Biker Vets Lose A Righteous Brother free porn video

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The encampment was surrounded by wire and as Rick anxiously looked closer, he could see armed sappers crawling through the wire from all directions. Rick thought, "Oh fuck, I'm really in for it now." He looked desperately around him for his weapons but he could find nothing but his bare hands to protect himself with. A weird buzzing noise began to ring in his ears. "That's not incoming mortars or rockets. What the hell is it?" Rick wondered.
He was awakened from his nightmare by his bedside telephone. He had to gently shift Michelle's beautiful blond head off his chest to reach over and stop the damned ringing. While he was picking up the phone he reflected that this nightmare had been of a rare type for him. It had been one he hadn't actually experienced in real life!
He glanced at the clock on the bedside table and thought, one o'clock, this call had better be good. "Hello." Rick grumbled into the phone. He heard a click on the line and he realized immediately that Snowman had picked up the extension in his and Cat's room.
"You want Theo Jackson?" Rick recognized the excited voice as Willy Ferguson; he was one of their most reliable and productive informants.
"Hell, yes, we want him, Willy. Where is he?" Rick came wide-awake and he sat up on the side of the bed. Theo was their current biggest target. He had skipped on a murder bond of a cool fifty grand from the biggest bonding company in Houston.
The bond had been secured by the title to his grandparent's uninsured home. While celebrating his release by smoking crack Theo had burned the house down and killed both of his invalid grandparents! Their client stood to loose a bundle, conversely, Rick and Snowman stood to claim a large percentage of that bundle if they could just catch Theo.
"I just saw Jackson go into Jazz Wilson's bar out here on Martin Luther King. I heard he's trying to raise enough dough to get out of town, so I was watching Jazz's place. He's the biggest fence in this part of town."
"Alright, Willy. We'll be over there in just a few minutes. You know if we catch him this time we'll take good care of you." Rick thumbed the button that hung up the phone and pushed another one that speed dialed Larry's number.
"Hello, County Coroners. You stab 'em; we slab 'em." Dirty Dana answered the phone in her usual irreverent manner.
"Is Buckshot still up?" Rick asked urgently. He knew they had to get to Jazz's place before Theo finished his business and hit the road.
"No, he went to bed when the rest of you party poopers left. He's just no damned fun either. I couldn't even get him into my fucking coffin with me tonight." Dana returned.
"Have him ready to roll in ten minutes. Tell him we'll be bringing the truck." Rick hung up the phone and grabbed for his clothes. He took the specially made Bianchi Miami holster rig with the twin .45 Colt autos off of the hook beside the bed and deftly slipped it on as he'd done hundreds of times before.
Someone rapped quietly on the door and Rick headed that way only to be stopped by a soft, plaintive call from the bed. Michelle reached a hand toward his side of the bed; she opened her awesome blue eyes to look for him when she couldn't touch him. "Business, Baby." Rick told her. He moved to the side of the bed; he leaned over, and kissed her full, soft lips.
"Come back to me, Lover." Michelle pouted.
"You know it, Doll." Rick vowed. Rick opened the door and a tiny, sexy, nude Cat Woman slipped sinuously past him and ran for the bed. This wasn't at all unexpected by Rick; Cat and Michelle often slept together for company if Rick and Snowman were going to be out late.
Snowman was waiting in the living room; he had three small two-way radios in his hands. "I thought we might need these and I checked the batteries while you called to wake up Buckshot. They're all working."
"Great, let's go." Rick said, as he accepted the radio Snowman handed him. The two never had to talk much when they were working. They had worked together so long each could almost read the other's mind.
Rick drove the truck they shared between them. It was a new dually four-wheel drive diesel, a truck that was powerful enough for any use they had for it. Buckshot was waiting in the shadows out in front of Larry's house. He had a short bed roll over one shoulder that was tied on each end with strong leather thongs. Snowman opened the truck door and let him in.
Snowman wasted no time on preliminaries. "Here's a radio." He passed one of the small two-way radios to Buckshot. "It's just one frequency; I've already turned it on so all you'll have to do is to push the red button to talk. We're going to a bar downtown; you'll go around the back way. We'll give you a minute to find your way to the back door and get set up and then we'll go in the front. The guy we're looking for is twenty-five years old, he's six foot two, one eighty, he's black and he walks with a limp. He jumped bond for killing his girl friend's husband with a knife. If our man's still there, we'll probably flush him out the back. He's probably heard we're hunting for him and if he sees both of us in the front, he won't be expecting you."
"That's just the way I like it." For the second time that night, Snowman saw Buckshot's dangerous look. Snowman took several of the heavy-duty plastic wire ties they used to secure prisoners out of one of his jacket pockets and handed them to Buckshot. By the time Snowman had finished briefing Buckshot, Rick had driven to the bar. He pulled to the curb slightly up the street from it.
Buckshot got out and hustled up the street, Rick waited a minute and then he pulled up to the front of the bar and parked. They went in the front door quickly and Rick moved to the right as Snowman moved to the left. Several tables in the bar were full of men and a few women and there were four men at the bar behind which a large black man with white hair presided.
A big burly, young black man got up from a nearby table and swaggered toward them. "What do you two white boys want in here?" The obviously drunken man asked them in a slurred voice.
A young black woman in an abbreviated dress that exposed most of her big breasts and practically all of her long legs got up from her table to egg the man on. "You tell 'em, Leon. Those white boys ain't got no business being in here."
Snowman and Rick both caught a glimpse of their quarry exiting the rest room in the rear of the bar. He cast one glance in their direction, then he headed for the back door as fast as his limp would allow. "We're leaving, Leon!" Rick told the big man in front of them. "We don't want any trouble."
"What do you mean by that, boy?'" Leon shouted angrily. Rick thought it was too bad Leon just was not the type you could reason with and he hoped Buckshot could handle Theo until they could go to his aid.
