Empty Nests
- 4 years ago
- 26
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In a leafy glade far to the east and south of Chakcha city, a weary and bedraggled sentan signalled his men to stop for their noontime break. The heavy forest seemed to press in on him as he stood, slouching, beneath an ancient oak tree. With a tired sigh, he called his decans together.
"Do any of you have anything new to report?"
They looked at each other hopefully, then with resignation. None wanted to be the first to break the silence.
"Decan, squad one. Report! What shape is your squad in?"
"Five men able to fight, Sir. Two more wounded but able to carry a pack. Two wounded badly enough that they should really be sent back to the city, and one dead."
The sentan scratched a rough tally in the dirt with the point of his spear as other decans reported much the same thing. When they had finished, he counted up the marks he had made.
"That makes sixtythree men fit to fight, down from seventyone this time yesterday. Two more dead, six more wounded. What are the men saying among themselves?"
"They don't like this kind of fighting at all, sir," replied the decan of squad five, still not wanting to meet the sentan's eyes. "They were trained to keep order in the city, not to slog through the woods after an enemy they can't even see. All they know is that every now and again one of those little darts flies out of the trees at them. Every time one of them tries to scout ahead he just disappears, and even if we do find him, he's just another dead body for us to bury. I don't think that they will go much farther from the city, no matter what orders we try to give them."
"They say they can't fight someone they can't see, sir," added the decan of squad seven.
"They don't want to go any farther into the forest." This from the decan of squad three, who seemed to agree with his men.
"That's enough!" snapped the sentan. "If we don't catch up with those women and bring them back, there won't be anyone but us to till the fields next spring."
"But at least we'll be alive," came a muttered comment from somewhere among the decans.
"And how do we fight them when they won't stand up to us?" This from the decan of squad three. "We aren't even sure that the main bunch of them came this way."
"I suppose that's why they nip at us like demons every step we take in this direction," replied the sentan in a sarcastic tone of voice.
"What better way is there to lure us on if they really went another way?" countered the decan.
"That's enough of such talk. We are pushing on until we catch them!"
The decans filed sullenly back to where their men were grouped and herded them back into fighting formation. One of the soldiers moved out ahead to scout out the trail, plainly reluctant to move out of sight of his fellows.
"Aargh!" The scream of anguish echoed through the trees, bringing a squad of the scout's fellows to his aid.
"No use, sir," the decan of squad one reported. "He's dead. Pinned to a tree by five or six of those damned darts."
"All right. Send out someone else in his place, and we'll keep moving. Well?" The decan hadn't responded. "Send someone else, I said!"
"No use, sir. They won't obey that kind of an order."
"They'll obey, or I'll have every one of them hung from the city walls. Now, move them out!"
The soldiers finally started moving, accompanied by furtive rustlings from both sides of the trail. The sun rose higher, but that only seemed to darken the shadows under the trees. Once again that afternoon, and again just before dusk a scout was found pinned to a tree by a cluster of those vicious darts.
Introduction: This story takes place two years after the previous story. I was now 14 and Derek, almost 17. Nothing much had happened between us in that time, the odd blowjob here and there, once or twice venturing to have sex. Id never had a proper relationship with anyone other than Derek, so I considered him a great friend and a sexual partner – Derek however had developed feelings for other people, male and female. It seemed that he was moving on through life, whether or not he cared that...
People have been complaining and negatively rating lately, so I feel like I should probably say this before I continue the story. Included in this story are themes of homosexuality, young love and sex. All characters involved, sexually, are under the age of 16 and are both male. If you're not interested then instead of reading and then negatively rating, just don't read and leave now. Thank you. This story takes place two years after the previous story. I was now 14 and Derek, almost 17....
Empty Nest Fam Fun in the Bedroom!! If you are into the taboo relationship of i****t and group sex and bondage… then get some lube and maybe a toy and sit back and enjoy!! If that turns you off…. Then move along, there is nothing else here for you!!!! ========================= There is always something deliciously erotic about being blindfolded and at the mercy of another. This was just the situation last Friday evening when my wife told me we needed to go home from our date night dinner out...
The morning dawned clear and bright. Mak started to eat a hurried breakfast, eager to visit the traders' booths and see what kinds of goods they had brought with them from faraway lands. "Before you rush off," his father interrupted Mak's morning meal, "tell me what you found out by talking to the traders last night." Once more Mak detailed the events of the previous evening, ending with his return across the village's palisade. "And that was when you ran into your socalled...
Mak and Lyssa quickly made up light packs with enough rations to keep themselves going for a few days. Making sure that their weapons were in good order, they walked, trotted, walked through the forest, leaving the slowermoving caravan far behind. They slept that night curled up together in the branches of an ancient oak tree, waking to move on at the first light of dawn, and it was still early when they reached the fields of the Chakcha. In the near distance rose a steepsided hill crowned...
