Friendly Traveler s Inn Room 212Chapter 8
- 2 years ago
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Emily, Lois' other roommate, didn't return until early morning. Sheila was still asleep, but Lois and Mike weren't; they were drinking coffee. "Sheila's latest beau?" Emily asked, cocking her head, her earrings clinking.
"No," Lois replied, her smile sunny, "Mine."
"You're kidding, right?" Emily asked, peeling off her black opera gloves.
"No." Mike shook his head.
"Okay, can somebody help me get out of this corset?" Emily asked. She put one of her high-top boots on a kitchen chair and started unlacing it.
"Goth, huh?" Mike looked on, amused, as Lois got up and stepped behind Emily to unlace her corset.
"It's what I do."
Mike nodded. Nobody REALLY had black hair that hung like that without help -- or looked that lily-white -- and the black lipstick and nail polish were a dead giveaway, too. She didn't look too bad under the get-up -- oh, her thighs were a little thick, maybe, but still presentable. Mike really wasn't clear why anybody wanted to look like that -- except to draw attention.
"Okay, Honey, we're getting to the free show place -- and since Lois has claimed you and I don't do matinees..." She whirled her finger. Mike got the hint and turned away. "Now, if you'll all PLEASE be quiet, I had a long night at Rocky Horror and I need my sleep..." Mike turned back when he heard her boots hit the floor in another room.
Lois grinned at him. "Did you like that get-up?"
"It catches the eye, but it's a bit dark..."
"I've worn similar -- if you like it, I can play dress-up some time," she told him, smiling lazily.
"That'd be nice."
"Why don't we head out and get something to eat?"
"Sounds good." They hit the cafeteria, because it was cheap, then headed for Mike's room, where Eddie was running around feverishly.
"Dude! There's a Fetish Fair at the Inn! They emptied the place -- all the family areas -- for the weekend and there's just WILD shit going on down there! Displays and demonstrations..." Eddie came up short at the second head that appeared around the doorframe. "Who's this?"
"This is Lois."
"Hi." Eddie flicked a glance between them. "Where did you two meet? You didn't look like you were gonna do any serious partying..."
"We met last week at the Inn, Eddie," Lois told him.
"So you're the chick with the issues?"
"What?" Lois flashed a look at Mike.
"I just told you that, Ed. Actually, I had the issues," Mike interjected. "We had a great time, but I got a little nervous behind some possible complications..."
"Well, I'm glad it's sorted out," Eddie declared, turning to Lois, "He's been down on himself for days -- I figure it was over you."
"Eddie! Shit -- just tell the world..."
"If she's the cure, she needs to know it. Worst case, she puts a ring in your nose," Eddie grinned. "Since you guys have both been to the Inn, I figure neither of you is gonna freak. It's totally cool up there! Everybody's tricked out in leather and lace -- or not a whole lot..." he leered at Lois.
Lois shrugged. "I'm game." She glanced at Mike.
"Yeah, okay..."
"I've got some stuff for you, maybe, but Lois should do something sexy, you know? Not that you aren't..."
"No, I get it -- fetish wear. I can probably borrow something from one of my girlfriends; Emily is seriously Goth."
"Em Prescott?" Eddie cocked his head. "Tell her Rusty says hi. Maybe she'll want to go..."
"She was at Rocky Horror last night, so she's bagged," Lois replied. "Do we have to dash right up there?"
"No, we can wait. It's gonna be a bitch dressing Joe Cool here..." Eddie eyed his problem child. "Mike you got black jeans, right? What size are your feet? You can't wear my jackboots, but anything is better than nothing..."
"Mike, I'll go back and alert the girls -- you guys dress out and call me. I'm going, at least -- and maybe this will get Sheila off our backs. Give me your number..." They swapped cell phone numbers and Lois headed out.
"Nice!" Eddie approved when Lois was out of earshot. "You've been in it?"
"Emily once told me that she was rooming with a TV -- must be this Sheila..."
Mike gathered himself. "No."
"No what?"
"No, it isn't Sheila."
"No?" Eddie's eyebrows went up. "Holy shit!" He dashed to the window. "Lois!" he yelled, "Look up here, Babe!"
Lois, on the sidewalk, turned to look up at Eddie, hanging out the window. "Yeah!"
"You are fucking AWESOME!"
"Okay..." She didn't know what to say...
"See ya later!"
"What the fuck?" Mike shook his head to clear it.
"Em SAID she was hot -- but I had NO IDEA!" Eddie clapped him on the back. "Very cool of you, Man!"
"So you're not freaked..."