"Get them, Leon." The woman at the table yelled. Leon headed their way and Rick leaped up and met him head on with a fist full of brass load that he had palmed from his pocket. The shock of the blow ran all the way up Rick's arm to his shoulder. He planted two more jackhammer blows to Leon's smashed face before the big man's knees received the command from his brain to fold! Leon crashed backwards and brought the table behind him to the floor with a tinkle of breaking glasses.
"I got him." Rick heard Buckshot say excitedly over the radio in his pocket.
The woman that had goaded Leon on got even more vocal now. "Why did you hit Leon? He wasn't bothering you!" The agitating woman turned to the other men in the bar. "You gonna let these bastards come in here and beat up Leon?"
The other men were obviously pretty damned impressed that Rick had knocked Leon out but the woman kept goading them on. Only an instant had passed, but a couple of them had started to look at each other and fidget. Rick was still trying to decide whether to head for the door or draw a gun when an ominous sound from the back of the bar got the whole crowd's instantaneous attention.
Buckshot was standing just inside the open back door. He had ratcheted the slide action of his riot gun. He caught the ejected shell with a practiced flourish and stuffed it back up the bottom tube. "Our man's out back sleeping, are you ready to leave now, Boss, or did you want to have a drink first?"
Buckshot asked the question in an assertive tone that was heard throughout the silent bar. He stood in a relaxed posture with the polished walnut stock of his chrome plated meat grinder resting on one hip. Even the loud-mouthed woman was smart enough she had shut up and sat down fast when she'd heard the unmistakable sound of the shotgun action clacking.
Snowman shouted cheerfully, "Hell, yes; I'm ready for a drink; matter of fact, I'm buying the house a round." He pulled out his wallet as he walked around Leon; he laid a hundred-dollar bill on the bar. Rick followed him over, he was feeling very relieved at the timely interruption.
The bar owner served them their drinks first and Rick raised his glass to Buckshot. Rick toasted, "Here's to working with a righteous Bro." The first drink went down so well they asked politely for another shot and sent it speeding after the first. Rick asked Jazz for a bucket of ice and when it was placed on the bar he stuck his bruised right hand deeply into it and breathed a loud sigh of relief.
Buckshot reached into a pocket and pulled out a large folding pocketknife; he offered it to his Bros. He told them, "Theo wasn't feeling overly sociable tonight; he tried to use this on me." Snowman motioned for him to keep it. As Buckshot slipped the knife back in his pocket he said, "I suppose he can't keep it where he's going. I laid him out good, but I guess I'd better go check on him."
Snowman went to bring the truck around. This left Rick to finish smoothing things over with the bartender and crowd. The mood in the bar had begun to change when Snowman had bought a round and several of the men had gotten Leon to a table and one of them had taken him a drink. Of course, this didn't mean that at least one of the three bikers hadn't kept a weather eye out on the crowd at all times!
Rick withdrew his damaged hand from the ice bucket and placed another hundred on top of the change of the other hundred Snowman had purposely left. He slid the stack of money across the bar in Jazz's general direction and it quickly vanished. "We're real sorry for the interruption, Mr. Wilson. Are we square?"
He was rewarded with profuse assurances of good will. "We're square. Believe me, Sir. Old Jazz don't need no law in here and I sure don't want no more trouble with you three gentlemen. You won't be hearing anything out of us." Jazz smiled broadly as he patted the pocket where he'd stashed the cash!
Rick hustled out of the rear exit of the bar to find Snowman and Buckshot loading an unconscious Theo into the back of the truck. Buckshot had busted him in the head with the butt of his gun then he'd efficiently bound him with the strong electrical ties. Rick grabbed a long thin leg and helped them load their still unconscious prize catch.
"Buckshot, you did great!" Rick praised him after they had Theo loaded. "If we'd had to fight that whole crowd, we would have had to pay for every chair and table in there."
"Yeah, not to mention having the cops out." Snowman added.
They took Theo to the County Jail and the copy of the bond agreement they had in the truck facilitated their getting the County to take him out of their custody. They were greatly relieved to have a receipt signed by the desk sergeant in exchange for the elusive Theo.
Rick gave Buckshot a roll of five one hundred-dollar bills for services rendered, and they still had him back at Larry's house before five o'clock. "It's been a real pleasure doing business with you two!" Buckshot winked wickedly as he stashed the money in his biker wallet and exited the truck. At this rate he would rebuild his traveling fund in no time!
Rick and Snowman drove back to their house; they quickly undressed and climbed into Rick and Michelle's bed with their two beautiful women who were snuggled together there keeping the bed warm for them.
The inviting smell of blueberry waffles and frying bacon woke Rick that morning. He looked over to find that all three of his bed mates had abandoned ship already. "I must really be getting tame." Rick shook his head and thought in disgust. "Two years ago, a skinny house cat couldn't have stepped foot into this bedroom without me going for a gun."
This disturbing thought was enough incentive to cause Rick to hit the floor and do fifty pushups before he headed for the shower. Rick was just coming out of the bathroom when Michelle came back into the bedroom.
She was an absolute doll! Her voluptuous figure was accented, but not concealed in the least, by a frilly pink apron, which happened to be all she was wearing at the time. "Breakfast is ready, Sweetheart." Michelle spoke in the sexy voice that never failed to thrill Rick. She walked into his arms as he opened them wide and she applied herself to thoroughly kissing him.
The soul kiss led to Rick temporarily losing all desire, for breakfast, that is. By the time they came out of his second shower of the morning, thirty minutes later, he was definitely ready for something to eat. Michelle put her flimsy apron back on and spoke. "I'll warm your breakfast in the microwave while you dress, Darling."
It never took long for Rick to dress. Unless he and his Bro were staking out a place or trying to impress a client, they seldom wore anything but Levi's or fatigue pants, a Harley shirt, their motorcycle jackets, and their "rags", a sleeveless denim jacket with their club colors on the back. Rick and Snowman both still usually wore the Green Beret they had worked, fought, and bled to bring honor to.
Snowman was lying on a couch in the living room with a steaming coffee cup on the table in front of him. He had his pants on and his shirt and boots were close at hand. Snowman's small but superbly muscled torso he'd trained for years to attain and maintain reminded Rick of the body of a leopard. A leopard was a good comparison for Snowman. Rick had seen him prove many times that, pound for pound, he was the deadliest man Rick had ever known.
