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Planet Taelinas

The impending wedding ensured peace between the two warring nations. At least that was the guise presented to the Yewn and the Taelin. Luciana, daughter of the Taelin Queen, knew better. After all, her mother was not known for her compassion or fairness.

‘Luciana,’ Berith snapped at her inattentive daughter.

The Queen was beautiful with her long pale hair and ethereal looks. Even with her serene beauty, all who knew the Queen knew that she could be as fierce as she was beautiful. The princess took after her mother with the same silver-blond hair, big blue eyes, and porcelain skin.

‘I am sorry, talia.’ Luciana strove for sincerity, but fell short. ‘I know I will have to gain Garrin’s trust so he confides in me. Then we will know how to defeat the Yewn once and for all.’

The Yewn were enemies of the Taelin. Although they appeared to be identical species, the ancestors of the Yewn arrived in a giant flying metal ship. The ancestors were from a place called Earth. The first settlers from Earth described their planet as barren. It had been ravaged by war, disease, and environmental instability.

‘We will take back our land for Ganu.’

Luciana nodded as she recited a sacred prayer in the Taelin tongue. ‘Garanka rinu awani.’

Ganu only spoke to two of the Taelin. The first was the Great Queen and the second was the current queen, Berith. Their goddess Ganu came to the queen in a dream. She told Berith that the time had come to reclaim their planet. No longer would they have to live deep in the forests and underground caves. They could roam free and take back the land for all, not this odd idea of land ownership the Yewn had. But Luciana would miss her home in Verik, the maze of tunnels and caves that hid hundreds of rivers and enclosed thriving forests.

‘Practice your english.’

With a frown, Luciana followed her mother’s order. ‘Yes, ta- mother.’

‘Good. Now, about your wedding night…’

Garrin raised a brow and looked up from his desk work as he heard another sigh. Across the room sat his lover. His very displeased lover. He explained to her that nothing had to change between them, but they’d have to be discreet as to not anger the Taelin. Although with their mysterious ways of procreation given the lack of any males in their race, Garrin was not certain on their take on infidelity.

‘I don’t know why you have to marry her. I doubt they plan on keeping the peace. The princess, if it will even be the princess, will probably murder you in your sleep,’ Fiona muttered.

‘We have to do this. The Taelin have access to resources we need. With the toxic air outside the barrier of our settlement, we can’t very well get to the resources ourselves.’

When his ancestors arrived about two-hundred years ago, many of the settlers had gotten sick from the poisonous air. It was a creeping sickness that killed slowly. They had set up a barrier, planting their own flora within the semi-permeable dome to keep the ‘good’ air in and the ‘bad’ air out, yet still allowing for slight gas exchange. Over the years, some had developed an immunity to the outside air. Garrin and his kin had. That was why his father had been the elected leader of their growing community of nearly two-thousand people.

‘I guess we can’t all have a Taelin ancestor,’ Fiona shot out sarcastically.

It was a known fact that Garrin’s ancestor, one of the first settlers, had married and mated with the Great Queen. They had one child. The only successful offspring of human and Taelin heritage. After the First Offense, the Taelin retreated into the forests, cutting off all civil communications with the humans.

‘It is a pity. We’d have a better picking in the looks department,’ Garrin replied, purposely seeking to annoy Fiona. ‘The Taelin are the very depictions of goddesses and fairies our ancestors had.’

Fiona scowled, her dark brows pulling together. ‘I have never seen one up close. I’ve heard they are either immortal or live for a long time. And they can choose when to stop aging. Your bride could very well be over a hundred years old.’

‘As long as she doesn’t look it.’

A vase flew passed Garrin’s head, shattering behind him. He cringed at Fiona’s shrieks. She was very beautiful, even in a rage. Her dark curls bounced and her slightly tanned skin flushed as she paced back and forth. Those full lips were spewing out threats that oddly aroused Garrin. He was always attracted to that fire in Fiona.