"Man, you have no idea what I'M into!" Eddie laughed. "Besides, Em told me -- in confidence -- that her roomie wasn't a guy playing dress-up, but was a chick between the ears..." He eyed Mike. "It takes a big guy to handle that kind of shit!"
"Yeah, that's why I was dumped out, Man," Mike related. "I was too chicken about having somebody throw it up in my face. I'm not gay -- and neither is Lois. She's even got some weird chromosome thing -- she's, like, two-thirds girl, genetically..."
Eddie nodded. "Just accidentally drew a weenie. Sad. I bet she's a mess..."
"Big time. I talked her past a lot of it -- then I grew chicken feathers.," Mike sighed. "That's over, though. In general, it's nobody's business..."
"For sure! MY lips are sealed! Em just thought we might meet someday, and she didn't want me making an ass of myself..."
"Cool." They started working on wardrobe. Eddie dragged out a duffel bag of stuff Mike had never seen him with before...
When Lois got back, Sheila planted herself before her. "So that was Mr. Wonderful for sure? You aren't just gagging me after blowing him and leading him down the path?"
"Sheila! Jeezus! Are you really THAT jealous?" Lois gasped.
"Well, if he's anything close... I thought he was REAL cute!"
"He IS real cute! But yes, he was the guy from the Inn -- speaking of which, they're doing some fetish thingie..."
There was a thump and Emily's head appeared around the corner. "Fetish?"
"Yeah," Lois related. "I was going to ask you if I could borrow some stuff. It's a Fetish Fair at the Friendly Traveler's Inn."
"Really? And your boyfriend knows about it? He's something! Maybe I should get in line!"
"Actually, his roommate told us. His name is Eddie, but he said to tell you that Rusty says hi..." Lois relayed.
"Rusty? Red Dom?" Emily blinked.
"He didn't say anything about a Red Dom..."
"Serious red hair? Freckles? Kind of doughy-looking?" Emily asked.
"Uh huh."
"Rusty. Yeah, we've been the same places a few times. He's into the lifestyle. I think he's practicing before taking on a sub," Emily told Lois. "I'd do him."
"Should I tell him?"
"No, we're too much alike. Rusty doesn't look like much, but when he stops being Ricochet Rabbit and gets his mojo on, he's a force of nature. I bet he's gonna turn up looking sharp!"
"Wanna go, then?" Lois asked.
"Oh, Hell yeah!" Emily was up and running.
"Hey, what about me?" Sheila asked.
"I always planned to ask you," Lois told her.
"Yeah, right!" Lois was still in the doghouse with Sheila.
Emily's smile grew fangs. "This thing isn't for the faint of heart, Sheila. There will be girls there in next to nothing -- REALLY next to nothing! Because it's the Inn, they may be in NOTHING AT ALL, except maybe a dog collar and a leash..."
"It's fetish stuff! BDSM! That kind of thing! Oh, shit -- I'm SOO excited -- I forgot all about it!" Emily oozed.
"Well..." Sheila looked nervous.
"We're gonna be tricked out, too --aren't we, Lo?" Emily assured her. "You can go, and I'll cover you -- but you have to wear what I put you in..."
Sheila licked her lips. "Okay."
It turned out that Sheila's outfit came from Lois' wardrobe -- something she had left over from the bad old days. Lois and Emily turned out very similar -- fishnet bodysuits -- Lois in red, Emily in black -- high- heeled ankle boots, corsets in colors contrasting the bodysuits (Emily in Red, Lois in black) and black tulle petticoats. Emily wore opera gloves in black; Lois, a dog collar (spiked spectacularly) and a leash. Sheila, however, ended up in white heels, pink nylons and panties, a white corset and petticoat -- and a pink collar and leash. Emily insisted upon this last item, telling Sheila, "It will help indicate that I own you and keep the animals away -- beside, Lo is wearing one..."
"Who's gonna hold HER leash?" Sheila complained.
"Mike," Lois smiled.
The guys arrived, Mike in a black muscle shirt and a vest over black jeans and boots. Eddie was in a black T-shirt and a bow tie, leather pants with a studded belt down to knee-high boots -- all under a cape. His hair was moussed back until it looked like a flame followed him everywhere, and he carried black leather driving gloves in one hand. "Very nice, Rusty!" Emily approved. He looked very different than his everyday, eager beaver look.
"Hi, Em," Eddie nodded. "You're hot as usual..." The reserve he projected was quite different than his normal presentation, too. "Shall we go?" They all piled into Eddie's car, which was a big, four-door ride, and headed for the Inn, drawing looks from passing motorists all along the way. "Who is your pet?" Eddie asked.
