Craft Faire LoveChapter 7: Dinner, An Uncommon Locality free porn video

The limo was here to pick us up right on time, and as we took our ride I asked Hailey what time she needed to be home so that I could figure what time to tell Sandy to be back to pick us up.
I was a little taken aback, but extremely pleased when she said she didn't need to be home at all. When I looked at her with surprise, she smiled and said, "My parents are on a 4 month cruise and won't be back until late September and my brother is, well, basically living at his girlfriend's place, so I have the house to myself and can come and go as I please."
Wow, an eighteen-year-old fox with a whole house to play around in. My brain was already working overtime scheming on how to keep her with me all summer as well. It wasn't going to be that much of a challenge.
Hailey continued, "They really don't give a shit about us anyway. They would just as soon we left them alone totally. Brian is old enough that he just kind of doesn't come home and 'lives' with whatever girl he's balling this week. Besides he's a guy, she added with a very disgusted tone. "If I don't show up for a few days it's noticed, but nobody makes a big deal about it." Then looking at me seriously, "Fuck, I'd just as soon stay with you. As long as I have a place that I can go to school, I'm happy!"
I looked at her and kind of sadly said, "I'm sorry to hear that Hailey. You are obviously a very intelligent woman. School being that important tells me a lot about your character, and since you've brought it up, if we can make arrangements with your parents, I'll be happy to take you in, but I think that's something we need to visit in detail some other time. But you will have somewhere to go where someone WILL care for you."
I could tell that she was contemplating what I'd said seriously. For an eighteen year old, that's a big step. Leaving the "home" she's known for all of her life can be quite traumatic, but from the sounds of things, it wouldn't be that big a deal for her. She can leave anyway, so parents really can't say much. For me it's just a courteous formality.
I had a few aces up my sleeve, but it wasn't time to play them yet. They may not need to be played, but it was nice to know they were there. Keep the poker face Bob.
Mel on the other hand, was pretty much a lock. I think all I need to do is ask Janet for her permission and Mel was mine until September or even beyond as long as I made her go to college and visit mom. Mel would not be the same reasoning or emotional issue as Hailey. It would only happen if Janet approved. Mel's legal to go but I don't want any "bad feelings". I believed she would, at least at this point, but there are always variables that will surprise you.
When we arrived at Cousin Jon's unique place, I told Sandy I'd call her when we needed to be picked up and asked her how much notice she'd need and how late I could call. Not knowing for sure, I went ahead, paid for the ride, and gave her a very nice tip as usual, so I was pretty sure it wouldn't matter when I called, she'd be back!
With all of that settled we made our way to the front desk where we met Mel's cousin Jon.
Gay? Ya think? Not that it makes any difference to me, but if you were to look up the word male homosexual in the encyclopedia, there's a good possibility that his picture would be there. I think the word Flamboyant would adequately describe Jon, though he wasn't "way out there" if you know what I mean.
I would learn over the course of the evening that the guy is a kick in the ass, gay or otherwise! I have no issue with the gay community. I worked in a gay bar for many years so I was not uncomfortable around gay people in any way.
Cousin Jon was quite a character and I really enjoyed his company when he felt comfortable hanging out for a bit. Pretty girls seemed to make him a bit uncomfortable, even though one of them was Melinda, someone he'd known forever.
He led us through the place to gasps, snapped necks, and bruised ribs as every guy in the place snapped to attention when my girls came into sight. More than one wife or girlfriend had some terse words to pass along to their "date".
In the far back corner of the restaurant were three "private" rooms with small tables for a quaint romantic dinner, a couch to relax on, a television with satellite service and a DVD player if you so desired. The place was totally decked out.
Little did I know.
Our server walked in behind us as cousin Jon got us situated gave me a wink, and hugged Mel telling her to have a wonderful time.
Hmmmm. He said time, not dinner.
Yeah, I notice those kinds of "little" things. It comes from spending time in the realm of working intelligence.
