JudgementsChapter 50 free porn video

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Marcus stared at the bundled sheets of paper before him uncertainly, leafing through them carefully, trying to makes sense of the coded squiggles he saw.

"Ready?" Hope asked, slipping onto the stool behind her keyboard.

"No," Marcus replied, instantly. Shawna shuffled through the papers herself, shaking her head silently at what she found.

"What's up?" Hope asked.

"I don't know what we're playing," he said, and Hope stared for moment.

"That's what the sheet music's for."

"I don't read music."

"Well, how do you learn what to play, then?"

"I listen to it. Then I try and play it."

"You play by ear?"

"I don't... maybe," he shrugged, looking to Shawna for support. "I just play."

"I just sing," she said. "We need to listen to these."

"You must know this, 'Breakfast in America' by Supertramp?"

"Maybe," Marcus said. "Sheet music doesn't mean much to me, and... I don't tend to get lyrics unless someone's singing."

"Fine." Hope cleared her throat and sat up. "Take a look at my girlfriend, she's the only one I got, Not much of a girlfriend, never seem to get a lot... "

"Take a jumbo, cross the water, like to see America, " Shawna joined in, with a slight smile.

"See the girls in California, I'm hoping it's going to come true, But there's not a lot I can do... "

Both of them fell silent, watching Marcus who'd made no effort to pick up his guitar.

"Well?" Hope asked. "Do you know it?"


"Great. Let's go then." She turned back to her keyboard, and Shawna tried not to laugh, knowing what was coming next. Hope started on the introduction, her fingers picking out the notes easily on the keyboard. Then she slowed and fell silent.

"Are you going to join in?" she said, turning to Marcus.

"I can't play this."

"You said you knew it!"

"I do, now you've sung it. I can't play it though."

Hope gritted her teeth for a moment, then sighed a little.

"Alright. Which of these can you play?" She grabbed the sheaf of sheet music from the stand. "'The Boxer'?"




"'More Than Words'?"

"N... maybe."

"We did that for the end of year concert in fifth form," Shawna said, and Marcus closed his eyes for a moment, picking the tune out in his head.

"Right," he muttered, picked up his guitar, and began to play. Smiling as they finally got to some music, Hope joined in, singing in a gentle, clear soprano. Shawna swung her feet gently, perched on the window-sill, watching until they finished.

"Yep, I can play that one," Marcus said, which drew a smile.

"You don't like that one?" Hope asked Shawna.

"Not my thing," she said, with a shrug. She waved the bundle of sheet music. "I didn't actually like many of these. I took a look in your music book though. Can you play this one?"

Hope took the book from her and quickly looked over the notes, nodding.

"Yes, I think so. I take it Marcus knows this one already?"

"Oh, yes. This is an old favourite of ours."

"'Enter Sandman'?" Marcus asked, drawing a withering look from Shawna.

"I want to sing, not screech," she told him. "Johnny B Goode."

"Oh." He smiled, turned up the amp, and began to play. Hope struggled to keep up in places, but managed it with a growing grin. Marcus was note perfect all the way through, and Shawna seemed to wake up a little to the music. She'd been unenthusiastic and uninvolved until then, but as the tunes moved into her preferred range she began to put more into her performance.

The last notes died. The three of them shared a look, and then jumped in surprise at the round of applause from the doorway where Lorraine, Tony, Elspeth and Brianna were clustered.

"Encore, encore!" Tony called, and they all piled in to become an impromptu audience for the evening's practice turned performance.

Marcus played the tunes he knew, and shrugged helplessly on the ones he didn't, joining the audience. Shawna sat out the tunes she didn't like — which was an increasing number of Hope's selections as the evening went on — and Hope struggled to add what she saw as some technically more complex musical and a little lyrical merit to the selections rather than the simplistic melodies Shawna seemed to favour.

It was almost three hours later that they finally finished. Hope and Shawna had run out of songs they were both willing to try, and they packed away to sit down and just talk. With the instruments out of the way, the tensions seemed to ease. Marcus, slightly drained from the evening's exertions, found himself sitting quietly at the end of the couch where Elspeth had settled her head on his shoulder and fallen asleep.

"Oh, at last," Brianna sighed, returning to her seat with a drink, passing bottles to Shawna and Hope.

"She's annoying you?" Marcus asked.

"No, not annoying. She's been amazing." She reached out to stroke Elspeth's hair gently, pulling it out from across her face. "I think I've been keeping her up at night."

