AssassinChapter 27 free porn video

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I ushered Hailey in before me; mere politeness rather than an attempt to use her as cannon fodder.

"I'm back and I've got Hailey with me."

My call saw two girls hurry out and Hailey was embraced enthusiastically while she tried to ask if Rosalee was okay. As Rosalee responded I asked Anna if Ma had briefed Doug at all yet.

"Dad's caught up with a plumbing problem at one of the stores and won't be home for a while. I don't know if that is good or bad. He'd be helpful with Rosalee's problem but if he hears the rest he might not be interested."

I had to trust Anna knew her father best; well at least after Ma.

"Brent's home though so you might watch it over dinner. Ma is discrete; Brent is likely to tell all his drinking buddies first chance."

"So I'm back to just being your boyfriend?"

Hailey and Rosalee looked at the pair of us with some sorrow or envy in their eyes.

"My disgraced boyfriend, until Brent goes out or upstairs and then you can be our disgraced boyfriend again."

"How about the sleepover? Your mother said anything about that being okay?"

Anna looked at me as if I was a stranger then realised I was teasing and thumped me. "You had me thinking you were serious!"

"Let's see Ma. I've got some news and it's easier to tell it once."

"Hello Hailey. Welcome to my nightmare."

"Hello Mrs. Jamieson. Is it really that bad?"

"No, but it is complicated and involves strongly held beliefs and short tempers and even some careless decisions."

I added to Ma's litany. "It also involves a pile of clothes on a front lawn. Sorry love, I really think your father expects a whole lot of grovelling from you at the very least. Is it likely he's just trying to make a point and will let you go back?"

If he was going to hurt Rosalee I didn't want her to go back. I could speak with him, warn him of the consequences of stepping the least bit out of line himself but I knew he wouldn't take any notice of me, both due to my age and to the fact that I was the offending party in his (quite justifiable) view.

I had no quarrel with him being angry at me for making love to his daughter. It would be hypocritical of me to allow Doug his righteous anger and then condemn Mr. Lafayette.

But taking it out on his daughter was a different matter. Had Doug been violent towards Anna, I wouldn't have stood idle or merely tried to ward his blows. Instead it would have been a quick rabbit punch to his kidney that would have doubled him over in relatively harmless pain. Mr. Lafayette needed someone he would listen to; someone with the authority to make him realise violence would only breed more problems.

Of course, Rosalee was worried that people would steal all her clothes.

"Love, look at the area you live in. People give their clothes to the charity and recycle stores; they don't shop there. Your clothes are going to be safe. We'll pick them up in a while."

I really would prefer Doug to be the face of outraged support for Mr. Lafayette's daughter. It was discretion rather than cowardice since my own appearance would only inflame the situation.

"But where am I going to go?"

"We'll organise something. If necessary there is the motel."

Now I was giving Ma information she didn't need to have. Had she picked up "the" rather than "a"?

"We've got a guest room free. Rosalee could stay with us, couldn't she Ma?"

"Let's see if we can't smooth things over with her family first. That would be best."

Even Rosalee agreed with that though she appeared to be as doubtful of it happening as I.

To avoid the issue for a little longer Ma began to serve dinner. "Have you eaten Hailey?"

"No. Mom has got mine at home."

"Well you may as well have a bite here with us. Doug is going to get something for himself so there is plenty."

"Thank you." Hailey would deal with a second meal later; it would be easier not being the only one not eating.

If Brent was surprised at guests on a Monday night, he said nothing. I guess with a couple of attractive girls to look at he had no reason to object. Matters were a little strained though as the topics we wished to discuss were not for Brent's ears and, so, much of the conversation dwelt on what he was doing.

At least the food was delicious though Rosalee's appetite suffered from her expulsion and she had to leave half her plate untouched.

Brent went upstairs when he had finished and we cleared up and moved into the Family Room. I let Hailey share the lounge with Rosalee between her and Anna and watched as Ma considered how the three girls had so resembled Anna, Rosalee and myself earlier.

She turned the TV on as background noise so Brent would have trouble overhearing us.

"When I heard what the four of you had been up to I was amazed and then I thought it wasn't that much different from all the 'Free Love' messages that were being spread in the Sixties. Oh, I'm not old enough to have been involved or even to have been conscious of what was really being said at the time but when people began producing documentaries in the seventies and eighties they kept on about it. I never really knew anyone who was a part of it personally."

"I don't think that really applies Ma. We're not interested in other people."

"Especially Stephanie," Rosalee appended to Anna's comment and looked at me with a mock glare. I was pleased to see she wasn't entirely bound up by her father's attitude.

"Don't blame me. I said flat out I wasn't available."

"Well so did I!" responded Anna.

"Available, not that you weren't interested," charged Rosalee.

"Stephanie?" asked Ma.

"A girl who tried to hit on us."

"Roger and you?"

"And she would probably have asked Rosalee and Hailey if they'd been interested. We weren't interested despite Rosy's pedantic nature and that was that. At least it shows we were not just looking for sex though, doesn't it?"

"I guess so Anna. I'm more worried why she thought you might be interested in other girls."

"We think it's because of how we three react to each other now. You know how your eyes get wider when Dad comes home?"

"They do?"

"They do," I confirmed.

"Okay," said Ma. "I am going to say that I accept you all have something. What to call it, how it is going to turn out, in the short term or long, I don't have the foggiest but I won't object to it in principle. That said, I have to consider how you, as high school students, need to behave. I know I have no say over Rosalee and Hailey but if you two are -- let's say 'dating' for now. If you are dating Roger and/or Anna then whatever restrictions Doug and I apply to them will affect you. You might consider why we feel they are necessary and adopt them between yourselves anyway."

Rosy and Hailey nodded. Ma was likely to be far more lenient than their own parents.