He took his leave, and turned us over to Shannon who would be taking care of our every whim that evening and she made it quite clear that it was truly every whim. These were truly special rooms.
She took our drink orders and talked to Mel for a time, then left us to get the refreshments. It was quite apparent that Shannon and Mel knew each other. She was "barely legal" to be working this place and I wondered if she was "family".
"Bobby, I asked for the house special tonight if that's okay with you. We can change it when Shannon comes back, but I don't think you'll be disappointed, and it will save us having to try to decide from the menu."
"That's fine for me, Kitten. If it's something that Hailey will like as well," I said while looking at my beautiful blond companion. Hailey was nodding her head, so apparently the girls had discussed the menu prior to arrival. It's amazing how quickly and easily they just take over.
Hey. I'm just a guy, what do I know? It must be genetic.
The room was actually pretty large considering. He must get a pretty penny for the private rooms since they take up so much square footage. Mel had a really large ace up her non-sleeve and she wasn't cluing me in, but it is obvious that Hailey was in on at least part of the secret.
It was okay with me, I just went along with the program and when Shannon returned with our wine she brought with her the first course.
She set down a huge plate of raw oysters with a fantastic horseradish laden red sauce. The quality was probably some of the best I'd ever tasted.
As we munched, both of the ladies were looking at me with a big smile, so I presumed the supposed effect of oysters was being contemplated. I noticed they only had one each and turned up their noses. At least they'd tried and I'll always give credit for that.
I just enjoyed the offering. Hey, can I have another dozen?
We sat and chatted between ourselves talking all kinds of subjects from world politics to the latest band doing Hip Hop locally. I was both pleased and surprised at the breadth of these two ladies knowledge. They were both quite obviously very astute and undoubtedly straight 'A' students though Mel didn't really like school all that much. I can totally relate; she's probably bored to tears.
When I asked I found out that Hailey had been bumped 2 grades and is actually a junior in college majoring in Psychology. There ain't no grass growin' under this lassie's feet!
Mel's in the same boat, though the only reason she wasn't bumped a grade or two is because Janet said no so Mel did it on her own. Apparently she didn't think that Mel was mature enough to mingle with the older set. I would argue with her about that one, and may still ... Probably afraid an "older man" would take her in. That thought brought a smile to my face.
"What?" Mel queried to my smile.
"Nothing, Sweetie, I was just contemplating an interesting irony."
Shannon made sure we were comfortable and well taken care of.
As soon as we were finished with the meal, the room returned to being spotless again. It was still fairly early and we all had the afterglow of a good meal, so we were just sitting on the couch sipping our wine or coffee and talking about what we were going to do with the show. It was an impromptu session to discuss strategy, and I was very happy with their thinking.
The girls had a few very good strategies to contemplate. Most would take some preparation and planning so we may be able to try them out later in the season. This show was already "on us" so it was going to be "play it as it comes".
I let them know what my thoughts were and why. They both agreed that it would work best the way I had envisioned it up to now, especially if we could get Jessica to join our merry little band of "funsters".
I had at least 2 employees for this show and probably for the entire season. Mel could handle the front by herself for the most part, but it would be cool if Jessie could help, especially if I continue to get the prime spots. We could do $250K this season maybe a little more.
What the hell was I thinking? Vegas was a 16 day run and the rest were 9 day runs. I'd forgotten that each of these 5 shows, especially Las Vegas, drew more than a million people. Oh yeah, a fucking craft show with a million draw. Any wonder why these promoters are successful?
I don't need the money really, but I can sure set up some trusts for the girls so that their educations are not at issue. If Mel and Hailey stay with me for a few years they can be set up for life as long as we keep getting the long straws. I'm stoked!
Shannon came by with two more bottles of wine that had been corked for us and said she was going off shift, thanked us for our kindness and business. I asked her about the tab so that I could settle it up and make sure she was adequately tipped for her exceptional service. I also extended an invitation for her to join us for a while after she was "free".