"I called Buckshot, Bro. He's headed over here already." Snowman told Rick.
"Good." Rick collected the full plate of breakfast Michelle had just placed on the counter for him. "Thanks, Honey." Rick fell to with a will in an attempt at making the tasty food vanish as quickly as possible.
"That sure beats the hell out of cold ham and mothers for breakfast, doesn't it." Snowman said as he watched Rick devouring his food. He was refering to the infamous ham and lima beans that had been one of the staples of their diet during the war.
"What does the "mothers" mean?" Cat asked curiously.
"Mothers was half of what we called those fuckin' lima beans." Rick enlightened her. "Snowman, I kept telling you someday there would be a time that we could look back at the war as just a bad memory."
"Yeah, you sure did, Slick. There are some people I still miss from back then, though. I think you told me once you went through training and were on the same team for a while with Tiger Murphy, didn't you?"
"Yeah, I did. He was one of the really good ones." Rick confided. "I remember the first time you told me you were from Houston and I remarked that Murph was from here, too. I heard from someone years ago that he had made it out; we need to look him up sometime."
"Remind me to check with Willy when we find him. What made me think about Tiger was Willy once said they'd played ball together and were best friends when they were kids. He said they were so close it was him that gave Tiger his nickname, so I'm sure Willy'd know where he was living if anyone would."
Their idle conversation was interrupted by the sound of a Harley approaching outside. This was shortly followed by a loud knock on the door. Michelle had changed her apron for a frilly sundress that looked like it was already on the verge of losing the battle of containing all of her body. She went to look out the peephole they'd installed in the door and she opened it when she was certain it was Buckshot.
Buckshot came through the entrance and then he stood stock-still and stared at Michelle. "Dammit, Lady; you are a looker!" Buckshot practically drooled. "If you ever smarten up and decide you want to get rid of Slick and get yourself a good old man, just give me a call."
They laughed at Buckshot's impudence. The movement Michelle made when she laughed enhanced the already incomparable view of her in the revealing dress.
"No, Buckshot." Michelle insisted, "On the contrary, Slick deserves a good old lady, but if he ever finds him one it won't do him any good, because I'll just kill the bitch!" Michelle's viciously jealous statement amused them all.
She was straining her sundress again. Buckshot put his hands over his eyes, and pleaded with her. "Please, Michelle, my poor bachelor eyes can't take much of that!" His fingers widened, he was peeking at her!
"Maybe some fresh coffee would help you, Buckshot." She offered.
"Yes, please, Ma'am. Black." Buckshot accepted. She stood in the kitchen with his cup; she had an inspiration and waved a bottle of their best bourbon questioningly at him. At his enthusiastic nod and a gracious, "Yes, please, Ma'am", she poured a generous shot in his coffee and brought it to him.
Buckshot rubbed his hands together in pleased anticipation, and then he reached and took the coffee as Michelle served him. "Genuine southern hospitality. You're not only beautiful; you surely do know how to treat a man!" Buckshot spoke gratefully, then he sipped the drink.
Michelle poured a liberal amount into the two other cups that were quickly extended her way, she accepted the men's grateful thanks, and then she left the bottle near to hand. The men went over some of the details of the previous night's work and then they made tentative plans for the day.
The first detail the men wanted to take care of was picking up the reward for Theo Jackson. They headed over to the bonding company as soon as they'd all stowed away a comfortable cargo of the laced coffee.
The representative of the bonding agency was more than happy to give them a very large company check in exchange for the official police receipt for Theo. They went by their bank and deposited most of the check in their account. The next thing on their agenda was to find Willy Ferguson and give him the reward for his help.
They found Willy at a church run rescue mission on the north side of town they'd known that he frequented. Willy had heard their bikes coming and he was already waiting for them out by the street. "I've been waiting for you guys." He told them. "I already know you got Theo. Matter of fact, I was watching you from a hidey hole across the street when you loaded him up."
"Yeah, Willy. We really appreciate your help. You're our best detective." The detective business was something that Snowman had dreamed up to try to give their stoolies some pride in themselves. "You should have told us you were there, we would have paid you then."
"No, Sir! If those people in Jazz's bar knew I'm a under cover detective, they'd kill me before you could snap your fingers."
Snowman took out his wallet and pulled out a hundred-dollar bill. He looked thoughtfully at Willy, then he asked him sincerely, "Willy, you aren't going to drink yourself to death on this, are you? The last time we gave you this much money we heard the party nearly killed you."
"This money isn't for me, guys." Willy assured them as he grabbed the bill and stashed it away. "My friend Tiger's real bad sick. He can't get down here to the shelter anymore and they won't believe me enough to let me take stuff to him. I can't say as how I blame them. Lord knows, I've lied to them plenty of times before, it just gets to be a habit somehow."
"You're not talking about Tiger Murphy, are you?" Rick asked anxiously.
"One and the same!" Willy told them. Tears of concern had appeared in Willy's rheumy eyes. "I told him Snowman had said he knew him and he told me he'd soldiered with both of you. I tried to tell Tiger you two were righteous and would help him, but he said he still had some pride left and he didn't want you to see him like he is. Boys, he's the best friend I ever had and I'm afraid he ain't gonna make it!"
"Show us where Murph is, Willy. We'll get him to some medical help!" Rick assured Willy. Both Rick and Snowman were getting worried now. They certainly didn't want to find a long lost old friend just to lose him!
Willy refused to ride on one of the bikes. They offered to call a cab for him but he said he'd relied on his feet to transport him for the last thirty years and he'd be afraid to ride in a taxi. Their only delay was to stop at a neighborhood cafe to buy a large container of hot soup to take to Murphy. They followed Willy slowly on their bikes as he scurried down the streets and alleys as fast as he could move.
