08 TogetherChapter 75 free porn video

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Present – Ben and the rest – The next morning

The only reason I slept at all last night was the help from my liquid sleeping aid – bourbon. I kept worrying that Mira could be right and that her baby was ours but I finally got drunk enough that I passed out. The damn wakeup call rang the phone and I knew I drank too damn much because my head felt like Thor was hammering on it with Mjölnir.

The empty bottle I knocked off on the nightstand when I reached for the phone reaffirmed my assumption. Damn, a whole 750 ml of Knob Creek - no wonder I felt like shit. I finally pick up the phone and the concierge much too cheerfully announces, “Ben Blaine, this is your wakeup call.”

I mumble and remind her “Thanks, please don’t forget the other rooms.”

She cheerfully answers, “Do not worry Ben Blaine, I called them first.”

Then I hang up the phone and fight my way out of bed. I have the sheets wrapped around me four fucking times, but after I free myself I head into the shower. I crank up the hot water, slip off my underwear and step into a damn hot shower. I let the water flow over my body, and no sooner begin to relax when someone starts to bang on the door. I bellow, “I’m in the fucking shower and will be out when I’m done. Now leave me the fuck alone...”

Mira occulates me and inquires, “My sister Ira, I do not believe that my Ben feels well this morning. Perhaps I should enter his room and appease his appetites...”

Has my sister Mira totally lost all of her logic due to rampaging hormones? I glare at Mira and icily reply, “Miranda, if you were to forcefully enter his room now, Ben would interpret it as an attack and you along with the dreaded fetus could be injured.”

Mira pauses for a moment to contemplate my assertion and thank God agrees, “Yes Ira, I do believe your wisdom here is appropriate. Besides, Ben and I will share a bed many times later today after he discovers it is our fetus I am carrying. Ira, I did not realize that gestational processes would so greatly increase my desire for coitus.”

Now I understand Safia’s multiple copulations with Alexi more completely, they were hormonally inspired.

We are interrupted as still bound Safia and Zarika shuffle to Ben’s door. Safia immediately complains, “Ira, you must release us from this cruel and unusual punishment.” Zarika reaffirms, “Yes Ira, going to the bathroom was a terrible ordeal and I did not know that much stench could come from one person.”

Safia moves her head in such a way as to pull Zarika’s hair. Zarika pulls back as they both continue to argue. I smile at both of them and counsel, “From your actions I have determined you have not yet discovered your lesson. Therefore you will remain bound.”

Ben finally opens his hotel room door, sees Safia and Zarika, which are still bound, and laughs, “Hell that’s a trick I need to learn.”

I offer, “Ben, I will gladly teach you this trick...”

Ben obviously teases, “Perhaps I could use it on you and Mira the next time she talks about that ... that ... that ... thing being our baby.” He points at Mira’s enlarged stomach.

Mira complains, “You will see today Ben whose baby I am carrying! And when you discover it is yours I expect many hours of compensational copulation. Gestation has made me greatly desire copulation.”

Safia and Zarika affirm, “Yes, we both need sex in the worst way, but Alexi ignores us.”

I can tell Ben wants to say some immoral words so I suggest, “Perhaps we should partake of the free breakfast before our trip this morning?”

Mira questions, “This morning? I thought the test results were this afternoon...”

Ben says, “They are but I found a clinic for treatment of Alexi, Zarika and Safia.”

The girls begin to complain but Ira silences them by grabbing their knitted together hair and marching them toward the restaurant. We arrive at the restaurant, walk inside and everyone stops and stares at us.

I lean over and threaten, “One word from either Zarika or Safia and I make sure you stay in the clinic for years.”

I smile at everyone and tell a whopper, “Sorry for the surprise everyone, we are practicing for a movie. And these two young ladies are pretending to be captured.”

The crowd accepts the whopper and even begin to clap and cheer.

I lean over to Ira and order, “Get them out of this ASAP.”

I am amazed because it doesn’t take Ira any time at all to free the girls. She frees them and adds a threat, “If you two do not behave, you will never see our brother Alexi again.”

I ask, “Where is Alexi?”

Ira replies, “He is not suitable for human contact at this time since his mind is totally occupied with his alimentary canal. I have to keep his hands restrained otherwise he continually disobliges it. I will prepare a plate of food and feed him myself.”

I’m impressed as hell with Ira since she’s been such a great help, unlike her sister Mira who has basically been a huge (not just figuratively) pain in the ass.

Ira takes two plates of food and leaves with them. Mira picks at the food and I threaten, “Don’t you dare complain about the food or you won’t eat.”

