Niki's Family LifeChapter 5: Home Life Heats Up. Again free porn video

Carol was glancing out the front window when she saw Max’s car pull into the drive. She watched as Max got out, but was unsure what was going on when Niki did not get out the other side. She could have sworn he was picking her up every day from school. Maybe she got dropped off at her friend’s, or maybe she had an activity they had not remembered to tell them. A few seconds later, she saw the passenger door open, and Niki crawled out, from the backseat, it seemed. As she turned back to grab her bag, the back of her skirt flew up briefly, and Carol could have sworn it looked like the girl was not wearing any underwear!
Rushing to the front entryway, intent on confronting her increasingly inscrutable daughter, she heard Max and her husband talking as she approached.
“Yes, I get 150 a week for each. Had three while you were gone, but only Milo is back now. Don’t worry, Niki or I will take care of them, you won’t be bothered. Their kennels are even in her room.” Max was explaining his dog watching service to Roger, and for some reason they were standing just inside the family room next to the tiled entrance. Niki was just stepping out of her skirt, tossing it into her basket when both Huskies came into the room.
“Milo!” Niki said, squatting down to ruffle the dog’s fur and scratch his ears. She was still wearing her blouse as the dog’s huge head batted against her stomach. “You didn’t tell me he was coming back so soon!” She said to Max, a happy smile filling up her face. Cooper circled around the two of them, licking at her hip and backside before moving back around front for some of the attention Milo was getting.
Milo, unaware of the nuances of human behavior, was unaware anything had changed. Scenting his bitch’s arousal, and assuming it indicated her readiness for him, he immediately lowered his head and began to lick furiously at her dripping sex, his favorite way of greeting her.
“Oh, fuck, um” Niki said, stunned into immobility. Both dogs were circling around her, and her precarious squat was threatened by the insistent way Milo was practically attacking her with his tongue.
“Niki! Get away from those dogs when you are like that!” her mother exclaimed, her shock at the sight slowing down her daughter directed exclamation.
Max, sensing that he had pushed things as far as he dared, yelled out sternly “Sit!” And the dogs, surprisingly, sat down, turning to look at him, their tongues hanging out goofily. But that was not all. Niki, shocked out of her stance, fell over onto her bottom, stunned into immobility by his order. As she fell back, her legs splayed even farther apart, and it was clear to everyone exactly where the dog had been licking. Her black curls were damp and pushed away from her wet slit, and her engorged membranes seemed to shine out like a beacon. As her brain caught up and she realized he was talking to the dogs, she started to get back on her feet.
Carol had watched the obscene tableau for a long second or two as Niki squatted, quite clearly being licked between her legs by the large dog. Flushed and irritated at her own delay, Carol gave every indication that she was upset and ready to blow. Her mouth forming the words for a second, no doubt scathing attack Then suddenly, something changed within her. Later, Roger would realize that a part of his wife had simply shut down that day. But for the moment, the shock at her next words silenced everyone for a moment.
“If you are going to keep losing your panties at school like that, you need to be more careful in the wind young lady. I saw you getting out of the car and your lack of undergarment was quite clear to me, as well as any neighbors if they happened to be looking.” Carol seemed to be completely ignoring her daughter’s spread legged fall, her obviously aroused sex, and the fact that the dog had been licking her. In fact, as she turned and left the three of them, she had acted as if it had not even happened at all. Roger looked after her with a look of complete befuddlement.
Max smiled wide, watching all of this. He was not sure what was going on with Carol, but he intended to push things to the limit while he could. “You stay too, for a moment” he told Niki, turning back to his bewildered father. “Sorry, sometimes she gets confused along with the dogs. Turns out she’s a natural submissive! Who’d have thunk?.”
“Up now, you don’t need to be on the ground with the other pets” he said, motioning towards Niki, reaching out and helping her back on her feet. He’d purposely alluded to her being one of the pets, and the look he gave Niki as he helped her to her feet was one of promise. She was likely to be on the ground again, soon enough.