Willy led them to a rundown, abandoned warehouse. They parked the bikes outside and then they followed him in. Cheap wine bottles littered the floor everywhere. The odors of rot and decay were overcome by the awful stench of stale urine and human feces. Willy led them to a dimly lit corner of the building where a vaguely human form could be seen beneath a pile of rags.
"Tiger! Wake up. I got you some soup, old Buddy. You gonna like this, it's chicken." Willy threw back the covers and exposed a wasted body that couldn't have weighed much more than a hundred pounds. "Wake up, Jimmy."
Rick reluctantly forced himself to look up from the half-clothed skeletal form to Murph's eyes. He saw immediately, even in the gloomy light that his eyes were glazed over in death. They had come several hours too late to help Tiger Murphy in this life.
"You can't help him any more, Willy; he's gone." Rick pulled the grieving man away from his friend. "Buckshot, would you go call the police and have them send an ambulance so we can get Tiger out of here."
Willy was beside himself with grief. First, he cursed his own stupidity for not telling them about Tiger's illness sooner and for leaving him to die alone. Then he cursed Tiger's wife for leaving him for another man while he was in Vietnam; then he cursed the government for sending Tiger overseas to begin with!
"They put him on them damned hard drugs when he was bad wounded and he never had another job when he got home! It's like the war ate out all his insides." Willy tearfully told them. "I guess, truth be told, Tiger really died over there."
The police officers that made the run with the ambulance knew Willy well and they remembered Murph from the street. They said they hadn't seen him since shortly after the last time he'd gotten out of detox at the V. A. Hospital a few months back. The officers assured Rick they would see to it Willy was escorted safely back to the shelter where his friends could care for him.
Before the officers led Willy away, he asked them to wait for a minute more. He went to a dusty shelf in the corner of the building and took down a ragged, olive green U.S. Army issue laundry bag and handed it to Rick. "This was Tiger's only treasure. I know he'd have wanted you two to have it."
Rick reached into the bag and drew out a paper sack that contained a Green Beret; it was still in beautiful condition. He handed this to Snowman for him to hold and reached back into the bag. The next thing he pulled out was a framed picture he immediately recognized as E-5 James William Murphy in a crisp dress uniform; The Stars and Stripes and military banners were in the background; his youthful face was beaming with pride!
The only thing else left in the bag was a small velvet display box containing his medals. In it were two Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star, and a worn copy of his Department of Defense Form 214.
"Well, this D. D. 214 will help to get him buried, anyway." Rick whispered.
Snowman told them, "I know a guy that's President of the local Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America. I'm going to see him right now; he'll know what to do. The least we can do now is to see that Murph's buried with military honors."
They carried Tiger's belongings out to their bikes. "My friend's name is Bill Vance; he's a newspaper editor. If we go and see him now, it'll give him some time to start arranging things. Buckshot, thanks a lot for your help, if you've got something else you'd like to do this morning we'll get back with you later. Getting this mess straightened out could take us anywhere from several hours to a couple of days."
Buckshot spoke gravely, "If it's alright with you, I'll hang with you two. I didn't know this man, but if he was a Bro of yours, that makes him a Bro of mine."
When they arrived at the newspaper office, Bill was pleased to see them. He'd been a combat Marine during the war, and he had since become very active in veteran's affairs. "Hello, Snowman. How're you today, my friend?" He asked. He had already noticed Rick's beret. "Welcome home, Brother. Thank you for serving our country." Bill shook their hands warmly after giving them the greeting a lot of veterans use today.
When Buckshot shook Bill's hand he surprised his two bosses by giving him the greeting of one of their Brother fraternities. "Airborne, all the way!"
After the introductions were over, Snowman showed Bill the relics Willy had given to them and briefed him on the story. "James Murphy!" Bill excaimed. "I remember that kid, we went to the same high school. He was one year behind me; we were inducted down at the old Federal Building downtown in the same group."
"It's been such a long time now, but I seem to remember reading a clipping about him in one of my mother's letters she'd cut out of the paper." Bill spoke to one of his clerks and asked her to look up anything they might have in their files of the late 1960's or early 1970's on a local man named James William Murphy. He was still discussing where Rick and Snowman had served with Tiger when the clerk returned and handed him a file.
Bill opened the file and peered closely at the top document. His voice became gruff and he took a deep breath in an obvious effort to control his emotions. "This man was a hero. We let an American hero die alone and destitute this morning!"
Bill read the document to them. It was an Army press release relating how Jim had won the Bronze Star. His team had been pinned down in an ambush with all of his men having been badly wounded. Jim had pushed himself up with his weapon and charged the enemy position, killing several of them and receiving another serious wound. The surviving enemy force was routed and the team was subsequently rescued.
"I'm going to call the men on our color guard; I'll ask them to be on standby alert until this man has had a proper military funeral." Bill assured them he would personally make every attempt to contact any heirs or relatives Jim might have had. "This man's picture and his story will be on our front page tomorrow even if I have to pay overtime and work all night to do it!"
Several days later, Rick, Snowman, Buckshot, and Bill stood at attention smartly saluting Tiger's flag-draped coffin. The four hardened combat veterans gazed sadly at the proud young face in the picture sitting on a table in front of the closed casket.
Two other men flanking them were survivors of Tiger's team; Rick had located them through a Special Forces group he was a member of, and they'd flown in immediately to attend the funeral.
They'd confirmed the newspaper account of his bravery first hand. These men had personally placed Tiger's medals on display in front of his picture, and had hung his treasured Green Beret across one corner of the picture at a rakish angle.
The sharp veteran's color guard smartly snapped to on command and fired a formal rifle salute. The onlookers listened respectfully; each of them was thinking their own private thoughts of Jim Murphy and of other friends lost in times gone by, but never forgotten. The sharp cracks of gunfire ended as the haunting notes of a bugle playing taps began to echo mournfully across the damp, cold ground of the graveyard.