‘-seriously! She could very well kill you, Garrin! Call off the wedding or I swear that I am leaving you.’

Garrin knew this ultimatum would come eventually. He had a duty to his people and his attachment to Fiona would not jeopardize his chance at bringing peace and security to the Yewn.

‘Then leave me. You don’t tell me how to run this community and I won’t ask you to stay. Either sit your ass down or leave like you threaten to do.’

Eyes narrowed, Fiona marched up to Garrin. With Garrin at six-foot-six, Fiona looked like a child beside him. She craned her neck up before jabbing him in the chest. He didn’t budge.

‘You’re going to miss me,’ she spat before turning on her heel and storming out.

Garrin knew that Fiona would always let her temper get the better of her. She’d be back eventually. They’d see each other and start up a conversation and continue on with their arrangement as if they never had a fight. That was how it always went.

He couldn’t bother himself with worrying over it too much. He had to prepare himself to meet with the Taelin the next day. He’d finally get a glimpse of the one he was set to marry by the end of the week.

‘Frani gala werth Ganak. Bis a derk,’ one warrior snicker over at the other.

The two Taelin were escorting Garrin and his three cousins to the meeting place. Although Garrin and his cousins were tall and muscular, he did not doubt the Taelin warriors could cut them down in a blink of an eye. They moved incredibly fast and were deceptively strong given their tall and lean frames.

One warrior had short dark hair and nearly black eyes with skin like dark chocolate that begged to be licked. The other had medium length red hair and striking green eyes with an olive complexion. Both were well-endowed, yet lean. Just the way they walked screamed sex to the men.

Garrin knew they were talking about the Great Queen. He was tempted to point out that his heritage made him royalty among their kind. That was to assume that the Taelin cared about lineage.

‘Wait here,’ the other warrior said as they entered a clearing.

The two warrior females disappeared, leaving Garrin and his cousins alone.

‘Damn, if our women looked like them, we’d never leave the bedrooms,’ Bryce laughed once he figured the warriors were out of hearing distance.

Even happily married, Hayden and Josef had to agree. The Taelin were unbelievably beautiful. It was no wonder the first men to settle here thought they landed in heaven while the women thought they landed in hell.

‘I have to say, I’m curious about your bride. As the princess, she must be drop dead gorgeous.’

Garrin shook his head at his cousin Hayden. It was a damn good thing his cousin was married. Hayden had been the biggest slut in the town, Bryce now claiming that title.

Frowning, Garrin glanced at the ground and noticed vines creeping up at an accelerated rate. The four men jumped back in surprise and watched as the vines twisted and multiplied until there were six seats formed in a circle.

‘Please, sit.’ Came a melodic voice from behind the startled men.

Bryce had trouble keeping his mouth closed as the Taelin queen came into view. She was at least six feet tall with curves that could make a grown man weep. Her silver-blond hair fell down her back and those cat-like blue eyes caught everything. With the way the Taelin dressed, as t
hey seemed impervious to the heat and cold, little was left to the imagination.

Cautiously, the three cousins took their seats as Garrin held a hand out to the queen. She raised a brow at the offered hand, having shook his hand on the few other occasions they met when striking their deal. He was now in her domain.

‘We do not greet that way here in the Filan,’ she explained as she took a step closer.

Garrin tensed as he found the queen pressed up against him. Her hand reached up to pull his head down so their noses touched and she inhaled deeply. As quickly as she was there, she was gone.

The look of amusement on his cousins’ faces did not go unnoticed. Berith took a seat and motioned for Garrin to sit. This was the first time they were meeting outside.

‘It is customary for us to greet that way. We share a breath as we acknowledge all life is connected,’ Berith explained though she doubted the Yewn understood such a concept.

‘Should I greet you as well?’ Bryce chimed in, hopeful at the chance to get near that delightful creature.