Roger watched Niki get back up, and the image of her spread legged and exposing her privates was still dancing before his eyes. Barely listening to his son ever since Carol had acted so oddly, he only barely registered hearing something about Niki being submissive. Darting a stern glance at his son, he tried to see if the boy was joking, but Max had simply continued to talk to Niki, helping her up from the floor.
“I’m going to take the dogs out and sit on the patio for a bit. Nik, bring me a beer in a few minutes, you can go wash up and stuff first. You want to join me dad?” Max said casually, turning and heading towards the back patio door. Hearing is father’s barely audible assent, he added, “Make that two Nik, no glasses, just pop the tops first.”
Roger followed along in the wake of the dogs, his mind still mulling over everything that had just happened. Max was acting as if his sister was not only submissive, but submissive to himself in particular. He knew he should say something, put a stop to it somehow, but more and more he found himself curious, obsessed even, wanting to know just HOW submissive she was. Did they ... really?
Max and his father sat on the back patio and idly watched the two dogs sniffing and playing. Max purposely kept quiet, sensing that his father was mulling over everything that had been happening around the house lately, and he wanted to let him make the first move, ask the first question. He could see his dad’s gaze flick over to him and back to the dogs a number of times, and he forced himself to be patient. If he was going to get this to the next level, he needed his father on board, and the best way to do that, he figured, was to draw him in of his own volition.
Finally, Roger spoke up. “So, what did you mean exactly? Saying you found out your sister was, erm, submissive. She likes to follow orders? Do the chores, Serve the table? I mean, I don’t think we ever thought that before. She was always a bit, well, princess like.”
Max smiled, he knew Roger was hooked, now to not scare him off by moving too soon. “Oh, maybe. Just needed to find the right motivation, and I did. Not sure if it’s just me or not though, I had not considered that possibility” he lied, stringing the tale along. Seeing Niki coming out with their two beers, bottle tops obediently removed, he added. “Let me show you what I mean. It’s a bit more than, erm, serving at table”.
As Niki handed him a beer, he smiled and said “Thank you, why don’t you sit with us for a minute before going back in, it’s really nice out this evening”.
After handing her step-father his beer, Niki pulled out a third chair and sat down, the three of them forming a small, rather open square, the yard forming the fourth side.
Max watched as she sat down, and with a glance, reminded her to keep her knees slightly apart. As she complied, sitting more like an oblivious teen than a demure young woman, he nodded at her before continuing. “I was just telling my dad that we discovered a few things about you while they were gone, isn’t that right?”
Niki was stunned. He couldn’t have told his father about her, yet, could he? I mean, she did not detect any towering rage, or disgust on his face. Could her dad really not care about her and the dogs? Flushing, totally embarrassed, she looked over at her brother with a confused, hurt look.
Realizing the way his words could have been interpreted, Max let her off the hook, after letting her squirm in fear for a moment. ‘Yes, I told him that we had fallen into a sort of rhythm with you being far more submissive than before. Like serving at table. Or getting us a beer”.
A rush of relief washed over her as Niki realized he had not told Roger everything, though her submissive quality had more to do with his leverage over her, at least at first. Upon reflection, she realized she had been becoming much more the obedient pet as of late, not questioning or fighting back on anything he suggested. Or Roach for that matter. Or even Cyndi.
“I see” Niki said simply, her face still flushed. She knew they were looking at her, and it helped, actually. She always felt a little rush, or charge, when she knew her privates were being seen by others.
“But, it’s a bit more than just bringing a beer, I don’t want to lie. Here, let me show you. Niki, show us how you sit at dinner now.” Max casually waved at Niki with his beer as he explained more of his special power over his sister.
Glancing from Max, to her father, and back to Max, Niki tried to protest silently, though seeing Max’s rather intent look, she knew he was serious. He was going to bring out into broad daylight some of his power of her at least. She felt the shame of what she was doing in front of a parent wash through her, though rather than stopping her, it only made her wetter. Which was a problem in and of itself. She slowly parted her knees, her face flushing, her body opening up as she moved her legs to the corners of her chair.
