Granite GiantChapter 12: Indecision free porn video

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When I finally returned home just before four that fateful Saturday afternoon, I was greeted with an empty house. I shouldn't have been surprised. It was Saturday, after all. Mike would be working at the truss plant, while Dionne would undoubtedly be somewhere in the vicinity of Rick Goshulak. It gave me some time to decide what to say and how to say it.

Dionne was the first to appear. "What are you doing home, Dad? Where's Rita?"

Well, that didn't take long. "Rita and I are going to take a break for a while," I answered, knowing that wouldn't satisfy her.

"What's that mean? Are you breaking up with her?"

I could hear the alarm in her voice.

"I don't know," I answered, wondering how little I could reveal to my daughter.

"Dad! What's going on? What happened?" she demanded.

I knew all along that I wouldn't be able to dodge the issue. I decided she was adult enough to know the facts ... at least as I understood them. I relayed the story of last night to her, leaving out almost nothing.

"She admitted she was still married?" Dionne asked in disbelief.

"Yes, she did. I had a hard time believing it myself. As far as I knew, this Pete guy was an old live-in boyfriend, nothing more. Turns out they were married while she was still in Nova Scotia, nearly ten years ago."

"What are you going to do, Dad?"

"I wish I knew. I stayed with her last night. She was very upset and I didn't want her to be alone. But I couldn't get my mind around what comes next. I left her early this morning and I know I'm going to have to go back and talk to her. I just don't know what I can say. It's going to take some time, Dionne. I'm not going to rush to judgement, but I can't say if we'll survive this ... Rita and me."

"Oh, Daddy, don't give up on her. She's a good person. This is just a mistake. You have to forgive her. You have to," she pleaded.

"I want to, I really do. But ... it's about trust. I thought I knew her and this has really shaken my belief in who she is. What other secrets are there?"

I could see that Dionne was very upset at what had happened. Perhaps even more upset that I might not forgive Rita for her deceit. It was difficult enough to make my decision without worrying about how my daughter would react to it. This had to be between Rita and me, no one else.

I left it to Dionne to let Mike know what happened. I was out in the yard, doing some of my Sunday chores a day early. Mike was taking a shower and changing into clean clothes. He'd be out with Cheryl tonight. I left Dionne to start the gas barbeque and cook something simple. She had some back ribs ready to heat up and baste, along with coleslaw and a baked potato. Simple Saturday night food.

I'd worked up a sweat in the garden and decided to shower again. I changed into shorts and a t-shirt for our supper. I had no plans beyond eating with my family before they left for their Saturday evening with their friends. I had no clue what I would do here by myself. Saturday night television was notoriously weak. Maybe I could find a movie.

I was lying on the sofa, watching an old Murder She Wrote when the doorbell rang. My immediate thought was that it might be Rita. I hoped not. I wasn't ready to talk to her. I walked to the door and opened it to find Al and Marion standing there. The look on their faces told me this wasn't our usual social visit.

"Hi, come in," I said, ushering them into the living room.

"I can guess why you're here," I said as we sat.

"Rita called me," Marion said. "She was almost incoherent. I went over to see her. She told me what had happened and what you now know. She's deeply ashamed of herself, Gerry. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive her."

"I'm sure I can, Marion," I sighed. "But it isn't that simple. She deliberately misled me. She is married and I've been led to believe she was single. That's not a small thing."

"I understand, Gerry, I really do," Marion said. "But Rita wasn't trying to trick you into marriage. She really is in love with you and is desperate not to lose you. Al and I are going to get her a good lawyer and see what we can do to straighten this out for her. She really does want a divorce and hasn't been able to afford to go through the process."

"Oh, come on, Marion. There are all kinds of do-it-yourself kits for divorce. You can get one at the corner drug store. She can cite abandonment, or cruelty, or any number of reasons. All she had to do is file. What's so hard about that?"

Al was on the sidelines in this discussion, but I was watching him to see his reaction. I suspected his big worry was how the relationship between Rita and me would play out in the office. The last thing he needed was a conflict between his senior salesman and his estimator. I decided to take the pressure off him.