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Biker Bitch Chapter Six

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Six: Control Top "So down to business," Cassie said as she lay in Dale's arms. "You know as a prospect I ran dope with the Devil Dogs MC?" "Sure. We work with the Devils on a couple of things that are of mutual benefit." Dale blew smoke at the ceiling. "Well while I was in hiding in Mexico I ran junk for Diego Martinez for a while. I made some good cash. But I also found out the Dogs were short- changing the Beasts." Cassie lit her...

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Biker Momma

Hello, my name is Brad, I was an apartment dweller until management decided to sell the property so I had to move back home with mom bushe was glad to have me back. Dad died a while ago, he was never in good health and I guess his body was just plum worn out. Back in my twenties I started to look at Mom through the eyes of a man, not just her son. I started to see her as Gail, a good looking woman, rather than Mom. Yeah I fancied her and her good looks and we did some pretty neat things...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Eleven

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Eleven: Patchover "So... you've scratched my itch, and a few other places." Jill Saint John sat at the breakfast table with Cassie. They were both dressed in silk dressing gowns and complimentary hotel slippers. They had just showered and Jill wore fresh panties and nothing else. Cassie wore a pair of panties straight out of the wrapper, donated to her by Jill. She had stayed the night and for breakfast. "You didn't come to Vegas just...

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Biker Slut Wife

I have been married to my wife for twenty seven years now. She is forty nine years old and looks damn good for her age. Brownish blonde short hair with big brown eyes and high cheek bones, 34 "C" cup breast. Nice cowgirl ass. Around 130 pounds. She gets hit on a lot. I am the only guy she has ever been with. But after twenty seven years the sex is just not what it used to be. We decided to help spice things up we should take a couple of weeks off from work and rent a Harley and go ride around...

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Biker Bar 1

I was driving through Mississippi on my way to Texas when I stop off at the local truck stop,It took me around 20 minutes to get my Cab all free from the flatbed. The waitress in the restauranttold me where there is a good biker bar to go to, It was now around 8 pm I decided to head over there.The cab windows were fogging up now as I was driving down the road to the Club, I then found a nicespot now so I can park my cab.As I walk in through the door, I can hear and see that's might be my lucky...

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Biker Bitch

The following story is true my wife and I were only18 and 19 at the time. Rick and his biker friends took my wifes ass virginity and turned her into a cock hungry woman. After her first gang bang she wanted to try everythng and anything. This was only the start.... We arrived at out motel and quickly went out with a friend for supper. We returned a short time later only to find 2 men waiting outside our room, we were told that their boss wanted to see us in room 120. We asked what this...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Five

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Five: Fuck The Business! "What the fuck was that!" Dale was shocked and angry. "Shut up and lookout to make sure we aren't followed while I concentrate on driving," Cassie was driving at high speed to the arroyo where she had parked her BMW. Cassie pulled off the short blonde wig she had worn as a disguise and Steve ripped off the salt 'n pepper wig he was wearing. They ditched the stolen Mustang after wiping it down and transferred...

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Biker Gang Captive

This is a story I wrote several years ago for a men’s adventure magazine, but it folded before it got off the ground. No sex, but it has adventure and romance, and I hope you enjoy it. As always, feedback is encouraged. Thanks! * ‘Goddamn it, we don’t have time for this!’ The lieutenant’s big fist slammed down on the desk, slopping the lukewarm coffee over the lip of the styrofoam cup. Nick rubbed his temples, the pounding ache of his hangover a spike through his head. The glare of the...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Nine

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Nine: Fuck the Trans Cooze! Cassie sat behind a desk in a stark interview room at the Los Angeles County Jail. ATF do not have their own detention facilities; they use Federal penitentiaries and often borrow local law enforcement facilities to temporally incarcerate suspects and interrogate them. She had been freed of her cuffs and her clutch purse and its contents lay on the melanite desk sealed in clear plastic evidence bags. The burly...

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Biker Bitch

Synopsis Synopsis This is the first attempt in writing internet erotic fiction. The story is based off any idea I had read a few years back. The thought and plot of the story have stuck with me so I thought I might try my hand and write a story.  Biker Bitch Part 1 Mike was the president of his Harley Davidson bike club. The club was made up of all males and had a support group of wives and girlfriends. Mike was 5?8? 150 pounds with long brown hair that was well kept. Mike was...