Roger glanced towards the house, worried that the girl’s mother would come, but he did not see or hear anything to scare him off. Glancing towards the girl, his eyes unbelieving as she continued to part her legs, eventually exposing all of the flesh between her legs, her private area opening up and peeking out from beneath her black curls. This was too much! He thought, looking back at the confident face of his son, and back at the young girl. He really could make her do things, it was clear.
“Don’t worry, she loves this. In fact, it was my idea that she become a nudist for when you guys get back. As you can see, she did not balk at all this whole week or so you’ve been back. You don’t mind if she sits like this, do you?”
Roger shook his head nervously “N-no, but, what about her mother!”
Max thought it was rather significant that he called Carol ‘her mother’ and not ‘my wife’ or even ‘Carol’. “Yes, I know, I am a bit concerned about that, but after what just happened in the entranceway, I’m not so sure she’d complain for too long. Maybe at first. We will see. I was thinking though. Niki, I was looking at a couple of naturists sites, just to be sure we were doing things properly. Your mother’s suggestion about a towel was correct, sorry about that. But come here and look, there’s something different about these.”
As Niki brought her knees together and stood up, moving over to stand next to her brother’s chair, Roger’s eyes tracked her the whole time, though he kept moving his gaze away from her private areas and pretended to be just watching her face. The fact that she was doing this, obviously willingly, and it was all his son’s doing, continued to work on his mind. There were nuances to their behavior that he still was not sure of, but it was clear that his son had things well in hand. Surprisingly so. He had not realized Max had that in him. It reminded him, a little, of how he and the boy’s mother had been way before they had to get married.
“I don’t understand” Niki said, leaning down a bit to look at the phone, using her hand to shade the screen. Roger swallowed nervously, his gaze drawn to her breasts as they hung down practically in Max’s face. The boy had nerves of steel to not be looking right at them, he thought, watching as the two of them look at the pictures on Max’s phone.
Max pointed at one of the girls in the photo. “There, and there, and there” he added, pointing to girl after girl.
Niki still looked at the phone, apparently perplexed, forcing Max to point it out. “You see, they are all real naturists. No body hair at all, you see?”
Niki nodded, noting the fact that they were shaved, she had just not thought it was important. Some of the porn she had seen had girls like that, she thought it was just a style choice. And a slightly weird one at that. With a start, she realized he was suggesting that she do the same.
“You mean, um” she said, stalling, for some reason blushing again. It had to be because her stepfather was there. Compared to some of the things Max had her do, shaving was not that bad. It would be rather, revealing, she thought, feeling a slight tingle of excitement at the thought. ‘God you are as terrible as he is, sometimes!’ she told herself before answering Max. “Um, I guess? I mean. Yessir” she added, all in a rush, realizing he could still punish her for not being properly attentive and respectful.
“Now would be good, before dinner. Hop to it” Max said reaching up and patted her bare bottom familiarly as she turned to go.
Roger just shook his head, unbelieving. “She’s really going to shave, just because you told her to?”
“Yep, why wouldn’t she. She knows that she can trust me to always look out for what she needs. That’s part of what I discovered, I think” Max said, secretly alluding to what he had found out Niki really needed. He didn’t think his father was ready for that revelation, yet, but it was coming, he could feel it.
“Honey, you really should close the doo...” Carol’s voice tapered off as she reached inside the bathroom to shut the door. She’d just come upstairs with a load of clean laundry and had seen the bathroom door open and the light on. When she got to the door she’d seen Niki’s bare legs and torso peeking around the edge of the bathroom counter, obviously sitting on the toilet. ‘That girl!’ she had thought as she set the basket down and reached in to close the door. Stopping when she saw that her daughter wasn’t using the toilet for its usual purpose. Instead she could see Niki was sitting a bit straddle legged, and shaving cream was all over her genitals.
Niki looked up, razor in hand and played dumb, like Max had suggested “What, Why, it’s not like I’ve hiding anything.”
