Mercenaries 1
- 2 years ago
- 17
- 0
Donald and the others finished training for the day. It had been an exhausting and tiring, but a somewhat satisfying day. The men had worked well and were coming on. Donald had them working in their squads, one squad against another. They had finally figured out that by working together they could defend against a much larger group. Peter had been working with Nathaniel in the office.
“That lad of yours is a little genius. He has a real head for figures. I’d like him to work with me on the books,” Nathaniel told Paul as they packed up for the night.
“I’m sure he’d love that. Farming is all right, but it can be a hard life. If he can better himself then it’s all to the good.”
Nathaniel turned to Donald. “Those shields work well. They seem much better than any I’ve seen before.”
“They are, they are not cheap, however. I told you that good equipment costs, the best costs even more. These are the best I’ve ever come across. There is a family that would like transportation to Bridgeport. I have agreed they may accompany us. These shields are to pay for their passage. It is a very generous donation.”
“Yes, very generous indeed. How much were they going to charge for them?”
“His opening price was a gold crown each. I think I could have had them for half that. This is how much I think they are worth. They really are works of the shield maker’s art.”
“Yes, but that shield of yours, well, it’s fit for a king!”
“Yes, it is, isn’t it? I guess we all have some vanity in us, somewhere. When he brought it out, I just had to have it.”
“I can believe that.”
They formed up in the now usual way, the men with their shields on the outside, the women within and made their way home. As they approached the house, they saw some men waiting for them. Donald loosened his sword in it’s scabbard. He tightened his grip on his shield.
“Okay, let’s see what they want; but if necessary, be prepared to form a shield-wall.”
Samuel watched as they marched in tight formation towards him. He recognised Donald. He would have recognised him anywhere. He felt a strange sense of pride in the way they kept in formation, in how they protected each other from attack from any direction. It was just as he had taught Donald, all those years ago. Donald looked at the man awaiting him. He recognised him at once. He wanted to run up to him and embrace the man who he looked upon almost as a second father, the man who had taught him so much, who had done so much to keep him alive during those early years.
“You’re looking good. I hear you’ve just got married.”
“Yes, I have. How about yourself? How has the world been treating you?”
“Very well. Married with two children.”
“Are we hear to talk or fight? Let me tell you now it would hurt me to have to kill you and your men, but, if I have to, then so be it.”
“I feel the same. I just want to know about the Lady Isabella. Is she safe and well? Also what happened last night at the White Swan?”
“I am safe and quite well. I am also tired, hungry and in need of a bath. Could we please continue this discussion inside?”
Samuel looked with astonishment at the woman speaking. She stood in the middle of their group, but where as the rest were being protected, she was armed with a bow, already knocked, to give covering fire if needed. Donald was watching all around as he always did. Suddenly, he saw a movement. It was an archer.
The shields came up in an instant as arrows rained in. The arrows struck the shields. Samuel had turned when Donald shouted. It saved his life. An arrow hit him in the shoulder. Two of his men were also hit, one in the leg and the other in the arm. Ten men then charged out from hiding. Isabella shot one of the men as he ran towards them. He screamed and collapsed holding his belly.
“Forward six! Defend the wounded!” Donald shouted
They moved forward six paces, placing the shield-wall between their attackers and the fallen town guard. Donald grabbed the uninjured man, and threw him to the rear. The wall stretched across the street. They all crouched down behind their shields. Isabella managed another shot. She was rewarded by hearing another scream. Donald smiled, the adrenalin was up and running. This was what he lived for, this was when he felt so alive. He waited until their attackers were almost on top of them.
“Now, thrust!”
The spears were thrust forward. More screams as men were impaled. He watched the man in front of him slowly slide to the ground. He pulled the spear from the man. He looked up and down the line. Four more men lay on the ground. The others seeing that the attack had failed, turned to run away. Isabella got another one as he fled.
“Get the wounded inside. I’ll check these to see if any live. If they do I’ll find out who they are, who they work for, and what the fuck is going on!”
