting at dawn. Kit and uniforms will be cleaned, and inspections will be done at lunch. We will continue to train until dusk. Those not passing inspection, will be very hungry and very unhappy. I will make sure of it. Do I make myself clear? Good! Carry on. Inspection in one hour.”

The men looked at the warrior standing in front of them. Several of the older, fatter ones moved over towards where the paymaster was sitting. They looked daggers at Donald. Their nice comfortable life was over. They decided to leave. The others made their way back to the barracks to clean and inspect their kit.

He turned to where the others were watching.

“That was quite a speech. I can see why some of the older ones are thinking of leaving. How many do expect to keep?”

“At best, half. I will not go too hard on them, at first, but they have been used to an easy life. The shock will get to them. Those that stay, however, will be the best guards you will ever see. I have given them an hour to prepare their kit for inspection. I don’t expect to be overly impressed. Now then, while they are doing that, why don’t we go and look at some horses?”

They made their way to where the horses were tethered on several long lines. There must have been over three hundred.

“Well, there’s the horses, go and choose your twenty,” Nathaniel told them.

Donald asked Michael and Isabella to assist him in choosing them.

“We need pack horses, what do you think of these?”

Michael looked up and down the line. He would stop by one and pull it out. He asked Donald to run with it. He then approached it and examined it’s legs and hooves. He then ran his hand over it’s back. If he was satisfied he would lead it to another area, hobble it and return for another one. He did this thirty times.

“We agreed to twenty horses, not thirty.”

“I haven’t made my final selection yet,” Michael told him.

Isabella watched, entranced, as he chose each horse. She thought she knew horses but she could see no difference between most of those he chose and those he discarded.

Michael walked down the line. He came up behind each one, then clapped loudly. If the horse jumped he rejected it. Finally, he had his twenty.

“Very good, young man, very good indeed. You know exactly what to look for in a pack horse. I think you probably have the best horses in the string. You must have been around horses a long time,” Nathaniel said to him.

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Okay, so I’m a cock craving slut. I admit it. For the last two years I’ve been fucking Dan morning noon and night, at least on weekends. Week days it’s just mornings and evenings. I don’t know why, but I just can’t seem to be able to get enough cock. Fortunately for me, Danny really is a hot hunk with his solid thick nine inches and his muscle bound frame. I met him when he was doing some life guarding and the rest, they say is history. As time went on, I let him know that I...

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The Neighbourhood 05 20220616 Dinner and Discoveries

Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest, lesbian, oral sex, pregnant, romance, teen, threesome, toys, voyeurism, virginity, wife, young. XNXX doesn't...

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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 25 Fifth Circle

When Wayne awoke seconds later, Judith already cradled him against her breasts, her hand stroking his hair. A bird chirped somewhere in the distance, the only sound breaking the silence, and Wayne’s first clue that the night was far advanced and dawn would soon break. He looked up, searching for Judith’s eyes, but found that they were focused on a spot beyond him. He followed her gaze to the broken cauldron and the fountain of steam that was still rising from it. It rose only some six feet...

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Treated like a Dog for Black cock part 1

(the names have been changed to protect their identity)Well I was visiting with my cousin in upstate Michigan, and was very bored, and tired of having so little to do. I knew I had been submissive all my life and used to always be the Indian in Cowboys and Indians so I could get stripped and tied up by the Cowboys and Cowgirls. The only thing to do around here, (I thought) was hunt deer in the fall, so there were some clearings in the woods where some neighbors and us had planted clover to get...

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Growing TogetherChapter 3

It was cool enough to be wearing a jacket when Jon parked the Monte Carlo outside the Skyhook Aviation hangar at Sky Harbor airport. It wasn't the first time they'd been there; they'd made numerous trips with Jennlynn in her Learjet 24, which she'd nicknamed Skyhook. The name had a double meaning -- it should have had an "er" at the end of it, but it sounded better over the airwaves the way it was. Jennlynn had been a pilot long before Jon and Tanisha had first heard of her. Before Jon...

