Empty LandChapter 4 free porn video

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Mak quickly decided that he enjoyed the simple routine of caravan life. Most of the traders spoke at least a few words of his language, and he soon picked up enough of their speech to get by with. He got along well enough with the other traders, but was slow to make new friends. He was kept too busy scouting out the line of march to do much mingling during the day, often being sent out with hunting parties to bring in fresh meat for the evening meal as well. The hardest thing for him to learn was that the quickest route for a man on foot wasn't necessarily the best path for a loaded pack train.

He wasn't at all surprised when he wasn't immediately given the traders' full trust. Nurm always made sure that one or another of the pack train's guards was with him the first few days. They were no match for him at stealing silently through the leafy glades, or following the spoor of a wounded animal. On the other hand, he soon learned to respect their speed and accuracy with spear and arrow. He continued picking up a working knowledge of their language, finding that it had many words in common with his own.

"How much farther to Arlund?"

Mak glanced around at the hills before answering Nurm's question, comparing their appearance with his memories of past journeys. Their surroundings had been veiled by a light mist when the caravan started out that morning, but the sun was fast burning it off. Today would be clear and hot, just like most of the summer had been so far.

"Another half a day, or a little less," he guessed in answer to Nurm's question. "This isn't the way I usually come, but I think that we're just about where we should be. We should reach there before dusk."

"All right, go on ahead and take a look, just to make sure. Come on back as soon as you've scouted out the trails."

Mak moved swiftly and silently through the forest, following dim trails left by animals. He was glad to be off by himself for a change, instead of partnered with another of the caravan's scouts. Not that he blamed Nurm for being careful and slow to trust this newest member of his caravan, but he wished that he wasn't in a position where he felt that he had to prove himself all of the time.

There had been a light summer rain the evening before, making the ground damp to sleep on and the fires smoky and hard to light, but now the sun was climbing high in an almost cloudless sky. The air was filled with the scent of green and growing things, and from somewhere far overhead came the cry of a hawk as it circled on unmoving wings. The only other sounds Mak could hear were the padding of his own footsteps against a background of insect noises, counterpointed by the infrequent rustling of small animals going about their own business.

The trail was nothing more than a faint path trodden by the hoofs of deer on their way from water to forage, leading up the side of a low ridge. Mak followed its meanderings through the underbrush until he reached the top of the ridge, then left it and turned to his right, trotting lightly up the slope of a nearby hill. The trees overhead were thick enough to keep the brush to a minimum, and he had little trouble pushing through the sparse growth. Reaching the crest of the hill, Mak tried once more to see what lay ahead, but there were too many trees in his way.

Only slightly encumbered by the bow and quiver of arrows slung over his shoulders, Mak kicked off his sandals and clambered up the trunk of a towering elm as easily as the squirrels that scolded at him from the higher branches. As soon as he was clear of the tops of nearby trees, he could make out the glint of sunlight on the waters of a long, narrow lake at the bottom of the next valley. Peering through the clear air, he even thought that he caught a glimpse of a smudge of smoke against the distant hills, about where he knew that Arlund should be.

Mak nodded his head, satisfied. "That's the place, all right," he muttered in the manner of someone who was used to spending much time alone, talking to himself for want of a better companion. "I thought that we were about there." He quickly climbed down from his perch, trotting back along the game trail that he'd been following.

"So, Mak. Back so soon? Did you find anything?" was Nurm's greeting when Mak joined him at the head of the line of pack animals.

"Arlund is just a short way ahead," he reported, trying not to show his pride at correctly finding his way to their desired goal. "We should reach there well before dark. It's just over the next ridge, and then along the floor of the valley by the south side of the lake."

"That sounds good to me." Nurm's even white teeth flashed in a pleased smile. "Take Gortain with you. He'll help you mark the trail for us to follow. Gortain! Go on ahead with Mak. He'll show you where we're headed."

The fields tilled by the Arlund villagers made a broad fan between the hills and the shore of a small lake, their crops tinted varying shades of green and brown under the late summer sun. Beyond the fields, where a steep ridge pinched the fields down to nothing, the village of Arlund lay wedged between a rocky cliff and the lake's deep blue waters.

Mak dropped back to join the guards who walked by the sides of the caravan. A single deepvoiced horn sounded its warning as Nurm led the way past the fields. Up ahead, a single gate was the only opening in the low stone wall that cut the village off from the rest of the valley. Villagers in the fields looked up apatheticly as they passed, but most of them turned immediately back to their work.