"Oh." Marcus blushed, and Brianna stifled a laugh.

"Not like that. God, all you think about is sex, you men."

"I... it... but you..."

"Relax, Marcus, I'm just pulling your chain." She smiled, but the smile faded slowly as she continued. "I can keep the face up during the day, but it's hard at night, when it's quiet and you're trying to let everything go and get to sleep, you know?"

"No," he admitted, after a moment. "Is there anything I can do?"

"No, I don't think so." She smiled up at him. "Just... look after her, if things go bad." Tears started up, and Marcus found himself pushed aside as the others clustered around offering words of support. He didn't fight it. He let himself drift to the outside, more than aware that he had nothing to offer. He sat there, Elspeth's head on his shoulder as Tony and the girls whispered quietly with Brianna at the other end of the sofa.

Death happens. People die, but life goes on. He knew these as true, but that didn't seem to comfort other people. They didn't comfort him, to be honest, but it wasn't something that could be soothed with a word or a thought. He eased himself out from under Elspeth's head, settled her on the arm of the sofa, and retired to the garden with a knife and some wood. Once there, he settled on the wall to carve quietly until the socializing died down.

The light from the kitchen disappeared about an hour later, and he started to pack up and move back inside.

"I'm heading for bed," Shawna said with a smile, coming out of the kitchen, slightly unsteady.

"How many did you have?" he asked.

"Not too many." Her smile slipped slightly, and she shrugged. "About four, I think."

"Which means probably six or seven," he said, as Hope appeared from her own room in her pyjamas with a DVD.

"I'm sorry. I though you guys were going to bed," she said. "I'll put this away."

"I'm going to bed," Shawna said, "What've you got?"

"Pride and Prejudice." She turned the cover round, with a slightly embarrassed shrug.

"That explains your choice in music," Shawna muttered.

"There's nothing wrong with my choice in music," Hope snapped back.

"For an insomniac. It's got no life to it. Marcus didn't know them. That should tell you something."

"There's more to music than waving your head around and pandering to the lowest common denominator!" Hope said, stepping up and facing Shawna.

"Tell her, Marcus," Shawna said and turned to him. Hope followed, backing him up against the wall.

"Well..." he mumbled, staring at his shoes, stalling for time. He couldn't see a way to pick something that wouldn't upset one of them, probably with him, and none of it was his fault. He decided, he'd just tell the truth and see what came.

"I like a lot of things. I like music with life to it. I can see why a band would want to play something that's going to draw a crowd in and make them happy. But if you're playing for the music itself, then the art's important — the lyrics, the complexity, the meaning."

"I might have known you'd take her side," Shawna told him, but the anger he'd expected wasn't there, and she turned and headed for bed. "Wake me up when you come to bed," she said over her shoulder, and closed the door behind her.

"I wasn't aware we were picking sides," he finally managed, and Hope tossed her DVD onto the sofa.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you caught up in the middle of that. She's just so frustrating sometimes."

"So are you."

"Really?" Hope seemed surprised.

"Well, to her, I mean. Or she wouldn't get wound up like that."

"What's going on with her? She's been a bit off all week."

"It's a bad anniversary."

She had the good grace not to push. Marcus walked around the chair to perch on the seat, pulling his feet up and resting his chin on his knees as he stared somewhere into the distance.

"What about you?"

"Me?" Hope paused in the act of folding herself up onto the sofa, one foot already tucked beneath her.

"You're not usually that argumentative," he said, still gazing off at nothing.

"I'm... I just miss having someone to talk to, I guess," she said after a moment, settling the rest of the way onto the seat. "My Dad's great if I need something, but I can't really talk to him about most things. His answer to just about anything that's troubling you is 'talk to your priest' or 'pray on it.'"

"What about Bri and Elspeth? Or Lorraine? Or even Corrine?"

"It's not the same," she said. "They'd all lend an ear and sympathise, but... I just want to talk to my Mum, I guess."

"Does everyone want to talk to their parents?"

"I don't know. A lot of them, I suppose. Shawna doesn't, from what I hear. Lorraine hates having to do it. Elspeth and Brianna don't seem to feel particularly strongly about it one or another. Why?"

"I just wondered if it was another weird thing about me, that I still need people to explain what's going on sometimes. It's not so weird if everyone does it."

"We all need that." Hope laughed, gently, but Marcus didn't join in. "What's really troubling you, Marcus. It's not like you to leave Shawna alone like this."

