Anton Station
- 4 years ago
- 39
- 0
Sarah Bernstein may have been down but she wasn’t out — not by a long shot. The fact that she was now unemployed simply meant that she had more time to devote to the pursuit of her story, namely, young Anton Balan.
She’d ruined any chance of enlisting the cooperation of Widener, the police, and now, the TV station, and that meant she was entirely on her own. But Anton wasn’t just a story, he was a BIG story. If she could scratch up enough stuff to put it together, she knew damned well that she could sell it to somebody for a lot a money; another TV station, a magazine, maybe an important online blogger. Hell, she could write her own blog and do the story in installments! She already had some good material, but she needed details and pictures to flesh it out enough to make it truly newsworthy.
To that end, she’d been surveilling everybody surrounding the kid to the extent she could manage by herself. She saw Eric and Anton leaving the home and followed them all the way to the road that goes up to the cabin. Sarah had no interest in running into that bitch deputy and getting arrested, so she got a room at the cheapest nearby motel she could find because she was now living off her savings. She’d do her spying after dark.
At sundown she was just about to take the road up to the cabin when she saw Eric’s Jeep Cherokee turn onto the highway. She followed him to the grocery store, then to a strip mall. The amazon bitch was with him. She waited patiently for them to do whatever they were doing, then followed them back to the dirt road. She waited about ten minutes before following them to the cabin.
She pulled off and parked about a hundred yards down the road. There was a spot in the trees directly across the road from the cabin where she could set up her tripod and camera, and a telephoto lens gave her a great view of the living room as long as the drapes weren’t drawn. Ken and Raul didn’t seem at all concerned about being seen by passersby.
Over the next hour, Sarah got some good snaps of everyone; Raul, Ken, Eric and his bitch, and yes, Anton.
About ten PM, Eric and the amazon left together in his Jeep, and soon after, the lights went out in the cabin. Sarah broke down her equipment and headed back to the motel. She was going to have to keep a very close eye on them from now on.
Anton had never had a birthday party in his entire life, so the one his friends threw was overwhelming to him. The chocolate cake with thick chocolate frosting had sixteen candles that he was reluctant to blow out because, lighted, they made such a beautiful picture.
He was blown away by the Sound-Dock and insisted on trying it out right away, choosing a selection of lively Hungarian and Czech dances to play in the background during the festivities. Neither Raul nor Ken had an opportunity to do any shopping, but they both came up with something that brought a broad grin to the birthday boy’s face. Raul prepared Anton’s favorite meal, which was nothing more complicated than hotdogs topped with chili and chopped onions, and a big bowl of mustard potato salad. Ken searched through his belongings and decided on a Stetson leather and linen ivy cap. He’d ordered it online a month earlier, but he hadn’t as yet had a chance to wear it. Anton loved it and wore it at a rakish tilt.
The party was pretty much over by late afternoon, and that’s when Andrea put her seduction plan to work. She looked over at Eric and winked as she slipped her arm around Anton’s waist and kissed his cheek. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
He was still in a pique of excitement. “Thank you so much, all of you! Today is most wonderful day for me!”
She squeezed his side sending a little thrill through his body. “It’s been fun for all of us. Hey, I know a little place higher up the mountain I’d like to show you. It’s an old forestry station and it’s got an amazing view. Would you like to see it?”
Anton looked around and asked, “We will all go?”
Andrea laughed and said, “Nah! We’ll leave these old men to take their afternoon naps and talk about the good old days. I know a place we can park off the road and hike up to the station. It’s only about a two-mile walk. You can actually drive all the way there, but what’s the fun in that? You feel up for a nice hike?”
The idea of spending the rest of the day with Andrea made his heart race again. “Yes! Maybe I need long walk after so much food. We have cake and ice cream when we come back?”
“Of course.”
Ken had no clue about her plan and he was concerned about the late start. “You are aware that if you hike, it’ll probably be getting dark by the time you get to the station, aren’t you? You guys might be stuck there all night.”