"Look, Al, I'll not make this an issue at the office. I can still work with Rita when we are developing estimates and quotes. I think she's professional enough that it won't affect her work or her attitude. I know my responsibilities and I won't cause any friction either."

"That could be a concern," he said, "but I'm glad you cleared that up. We have a great team and I don't want anything that would break it up."

I could see Marion giving Al the evil eye as he concerned himself with the business while she was worried about the personal side of this problem. She chose to remain silent though.

"I'm going to see Rita tomorrow, if she'll let me," I said. "I want to talk to her and tell her how I'm feeling. Maybe by then I'll have a different perspective on this than I do right now. I won't kid you, though. This really hurts. I had everything all planned out in my mind and it's been all shot to hell."

"Don't give up yet, Gerry," Marion pleaded. "Try and understand why she mislead you. I'm praying you two can get past this. You don't need another dose of stress."

"Too late, Marion. The stress is already there, sitting on my back."

"Don't let your anger control you, Gerry," she pleaded once more.

"I'm not angry, just ... disappointed," I sighed. "It isn't like she cheated. But she didn't tell me the truth. That's a trust thing, you know. That's the disappointing part. It's about trust."

When Al and Marion left, I flopped down on my sofa and thought about what I would say to Rita when I saw her. What hurt more than anything was that she didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth. I would have understood. I know I would have ... and we could have worked around it until she was divorced. But now ... I didn't know what we could do to repair our relationship.

With the revelation of Rita's marriage, I had a restless night, getting little sleep. I was warring with myself about what I should do. Should I forgive and forget? Should we go our separate ways? Maybe just a time-out would help? I rolled the options over in my mind a hundred times. When I finally crawled out of bed just before six Sunday morning, I was no nearer a decision than I had been last night.

I toyed with the idea of going out and playing golf just to pass the time, but when I looked out the window it was raining and windy. That put an end to that idea. I didn't even bother to get dressed, just wrapping my big terry robe around me. I had a couple of proposals to put together for two builders, but try as I might, I couldn't concentrate and gave up after less than an hour. Even a second cup of coffee didn't help.

I sat on the sofa, staring at the news channel, wondering what was going on in the world. It must have been a slow news day, or my sleepless night caught up to me, but the next thing I knew, Dionne was sitting beside me, her head on my shoulder.

"Good morning, Daddy. Didn't you sleep well last night?"

I shook my head. "No ... too much stuff going around in my mind."

"Are you going to see Rita today?" she asked cautiously.

"Yes. But I don't know what I'm going to say. I don't even know how I feel ... except disappointed. I don't know how this is going to turn out," I said, looking at my daughter.

"She loves you, Daddy. Don't forget that. She did something wrong, but ... that doesn't mean she doesn't love you."

I nodded. "I know. I wish it was as simple as her saying sorry. I really do."

"I ... I went to see her last night," she said, tightening her grip on my arm.

"Why? This is between Rita and me, Dionne. You're not involved."

"You're wrong, Daddy. Both Mike and I are involved. It's about your happiness. I don't want you to throw this opportunity away. It will be too hard on you. You don't need to add this to all the rotten things that have happened to you lately."

"So, you think I should just forgive and forget?"

"Maybe not yet, but give Rita a chance to make it right. I know this is about trust for you. But sometimes, you have to take a chance. Nobody is perfect."

I thought about what Dionne said, but I was still uncertain about how I should proceed. At least the two hours I slept on the sofa had helped me focus better. My appetite had returned and I got up to make myself a breakfast. Nothing fancy. Juice, cereal, and a couple of crumpets would do. I felt more like I was alive by ten o'clock.

A shower and shave improved my mood as I dressed for the rest of the day. I was no nearer a way to discuss our situation with Rita, but I was determined that I would at least try. I knew that ignoring it or delaying it was not going to make it easier.

I debated calling her first to let her know I was coming, but decided against that. I wasn't trying to ambush her, but in my mixed up thinking, it was better that I just arrive and ask to talk to her. I had second thoughts about it on the way over to her apartment, but decided to go ahead anyway.

"Hi, Rita, it's Gerry," I said into the speaker in the lobby.