"She's... I don't know what's going on in her head." His gaze shifted from the far wall to the light fitting for no apparent reason. "She thinks I'm going to run off with someone else, that I'm going to give up on her or something, and I don't know how to convince her it's not going to happen. I've tried talking to her. I've tried not talking about it. I've tried to make an obvious joke about it. I've tried to just be there and hold her, but it isn't going away."

"Does she have a reason?" Hope asked, quietly, suddenly fidgeting with the plastic sheath on the DVD box. "Is there... anyone?"

"No!" That caught his attention and he turned to look at her in the dim light from the kitchen. "I wouldn't do that to anyone, but especially not her."

"That's what I thought." They sat in silence for a while, listening to the quiet sounds of the city around them.

"Do you think I'm normal?" Marcus finally asked, bringing Hope out of her reverie with a start.


"Do you think I'm normal?"

"Define normal," she said, after a moment's thought. He knew as well as she did that he wasn't completely normal, which meant he had a particular aspect of normality in mind. "Why?"

"I'm tired." He shifted over to the window, pushing the curtain aside to sit on the window-sill. "I'm tired of going out every day and trying to pretend like I want to be there. Tired of trying to talk to people, trying to understand all there stupid little games and lies. No-one says what they mean. They all hide behind innuendo and veiled references."

"What's it like?" she asked, quietly, picking up the DVD box and turning it over and over in her hands, watching the reflected light play on the surface.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "What's it like being a woman, or having Japanese ancestry?"

"That's easy." She smiled. "Everyone expects you to be quiet and demure, and stare at the floor all the time. Obedient during the day, and dressed like a Catholic schoolgirl at night."

"That's how other people see you. What's it actually like, inside?"

"Inside, Marcus, we're all people, but we don't live inside. We live outside. We're defined by how people see us because we don't need to define ourselves to ourselves."

"See, if you think like that, then if no-one else is there, you don't really have anything. You don't exist."

"Well, of course that's not true literally, but... we're social beasts, Marcus. We exist in societies."

"Yeah," he said, nodding slowly. "Yeah, you are. I'm not. Being Asperger's... have you ever had that discussion where someone says, 'If you had to choose between losing your sight or losing your hearing, which would you choose?'"

"Hearing," Hope said, with a shrug. "It's obvious, you need your eyes for so much."

"But we're social beasts. We communicate primarily with sounds, not signs. There was a deaf kid in our old school, and he used to say it was horrible; he was in his own country, and everyone else spoke a different language, used a whole different system of communication."

"I can... I guess I can see that. People don't just communicate with sound, though, you know that. There's all sorts of body language, there's even elements of smell in there."

"Exactly. That's the thing. See, someone deaf is obviously alien, because all the conscious bits of communication are gone, all the bits you think about have been taken away. Communication with them isn't natural any more.

"They use such a completely different way of thinking about how to convey ideas that you immediately see them as something different, and take account of it."

"I don't see where you're going with this."

"You're confused."


"It's obvious to you — tone of voice, facial expression..."

"I came right out and said it."

"No, Hope, you didn't." He turned to face her. "You said, 'I don't see where you're going with this.' Your tone of voice and your body language said that you were confused, but your words... if I didn't already have experience with that expression, it would mean exactly what it says. You don't use sound to communicate. You use sound as the basis of communication, but you hang so much more on it as decoration. I'm deaf to that. I don't hear it. I don't see it. It's just words to me..."

"And you have to keep trying to be one step ahead of where the conversation might go to know how to take what people are saying."

"That's why I don't talk to new people. It's so hard to get an angle on what they mean. No-one says what they mean. Everyone just talks and everyone else knows that they mean something else."

"Everyone talks?" Hope asked. "Or Shawna?" Marcus didn't answer, even though she waited. She stopped turning the box over in her hands and put it down gently on the seat beside her. "You think she thinks she's told you all you need to know about why she's scared you leave her, and she hasn't. I'll go have a word with her."

"No need," Shawna said, quietly, and they both turned to look at her. "Come to bed, Marcus? Please?" Marcus heard the words, but Hope heard the tone, frightened.

"Sleep well?" Brianna asked, wrapping an arm round Elspeth's shoulders as they wandered from the street up the long path to the union. The garden away to their left was sparsely populated with small groups of people sitting, talking. A group of boys nearby looked up to track their progress, as they usually did, and Elspeth resolved to ignore them, as she usually did.