“Get my wife. Send Rupert to get my wife. She’s a healer. Get her now and the children,” Samuel gasped.
Rupert who was the only one of the guard not wounded, immediately ran off in the direction of Samuel’s house.
“All right, my friend. We have you now. Let’s get you inside.”
The wounded were brought in. They undressed them as best they could. Donald went to check on the wounded attackers. He saw Alan approach one.
“Alan! Get back!”
As Alan jumped back, the man lunged at him, dagger in hand. He missed. The man groaned with the effort and pain.
“Thanks for that, how did you know?”
“Seen it too many times. Look, get your shield. I’ll show you how to approach a wounded man.”
Donald held his shield, keeping his shield between him and the wounded man.
“Right then, are you going to try any more of your tricks?”
“Fuck off, you bastard.”
Donald pushed his spear into the man’s wound. He screamed. The blood flowing even more freely from his wound.
“That looks bad, bet it hurts. Now I’m going to ask some questions. Answer them, and I’ll give you mercy. Don’t answer them, and I’ll make sure your last minutes are filled with torment. Your choice.”
“Fuck off! I’ll tell you nothing” he gasped, the pain even stronger.
“Very well, you had your chance.”
Donald picked up the man’s fallen dagger and jammed it into the man’s leg. He screamed and wept with the pain.
“Don’t want you wandering off, now do we? Let’s go and see I any of the others want to talk.”
They moved to the next man. He had been hit in the leg by one of Isabella’s arrows. He was trying to crawl away. Again, Donald approached him, keeping the shield between them.
“I’d stop if I were you. I want a word.”
The man continued to move. Donald shook his head and brought his spear down, pointing it at his face. He shook his head.
“Who sent you?”
“I can’t. They’ll kill me!”
Donald laughed “And what exactly do you think I’ll do after you tried to kill me, my wife, and my friends? I’m going to count to five. If you don’t tell me what I want to know, I’m going to start sticking you with my spear. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.”
The man lay there shaking his head. Donald stood and rammed his spear through the man’s hand. He screamed.
“Please, please. Have mercy, they’ll kill me!”
“Who will?”
“Roderick. He paid Garth, our leader. If I say more they’ll kill me.”
“I wouldn’t worry about them, if I were you. Unless you tell me everything, right now, I’m going to geld you, and you can bleed to death right here in the street. You tried to kill my wife. Do not expect any mercy from me.”
“No, we were to capture her. Kill you, yes, but capture her ... and any other women and boys. Roderick particularly asked for the boys.”
“Well, that’s a start. Now then, why did they want you to capture my wife, the other women and the boys?”
“I don’t know. They do say that Roderick has a liking for young boys. He uses them as a man would use a woman. He likes to hear them scream and plead. He is one sick fucker.”
Donald could feel his anger rise as he snarled, “And knowing this, you would willingly deliver these children into his clutches? Are you completely without honour?”
“I don’t know for certain. It’s only what I’ve heard.”
“Well, let’s go inside and ask someone who might know, shall we?”
They picked the man up and took him inside.
“Keep him here. We need to check on the rest of the wounded.”
Donald picked up his bow. Alan accompanied him. Donald approached the next wounded man. He drew his bow and shot him from a distance. He rolled him over.
“See, another one with a knife in his hand. He’s knows he’s finished but wants to take one more with him. If they try to move, and show they have no weapons, then I might help them. When they lie doggo like that, then I shoot them before I approach them. I don’t take any chances.”
They repeated the process with the remaining attackers. They searched their bodies for anything useful, other than that left them lying in the street for the dogs and other scavengers. They brought what was useful back in. One had a good pair of boots, another an adequate sword. They all had purses full of coin. Donald went back out to the first man he had questioned. He was still lying in the street. He looked up at Donald.
“Mercy, please mercy, I beg of you.”