She looked over at Mel, and nervously told me that there was no tab, and that everything was already covered. She also declined the invitation saying that Jon did not permit employees to join parties in progress, especially those in the private rooms.
I looked to Mel and she nodded with a smile, "It's covered, Bobby."
I guess I had a look of total shock on my face because I had not expected to be comped for the meal, room and service. I wasn't going to argue, that's for certain, but I still wanted to make sure Shannon was tipped for her excellent service.
"Shannon, I truly appreciate everything being covered. Wow, I had not expected that and want the manager to know how much I truly appreciate it!"
"I think the one that you need to thank is sitting with you on the couch", and as I turned to look at Melinda, she was waving her hands at Shannon, shaking her head and mouthing no, no, no, and when she saw me turning to her she stopped but not before I'd spotted the little charade. She threw me a nervous smile and shrugged her shoulders.
"Thank you for that Shannon. I'll deal with that directly", I said to her turning to give Mel a dirty look.
Melinda had that "oh oh" look on her face, as she should have, but I stood up and pulled my wallet out, staring at Melinda with a stern look, even though I think we both knew it was for show more than me being angry or annoyed.
I was both appreciative and proud. I was proud of the way she used her head and came up with the scheme at the last moment. The comp was something she really didn't need to do and I wanted to find out what it was going to "cost her" to have done this for us.
I pulled three $100 bills from my wallet and stepped to Shannon and handed her the folded bills, and looked her directly in the eyes and said, "Thank you Shannon. Your service was beyond excellent, and I know the three of us very much appreciate your attention."
She tried to refuse the tip, but I wouldn't have any of it, and leaned forward to give her a peck on the cheek.
She looked at Mel, and I would guess Mel made some kind of gesture because the next thing I knew Shannon threw her arms around my neck and was giving me a bit more than a friendly kiss, insisting on a game of tongue tag to go along with it.
"Thank you so much, Bobby. You guys have been great, and I really appreciate your generous tip. I don't know what to say."
"You've already said it, Sweetheart," I said quietly, "You don't have to share tips do you?"
She shook her head no, and with a blush turned to leave, but I saw her blow a kiss to Mel, which was returned.
When the door clicked closed, I turned to Mel and just looked at her, I didn't have to say a word.
It was entertainingly fun watching her squirm, and Hailey was observing what was going on with great interest. Obviously, she had not been clued in to this part of what was going on either. She was getting a quick lesson on how "Uncle Bobby" handled these kinds of "problems".
Breaking the silence, I looked directly at Mel and with obvious mock anger asked, "So, what's this going to cost you young lady?"
She was really squirming around on the couch, but she never looked anywhere but directly into my eyes, "Nothing", she whispered, "Honest Bobby, Jon said it would all be on the house."
"I know you wouldn't lie to me Mel, but it just seems to be incredible that your cousin would provide us with the room, the meal, the service and all on the house. To pay for all of this for three people would have to be at least six or seven hundred dollars."
"About twelve hundred if you have to know. Bobby, Jon likes me. Yes, he's gay and wouldn't even try to touch me, but we've always been really close. I was one of the few that wasn't ever judgmental about his being gay. He knew he could come talk to me any time he needed."
"He's one of those people that would do anything for me, but I never take advantage. This is the first time I've ever asked him for anything, and I didn't have to tell him what it was about. I only said that it was a special celebration."
"A special celebration?"
"Yeah, he didn't even ask what the celebration was. He just knew that I was a part of it and actually made the offer," she said matter of factly. I didn't really ask about cost or anything."
She added, "I mean, you said price was no object, I really didn't know he wasn't going to charge you until I talked to Shannon when we got here."
I nodded my head to let her know I understood.
"These rooms are very unique Bobby. He doesn't let them out to just anyone, and there aren't that many people who even know they're here."
"What do you mean unique? They're large and well equipped yes", I observed.
"Well", pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts, then turning to look at Hailey, "This is Hailey's night. It's her time, like mine was last night. She asked me to be with you guys, and I know for a girl it is a very special private time."