‘My business is not with you.’ Came the answer. Her attention returned to Garrin. ‘My daughter will be here shortly. First, there is something we must discuss. Marriage does not exist within the Taelin. We live together and we raise our young together. We may partner up for solely pleasurable pursuits, but we do not experience jealousy nor possessiveness. The Great Queen ran from your ancestor because he thought to control her, own her. My daughter will remain faithful to you as she is willing to compromise in these cultural gaps between the Yewn and the Taelin. But if you expect her to be faithful, she will expect the same from you. It should not be too difficult as this is your culture.’

Garrin couldn’t argue with that. ‘Agreed. However, what will I do about an offspring? You cannot guarantee me a child.’

Berith frowned. ‘What is the importance of a child? To carry on some sort of legacy? A leader should be chosen by his or her worth, not by his or her parentage. That is how it has been done with the Taelin and we have lived in harmony since the beginning…before the arrival of your ancestors. Still, there is no internal dissent among the Taelin. Perhaps my daughter will be able to teach you something.’

‘Talia, must you insult him?’ Luciana laughed as she made her appearance. ‘I am sure we will both benefit from this. There is much we can learn from each other.’

Taking a seat, Luciana noticed the way the youngest of the men looked at her. The way his eyes roved up and down her body piqued her curiosity. She would almost say the young Yewn looked hungry.

‘Bryce,’ Garrin growled.

Perhaps Luciana wasn’t the only one who noticed the young man’s gaze. Interested in the owner of that smooth, deep voice, Luciana looked over at the surly man. She found him attractive with his strong features and dark eyes. His skin was like bronze, muscles gleaming as he shifted in his seat.

‘What?’ Bryce tried to say innocently. It wasn’t his fault Hayden was right and the princess was drop dead gorgeous and practically naked.

The two warrior Taelin gave each other knowing glances as Berith looked from the one called Bryce then to Garrin. The Yewn did not appear overly interested in her daughter. Maybe he needed a little push.

‘You two should get to know each other,’ Berith suggested before Garrin and Luciana found themselves sealed in a bubble made of vine.

‘My apologies. She does that,’ Luciana said sheepishly as she reached out and ran her fingers over the interwoven vines. ‘As queen, Ganu grants her certain powers. One is being able to more or less control the elements.’

‘Not all of you can do that?’ Garrin asked. He may as well get to know the Taelin better.

Luciana tilted her head. ‘To an extent, we all can.’ Her mother warned her not to say too much about the Taelin. ‘Tell me, are you married now?’


‘I would think that a man like you would have a wife by now. We seek pleasure partners by the time we start to develop,’ Luciana paused as she tried to remember the word, ‘breasts.’

Garrin watched the princess speak. She had the slightest of accents and he found it endearing how she nibbled on her lower lip in search of the word ‘breasts’. Although there was no denying that the princess took after her mother, she had a kind of softness that hinted at a sheltered and privileged life.

‘You mean a lover? I’m not a virgin, if that is your question.’

‘Virgin,’ Luciana repeated. ‘Oh I see! You have had many wives before, but not anymore.’ These Yewn sure were confusing.

Garrin shook his head. He wondered if he had been matched with a princess who wasn’t all there. ‘Just because I had sex with a woman, doesn’t make her my wife. With a wife, there is a commitment. You share your lives and owe your fidelity.’

‘So you have had sexual partners, but no one you shared your life with.’ Luciana was beginning to understand.

‘Exactly. And you?’

‘I’ve had several partners, but no one I am committed to. I have not had intercourse with a Yewn. Neither male nor female.’

Her sexual ambiguity did not faze Garrin as homophobia wasn’t much of a problem as it had been nearly five hundred years ago. Even the word homophobia was archaic.

‘Well, I have never had sex with a Taelin so I guess it will be new for the both of us.’

Luciana smiled brightly. ‘You look as though you know how to please your partner. I look forward to the wedding night.’

A willing bride. That did make Garrin smile. ‘I haven’t had any complaints.’

