Expedition To UranusChapter 2 free porn video

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We didn’t do much the rest of that night except kiss and cuddle, after butt-fucking there wasn’t really a lot of places to go. It was still fun, although, like I said, I didn’t get to cum ... Dennis did get me off later with his finger, though. I went home that night feeling pretty satisfied and happy. I looked forward to the weekend.

Dennis called me the next morning, before we went to work. He was disappointed, he said his brother wasn’t too crazy about the idea of renting us a room at a motel just so we could fuck.

“He kinda pissed me off...” said Dennis. I was curious, and I asked why.

“I don’t wanna tell you, it’s bad...” said Dennis. That made me really want to know why. I started whining.

“Alright, alright,” said Dennis. “But I warned you.”

“Okay,” I said. “Tell me.”

“He’s seen you up here before, and he knows you by sight. He said he thinks you’re a fox and if he rents us a room, he wants a turn with you.”

I almost giggled. Shit, I was a fox. Any guy would want a turn with me. I wondered how Dennis really felt about it. Actually, it didn’t bother me that much, thinking about it. I wondered what his brother looked like, if he was big and hunky like Dennis.

“Dennis, that is pretty shitty of him,” I said, kind of wanting him to think I was a bit pissed. “What does he mean by a turn?”

“I dunno really, I got up and walked out. He did say he wanted, uhm, to eat your ... your pussy and that maybe you’d ... uhm ... do something for him in return.”

Yeah, like suck his cock, I thought. That was pretty cheeky of the guy. But, that wasn’t as bad as being fucked by an almost complete stranger. I’d almost go for that, sight unseen. I wondered how to tell Dennis to go ahead and do it, without sounding slutty.

“Dennis, let me think about it,” I said, to prepare him. “How old is your brother?”

“Twenty-two,” he said. That wasn’t too bad. At least he wasn’t an old fart. I decided to give Dennis a day to stew about it, and then I’d tell him I’d do it. I wondered how big his brother’s cock was. Maybe ... if his cock wasn’t any bigger, maybe I’d let him butt-fuck me. I’d almost rather do that than suck him for some reason. Call me weird.

“You serious?” Dennis finally said, and I had to hold back a giggle.

“Well, a room would be nice,” I said. “If we could do it on Friday night, and keep it until Saturday noonish.”

“Yeah,” he said. He sounded thoughtful. “Yeah.”

So I went to work, and we had another fun night of kissing, feeling and even a little licking. We didn’t butt fuck, though. That was too involved and exhausting to do every night, I felt. Plus, I didn’t want to wear my butt out. We talked some during the shows, I mean whispered, but we didn’t talk about the thing with his brother. I kinda felt like Dennis was embarrassed about it for my sake. I wished I could just tell him it didn’t bother me that much, although I was still wondering about why it didn’t bother me that much.

After work I spent a lot of time that night thinking about the whole thing, and in the end I decided the same thing, I decided that I’d do it, if Dennis would also agree to it. I wouldn’t fuck his brother, but I’d sure as hell let him eat my pussy and maybe I’d suck his cock. The butt-fuck thing ... I’d just have to see about that. The whole thing made me wonder just what exactly I was turning in to. I hadn’t even gotten my cherry popped yet, and I was thinking of involving more people in my sex life? Crazy. Was I crazy? Was I a sex maniac? I dunno. I sighed and finally went to sleep.

Thursday rolled around. Of all the strange things, Mr. Simple called me and asked me to come in early, so I did. No one seemed to be in the building, and I had to pound on the door until one of the desk ladies finally came and let me in.

Mr. Simple was in his office with the door open, and I tapped on the door. He looked up and motioned me to enter.

“Please close the door, Chanelle,” he said, and I did. I was really wondering by now what this was all about. I was getting nervous. Was he going to fire me, or what?

Mr. Simple is probably in his mid 40’s, I’d guess. He’s not really large, but not petite or whatever you call guys. He’s right in the middle. He’s still got most of his hair, though it’s turning gray. He’s clean-shaven, and he probably was handsome back in his twenties ... but he’s no spring chicken any more. His personality is pretty bland, I thought in the past ... kinda boring. Like I said earlier, he made jokes to me sometimes that maybe just maybe could be taken as slightly improper. For instance, once when I’d complained that all the sitting down on this job made my butt go to sleep, he said I needed a good massage. I assume he meant my butt, because that’s what I was talking about ... and I assumed he meant he should be the one to do it, because he had a kinda leering smile on his face. I just laughed at him. I’m sure that to old farts like him girls like me look pretty hot if they have the nerve to even fantasize about us. I could just almost imagine what his wife was like, he had a picture of the two of them behind his desk and she looked like a whiny shrew to me.