"I'm sorry. I can't believe I did that," Elspeth said with a smile, laying her head over to the side. "It's given me a horrible crick in my neck though."

"Well, let's get in, and I'll see if I can't get rid of that for you. Back rub, too?"

"Hmmm." Elspeth snuggled in a little tighter. "That sounds good."

"What was that?" Brianna snapped, and Elspeth almost fell as her support turned away towards the men along the path.

"What?" she asked, but Brianna was stepping off the path and over towards a cluster of men sat on the low wall that framed off the gardens from the path.

"I said, 'Take it somewhere else, you dyke, '" one of them repeated, speaking deliberately slowly.

"What's your fucking problem?" Brianna demanded, and Elspeth wrapped a hand around her arm, gently, trying to pull her back.

"You," the guy sneered. One of his friends laughed, passing him another can of beer, but the other two just looked embarrassed to be associated with him.

"Not getting any?" Bri challenged, and he laughed, taking a swig.

"What would you know? But then, you've probably had more women than I have, haven't you?"

"Probably," she said, and Elspeth squeaked. Bri patted her hand, gently, reassuringly, but didn't back down. "I figure you've probably had one, and that was your mother."

"You wish." He lurched to his feet, slightly off-balance, and Brianna slipped her arm free of Elspeth's grasp as he faced off against her. "No guessing which of you is the butch."

"No guessing which of you is closet gay who feels he needs to prove something," Brianna said. Elspeth tried to move forward and intercede, but the laughing friend caught her around the waist and pulled her back.

Brianna slapped a reaching hand out of the way with one hand and unwound a left-hook with all her weight behind it that staggered her assailant back and over the low wall.

"Anyone else got a smart comment to make?" she asked. The two guys on the wall shook their heads, one with a broad smile while the other passed another can of beer to their fallen friend. Elspeth wriggled free of the guy holding her, and turned to slap him across the face. It wasn't even close to the power that Brianna generated, but the effect was just as dramatic as he stumbled back a step at the look on Elspeth's face.

"Come on, El."

Brianna, smiling in a way she hadn't for days, took Elspeth's hand and towed her away. Elspeth accepted it until they were out of sight of the four, and then snatched her hand back.

"What the hell was that about?" she demanded.

"You heard what he said," Bri said, looking around at the stares they were getting.

"We hear that three or four times a week." Elspeth's voice went up an octave. "What the fucking hell was that?"

"Do we have to do this here?" Bri asked, nodding her head at the surrounding people. Elspeth looked and then clammed up tight. Brianna stifled a smile, following behind as Elspeth stalked through the entry hall and up to the lifts.

"Oh, yeah. I'm the butch," she muttered to herself, but fell silent when Elspeth glared at her. They were silent in the lift and along the corridor to their room, which Elspeth opened. Brianna slipped inside, and Elspeth slammed the door shut behind her, making her jump.

"Alright, what the fuck are you thinking?" Elspeth screamed, backed up against the door.

"Waiting until we got here was supposed to stop everyone in the city from hearing us," Brianna said.

"Fuck them. They don't matter. They never matter, no matter what they say, no matter what they do." Tears sprang up in her eyes, and she slumped down onto the floor. "What got into you?"

"I was angry and I wanted to vent some of that anger," Brianna said, kneeling in the middle of the floor facing her. "You have to put up with that shit every day we go through there, and you shouldn't have to."

"Why now? Why today? Don't we have enough to deal with?"

"That's better." Brianna smiled, and shuffled a bit closer.


"You're talking about it. I'm ill, and we need to talk about it."

"It's been all we've talked about all week!"

"No, it hasn't." Brianna shuffled forward again, reaching out to take her hands gently. "It's been what I've been trying to talk to you about, but you keep changing the subject."

"What is there to say?" Elspeth whispered, pulling her hands back gently, still staring at the floor. "Talking isn't going to change..."

"Change what?" Brianna tried to lift her chin, but Elspeth turned away. Brianna gripped a little more forcefully, pulling Elspeth's eyes around until they met. "Change the fact that I'm going to die?"

Elspeth flinched.

"Yes." She sniffed, a sob catching in her throat. "I've just met you, just found you, and you're going to die, and it's not FUCKING FAIR!" Her cry rose to a scream, and when she ran out of words she just sagged again, letting Brianna get close enough to wrap her arms around her.

"I'm not going to die, El," she whispered, gently. "First, we've got the ultrasound on Wednesday, and there's a fifty-fifty chance that'll show there's nothing to worry about.