The rest of the meeting went rather well. She learned about Garrin and his people a bit more, each piece of information being stored away so she could tell it to her mother. They said goodbye to each other and went their separate ways after agreeing that Luciana would present herself to the Yewn at the end of the week to be married. Her mother promised there would be just one other Taelin to follow along as Luciana’s guard.

Luciana liked to think of herself as courageous. However, a little doubt started in her mind. Garrin did not seem all that bad. Her mother would probably not agree so she didn’t mention that part when filling in the queen on what she learned.

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3 month installment loans 3monthpaydayloansnocr

Explore 3 month payday loans for instant financial supportSometimes financial support should be accessible immediately and without hurdles, especially when next paycheque is still few weeks away. If you are also trapped in circumstances that force you to borrow money, then you can think of borrowing 3 month loans not just for instant cash but also for easier repayment. You can borrow the funds for its repayment in 12...

3 years ago
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Im Legless Not Dickless

I was trying my darnedest to suck my little sister’s tits, but it was proving to be an exercise in futility. She was bouncing wildly on my lap, and I couldn’t keep ahold of them. They were small to begin with, perky and pointy, small Bs that looked great on her short-petite frame, but when she got close to climaxing all I could do was sit back and watch. “Fuck I’m gonna cum!!” (see? I knew she was close) she yelled, throwing her head back and closing her eyes. “Cindy! Watch your mouth! What...

2 years ago
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Loris Revenge

Their completely different work schedules had not allowed them to engage in any sex play over the last week; they had only just managed to secure a single over-nighter in a big city hotel room before their schedules parted them again. Their stark reality was that they had to accept work in binges, whenever it came. This trickled down into everything in their lives, especially their sex life. Be that as it may, Lori had not forgotten Peter's skillful teasing from the previous weekend, and...

2 years ago
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Me my sister in law a huge hired gunpart 1

My sister in law & me happened to be sort of dancing with each other at a Italian wedding cause her husband and my wife don't dance, after a few songs a slow dance came along and i just reached for her hand and pulled her closer she's a hot 5' 3" black haired babe with little titties and an ass any body would love to explore suck ,fuck, all day long! As we started to squeeze our bodies together and I pressed my 8" hard dick against her tummy so that she was in fully aware of how much I...

2 years ago
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Piano Lesson day two

Lesson Two.......................................My cock was very sore after the last lesson.I have a tight foreskin and the teachers rough play was uncomfortable.............however my balls were full and my cum was substantial.As I ring the bell my cock twitches for you.............and as the door opens my heart always skips to see what you wear..............Today you wear an A line skirt with hosiery which is tan.Your glasses are as normal although your hair today is tied up giving you a...

1 year ago
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter X Fathers Study

Alice found herself in a very familiar setting; her father’s study, but not quite as she remembered it. Thankfully, she was wearing a dressing robe, for the idea of being naked in this most sacred of places would have left her completely flustered.‘It is a dream, after all,’ she reminded herself. ‘And I am not suddenly returned home.’Looking about the room, she took note of what belonged and what didn’t. Her father’s plush reading chair and ottoman, his shelves of books, his side table (upon...

3 years ago
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KineticChapter 5

One month later... Time: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 3:40 PM Eastern Standard Time I felt my heart leap when I came home from school a few days before my 18'th birthday. Melanie had sent me another letter! I raced upstairs to my bedroom and sat down at my desk to look at it. It had the same strange business with the return address as before. After staring at it for a moment, I opened it and saw that Melanie had sent me a handmade birthday card. The first drawing had a simple stick...

1 year ago
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A Daughter Makes ScentsChapter 3

The following week he was working the midnight to 8 a.m. shift. When working on this schedule his usual practice was to sleep from about noon until about 7-8 p.m. Then he would spend a couple of hours watching TV with the family. He would see his daughter for only an hour or so before she went to bed. It was during this week that Michelle began to notice that her father was paying an inordinate amount of attention to her. She caught his eyes staring at her chest and she could sense his gaze...