Anyway, where I’m going with all this is that Mr. Simple is about as far from my ideal man as it’s possible to get. I’d take Dennis’s brother, never having even seen him, over Mr. Simple. He was just a sad, tired old man to me.

“Chanelle...” he said, staring at me intently. I felt my butthole pucker up. I had decided by now that whatever this was about, it was not good.

“Chanelle, we have a problem,” he went on, and I nodded, staring into his watery eyes. “I like you and I like Dennis, but something has come to my attention that demands a quick, appropriate response.”

Against my wishes I felt a slow burn start at my forehead and move down. Did he know? Was this about Dennis and I, fooling around? Had somebody seen us and reported us?

“You kids might not be aware of it, but the computer in the control booth has a web camera in the monitor. On a whim yesterday I activated it during an afternoon performance, and I saw some ... very unprofessional activities. I know you two are young and ... uhm ... hot-blooded, so to speak ... but we simply cannot risk members of the audience seeing such behavior.”

My heart sank as I began to burn with embarrassment for real. He’d fucking spied on us! I tried my best to remember what we’d done yesterday ... we hadn’t butt-fucked, at least ... I really wondered what he’d seen.

“Mr. Simple!” I said, leaning forward. I felt like I was almost ready to cry. Hmm, I thought, that might not be a bad idea. I knew well the power of tears, I could get my dad to do almost anything by crying about it. “I’m so sorry! I ... I don’t know what came over me!”

He looked stern, like he thought he was my father or something.

“Miss Tatum,” he said, and I thought, oh no, I’m not Chanelle any longer to him. “Miss Tatum, I hate to say this, but I’m probably going to have to let one of you go. If I keep you, I’ll hire another girl to keep something like this from happening. If I keep Dennis, I’ll hire a boy.”

“Oh, Mr. Simple!” I said again. “If you fire somebody, fire me! Dennis loves this job so much! Please don’t fire him!”

“Well,” he said, “that’s a pretty big possibility at the moment. I’m holding him more responsible for this than you ... I realize you’re just a girl. He should know better.”

I didn’t have time to get miffed over his chauvinistic statements. I was doing major damage control.

“Mr. Simple...” my mind raced. What could I promise him to make him keep us both? Of course, the main thing to promise was that we’d never do this again. Shit. This job would have to go back to major boringness. I hated that. Still, in a way, Dennis and I had outgrown the control booth. From here on, we needed a room and a bed to do what we wanted to do. I went on. “Mr. Simple, I promise you that will never happen again. I’ve learned my lesson. And I really want this job, as much as I want Dennis to keep it, too.”

“Well,” he said. “I hope you can keep that promise. The two of you looked pretty involved, the last few days.”

The last few days? He’d said “yesterday” at first. Had he spied more? I really felt like crying, now.

“Mr. Simple,” I said, “I’m sorry you had to see that. I know I was being improper. I just ... I just can’t help it, at times.”

“Well, I know it’s not easy, being young and ... uhm ... horny...” he said, gulping. I wondered if he felt like he was getting away with major shit, just saying that word to me. I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe ... just maybe I could talk my way out of this ... by saying the things he wanted to hear.

“It’s ... it’s not...” I said, trying to act kind of coy. “And Dennis ... he makes me feel, uhm ... good ... in a special way.”

“Yes,” said Mr. Simple, “I could tell that. He seems very skilled at ... pleasing you.”

I giggled inside. This seemed to be headed right where I wanted it. I’d talk dirty to this horny old man for a while. That might change his mood a little.

“Mr. Simple...” I said. “I trust you. I feel like I can discuss this stuff with you ... stuff like this.”

“Yes, my dear,” he said, and I giggled to myself again. A moment ago he was going to fire me, and now I’m his dear. “I was young, once. I know what it’s like.”

“Did you have lots of girlfriends?” I asked, hoping to get him talking.

“Yes...” he said. “I know that’s hard to believe ... but I was quite the lady’s man...”

“Oh no,” I said, “I believe it. I can believe it!”

That seemed to please him. My mind was racing. How far was I willing to take this? Not that far ... ugh ... I couldn’t imagine making it with a hairy wrinkled old fart like this ... that would be like doing it with my Dad ... Jeezus. I’d tease him a little, but that would have to be enough. Maybe that would be enough to keep me from getting fired.