Again, I nodded in understanding.
"I mean, like me last night. You can only give your man the gift of virginity once. Once you give it, you can never give it again, and even though Hailey wants to give that gift to you tonight, she said she wanted to share it with me." Mel started crying lightly at this point and Hailey silently moved over onto the couch giving comfort to her "sister".
I just kind of collapsed onto the couch, looking at both of the girls and shaking my head. "You two are too much," causing both to look with concern on their faces.
I had to chuckle at the looks, "I know about friendships like yours. It is an incredibly rare and beautiful thing."
Then looking at Hailey, "It's an incredible gesture of that friendship to ask Mel, and Hailey I am honored that you want to give your gift to me."
Hailey started to blush shyly but I continued, "From my perspective you have to be one of the most beautiful, perfectly built women I have ever known. And believe me, that is not an affront to Mel..."
Mel interrupted immediately, "I don't take it as an affront Bobby. I know Hailey is perfect for what you like." With that statement she got a shy smile on her face and turned to look at Hailey again.
"Mel, Hailey is a very beautiful young woman. So are you, and it has nothing to do with boobs. I know that's where your mind is going," I said with a grin.
Both giggled a little and squirmed in their seats.
Both were looking at me now, so I guess it better be good, "Mel, I hope you never, ever, question my love for you! We talked about it last night."
I could see Mel getting wet eyes, but continued, "I can now understand what you were saying to me last night, and you might have been right if Hailey hadn't already given us both her gift."
They both looked at each other and hugged, but turned so that I could continue, though now holding each other's hands. "You were willing to adjust your true feelings of love for me because you believe that Hailey and I are meant for each other."
They were both tearing up now, but I plodded on, "Kitten, that's one hell of a heavy sacrifice for someone to make, and the fact that you are young makes it even more meaningful. Most people say that you are not mature enough to make those kinds of decisions for yourself. I beg to differ."
Once again they looked into each other's eyes, this time leaning in to each other to kiss. I paused to marvel at the obvious love being expressed in front of me.
When their kiss was released and they were again looking at me, I continued, "At the same time, Hailey showed the same level of maturity, in assuring you that your love for me didn't need to be changed and that she would take a "backseat role" so that our love could flourish."
Mel kind of choked at me, "Bobby..."
I interrupted her, "Mel, Please. Let me finish", to which she nodded and mouthed a silent I'm sorry, "Ladies, I have to honestly say to you, I don't know what to do. Mel, my love for you cannot be questioned. We are so sexually compatible it is scary, and we've only done anything once."
"I'm still sore, Bobby." She interjected.
"I know honey. We'll try to make sure that doesn't happen again, but let me finish dammit!" She shyly nodded her head and with a small smile, pinched her lips together with her loose hand.
"There is more to life and a relationship than sex. We also seem to be very compatible in many other ways. Ways that we've only begun to explore."
Then taking a deep breath, I looked Hailey directly in the eyes, "Hailey, You are everything I have ever fantasized about in my life. You seem to be perfect in every way, and had you not said what you said earlier, I don't know what I'd have been able to do."
I lowered my head in my hands and just shook it back and forth. With a heavy sigh, I raised my head and locked my eyes on Hailey's again, "I already know that I can love you very much. I got that from just your pictures, but now that I've met you, we've had the opportunity to explore each other's intellect a little I know without reservation that I will love you and that it can only grow from here."
I looked at both, back and forth then let out a resigned heavy sigh, "I don't want either of you to feel like a second fiddle. I don't want to share either of you", the looks at that were shot in my direction were priceless. Mystery. Shock. Query. Wonder. What I was really saying was sinking in, but "this does not compute" was all over their faces.
I actually started to laugh. "I wish you two could see the looks on your faces."
Both of their faces scrunched up and both stuck out their tongues at me. I just smiled; I didn't need to say anything.
"Look, do I have to share either of you? Can't I have both of you equally? Is there some inherent reason we can't work it out so that you both have me, and I have you?