“So what? There’s a wood-burning stove, lots of wood and plenty of food. If it gets too dark to see the trail, we’ll just overnight it in the cabin. We’re grownups; we can handle it, can’t we Anton?” She took his hand and pulled him toward the door. “Let’s hit the trail, kid?”
A few minutes after they drove off, Eric rinsed out his coffee cup and casually said, “You know what? I think I might just join them. I could definitely use a little exercise.”
Ken was busy at his laptop describing Anton’s party and organizing the photos, and Raul was indeed leaning back in the lounger almost asleep, so no one paid much attention to Eric’s departure. He drove up the dirt road to the turnoff and saw Andrea’s Pathfinder parked off the side of the trail a few yards into the trees. He parked behind it, put on his jacket and slung his backpack over his shoulder. Andrea had given him a green light to indulge in a little voyeurism, but she had no idea he planned to take pictures. It would be his little surprise.
It took over an hour for Anton and Andrea to climb to the top of the mountain. When they stepped into the clearing, he looked around and asked, “This is forestry station?”
“Yup, this is it. Come on, I’ll fire up the stove and make us some tea. Then we’ll climb up the tower and take in the sunset.”
He looked at her curiously as they strode toward the cabin. “I think you already make plan for us to stay overnight in cabin. Why you didn’t say before? I don’t even have toothbrush.”
She patted him on the shoulder and said, “I’ll bet there’s ones in the cabin, but if there isn’t, I’ll show you how to make one out of a twig. And there’s mountain mint growing all over the place if you need a breath freshener. You’ll like it ‘cause it’s hot n spicy, like me.”
Anton smiled, hoping upon hope that what he thought might be happening was really happening. The day before when he’d made such a bold point about turning sixteen, he was teasing her just like she was teasing him. It never occurred to him that she might actually take him seriously.
But while he was fantasizing about what might be, he got a sinking feeling in his chest about the possible consequences. What would Eric think if he had sex with Andrea? Would he be jealous and angry? But if he was jealous, why did he not come with them on the hike? Anton began to feel distressed again because he didn’t want to do anything that would cause difficulties between Andrea and Eric.
But if she really wanted to do it, how could he say no?
Andrea lit two kerosene lamps as Anton carried in more wood for the stove. Once everything was fired up, a large enameled coffee pot was filled with water, set in the center of the stove, and half a dozen Lipton tea bags added. It was going to be strong.
Andrea looked out the window and said, “Looks like the sun’s over the yardarm, kid. Let’s climb up the tower and take in the view, shall we?”
It turned out to be a truly breathtaking sunset. The weather over the last three weeks had been bone-dry and there was lots of dust in the air painting the sun a brilliant crimson as it sank behind the hills. High altocumulus clouds fluoresced pink and orange. As they watched the big red ball disappear, movement in the trees caught Anton’s eye. He squinted to make it out and identified a human form. He wasn’t sure, but he thought it was Eric, and he was hurrying toward the cabin crouched over like he was trying to sneak up on them.
Anton assumed he must be playing some kind of a game, so he leaned over the rail and shouted, “Eric, you make terrible ninja! I see you before you even get out of trees!”
Andrea burst out laughing as Eric looked up at them surprised and embarrassed. “No fair,” he shouted back, “you ambushed me!”
Anton asked, “Why did you not come with us?”
“Oh, uh, well, after you left, I decided a hike sounded like a good idea. I was only about ten minutes behind you. I thought I’d catch up, but you must have been racing each other up the mountain.”
“Hey,” Andrea called down to him, “grass doesn’t grow under our feet. We’ll be down in a minute. Check the pot and see if it’s starting to boil yet. If it is, take it off the stove and scoop the teabags out.”
As they sat around the table sipping the strong brew, Andrea stated the obvious, “It’s too dark to see the trail, so I guess we’re here for the night. Anybody hungry? I think there are a few cans of soup in the cupboard.”