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Freedom meant different things to different people, some equalled it to monetary success and others to power.To Helen nothing was more pure than an empty road at night, asphalt under her wheels and wind creeping through her helmet. Being far past a healthy bedtime, every burden on her mind left behind and nothing keeping her from doing what she loved.A twist on the throttle catapulted her forwards, out into the unknown emptiness. She loved crossing these wild borderlands between the cities and...
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It was my first outing alonein my small bass boat on the st lawrence river going to tease the fishthe sun was getting low and i was going back to the marina empty handedits the only thing i didnt check properlymy motor shut down on some hickups, clearly missing gaz and i got stranded in the small river 30 min from the marinai got my cellphone out at the same time another boat got in the river behind me2 fisher man in their 40s waving at me both shirtless , big belly black guys ''hey boy having...
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"Where do you think we are?" Jewel sat down suddenly on a nearby rock, looking shaken. "We've just come too far east and north, crossing the trail without seeing it." Mak knelt by her side, reassuring her with words that he tried to make sound more confident than he felt. "These have to be the same mountains we've been heading for, the last half a moon. There sure aren't any others around that big. All that we have to do is to head west and south. We're bound to come out into level...
Mak was only one of several scouts who ranged out ahead of the caravan. They wove from side to side, always picking out the easiest paths for the laden donkeys to follow. Even so the pace gradually slowed as the forest grew thicker, darker, damper. The game trails narrowed and were less frequent, cutting deep into the yielding soil. "We're coming to a river," Mak trotted back to report. "The ground is getting pretty swampy up ahead." Nurm brought out his map, laboriously handcopied on...
He gave Lyssa a quick hug, then watched as she ran down the trail, her hair a fastfading beacon in the autumn twilight. Olna and her squad marched off after Lyssa, leaving Mak and Kim alone in the darkening woods. The clouds were breaking up to the east, and a momentary rift revealed a moon that was nearing full. The forest was still, with only fitful gleams of moonlight through the tattered clouds as Mak and Kim slipped quietly along toward the city of the Chak. They had crossed and...
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You wake up completely naked. You can't remember who you are or anything about yourself. The first thing you notice is how incredibly horny your are. Your throbbing cock feels like its going to explode. You hobble up and squint the brightness. You look slowly around you and shocked to find that you are in a small, completely-white room. On the wall in front of you is a white shelf, on which is only a black vase. Odder though, is what is on the wall farthest from you: an ass. Or more...
GayDisclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Always look both ways before crossing the pond. Beware of geeks bearing gifs. An answer known is a power broken. One man’s crisis is another man’s narcissism. This space to let. Preface:...
Mak slowly straightened up from his work, bending and twisting to take the kinks out of his muscles. He was strong, and proud of it. He knew that he was much stronger than most of the men in his village, but his muscles were unaccustomed to this kind of labor. In the field around him, other men and women straightened as the dull rumble of a warning drum was followed by a clamor of shrill voices and the barking of dogs from inside the village. It was probably only a messenger from another...
"We have company!" Nurm's voice from inside the ring of campfires couldn't quite hide a chuckle. "It's all right, Kim. Let him come up to the fires." The huge beast, Mak was surer than ever that it was more than half wolf, gave what sounded like a disappointed whine as it faded silently back into the darkness. "Come on over to the fire and get better acquainted. I hoped that you would show up. I would like you to meet my helpers, Amy and Jewel." Mak, feeling more foolish by the...
Mak quickly decided that he enjoyed the simple routine of caravan life. Most of the traders spoke at least a few words of his language, and he soon picked up enough of their speech to get by with. He got along well enough with the other traders, but was slow to make new friends. He was kept too busy scouting out the line of march to do much mingling during the day, often being sent out with hunting parties to bring in fresh meat for the evening meal as well. The hardest thing for him to learn...
Mak was not in a good mood. For one thing, his feet hurt. He'd lost his sandals, swimming the river, and he was tired, thirsty, and ravenously hungry. Stumbling along ahead of him, prodded on by their captors' spears, Jewel and Lyssa looked like they were in even worse shape than he was. The sun was sinking behind the trees when at last they came to a mediumsized clearing in the forest. Looming before them in the gathering dusk he saw a rude barricade of logs interwoven with brush. Their...
Nurm woke in the middle of the night to screams and shouts; the camp was being attacked! Grabbing up his weapons, he dashed out of the tent. In the light of the watch fires he could see a wave of attackers being driven back by his spearmen. The ragged horde charged again! Watch fires blazed high as dry brush was tossed on them, and now the defenders' arrows began to take their toll. This second attack failed, not even advancing as far as the first. Screamed obscenities and a few poorly...
Mak dozed fitfully through the long night, rousing now and again to glance over at the two women and make sure that they were still safe. There was just enough starlight seeping through rents in the hide walls for him to make them out, curled up together like a pair of sleepy kittens. Several times he went to the door and peered carefully out at the quiet village, at last being rewarded by the sight of shadowy figures standing guard outside the brush palisade. King Bann was indeed taking no...