"Oh ... Gerry." I heard the surprise and uncertainty in her voice. There was a long pause before I heard, "Come in."

The buzz of the latch into the lower hallway allowed me to enter. I walked up the two sets of stairs slowly and deliberately, wondering still just how I was going to begin our talk. I walked down the hallway of the third floor toward her apartment, noticing as I got closer that the door was partway open. I stopped at it before pushing it all the way open, seeing Rita sitting on her sofa.

I entered, noticing immediately the dishevelled look about her and her red eyes as she stared mournfully at me. I stood for a moment, closing the door behind me, wondering where to sit. I chose a chair opposite the sofa.

"I thought we should talk," I said, not sure of what to add to that.

She nodded, her eyes not leaving my face.

Neither of us said anything for what seemed an eternity until both of us tried to say something at the same time. We stopped, waiting again for the other to speak.

"I'm sorry, Gerry," she said, her voice low and lifeless. "I know I've hurt you. I'm sorry. I never wanted to do that. I don't know why I couldn't tell you the truth, but ... I couldn't. It seemed like it would ruin everything. Stupid me. I didn't know how I could get around the fact that I was already married. I couldn't, of course. But ... I love you and I wanted you so badly. I couldn't find the courage to tell you."

I sighed, and nodded. "I guess that's how we got to where we are now."

"Have you given up on me, Gerry?" she asked, tears brimming in her eyes.

I closed my eyes and asked myself that same question. "No ... not yet," I said, looking at her, realizing I had told the truth. "Not yet. There are a bunch of people who don't want me to give up on you ... on us," I admitted.

I saw a glimmer of hope show, a tight-lipped little smile following. "What do I have to do?" she asked in a wavering voice.

"I think that's obvious, don't you?" I said a little more sternly than I intended. "Divorce him. Something you should have done months, if not years ago."

She nodded. "I've got a lawyer. He's got things started."

"Have you given him a copy of the restraining order?" I asked.

She nodded once more. "Yes. He said it could be enforced here, especially since Pete showed violent tendencies."

"I'm worried that he'll try to get to you again, Rita," I said. "I think we should make plans to protect you from that happening."

"What plans?" she asked, a worried look now showing.

"He knows where you live. I think we should move you out of here."

"To where?" The alarm was beginning to show more dramatically now.

"I don't know," I said, shaking my head. "I thought about moving you to our house, but I can't take the chance of endangering my daughter and son. Pete is showing he's not under control. I want to talk to your lawyer and Al about it. In the meantime, I think you should pack. Even if we put you in a hotel for a few days, it's better than staying here."

"All right, whatever you say," she said, watching me carefully.

I thought long and hard about where to move Rita. I made a decision that the least likely place for her husband to look for her would be The River Residence. It was a very nice, rustic inn right in the town center. She would be very comfortable there and I was pretty sure she would be safe as well. I had the funds to afford the somewhat pricey weekly rate and told the clerk to put it and her meals on my card.

I called Al and Marion to let them know what I had done after we moved from the apartment to the inn. He was glad to see I had reconnected with Rita, but didn't pursue just what our relationship was at the moment. Rita gave me the name and number of her lawyer and I called him and left a message to contact me. I let him know where I had relocated Rita as well. One last call to the RCMP office let me know that Pete Cahill was still in custody pending his appearance before a magistrate on Monday morning.

By three o'clock on Sunday afternoon, I had Rita comfortably settled in a very nice two room suite. She was within walking distance of the Granite Giant office, but I didn't want her out by herself until we knew the outcome of Pete's appearance in court. I was reluctant to leave Rita on her own, but the awkwardness between us was very uncomfortable. Luckily, Marion Goshulak resolved that problem. She appeared at the suite just before four o'clock and told me to go home. I didn't have to be told twice.

"Thank you, Daddy," Dionne said as she hugged me. "Thank you for being so kind to Rita."

"Yeah, well, it seemed like the right thing to do," I said, trying not to make it sound like any big deal.

"Mrs. Goshulak is going to stay with her tonight so that she isn't alone," Dionne announced.