"This is my roommate Sheila," Emily told him. "She's not really into this stuff, so you'll have to excuse her if she can't get into character."
Eddie merely nodded -- but Sheila found his green eyes measuring her in the mirror. "Is he always like this?" she asked Emily.
"No, usually, he's sort of like a puppy -- bouncy and loud. This is his Dom persona -- I've only seen it a couple of times."
"It's an act, then?"
"Not really -- more a mood or a mode. He's showing a side of him that he hides. He can be VERY persuasive when he's like this..." Emily grinned. Sheila nodded, but she didn't understand.
The Inn was jumping. The management was trying to cover both sides of the fence, since the police were highly visible -- but they had a track record and a good reputation. Signs outside the entrance proclaimed that this was a public event but it was for adults only -- children of guests were being handled off a side area and provided the use of some facilities in the family area -- but many normally family-reserved locations, like meeting rooms, had vendors and exhibitors. The truly adult areas were 'anything goes' as usual, and there were several demonstrations going on involving nudity of some type -- but there were signs in the public areas asking that attendees and exhibitors keep their genitals covered. Still, the management was turning a blind eye to outfits that would get the wearer arrested in most public gatherings -- and asking the police to do the same. The crowd was boisterous, but not rowdy and there were sights to be seen everywhere...
Mike and Lois had a grand time trailing Eddie, Emily, and Sheila through the aisles. Mike didn't know whether to be pleased or horrified that Lois was familiar with a vast number of the displayed items...
Sheila was flabbergasted at the whips and paddles and canes and other instruments of corporal punishment. Emily led her to a side room where a demonstration of the use of certain whips was under way -- and she cringed at every crack. Eddie watched her, obviously amused. "I have a feeling that you can be brought into line pretty quickly!"
"Nobody's doing that to me!" Sheila insisted -- but it was false bravado, and everyone knew it.
Emily caught on and took to teasing her by going to displays of ball gags and enema bags and other implements of torture and discipline and holding them up and eyeing her meaningfully and saying, "What do you think of this?" Lois played up, giggling, even demonstrating some items, saying things like, "This would light up your life!" swatting a palm with a strap, or, "You'd be real quiet during TV wearing this!" holding a gag.
"Why are you guys razzing me?" Sheila whined.
"Because you show all of the classic signs of being a submissive," Eddie told her. "You fear everything, and can't even imagine what some of these things might do to you -- but I bet your panties are wet..."
"They are not!" Sheila denied hotly -- but they were...
"There's a flogging demonstration in the Monaco Room in five minutes!" came over the speakers.
"Let's look in on that!" Emily cried.
"Good idea!" Eddie nodded.
"Cool!" Lois agreed. Mike nodded grinning.
Sheila didn't get a vote -- Emily merely tugged her leash and glared at her if she balked.
They managed to get a front row SRO location. A Dom in leather had a woman -- somewhat heavy, and probably forty -- chained up by the ankles and the wrists, her arms and legs spread -- and in the case of her legs, locked apart by a bar. "The flogger produces a wide-area impact that can be heavy -- what we call thuddy -- or stinging, largely due to the thickness, heaviness, and softness of the tails. Strike weight also changes the nature of the impact; a thuddy flogger can deliver a sting -- but the power required can make the impact devastating, as the throw weight magnified by the speed required would be impressive..."
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The next morning, Ed avoided Lou -- visibly -- on three separate occasions. Mike wasn't as visible -- in fact, he wasn't visible at all. Finally, Ed approached Lou at his otherwise empty lunch table and said humbly, "I'm sorry, Lou. I don't know... Mike... The gay stuff... The things he said... I thought..." Ed ground to a halt like a freight train whose engine had shut down, unable to explain what had happened the night before. Later -- not much later, by some time scales -- Lou more...
It was every bit as godawful as Lois expected -- and then it wasn't. Mike made her parade around the room in a bra and panties, then put clothespins on her nipples -- to make them puff up, he said. He put on a bunch of gay porn and abused them both verbally while he jerked off. He made Lois get down and suck Ed's cock -- and that backfired; Lois didn't mind sucking Ed's cock. Oh, she wouldn't have done it under other circumstances, naturally, but given the situation, the mindset from the...
Lois and Mike had drifted to a stop, mesmerized by the action on the screen; the departure of the players brought them back to themselves and what they were doing. Mike slowly resumed moving, discovering that Lois had tightened up considerably. "Um, Lois?" "Yes?" Lois turned her head to look at him -- was he done? Had the exit of their source of external stimulation made him realize what he was doing? "Can you, umm, turn over? I don't know if it'll work for you that way, but it's a...