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A good girl fixes her plumbing

What does a good girl do when she hasnt a daddy all of her own and the shower is leaking? She fixes it.Now anyone can tell you that as a single baby girl you very often ( and pun intended) have to take matters into your own hands and that dear reader is exactly what I did.Being self sufficient can be a good thing and I figure that , when I finally do meet my forever and ever daddy he will praise and celebrate the fact that I'm a very smart and very resourceful girl.I have a tendency to daydream...

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Sky High University

Sky High University. A flying fortress built to train those gifted few into becoming Hero's to protect the world. Depending on your power, you will be labeled a hero, or a sidekick. Once you graduate, you shall be able to pick your sidekick, or be assigned to a hero. Will you save the world? Or destroy it?

3 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 26 Anxious To Get Back To The Game

Just before practice on Monday, Coach Neville called me into his office. "How are you feeling, Mr. Porter?" He sat back in his chair, taking his glasses off. "I feel pretty good," I replied. "Your doctors have given you their permission to resume playing?" "Yes, sir. My only real restriction from the doctors was to stay out of the weight room for a couple of weeks after the stitches came out." He smiled briefly, knowing full well that I was only an occasional visitor to the weight...

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Ranma Forever Girl

Ranma - Forever Girl By MellissaLynn "So this is the library," Ranma said to himself. He looked around at the stacks of books all around him and wondered once again why it had taken him so long to do this. A young woman came up to him and said, "Hello, can I help you, sir?" "Where can I find books on magic?" ***** Ranma came in, shouting for everyone to come to the living room where Genma-panda and Soun sat playing Go. "I'm leaving tomorrow," he said when everyone was...

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 7 Back to Normal Part I

June 1981, Milford, Ohio The four of us decided that we’d head to the Cincinnati Nature Center in Goshen to spend some time walking. It was drizzling off and on, but we all grabbed umbrellas so we could walk outside. We spent a couple of hours walking on the trails and talking. Stephanie had been pretty much down in the dumps when we got in the car, but the fact that the girls seemed to accept her back as a friend cheered her up somewhat. I wasn’t surprised when Bethany raised the issue of...

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Inside the Doll

Inside the Doll By Scrambler J Copyright 2000 Neil tried to open his eyes, but for some reason he couldn't. Everything was dark, and he felt cold. So very cold, like he had jumped into the icy waters of the deep ocean. He had a funny taste in his mouth and he could hear someone singing. No, not someone, Kim. It was his Kim singing to him. But why was she singing so funny, and why was he so cold? Finally Neil managed to open his eyes and the first thing he felt was raw...

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Surprise at Harmony JunctionChapter 3

Jess "The Snake" Hawkins and the rest of the Copperhead Gang were prominent on several wanted posters. They were mostly known for bank robberies, but they had been know to hit trains and stage coaches, too. They were vicious cut-throats who had no pity for any of their victims. I could only assume that they were here for our two banks. Neither of the banks held much, alone, to interest a gang of bandits, but the two banks, together, were a different story. I couldn't ignore this, but how...

2 years ago
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Best friend ne mujhse apni behan chudwayi 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, Ye meri kahani ka dusra part hai, aapko kahani achi lage toh kripya mujhe feedback de par. Main ek 5.5-foot, dark complexion, 6-inch ke lund wala ek sadharan insan hun jo Noida mein rahta hai. Agar koi aurat ya dampatti saath sambhog mein interersted hai toh kripya sampark kare. Continued from last part. Hamari baat ke baad baki ka din ek samanya din ki tarah gujar jata hai. Raat mein jab sab so jate hai toh Suraj ko Anjali ko kaise chode ye soch soch kar neend nahi aati hai....

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Teaching Jimmy

I had gone over to spend the day with my grandfather and grandmother. They live only a short distance away and I could ride my bike there. Their house was totally different than mine. It was clean. Grandmother was a great cook and there seemed to be such a calm, quiet atmosphere at their home. I never heard a real fight there, unlike at my house where my mother and father seemed to be screaming at each other all the time. When my Grandparents disagreed on something, they would talk...