"Well then. I won't say don't have sex. I feel that it would be pointless trying to make that sort of rule when you ignored it before. Instead I'll ask you to make sure you are safe. I'd rather you were here where you've got privacy than somewhere that puts you in danger. You want to say something Roger?"

"Just that, while we were possibly reckless I've always made sure there was no actual danger other than being caught."

"You were caught last night and Rosalee is suffering for it. I think that shows that you weren't exactly safe."

I had to concede Ma was right. Being caught had been a trivial problem; I had only assessed the danger in terms of how it affected my job. I should, if I cared for my three loves, have more seriously considered how being caught would affect them!

Ma noticed my thoughtful look.

"Now that doesn't mean you turn up here and spend the whole weekend in bed, or hopping in and out of each other's beds. You are young! Be active; do other things. Go on dates, and not always as the four of you.

"Anna, I've thought about your request and I think it is important for you and Roger to continue to have your own space for now. I've got to talk to your father; we've spoken today about you two but I have to let him know about Rosalee and Hailey as well. You needn't worry about him saying anything to anyone or reacting badly, well no more than this morning and I don't think that was unreasonable."

This time Anna and I nodded.

"If it is necessary, Rosalee can stay here tonight. I won't make any promises dear but don't worry that you're going to be left with nowhere to sleep for the present. It might not be practical as a long term option for any number of reasons but we will deal with those if and when they arise. However that too isn't an open license for any of you. Okay?"

Even Hailey added her okay to the chorus.

"So I guess the first thing we need to do is to see whether you and your parents can be reconciled. Any suggestions?"

"It was the neighbour's story that upset Rosalee's father. If we can counter that he might reconsider."

"Okay Roger. How do you suggest we could do that?"

Ma used the crisis as a means of judging us. Would we lie for each other (and was that a good or bad thing)? How responsible would we prove? Could we reach consensus or were there serious power issues with me controlling the other three?

Acknowledging that we were an unusual group was one thing; seeing if it was a healthy relationship was another. Ma cared about her own daughter first, as she should. If Anna was safe and happy then she could consider her responsibilities towards me and, after that, Rosalee and Hailey. I could accept that; we four had similar priorities ourselves.

"The first point raised was that Rosalee was with me in the park. If we inform Mr. Lafayette that Rosalee was with both Anna and me we should be able to convince him that, at worst, I was kissing Anna."

"Were you?" Ma started her interrogation.

"Well, sort of. Once properly I think."

"And did you kiss Rosalee?"

"Yeah. A couple of times."

"How about anything else?"

"No. I held Anna, hugged her. That was all."

Ma looked at me incredulously. Anna responded.

"I was the one there with Rosalee Ma. Remember!"

"I remember now. I find it hard to get my head around it."

"Well, Roger and Rosalee had alre..."

"No. I don't need the details and I certainly don't want them. Knowing you all get together does not mean I need vivid images."

"Sorry Ma."

"Was that all that would have upset your father, Rosalee? Kissing Roger doesn't seem that much and it sounds like there wasn't anything else the neighbour could have honestly reported."

"When Roger and Anna were leaving I did the striptease, remember?"

"I hadn't. Okay. What would he have seen?"

"I turned around I guess and then leaned against the window."

"Nothing more?"

"No. Mom called out to me and I had to get dressed in a hurry."

"Well then, let's try acting it out; it's a technique we used to use in conflict resolution when I was in college way back. I'll play Rosalee's parent. Which one is likely to answer the phone?"

"Probably my mother, now."

"And would she pass the phone over to your father?"

"If he hasn't been drinking. If he's gotten worked up over me he quite possibly could have been."

"Right. Roger, you are me. I'll be Rosalee's mother. You others feel free to make suggestion about what I would really say if you think I'm off the mark. Ring, ring. Hello?"

"Mrs. Lafayette, it's Elsie Jamieson here, Anna's mother. I've got Rosalee here; she turned up after school rather upset, saying she'd gotten into trouble over something but it was all a misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding! Did she tell you what she was doing with that boy you've got living with you?"

"With Roger? He's the sweetest, most innocent, not to mention handso..."

"You're not being serious enough!"

"Sorry Ma. Er, Rosalee has told me what you believe happened. Something about being caught with Roger in a park?"

"My neighbour walked in on them alone together in the park after dark. He interrupted them fooling around."

"But they weren't alone together. You know that Anna and Roger both went to dinner at Hailey's house don't you? Anna told me she was with them the whole time when they escorted Rosalee home. I rather doubt that he would have been doing anything improper with your daughter that evening when I'm embarrassed to say he was found with my daughter in compromising circumstances the very next morning."

Ma called time out. "You think that a wise argument? It could lead to Anna's reputation being tarnished."

"I have a reputation?"

"Currently a good one. I hope."

"No, I couldn't believe anyone cared enough about what I did to give me a reputation, good or bad. Besides, I don't think this would matter to anyone I know. If I was fugh ... sleeping with anyone and everyone then I'd get a phone number graffiti rep but if I had a single boyfriend then everyone would assume we were doing something anyway. To be caught almost doing something or almost caught actually doing something would be quite normal."

"You'd discuss these things?"

Even Rosalee and Hailey nodded that these were topics of conversation with close friends.

"Okay, where were we then? You'd just told me that you'd caught Roger and Anna having sex."

"No, I said in compromising circumstances. Anna had slept with me, not slept with me, at least then."

"I stand corrected and a little relieved. Okay then, how would Mr. Lafayette interpret that?"

"He'd think you walked in on them while they were hard at it."

"And thank you Rosalee for that vivid imagery."


Anna hugged her. "Don't worry love. That's one of the things I find attractive about you."

I silently agreed.

"Okay, you make the 'compromising situation' and I go 'What?' so how do you clarify my misunderstanding?"

"She felt she needed to have a cuddle and they fell asleep."

"And you believe her?"