I know that by the law I can't have two wives, but I also know that by the law, I shouldn't be messing with either one of you at this point in your lives even though technically you're both legal to mess with. Many people would say that you're not mature enough to know that I'm coercing you into having mad passionate sex with me, and you're too impressionable to figure out that you should say 'no'."
They were both laughing now, and both moved down the couch to surround me, one on each side.
"Both of you have said you were willing to play second fiddle."
I paused for a second to look at each, and they both nodded in agreement.
"Good. Now, then both of you by default have thereby expressed a willingness to be first fiddle."
Now they looked at me a bit strangely wondering where I was going with this whole conversation.
I smiled as my brain was working overtime, and I know, for a guy that's pretty tiring, especially a guy with ADD. However I managed to continue, "Maybe I'm way old again, but do you know who Yanni is?"
Both nodded their heads with big smiles to my surprise!
"Okay. Wow, that's really a surprise, but hey, music is the language of all generations. Did either of you see the video that he did 'Live from the Acropolis'?" I queried.
Again both nodded they had seen it.
"Do you remember that track they did, I think it's called 'Within Attraction', but I could be wrong. It's the one where the two violinists tried to out play each other? Karen Briggs and the conductor guy, I can't remember his name off the top of my head. Oh wait, it was Shahrdad Rohani, but man they both can play that violin, AND they both did it without sheet music like everyone else in the orchestra had."
I was really getting strange looks by now.
"It's a perfect example of two compatible first fiddles. They were both equals. They were both incredible at what they were performing, but neither had to play second to the other.
The light bulb came on, and both got big grins on their faces.
"Well? What do you say? Do you think we can we do it?"
"Yes", from Mel.
"Yes", from Hailey.
Both grinning from ear to ear, both understanding the implications of what I had said. I have no doubt that their love for each other was instrumental in their being able to see what I was saying, and at least conceptually agreeing.
Only time would tell.
Mel disengaged at this point not moving too far but making it clear that I was to concentrate my attention on Hailey for the rest of the evening.
Hailey and I both looked to her and she just nodded her head with a big smile and whispered, "It's Hailey's night, just pretend I'm not here. Just ignore me."
Nodding our heads and smiling, Hailey and I looked at each other, and both let go with a heavy sigh.
We leaned in to each other and started our activities with an emotionally passionate kiss, which went on for an extended time. She was moving her hands all over my body though I left mine holding on to her waist pulling her close to me.
This young woman had passion.
I looked into her eyes and said, to no one in particular, "I have to give the driver 15 minutes notice to come pick us up. Should I call so we can go back to the room?"
I was starting to caress Hailey's body gently while we continued kissing each other.
Mel spoke quietly, "We don't have to Bobby."
"What time do we have to leave? When does Jon close?"
"We don't have to leave Bobby. Jon leaves these rooms open all night if that's what we want. I told him we may be here all night, but we'd have to play it by ear."
I stopped kissing Hailey and without releasing any grip on her luscious body, turned to look at Melinda. "Huh?"
Mel had a huge smile on her face, which caused me even more consternation, as I obviously had missed something in translation, but I thought she said we could stay all night if we wanted. She was obviously enjoying having one over on me, but she had already been full of big surprises this evening.
"Bobby, Remember I said these rooms are very unique?"
I nodded in acknowledgment, but still keeping my questioning face on.
"Here, let me show you", she laughed, and stood up moving around the back of the couch.
From Hailey's reaction to all of this, she knew what was going on, or had been briefed by Mel on what to expect.
She didn't loosen her hug, nor stop nibbling, licking and kissing my neck, ears, and face.
Hot to go ran through my mind, but I was still completely in the dark as to what Mel was up to.
She had no sleeves so whatever it was it's not hidden there.
She walked over to a spot near the door, and smiled. She pulled up on one of the many red switch protectors that were on the wall. You know the kind. They hinge over a switch to make sure that nobody can actuate the switch by accident.