“Chanelle...” he said hesitantly. Oh shit, I thought. I could tell from the way he was acting this was going to be something big. “Chanelle ... I think I might ... be able to keep both you and Dennis on ... if ... if you might do me a favor ... if you can do something for me...”

Oh shit. What the hell did that mean? A favor? What kind of favor?

“Mr. Simple...” I said, wondering how to find out exactly what he meant. “What do you mean? A favor?”

“Uhm ... some special something you might do for me ... Chanelle ... you are a very attractive girl ... it would mean a lot to me ... to see a little more of you...”

More of me? Did he mean a peek at my tits? Or my pussy? What the hell was he really talking about.

“Mr. Simple,” I said. “Listen. We are both adults. Well, I am, almost. Please just come out and say it ... I’m not sure what you mean, at the moment. Just tell me, I won’t get mad, honest.”

He sighed, and squirmed in his seat. I’m sure he knew he was crossing the line on this one. Hell, I was locked in his office with no witnesses. I could say anything. I could lie and bust his ass good, but of course I wouldn’t pass a lie detector test or whatever. Still, I realized my power over him. But hell, I’m a nice girl, I won’t abuse it.

“Chanelle...” he finally said. “You are very beautiful. I am quite enamored of you. I would love a chance ... a chance to see your beauty ... unencumbered by clothing...”

Ah, he wanted to see me naked. Just that? Just to see me?

“Mr. Simple, I understand. That’s it? That’s all you want?”

“Well...” he squirmed some more. “There might be some ... special things I can do for you ... if you reciprocate...”

I wasn’t sure what that really meant either. I think it meant if I’d do something in return. Something like what?

“Something like what, Mr. Simple?” I asked.

“Uh ... if you might allow ... you might allow me to ... touch you for a few moments...”

“What special things do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, I could ... I could allow you and Dennis to continue your ... uhm ... affair unencumbered, if you could be discreet. And I will promise to keep your jobs for you this fall.”

I thought about that. That really wasn’t all that much, for allowing him to have touching privileges.

“What about a raise, Mr. Simple?” I asked. He did look a little panic-stricken, then.

“Uhm...” he said, “I’m not sure if I can justify that ... that’s quite a stretch, on our budget...”

I laughed to myself. He wanted a lot, for a few simple promises.

“Mr. Simple,” I said. What a worm he was, I thought. He just thought I was going to fall all over myself for this job? Was I? Kind of, I guess. “Okay, Mr. Simple. I’ll do you a little striptease ... but if you wanna touch, it’s a quarter an hour raise, at least. Does that sound fair?”

“Oh dear,” he said, looking pained. “I suppose that’s fair. Okay...”

“Where do you wanna do this? Here? Now?” I said, standing.

“Allow me to secure the door,” he said, getting up and double-checking to see if the door was locked. It was. He went back the credenza behind his desk and laid the picture of his wife face down. I giggled.

“Yes, my dear. Let me sit here on the couch,” he sat, and motioned me towards him.

I stood, unsure what to do next. I felt a little regret, now, at agreeing so quickly. What was I going to do here? I slowly approached, stopping a hand-length away from him.

“Now what?” I finally asked.

He laughed a little at that. “Please strip for me, darling,” he said, leaning back on the couch. I still hesitated.

“Chanelle,” he finally said. “Please understand I am not forcing you to do anything. You may walk out of here right now, and our agreement will be void. Fair is fair, right?”

“Right...” I hesitantly said. Shit. I knew if I did that he’d probably fire at least one of us, if not both. I’d gotten myself into this. I’d felt sexy and naughty and powerful for a moment there when I had realized my power over him. Now it was time to put that power to the test.

“Okay!” I said, trying to sound confident. I was wearing a man’s shirt, and I began to unbutton it slowly. He sighed loudly, and settled a little further down in the couch. As I unbuttoned my shirt I looked down at him, and was shocked to see a large lump in his pants. Shit! I thought. I’m doing that! I’m making him feel that way! It did make me feel powerful. I mean, I know I’m fairly good-looking, and my body isn’t bad at all, but it turned me on a little to give a middle-aged man a hard-on.

My shirt was unbuttoned. I pulled it off and dropped it on his desk. I could see he was devouring me with his eyes. I unsnapped my slacks and let them slide down my legs. Shit, then, I had a problem. My shoes. I finally bent over and took my shoes off, and kicked the slacks away. I stood back up.