"Then, if that does go bad, there's the probability, given my age and general health, that whatever's there will be non-malignant, and there'll be nothing to worry about.

Same as Judgements
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It was wonderfull like an orgasm

My name is Lale, I am twenty eight years old and I am gay, I love boy and man. One years ago, Ali,Cenk and I went to market and bought some beer. we back home because that night was important football match on tv. Tv was me and ali's room. Ali and I shared same room.This room is bigger the other room. Ali stayed his bed and I stayed my bed but Cenk has no bed, Cenk and I stayed my bed. We watched football match and drank beers. I felt Cenk's cock my back but I don't care becasue bed is only for...

4 years ago
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She looked at him and ached. He was so beautiful and so strong. She ached with that incessant primal ache that she had almost forgotten existed. She watched as the boy reached out and casually picked up the empty fifty five gallon steel barrels, handing them up over his head to the men on the supply boat. The sea tossed both the skiff he was standing in and the taller ship making the work difficult. She knew that the barrels were never truly empty and weighed more than most men could lift...

2 years ago
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Embezzle Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "The accountants tell me we have an embezzler. So far we have lost almost 2 Million dollars! The police say they are powerless to find out how it's being done, which leaves it up to me. I contacted a detective agency and after they heard some of my demands and after some of their questions, I am almost afraid to ask you to try this. If you do this there cannot be any failure of any kind and we might lose everything." "Tell me what...

1 year ago
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When Uncle was away

"Aunt Jessica, Do you mind if I take a shower before I go to bed?" "No, hon, go ahead and if you want, I'm gonna watch some TV before I crash. I hear Leno is gonna have Ben Affleck on.He reminds me of your Uncle Bob - Ben, that is, not Jay Leno, " she laughed. "i'll try to keep the volume down low. Call out if you need anything. "My Uncle Bob, who was a Captain in the Marine Corps, was on extended service in Afghanistan and Aunt Jessica was staying with us at our home in the Bronx until he...

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Extreme femdom torture

I did not write this. What is given below is a first hand account of one slaves extreme punishment at the hands of a Mistress who shows no mercy.link: http://www.maxfisch.com/thehang/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showthreaded/Number/1556910/Searchpage/1/Main/147753/Words/chalet/Search/true/Long_term_imprisonment_tortureStory:I was fortunate enough to spend three days with Madame Celeste de Monial, at the house of Madame Carah, at Germany's infamous Chalet of Pain...

3 years ago
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The new summer job part 17

(This is the last chapter I've access to at this point in time)Early the next morning, barely before dawn, Danny slowly opened hiseyes. He was hung-over, not from drink but from cock. He cooed thinkingback on the repeated fucking John had given him, on John's huge massivedick. He felt the smooth cool satin sheets beneath and around him, felt thewarm body pressed against his ass and felt that rigid huge dick stillburied inside. How natural it felt, how he wanted to never loose thatfeeling of...

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The Erotic Adventures of a BrideToBe Part Two

Introduction: The future brides gown fitting gets her the release she needs. Brenna sat in the passenger seat of her mothers Volvo as she headed into a small town, that Brenna had never seen before. Her mom seemed to know the way. She pulled into a small complex of tiny stores that looked like little cottages. Brenna got out of the car, just as the second car with her aunt and hot little Christy pulled in. Brenna walked into the store. The blast of white lace hit her eyes like a fiery sun. She...

2 years ago
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Neeraj Apne Bhayya Ke Saath

Doston! Mai aap ki chehethi neeraj, ek bar phirse aapke paas mera ek naya experience ke saath. Aap logon ne meri experience ‘rakhee ka upahar’ itna sahara hai ki mai tho bagh, bagh hogayee. Jo log use nahin pad sake unke liye yeh site par ‘rishton me chudai’ category mei hai. Tho ayiye aglee episode ke liye. Jaisa ki aap janthe hai, jab mere pathi bangalore teen din ke liye gaye the tho mere bhayya mere saath rahe, aur us teen din me tho, bhayya ne mujhe choda hi nahi, hamesha meri kamsin bur...

2 years ago
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Dress for success

I lost my job and couldn't find another straight away. We realised that we couldn't keep up the mortgage payments and had to put the house up for sale. Fortunately, it sold quickly and we moved into my mother-in- law's house. Did I say FORTUNATELY? I don't think my wife's mother ever really approved of me and was never slow to criticise. However she had a large enough house and had never remarried after my father-in-law died. My wife Helen got a part-time secretarial post, so at least...