Mak stayed well away from the village gates as Nurm met with the leaders of Arlund. He didn't really know whether word of his disgrace had preceded him, but there was no shame in being cautious. He busied himself with unpacking the caravan's donkeys, then helped to prepare the evening meal. When he had finished eating, he walked over to where Nurm, Amy and Jewel sat quietly talking.

"Yes, Mak." Nurm looked up at him. "You wanted to talk?"

"I need to go into the village," he answered. "I have words for friends from my father."

"Is that a wise thing to do?" The words came from Amy, who frowned as she studied his expression in the fire light. "The gates are closed and barred for the night."

"They won't see me," he answered confidently. "I know ways in and out."

"All right." Nurm nodded abruptly. "Find out what you can from these friends, and let me know anything that you find out that can help us."

Mak could feel Nurm's gaze centered on his back as he strode away into the darkness. Amy still frowned, but he thought that he'd caught a hint of an enigmatic smile on Jewel's lips as he turned away.

Clouds were gathering once more, and the moon had not yet risen, but the ground was clear this close to Arlund's wall. He followed it along to his left, away from the fields they had passed as they left the forest. The roughhewn stones had once been a stout barricade, but now they were increasingly tumbled and worn, even more so where the end of the wall butted up against the steep hillside near the head of the lake.

He listened, holding his breath and standing unmoving, until he was sure that no sentry guarded this stretch of Arlund's defensive wall. The night was silent, no trace of breeze moving the still waters of the lake to break in ripples against the shore. Longago storms had beat against this section of wall, wearing the stones into strange shapes, but this time of year the lake level was lower, leaving a gravelled stretch of shore on past the end of the village.

The stones were rough enough so that he didn't even have to remove his sandals as he quietly scaled the wall. The top of the wall was nearly flat, and the drop on the far side was slight enough to cause him no trouble. He moved carefully by the light of the few stars that peeked through rents in the clouds, hoping that no dogs would wake and draw the attention of the villagers. More than once he froze in place, waiting to be sure that nobody was about, but the noises seemed to be only those of ordinary nightlurkers, rats and such that scurried along the dark backalleys of Arlund.

The cobbles of the street were dry underfoot, not damp and slimy as they'd been the last time he visited Arlund. His feet made no noise as he moved through the shadows, and at last he reached the house that he was seeking. It lay far from the central plaza, well away from the homes of the welltodo farmers whose wives who sat on Arlund's council.

"Who's there?" The voice that answered his tapping at the door frame sounded quietly apprehensive.

"Mak the Hunter, son of Chamur the Strong."

The man who opened the door was even shorter than Mak, and slender, his graying hair and wrinkled face betraying his advanced age.

"Inside, quickly! What are you doing here? The word has been passed that you've been outlawed."

"Not outlawed, Borvenne." Mak answered as he moved away from the doorway, seating himself at the square wooden table that took up nearly half of the room. "Not outlawed, only banished. Not that there's all that much difference."

In a few quick sentences, he outlined the events that had led to his banishment, emphasizing the part that the clandestine messengers between city councils had played.

"The traders offered me a chance to travel with them," he concluded, "so I accepted. Now, what's been happening here in Arlund?"

"It's not so much what's been happening," Borvenne answered grimly, "as what's about to happen. The messenger from Wallen arrived a couple of days ago, and the councillors about had fits. They'd been warned by Larnent, our new shaman, that traders were returning to the forests, but they hadn't really believed it. They've made up their minds that trade is bad, and that they have to put a stop to it. Myself, I don't see it, and neither do my friends. We don't have any power to do anything about it, though."

"Have the councillors also made up their minds what they're going to do?"

"The word was passed this evening, after the caravan settled down for the night. In the morning, when the traders have their booths set up for business, guards will arrest them. No, I don't know what grounds they'll claim," he answered Mak's exclamation of anger. "Just that they'll take away all of their trade goods and donkeys. After that, they'll probably turn them loose. After all, why not? They'll figure that the traders won't be able to do any more harm, and even if they do make it back alive to where they came from they'll certainly never want to return."

The laterising sliver of moon cast its faint light past the clouds as Mak headed back toward the wall that stretched along the lake shore. He sternly reined in the anger that sorely tempted him to hurry, even more careful than before not to make any unnecessary noise. As he reached the base of the wall, he caught the distant sound of tramping feet. With a quick look around he scrambled up the wall and dropped to the beach on the other side. The gravel of the beach crunched beneath his feet, but now he no longer worried about making a little noise as he ran lightly toward where the caravan rested. A word to an alert sentry, and he moved on to where Nurm's tent bulked large in the darkness.