“Very beautiful, darling...” he said, smiling. I smiled back at him. I’m sure I looked like heaven to an old fart like him. I imagine I was the cutest thing he’d seen in twenty or thirty years. Maybe ever.

I reached back and unsnapped my bra. I let it slide down my arms a little, still covering my tits. I was moving a bit, by then, like I was dancing, but without music. I could tell his eyes were glued to my tits. I finally giggled and slid my bra down my arms and tossed it on his desk.

The look of raw lust in his eyes was inspiring. I hadn’t planned on taking my panties off, just maybe pulling them down a time or two, but before I knew it they were sliding down my legs. His eyes moved from my breasts to my pussy area, and the smile on his face grew even broader. Damn, I thought. I’m naked. I’m stark fucking naked, in front of this old pervert.

He motioned me to come closer. I didn’t really want to, but I did.

“Chanelle, turn around,” he said. “Sit on my lap. Dance for me.”

Oh shit, I thought. He wants a lap dance. Was this part of the deal? I slowly turned, and squatted down in his lap. I felt him at last, and I gently rubbed my butt against him. Shit. I could feel the lump in his pants with no problem.

“Rub me, baby,” he said. “Rub against me.”

I did that, asking myself why I was following his orders so docilely. I was doing everything he asked. What if he asked me to fuck him? What would I do then? Shit, I told myself, have a little self-respect. Don’t let him boss you around so.

But I did what he wanted, rubbing my butt against his crotch and stomach. I placed my hands on his upper thighs, and just scrubbed my butt into him. I heard him groan loudly behind me, and suddenly I felt his hands in the crease of my thighs as he pulled me towards him even more.

“Mr. Simple!” I said. “Please!”

“Chanelle, I thought we agreed I could touch,” he said. Shit. Did we? I remembered him saying something about touching me ... I wasn’t too crazy about him pawing me, though.

“Mr. Simple,” I said, hoping I didn’t disappoint him too much. “I’d really rather not...”

Apparently he wasn’t taking my gentle no for an answer. His hands slowly rose along my sides, and crept around to my stomach. His hands did feel warm on my skin, and it wasn’t that freaky ... it wasn’t that different from when Dennis touched me. Slowly they rose, higher and higher ... I was almost holding my breath now ... would he dare? Would he touch my tits? Sure enough he did, he clamped his hands on them and squeezed almost painfully.

“Ouch!” I said, and I heard him snort behind me. He was little gentler though, at least. He cupped my breasts underneath, running his fingers along the bottom-side, and at least that felt good. He pinched my nipples, and rolled them in his fingers. He felt me off as good as Dennis had done.

“Chanelle,” he said. I felt his breath on the middle of my back. I even felt his hair touching me. “You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I would die for you. Please, please ... please let me rub your clittoris ... let me stimulate you...”

I almost giggled at his choice of words. I wondered if he’d say “vagina” instead of “pussy.” Probably. Should I do this? At this stage, I thought, why not. The shit I’d already allowed? What the hell was wrong with me? Am I just a slut? I wondered. I realized I was actually having a pretty good time, letting an old man slobber over me. I was kind of getting off on my effect on him. It was sexy to squish my ass in his lap, and feel his erection against me. I wondered if I had a career as a lap dancer. I can do this shit, I told myself. I’m good at this.

“Mr. Simple,” I said, sighing. “I’d rather not get that involved with you...” I didn’t want him to think I was easy. Where would this lead, if I allowed it?

Once again, like I thought he would, he just went ahead and did it. I felt his hand at my waist. I wondered if he was so obsessed with me it didn’t matter what I said. I wondered what might happen to me before this was over.

Well, whatever. It would feel good. Maybe he could get me off. Within seconds I felt his hand, sliding through my pussy hair. He fumbled around a little, spreading my pussy lips apart, and sure enough I felt his touch on my clit. It did feel good. Ahhh ... I thought. Excellent aim.

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ExpeditionChapter 31 Coffee Klatch

In the sultry afternoon, Jo approached the Cheese, with a sway and a wiggle. "Cheese, honey. Baby Doll. Sweetness in my life. My ever loving man. 'C'mere." Being your basic male, the Cheese ran the day through his head, looking for anything he'd done wrong. Nothing appeared in his mind but men don't understand women and she might have a bone to pick. 'Oh shit! What did I do?'"Yes," very hesitantly and cringing all the time, just sure he was going to duck, the Cheese opened one...