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I had to translate this story into English so I apologize before hand if the story is hard to read, I did the best I could to translate it without any errors. It’s not a story about some mature woman fucking some young guy (there isn’t any sex in it), it’s rather a confession of a 40-something woman who has thoughts about his nephew and goes on to explain why she believes incest is OK which I found arousing.. This story turned me on a lot even though it really isn’t all that hot but...

3 years ago
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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 24 Final

Radhika She felt awkward, knowing what she did, and unable to tell much of it to anyone else. But she held her tongue as she’d been told. “Pack for the tropics, we’ll be flying by private jet.” Or jets ... it depended how much security would be traveling with them. The four spouses, and their staffs – even Master Grimes’ concubines – weren’t the problem. Madam was having a discussion with Alice concerning how much security would travel with them. When Radhika had left Madam’s office, it...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 11 Virgins Oral Fun

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Eleven: Virgin's Oral Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Thirty-One: Selling the Bedmaid Princess Ava – Echur Castle, the Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch “Mmm, you just look scrumptious,” I told my bedmaid Greta outside of Shevoin's room. “He's going to eat you up.” “That's the plan,” Greta said, the nineteen-year-old's face pink. Her blonde pigtails danced across...

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Continued Sissy Date

Before James arrived, I checked myself in the mirror; to make sure I looked great for him. My girlfriend Ann taught me well how to apply my shade and I styled my hair long and curly, so it just d****d over my shoulders, my short grey dress stretched tightly over my chubby frame and looked great against my light chocolate skin tone. I painted my toes so when they poked out the 3-inch mule they would be very pleasing. A little lip gloss and finally a dab of my favorite perfume behind each ear....

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The Flirt A Heather Story Part 1

Most men are flirts. I guess the same is true for girls, but not as overtly. And we're certainly more discriminating. Guys my age, or maybe a few years older, will typically use some play with a wingman, or have a gimmick they've mastered to give them some mock persona or confidence. Some gimmicks can be very clever, but it helps if they actually have other attractive qualities - great hair, tall, unique fashion or some other intangible.The guys I work with are easy marks, but that doesn't mean...

1 year ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 91 Kidnap and Rescue

Mark Something was wrong. I saw Lucas go flying through the house and out the front door without bothering to close it. Just before that, Geck, Jana, and two other security staff had hurried through every part of the living room and moved outside as they surveyed the patio, pool, gazebo, and then ran down the steps toward the beach. Each of them had binoculars and I noted the open handguns in their normally hidden holsters. I glanced around and tried to guess what they were looking for....

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Caught In the Act

Janice and I had split up nearly two weeks ago, after nearly 18 months of living together. She had moved out of our shared apartment, although she had not removed all of her things and checked back periodically to pick up her mail. On a Friday night I found myself at loose ends. No plans to share with friends, and to make matters worse, two weeks without Janice had brought me to a particularly horny state. I drove to a nearby video store with the intention of picking up an action video, but I...

2 years ago
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Its a Man ThingChapter 6

When I woke in the morning - if you can call it morning; it was still dark – I was still half under Helen. I needed to get out of bed, but quite apart from the fact I didn't want to leave my very pleasant situation, I didn't want to disturb Helen ... and I definitely didn't want her to wake and find me not there. What to do? I decided disturbing her was probably the best option, carefully rolled with her so she was no longer resting on me and kissed her nose. No response. I slid my arm out...

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Ammi Ki Train May Chudai

Mayne yaha par bohot sari story padi hay socha apni ek exp v shear karlun. Ya bat 10 sal phale ki hay jab may 12 sal ka tha or mayri ammi jinka nam nazma hay wo 28 yrs ki thi.dakne may gori dhud ki tarha or khubsurat bhi bohot thi,or unka figar size tha 36-32-46 Unki sadi bohot kam age may huwi thi kisi majburi k tahat.khar ab may story may ata hun. Hum delhi se lotrahay tha may or ammi raat ko achanak humare samne tiket chakiyar aya jo ammi se ticket puchne laga to ammi apne bag dhund ne lagi...