"What's up?" Nurm's voice greeted him from within the tent, even as Mak scratched lightly against the fabric by the door. A faint light blossomed as the trader unhooded a tiny lamp. "Mak? Come on inside."

"Trouble," Mak answered. "Lots of it! Runners have already reached here from Wallen, and the Arlund council has decided that they don't want any more traders coming here. They think that if you don't make it back, nobody else will follow your trail."

"What have they decided to do?" Jewel's voice came from just behind Nurm. "Will they attack us, try to kill us?"

"Probably not kill us, since there's no real need for them to. Capture us, most likely, and take away all of our trade goods and packanimals. They think that if they turn us loose with only the clothes on our backs, we probably won't make it back to where you came from."

"Did your friend tell you just how they plan to take us?" Nurm gestured, and Amy and Jewel began bundling up their belongings.

"He wasn't sure, but he's got a pretty good idea of what the bastards are apt to try. Probably wait until we've got our booths set up, then grab us. If we weren't expecting them, there wouldn't be much we could do about it."

"Amy, Jewel, pass the word to our people. Have them pack up everything, as quick as they can. Don't show any more lights than you can help, but get the donkeys loaded as fast as possible. Mak, what's the best way out of here?"

"On past the end of the lake and up over the hills," he decided after a moment's thought. "They won't be expecting us to go that way. It'll be rough going, slower than back the way we came, but the animals can make it all right."

Mak was amazed at how quickly the encampment disappeared into packs and was loaded onto the backs of the donkeys. The moon was higher now, and luckily the clouds were rapidly thinning. By the time the sun rose, they should be far enough from Arlund to begin feeling fairly safe.

He scouted ahead as the caravan wended its way along the shore of the lake. The way seemed clear, and he turned back to rejoin them.

"Halt, who's there?" Ahead of him, a voice rang out clearly through the darkness as an armed guard moved out from the base of the wall to confront the vanguard of the caravan. "Ho, the... Ugh!"

The guard went sprawling as Mak's fist caught him behind the ear.

"Bring him along," Nurm commanded when there was no answer to the guard's aborted call. "We'll let him go when we're well away from here."

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Mak fled down the hill, dodging among the crumbled ruins in a desperate attempt to draw off the Chakcha soldiers. Near the crest of the hill, Lyssa and Kim huddled in the shelter of a pile of boulders, not daring to move until they heard the shouts that told of Mak's capture. Then, peering from behind tumbled blocks of ancient masonry, Lyssa saw Mak being led away. She could even make out some of the soldiers' ribald comments as they marched down the hill toward the castle. When they were...

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Their first torch was more than half gone when at last Mak and Riggan reached the bottom of the stair. They would soon have to light the spare that they had snatched from another holder farther down the corridor from Riggan's cell, and there wasn't any too much left of it, either. Mak could only wonder at the labor it must have taken to carve these interminable steps out of solid rock. "They wouldn't have worked that hard if this didn't go some place," he grumbled. "I only hope that...

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"Did you get any trading done today?" Jewel asked when they had returned to their rooms after eating dinner with the King. Conversation at the dinner table had been pleasantly bland, with no controversial topics allowed to arise. "No," Holmar answered, looking both worried and disgusted. "And none of the merchants seem to know when they'll be ready to trade, if ever. All that I could get from any of them was a bunch of feeble excuses. We've always known that the things we bring are...

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"Wake up, you old sleepy head," carolled Lyssa. "It's time to be up and doing things." "Oof! Wah!" Mak yawned, rubbing his eyes. "I feel like I could sleep for a week. Bring me some breakfast, wench, and be quick about it." "Yes, beloved master," Lyssa chortled as she plumped herself down on his stomach. Giving him a smacking kiss on the ear, she asked, "How was that for the first course?" "Not warm enough." He spilled her onto the ground, then picked her up bodily and slung...

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Empty LandChapter 17

As the sun dropped behind the western hills, a quiet exodus left vacant the stilted lodges around the rim of the Chakcha fields. Silent women filed swiftly along well marked trails, the last in each line carefully removing the markers as she went. Just as silently, a small group moved the other direction, on their way to steal the ponies that Chakcha city's small army relied upon for swift movement. "This way," Riggan gestured. The shelka, as the Chakcha ponies were called, were stabled...