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ExpeditionChapter 33 Smart Kid

"Oh, Cheese. I didn't mean to make you cry," sobbed Lori. "Baby! You didn't! I'm crying because it's so easy and I missed it. You showed me the exact spot, life is unfolding right before my eyes." "We're a lot smarter than we thought." Jo pondered a bit and continued, "society, religion and fear of what others might say or think is responsible for the mess people are in. I think about the English aristocracy and I want to spit. The original big titted dumb blond wife had to be...

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ExpeditionChapter 34 Moving on

Kurt here... Lori is coming up on 4 years old. Junior Cheese (Burger) is almost 3, as are nearly all the first generation of the Family. When the water nailed the women it got them all so there's 66 almost three year old kids with Lori type minds.(Some of them are mine ... that's a scary thought) It's hard to refer to them as Lori minds as each one is as individual as anyone could want, they do things together though. I think they could move the moon if they all got together. I know they...

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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 29

Even though he touched bases with his powerful AI friend Vyagar everyday, the earlier planning Dale had undertaken now left him with a great deal of personal time for enjoyment. Knowing that Vyagar and his army of AIs were keeping tabs on things and could reach him at anytime gave Dale a great peace of mind. And as the weeks and months passed many of his plans had begun to gain their own momentum. Mayan Tech, the enormous corporation that Dale had launched in Central America, was in fact...

4 years ago
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Ente Ammayuda Jeevitham Part 8211 1

Ente pere aswin.Njn keralathilanu.Ente ammayude pere sheeja.Ente veettil njanum aniyathiyum ammayumanullatha.Achan gulfilanu.Ee kadha nadannathu njan +2 vinu padikkumbozhanu.Oru divasam strike aayathinal njan nerathe schoolilninnum thiricchu vannu.Veetilethiyappol veedu poottiyirikkunnu.Njangal vaadaka veettilayirunnu thamasam.Njnangalude veedinaduth thannayirunnu njnagalude house ownerude veedu.Amma idakkokke avidae povaarund.House ownerude bharyayumayi amma nalla companyaayirunnu. Athukond...

2 years ago
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I cant wait I couldnt wait

She couldn't wait to finish work. She hadn't seen him in almost a week and she was jumping at the bit to have him inside her. The work day dragged in and she could hardly contain her excitement when she finally finished. She rushed home and started to get ready for him to arrive. She took off all of her clothes revealing a gorgeous curvy figure. Her boobs were round and perky, a bit more than a handful but they complimented her large hips and round buttocks. Her waist in contrast was slim and...

Straight Sex
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Blacked Kylie Page Lena Paul Best Friends For Ever

With a short layover in New York, Lena has decided to meet up with her BFF Kylie, who has recently started dating a famous football player and she insists Lena meets him before she leaves. Lena knows exactly who he is, and she finds the decision to say yes pretty easy – although it seems she didn’t really understand what she was agreeing to. When she arrives at their home, it becomes clear that she has signed up for something she really didn’t expect – but she is...

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Adventures at an Artists Colony Ch2

Adventures at an Artists’ Colony Sisyphus Chapter 2 Angel’s idea to get our writing done during the day and sharing fantasies in the evening was intriguing, so the next morning I slipped a note under her door telling her what my fantasy was in case she wanted to prepare for it. I wrote, “You’re the farmer’s daughter alone on the farm and I show up at your door. I’ll be there at 7.” For some reason this fantasy of working on a farm and getting seduced by the horny farmer’s daughter in the barn...

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She loved him and he loved her

Jake found her on the floor whimpering. She looked at him with the intensity of 10,000 flames. He picked her up with one swift swoop and held her gently in his arms. She could tell that he loved her. He could tell that she loved him. They were looking into each others eyes with so much passion. They knew they were meant to be. She held him tightly and softly wept into his cotton gray t-shirt. He held her tightly and kept comforting her. She knew they could never be together, at least not with...

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Waking her up

She was already asleep when I crawled into bed. As I lay down she rolled over against me and sleepily asked me to hold her. I rolled on my back so she could lay her head on my shoulder. My hand slowly caressed her face following the lines of her cheeks down teasingly around her ear. She stirred asking what I was up to. I said it felt so good to hold her that I couldn't resist touching her. She moved up so she could kiss me, as our kisses became more heated I felt her lips open as her tongue...

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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 6

"Good morning, darling," Mom greeted me as I dropped my backpack by the front door. "All dressed for school, I see." I looked down at myself, my nipples poking out merrily, enjoying the morning air, my freshly washed pussy hair, what there was of it, waving in the breeze. The only thing separating me from the rest of the world was my socks and sneakers. "I'm trying for a fashion statement." "I'd say it makes one." "Do you think it's too much?" She laughed. "Or too little,...