"In this matter yes because she could have lied about things she knew I would disapprove of and didn't."

"What sort of things?"

Anna coached me; I answered "That doesn't matter now. What I'm concerned about is your daughter is suffering because you were prepared to listen to your neighbour and not her."

"Did she tell you about showing herself to anyone who could walk by?" I suspect Ma was also using the role play to say things she would felt she couldn't express without making it harder for the girls to confide in her in future.

"She said your neighbour told you something about seeing her naked in her bedroom. If it was my daughter I might tell her to be more careful about closing her curtains and wonder how often my neighbour has been keeping an eye on her window."

"Nasty Roger!" said Hailey.

"He said she was flaunting herself."

"And has Rosalee ever done anything similar before? Why are you so willing to accept another's word without giving her at least the benefit of the doubt?"

"I guess I would give in at that stage if it was me," said Ma. "I don't know about your parents Rosalee. That was very well argued Roger."

"I guess I've been thinking of ways of explaining what happened ... not that I'd ever do that to you or Doug."

"Yes. Well. I doubt I could come up with anything better without serious further thought and I believe now is an opportune time to call your home since your father has had time to calm down and consider the consequences of what he has done."

Rosalee smiled at Ma. "Thank you for doing this for me."

"You're welcome Rosalee. You want to enter the number for me please?"

She passed Rosalee the handset and waited while Rosalee dialled her home number. Rosalee handed it over and we sat quietly listening to Ma working her way through the script.

Rosalee's father actually answered and nothing went quite the way we had intended. Ma got a little flustered at one point and explained it to us after she had finalised the call with an unsatisfactory "Well if that's how you feel, I'll be around shortly to pick up the clothing I believe you've put out for her. Is there anything else she should collect? Her school things perhaps? Oh that's not necessary. If you gave her a few minutes I'm sure she could do that for herself. No? Well then..."

"No go?" asked Anna, not really expecting a reply. "What went wrong?"

"Nothing to start with other than none of my comments seemed to sway him in the least. He dropped a bombshell on me that I wished you'd considered though. Apparently you keep a diary Rosalee?"

"He read it!?"

"I don't think I need to answer that."

"What did it say Rosy love?"

"Not much really. Only a few words to jog my memory. I can't believe he read it."

"Rosy," said Hailey. "He threw your clothes out."

"And your school books as well," added Ma. "I hope you don't have any homework you need to hand up; it might get blown away."

"Damn, what am I going to do about school?"

Hailey, attending the same convent-based school was aware of the situation. "The semester is paid for in advance so you get to finish the year. Next year might be different."

"And that comes under things to be worried about later," I pointed out.

"What did he say about my diary?"

"First he read out an entry for a Saturday. Something like 'I was an idiot but in the end everything was perfect.' I think that was it."

"I meant the day. I was thinking of dinner when I wrote it."

"Well he also had entries that he linked to the other times you were out with Roger. Things like 'I'm a woman for real now. Wonderful, I love him.' That sort of thing. He said you'd drawn a heart with 'RT' inscribed."

Rosalee was a little embarrassed. "Well I do! I only meant that I knew I'd been mistaken about before and knew the difference and it was wonderful!"

"We know," Hailey confessed, actually admitting her part to Ma.

Ma picked up the phone again and called Doug. He was still detained. Normally the manager of the store could have managed the plumbers as well but he had two days off with his own personal crisis.

"I'll have to take you over to get your things Rosalee. I don't think it is advisable for Roger to take you by himself."

"I agree." Ma was worried for me; I didn't want to see Mr. Lafayette hurt, however pleasing that might be.

"I'll help you load the car but I think I'd better go home after that if you don't mind."

"Certainly Hailey," Ma acknowledged.

Rosalee's father hadn't thrown Rosalee's school work out. Knowing an adult was coming to collect her things, he'd made an effort to look a little more rational -- if tossing your sixteen year old daughter out onto the street can be considered rational by any definition

Rosalee's clothes were in one relatively neat set of piles, her school bag then divided the path to their front door from stacks of books and folders. It was as though they had built a wall to keep Rosalee and her supporters away.

"Roger, there is nothing heavy. Would you just stay by the car and try to stack things in as best you can please."

Ma didn't want me actually on the property.

They cleared the school things first. I restacked them at the back of the trunk. Next came Rosalee's clothes; so many of them, items I'd never seen including outfits that she couldn't have fitted into for a couple of years. It seems her father had simply thrown out anything in her drawers and wardrobe.

Underneath it all was her diary, the pages torn out and scattered. For Rosalee it was a potent symbol. Her life had been recorded in there for the past two and a half years; little notes that told a simple story. Now they were so much scrap and her father had said to her "All you were is gone" in one of the most damaging ways.

Anna and Ma were by the car and we all turned at Rosalee's anguished cry.


Rosalee was on her knees, grabbing at the fragments of paper as the light breeze lifted them from where they had been hidden. Hailey knelt and between them they had most of the litter gathered up before the rest of us could join them.

Rosalee was weeping and accepted the scraps Hailey had gathered. Hailey wrapped her arms around Rosalee and held her tightly. She rubbed her hand over the back of Rosalee's head.

"Hush Rosy love. It will be okay." She kissed Rosalee's cheek as Anna and then I knelt beside them.

Ma glared at the house and at the closed curtain that still moved in the window. She grabbed another pile of clothes.

"Come on, let's get these packed away and get out of here. Hailey, would you take Rosalee to the car please?"

"I'll be all right," said Rosalee and with Hailey and my help she stood. A piece of paper fell from her hand and she just looked down at it; stunned until Anna bent and retrieved it.

"Come on Rosy love. Forget the rest. Just come and sit with me in the car."

Anna and I watched them move off and then helped Ma. They piled my arms with clothes and I just dumped them in the back, completely filling it. Anna had more on her lap in the back next to Rosalee and Ma put the remainder on my lap in the front.