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Empty LandChapter 18

Angling in from the south, a small party headed toward the same pass. Jewel and Holmar strode easily along in the lead, followed by Kolmar and the shorter figure of King Norgan. The King's pudgy legs pumped in a desperate effort to match the longer strides of his companions, but ever more frequently his steps would lag. Each time he dropped back he would hear a low snarl and a clashing of Kim's fangs behind him, and he would hastily pick up his pace. The sun beat down from a nearcloudless...

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Empty LandChapter 19

In a leafy glade far to the east and south of Chakcha city, a weary and bedraggled sentan signalled his men to stop for their noontime break. The heavy forest seemed to press in on him as he stood, slouching, beneath an ancient oak tree. With a tired sigh, he called his decans together. "Do any of you have anything new to report?" They looked at each other hopefully, then with resignation. None wanted to be the first to break the silence. "Decan, squad one. Report! What shape is your...

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Empty LandChapter 20

Mak came striding easily along the trail, Kim trotting jauntily along at his side. Behind them a ragged tail of woebegone men dragged along, looking as though they might collapse from sheer weariness if they ever let themselves stop. "Hello, the camp," Mak called in a cheery voice. "How about some food and drink for the hungry travelers?" "Sure thing, Mak. Bring them over by the fire." Jewel couldn't help laughing at what she saw when the sentry's hail brought her to the edge of the...

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Empty LandChapter 22

"Good morning," Nurm greeted them calmly, looking up from his breakfast as they were escorted into his camp by a pair of sentries the next morning. "From the look of you, you've got news for us. What brings you here, and who is your friend?" "I have some news for you, all right. Most of it bad." Mak explained about Riggan's treachery. "I'm afraid he's going to cause us a lot of trouble. Oh, and this is Melrath. He is the brother of Gorath, one of the soldiers we captured when we...

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Empty LandChapter 23

Withered leaves, stripped from the branches by stormy gusts, swirled along the ground. Naked branches bent and swayed. The wind shrieked and tore at the land with insane fury, then lashed the forest floor with sheets of driving rain. The sky was dark with tattered clouds, growing ever darker as the day drew to a close. "Got to keep going..." The lone traveller braced herself against the rough bole of an ancient tree as the wind tried to sweep her from her feet. "Got to find them... Find...

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Empty LandChapter 24

Mak and Lyssa trotted their ponies along the trail. Ahead of them Nurm rode easily, flanked closely by Amy and Jewel. Behind them came the ponies of the surviving members of the original caravan, and donkeys laden with goods. The trail had been getting wider and more heavily travelled for the past several days, and they'd passed a number of isolated farms since morning. "And after you meet my parents I'll take you down to see the ocean," Lyssa chattered happily. "Mak! You aren't still...

2 years ago
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Emptied Purse

I was bleary-eyed after work, half six, New Year’s morning. Marlene had been out late with the girls from the Army camp, where she worked part-time. Most were married to soldiers posted to Afghanistan. I was working twelve hour nights, so didn’t mind, at least I’d had Christmas Day off, when the twins were home. I was low on petrol, having left my wallet in the bedroom. Marlene’d thrown her coat and handbag across the breakfast bar. The bag gaped open, revealing her purse. I never open her...

2 years ago
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Chav Teen Becky Fucks Old Man

I’m Becky and I’m eighteen years old, I live on a council estate in the north of England and I’m a little bit naughty when it comes to my sexual experiences. I thought I would share some of them with you. This is my first attempt so be nice. I get super horny sometimes and just have to fulfill the urge or it won’t go away. This particular day I woke up aching for sex. I had been a week on my period, so I didn’t get any then, another week had passed by and still I had not had a fix. That...

3 years ago
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Angela TransformedChapter 25

After seeing our guests out, Lisa and I went up to change into something more comfortable. Lisa sent Ken an email to tell him she was home and ask if he wants to talk or if it's over between them. She was about to give me some privacy so I could call Ty when her cell phone rang. It was Ken. He called to ask if he could come over. That was all I heard before the door closed behind her and I immediately called Ty. We talked until Allan came to my door and told me supper was ready. I promised...

2 years ago
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More Than A Feeling

We headed out for dinner after he’d pissed on me. I swallowed most of it, the rest he did over my face and into my hair, which had lacquered on the walk downtown and now hung over my eyes in taught, bolshie curls like I was some sort of wanna-be teen movie star.The place he chose was on west eighty-sixth, and it struck me as the sort of schizophrenic diner that serves suits and soccer moms by day and hookers and suicidal loners by night - with neither ulterior group having any clue of the...