Eric walked over to take inventory. “Looks like we have a choice of chicken noodle, cream of mushroom or minestrone. There’s a bag of oyster crackers here too, so what’s your pleasure?”
Andrea chose the minestrone, but Anton was too anxious about their awkward situation to eat. He stood and said, “I think I ate too many hotdogs. I don’t have hunger so I maybe walk around outside for little while.”
Eric looked at Andrea and smiled sheepishly as the door closed. “I think I kinda ruined your plans, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, I think you kinda did — his plans too. I think he was just catching on to what I had in mind, so you showing up is a real buzz-kill for him. You could have at least waited until after dark to do you snooping.”
“Sorry, I had no idea you were up on the tower. So how do I fix this?”
She considered the possibilities and offered the only solutions she could come up with. “Well, I’d say we either have to forget the plan altogether or go with your dumbass idea of a threesome.”
Eric chuckled, “That was a joke! You know I didn’t really mean that, don’t you? Anyhow, somehow I can’t see him going along with it, can you?”
She shook her head. “Not really.”
But after a little thought, she said, “Unless we don’t ask him. We could just, you know, let it happen. There’s only one bed, so we’re gonna be snuggling anyhow, aren’t we? And hormones being what they are and doing what they do, nature will probably just take its course if we encourage it a little. I’ll take the middle of the bed with you two on either side.”
Eric grinned wickedly. “You are one devious vixen, you know that?”
Half an hour later, Anton came back in. His cheeks were red from the cold wind that was whipping up outside. He looked around and said, “We don’t have sleeping bag. You have extra blankets for me to make up bed on floor?”
Andrea got up to rinse out her bowl and said dismissively, “Not necessary, kid. That’s a queen size bed and it’s big enough for all of us if we arrange ourselves efficiently.”
Anton, again feeling the anxiety creeping in, looked at her and at Eric. “You want me to sleep in same bed with you?”
“Why not?”
His mental image was of them side by side and fully dressed. It would be a little uncomfortable, but he thought he could manage.
He sighed, “Okay, if you think is not a problem. I am tired from hike, so I think maybe I sleep now.”
He sat on the side of the bed to take off his boots and climb over onto the far side to stretch out.
Andrea said, “Um, that’s not going to be very comfortable, Anton. You’ll sleep better if you get out of those jeans and that heavy shirt and get yourself under the sheets and blankets. We’ll look the other way while you get undressed.”
He looked over at them, wondering again if he was missing something. Without a word, he stripped down to his boxers, T-shirt and socks and crawled under the covers. He lay there on his side facing the wall, wide awake and trying to control his breathing as he listened to them moving around the cabin and chatting like there was nothing unusual about this situation. Maybe he mistook Andrea’s meaning. Sometimes she was hard to figure out.
Sara had just pulled up to park few yards down the road from the cabin when she saw the nose if Eric’s Jeep appear from behind the trees. She felt a moment of panic until he turned right and headed up the mountain. She was too far from the cabin and Anton to be in danger of arrest for violating the restraining order, but being discovered so near would pretty much ruin any chance of getting any good photos.
She vacillated between tailing Eric and setting up her camera across the road from the cabin, finally opting to find out what Anton’s counselor was up to. The twisty road kept her out of his sight, but she had no trouble following the dust cloud he was kicking up.
She actually drove past the turnoff to the trail, but stopped when she realized there was no longer a dust cloud in front of her. She had to back up a hundred yards or so before she saw the turnoff on her left, spotting the Jeep and the bitch’s Pathfinder parked in the trees.
Sarah watched until she was sure there was no one around, then drove up the trail and parked behind the Jeep. She had to assume they were hiking up the mountain, maybe to camp out overnight, although she couldn’t imagine why since it was so late in the year the temperature dropped so much after sunset. “Bad time of the year for fucking in a tent,” she thought.
There was probably no good reason to follow them, but her curiosity got the best of her. If there was any chance at all of getting something on that deputy, she didn’t want to miss it. She grabbed her digital Nikon and headed up the trail cautiously, thinking they probably weren’t that far ahead if they were on foot.