"You okay Rosalee?"

"I guess. Thank you for everything Mrs. Jamieson."

"You're under my roof, you'd better get used to calling me Ma. You too Hailey."

"Thank you Ma."

There was no time to say anything before we were at Hailey's and she had to leave. With the piles of clothes Anna and I stayed where we were so Rosalee said goodbye on our behalves before Hailey got out of the car.

It was a quite open kiss, not erotic in an X-rated movie sense but very much so as a romantic, two-people-in-love kiss. Ma was the only public they actually had but I could see she wasn't unmoved by the sight.

"If you're going to school tomorrow I'll come over early and we can go together."

"Thanks. I'd better. You know, it's an 'if you don't brush your teeth then the terrorists have won' sort of thing. I'm going to get good grades so I can get a scholarship and won't need them any more."

"You've got us," said Hailey.

"And you know we love you," added Anna.

"Thank you."

Hailey waved from the doorstep and Ma drove off as she walked through the door.

Doug was not upset so much as confused and disturbed. He kept looking at me as though this was all my fault. I guess he had some justification.

It was after 11 and Anna had settled Rosalee in bed with her -- and with her mother's blessing -- almost as soon as we had gotten home.

I had an invitation to visit but I knew Ma would disapprove if I did more than call in and kiss them goodnight. She had reacted with such generosity and understanding that I wasn't going to deliberately strain matters.

She and I had unloaded the car into the guest room as quickly as possible and we were both tired from all the stairs by the time we were finished. Brent had looked at us but other than asking "What's up?" and being told Rosalee was staying over he didn't offer to help. Jerk!

We ended up in the kitchen, drinking coffee while we waited for Doug to turn up. Ma was incensed at Rosalee's treatment and couldn't understand how I could be so calm.

"Rosalee is safe, her father won't hurt her though he might decide to try. If I got upset I might be tempted to do something and that wouldn't solve anything now. I read a quote once that said 'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent' but I think that is wrong. It's often the first tool the incompetent use and perhaps the last of the desperate. I'm not desperate and I hope I'm not incompetent -- that sounds more like Rosalee's father. Instead I think competent people restrict violence to where it can be applied like a surgeon's knife. The problem is knowing the tumour from the healthy tissue.

"Mr. Lafayette is a tumour but he's not much different from many others in society. He's not the raging malignancy but rather the ugly growth that is otherwise a benign nuisance. Some might make the effort to get rid of such things but it can be better to just ignore them and deal with the things that really matter."

"That is quite profound Roger."

"Yeah, well I guess I read a little Philosophy when I'm not reading History." I also spout off too much! It may have been my philosophy but it shouldn't have been Roger's.

A little while later Doug walked in weary from his long and stressed day and found the problems hadn't finished.

The day had started with his sixteen year old daughter in bed with his seventeen year old foster son -- or so he thought.

Ignoring his problems at work he now kept looking at me while Ma informed him that,

Not only had I admitted actually having sex with Anna, I was also having sex with Rosalee and with Hailey.

Not only was I having sex with Rosalee but, because her father had become aware of the fact, she had become yet another house guest.

Not only was Rosalee a house guest for an indeterminate period but she also -- like Hailey -- happened to be lover's with, once again, Doug's sixteen year old daughter.


Not only had his daughter spent the last night in bed with one of her lovers, she was doing the same with another of them as Ma spoke.

I hoped Doug had good medical cover as his blood pressure must have kept on climbing as she spoke.

"Anna is having sex with two girls as well as with Roger and you bring one of them into the house after her father kicks her out!?"

"What would you have me do? Besides, they're in love."

"I thought she said she is in love with Roger?"

"Perhaps I should have said the four of them are in love."

Doug looked at Ma now, wondering if it was all a giant practical joke.


"I agree. It is sheer madness but I also think it is quite real if just as impractical."

Doug glared at me again. I had wisely stayed quiet.

"Oh go on! You can talk. I'm not going to knock you around."

"Thank you." I still let Ma talk for me.

"Don't bother thanking me. I just don't see how throttling you and ending up in jail is going to make things better."

"That at least shows you're not incompetent dear."

"What?" Doug looked at Ma.

"You aren't using violence to solve your problems, unlike Rosalee's father."

Doug could understand that the topic seemed to have changed but not why. The mysteries of a woman's mind perhaps.

"So where do we go from here?" he asked.

"To bed I think and Rosalee will go off to school with Hailey in the morning. After that I guess we take things one step at a time."

"I meant about Anna and Roger and, I suppose, the others."

"I'd say the damage is well and truly done and we have to recognise the situation that exists. That doesn't mean there are no rules -- we've already discussed some of them and you and I can work out what we feel is appropriate. All three will have their own rooms but, provided their behaviour is satisfactory and precautions are taken, some visitation is to be permitted."

"I don't like it but I don't like Anna sneaking around either. You had better look after them though. I can't see how you can love three girls at the same time; having sex is easy but cheating on a girl normally means you don't love her."

"We don't cheat. We know about each other and share our love," I replied.

"It's all rather Sixties Doug. I find that the best way to think about it when necessary, otherwise I try not to think about it at all. And on that note I will go to bed."

We all got up.

"I am sorry things have gone weird and thank you for being the sane ones around the place today," I offered.

"But not sorry for starting this mess in the first place?" Doug responded with less heat than he might have exhibited.

"I can't be sorry for finding someone I can love who loves me back. I can't even feel bad about finding three someones. I am doing what I can not to add any more to the list."

"Well thank you for that at least Roger. Goodnight and go to bed -- your own! You've got school tomorrow."

"I will."

Day 30, Tuesday - just

I was only out of the shower and in bed for a quarter of an hour when I heard my phone buzzing in silent vibration mode. It might not actually make the buzzing sound but hard plastic bouncing up and down on the top of the bedside cupboard created quite a local racket.