“I told you that if didn’t answer me, your last minutes would be filled with pain and anguish. You and your fellows wished to rape our women and children. This is what I do to rapists.”
He rammed the spear into the man’s genitals. The man’s eyes went wide. The pain was so great he could not even scream, all he could do was gasp.
“You’ll bleed out in a few minutes. It’s a shame for you that you are so strong, most would have passed out before now. I promised you your last minutes would be filled with pain and anguish. I am a man of my word.”
Donald could hear the man whimpering as his life-blood flowed out onto the street. He returned to the house.
Isabella was waiting for him. She threw her arms around him.
“Oh, my darling. I was so scared. Why did those men attack us and who are these other men?”
“First we are going to question the one I brought in here. The other men are the town guard come to talk to us. One of them is an old friend. I want to hear what he has to say, before I decide what to do with him.”
They went into the kitchen where the men were sitting. Miriam was cleaning their wounds.
“I got the shaft out, but the head is still in. He said not to touch it until his wife got here. We managed to get the other arrows out. I’ve cleaned the wounds as best I can.”
“Okay, thanks.”
“Hello, Samuel. It’s good to see you again, but it’s not how I’d have wished it. What’s all this about?”
“That’s what I came here to ask you. I had a report that someone was holding the Lady Isabella hostage. There is also the question of four men killed at the White Swan last night.”
“As you can see Lady Isabella’s no hostage.” She stood next to him, her arm holding him tightly. He looked down at her, she had turned pale, she was starting to shake.
“Sit down. Miriam, hot sweet tea and a bucket. Now!”
Donald sat her down. He pushed her head between her knees. Miriam brought a bucket over, just in time. Isabella was violently sick.
“First time?” Samuel asked
“Yes. I had the same reaction, remember?”
“Yes, and you’d pissed yourself. But you stayed in formation. You held the line.”
“He was a big bastard. I thought I was dead. I remembered what you had told me. I waited ‘till he raised his sword to strike, and then stuck him with the spear. I still remember the look on his face, can still hear his scream, still remember the smell. It never leaves you, does it?”
“No. No, it doesn’t,” said Samuel shaking his head.
The tea was brought, Isabella drank slowly.
“So what about those four men last night?”
Donald sat next to Isabella, holding her as she recovered.
“Oh, that was easy. I heard they were looking for us, and offering a reward for information. I went there to tell them to leave. They chose to attack me, instead. Their mistake. One of them was a skilled swordsman, a true professional. I had them call an undertaker to take care of the body. He was a messenger for the Baron. He had some papers on him. I’ll ask the Bishop to read them to you.”
“The Bishop?”
“Yes, the Bishop Rathbone is one of our party. Either he, Carlos or Isabella can read them to you. They tell an interesting story. We’ll be leaving at the end of the week. If we don’t I’m afraid the body count will rise dramatically.”
“Why, what’s going on?”
“Well, it’s the fact that the Earl is not really in charge any more. It’s a man called Ebenezeer. He has made a deal with the Baron to carve up Lord Blackmore’s land between them. He is in league with Lady Blackmore. Ebeneezer’s taken a liking to Isabella and wants her as his slave. If we stay much longer, there will be a few less rulers, or one less ex-mercenary. Things could get very messy. Just one thing, do you know a man called Roderick?”
“Well, we did wonder. Things have been changing just lately, nothing you could put your finger on, just a feeling. We’ve been around long enough to sense these things. In answer to your question, yes, I do know a man called Roderick. He’s the leader of the town council, why?”
“Did you know he likes young boys?”
“WHAT!! No, I did not! Who told you this? Does he have proof? If it’s true I’ll geld the bastard!”
Donald looked over to the man they had taken prisoner. “Well? You better tell Samuel what you told me.”
The man swallowed. He had heard what was said. He knew that his life hung by a thread.
“We were told to capture the women and any young boys. Garth told us that Roderick had especially asked for them. Told us that he liked to use them like a woman. He loved to hear them scream and beg. He’s a sick bastard he is. The Lady Isabella was to be given to Ebenezeer, and we could do what we wished with the rest.”