She must have gone a half a mile, ducking in and out of the trees before she began having second thoughts. This was probably a wild goose chase, so why should she waste her time. Except there might be a chance to get some good shots of Eric and his bitch. There was probably nothing blackmailable there because she didn’t think either of them was married, but you never knew. Pictures were always worth a thousand words, and anything that might bring grief to that amazon cunt would be worth it.
By the time she’d gone another quarter of a mile, a pitch-black darkness had fallen. There wasn’t even a sliver of a moon to see by and a cold wind was rustling the pine needles. She walked another few yards barely able to see the trail before she decided that trying to follow them further was hopeless. Disappointed, she started back down the mountain wishing she’d thought to wear her heavier coat because it was starting to snow. She also wished she had a flashlight because she couldn’t even see the damned trail.
In spite of his anxiety, Anton finally relaxed enough to drop off, sleeping soundly enough that he didn’t even feel Andrea’s body slide in under the covers next to his. In his slumber, he naturally gravitated toward the source of warmth, scooting back until his butt was nestled against her naked belly and his back against her tits. He snored softly as she snaked her hand over his boney hip searching for his cock.
He stirred and became vaguely aware of a pleasant sensation. As the fog of sleep began to lift, he felt his dick being gently squeezed, then he became aware of the warm body pressing against his back. At first, his still sleepy brain thought it was Rhonda, but the distinct soft perfume caressing his nose said it was someone else. Realization struck him all at once and his eyes popped open. His brain shouted, “It is happening!”
His cock was now fully awake and his hips were doing small, involuntary thrusts into the soft hand surround it. As awareness grew, he remembered Eric was with them. What was he doing? Was he watching? Was he in bed with them? Anton hardly dared to move because he didn’t want to interrupt what Andrea was doing ... or was it her? He remembered Eric’s relationship with Ken. Could it be? But no, he was sure it was Andrea he smelled.
Anton’s breathing grew ragged as he trembled with a combination of sexual excitement and anxiety over the unknown.
Andrea felt the growing tension in his body and sensed his nervousness. She put her mouth next to his ear and whispered, “It’s okay, sweetheart. Just relax and enjoy it.”
He turned his head toward her and breathed, “Where is Eric?”
“I’m right here, dude.”
Anton felt a hand squeeze his shoulder and knew it wasn’t Andrea’s because hers was busy doing nice things to his cock. He had no idea what to do next, so he did nothing but lay there and thrill to feeling of being slowly jerked off by the beautiful woman whose rather large tits were pressing against him.
Again, she whispered in his ear, “Sweetie, do you feel like you’re close? We don’t want you to cum all over the sheets, do we?”
He could hardly speak, so he nodded his head, then shook it trying to answer both questions. He felt the blankets lift off his body as he was rolled over to lie on his back. It was almost pitch black, only the faintest light coming from embers glowing behind the small glass window in the door of the wood stove. He saw only the merest shadow as Andrea’s head moved down his body and took his cock into her mouth. He couldn’t restrain the moan that escaped his chest and there was no controlling his ejaculation. With an even louder moan, he bucked his hips upward and shot streams of semen into her mouth as she cradled and gently squeezed his churning balls.
Eyes closed tight, Anton lay panting, grateful for the wonderful gift that Andrea had given him, but still anxious and nervous about Eric who was lying on her other side. When she had taken all he had to give, she whispered again in his ear, “I want you to fuck me when you’re hard again. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
He could hardly get the words out. “Y-yes, I would like that.” Then, “Eric?”
He felt the bed move. “I’m here, my man.”
With a deep breath, he asked in a trembling, fearful voice, “What are we doing? Are you going to put your penis in me?”
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Cupid's Correction "Oh, fu...." Cupid grumbled as his alarm clock buzzed far too early for his liking. "Why do all the new couples have to meet so early in the bloody morning?" He flopped out of bed, donned his wings and shuffled into his kitchen. His first appointment was in 3 minutes, which was plenty of time for a guy who could transport himself anywhere instantly. He opened his fridge and took out the last bottle of wine. "Shiiiit." Cupid's head was pounding from the...