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The House at Sand PinesChapter 8 A Joint Venture

Saturday night, we anchored in an unnamed bay on the northwest corner of Texada Island. It was completely empty with no road access and no other boats in the vicinity. It was perfect for a secluded getaway with a good anchorage reasonably close to shore. I tucked the boat in along the west shore to avoid any northwest winds that might crop up during the night. We were completely sheltered from a southeast wind. We took the inflatable and rowed ashore to a small beach. There was no sign that...

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CrosswindsChapter 6

Maddi stifled a pleasured groan with each bite of prime rib she ate. As the tender ribbons of meat melted under her tongue, she did her best to ignore Diana, grinning across the table. Her sister’s volatile treachery terrified her, but every time the feeling seemed overwhelming, Maddi stuffed another protein in her mouth. “Diana, Madison. I can’t believe this.” Dr. Dory Drake smiled from her seat next to Rochelle. She was a brown-haired woman in her 60s with square vintage glasses and a dark...

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My First with my friends Uncle

I had been picked to play a Hand Maiden in our Collage (All Boys) drama club play at the end of term. I'd allways been slightly femine looking, in fact my mother had said several time that I'd make a lovley daughter, and this seamed to influence my thoughts and at times I fanticised about being a girl at times.Well the play was a sucess and after the final curtin we where all back stage still in costumes mingeling with parents and friends.My best friends Mother and his Uncle came up to...

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Candi Takes A Bath

Like most Mondays, this one started out quite well. Up at 6:00 am to get the kids off to school and my husband off to work. Just making lunches for my crew is a job in itself. My kitchen counter looks like a production line, as I get their sandwiches, drinks and snacks packed away. My boys are able to get themselves ready and out the door, but my daughter, who is only 6, needs a little more help. Finally, by 8:00 am, I am surrounded by nothing but peace and quiet. Don't get me wrong, I adore...

3 years ago
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Chubby Boy Screwed 8211 Part II

Hi guys…thanks for the response I got for the first part as u all know my relationship was going gr8 with Sam and we were having a gr8 time as new weds do on their honey moon….sex was in abundance and i was loving each moment of it as days passed by in this sexual bliss….Sam started to act differently he was there but the satisfaction in him seemed to be lost…. asked him what the problem was…he refused to tell…but i wanted to know….one fine day before our night session, I slowly slide my hand...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Annas Song

I looked around the room as I entered the bar. What was I doing here? I hadn’t come to a bar in years. Certainly not one like this. A meat market. I ordered a Long Island Iced Tea, stronger than I should be drinking I suppose, and barked like a dog. That caught me totally off guard. Tourettes Syndrome? Generally it doesn’t just happen to a 28 year-old out of the blue. But there it was – one quite audible woof. Get a grip, Anna. I looked around sheepishly to see if anyone would fail to pretend...

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what i sent my fb

so i pull up just as you get back from dropping off your k**s you see me smile and dirty thought enter your head as i walk over to you without saying a word you grabb me be the belt and laed me into your house as the door closes you push me to the wall and undo your clean white shirt you slip it off reveling your sexy blue bra you reach behind and unhook the bra pulling it from you and droping it to the ground you look down and the bulge in my jeans and start tugging on my belt you unbutton my...

4 years ago
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The LivesChapter 2

Conquered by France in 1859, Saigon was influenced by the French during their colonial occupation of Vietnam, and a number of classical Western-style buildings and French villas in the city reflect this. The Paris of the East was invaded by the Japanese in 1940, much to the chagrin of Vichy France. A well established French Import Export business, Augustin, had been extant in the city since 1860. One of the first French financial endeavors since the establishment of French Indochina in 1859,...

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MILF Neighbourhood

"Fuck me harder!" Cynthia Young screamed at her new husband. It was their honeymoon, they were in Paris, France and they were staying at a fancy hotel. Cynthia's husband was George Young, he was the son of a famous musician and was himself a successful lawyer in California. At 22 years old Cynthia was younger than the 35 year old George. They met at a party held by a mutual friend and fell in love. A year later they were married and owned a house in San Fransisco.Cynthia was on her hands and...