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The Balance Ch 1921

Chapter 19 Paul was very sure he had made a mistake. One beer had become two, which had become three, and by the time the owner of the tap-house had (politely) asked he and Sean and Kristopher to leave, he was only vaguely aware of his surroundings. Yes, he thought, trying to focus on the high priestess through the pounding in his head and the roiling of his guts, I have made a big mistake. It was difficult enough to try to match wits with this woman without his head being muddled. To try...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 15 Sodoby the First Merchant

We approached the Asteroid base of the Golden. Wrecks and heavily damaged ships of various sizes and types floated all around us. To Elfi the chatter on the various channels was overwhelming and only with SHIP’s help was she able to filter through them. Narth and Shea were busy taking scans and making image recordings, as there were ships no one of us had seen before. Well almost, Har Hi proved that the Dai indeed had a deep knowledge of areas and species unknown to the Union. As big as the...

1 year ago
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HerLimit Cherry Kiss She takes it all

A glamorous lady enjoyed so much coming to Her Limit, that she returned hornier and warmed up by the thought that maybe this time, she’ll get enough. Cherry Kiss chose her classy stud, Christian Clay, to fuck her nice and hard with his huge white cock, that she kept on dreaming about. He puts Cherry on the mirror wall, undresses her velvet dress while kissing her neck, then he dives deep into licking her ass that tasted high class. Slaps her pretty natural tits and fingers her nasty pussy...

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I Work in a Doctors Office X

By the time we’d had three classes I felt I needed a conference with the father before the fourth class. I called and asked for an appointment and he told me to come by his house after I got off work. So I did. I explained to the dad (Robert) that despite his son’s new found self confidence I felt that he was still somehow ashamed of his penis and didn’t like for anyone to see it. He was ok with exposing it to me because of all the pleasurable things that I did to it. The father was surprised...

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My Sexy Older Sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Mike and I live with my Mother, Father and older Sister. Both my Sister and I live at home still even though were both in our 20's however we never really had a choice in the matter. Our Father had always told us we would live under his roof until our education was finished, something our Grandparents didn’t do evidently and caused our Father to feel he had to shelter us from responsibility until we were well educated. Ever since I can...

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A helicopter is not a good place to think. The darn things are just an engine with a giant propeller and the lightest framework possible holding it all together. Even the expensive military ones that are supposed to be stealthy are louder than first-row-center seats at a speed-metal concert. Conversation is possible only if you have on a helmet with a headset, and those are reserved for the crew. Passengers are left to pass notes and make hand-signals in order to communicate. And so I was...

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new life 1

This is the continuation of my story new life ........ I finished up cleaning the guestroom bathroom and also took a shower. Although my ass hole was swollen and hurting like hell i still managed to clean it all up. I got redressed and went up to my father. During all these activities i was just thinking what i have done.(I mean what kind of situation i have fallen into and what will this lead to in the future) i entered my dads room but he was not there icalled him and he answered from the...

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The Wedding Reception

My sweet virgin bride, Bridget and I had just gotten married only an hour ago and were going to our reception at a nice club. We were both still dressed in our wedding clothes. Bridget had on a long, lacy flowing white wedding gown, blond hair in a French twist and blue eyes sparkling with happiness and love. She was a stunning, beautiful and sexy 23 year old with one of those fantastically super sexy figures. Her measurements were a firm 38DD-24-34 that turned heads where ever she went. Her...

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CHAPTER 1 I found myself beating off watching my teenage neighbor’s gorgeous body as she lay by our pool sunning herself. She was on her stomach with her pussy and ass facing me, clearly visible through the thong suit she was wearing. Katrina was just shy of seventeen but knew what an impact she had on me. I jerked off at least twice a day while watching her. But today, Marsha was out on an extended shopping trip so this cum made four huge loads so far today. I even opened my sliding...

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Bowsette and her new foot pet

This really sucks... It's the worst thing I have ever felt, and it is not really because of the good beating that I have received and how much my body hurts. This is mostly about pride, as a self-proclaimed new hero of the mushroom kingdom I swore that I'd destroy the enemy and free the princess. But there I was, beaten by a few mere weaklings of the koopa and being guided towards their castle, I could take a look to the main gates and see that gloomy aura coming from it. "At the end I didn't...