Donald sighed and said, “This is my wedding night! I was hoping to spend it with my bride! It looks like another late night. Where does this joker live?”
“No, that’s not how to handle it. That would simply make you an outlaw. Let me handle this. My wife will be here soon. I will ask that you and your companions take her and my children in. Once this is over, I don’t think this will be a safe place for them. Exposing their plans will throw them into confusion. It will either force them to act before they are ready, or give up completely. I don’t think people like those will give up easily.”
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Boys and girls, fasten your seatbelts, because I'm going to take you on a wild ride through my life. I'm Liz or Elizabeth, whichever you prefer. I prefer Liz, because Elizabeth just sounds too strict. But anyways, let's get back to what I wanted to tell you. I'm a college student, twenty years of age, and I will tell you about my crazy life. I'm a lesbian, but only technically, I guess. Maybe I'm bisexual, since I'm not turned off by guys, but I have always fancied girls more. There's just...
College SexMai Na Tin, I fucking hate her, No matter how well I do in any of the ski jump competitions she is always better than me and takes the trophy right out of my hands. I am always second best to her and she rubs it in whenever she can. That’s what really got under my skin. She was better and we both knew it. So why does she do this to me? She can’t even simply not show up and let me take a trophy home. I have a room full of silver medals and trophy’s that say second place. She has been taking...
Larissa laughed boisterously, egging me on to ‘show my stuff.’ But I have never been an exhibitionist and always considered my body sanctified. Larissa however was clad only in her matching white bra and panties. Her plump, pink, puffy areolas were now clearly visible through the material. It had become transparent from the water sprayed on her by the staff of Cancun’s hottest night-spot, ‘Bare Your Soul’. We stood on stage accepting the hoots of applause from hundreds of horny college...
my precum bubbled up, i stopped the fondle. i felt my asshole tightened as i fought to hold my orgasm back. I succeeded, the urge passed, only a small amount of actual sperm actually made it to the top of my dick. my hands and arms were tensed, it was all i could do not to touch my long dick, not to squeeze it. one touch and my pre work of morning edging would be over. i waited, waited as the immediate need subsided. my cock, untouched began to soften. i let it, i let it fall over and lay...
I’m 50 years old and needless to say I’ve jacked off for at nearly 40 years. I’ve jacked off watching porn of all kinds, masturbated thinking about friends, relatives, co-workers and everyone else. My wife and I masturbate in front of each other and that’s a lot of fun too. When I have a new masturbation person to fantasize about , I usually try to obtain their picture, then I have a tendency to jerk off thinking about or looking at the picture daily and sometimes two or three times a day. ...
I moved over by Jimmy and started stroking his thicker cock. It was hard. I looked him straight in the eye and asked, " do you mind"? He said no, he didn't. I felt the desire to suck some more cock and get me some cum. I stroked him, watching my hand go up and down his cock thinking how beautiful it was. I licked my lips, wanting more. I lowered my head to his cock, ran my tongue around the head, eating the salty leftover cum. I looked over at the other's and Ian had Megan...
Du bist ein Student der mit seinen Eltern nach Griechenland für eine Woche verreist, da deine Eltern die Reise bezahlen sagst du natürlich nicht nein. Ihr habt zwei Zimmer gebucht, eins für deine Eltern und eins für dich alleine. Doch bei der Ankunft im Hotel wartet eine Böse Überraschung auf euch. Beim Buchen ist dem Hotel ein Fehler unterlaufen, dein zimmer wurde doppelt gebucht. Da die Rezeption keine weiteren Zimmer mehr frei hat bietet sie euch an die kosten zu übernehmen wenn du dir das...