Safia and Zarika load up their plates and I inform then, “Girls this is a buffet which means you can come back for seconds.”

Safia remarks, “That is excellent news because I did not get anything to eat last night.”

I get some eggs, a couple pieces of ham and some yogurt with fresh berries. I choose a table, the rest of the entourage follows me, we sit down and thank God eat in silence – the silence reminds me of one of the many meals I had at home while I was growing up.

Present – Jens and the gang – The next day

Quadruple rats! What should have been an easy task, finding Ben, turned into an impossibility. We finally gave up for the night, pulled into a motel which didn’t look too seedy and took rooms for all of us. I made sure to triple check the rooms for hidden cameras and bed bugs. I didn’t find any but I still didn’t trust them so I planned on sleeping in my clothes tonight. The last thing I want is for my nude body to be posted all over the internet.

I called Gretchen and asked, “Gretchen, anymore sightings of Ben’s truck on the traffic cameras?”

Gretchen very crabbily replies, “Hell no! Not only that, they caught my hack and shut it off. So now we’re flying blind.”

That gave me a possible idea so I ask, “I’ve seen a hell of a lot of drones around, is there any chance we can hack into their video feeds?”

Gretchen answers, “That’s a good idea. I will see what I can do.”

There’s a knock on the door so I answer, “Come on in.”

Thom walks into the room, holds up a scanner and assures me, “I swept the rooms for bugs and cameras and didn’t find anything.”

I reply, “I checked my room and didn’t find anything either but I’m still sleeping with my clothes on.”

Thom scans my room and announces, “No need to do that unless you want to since your room is clean.”

Thom informs me, “Did you know they have smart TVs here with internet access?”

I point to the table and reply, “I already have my laptop setup.”

Thom suggests, “I have a few ruminations to follow if I can use your laptop.”

I say, “Go for it.”

He sits down at my laptop, pulls up Google Maps and begins to mark off the hotels we’ve already checked with big red x’s He stares at the map and the red x’s and swears, “God dammit! How did we miss that?”

I dash to the computer, look over his shoulder and ask, “Missed what?”

Thom laughs and says, “Well, I sure as hell know how we drove past that hotel since it’s a little off Colfax Ave. But it’s a chain hotel and my best guess is we will find Ben there.”

I ask, “What’s your thinking on this?”

Thom replies, “Well, they have underground parking for one thing and the second thing is he could be sure there weren’t any cameras in the rooms. Both of those would be a big priority to someone trying to hide.”

I jump up and say, “Let’s get going!”

Thom shoots down my plan, “Jennifer, I would love to do that now. However, we exhausted Liz today and because she’s pregnant she needs her rest.”

I think for a moment and agree with Thom, “Thom thanks for everything, you’re right. If Ben’s there tomorrow we’ll join him soon enough. We do need to let Liz have her rest.”

But there was no rest for me tonight because all I could think of was meeting Ben again tomorrow and what my actions would be. I only hoped and prayed that my plan worked...

Present – Stacy and Samantha – Following Jennifer

We watched as the bitch checked more hotels than I even knew existed and thank God she drew a blank at each one. They finally pull into a crappy looking hotel and went in. I worry that she found Ben.

Bill says, “Don’t get your hopes up Ms. Summers, they have stopped searching for the night and will continue tomorrow.”

The pilot informs us, “Ms. Summers, we are bingo fuel.”

I ask, “What does that mean?”

Bill explains, “It means we have just enough fuel to return to Leadville.”

I ask, “Can we refuel at one of the local airports?”

The pilot affirms, “Of course we can. In fact, it would be preferable because the flight back to Leadville would put me over my operational hours for today.”

Bill adds additional information, “Ms. Summers, he is limited to eight hours of flight time every twenty-four hours. He will need at least eight full hours of rest to be able to fly us tomorrow.”

I smile and order, “Well, that settles it, find us a nice little airport that can refuel the chopper and has a decent hotel.”

The Pilot replies, “Why not use the best, because I would like to get the chopper serviced? We’ll head for DIA”

I giggle and ask, “Dead In Action?”

Everyone laughs and Bill explains, “Denver International Airport.”

We get the clearance to land and begin to approach the airport. I’m looking out the window, see a monster and swear, “What the fuck is that?”

I point out the window to this ugly huge blue horse with red shining eyes, it looks like some sort of devil horse from hell.

The pilot laughs and replies, “That’s Blucifer! Denver’s football team is the Broncos and they built him as a motivation for the team.”

Bill continues, “That fucking horse is a killer: In 2006 a piece of it fell on the artist creating it and killed him. Its official name is Blue Mustang but everyone I know calls it Blucifer for killing it’s artist.”