The phone call from Janice came about a half-hour after Rich left. Evan answered with his name, as was his habit. “I heard my husband fucked your wife,” Janice stated. “That’s true,” he admitted. “So, it worked,” she said. “Just like you said it would,” he agreed, smiling. “I told you they would do it if they knew it was okay with us,” she reminded him. “Well, Rich didn’t know I’d consented. Did you tell Emily it was okay with you?” “I had to,” Janice said, sounding somewhat rueful. “Tell me...
NovelsKrissy 7:10 am, Tuesday, November 1st, 2006 I went down to a breakfast of burnt toast. This was nothing new. In case I hadn't mentioned it, both of my parents are in public service. My mother works on the hospital's ambulance. My father is a policeman in Annapolis. Dad's shifts are never constant and mother got called in. Both have to leave often and suddenly. I trashed the burnt toast. Then I put a couple of English muffins in the toaster and waited. Any minute now. The phone...
Jessica Jaymes is a mature woman with many sides to her. Over the years she has learned to love completely surrendering to a powerful man. She starts in a cage only to be released for one reason…using her tight wet pussy to please a long, solid cock. and feed on its juices. This beautiful milf pulls out her perfect round breasts and pierced wet clit and allows her handler to use her in whatever way he sees fit. When feeding time cums she is ready to eat all his man juice off her feeding...
xmoviesforyouMichelle's Story - Part 13 The Easter Holidays were going to see Michael and his older siblings spending most of the two weeks at home. Liz was still very much housebound with her pregnancy now just over a month away from completion. John still had work to go to and had just the main Easter days off. But stopping at home meant that Michael could go girl mode practically full time for the duration of the holiday. And Wednesday would see him, or more to the point: her, being...
This story has send me by a friend. I had made slight changes to make it interesting and with her permission i am publishing it. Hope u would like it…It had been a long day at my new job as a receptionist for Angelino Cosmetics. A long day in a week of long days after my husband had been laid off from his high paying job at General Motors. Word had it that the lay-off was only temporary, and would last no longer than it took to retool the plant for the new models. But with us living from...
"Okay boys, I am your two dollar whore and you can have whatever you want out of me! The one thing I ask is that you both cum on me… on my face, in my mouth, on my tits… whatever. I want to feel your hot cum all over me. I am your cumslut, for your use and pleasure!" she said.I saw Tony's eyes get wide as she talked, but when she reached up and unhooked the front clasp of her pink and black bra and peeled apart the two sides, Tony's eyes got twice as wide!Pam isn't the largest woman in the...
Wife LoversThe search for Invader ships took the Personalia to many stars in and around the local stellar cloud. Visiting each of these stars was a chore in itself, despite the use of the Personalia's FTL (Faster Than Light) subspace drive. The stars themselves were not the target; but the planets, asteroids and other bodies circling these stars were the main interest, for several distinct reasons. The first, and most apposite reason was the Invaders' "reason d'etre", their elected justification for...
The return...follow from- story ( newly cuck'd hubby)-It was only a question of time I was guessing to see when Nathan would contact Leanna the Mrs? I was worried that he would and was stupidly hoping that one good time with her would have been enough for this black stud, who could have any Lady inclined to want the time of her life with a man! I asked nervously to her had she heard from him as she left her personal number with him? She...
As they travelled, John continued to work on the Atlatl and Bow and Arrow. While he worked on the new weapons, he continued to think about where he was and the strange way he felt. He explored his mind, if that is the right word, and tried to identify his new feeling of capability. Several times he felt as if he pushed something with his mind or transmitted a thought or desire via mind. He thought about laying his hands on the injuries and seeing within his patients as he directed the...