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Bellas Journey

Introduction: A story about a wet nurse named Bella. Bella loved being pregnant. She also loved having full and milky breasts. Bella had quickly realized after her first pregnancy that she was happiest when she was pregnant, and her breasts were full of milk. When her body was in this condition she felt amazing. Not only did she feel incredibly beautiful and sexy, but she also felt extremely sensual as well. Bella simply adored all the wonderful sensations she felt coursing through her body...

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SnatchedChapter 35

Damnation! I wondered what in the hell Nosey was up to at this hour of the night. I knew I must have been asleep for hours, but I also knew it was at least a couple more before dawn. No matter, I was awake now, and I made my way out of the furs and started on with my clothes. As questions started flowing from my mates I finally got a whiff of what Nosey was complaining about, and I wanted to go kiss him. It was a vendal, probably about six hundred yards or so from us. "It's a vendal, not...

2 years ago
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Sharing Mom 8211 One Happy Family

1. After the first time, fucking mom again About two weeks after I had fucked mom, I had another chance to do it when she wasn’t drunk and sedated. I was alone in the house with mom and she was in the bathroom. I decided then that I had to make sure she knew I wanted to fuck her regularly. I stripped completely, my cock standing out erect and proud and walked into the bathroom. My mother had her back to me as I walked in. I walked up and embraced her fondly, my rock hard penis pressing up...

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CFNM And Femdoom Bhubaneswar Senior Ladki Se Thappad Khai

Hi, mera naam Sarmesh hai aur mein Rourkela ka rehne wala hun.Yeh meri pehli story hai jo satya ghatnaon par adharit hai. Mere ek door ke ristedaar hein jo BHubaneswar mein rehte hein. Unki ek beti hai jinka naam Aarti, hai.woh us samay mujhse 3 saal badi thi. Bala ki sundar thi. Gori, badan bhari hui lekin shape mein. Awesome boobs aur unki sabse khaas baat unki chaudi gaand.woh aksar tight salwar kameez pehanti thi.tight salwar mein unki gaand kya dikhti thi.Lund apne aappant mein tambu bana...

1 year ago
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Sex with Son in Law

I had once seen my own son in law fucking my daughter’s tight asshole. She was screaming with ecstasy as he was continuously rubbing her clit with his wet fingers, while giving long but gentle thrust of his cock in her wet asshole. When he reached his climax and pulled his shaft out of my daughter’s asshole he gave it in her mouth. The glimpse of his extra ordinarily long and thick dick made me wet. I kept watching his plump meat, till he shot his thick load in my daughter’s mouth. The...

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BangPOV Anissa Kate Anally Fucking My French Step Mom

I arrived home the other day and couldn’t see anyone in sight. As I approached my father’s bedroom, I over heard him and his wife having an argument. My step mom wanted to fuck but he was too tired to give her some dick. AS he went to sleep, she headed to the restroom to start masturbating. I continued to spy on her as she masturbated in the bathroom. Eventually, I got a little carried away and went inside the bathroom. She caught me right away. Instead of getting mad, she was glad that I was...

4 years ago
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A Closer Look

**This story is a work of fiction and intended for people of the age of 18 or older. Feel free to distribute it but please leave my name on it.** I had just finished a seemingly endless week of classes and my internship on Thursday that left me extremely exhausted. The administration at the University of Pittsburgh had in their infinite wisdom decided to give all of the students in my program 13 credits and their internship in the first four days of the week. The only good thing was that I had...

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Pelle the CollierChapter 24 How Justice is Served In Birkenhain Lands

Riding a few paces behind the Count of Rennenberg, Pelle had some time at his hand to reflect on the last hour. The Count had left a score of men in Lemdalen as guard for his daughter and grandson, allowing Pelle to bring a half score of Birkenhain's soldiers. Pelle was wearing the coat of arms of the House of Birkenhain, thus giving any actions of the count legitimacy. The forge master Tilke was also riding with them, for he claimed to know a hidden sally port near the forge. The plan was...

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William Redman CarterChapter 20

William walked out the front door of his house to await his visitor. His daytime bodyguard, Colt, walked behind him wondering why they had come outside. For all he knew, they had left the house just to stand around all day in the sunshine. His eyes automatically checked the surroundings for any threats. The two men headed over to the driveway with William leading the way. A minute later, a rental car pulled up in the driveway. Colt glared at it as if it were a direct threat. He relaxed when...

2 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For

Firstly let me explain a little about my self, I have been married for 30 years to my wonderful wife Marie, for as long as I can remember I have had TV / CD desires. Over the years I have collected then thrown away many items and for the most part Marie has been unaware or uninterested in my TV activities. Twice she has caught me dressed this has always resulted in a great row. I must point out, Marie is quite advantageous in bed, but has no interest in cross-dressing, that is before the...