The next week, they started the new routine -- Tuesday and Thursday, they would have an abbreviated practice in which Lou would participate, then he would go off with one of the girls, don a bra and panties and sneakers and a pink sweatsuit and return when the sports teams had cleared out and the team would do their competition practice with Lois present. It would have been nice to be able to do things only one way, but while virtually no one went to cheerleading competitions, the teams and...
Roland watched a woman who his earlier perusal of the Hosting database told him was Pam 887 mince past on her way to the elevator, carrying an overnight bag, and grinned. Apparently Alan 136 was shooting for double occupancy... Why he'd want to screw the librarian type wasn't clear, though - the dude looked fairly prosperous to Roland. There was a knock, and Alan spied a familiar form through the peep. Opening the door, he gathered Pamela in and queried, "How was your day,...
Chapter 1 My name is Peter Edwardes and this is the story of an amazing weekend I had in Tokyo. I had been working in Tokyo then for about five years. I had come over to see an Exhibition and just stayed on, originally working as a language teacher but in the last couple of years I had set up a small business, mainly in the name of a local colleague named Showie. Well actually Shoichi Hadazo but Showie is what everyone calls him. I had started the part-time importing of foodstuffs for...
Steve and Isabel started the day with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Their first guests would be arriving at Cum On Inn. It was just a few months ago that they had decided to turn their traditional bed and breakfast into a sex-themed inn. Isabel would be part of the package offering the wife of the couple her first bi-sexual experience as well as her first anal experience. Isabel dressed with great thought. She wanted to be sexy and appealing to their guests, but at the same time put...
My husband had made contact with a guy, I am never quite sure how he finds some of them, this male is apparently almost local to us, and at my age, it tends to make me a little jumpy that my neighbours or indeed family members might just find out how much of a slut I am. So, I don’t really like to source and fuck local cocks, but my husband has assured me this person will be okay, he just wants to fuck a mature woman, and as you will read, I do love to fuck and suck. My brothers would be very...
"Welcome to Chamber's Inn, ma'am," the waitress's voice said. 'My breasts are both large and firm, ' her face said, 'not droopy like yours.' "The last table was just taken, it will be a few minutes wait for the next one," her voice said. 'My face is this smooth when I wash it; even your creams and powders can't hide your wrinkles, ' her smile said. "Would you like to wait in the bar?" her voice asked. 'I'm sexy, and pretty, and young, ' her eyes said. 'You're old.' "I...
"The High Desert Inn, Air-conditioned" proclaimed the neon sign. The motel was in the old style that was new in the 50's and 60's, but now looked like a relic of a past age. An L shaped row of one story motel rooms is flanked by an office on one end of the L by the street. Inside the L was a parking lot and a fenced area with a swimming pool and a slide. A smaller sign below the big one said "Rooms from $35, HBO, ESPN". Luckily the motel was clean and well kept. Amy's family didn't have...
As the new day dawned, John was just finishing his breakfast, having served his guests first. As he loaded the dishwasher, he saw Lisa, Tom, and Andrew out in the yard, starting the loading process. Sarah, Tina, and Connie soon joined them, while Matthew helped John finish the final cleanup. That task accomplished, everyone made a final visit to the bathrooms, and they 'mounted up' for the first stage of their journey. Before climbing into the 'shotgun' seat next to John, Matthew walked...
It was Tuesday of the next week. Melissa closed out her cash drawer and went to see Olivia, her manager. Olivia looked up, "What is it?" "The ATM is short $100. It's just registering a probability, but I know," Melissa told her. "Jerry filled it." "Did you ask Jerry?" "No. I wanted you to know, first." "Okay." Olivia nodded. "Now go ask him." Melissa didn't stand on ceremony; she went back to the teller area and straight to Jerry, "The ATM is short $100." Jerry nodded....
So everything was going so well with my training till I hit a wall! Simon wanted me to become a human commode for him but I was having trouble with the number one for some reason it was turning my stomach and I would throw up not very sexy right then I would have to clean a flood of yellow from the floor and by that time the mood was broken number two I had no trouble with though you'd think I would have I would just open wide and just let it slide down my throat sometimes I had to suck it out...
Our date had gone well I had a wonderful time with Simon he wined me and dined me told the most wonderfully entertaining stories he had me laughing all evening so why was he now brutally ass fucking me? After our date he brought me to the door and kissed me oh yes I had wanted him to kiss me very much plus I was kind of horny from the wine and it felt so nice that I grabbed his cock through his pants then his tongue got busy in my mouth and all thoughts of no sex on the first date vanished I...