Introduction: The saga of a committed zoo freak continues This is the third installment in a continuing saga. I recommend you go back and read Linda Part I Beginnings, and Linda Part II Becoming Sires Bitch, or the context of the story may be lost to you. Linda had started out somewhat reluctantly accepting Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever as her lover and doggie Master, but had adapted to the situation quite well. As I said in Part I, the reason for my introducing her to this was because,...
- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual naivety of the main characters. Also this story also features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are or about the people who read or...
Thanks for reading my earlier story “Love of my life” ( ). That was about how my sister and I expressed our love for each other and shared intimate moments. Today, I am writing about how we got ‘married’. So after spending couple of weeks discovering each other physically, emotionally and experiencing the heights of love and lust, I returned to India and she stayed back in London continuing her studies. We decided we won’t...
IncestConrad and Leah knew one another better now at this, their fourth get together. They were in Leah's motel room and, after several drinks and a satisfying sample of cocaine, they got down to business. Monkey business, that is. "Mmmm, have I told you that you've got a nice juicy ass," Conrad chuckled softly, in the pretty blonde hooker's ear. "I like rear ending. Do you, baby?" Still smoldering from the effects of having a smattering of the white powder licked from her cunt, Leah...
The storm had been the most terrifying experience in your life, and you had been convinced it would be the last. Your boat had been capsized in the complete darkness of the early morning hours. You wake up completely disoriented. The last thing you remember is being thrown around in the waves, the storm roaring around you. It takes a few moments for you to register your surroundings. You are lying face down. Your entire body aches and feels as heavy as lead. Your back is burning, but your legs...
GayMourning the use of her clit Part 1It had started as a way to just paying the rent, but now she had to admit she like the line of work she was in. Trick'in 6 nights a week had paid the bills at first but now she had to admit she was addicted to her job. It really wasn't work to her.Tammy had always been sexual, she had learned at an early age, from her older sister what her clit was for. Her Clit!, that piece of flesh she worshiped above everything!, had been her only escape from a bad...
My wife is one of those people who have managed to reach adulthood with no conception of the actual value of money or of the fact that it can sometimes be damned hard to come by. After several years of trying to get her educated and failing I was forced to take drastic steps if only to protect my credit and keep us out of bankruptcy. I cancelled all of her credit cards and closed our joint checking and savings accounts. When the inevitable outcry came, "What am I supposed to do for money?" I...
I swam along slowly, luxuriating in the warm water, feeling more at peace with myself than I had in weeks. For a moment a Wondered where Marge was and what my wife might be doing. I had got only a glimpse of Marge in the nude but I wouldn't have minded seeing more; she had alluringly smooth skin and large bullet shaped breasts. Suddenly I felt someone was pressing her body against me, I knew because the person had a pair of tits. Even I didn't know who she was, in a moment I could feel my...
Story so far - I conviced Mom to allow me to masturbate in her room with her masturbating beside me! But it was more than just masturbation session.***************************************************************************Saying so I hurried to her room got completely nude and sat on the left side of her bed, my mom usually likes the right side of the bed. I turned on both her bedside lamps and switched off all the other lights. After 15 mins my mom entered the room and was surprised at my...
She had me at goodbye. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy the conversation. I was just too afraid to tell her that I loved the way she smelled, looked, and spoke to me. It was the middle of August and still hot, so we were both wearing bathing suits. The summer air escaped from outside relieving those of us who had decided to dip into the bar from the heat. Only difference between my bathing suit and hers was that I chose a sheer cover up. Being somewhat insecure about the instant pooch that I’d...
I picked Amy up at 6:00 as we had agreed. We headed for the local mall. In addition to all the shops and restaurants, there was also a multiplex cinema. I had planned to take Amy to one of those chain restaurants before the movie. I thought that would be a little classier than a fast-food burger without breaking the bank. The restaurant was not too crowded that early. The hostess seated us promptly. We enjoyed a nice meal as we talked about our interests and plans for college once we...