Since this number was not generally available I was on alert right away.


"A heads up. Your third is walking the streets in your direction with a couple of packs."

I thought quickly. "She safe out there?"

"I'm watching. It's not on the J.D. but I guess you should be marked down as a marriage counsellor."

Same as Assassin
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Feelings of inadequacy

The concept is simple. Some despairing person is insecure in their relationship and the "Architect" takes notice. The architect is the mastermind behind the Adequately Inadequate™ site. The few (un)lucky souls that happen to be on the architect's list will find their way to Adequately Inadequate™ one way or another. What is Adequately Inadequate™? Good question. It's basically a website created by the architect that serves as an interface between our world and the realm of the architect. It's...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 30 On The Road Again

I spent most of the following morning at the hotel, talking on the phone to Freddie. He wasn't keen on a pick up without doing a proper background check first but he did want to help out the Minister. In the end we agreed to go ahead. I took a short call from the Minister. He'd just wanted to check that I'd understood his point of view from our previous meeting. I had. Did I think I could provide a solution. I did. Would it help if he got me some assistance from the Interior Ministry? I...

3 years ago
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No Names No Pack DrillPart 02

We embarked on a little Dutch tramp called the ‘SS Bonteko, ‘ big enough to carry about 350 troops, but there were 700 of us packed on board, plus all of our equipment. The ship seemed to be more under the surface than on top. We slept on the ‘tween-deck with a sheet of three-ply for a bed, laid on the decking. Every fourth wave came in through the side-ports in heavy seas, so we learnt to count to three, then stand up to avoid a drenching. Eventually, Kanga and I found a hatch cover on deck...

2 years ago
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A Wifes Mistake A Husbands Nightmare

How it all started. My wife and I had been married for eleven years when I found her chattingwith other men on the Internet. I hadn't been the best husband in the world.Hell to tell you the truth, I was probably one of the worst, and had probablygiven her every reason to leave me. I drove her away from me, more than anythingelse, in our almost fifteen year relationship. I loved her, and had never beenunfaithful to her. I would do anything for her, to keep our marriage together. At first, she...

2 years ago
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Sex in the office

Hi Everyone! This is my first story, so please comment and let me know if you like it! This is a partially true story with my boyfriend and I as the characters. Thank you ,) My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship. He recently graduated from UCLA and I am currently a sophomore there. We used to message each other really often, a couple hours a day, but recently it was decreasing to a couple times a week. This worried me a lot. I usually sat in my office, making phone calls and...

3 years ago
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Bulgarian Holiday

Summer was weighing on us in a little town about 150 miles away from London, and my best friend, Chris, and I were looking for something to do. We found out about a short trip to a Albina, on the Black Sea coast in Bulgaria. We were raring to go and sure this would be a trip to remember. A couple of young guys in an exotic location, pussy was sure to follow, right? Well, not as expected. The "Luxury Hotel" was a concrete box, crumbling away at the corners. It had partitions for the rooms,...

1 year ago
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Virgin College Student No More

I was always an excellent student and took an accelerated curriculum. I graduated from high school in three years rather than the normal four years. I then went on to State University on a full academic scholarship. I was thought to be the perfect young man but underneath my exterior beat the heart of a horny bisexual young man that craved older women and big cocks. My sexual wants and desires had gone mostly masked as I continued to date my high school sweetheart who insisted on remaining a...

2 years ago
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Ski Trip

Just because Stacy and I went to the local Junior College don't think that we were stupid; neither of us were even close. Stacy wanted to become a nurse. She was in too much of a hurry to start helping people to go through a four year program. I wanted to become an engineer. My family was too poor to afford to send me, even after a scholarship. So, I went to school, worked, and saved every penny while I lived at home. We met at old Quarterlane High (Quarterlane being the street our college...

2 years ago
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Forced Into Submission

Tom had known for some time that his marriage was on the rocks, however, it had held together because of 'obligation' and 'responsible' but over the last couple of months it had become almost unbearable. 'Ever since the neighbour had moved in two months previously the wife had gone from the tolerated 'good morning' to one of downright hostility', he muttered to himself. She had known from the very first date that he had relatives that were German and had served in the German forces...

1 year ago
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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 22

I went down to the warehouse at eight the following morning. I went in early, because I had forgotten to ask Jim Davis what time he wanted me to be there. I found him just opening the back roll up door to the warehouse, and helped him to load four cases of sausages into three coolers. He told me to put the two smaller coolers in my trunk, and to take two cases each of the jerky and pepperoni sticks for my back seat. He told me that there were two people that were supposed to be coming in for...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Camilla

This is a work of fiction, if you do not like it move to another post.Chapter 1:I sit looking out my window thinking about my life and the past couple of years, living in the city in this nice apartment with wonderful neighbors and now friends. I first moved in and the older man that lives next door, Alex, offered to help. I was glad for the help, and as the day went found myself more and more attracted to him. I knew he was attracted to me, the number of time I caught him looking at me and my...

3 years ago
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RedTails The Missing Lynx

RedTails - Reckonings The Missing LynxbyScarletdownCopyright (c) 2004 G. Sutton. Some Rights Reserved via Creative Commons BY-SA-NC Copyleft Terms. See details at the end of this tale for more info. On the peaceful shores of the lagoon, a lone, small figure stood upon the warm sands. Clad in naught but the light of the perpetual day here in the Beastlands, Frelic awaited the arrival of his otherworldly teacher. This inner world had remained unchanged since his last visit two years ago, when...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 32

From the center of the tower, Q'yros' form rose sedately on the lifter dais, until it had come level with the observation room at the top. The trip gave him a chance to recover his breath. It was a two-staircase walk to the floor with the lift, and he was continuing to feel the drain of his magical energies. Q'yros had hoped that being relieved of his duty as Z'haas' adviser would mean less of this foolishness of tracking down the Emperor. As head of security, however, it was becoming...