1 year ago
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Party Hard Even in Bed

Monica walks into the room grinning stupidly at me. While glaring at her, I turn from my computer desk and watch her as she walks over to my closet, throwing it open, she starts to rip clothes off of their hangers, looking at each piece. As she does this, I clear my throat and start to speak, only to get interrupted by her as she is holding up my red skirt that is two sizes too small. “Does this fit you enough to dance in?” She says. I look from her, then to the skirt in her hand, and I shake...

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Twilight Voyeurpart 6

Ellen was quiet on the drive home from the park. She was slumped in the seat with her head back and her eyes closed as I pulled the car into the driveway and stopped."That was so exciting," she said as she sat up and reached for the door handle. "I don't believe it really happened.. that I really did that.""You loved it," I stated. "So did I.""Yeah, I did," she admitted. "I feel so sexy... so slutty. I've never felt like that before.""It turns you on," I said as I reached over and stroked her...

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Lesleys fuck away from home part 7

Note : This story is completely fictional! Lesley’s fuck away from home part 7 Hi every one sorry it’s been so long but a lot of things have happen since I last wrote! I think I will start where we left off after Pablo left to go back home thing got back to normal , well as normal as could be with Richard at work and me staying at home being the pregnant wife trying to keep the place in order. About two weeks after Pablo left Karen came over to help me with some shopping and a chat! Karen was...

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The Bedpost

I woke up again in a damp puddle. My pussy was so sticky and aroused, it literally itched. My clit was pointing also and highly sensitive, so sensitive, it pulsed inward and outward when I touched it. I could feel my fleshy curtains full of heat and highly ruffled, like they were waiting to part for something hard. God, sometimes I wished I was not so sexual. As soon as I turned sixteen, the hormones waged war inside my body, and all I craved was sex. Even when I could not have it, I always...

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Dinas Boots

DINA'S BOOTS by Throne I knew the first day I met Dina what she was like. How could I not? She loved to talk about herself. About how she was a trust fund girl, totally self involved, and a bitch too. It didn't hurt that she was also attractive. Slender but with a full bust, pretty face with dramatic cheekbones that lent a hint of cruelty, and a fashion sense somewhere between glitzy and slutty. I was in love. I wanted to be with her. At the same time, I wanted to BE her. Hi...

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Trick or Treat

It was Halloween, our school was sponsoring a trick or treat event. Some of the teachers would be in class rooms and as you entered and answered the quiz they would reward you with candy for the right answers. If you answered wrong you would be asked to pick an envelop and inside would be a treat or trick. I was doing pretty good when I heard that there were better prizes on an upper floor. I darted up the stairs and started for the very first class room, as I knocked at the covered door it...

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My Virgin Sister

I have a sister, named Priya. She is almost 4 years younger to me.We live in Goa. We both were so close. We shared lots of thing with each other and did lots of thing together we used to go out to malls and go to watch movies together I liked her more then my elder sister. I always had a lust for her. However, it was hard for me to tell her that how I was feeling for her. We used to hug each other a lot and I always get a hard on holding her sexy body in my arms. When we walk in a mall or on...

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My first time with a stranger

It all started when I was 13…my interest in sex, that is! One day I was home sick from school and I decided to do some snooping in daddy’s closet. I don’t know what I expected to find, but I knew i was being naughty. It didn’t take me long before I found a stack of magazines with naked girls on the covers. I went and laid on daddy’s bed with a couple of the magazines. I was surprised to see that not only were the girls in the magazines doing all kinds of nasty, dirty things, but they all...

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Glass Gift of Submission

Glass Gift of Submission By Wondering Soul Part 1 I walked into her studio with high expectations. They were met. There she was standing gracefully in downward facing dog. Her stomach was sticking out a bit. I went to inspect it. I swept her up into my arms and carried her to the bathroom at the back of her studio. I pulled the plug from her but and her pussy and set her on the toilet quickly. I turned to give her some privacy. She knew what I expected she never let me down. I washed off the...

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