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Anita and a different afternoon with Jerome

Anita and a different afternoon with JeromeFriday late evening Anita came back home after a hard sex session with Jerome, her favorite black lover and found me relaxing on our deck, enjoying the warm weather. She kissed me and said she was thinking about letting Jerome fist her the next time they were together. Ana said he had been asking her to let him put his fist in her cunt for some weeks. I asked her if that were something she would enjoy and she replied that she would love the feeling of...

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Submissive Ssters 6 Both Bred

b]I position the purple head of my Priests Pope's Pole at awesome Anne's sexy sphincterI push a bit, Anne's ass gives in graciously & gratefully, tries to milk my wooden manhoodI hold her clit in a firm grip, so she can not escape coming on my order in her tough trainingI spank her boyish bottoms before I spunk a lovely long load all along her hot lusty love lipsI push my sperm into her longing love locus, after her first ever anal assault from a real PriestI pretend I am just fingering her...

4 years ago
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Kyles First Time part four

After falling asleep instantly after hours of passionate, hot, memorable sex with Kyle, I woke up to the bright sunshine pouring into my room from south window of my room. Stretching my muscles, still feeling euphoric but a little hungover from the beers and lovemaking with Kyle the night before, I turned expecting to find him sleeping next to me. An empty bed was all I found. “Fuck no, you have to be k**ding me” was the first words out of my mouth, spoken only to my ears in an empty...

1 year ago
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Trilogy Twilights Last Gleaming

The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series. The Trilogy. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage...

2 years ago
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Taking Kelvins 10 in Black Rod

Yo this ya boy Kelvin hit me up stayin in a hotel 10 in black dik here for ya........The top was a reply to my ad last month and I replied back and sent him my number ...cool give me a call I saidRing Ring a short while later and I answered.....Yo this Kelvin you sent me yo number......Yeah hey how's it going I asked......Nu much right now just trying to get in some ass that was your pic on the ad he asked....Yeah that's me in some girly stuff you like it ? I asked......Yeah so what you bouts ?...

3 years ago
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Rachel checked her coupons and let out a sigh. At least turkey is still cheap. I’ll be eating it until New Years, though. As if the economy wasn’t tough enough, she was still trying to recover from her divorce a year earlier. Fortunately, she hadn’t given in to her ex-husband’s near demands to quit her job. If not for that, she might very well be living in a homeless shelter instead of squeaking by to rent her modest home. She tugged a strand of shoulder-length, dark blonde hair from beneath...

4 years ago
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The Summer HolidaysChapter 4

So Sian and I went downstairs and borrowed Julie's room, and left her and Vee to try and get some sleep on Sian's mattress. The storm had cleared the air a little bit, and it was nothing like as hot as it had been, but it was still sultry and muggy. We opened the window to let some cooler air in from the street, and left the door open for a few minutes to let the air circulate. There was no need to put a light on, which would have attracted moths and mosquitoes, because there was plenty of...

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Stand and Deliver

Never been much of an outdoors-sex person, even though I would probably describe myself as quite adventurous. I prefer being comfy on a bed, sofa or a really thick carpet. Ben had never been a regular, he had many dishes on the side, I suspected, but with his credentials I was not surprised. I am rather on the petit side and he has biceps like my thighs and a cock like my forearm. He is black with lots of angry tattoos all over his body. He was an odd fish, bisexual and into all sort of...

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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 2 How

Ms Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMEmail: [email protected] 2Lesson – 1 – How to MasturbateThe morning after I Dry Humped our new class teacher’s ass on our school bus. I woke up hearing my older sister Nithya chechi (Starring “Nithya Menon”) calling out my name. “Shyam you idiot, come on get up. You are late for school. I am gonna tell mom, you better get up.” She shouted at me. It’s a curse to share a room with your older sister. She wants to decide on everything that’s...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Sofi Ryan Show And Tease

Sofi Ryan has been really into the idea of getting with Sam Shock for a while. She finally gets her chance when she has a study session with Sam. Decked out in a lacy lingerie bra that really helps her incredible jugs to stand out, Sofi makes it clear to Sam that he can have anything he wants. When Sam doesn’t get the hint quite well enough from her bigtit cleavage, Sofi starts unbuttoning her shirt. Her next attempt is to drop a pencil and spread her legs wide open when Sam bends down to...


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