3 years ago
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An Impossible Love Chapter Two

My hands went lower onto the swelling of her buttocks."You're naked.""Yes and you're still half dressed," she giggled. She pushed her knee into my groin and felt my erection under my shorts."Mmm that feels interesting," and she disappeared under the sheet, I felt my shorts being pulled down and then a pair of velvety smooth lips drew my fully erect cock into a warm embrace."Jesus Cherry," I gasped and her soft hands cupped my balls. "Oh fuck yes, turn round baby, let me taste you as...

1 year ago
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Sarah Calls a Bluff

The Internet has caused major changes in the lives of many people, making it easier to find things, making it easier to communicate with others, and making it easier to gather information. It can do a host of other things that I haven't found out how to use yet, chat rooms and bulletin boards on almost every subject under the sun, and sex - oh yes, the sex! I admit it. The only reason I have an Internet provider is so I can cruise the porno sites, and God knows there are plenty of them....

4 years ago
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Forced incest torture adventure

One night, I arrived to the home around one in the morning, brick in hand. They lived a half mile from any neighbors, easily enough to quietly break in unnoticed. I hurled the brick through the sliding glass door that opened into their luxury dining room on the ground floor, and immediately sprinted toward the bedrooms upstairs. I kicked in one door, but found nothing except clothes and an empty bed. I surged into the next, and found one of the sisters lying in bed still asleep despite my...

1 year ago
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Date Night With My Wife pt 4

As we were leaving the bookstore Shawn and I were walking out together because Debbiestopped to talk to the clerk. Shawn was saying how tired he was and was thinking aboutheading home. After some arm twisting by me and of course another look at Debbie's fine assin her leather skirt he was persuaded to come to our house with us. As Debbie joined us shesaid she invited the dress wearing guy known as the clerk to join us at our home. Shawn and Ijust looked at her not sure what was going on in her...

3 years ago
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Starlight 300Chapter 14

"So, you want us to go out there?" I nodded towards the unknown space beyond Starbase 22. "Yes, that's the idea," said the base commander." After all, you do have a starlight and that's what they were designed for." Well, I couldn't argue with that. "We don't want you to go searching for that Corsair unless you run into him, of course," he expanded with a laugh. "There are seven systems that we can see within a ten day flight and we want to know all about them." "So, it's...

2 years ago
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Scene idea three girls orgy in a bar

This is a description of a filmed scene I would like have liked to see, but that nobody ever produced (or never produced with all these elements I like). I'll write this in the present simple, somewhat like a movie script. This thing will be pure porn-logic just like basically every hardcore movie out there, don't expect a realistic plot! I hope you enjoy it!So... We are at night, inside a bar located on the outskirts of a major town. It's a pretty modest place, where truckers and bikers stop...

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For Couples OnlyChapter 4

A sense of foreboding clutched unrelentingly at Faith's guts. Her fingers trembled as she picked up the hairbrush and stepped in front of the full-length mirror in her and Boyd's bedroom. It showed in her face, too. She should be happy, smiling. They were going to a party. Instead, the face looking back at her from the mirror appeared tense and drawn. She forced herself to smile and began brushing her hair. The sound of spraying water stopped abruptly. Boyd stepped out of the shower, still...

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Loosing Virginity To An Unmarried Virgin Aunty

Hi friends! I’m Mukund (name changed) living in Bangalore, in Yalahanka (place changed), in a small apartment. I’m studying in college and I just love sex stories. My apartment is a small apartment with just 12 flats, everyone in these flats are working people so no one stays in the apartment after 9 in the morning and comes back only by afternoon or evening. It was a Monday and as usual no one was in apartment, I had my exams from Tuesday so I had not gone to college. There is a lady named...

1 year ago
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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 4

Most everyone in the room looks shocked, except for the old man. He just nods and looks sad. "I believe we should talk," he says in that same calm tone in which he has answered my earlier questions. "I am called Melville, I am the leader here." "Oh." comes my genius reply. "I think I need to sit down now." I say as my knees unlocked and I slide bonelessly to the floor, Saber tries to catch me, but it is the nice young man from earlier who ends up with me in a puddle on the...