4 years ago
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My Dirty Encounters A girl Growing Up

I like to tell them as I see it, recounting my own experiences, and those of my friends.So, just how easy am I? If I'm in the mood, I will let you, not in a detached manner, but my full commitment, I dont let men use me like a spare condom, I want something from it, so it's a 50-50 affair, you do me and I do you.Driving home from a night out, we pulled over on the motorway, it was dark and alongside a forest, hubby wanted a pee, then the wife of the couple we were out with, decided she needed...

1 year ago
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Fancy a Stiff One Version 2

We drive to a country pub, pull up in the car park briefly kiss. We walk hand in hand, I can't help noticing the bounce of your breasts, the outline of your bra through the tight low cut top and your glorious cleavage. Your skirt is short just long enough to cover your stocking tops, you smile, we get our drinks and sit in a discreet corner booth, we sip our drinks for a while, you excuse yourself stand and brush past me, I can feel your suspender !!!!!!! (I love stockings, I hope you do too)....

4 years ago
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My Pussy

You walk inside the house checking your cell phone messages. You hear my voice giving you my itinerary. You weren't expecting me but as per our agreement... you leave the 3rd weekend of every month open for me from Friday 12:00 am to Sunday 11:59 pm. The other 25 to 28 days of the month are yours to do as you please. If I request any other time... it's only a request. This weekend however I am checking into a hotel room and not coming directly to you. I tell you to meet me for a drink in the...

3 years ago
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I had never been in a sex cinema before, so I thought I would check one out. I went into the dingy neon lit doorway and up the stairs. I paid my $5 to the old man at the cash and headed to the door marked theatre.I went inside the dark theatre and as my eyes became accustomed to the dark, I saw that there were 6 or 7 other guys in there, dotted about the place. I headed for the back row where there seemed to be a bit more legroom and sat down.A film was already playing, one young guy plowing...

1 year ago
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BeatenChapter 9

About half an hour after he had gone Sharri came back in. “Sorry I was gone for a bit, I went home to change while the doctor was with you. How did it go.” “It looks like I’m going to be blind for a time, it may heal itself, it may not.” “Oh Karen I’m so sorry, but you don’t look like you’re blind, you looked like you were looking at me as I came in.” I explained to Sharri what the problem was and how it may resolve itself in time. Then I had to go through everything else the doctor had...

1 year ago
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The Hun is a classic! When I first stumbled upon The Huns Yellow Pages, I didn’t think much of it. Actually, I was too busy thinking about what the name was all about. Did they mean hun as in a hot woman, or did they mean Hun as in those nomadic tribes that pillaged and raped their way through the middle of the first millennia AD? I’m pretty sure it’s the latter one in the end with all the illustrations on the site, which look quite good by the way. Only after I answered that question did I...

Naked Girls Galleries
2 years ago
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Good Solutions Part 4

It took Laura a while before she got to her car. She had to compose herself and it took a few minutes for her system to process what she had just witness a mere five yards from her. Where she was hidden in the brush, she had an excellent view of the young man pounding the petite young woman with all he had. What was more, the redhead seemed to have been one who was used to taking meat that size up her slick channel. Was this a regular thing? She knew the young man and she was perplexed at what...

4 years ago
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School Teacher Merlin 8211 Part 11

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil merlin teacher affair vaithu kathaiyai innum suvarasiyam aaki irupathan thodarchiyai naan ungal idam pagirugiren. En nanban merlinai usar seithu aval soothai pisainthu kiss adithukondu irunthaan. Haa haa avan soothil kai vaithu irupathai paarkum pozhuthe enaku vinthu vanthu vidum pola irunthathu. Ennal ivargal sex seivathai amaithiyaaga paarthukondu matume iruka mudiyaathu enbathaal en sunniyai veliyil eduthu porumaiyaaga adithukonde paarka aarambithen. Merlin...

3 years ago
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The Teen Slut Goes Shopping

After the night my mum’s boyfriend, Dirty Derek, snuck in my room and fucked me, things changed dramatically in our household. For a start, he stopped showing an interest in my mother. I thought she would be angry with me, but instead, she was really pleased.From what I heard most nights while lying in bed, Derek was pretty brutal and kinky with my mother in the bedroom. I assumed she had gotten sick and tired of his kinky games and sexual fetishes. Also, I don’t think my mother ever liked him...

2 years ago
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Arians Pool Ch 02

This starts from the last one, lot more sex in this part. ***** She’s naked in her pool and doesn’t know he’s there… I pulled myself across the pool with a lazy backstroke, to reach the bit where the gap in the trees bathed it in glorious sunshine and I swam on my back my eyes closed feeling the heat of the July sun on my body, putting off my Jacuzzi. I let this go on for about three minutes and rolled over to do the same for my back, ready to prop my elbows on the shingle beach. In...

3 years ago
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The Post Office Parking Lot

It all started just like the end of any other workday. My last stop before home was usually the post office. I drove up to the box drop and pushed my work mail through the slot. Just as I was about to pull away, I heard, "Hey Steve."I turned to see an old high school friend headed my way. I was always lousy with names, but I did remember him. George was always teased for his feminine qualities and for not having a girlfriend. We'd been pretty good friends back then, and I always enjoyed talking...

Oral Sex
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A First Time Glory Hole Slut

I had a sexual first a couple weeks ago. A friend, Steve, invited me over to his house for a party. He is a friend I’ve fucked in the past but it was always at my house. It was never at his place. I gave him a “definitely” when he asked me to the party. I had to work that day and got to the party a little later than I would usually get to them. When I arrived, there were plenty of people there, most were already more than a little drunk. I found Steve in the kitchen and gave him a hug. He...