2 years ago
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My Loving Step Mother Ch 04

Terri and I barbecued some chicken for diner, and as we sat and ate I was dreading the inevitable conversation. My step mother and I were sitting at the little dining nook table, kind of a bistro table. We were sitting across from one another, but very close. As we were eating, Terri reached over and laid her hand on mine. "We need to talk about last night, I think there are some things that we need to clear up," she said.I looked at her a bit sheepishly, and I didn't respond.She squeezed my...

1 year ago
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The Stop Watch

The Stop Watch I was forty-two and married. My wife’s life at forty revolved around our children. Any guy looking at Karen would see a five foot nine inch, voluptuous brunette, with a beautiful face, out of proportion breasts, narrow waist, wide hips, and long shapely legs, but her interest in sex was minimal. On the other hand, if I didn’t have sex three or four times a week I was walking on ceilings. I’m not a Hollywood movie star, but at six feet, with brown hair and eyes, an athletic build,...

2 years ago
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Her Words

Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this story, but please know beforehand that it is not explicitly erotic, and even then, not until the very end. As always, I hope that you can help me to improve with your thoughtful and constructive criticism. * It begins for them in an art gallery on a Sunday afternoon. He is there simply to enjoy the art, a busman’s holiday perhaps. If he’s fortunate he might take inspiration from pieces in the gallery. He knows art. He is himself an artist, a man who sees...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki GF Ke Sath Kiye Maje 8211 Part II

Hi I’m yug from Mumbai main yaha ek mnc me kaam karta hun. Yaha mere kafi dost hai lekin ek khas dost hai bhargav. Bhargav aur mera department alag alag hai lekin fir bhi dosti achhi hai. Bhargav sales dept me hai aur me h.r. dept me hun. Hamari company me hi account department me kaam karnewali payal kaam karti thi payal ki age kuchh 25 saal ki hogi mast gori lambe baal curvy figure ekdam mast gol chuchi(boobs) main roj raat ko payal ke naam ki muth marta hun. Lekin payal bhargav ki girl...

3 years ago
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How It All Began Part 1

Hello, sexy people, I hope all of you are enjoying a great sex life This is my first story so giving a brief introduction about myself. I am 5″9′, fit athletic body, with a 6.5 inches dick and around 2.5 inches thick. I am currently in Bangalore but originally from North India. So without boring you all now, I will begin with the story. I will not use original names in order to keep the privacy of the involved people . Yeh story tab ki hai jab I finished my high school. And like everyone in my...

2 years ago
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When we were married, Bev and I had a Sunday morning routine. On waking up, I would rub her ass and say, "Ten minutes.” I would zip to the downstairs bathroom, brush my teeth and shower. Meanwhile, in the en-suite bathroom of our bedroom, Bev would douche, brush her teeth and shower. Ten minutes later, I would be back in bed and, when she joined me, we’d commence to sixty-nine. I’d always enjoyed receiving blow jobs and didn't think they should stop when I got married. From what Bev had said,...

Oral Sex
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The night that changed my life2

.................................................................................................................................................. You try to do your best. You try to offer professional leadership, guidance and protection. Sometimes though, it doesn’t matter what you do – you end up compromised. As a sports teacher at a school in leafy Buckinghamshire in the UK, I did not have to deal with many of the issues of discipline, disrespect, thuggery and thieving experienced by...

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All text and dialogue is translated from French. Daniel had first glimpsed Andrée at the beginning of the occupation, when it was still all about students. She had stood on the steps of the Sorbonne, that great institution of French Enlightenment, and hollered through a megaphone that the French Enlightenment was full of shit, and that they would rise up and smash the imperialist state. Daniel had been captivated by her image, her dusky skin and short hair. At first he thought that she was a...

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The escort 6 Initiation

Rosie, who was my “Madame” at Marchmont Ladies, had just introduced me to the pleasures of anal sex; far from being the uncomfortable experience I had expected, it turned out to be a delightfully enjoyable way to have sex, and I couldn't wait for her to take me to the next stage so that I'd be ready to take a real cock up the ass.But for now we were idly cuddling and stroking and it was nearly time for me to go. As I was just about to stir myself to get dressed I remembered something I had been...