2 years ago
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Naughty Girl Punished by Mistress Live on Internet

You have been summoned by your Mistress for some punishment which you deserve and desperately want! Your name is Jane and you are 19 years old. You met your Mistress over the Internet six months ago but she has been away on business for a month and you have missed the feel of her on your skin. She has summoned you to her house for a night of fun filled sexual games and punishment. As always her rules are simple. Any instructions which you felt unable to do you could refuse to do but you would...

4 years ago
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The Angels Secrets

My wings lift me up so I can fly. Sometimes, I come back around to Earth. The Earthly Plane, we call it. There is a door that we open that leads us back into the land of pain and sorrow. We do not remember when we left this place, but many of us want to go back.I often go back.My name is Mahala, and I first saw Jack when I was visiting. I was floating high above the sky on a dark night, as he was walking home from a place made of bricks and wood. I felt his sadness. Tonight, I was going to talk...

2 years ago
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Sucking up to Daddy

"I can't appoint you Sales Manager, Sarah. What you know about business wouldn't fit on the head of a pin!" That was my father talking. He has always had a tendency to grossly underestimate my talents, perhaps because I'm a woman instead of the son he really wanted. I had an MBA, but it might as well have stood for Master of the Bullshit Arts for all the respect it won me from him. "Now, Dad," I said. "You know that sales have increased 75% since I came on board." "That's just the...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 461 How Did I Become a Teacher

I’m glad I don’t need the pay or benefits. The first part of the day was for the kids to get tours of the new school and grounds. They would then have an assembly after lunch. For the rest of the day, they went to each of their classrooms, gym, art, and extra-curricular activities they were doing. I did my new employee paperwork. Since I didn’t care one bit about the money and had no need for any benefits, it was merely a formality. The money they would have paid me went into a fund to pay...

4 years ago
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A summer Holiday education pt 8

An hour had passed since our audience moved on, we had finished our picnic and all went for a swim.   While in the water granma moved over towards me placed her arms around my neck and her legs around my hips.   “Mmm I would love you to fuck me in the water like this” she said   I then felt something stiff by my ass.   “Mmm yeah fuck her while we watch” said grandpa in my ear, it was his cock against my ass. ...

2 years ago
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Danielle and Daddy

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more crossdressers. Also, this particular fantasy deals with consenting adults role-playing in a Daddy/Step-Daughter scene. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please post wherever you feel and share with your friends and loved ones. All I ask is that my e-mail address remain in place, as I am the sole creator/author of this work. All characters are fictitious except for me,...

3 years ago
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Moth Ch 008

Posted on with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * Kokata was indecisive. He didn’t want to leave his lair unguarded, but he also didn’t want his stomach-ache to get any worse. For the tenth time he inspected the web-tunnel he had build around the opening of his lair, securing it from curious unwelcome guests. Nothing but a spider-beast, or a spider, could traverse that tunnel. He had never met another spider, and no spider-beast had ever invaded his...

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Elder Cousin

It was a tiring day at the office, being a journalist. You come home to take a long sleep. You come home and notice someone's inside, watching T.V in the couch. You know you locked the house when you left and definitely not married yet. You decide to move slowly and take a peek who is there on the couch. Moving slowly towards the side French window, you take a peek to see who is there. You are surprised to see it is your cousin, naked and she is not watching T.V, she is watching something in...

1 year ago
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Housewife1On1 Ashley Adams 24475

There’s your wife – the one in sexy lingerie and brandishing a feather duster, the sexy one-time housekeeper you caught masturbating to your clothes in your hotel room. And when you caught her, you didn’t report her; instead, you fucked her. You stuck your fingers into her tight pink pussy and made her squirt. Then she sucked your dick and you fucked her, making more of a mess in your room for her to clean up. And then you married her. And now that it’s your anniversary, she wants to do it all...

3 years ago
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Turning My Best Friend GayPART 4

One afternoon we found ourselves fishing a little stream just outside of town, but in an area where I seldom saw anyway. Fuck, he was so hot that day, his shirt off enjoying the sun, his tan, sweaty chest glistening in the sun. I wanted him then and there, but typical me not wanting to push things and make it weird I said nothing. After all, was he thinking the same thing? Did he worry about getting caught in the daylight like I also dreaded? Once back in the truck and bouncing down the road...

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