I complain, “That’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen, please make sure that you keep us as far away as possible from it.”

The pilot laughs and says, “No problem, even the hotel we’re staying at isn’t close to it. By the way, they are sending a limousine to pick us up.”

The damn Blucifer horse keeps me distracted but I finally realize what the pilot said and I praise his actions, “Thank you for setting all of this up.”

Vic asks, “Is there any chance we have a change of gear in the chopper.”

Bill replies, “Of course we do. It will be good to have you smelling like a man again.”

Samantha defends him, “He ... He kept all that shit off me so you’d better not give him a bad time.”

I interject, “Here are the sleeping arrangements for tonight, Bill you and Vic share a room, the pilot gets a room of his own and Sam and I are sharing a room.”

We land without problems, the hotel limousine is waiting for us and takes us to the hotel. We check in and I mention to Sam, “You shower first then we need to send your clothes and shoes out for cleaning.”

Samantha asks, “Do I smell that bad?”

I shake my head no and explain, “Samantha, when you are forced to wear the same outfit two days in a row, you want to make sure it looks fresh. The hotel will make sure that happens.”

Samantha asks, “What can I wear while my clothes are gone.”

I walk into the bathroom, pull out an expensive luxury robe and ask, “Will this do?”

She answers, “You bet, I’m going to shower.”

Samantha heads into the shower while I look at the map and try to figure out where Ben might be...

Present – Ben and the rest – The next morning

Ira returns from feeding Alexi and says, “Alexi is ready to travel. I stand up and order, “Everyone load up in the truck because we’re headed to the clinic for Alexi, Safia and Zarika.” Safia and Zarika begin to say something but one look from Ira and they shut the fuck up. I continue, “I need to take care of things at the front desk.”

I head to the front desk and pay the concierge for the rest of the week. I have no idea what I’m going to do after this week because I’m playing this fast and loose. If I am the father of Mira’s baby ... well, I guess I will need to contact a lawyer – hell no, there’s no fucking way I’m going to divorce Jens, fuck I just married her! To be truthful I have no fucking idea what I will do and just want to hear all my options. The concierge asks, “When will you return?”

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Turning Into A Cocksucker Chapter 02

After spending a majority of the morning sucking off one of my closest friends, I spent a few quiet moments sitting on my bed, back in my own hotel room, trying to comprehend what happened. I nervously twisted my wedding ring around my finger, anxiously thinking about the pictures I had allowed Brad to take of me. What was he going to do with them? What if one of them found its way back to my wife?All the sensations I had just experienced came flooding back to me. The warmth of Brad's stiff...

2 years ago
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Had a few drinks in downtown Key West and was feeling this growing urge to suck some cock and perhaps get some cock in my ass. Again, it was off to the spa at the Island house where I got my day pass, got naked and stuffed my clothing in a locker. I decided to head to the bar for a couple rum and cokes before heading up to the video fuck room.The bar was full of naked men and happily, there was one stool available. I sat down between two thin, rather feminine chaps and to my joy, both of them...

2 years ago
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Law of the BloodChapter 4 The Executioner

Roban thought about yesterday’s events after the girls had left but that got him horny, so he stood up to relieve his bladder and wash. He was hungry but before he went out to search for food there was knocking on the door. After he called out, “Come in”, the door opened and a woman he hadn’t seen before entered. The woman was of regal beauty somewhere in between twenty-five and thirty. High cheek bones, a thin straight nose, intelligent sparkling blue eyes and a rather small mouth with thin...

3 years ago
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My First Time With My Best Friends Mother

Jake and myself; both now seventeen, grew up just a street apart and attended the same high school. I'd been over to Jake's house numerous times, but in the past several months I found myself taking more notice of his mother, Mia. I'd find myself catching a glance every opportunity I had, making sure Jake never saw me or he'd give me a beating I'd never forget, or worse, take the piss out of me.I considered Mia like a step-mother, who took care of me when my own parents went out of town. I know...

First Time
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My Young sisterinLaw

This happens a few years back.My wife came from a traditional family. She is the middle c***d with one elder and one younger sister. I was 33 when I married my wife, she was 26. Her elder s*s is 28 while her younger s*s is only 19. The younger one was still schooling when I married my wife.A sad case was that her elder s*s was not very "well developed" in the brain section (a not so nice word as slight retard). Not to a serious extend but does hamper her going out to work. She is very quite and...