There's always been things that I kick myself for in the past, everyone does it. Whether it's a missed opportunity or just a different path you could have taken you life, I can't help but wonder if it would have made my life better or worse. Truthfully, I'm an 18 year old guy about to start university, so I haven't got many experiences compared to some but I like to think the ones I have had are pretty exciting and hopefully you'll think so too... not to mention I can just add some extra...
TeenLinda was twenty two and just got out of secretarial school when she was hired by a small private firm. Her boss Mr. Jones was about sixty two and handsome and young looking for his age. He made her his private secretary and the pay was great as he told her she would have to work hard and sometimes overtime. She was there two weeks when he called her to his office and told her to lock the door. Linda thought that was strange but he was the boss and she loved her job a lot. He was behind his...
You don't know how you got here. One minute you were in your bed getting ready to sleep after a vigorous jerk off season of watching hot guys fuck & suck on the internet. You closed your eyes quickly entering a deep sleep and the next thing you knew you were here. Not that you knew where here was. Everything was pitch black. So dark in fact that you couldn't even tell if your eyes were open or not. You couldn't even see your own body. As you were adjusting to your new surroundings, a sudden...
GayA few weeks ago a received an email titled “Thank you” from someone named Anitha. Not knowing anyone with that name I thought it was the usual spam that my email filter wasn’t able to catch. But rather than deleting it I decided the check it out since it did not have the tell-tale attachment symbol. It turned out the email was not spam and had the following content. “Hi there, You don’t know me but I wanted to write an email of thanks to you for writing an extremely erotic story that I enjoyed...
Hi folks, this is my first contribution to this site; until now I have enjoyed all the stories here and finally thought of sharing my experiences as well :-). This happened about 4 yrs ago when I was in Singapore on a 4 month company work. It was a three bed-room apartment which I shared with two other chinese colleagues. I was working for a software company and we each had a bed-room to ourselves. The twist in the tale comes now. Our company appointed a female house-help – who would cook and...
When Cornelia arrived back at the house she got a nod from her husband. She felt somewhat better about what had happened. Her husband had found something which made her dalliance, despite the fact her husband had condoned it, had been done for a good reason. "How was your ride dear? It seemed to be warmer than usual today." "It wasn't quite what we expected Stephen. It was a hot and sweaty ride. So after we got to the top we walked down the path. There was a wonderful pool of water...
On Saturday morning Laura joined Ada for tennis, or a tennis lesson, as promised. Ada had a town house in Walnut Creek, where the weather and population density made Saturday morning tennis a more agreeable prospect, and Laura drove out to her place. She was agreeably surprised, trying hard to suppress her excitement, when Ada met her at the door wearing a white tennis outfit styled like the ones Venus Williams wore. It was cut out at the sides in wide scoops, leaving her lower back...
My name's Daniel, I'm 22 years old and been working at the office for the past 6 months. The boss was a bit of a slave driver but it all paid off with a party all laid on by him. I'm 5'8, dark haired, blue eyed and average build. Alex had been working at the place for the last 5 years. He was early 30's and blond haired, blue eyes.After the Christmas Party, they ended up having sex at Dan's home... they kept it their little secretDan was sat at his computer working through the paperwork when...
This the story of my first time (although the names have been changed)He was an arrogant egotistical male but she loved him, she would argue probably more than life itself and although she fully believed he just saw their relationship as a close friendship every part of her yearned for more. When she closed her eyes she could imagine the feeling of his lips upon hers, his hands exploring her body...desiring her as much as she desired him.It came together in a happy coincidence....her; Bethan...
First TimeIn 1992 Tom, my then boy friend, and I went to San Francisco on vacation and while there we visited an art museum showing Escher pictures which we both liked very much. We got there and the whole place was practically empty. We wondered around looking at the paintings and then came to a small room that was off the main gallery. There was a security man in the main room, but I think he was almost asleep. We were both footsore, so we sat down on a couch in this small room and talked...