She looked over at Hailey and I then flipped the switch.
That switch literally rocked our world! Well, at least it rocked mine.
The whole fucking room moved! It was rotating slightly, the couch was moving. It was all I could do not to jump up and totally freak out, but Hailey was still holding me tightly, and Melinda had a mischievous grin on.
The table and chairs disappeared and as the room stopped rotating, it locked itself in place and out of the wall opposite from where the couch ended up came a fully made up huge bed. It had to be bigger than a California king sized mattress.
I'd guess my eyes were bugged out and my jaw hit the floor.
Along with the bed dropping out of the wall, part of one side slid aside to expose a door.
I looked over at Mel with shock.
She just smiled, and turned the lights down, walked over to the bar and poured us all another glass of wine.
I looked at Hailey and asked, "You knew about this?"
She nodded her head, "I've never seen it, but Mel told me about it. Isn't it cool?" then with a nervous chuckle, "My virgin bed hides in a wall."
Mel handed both of us a glass of wine, turned walking back to the bar and took hers in hand.
As she returned to the couch she raised her glass for a toast. "To Hailey's hymen," she chuckled. "May it release with as little discomfort as possible."
We all tapped glasses, and when I put my glass to my lips, I looked at Hailey, who was smiling like a Cheshire cat.
"I think I'll call Sandy and let her know we won't be needing her until the morning," I noted.
Mel gave me a wicked grin, and interjected, "You know, she is kind of cute."
With a shy grin, "Maybe you should just invite her to join us."
"You're serious?"
She just shrugged her shoulders, and muttered, "I'm willing."
But she couldn't take us up on our invitation. She said she had to be up early for work and knew if she spent time with us she'd get little if any sleep. Sandy knows me far too well. She was very thankful that I'd called to let her know, so she could head home early.
I asked her what time in the morning was too early, because we had to get to the show site to start working. She told me that 7 or 7:30 wouldn't be too early. Considering what we were going to be doing tonight, I told her to sleep in, even knowing she couldn't and I'd call her around 10am.
With that all set up, I had to give Mel the bad news that she was going to have to be an observer tonight and there wasn't a partner for her.
She threw out that bottom lip and let out a half-hearted, "Awwwwww, poor me!"
Then started giggling, "That's ok, I'm actually looking forward to the show."
Now that business was taken care of, I turned my attention back to Hailey.
With an evil grin, she took a sip of her wine and reached over to put it on the small table at the end of the couch, and turned to me. She gave me a quick peck on the lips and just said, "Mel..."
At that one word, Mel put her glass down as Hailey relieved me of mine. In a few seconds they were both standing over me as I looked back and forth to each wondering what conspiratorial activities I was to be the victim of this time around. Oh, hurt me!
Hailey put out both of her hands, and when I placed mine in hers, she gave a gentle pull, whispering to me, "Stand up, Sweetie."
I allowed her to pull me to my feet in front of her. As I became upright, she leaned in to me and started kissing me gently as her hands came up to begin the removal of my tie.
Slowly, piece-by-piece, the two young women removed my clothing until I stood before them in essentially the same suit I was born in, a little worn and worse for wear, but still relatively intact.
Hailey stepped forward, raised her face to mine and started to kiss me as one hand started to caress my chest playing with each nipple in turn. She felt the numerous scars on my chest, shoulders and back, and with tenderness kissed and nipped at each. She didn't say anything, so I guess Mel had told her about them and to not ask.
Her other hand moved down and took hold of my stiffening rod and when the kiss broke her sparkling blue eyes met with mine showing me nothing but unabashed lust, desire and a little nervousness, but like Mel last night, the nervous is to be expected.
Did I mention that this young woman had passion? Whoa!
Looking directly into my eyes, Hailey took a short step back and her hands moved around behind her, and in less time than it takes to tell it, that gorgeous blue dress was off of her shoulders, past her tummy and laying in a loop on the floor.
Moving one foot out, then the other she pushed the dress to the side, and then stepped up into me.

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