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The Vets Assistant

( please be gentle with your criticism. This story is purely a fantasy, that should never be possible and never tried on a unwilling person, " Unless she truely feels the urge to fully submit to her inner Bitch" and her new mistress has that sexy seductive french accent that disolves oneself into a helpless submissive mess.) The advertised job just stated that local vet requires young fit lady interested in an Assistant Position, must have experience with large dogs and some knowledge of...

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Biker Man

Gary had the devil-may-care biker lifestyle and philosophy which he had adopted to survive war in Africa. Gary had learned fighting in Africa that shit happens, you handled it and you survived with the least amount of hassle you could get away with. If you'd learned your lessons well and were good enough, you had fun while you were surviving, if it was at all possible. Gary was tall and his body was firm and he had dark hair and forest green eyes with tiny lines in the corners that were clearly...

Group Sex
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Biker Bitch Chapter Ten

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Ten: Sisters of Satan Natalie Styles decided to cool things down with the Cartel for a while. The listening devices Cassie had planted in Carlo's house were providing valuable evidence and intelligence for the FBI and a strategic decision was made to allow the Medici's to keep importing drugs, girls, and weapons into the USA. Intel was passed onto local law enforcement agencies as a third order effect so when busts were made across the south...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Two

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Two: Caught With Consequences Cameron Rivers' first memory of feeling different to everyone else was when he was eight years old. The other boys liked to play with bikes and toy trucks and toy cars but he much preferred his younger sister's Barbie. But even then he was smart enough not to say so. He used the excuse that he had to play with her because she was his sister; that gave him an excuse to play with her dolls. He started dressing...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Four

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Four: Felony Dressing Cassie for her role had been the subject of much conversation and consternation during her training. She needed to dress in attire suitable for her to safely ride her bike and she needed to look attractive to the other bikers; but she couldn't look like 'fender fluff', she needed credibility. She and Natalie had finally decided on what she would wear. She would squeeze into black skinny jeans, she also had some tight...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Three

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Three: Super Glide Natalie Styles wore her usual uniform of tight-fitting navy blue business suit, cream silk blouse, heavy black mascara, bright-red lipstick, ultra- sheer pantyhose and Christian Louboutin high heels. "So here's the deal. We've made you into half a girl. You have the tits. The rest comes later if you cooperate and get us what we want; provided you survive of course." Natalie lit two cigarettes and gave one to...

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Biker Bimbo Bitch

Bimbo biker Bitch So taking a quick break from the super sluts story for something a little different had this concept in my head and needed to write it. Kevin was nervous as he walked up to the bar. He was wearing panties, women's skinny jeans and a crop top. The bar was the only gay lesbian bar for twenty miles and he'd never cross dressed before. Right outside the bar were several motor cycles one caught his eye a candy apple red custom Indian. He admired it for a few...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Seven

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Seven: Tradecraft Cassie Rode back across the border to Mexicali and let Diego call in some Cartel guys to pick him up. "Those fucking Devil Dogs Cassie! Why would they do that?" he was angry but also confused. "That fucking Miguel Rodriguez was obviously a rat. Did you see him waving at those Feebee fucks!" Cassie spat. "I though he was going for his detonator," Diego said. "Fuck no Diego! He was holding it up but waving it...

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Supporting Our Vets part 2

For those of you that read the first part of this story you know that my wife is 44 years old, has only been with me, and is pretty hot. I’m 50 years old and am lucky to be with Christine.We volunteer annually at the VFW during Veterans’ Day and because my wife is good looking she attracts a lot of attention. I repeatedly told her they loved her body, but she didn’t believe me. Last year, one vet named Bob, really felt her up and got her motor running.On the drive home from serving, Christine...

Wife Lovers
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Supporting Our Vets part 2

For those of you that read the first part of this story you know that my wife is 44 years old, has only been with me, and is pretty hot. I’m 50 years old and am lucky to be with Christine.We volunteer annually at the VFW during Veterans’ Day and because my wife is good looking she attracts a lot of attention. I repeatedly told her they loved her body, but she didn’t believe me. Last year, one vet named Bob, really felt her up and got her motor running.On the drive home from serving, Christine...

Wife Lovers
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Supporting Our Vets

I’m Jay. Christine and I have been married for twenty-two years. When we first got together I thought she was the hottest girl I’d ever laid eyes on. In the twenty-four years we’ve been together she has only gotten hotter.At forty-four, she has the most amazing body. Yes, she has gained a few pounds over the years, having two kids will do that to you. That has only made her hotter. The curve as her hips spread to accommodate birth, the growth of her breasts, the slight mommy tummy has only made...

Wife Lovers
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Supporting Our Vets

I’m Jay. Christine and I have been married for twenty-two years. When we first got together I thought she was the hottest girl I’d ever laid eyes on. In the twenty-four years we’ve been together she has only gotten hotter.At forty-four, she has the most amazing body. Yes, she has gained a few pounds over the years, having two kids will do that to you. That has only made her hotter. The curve as her hips spread to accommodate birth, the growth of her breasts, the slight mommy tummy has only made...

Wife Lovers
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Biker Chick

Graduation day finally arrived. It was the day of my dreams and I was really excited about having my family there: Mom and Dad, and big brother Tim. My brother and I had always been close but, sadly, Tim and our parents didn't get along. They didn't approve of his lifestyle, particularly his role as the leader of a biker club. But, the way I saw it, he’d worked hard to become the president of his own outfit, The Southlanders, and he was who he was. I respected that he loved his club and that...

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Biker Bitch Part 1

This all started a year after we were married. We went on vacation and stopped at a hotel where there seemed to be a large number of motor bikers throughout the parking lot. I went checked in as we had mad reservations months in advance.We were meeting a friend for supper so we just dropped off our luggage and headed for the restaurant. After a great supper and visit with our friend we returned to our room ready to get some sleep after a long day of traveling. We were getting ready for bed and...