2 years ago
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Full Family Incest 8211 Part I

Hi my dear ISS fans. I am Kalavathi from Chennai. This is my real story which happened in my life. Our family is a simple family, my dad, mom, brother and me.My dad 55, mom 48, me 30 and brother 27. My dad’s has an athletic body, mom perfect 38 34 38, me 36 32 36 size. We all love each other. We are open and hide no secrets and have no privacy.My dad married my mom from other cast. So both our relatives rejected them, so they have to live their own from their marriage. Dad’s native is Palakkad...

1 year ago
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The Debt Payoff

Alright, I’ve read enough. I’m hijacking this novel. My name’s Patty and I’ve read enough details to know that this story is about my husband and my drama queen roommate from college and also a little bit about me. Hi, ‘Vickie’. I’ll bet you didn’t think I was a member of this band of Lushies. Thanks for finally letting me know what happened between you and Charlie. It was one of the possibilities I’d considered. It’s nice to get an explanation for why you got better at picking men. Six guys...

3 years ago
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SpaceChapter 20

That night around six I was moved into my own room in Leslie's home. The police and the doctor were close to make sure I was secure and had no bleeding. A bug was on the bedside lamp. It was an old one but still ones that were installed after the police came here. I unwrapped the device and called Mom and Leslie. When they came into the room I pointed out the bug. "We are infested. They may be Franks, Caputo's or the police. Let's give them to the police even if they are not...

4 years ago
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My Birthday Vacation A New Cummer Part 3

I came into the living room and said my hi's to everyone and continued to ask about aunt Victoria's health. My dad said "she's gotten better since last night, but still in the hospital. So while her husband stays with her, Lucy is going to stay with us" , as he said that Jessica was coming down the stairs and heard the news, she yippeed in excitement. My father replied to her excitement by saying "well I guess you two can share a room". When I heard that all I can think about was how I...

4 years ago
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Scrimshaw and His Sister

[My thanks to http://www.mookychick.co.uk for all the delightfully dirty Victorian sexual slang.] It was a dark and stormy night upon the blasted moors of Nether Scrotum as detective Scrimshaw and his sister, Amygdyla, who swore that she had never known a man in the biblical sense, meandered from one tussock of sawgrass to another in pursuit of clues to the whereabouts of one Calcium, a local grain merchant, pickpocket, and orphanage embezzler. They had followed Calcium’s footsteps through...

2 years ago
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Just As Arranged Pt1 the hallway Bi MMF 3some

Our Bi Afternoon visitor part1 the hallwayHi this is a first story for me. I hope you enjoy it and want to hear about what happens after the hallway. Let me know what you think.I walk in the front door, and there you are stood in the hallway in my jeans and that shirt I love, snug and hugging your curves, and you've got that smile. I know that smile, and I know the reason why. You call out a name, and the 'why' steps into the hall looking sexier than his photos. We picked a stunner. I look him...

3 years ago
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Puppy ki chudai Part 2

Thanks once again for enlisting my story as “HOT”. The saga continues… Ek bar phir se Gullu ka lund maine chus chus ke khada kar diya. Itni der tak chut chuwane se meri chut phool gayi thi, Gullu bhi meri gand marne mein interested tha aur main bhi marwane mein. Actually mujhe yeh dekhna tha ki akhir itna bada lund Gand mein ghusta kaise hai. Bubli didi chup ke humein dekh rehi thee, yeh maine dekh liya tha, mere under ka dar khatam ho gaya tha ki Didi mujhe apne premi se chudwane par kuch...

4 years ago
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Green Acres 2 Why a Hen Doesnt Crow

Green Acres 2: Why a Hen Doesn't Crow Produced by Jay Sommers [1965-71] Parodied by Ron Dow75 The rooster looked at the alarm clock on the fence post. It turned this way, that way. It rang! It cock-a-doodle-didn't. At 5:30 AM, Oliver Wendell Douglas pulled off the covers, and put out his feet. The early spring air was cold. "Vrrr- Er,er!" he said, reaching for the bathrobe he kept at the end of the bed. His feet on the ground, the still sleepy-eyed, still fit...

2 years ago
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Destiny As a Vampire

So Im definitely an amatuer writer, but this fantasy has been on my mind lately. I felt the best way to indulge in it was to get it out on paper, so to speak. Keep in mind, I was writing this more for myself than anything, but I felt like I should share it, in case any one else enjoyed it. This is only the second erotica story Ive ever written, so please, go easy on me. Id love constructive criticism or comments, and if I get positive feedback, Ill consider a sequel, or series, or whatever...