3 years ago
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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 6

Since I didn't have a plan, I didn't talk about the plan as we rode alone. She didn't ask. We had done this before, just riding side by side, looking around, inspecting things, enjoying nature. Finally she spoke. "So what did you and Mom talk about when she went over there last night?" "You," I said, for lack of anything else to say. "Was she mad?" "She wasn't happy." "I didn't mean to tell her," she said. "But you made me so angry!" "I'm sorry about that," I said,...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 121

I walked out from behind the curtain, Britney right behind me. She took a couple of quick steps forward to get ahead of me and took my hand, leading me back to the table. She stopped on the side of Jess who looked up. “Ma’am, I’m bringing your husband back,” Britney said politely. Jess glanced at her, then to me, then to my shirt before her eyes widened in surprise. “Wow! Guess you two were very busy in there!” she said, laughing hard. She tugged at my shirt, examining it and the tell-tale...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 6

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 PART SIX: A Private Party (Appetizers) On her way home from another successful day of work, Shirley needed a boost from the loneliness that had dogged her for the past week. Jamal had been so busy at college he hadn’t been spending any time in her bed. She was so desperately horny, lonely and a little downcast too, and so she decided to do some lingerie shopping at an adult shop she had discovered just about the same time she had...

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Karen came to stay with us when she and her husband Eric weregetting divorced. Eric had begun drinking soon after they married andhad soon become more interested in his beer than his wife. Needless tosay it was a bad time for her. My wife and I wanted to help her getback on her feet so we offered to let her stay as long as she liked. Karen was my wife's sister, a petite blonde with smallishbreasts but a tight little butt that filled out blue jeans deliciously.She was so different from Mary, my...

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The Story of Mai and Tayla

The story of Mai and Tayla. Mai was a quiet, shy girl that believed that no one felt anything for her. She didnt have much self-confidence and her body was not what most would have called beautiful. A tall girl since hitting puberty, she ballooned out in what she considered all the wrong places. Her breasts grew in too slow and stopped at Bs, while her stomach, thighs, and ass kept going. Eventually when her height stopped, so did everything else. But the damage was done. She was a forever...

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Pantyhose Part 8

Pantyhose Part 8: I hadn't said anything to Kelly about finding her with Trevor. He had probably been fucking her longer than I had. A dog like Trevor returns to its vomit. Trevor was late leaving the office and when he got home I was sitting in the back garden. I had the smaller lights on but the main floodlight was on. I had been looking at how my lipstick left a mark on the cigarette. He was going to learn that I was not going to give up on him like Gisela but I was not going...

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Cuckqueaning with the Secretary

It was Friday afternoon and the office party was that evening. My young 22 year old secretary was joining us that evening and i had been flirting with her for weeks. She was returning the flirting with a stunning size 12 body but with a large set of boobs supple arse that just perfectly sets out from her body with brunette hair just passed her shoulder. She had come dressed to impress with a short pencil skirt half way down her thigh stockings with a low cut top and the edge of her red bra just...

3 years ago
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Bhabi Ki Seel Todi Unke Hi Ghar Mei

HelloISS ke readers myself Sumit 4m Jalandhar maine yaha se bahut si stories padi hai sp aaj maine socha k kyo na aaj apni bhi kahani likhi jaye. yeh baat un dina ki hai jab mai +2 mei padta tha Mere mama g k bete ki nayi nayi shadi hui thi woh Canada mei rehta hai uska waha apna business hai toh baat yeh hui k woh shadi karva kar jaldi hi canada chala gaya usko bahut bda project mil gaya tha. Mai uski shadi par na ja saka kyoki mere toh exam chal rahe the1 din mai mama g k ghar gaya sab log...

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Luck Ch 10

Devlin Sinclair was a driving force with enough determination to dig to the other side of the earth with his bare hands if he deemed it necessary. He was the very reason that Detective Angus and Rip Howard were currently breathing a sigh of relief. There was no doubt in either men’s minds that Nomi Larue’s rejection of Aries, followed by the quick arrest for the bodiless murder of Lana Lutz, had taken a nasty toll on him and had inevitably taken him to an all time low. They had watched the...