4 years ago
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Julie takes control part 4

Here's chapter 4 of this story. All my own writing, please read previous chapters for more. Check back next week for the next part.So that was it, Julie was on her way back to uni. I thought it'd be about a month before she finished and came home for good.It had been a couple of days since she had gone back I was sat watching TV and Carrie was in the bath when my phone vibrated. My heart jumped when I saw it was from Julie. She was asking if I'd been thinking about her. I replied and said 'of...

2 years ago
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Meri Sexy Padosan Maa Aur Beti 8211 Part 2

Hi dosto, main umeed karta hu meri is story ka first part aapne jarur padha hoga, agar nahi padha hai toh woh padh lijiye. Toh aap mujhe jante hi hai. Main Chennai mein rehta hu aur mere real incidents app sabke sath share karta hu. Jaise ki apne pehli story mein dekh liya tha ki kaise Preeti roz raat bathroom mein aa kar masturbate karti hai. Apni chut ko aur boobs ko rub karti hai aur main use dekh kar roz hilaya karta tha. Par ab maine soch liya tha ki kaise bhi kar ke Preeti ko chodna...

2 years ago
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Renee Adds to Our Marriage

Let me tell you a little about my wife and myself, before I get into this story. My wife Renee, and I have been married for eleven years now. Renee is 42 and I am 55. We are compatible in every aspect of life except in the bedroom. She is five feet ten inches tall with long legs and long blond hair. Her breasts are perfectly natural and as firm as a twenty year old with D cups. She is a very beautiful and sexy woman. This story began about three years ago. I have always known that Renee had a...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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In bed

I am a regular reader of such wonderful stories posted here by romantic people who know how to make the best use of life. Until now I remained on the receiving end ie only enjoying upon the narration’s of other people.Hence I feel myself morally bound to provide my piece of experiences for the entertainment of desifans.I am a civil servant here in Pakistan and posted in federal government in Islamabad.My name is Amjad Niazi Let me describe myself to you. I am 32 years of age, smart and...

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Playing With My Pussy In Public Part 2 my initial foray into public masturbation(See part 1- link above) I’d enjoyed a number of extremely good orgasms. These included a few close shaves and to be clear, I’m not referring to my pubes which remained untrimmed (and have done ever since). I mean close shaves, as in nearly being caught in the act. There were also a few occasions where I suspect I may have been rumbled but nothing was said, so it’s hard to be...

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A Hard Days Night

A hard day's night By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected])Due to popular demand I have joined both parts of In the Photo Shop to create this opus. Please enjoy and send us a message. We really enjoy hearing from our readers.CheersMarcus and Sharon.- - - -The car was a beaten up old Daihatsu Charade and as it pulled into the parking space outside the shop the bumper smacked into our photo processing sign knocking it onto the footpath. From my position at the counter I could see that four...

1 year ago
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Encounter at Johns

Finally I had set aside a weekend with nothing to do, got directions, and went to visit him. I knocked on his apartment door, and he opened it within a few seconds. He must have been waiting for me. I stepped inside, set my backpack down and took off my sandals. John was a very tan, smiling bald man about my height, 5'10 and 160ish pounds. His eyes were big, always seemed to be wide open, and his smile would have been a tad creepy if I hadn’t seen pictures of him and been prepared for...

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Jeri 2

Jeri 2 "You are a "gurl," a very pretty gurl!" "What? What do you mean I'm a "gurl"?" "Jeri, a "gurl" is a pretty boy who wants, and needs to be a "gurl." And that is you." I was confused. I think I liked dressing like a girl, but did I want to be one? I wasn't exactly sure what Mr. Wilson meant by a "gurl." "Jeri, you're a natural. Trust me. You're sexy and cute! You need to be a "gurl." "Come here. Come closer, you sexy thing!" Well, no one had ever called me a "sexy...

4 years ago
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Belle was a woman of about fifty when I knew her, had long grey hair and a short, broad body, a boisterous manner and had left her husband of many years and moved to northern NSW to the town of Bellingen. She had bought a block of land there, part rain forest, part pasture, and there she lived in the old farm house with her two teenage daughters. She was a hippy, or if you like, new age, which is to say she was deeply dissatisfied with the ideology, the habits, the economy and the repressions...

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The Audition 2

The Audition Part 2 ‘Ready Jane’ ‘Pull down your panties and set them beside you on the floor.’ Bella ordered She then had me stand by the biggest of the two beds where she unbuttoned the top part of my dress. Bella fixed it so you could see my bra but not enough so you could tell my breasts were fake. Next she hoisted up the bottom of the dress so my penis was visable. With all this touching going on from such a pretty lady it was already getting longer and harder by the millisecond. ...

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EVOLUTION by Elizabeth Parrris PROLOGUE It was a dying town in Pennsylvania. Provincial; limited and limiting. The mines dominated. There was no future but to go down into the mines and "crack coal." The brighter, more directed boys saw football as a way out. Play in high school and earn a college scholarship; not big time necessarily. Just get out, go elsewhere. For Janis there was no way out. She knew she was a...

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Sexy teacher with sexy student

Hi Friends , Kaise ho sab es Teacher ki aap ne pehle b 2 stories Pad chuki hai “Desi Jatt mood in sex” and “Neeru” jo aap logo ne pehle b both pasand ki .Ab main aap k liye ek or story jo abbi abbi huyi tazza tazza sexy sexy real story hai. Jo mere barre main nahin jaante unko btaa du I m ravi from Punjab 25 m .Muje meri colony ki ladkiyaa jo ab muje kaam dev kehne lag gayi hai lakin meri colony k log muje sab se sareef or Asshaa pda likha huya ladka samjte hai so esi liye to unho ne mere paas...