The sun had set and then risen five more times when they finally reached the clearing where the night attack had taken place. There was no longer much to mark the spot to the casual eye. The ashes of a few fires, some trampled grass, and a broken spear shaft halfhidden in the grass were hardly noticeable. "They're sure to have left something here for us. They knew we would come this way, following their path," Jewel told them. "Look around and for any signs telling us where it...
Mak spent most of the next day examining his prison, spending but little time talking to the other males. He found the old chimney that the dead male had escaped through, but it was too narrow for his broad shoulders even if the iron grate hadn't been in the way. Remembering a few things that Nurm had told him about castles, he prowled the entire area, pushing, prodding and knocking on the walls. The other inmates of their little world, when they even bothered to notice, looked at him like...
Mak fled down the hill, dodging among the crumbled ruins in a desperate attempt to draw off the Chakcha soldiers. Near the crest of the hill, Lyssa and Kim huddled in the shelter of a pile of boulders, not daring to move until they heard the shouts that told of Mak's capture. Then, peering from behind tumbled blocks of ancient masonry, Lyssa saw Mak being led away. She could even make out some of the soldiers' ribald comments as they marched down the hill toward the castle. When they were...
Their first torch was more than half gone when at last Mak and Riggan reached the bottom of the stair. They would soon have to light the spare that they had snatched from another holder farther down the corridor from Riggan's cell, and there wasn't any too much left of it, either. Mak could only wonder at the labor it must have taken to carve these interminable steps out of solid rock. "They wouldn't have worked that hard if this didn't go some place," he grumbled. "I only hope that...
"Did you get any trading done today?" Jewel asked when they had returned to their rooms after eating dinner with the King. Conversation at the dinner table had been pleasantly bland, with no controversial topics allowed to arise. "No," Holmar answered, looking both worried and disgusted. "And none of the merchants seem to know when they'll be ready to trade, if ever. All that I could get from any of them was a bunch of feeble excuses. We've always known that the things we bring are...
"Wake up, you old sleepy head," carolled Lyssa. "It's time to be up and doing things." "Oof! Wah!" Mak yawned, rubbing his eyes. "I feel like I could sleep for a week. Bring me some breakfast, wench, and be quick about it." "Yes, beloved master," Lyssa chortled as she plumped herself down on his stomach. Giving him a smacking kiss on the ear, she asked, "How was that for the first course?" "Not warm enough." He spilled her onto the ground, then picked her up bodily and slung...
As the sun dropped behind the western hills, a quiet exodus left vacant the stilted lodges around the rim of the Chakcha fields. Silent women filed swiftly along well marked trails, the last in each line carefully removing the markers as she went. Just as silently, a small group moved the other direction, on their way to steal the ponies that Chakcha city's small army relied upon for swift movement. "This way," Riggan gestured. The shelka, as the Chakcha ponies were called, were stabled...
Angling in from the south, a small party headed toward the same pass. Jewel and Holmar strode easily along in the lead, followed by Kolmar and the shorter figure of King Norgan. The King's pudgy legs pumped in a desperate effort to match the longer strides of his companions, but ever more frequently his steps would lag. Each time he dropped back he would hear a low snarl and a clashing of Kim's fangs behind him, and he would hastily pick up his pace. The sun beat down from a nearcloudless...
Mak came striding easily along the trail, Kim trotting jauntily along at his side. Behind them a ragged tail of woebegone men dragged along, looking as though they might collapse from sheer weariness if they ever let themselves stop. "Hello, the camp," Mak called in a cheery voice. "How about some food and drink for the hungry travelers?" "Sure thing, Mak. Bring them over by the fire." Jewel couldn't help laughing at what she saw when the sentry's hail brought her to the edge of the...
"Good morning," Nurm greeted them calmly, looking up from his breakfast as they were escorted into his camp by a pair of sentries the next morning. "From the look of you, you've got news for us. What brings you here, and who is your friend?" "I have some news for you, all right. Most of it bad." Mak explained about Riggan's treachery. "I'm afraid he's going to cause us a lot of trouble. Oh, and this is Melrath. He is the brother of Gorath, one of the soldiers we captured when we...
Withered leaves, stripped from the branches by stormy gusts, swirled along the ground. Naked branches bent and swayed. The wind shrieked and tore at the land with insane fury, then lashed the forest floor with sheets of driving rain. The sky was dark with tattered clouds, growing ever darker as the day drew to a close. "Got to keep going..." The lone traveller braced herself against the rough bole of an ancient tree as the wind tried to sweep her from her feet. "Got to find them... Find...
Mak and Lyssa trotted their ponies along the trail. Ahead of them Nurm rode easily, flanked closely by Amy and Jewel. Behind them came the ponies of the surviving members of the original caravan, and donkeys laden with goods. The trail had been getting wider and more heavily travelled for the past several days, and they'd passed a number of isolated farms since morning. "And after you meet my parents I'll take you down to see the ocean," Lyssa chattered happily. "Mak! You aren't still...
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