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Biker Boy

Many years ago on a business trip, I visited a coastal town that had a wonderful esplanade. The promenade was a good mile long, and well-known as pick-up area for M2M action. Unfortunately my success rate there had not been exemplary, and I had only been lucky once on a prior visit. That encounter had been rather boring, and infinitely forgettable, so, ‘lucky’ may not be the correct choice of word. That was about to change, however, on a lovely summer evening that the encounter I am about to...

Gay Male
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Biker Gang Bang

Peter and Tracey had been married for five years. Tracey was a tall auburn haired girl with lovely 32 C breasts and Peter was a six foot mass of muscle but slighty greying of the hair. Peter had always wanted a Harley and this year his dream came true. They had saved for a long time and ordered their bike, a Harley-Davidson CVO Softail Convertible FLSTSE . Peter was in heaven and they started riding every day and hanging out at the local biker bars. They seemed to fit in perfectly with a...

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Biker Bitch Chapter One

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter One: Cassie Cassie woke up feeling hungover, hungry, thirsty, beaten and abused. She was still chained to the billiard table in the Beasts of Burden Motorcycle Club clubhouse. She rubbed her ankle where the chain was manacled to her leg. Her nylon stocking had worn through and her skin was red and bleeding. Had it really been four days? Cassie struggled to her feet. There was a half-drunk bottle of Coors on the rail, Cassie could see...

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Biker Bitch Part 2

I could tell that Rick wanted to Fuck her just by the look of pure lust in his eyes. He told her to get on her knees beside the bed and move the dam pillow. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she looked at me and moved to the floor. Rick then signalled to the three guys on the couch they got undressed and moved over in front of my wife. They had different size cocks 6, 8 and about 10 they were were very much rock hard and I could tell these guys really wanted to fuck my wife. ...

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Biker Bitch 2

I could tell that Rick wanted to Fuck her just by the look of pure lust in his eyes. He told her to get on her knees beside the bed and move the dam pillow. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she looked at me and moved to the floor. Rick then signalled to the three guys on the couch they got undressed and moved over in front of my wife. They had different size cocks 6, 8 and about 10 they were were very much rock hard and I could tell these guys really wanted to fuck my wife. ...

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Biker Chick

Biker Chick A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Iggy Harper was in a strange mood when they left the roadhouse. He had learned that his oldest son, no living with his mother miles away, had won a big baseball game that very afternoon. It left him with a warm feeling, as if the success of one of his, had made his presence in the world a good thing. Not everybody would agree. In any other time and place, Iggy Harper would be a man to be avoided. But only just before they had left...

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biker gangbang

My mobile phone couldn’t receive a signal, so all I could do was sit by the side of the road; smoke a cigarette and wait for help. After 20 minutes, I heard a familiar noise, in the distance. In seconds, seven Harleys cruised around the leafy bend. Seeing my distress, the bikes pulled up next to me. “Need a hand?” he drawled, as he pushed his goggles up, onto his helmet. “Shit!” They were a group of Desperadoes. Craig had said that they might attend this year, as one of their favorite...

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Biker Bar

This was back in the 80's when I would pass this bar on the outskirts of town. It was near the front Gate of An Army Fort in South. There was a Stripper Bar close by and a Cheap motel. I had passed this place over the years many times and seen any thing from a Bike to so many Bikes I could not count them all. Being curious one day and seeing only two bikes outside. I stopped and went in. Place was Dark as expected, Pool tables on the side and some tables not far from the bar. By the time I got...

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BIKER TRAINing...My wife and I are members of a motorcycle club in Jackson.   As members of Apple City we enjoy the occasional charity activities, and social aspects of the club.  We have a trike, and some of the clubs frown on them, viewing them as not really motorcycles.  However, everyone at our local club is laid back and for the most part non-judgmental.  Our club is mostly made up of members from Jackson, Charleston, and a few from Columbus.Our club owns a pre-engineered building that we...

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Biker gangbang

Last year in the middle of all these sexual adventures with my wife and her ex boyfriend Keith she asked if he could take her to the Hog Rock River Rally in Illinois for the weekend. As much as I was cool with them playing I thought 2 days in a tent was a little too much time away. She had the idea that her and I can go together and camp in the same area as Keith and his friends. I did like the idea of seeing all the hot chicks and the weather that weekend was going to be beautiful. I agreed...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Twelve

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Twelve: The Last Ride Cassie lay on top of Natalie, rubbing her erect penis on Natalie's mons through two layers of satin panty. "If you come before you put that in me I'm going to make you pay bitch." Natalie reached down and squeezed Cassie's penis and smiled up at her lover. "I know it drives you wild; I can feel you getting wet through your panties." Cassie grinned down at Natalie and then she kissed her. Natalie was on the verge of...

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Biker Bar

Introduction: this is one of my stories, i have a few more but i want to get peoples reactions before i post or create anymore My father warned me not to come here you know, Leslie said to her friend Becky as she walked towards the bar. The place had a terrible reputation and was well known as a hangout for a local biker gang. But it wasnt as if they had any real choice in the matter. Beckys car was sitting a quarter of a mile down the road, it was getting darker by the minute and this was the...

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Biker Bitch 3

Rick then moved to the end of the bed and told her to crawl to him like a bitch in heat. My wife got up and moved to the the end of the bed Rick told her to show him that pussy in heat. She turned around bent over and spread her legs exposing her well fucked pussy.Rick reached over and slapped her ass and said "I cant wait to sink my meat in that nice little honey hole" My wife said I cant wait either I want you to fuck me use me make me your bitch I am yours tonight. I could not believe...