3 years ago
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No Babies No Man Part 1

No Babies, No Man - Part I I was scrubbing the bathroom floor when I heard mistress call: "Aaalex, please come over here. We need some help." Getting up from my knees, I confirmed I was coming, checked my proper appearance, washed my hands and minced along the hall to the master bedroom. The huge bed was a mess, pillows were scattered around the room and the sheets looked like they needed to go into the washing machine right away. I made a mental note to not forget to do that before bed time...

4 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 38 Perceptions

Friday, July 19th, 1996, Sanford Maine Poke. Nudge. Shake. “Wake up, Davey Baby!” “Ouch! Fuck me, my arms been severed at the shoulder!” I grunted out in sudden shock. Poke. Jab. Poke. Giggle. “Wakey-wakey-corn-flakey!” “Goddamn! The pain! Oh, god! Why? Why do Demons hate sleep? Please, just let me get back to my dreams!” I moaned out in terror. I heard high pitched giggling; the She-Devil was gleefully watching me writhe in obvious pain. “Come on, Tiger! You get your cast taken off...

3 years ago
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Abby Replies

Dear Abby, I am a 44 year old woman and I will have been married to my husband for 25 years this coming Thursday. I love my husband dearly, but I have kept a secret (actually two of them) from him for our entire marriage. [Oh, goody!] My husband and I dated for about three years and we were due to be married. Although we did make love it wasn't a regular thing. I had waited until he proposed before I gave up my virginity, but he worked out of town a lot and we both still lived with our...

1 year ago
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Dost Ke Saath Mile Ke Behan Ko Chod

By : Rocking_raka Hello friends this is Mahesh from Patna, Bihar I’m reading stories here on ISS for the last 5 years or so, I love the incest and virgin section of iss the most but the section which provokes me the most is the group sex stories. I always used to wonder how it woud feel like to have group sex Anyway, I know that it’s always feels good to study the story in our own language i.e. Hindi that is why I’m trying to write this story of mine in ‘hinglish’, will be wating positively for...

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The Sentence the next three chapters 232425

Chapter #23 today starts off great, but then things go downhill from there: I woke up the next morning and Sarah was still holding my hand. I started to move around a little, which woke Sarah up. She looked at me saying, with a big smile on her face, good morning babykin's, did we sleep well, and are we all nice and dry today. To my surprise I was not only wet, my diaper was also full of poop again. I guess I was still having a problem from the Ex-Lax. I think during...

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Like a Rag Doll

Chapter 1 My name is Traci. I am 24 years old, white, petite and attractive. Dark brown silky hair, just past my shoulders, and my body measures 32c-23-34. Shapely, with not too much on top, but a firm, well shaped behind that has always saved me from being overlooked. I stand just 5'3 and weigh 102 lbs. I have always been more "soft and feminine" than tomboyish, so the idea of me ever being involved in a fight with another girl never crossed my mind. With my big brown eyes, my friends...

4 years ago
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Sex With Unknown Lady

Hi,My name is Nandu, 26 years from visakhapatnam, I am a big fan of ISS and have read many stories here. Sometimes I used to feel that these stories are all fake and are not real, but a day for me when I started to believe that the situations can come like this. I am a graduate working in a reputed company in Chennai.This is my first story so please do give your comments at and excuse me if there are mistakes. Coming to the story, this is a real incident which happened an year back. As usual I...

1 year ago
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Business Girl 2

This is a long, long awaited second chapter of business girl, chapter one written in 2008, I hope you enjoy this dreamy fiction with some autobiographical components. ... The time we spent enjoying the no stress private confines of my home was bliss. Watching Val gracely move about, in the oversized shirt giving me a glimpse of lace panties at the top of those satin smooth legs made me smile, it is these simple things that I love. As we talked and read magazines our conversation...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 3

Buffy was thinking about Clint, and about how much she liked him. He was thoughtful and sweet and funny. She found herself drawn more and more to him. Until tonight her strongest hints that she might be available to him sexually had been deflected or ignored. But she didn't think he was gay. He seemed worried that she was white, but surely he could get over that. She'd assumed Melanie was his girlfriend, but he'd laughed at that. But he hadn't said he didn't have one. Maybe there was a...

1 year ago
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GiveMeTeens Gia DiBella Horny Old Men

Clarke Kent is surprised when his neighbor, Gia DiBella, appears at his house and says that she needs a place to crash. Clarke is confused but admits there’s enough room for Gia at the moment since his wife and his little angel are currently away at their lake house. But when Clarke asks Gia for an explanation, he gets a phone call. He can see that the call is from Gia’s parent, but Gia tells him not to answer it. Gia explains that she and her parent got into a huge argument,...

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Sensuous Lessons for Life

When I was just sixteen years old, growing up in Germany, we had a single woman with two daughters renting a room in our house. She was about the age of my mother (who was a war widow). This woman, her name was Frau (Mrs.) Rach, was supposed to take care of our household and my little sis when my mother was working.I was a pretty innocent high school student with a sweet girl friend, who liked kissing and petting on dark park benches, but I did not have the guts to go any further with her at...

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Chubby legal male hooker

I guess one day somebody figured out that if it was legal to pay people to make porn, but not just to have sex, that the easiest way to 'legalize' prostitution was to have a camera running or take at least one picture at some point during the act. Since I am interested in all sorts of men this seemed like an idea with potential.I started posting on all the free bulletin boards about my new 'business', Versatile Services. Catering to discerning gentlemen it would provide playful companionship...

4 years ago
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Farm Girl Raped By The Goat

Farm Girl: Raped By The Goat By Blackdawn This is the story of a young farm girl that was raped by a goat. The alarm screams at me and I'm quick to roll over and slap my hand across the Snooze button making it stop then move my hand over pulling a small lever which turns the alarm off. Repositioning under the thin sheets, I toss them to the side, jump to my feet and drudge across my carpet flooring in nothing but a pair of tight pink panties and an over sized Twilight night...

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