“No, I meant, I mean, I thought you were, you know, peeing. You really should have privacy for that you know!”
“If you say so” Niki said, having a bit of impish delight at shocking her mother, though not really wanting to make it obvious she was serious.
“Well, as long as you understand. And be careful, you really don’t want to cut yourself down there” was all Carol said as she closed the door and picked up the laundry basket.
Niki shook her head, confused by her mom. It was as if she didn’t even notice things anymore. At least not like she had before. Or she was choosing to ignore it. Completely. Returning to her task, Niki carefully ran the razor over her soft skin, feeling more than a bit naughty at such a thing. This was going to be weird in so many ways, she thought, the tingle at the idea making her slow down and be careful
As Niki filled everyone’s glasses, moving around the table, Max watched everyone with a satisfied smile. He had never really cared all that much about pubic hair, he liked girls with it, and he liked girls shaved. But having Niki do something so personal, simply because he told her to, had really made an impression on his dad, and he could see the wheels turning in the old man’s brain. Watching Carol, he was not exactly sure what was going on, but he was beginning to suspect that she had a lot of internal conflict, and the only way she could rationalize it, short of exploding and potentially losing her home and family, was to pretend certain things simply were not happening. It did not make a lot of sense to him, but he was starting to understand that it just might be her way of coping with such a radical change. In any event, she still complained, and acted the parent, just not in the way one might expect.
Watching as Niki left to go get the salads, he had to admit she never looked more enticing. He had seen, as she leaned over to fill his glass, the long smooth expanse of skin that continued all the way down to her pussy. The long line of her slit was stark against the white smoothness of her skin, and as she moved around the table, he saw flashes of her bareness with every turn of her body. His father’s darting eyes obviously missed nothing, and he found himself eager to continue to press the issue. He was not sure what Carol was going to do, but he had a hunch she would not stop things like she might have even yesterday. Something had changed.
“Make sure the boys are fed too” he called out, hearing her answering “Ok” wafting in from the kitchen. Moments later, she passed through the room with two filled dog bowls, Cooper and Milo following her eagerly. Back and forth she passed, bringing their salads, until finally she sat down, glancing at her brother as her legs parted beneath the table. He loved how she eagerly complied with his wishes these days, almost as if she enjoyed the game as much as he did. And perhaps she does, he mused now that she’s let go of most of society’s repressive ideas. She’s embraced her sex in a way that he had not realized someone could. In some ways he was quite impressed.
“Hmm, this is good” Max announced, taking a bite. “I like starting with a salad sometimes, it gets my mouth all awake. It’s good to wake things up before the rest of the meal, I think”. Max’s odd comment did not make a lot of sense to the others, except for Niki. When he glanced pointedly down towards her hidden waist on the word ‘awake’, she realized he was keying off his new code word, and secretly telling her what to do.
Still eating slowly, Niki took her left hand under the table and began to slowly play with herself, keeping herself ‘awake’ so to speak. She felt the answering rush of pleasure that seemed to be multiplied by the naughty location in which she was being so sexual, albeit privately under the table.
Only a couple minutes later, while everyone was still eating their salad, Milo came clicking into the room, having finished his food hurriedly. Spotting the wide open sex of his owner’s bitch, he immediately made his way under the table, licking at the fingers that were momentarily in his way.
“The dogs” Carol said, without a lot of heat, tired of constantly complaining about them.
“They are fine, I’ll take them outside shortly, let’s try and finish eating first” Max said, looking at his father to back him up.
“Yeah, they aren’t begging or anything, I barely even noticed they came in.” Roger said, looking up, suddenly curious.
Milo’s tongue was as good as Niki remembered, and she had to try hard to keep herself from simply giving in and getting down on the floor. Over and over the dog’s tongue licked her wet slit, and his long pink devil kept touching her in ways that simply drove her crazy. Cooper was good at this too, of course, but Milo had a special way of reaching every crevice that caused her to cream more and more. She had just started to slouch in her chair, her legs going even wider, when Max spoke up.
“Niki, wake up, we are done with our salads!”

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