3 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 1

To say Erika was smoking hot would be an understatement. She stood tall at 5'6", 115 pounds with soft-blue eyes and an amazing body: full pouty lips, slender hips, round tight ass and flat stomach decorated with a dolphin shaped belly-button ring, and the most perfect set of tits on an eighteen year old I had ever seen. Her blond wavy hair went 3 inches past her shoulders and was usually loose, or tied in a single ponytail.Erika was a freshman at the local college and rented my one-bedroom...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Jade Reign Down For Fun

Naughty girl Jade Reign loves when someone admires and runs their hands all over her body. It sends chills and excitement all throughout her. Pinch her nipples. Lose yourself in between her legs as you eat her out! That is what she wants and just what Codey Steele does as he kisses and licks every inch of her delicious self. She loves the way his finger works over her clit as he kisses her and wants that hard cock in her mouth! She loves to fuck and loves making sure whoever she is with gets...

1 year ago
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My wife does more than dancing

I was out on the town with my wife. We went out for dinner, then we hit a couple bars. She likes to dance, so we went to a blues bar: live band, large dance floor. Now, I'm not one for dancing, but she doesn't mind. Usually she just dances on her own, and once and a while she has to put up her guard with guys. For her, it's worth the hassle. She really enjoys it when I watch her. And, If there's no one around to talk to, I love to watch her move her body. As long as I don't look like a creep. I...

4 years ago
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Life on a Motorbike

The learning curve on the damn bike was never ending. Whenever I thought I had it right, someone would come along with a better idea. Back I would go to my very primitive shop to try to duplicate it with my insufficient tools. Some of the time I succeeded most of the time I didn't. After a winter of tinkering I thought I had the bike ready to go. When I say bike, I mean Bike. I didn't own a motorcycle, sure I had as a kid but not at the time of the Great Adventure. At that time I owned a...

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Wish Shift Zai Jian

Wish Shift: Chapter Eleven Zai Jian Year 1 A.S. Day 58 Night Jenny sat in her room. She had taken all of the clothing that she would not be wearing anymore and piled it on the bed. She reached for the first empty box and started to fold pants and t-shirts and carefully put them away. It was quiet now. Mom and grandma had already gone out the pop-up to go to sleep. She was by herself now, there was only the light in the room and the darkness outside her window to keep her...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Dream Woman 8211 Part 1

Like every other writer, even this is my first ever story… ignore grammar enjoy the feel. We go with introduction first as it’s been a routine now, So I am jack…. and I am from Mumbai my Dick size is not bad according to the complements that I get. I never happened to measure it, But it’s slightly bigger than my BlackBerry Z3 phone. And it’s thickness is something that I am really proud of. The incident needs a little bit of flash back….. it was three – four years back when I saw this women...

4 years ago
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My friend hot mom

Hai friend i am sohail from india this is my second exprience with my friend hot mom when my friend gone for goa for his bussiness those days i was studying my degree he leave his studies because his father died he was only son for his parent then his mother was alone in the house he said me to live with his mom ok and she went for goa for 8 days i qas leaving in his house i came to the story his mother is to sexy and hot she wear la-jeans top half she look very sexy any person will see him...

1 year ago
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I think Charlie is cheating on me again

I think Charlie is cheating on me again. The first time occurred just six months after we were married. He had a torrid affair with my mom’s sister, Bessie. Aunt Bessie was a notorious whore who would fuck anything on two legs.Aunt Bessie was a voluptuous teen when he was seduced by a male teacher in high school. The teacher taught her the fine arts of pleasing a man. She became an accomplished cocksucker with the ability to deep throat. Bessie was a willing and eager student who became...

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Girls Just Want to Have FunChapter 14

“Let’s go to the bedroom,” Riley says, pushing Justin off of her. He is up off the floor, leading the girls to the bedroom. They climb onto the bed and lie there for a bit, kissing before Riley slips away with the vibrator in her hand. “Fuck her, Justin, while I watch,” she says, plopping down in the reading chair and turning on the toy. Sola rolls over toward him and they embrace. They fit together with his pale flesh against her blue skin in perfect contrast. Their tongues quickly slip...

3 years ago
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Rose my slutty neighbor

I live in the city but I have a country house where I spend some days now and then. On this specific occasion my wife stayed in the city and I went there to mow the lawn. The area is quite big so I have one of these garden tractors on which I spend some hours. It gives me a lot of time to think filthy thoughts especially when I, as was the case, have had a very dirty chat on xHamster the night before. I started mowing and had a really nice time. I was thinking of the dirty chat and my dick got...