3 years ago
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Shrunken Batgirl

Her memory of the past night was still clouded. As her alter-ego Batgirl, she remembered trying to enter a supposedly closed lab building to look for several missing women. One of her sources had told that a group of scientists was doing experiments on live people there. All that she could remember was a bright light........ ....Suddenly, she felt the room starting vibrate as what sounded like giant steps approached her "room". In an instant, the "ceiling" opened up, and to her shock,...

3 years ago
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No Names No Pack DrillPart 02

We embarked on a little Dutch tramp called the ‘SS Bonteko, ‘ big enough to carry about 350 troops, but there were 700 of us packed on board, plus all of our equipment. The ship seemed to be more under the surface than on top. We slept on the ‘tween-deck with a sheet of three-ply for a bed, laid on the decking. Every fourth wave came in through the side-ports in heavy seas, so we learnt to count to three, then stand up to avoid a drenching. Eventually, Kanga and I found a hatch cover on deck...

1 year ago
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MidAir Enigma

     “Oh, wait!   I almost forgot my driver’s license,” I yelled to the cabdriver, as I fumbled with my keys trying to unlock the door.   I was practically running around the house like a mad woman, late as usual.   Just when I thought I had packed everything, it dawned on me that I had forgotten to pack the most important thing…my identification!   Then, once again, here I am running late.   I was cutting it pretty close too, considering that my flight would be leaving in 1 1/2 hours.   Thank...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My first time with a man

Hey would like to share my first experience as a sissy with a man, for perhaps there are other sissy out there who are curious at what it was like, just want to say first that we are all different and maybe you will not experience what I did, but if you are a sissy slut like me, then I hope you will have the same experience as I did. I left home when I was 20 so I had a place for myself and I had already been exploring crossdressing over the past year, some of the first thing I thought of was...

2 years ago
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The Girls In The Flat Above

I used to live alone in a block of 6 flats & as a horny male, I used to get quite a bit of attention from the ladies that lived in the block. One day the young girl that lived in the flat above - that I'de been fucking regularly - got a house & moved out. I was upset but she let me go round to her new house & fuck her in every room & every hole!!Around 2 weeks later there was a buzz on my door & when I answered it, there stood a rather plain but attractive girl - she said...

2 years ago
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THE HITCHHIKERBack in the 60s, hitchhiking for a young man was often the only way to travel …and it was free. Robbie had heard the story from his uncle Charles who said at the time he had heard it from a friend of his. Robbie knew Charles was talking about himself. Uncle Charles was often quite secretive during pillow talk.The young man (we’ll call him Charles) had finished his summer job on a farm and was going back to his parent’s home. The distance was about 200 miles. He had been picked up...

2 years ago
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Helping Hand

It was a beautiful day and I had to do some stuff while my dad was at a Bishops luncheon. After getting everything done in the house, I was suppose to get my neighbors older son to cut the lawn. I started to walk over to the neighbors house but seeing that it was such a great day and the sun felt great on my dark silky skin I decided to do it myself since it was a riding lawnmower. I was wearing a dark red tube top that hugged my breast firmly and some short-shorts that showed off just enough...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Best Night of My Life Part 4

Authors Note: Although based on certain true events, this story is a work of fiction. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. It builds slowly and contains a lot of details. Yes, there is sex in this story. No, it doesn't happen right away. If you are looking for a story with raunchy sex at the get-go that never lets up, you probably won't enjoy this. Most of the scenes are a build-up of erotically charged...

First Time
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Girlsway Sara Luvv Bree Daniels Cadence Lux AJ Applegate Adriana Sephora Melissa Moore Dahlia Sky Darcie Dolce Serena Blair Kimmy Granger The Faces Of Alice Part Five

Alice (Sara Luvv) finishes fucking Ellen (Serena Blair) and leaves her trapped in the closet at home to head to the Sacred Circle meeting. But the closeted lesbian is impervious to the irony of her own situation, and unaware that her lost love Dina (Bree Daniels) texted her to say that she misses her. Alice is now completely eclipsed by her inner lesbians, butch Al and lipstick lesbian Alicia. And those troublemakers are late. When the Faces of Alice show up at the Sacred Circle,...