James William Casey did not know what happened. All he knew was that he went to bed one night with his wife in the two storey suburban home and woke up in Point Place Mercy General hospital's intermediate care ward. The machines beeped and their sensors felt strange on James' now enlarged and bulbous chest. Carolynne, James' wife stood in the room and looked at him. She clutched at the wad of Kleenex in her hand and listened as the dr. whispered to her. When he stopped talking,...
My name is Arun and I am 30 years old. I live in an Indian city and work as a Sales Manager in a multinational firm. My wife’s name is Shilpa and she is 26. We have been married for about two years. She used to work in the same company as me as a receptionist when we fell in love, dated for a while and got married. Shilpa was and is exquisitely beautiful, with a flawless complexion, perfectly featured face and a body that looks like it has been sculpted using an hourglass template. She is slim,...
Hi All i am a great fan of ISS and would like to share with you all a incident between me and my close friend. Well to tell you all about me i am average built 5’11” tall working in one of the leading MNC. To tell about my friend she is short and stout with big round boobs and nice ass. This happened a few years ago. We were studing in the same class and would study together. One day we had been to the net to collect some info about the project we were supposed to do. As it was a closed cabin...
My name is Noor Shah, from Delhi. I am going to tell you how I became the most sought after girl through the arrangements made by Sameer. Sameer had fucked my pussy and ass the first time when I was 18 years old. Sameer is my cousin also. He was 27 years old at that time. I am now 18 years old and when this happened just few months back in July 2013. I am 5'4" and my stats are 34 29 36, wheatish complexion. Sameer had managed to get business contracts for the supplies of raw materials to an...
InterracialUntil a year ago I would never have dream't that I could ever be cuckolded; let alone actually hiring the Bull for my wife. As a young man I had many lovers; all ages, sizes and classes then I met my wife to be in 1997 and fell madly in love. I was 32 and she 24 at the time; and when we had sex sparks would literally fly. We did absolutely everything two people could do and twice; on holiday indulged in MMF threesomes; much to both of our delight.Then, without boring you with the details I had...
Though I identify as straight, and have been married over 20 years, I've had a curiosity about engaging in oral sex with another man since I was in my teens. The urge to satisfy that curiosity has ranged from a mild, easily ignored buzz in the back of my mind, to an almost obsessive desire, but I never became motivated to actually try anything. Well, that's not entirely true. When I was 17, I did talk an older friend, who was bisexual, into having a go at it. It was nervous, adolescent...
A shock wave passed through the Situation Room. Although none of them had been optimistic about their chances of surviving the explosion and fire at the Capitol, the finality of Kathleen Lehrer's announcement shook them. Ted Reynolds from the State Department broke the silence. "Is there any word about the President, President Pro Tempore or any of the other Cabinet members?" "No," replied the Secretary of Education, "Still no word yet. So far the death toll is over 200. Several...
"Ah Mr and Mrs Jameson. I'm Drss. Dragonmage, but my friends call me Misty." "Hi I'm Don and this is my good wife Melinda." The handshakes were firm and purposeful. "Please take a seat, while I explain the procedure to you." She waved towards two chairs across her desk. "Would you like a coffee before we start?" "I'm too excited for coffee I'm afraid." Melinda giggled. Drss.Dragonmage smiled. "That's perfectly natural, after all it is your first time. Now as you...
Our first time. People say that you never forget your first time. That’s true in our case. We both came from previous relationships and were way past the midpoint of our lives so it obviously was not the “first” time for either of us but our “first” was nevertheless very special. You invited me over for a swim. You knew that I enjoyed skinny-dipping but you had never tried it yourself. It was late at night and all the lights were out. We were only using the stars as our guide. We both...
Hello everyone, i am Jas from punjab again back with real story of my sex encounter with my best friend’s girlfriend. Let me describe about my friend’s girlfriend prabhjot. She is in her early twenties and was in relationship with my friend from last 3 years. We were introduced to each other by my friend. Then slowly we became good friends and we almost share everything. Daily we chat on phone for hours. After few months she told me about her relationship that is going through a bad phase. I...