Hi everyone this is madhu I’m big fan of iss this is my first story about myself age 23 years height 5.8 good looking with perfect body & m frm tirupati. If any comments please mail to Let’s come to story Heroine of the story is my pinni(moms cousin)fair ga vuntundi height 5.6 shapes 38 34 40 ee story nenu engineering lo vunapudu jarigindhi. Naku ma pinni pina elanti bad feelings levu aroju varaku nenu inter lo vunapudu babai pinni vala one year daughter(baggie) tesukoni ma home ki vacharu...
Hi na peru , Nenu ma pinni ni denganu. Ipudu e visayam share chesukundam ani anukuntunna. Ma pinni chudadaniki chala andam ga untundi, manchi shape lu slim ga untadi, kallu chala sexy ga untayi, mamuluga chusina korikatho chusinattu anipistu untundi, naku 12th class complete ayina tharvatha nundi sex korikalu chala perigipoyayi, aunty lu evaraina chuste valla sallu, nadumu vaipe chusevadini. Na 12th class ayipoina tharvatha summer lo ma babi ki pelli ayindi, apude kothaga ma family lo cherindi...
This is my real sex story. For the next three days as my babai was in the home, we didn’t have any chance to fuck. After three days, he again went to Maharashtra. I went to drop my babai at the railway station. When I came back, I was surprised to see a busty woman of my aunt’s age is sitting next to her on the sofa. Her name is Shweta. She is good looking, very busty, same height as of my aunt, but her sizes are 38d 32 40. She asked me about my studies and then asked “how was your session with...
Hi guys I’m back with new story ,ma pinni tho Naa stories Finally with my aunt suma Mom and me enjoying in pub Homely mom in the park After my last stories I got a very good response from readers, hope you give good remarks for this story, this happened between me and my pinni Koncham long story I stay in hyd, aunties or girls can get in touch with me in hangouts or you can feel free to mail me @ Na peeru kumar naaku ma pinni ante chaala istam , naaku thanaki 9years differnce untaadi ,...
Na peru suryakanth vayasu 19 degree chaduvuthunnanu. Nenu vizag lo maa babai gari daggara undi chaduvuthunnanu. Maa pinni peru madhavi ( peru change chesanu) chala baaguntundi. Heroin soundarya laga bodduga untundi. Maa vansham lo nene chaduvulllo first vachchevadini kabatti andariki nenu ante chala istam. Andaru naatho chala close ga unde vallu. Maa pinni kuda naatho chala close ga move ayyedi. Maa babai pinni ki oka babu 5 years. Maa babai marketing business chesevadu. Month lo chala rojulu...
Joanie moaned and closed her stance, rubbing her cum-slick thighs together. “That’s the second-best part of a guy coming inside of me, I think; the way it feels when it drips out and down my legs, all warm and gooey and sensual.”I laughed. “Well, if sex isn’t slippery and messy you’re probably doing it wrong. Fortunately, that meshes well with your dirty, slutty side that I so admire.”The elevator was gradually creeping toward the ground floor, where we waited. We probably should have just...
Wife LoversIt was the perfect half-way point on our semi-annual journey from Colorado Springs to Madison, Wisconsin, so we always spent a night there traveling each direction, thus two nights on our July trip and then again in December. The Black Stallion Inn is not its real name, of course, just what we dubbed it after what began a couple years back. In reality, it’s a simple but well-maintained Motel 6 in rural Nebraska; truth in advertising laws being what they are, it should have at least been called...
Wife LoversThere are many roadside hotels and motels around. Most of these places are home to uncomfortable beds, bad coffee, and edible hot breakfasts. Come Inn is an exception. There is a strange energy here, something initially undetectable. It takes little time to take effect on any who enter the building. Few stay for long, but none forget their time here. You will soon find yourself the latest guest.
You are a student of Paranormal Studies from Feng-Hwang University. You've been sent to Treble Town to research events reported around a cave system south of town. Your train has arrived uneventfully. Your luggage is loaded into a cab that will take you to Treble Tavern, a quaint establishment that the department is luckily flipping the bill for. The cabby is a grumpy old man that will neither look at you nor talk to you. He simply parks in front of the inn, and barks out the fare. You pay...
It was a very hott day , from some sexxy dressed girls in the city i was became horny and horny ! I had rent i pornfilm and at a scene was a gurl , very sexxy bombshell , blond and big breasts .She was surrounded by hansome guys all naked and they were lickin her vagina , sucking tits and her lips and she sucks them. At that moment i was still jerking bu instead i dont want, my bowe taled with tha gurl dy was still gooing on and horny. At a certain moment , when tha blonde bombshell topping a...