1 year ago
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Im horny as can be

I'm horny as can be but there is nobody to please me. All I can do is play to please me. The drinks don't help me, All I need is a man who can please me. One that has the right size, not small cause they can't please me. One that is the one for me. One that can give me energy once again. One that can help me remember that feeling you get with the pleasures of being with a partner. I think I forgot that feeling been too long without a man. Men have what it takes to please me. women I do not see...

Erotic Poetry
4 years ago
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Your task

You enter my office as instructed, closing the door behind you as I tell you to strip for me. When done, I have you kneel quietly at my side naked as I completed my work. Reaching down between your legs, I feel your wetness and slide my finger across your freshly shaved pussy. I remove my fingers not looking up from my desk brining my fingers to your lips. "Open". I say flatly. You obey quickly as your heart races. You open your mouth tasting my salty fingers mixed with your juices closing your...

3 years ago
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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 19 Family Threesome

When Suvendu returned from the office, I saw his eyes gleaming with anticipation of a family threesome. He was pleased with my sleazy fresh outfit of sleeveless figure-hugging top and skimpy shorts. It displayed my long legs and thighs to its glory. “Wow, Soni.” He exclaimed, “You are looking smoking hot. I am sure Joy must have jerked off a few times. Was he checking you out?” “Yes, dear, I saw his eyes scanning my thighs and cleavage. You are right. His gazes upon me were of pure lust.” “We...

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The time I asked my cousin to fuck me

I woke up at 4 am. I had been tossing and turning, able to really sleep all night, just thinking about what I was about to do today. My husband, lying there in the bed next to me, and I have been trying to get pregnant for nearly a year now, but it just isn't working. He is great in bed, but apparently the little swimmers can't quite make it to the finish line. To solve our little problem, in a few hours, I was going to let my cousin Jake give it a try. I had been wet all night just thinking...

4 years ago
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Countermove Ch 02

Summary so far: Day 1- Onyx vs. Tyger: Onyx loses her first match ever and pays the price. ********** Countermove By: Chrystal Wynd Day 2 Alright, I was royally pissed. After being the undefeated champion for 3 years running, I had been beaten handily in the first round of the tournament by Tyger, some unknown wench who just happened to have the same powers of ‘mental persuasion’ I have. Now I had a shaven pussy just like the other girls in my wrestling federation and my fingernails and...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Casey Calvert Cassidy Klein April O8217Neil FuckBuddy Custody Battle

Casey Calvert is relaxing in the living room on her phone when her friend Cassidy Klein pays her a visit. Cassidy looks upset, insisting that they need to talk. They have a mutual ‘friend with benefits,’ April O’Neil, but Cassidy feels Casey is getting too much time with April. Casey and Cassidy argue a bit, then decide to invite April over to discuss everything so that they don’t ruin their friendship. April arrives shortly after and is greeted by both Casey and...

3 years ago
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My life as I know it

My life as I know it. This is an attempt to put into words my life as a crossdresser from the very first day it happened to today. It ends with what my future may be. Any male who cross-dresses will always remember their first everything they do. I remember the very first time I ever tried anything on that a girl wore. In my case it had occurred just before I started grade school. Prior to trying on something for the first time I never had considered doing anything like that, I...

2 years ago
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La Vita Bella in Perugia

The wind wafted up the valley carrying citrus and olive grove smells into the stone farmhouse. The cold stone floors seemed to hum with life, history and a certain joie da vie that I was unsure what to call in Italian. "La Bella Vita" didn't seem to quite explain these feelings - sure it was "the Beautiful Life" but it was more than that. It was heaven. "Cielo!" Heaven.The decision, journey and last couple of weeks had been hectic and painful. It would take years to get over it all but right...

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