3 years ago
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Bad Mom

I always dreamed of being a Milf, it was my dirty fantasy. As my son hit his teenage years I hoped, deep down, that his friends would see me as the hot mom, the hot mom to lust after, to jerk off to as well. I always had my suspicions, judging by how my son's friends would always look at me, actually looking at my 34DD breasts. I suspected my son had incestuous thoughts as well. At times I would find him laying on his bedroom floor, with no pants on playing a video game. I never acted on...

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Susies Freshman YearChapter 2

A week after her office tryst with Dean Langdon, Susie Brock decided to seduce one of her roommates. This girl was a 20 year old junior named Amelia More from South Carolina. She had a rather earthy and sensual complexion. Susie guessed that she had both Caucasian and Afro-American ancestors. In fact, there was even a slight hint of Creek Indian. Susie had thoughts of possibly engaging in a threesome with Amelia and the Dean. After all, her personal preference for an exclusive relationship...

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Juliethe little milf pervert

I had an interview later on that day and I was so un-prepared so took the usual notes in that I had previously used when interviewing potential candidates over the past week. I’m in my office when in walks this stunning 30 something. I cast my eyes over her quickly as to not look like the pervert I really am and watch her take a seat opposite me. It is late October and the weather outside was very cold and with the amount of layers Julie was wearing gave a wrong view of her size.“Do you mind if...

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Special delivery

It was early ‪Sunday afternoon‬ and the sun was shining, my wife Hannah was waltzing around the house in a red summer wrap dress. It was short and very low cut, Hannah knew it was one of my favourites and I could tell by the look in  her eye that she was feeling frisky and teasing me.We had purchased a Victorian pine table and Hannah was leaning over it seductively for my benefit wiping it down. I could see from her dress line that she had no knickers on and her cavorting was having a big...

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Zodiac Adventures

There is no underage sexual relationship in my story. * I’ Ahmad. I’m 20 years old. I’m a Virgo man and I’ll tell you about my exciting adventures with the Zodiac signs. I fucked the 12 women of each astrological sign. Some of them had zodiac sign tattoos. And some I knew their sign from their birthdays. 1- With the Sagittarius Woman : I had gotten back to Egypt after traveling around Europe for nearly two years. I had decided to relocate in Cairo and was looking for a job to pay for my...

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Locker room storie

A wistle blew.“Alright, go shower and change,” a deep husky voice boomed out. A boy of about 18 swam to the edge of the pool following the rest of his class. He lifted himself out of the water, and headed for the changing room, picking up his towel on the way off of a metal banister.“Dave!” the husky voice boomed out again. “Yes Mr.Baily?” the boy responded.“Can I see you in my office for a minute?” Dave growned, but turned around and headed back towards Mr.Baily’s office. “John, would you mind...

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FORTUNATA (c) 2006 by Anthony Durrant. Frank Parr, the heir to the Parr estate, was sitting in his nice comfortable armchair reading a newspaper, when his eyes lit on an article describing the latest escapade of a costumed criminal called the Poet, a mysterious criminal mastermind whose true identity had eluded the police. "This last robbery of his took place on the dock near the seashore, and they made off with the payroll meant for the dockworkers there. I have no doubt that...

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Ella and the Magnificent 7 Eds Toy

Ella Ed's Toy Ed woke hearing Ella showering. She came out with only a towel on her hair. She passed in front of the mirror and glimpsed him watching her naked ass. Ella swayed it, then bent forward reaching into her pantie drawer. She saw his eyes peer between her legs at her downward hanging labia. She knew it hung flapped wide below her ass cheeks like open curtains. She turned saying “Hi Baby”. She walked toward him telling him that she knew he didn't get to see her “ugliness” all fresh...

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Friend of the Wood Part One of Two

Terra pulled back the curtains and grinned as morning sunlight streamed into the room. The day was bright and beautiful – the perfect start to her first summer vacation from college. As much as she enjoyed the classes that would lead her into her career as a veterinarian, balancing that with an active social life had left her in need of a break.A groan emerged from the direction of her twin sister Ella’s bed. “Too early,” she muttered as she pulled the covers over her head.Her brilliant green...

1 year ago
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You Are A Sissy Faggot

Look at you, you are pathetic so pathetic your ex-girlfriend dropped you off at my place. This note says she caught you dressed like a slut sucking a man's cock. It says you were dressed in black negligee garter and fishnet stalking, you were done up right. Now strip out of those clothes I want to see what you have and make it fast because I will discipline you with this crop if you don't hurry. Well, well, well your ass is sexy like a girl's huh just the right bubble and look at this a...


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