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Tag Kara the Righteous Slut

Kara: The Righteous Slut "Kara..." he whispered, putting his hands on my hips, " ... bend over. Hurry up." "What?" I gasped, looking around the library and it was the middle of third period study hall. Like fifty kids were in there. "Shhh..." he was tugging at my jeans, pulling them down with one hand and pushing on my back with the other. "N-No! Stop!" I whispered, blinking at the boy over my shoulder. "We're gonna get caught!" "No we won't!" he whispered back, breathing...

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Biker Daddy Don Story 1

During the summer when I was a teen I had been selling magazines for extra money. I wore shiny pantyhose and either silky panties or a silky slip under my clothes everywhere I went. I was out going door to door when I came to house that had a man in his late 40's working on a Harley in his drive way. On that day I had worn a shiny tan pair of exercise tights with some white silky panties over top of them that were a size too big. I liked the way they slid around with ease on my shiny hose...

4 years ago
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Biker Man

Gary had the devil-may-care biker lifestyle and philosophy which he had adopted to survive war in Africa. Gary had learned fighting in Africa that shit happens, you handled it and you survived with the least amount of hassle you could get away with. If you’d learned your lessons well and were good enough, you had fun while you were surviving, if it was at all possible. Gary was tall and his body was firm and he had dark hair and forest green eyes with tiny lines in the corners that were clearly...

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Der achtzehnjährige Robert platzt beinahe vor Stolz, als er den Motor seines brandneuen Motorrades aufheulen lässt und lässig in der Kurve an einem Kleinwagen vorbeizieht. Im Vorbeihuschen sieht er einen kurzen Moment den vor Erstaunen weit aufgerissenen Mund des Fahrers, dann ist er bereits vorüber. „Fahr bitte nicht so schnell!“ ruft ihm seine Beifahrerin Jenny zu und klammert sich ein wenig ängstlich an ihn. Jenny ist das hübscheste Mädchen in seiner Klasse. Ein blonder Teenager mit...

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Biker On The Job

Dave and Mike were members of the same bike club for close to six years. They had been through the prospect stage together and both got their full patches the same day. They’ve caused enough shit together and they were about to head off to mainland Europe for a club meeting, when they were asked by the sergeant-in-arms to do him a favour. Obviously there was no questioning the favour! Dave was a tall man with a deep tan and a muscular frame. His sparkling blue eyes were hypnotising, and he had...

Straight Sex
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Biker Bitch Chapter Eight

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Eight: Miranda The Bitch! Cassie hadn't worn an evening dress since her training at the FBI facility; she still wasn't exactly sure where that was. Despite being her lover, Natalie still kept a lot of secrets. Tonight Cassie was wearing a floor-length red satin sheath split to the waist on both sides, sequins glittered in the lamplight as did her emerald earrings, necklace, and bracelets. It was costume jewellery but expensive. A red...

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A visit to the vets

Three dogs were sitting in the waiting room at the vet's when they started a conversation. The Black Labrador turned to the yellow Labrador and asked " So why are you here today? "The yellow Lab replied, " I'm a serial pisser. I piss on everything, I piss on the couch, the carpet, the curtains, the cat, the k**s. But last night was the final straw when I pissed on my owner's."The black Lab said, " So what's the vet going to do? ""Well, he's going to cut my balls off," answered the yellow...

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The Vets Assistant Part 2

locked face first between Sue's now wet thighs, my body screaming for release of a sexual tension i had never felt before , i feel myself start to climax, I need to touch myself. Never have i started to cum hands free before, my body was trembling i felt the wave of pleasure building. Bitch dont you dare cum unless I tell You to cum.. "Unbelievable" the words rang in my ears.. on the verge of an orgasm I feel the slap across my face bringing me back from the brink of pleasure. With...

1 year ago
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Bikers and Cowboys

I was having a quiet drink on a Saturday night in a favorite bar of mine. My table was at the rear of the main part of the bar. I say the main part because there is another part where you go through a special door to get to and not too many people know of it outside the regular patrons of the bar. In that special part is a low bar where a lot of business transactions are carried out. A guy I sort of knew came in with his wife and her sister. I knew that both women lived and slept with the guy,...

4 years ago
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Supporting Our Vets part 3

After he lifted her skirt, exposing her bald pussy to me, I just stared. She stood there and allowed him to touch her in places previously untouched by anyone other than me for the past twenty-four years. Her eyes fluttering as she suggested we move into the living room to be more comfortable.We all walked in the living room, Bob with his arm around Christine. She walked over to the loveseat and sat down. Not having room for both of us, Bob sat next to her. I took the seat that was directly...

Wife Lovers
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Supporting Our Vets part 3

After he lifted her skirt, exposing her bald pussy to me, I just stared. She stood there and allowed him to touch her in places previously untouched by anyone other than me for the past twenty-four years. Her eyes fluttering as she suggested we move into the living room to be more comfortable.We all walked in the living room, Bob with his arm around Christine. She walked over to the loveseat and sat down. Not having room for both of us, Bob sat next to her. I took the seat that was directly...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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The Vets Assistant Part 3

Just look at You... What a slut.. hehe come now slut. My turn. I opened my eyes, I was standing, Sue holding my hands tightly at my side, she was slowly walking me backwards, I felt my back at the wall, her hungry mouth closed over mine before i could say anything. I felt her probing tongue part my lips and dart across my lips before forcing itself into my now eager mouth, darting in and out dancing with my own tongue, in and out in a fucking motion. I gasped as I felt her hand between my...

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