I love that picture of you in your pink underwear. It makes me wish that we were together, you modeling for me, stripping down, seducing me. I’d try and do the same for you, stripping to my gray cotton boxers, but you do it so much better. Your actions clearly excite me, as the outline of my bulging cock is clearly visible in my boxers. I love how you lift your breasts from your top, showing off each enlarged nipple in turn. It is beautiful to watch them in your hands, and how they sway when...
AnalOutside in the cool night air, Billy almost jumped out of his semen soaked Mary Janes as a large strong masculine hand gently caressed his ass. He looked around the parking lot. "That rude guy is long gone." he said with a forced cheeriness. "Thanks and goodbye!" "What's the rush, sweetie?" The adult shop's muscular bouncer asked with a smile. Billy gulped. "No rush, we, uh, we just have to get going." "I thought we could maybe get to know one another a little better." "Uh,...
Jason especially looked forward to Wednesday mornings. That was when Alexis Carter sought relief from muscles strained during her hard fought tennis matches. Tan and supple, he guessed her to be in her early thirties. She was a tall, dark haired beauty with high flaring cheek bones, wide-set brown eyes and long, muscular limbs. A self-assured and well-known real estate agent, she was divorced and had a reputation for running with a fast crowd. Jason was standing at the counter when Alexis...
‘You just got rejected! Rejected! Rejected!’ the cheerleaders cheered with their pink pom-poms . The jock hung his head down as one of the most popular girls, and hottest, walked away. You’d have to be living under a rock to not know who Cindy Traynor was. That blond-haired, blue-eyed, pink-faced girl was in every man’s dream, even mine. All of the popular girls were in my dreams, and most of them were on the cheerleader squad. ‘What are you looking at, dork?’ Jenna Marble, one of the...
Hi all my lovers. Thanks for all u sexy men n women who responded to my previous story, Masseur turned lover. A kiss on all the cocks and pussies and assholes that showed so much love for me. All those who responded to my story and my piss fetish, next time when you stand for a piss, imagine that I am holding your dicks and rubbing your clits as your stream comes out and then I smell your nectars and lick the final drops as a divine offering. Any gay male, bisexual male, most importantly,...
We’d been married for three years before my husband finally admitted that he wasn’t all that thrilled with our sex life. Of course, he was sure I’d be terribly hurt, and he kept apologizing. But I stopped him and made the same sort of admission. I knew I wanted a lot more than I was getting. Drake looked completely flabbergasted when I said that. “But you always have a good time,” he said. “You have orgasms.” “Not always, honey. Not always.” He stared at me. “So what am I doing...
Two days later I got my period, and that’s the first time I realized I could have gotten pregnant. I swear, it never entered my head until then. I was in the bathroom, putting the pad in my underwear, when I suddenly went cold all over. I was so relieved, but I was scared, too — scared because if I let a boy put his thing in me again, I could in big trouble. And I wanted a boy to put his thing in me again. I went to my room and, taking my rosary beads out of my top drawer, I knelt down...
Meri mom ka naam omana hai .. Wo dikhne me sexy aur khoobsurat hai unki gand aur boobs bade hai…Age 45 size 42-38-40 isse aap sabko pta chal gya hoga meri mom ka figure bikul ek baar jo unko dekhe unko chodne ka mann hoga aisa fgure hai.. Height 5’5 hai aur gori hai… Ab me story me atha hu ye 1 saal pehle ki story hai…Mere dad 3 saal pehle death hogai accident se sooo tab se mom apna aapko satisfy nai kar pathi thi sex unki life me kum hogaya tha meri mom bht sad rehthi thi….Par wo ek company...
Mr. Benson said. “My cock’s hard enough for you to suck now, but don’t to forget to play with my balls and lick them from time to time.” Mr. Benson instructed. “It’s going to take much longer to bust my nut again so if you want something to drink or a pillow for your knees get them now.” I got up and grabbed a pillow off the couch and dropped on the floor between his legs and swallowed Mr. B’s dick again. My dick felt like it could cut glass. It wouldn’t take much for me to explode all over...