1 year ago
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Diedre Desmond and me

I said I'd explain the reason why I'm both sub and dom in my profile. Firstly, I've had a sub streak since I was young, but only experienced domination when I was about 20. The names have been changed and what was said exactly is as accurate as my 60+ year old memory can manage! I had joined an accountancy office after college and began studying for qualifications. The office was run by a middle aged (50 ish?) lady who had a curvy figure, short dark hair and really good legs! This...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 50 Overnight In The Casa

After turning down the shower I got serious talking to Cynthia about the rest of the night. “This next part is going to be a bit of a test for you,” I said. “You know that I do dangerous things, and that I enjoy many pleasures. You know that Abril will fuck old men on my behalf, to accomplish an economic goal. Well, someday the situation may arise where I ask you to share your body with another. Do you understand?” “I guess so. But that will not be for some time. I am sure you want me.” “I...

4 years ago
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The Gym

THEGYM.TXT by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation I don't usually get into arguments with strangers, and especially not with female strangers. Unfortunately I got into one recently, and I picked the wrong woman to do so, because she turned out to be a professional dominant. It was about 10 pm, and I went to the gym for a little exercise. There were only a few people there at that hour, and the staff person said they would be closing at 11, and would we mind if he left early - the last person...

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Rescued from the Rain Part IV

Katie and Aimee had moved to the kitchen and were watching the videos they had taken of their mom and me. It was hot to know they were watching it at their ages. Amy had slipped on her panties, shorts and top again and I had pulled on my shorts and t-shirt. We sat on the sofa and had a beer in relative silence. I thought that the weekend might be coming to an end; that Amy had satisfied whatever urge she had when we met and was going to be leaving. For me, I knew I had many more urges to...

2 years ago
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Visiting a colleague and his wife

I open my eyes, I feel a warm hand gently caressing my morning erection, her heavy breasts leaning against my back. "Are you awake?" I hear her husband say. "Yes, and ready for more" she say’s. I'm 28 and since a few months I work for a German company trading in building materials. My job is to sell their products on the Dutch market.Soon after I started working for this company I became good friends with Gert my German colleague. Although he is 12 years older, we seem to share a lot of thought...

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The Boys in BlueChapter 7

The noise of the telephone woke him. Reaching for it, he realised he’d left the bedside table light on all night. A voice at the other end informed him it was his morning call and did he require anything else. He thought for a second trying to get his bearings. “Yes, a large pot of tea and some toast please.” “Very well sir” the voice replied breaking the connection. Robert climbed out of the bed. Moving to the window he drew back the curtains. The fog had gone as quickly as it had appeared,...

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Sister and Friend Learn to Please Daddy

Sister and Friend Learn to Please Daddy----------There was a nice breeze blowing thru the horse barns with both loft and barn doors open. I was sitting at a makeshift table of hay bales making my daily dairy entry, when my little sister and one of her friends came into the barn just below me. They were holding hands and giggling as thir*teen year-old girls do. I paused and watched them as they fluffed up hay in one of the empty stalls. To my amazement, both girls began to undress and lay down...

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Digimon Bad end 01

Figures. Three years since the last time they had gone to the digital world, and not ten minutes in there they were already in over their heads. After Tai had received a distress call from Agumon, they had opened the gate to the digital world with the help of Davis' odd new digivice, which appeared in his hands as they prepared to leave. That new model he held could open the gate to the alternate world, and now Tai, Kari, T.K and Davis had all gone through to answer the call for help. Dark...

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Waif the Continued AdventuresChapter 2

Molly Malloy looked out at her class of third grade children and smiled. She knew most of them from school last year and the beach activities during the summer months when she held the post of senior life guard for the town of Shoreside Park. Among the new group composing her class were Amy and Tammie Farrell. The younger sisters of Waif Farrell were busily detailing the horrid day last week when their grandmother, Fiona Farrell, had dragged them to a meeting with a social worker. "The...

4 years ago
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Shanus Loving FamilyChapter 2 Shaad and Sameena

At about the same time two hundred fifty miles north Shahabad Jahangir Khan across the long corridor in another estate ('Shamiyaana') almost replica of his brother's 'Asraa'. The purpose was again to use and maintain the Greenland to give employment to local villagers and both succeeded big times. Any neutral observer would have seen a very tall heavily built man about six foot four inches moving like an athlete. He was dressed in a white masculine version of kurta and salwar with open...

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