4 years ago
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Gender Fluid part 4

Gender Fluid - part 4 Walter Ego -1- Do you know me? I am a minor celebrity after all. I'm hostess of the number one cooking show on cable "Abigail Brings it Home." Not bad for a former Navy Cook's Mate disfigured in a galley explosion. Yes I know that does not show up in my network biography but that's because in those days I was still a man. That's right. For over twenty two years I was a member of the male sex. It wasn't until after my accident that I went to look up my former...

1 year ago
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War Comes Home

In a few days it would be winter, and it was growing cold even here in the south, near the coast below Savannah, where a tired man in a tattered gray coat limped to the top of a rise and looked down on a big, gracious house a few hundred yards ahead. It was his home and it looked good to him. In the dusk he couldn't see that here and there a fence was sagging, that the paint on some of the outbuildings was peeling. It's doubtful he would have cared. He was tired, his feet hurt, he hadn't...

1 year ago
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My first Bi Experience

In my teens, I had a best friend named Amanda. We were really close. We did everything together, we even took baths together. We slept over at each others house all the time. In fact, that is where this story takes place, at my house during one of those famous sleepovers. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, and my best friend was over at my house sitting on my bed in my room, it was like her second home. I called my mom into my room and said, “Hey mom, can Amanda sleep over tonight?” I asked....

3 years ago
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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 4

"I am ready to do whatever Annie desires during these two weeks of vacation for her and two weeks of whatever is in store for me." (Jim - Sissy Beauty Salon, Part 3) That is what I said and that is what I mean. ___________________________ I had just asked Annie what she was going to have done at the Salon and what I should have done to me. I was really interested in her answer. I am not sure whether my need for an answer was because of dread, anticipation, anxiety, wishfulness, or...

2 years ago
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Maddies Morning Surprise

I wake to a warm ray of sun filtering through the dusty window blinds onto my face and within an instant am struck by the fact that maybe those last couple shots from the previous night were not a good idea. A need for water and aspirin is immediately apparent, but hasty movements are out of the question as well. Better to ease into a hangover. I stretch my body out and that’s when I become aware that I’m not alone in bed, as my foot finds skin behind me. Dammit. Drew. Quickly replaying the end...

3 years ago
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Taboo Joes Story

Joe had always coveted his wife Gina's best friend from afar. She was his upper most fantasy whenever he needed to relieve himself and had even visualized fucking her as Gina was bouncing on his cock. Lydia had always done it for him with her sleek black hair and oriental looks. The fact she possessed a nice firm body only added fuel to his desires. He frequently wondered what it would be like to push his thick cock inside her nice tight pussy. The scenarios he placed himself in with Lydia...

4 years ago
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Tenderloin Tales Mo Fun

© 2002 all rights reserved. Intro The '80's, a decade to remember: Post pill, pre AIDS. Gloria Steinham making waves eagerly surfed by the assertive, independent women of San Francisco. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," was a popular paraphrase, often attributed to Steinham, but the source is Australian Irina Dunn. The best rebuttal I'd heard, in a crowded Union Street meat market bar, was: "Yeah, but fish don't have cunts that enjoy a ride on a sturdy...

2 years ago
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Vatsyayana Kama Sutra Part 2 Chapter 10 How to begin and end the congress Kinds of congress Love Quarrels

Sexual intercourse (or coitus or copulation) is sexual activity typically involving the insertion and thrusting of the penis into the vagina for sexual pleasure, reproduction, or both. This is also known as vaginal intercourse or vaginal sex. Other forms of penetrative sexual intercourse include anal sex (penetration of the anus by the penis), oral sex (penetration of the mouth by the penis or oral penetration of the female genitalia), fingering (sexual penetration by the fingers), and...

1 year ago
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As long as Shelly could remember, their family has had a twisted little Christmas tradition that any clothes or such that you got, you had to model them to the rest of the family. At least, that is what she had told Eric. At first, when Eric was dating Shelly, the garments were mild, such as a t-shirt with snoopy dressed as Santa or a pair of red plaid polyester dress pants. However, after they got married three years ago, the 'wearable' gifts he got more crass and risqué, such as a pair of...

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The Ostler and the Lady Chapter Seven Come on Trafalgar

Heading for Doncaster race meeting, settled high on the carriage seat of the horsebox, Jack Wetherley knew he was going to have to suppress his growing excitement of what lay ahead. He flicked at the reins to urge on the two new dray horses in order to keep pace with the carriage that Alf, the chief ostler, was driving sitting alongside Nate Oliver, their valued jockey.Inside the carriage was Sir Oswald Brandling, and, surprisingly, his wife, Lady Brandling, who had missed the York race, but...


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