Helping the Homeless on Thanksgiving
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Yren sat in the mud, trying desperately to get himself under control. A passing rain shower had dumped just enough water to turn the hard-packed earth to mud but not enough for much else; the bulk of the shower had passed to the south, just beyond the treeline, where it did little good for the town’s farmers. Even there, it only rained for perhaps an hour before moving on. Now, the sun was shining and the mud was slowly drying.
Yren closed his eyes against the chaosed sunshine, wondering how such a promising day could lead to something so corrupt and foul. His jaw tightened against the memory and he tried to bring his heart back under control, to quell the pounding against his chest. The world spun, even with his eyes closed, and he couldn’t bring his breathing under control. He felt like he was spinning out of control; like he was spinning out of the world.
He clenched his jaw as his stomach threatened to heave yet again. Already the remains of his breakfast lay soaking in the dirt beside him, its foul stench rising on the wind. He shuffled, trying to move from the foul-smelling puddle but his arms had no strength and his legs wouldn’t hold him.
Finally, he had to open his eyes, the image of what he’d seen inside burned into his eyelids. He couldn’t stand it any longer, couldn’t stand the darkness and beyond the darkness. He clenched his fist, willing the world to quit spinning but there was no strength in his hands.
“Don’t go in there,” he called to Bremer as she approached. Bremer looked at his pale, tear-soaked face and nodded.
Tergin had tried to get more out of Yren’s sister back at his domen but she just kept repeating herself over and over, her eyes haunted and glassy. When it was obvious Teran had nothing further to say, Tergin had helped her stand and enlisted Yren and Bremer to keep her upright. It was all they could do to keep her upright; it was as if the young woman had no strength of her own. In the end, as Tergin set off, they’d set the girl in a corner of the warm hearth.
“Go,” Bremer had ordered, Yren obviously torn between concern for his sister and unease about what Tergin was going to find. “I’ll take care of her.”
He’d set off twice, turning back each time to see Bremer holding Teran close. Each time, Bremer had shooed him off, her hand waving him away. Now, he wished he’d never left.
“Is it – is it bad?” Bremer asked, stopping short of her friend. She had never seen Yren like this, never seen his countenance so pale or his hands trembling. She’d never seen him sitting in the dirt and mud, unable to move. It quailed against her image of him; he’d always seemed larger than life, stronger than the world around him. To find him laid low, unable to stand, was more than she could bear.
“Don’t go in there,” he repeated, a bit softer. His head hung down and she heard great, wretched sobs come from him. She moved to kneel next to him, to hold and comfort him, but her father interrupted.
“Bremer, go back home,” he called from the doorway of the town hall. “Tell Gillen Hawksley to come. I know she’s tired – but we have precious little time for rest just now. Hurry, Brem – its urgent.”
Bremer, already almost down to her knees, straightened. She looked at her father – and wished she hadn’t. Since she was little, her father had always been a fountain of strength. He’d always seemed implacable and unstoppable. As she grew older, she found him as flawed as any other human – but the image of his immense resolve and towering will always backstopped her perception. Looking on him now, though, she saw an old, uncertain man, his features as pale as her friend’s.
She turned to look at Yren again but the young man just shook his head at her. The haunted look in his eyes was all the answer she needed; a look at him and a look at her father answered the question for her. It was bad. Very bad.
She found Honor Hawksley where she’d left her, sitting at the great table. Only now, the woman’s eyes were closed, her head laid on her arms at the table. The great Knight looked like any other woman at the moment, only the cords of muscles in her arms and the scars on her face gave any indication of what she truly was. The woman was snoring lightly, her mouth partially open and the barest hint of drool collecting in the corners of her mouth.
“Honor Hawksley,” Bremer said softly, her feet slowly approaching the Knight.
Gillen Hawksley was instantly awake and alert, her body straightening off the table in an instant. Her eyes were hard, her face a snarl and her hand sprouted a long, deadly-looking dagger. When she saw who confronted her, her face eased just a bit – but the edge of the hard-hitting knight never fully left her countenance.
“I’m sorry to wake you, Honor,” Bremer said quietly. She took no offense at the knight’s actions, though she did step back involuntarily. “My father told me to get you and bring you back to the Town Hall. He said it was urgent.”
Gillen blinked, her mind absorbing the details without really thinking about them. It took a moment for sleep to ebb from her mind but as the words penetrated, the dirk in her hand disappeared. She shook her head a moment, the words finally making sense.
“Is it about Goodwoman Masick?” She asked, easing herself up off the bench.
Gillen was four inches taller than Bremer and probably fifty pounds heavier but as she stood, stretching, bones in her arms, legs and back crackling, Bremer had the distinct impression the woman was even taller; certainly bigger and stronger. She seemed to fill the room as her shoulders rolled and her body came back to life.
“I don’t know, Honor,” Bremer swallowed. “I think so, though. I think – I think whatever happened, it’s bad.”
Gillen’s face clouded and set in anger. “And probably has something to do with our being here.” She shook her head and blew a long sigh. “Damn it all to chaos, but I had no choice.” She turned back to Bremer. “Can you lead me?”
“Yes,” Bremer agreed, nodding slightly.
Gillen moved towards the large man sleeping against the wall, his eyes closed and soft snores rising from his mouth. Before she could take more than two steps, though, the man’s eyes opened. He looked at Gillen and then to Bremer and the younger girl couldn’t help but feel his eyes looked haunted somehow. “Go,” he muttered in a raspy voice. “I’ll guard them.”
“Don’t go back to sleep,” Gillen warned. “If you need relief, wake Syl. Trade off as you need – but I shouldn’t be overly long. If an attack comes, barricade yourselves in and make some noise to alert me – the barricade might hold them off for a while, hopefully long enough for me to return.”
Uud nodded.
Tergin was waiting outside the hall, a bit of color returning to his cheeks. He had no smile for his friend, just a nod. “I’m sorry to wake you, Gillen,” he rumbled, his voice tight. “I have something I think you need to see.”
Gillen nodded and Tergin’s eyes turned to his daughter. The brown eyes softened slightly at the sight of her but neither his face nor the tense set of his body changed. “Brem, head to the smith. Make sure Yren made it home okay. Stay there for now; I’m sure Elva could use your help with Teran and Yren. Just don’t get in the way; if she sends you out, head home – not here. Understand?”
“Yes, da,” Bremer nodded.
He nodded at her and turned, leading Gillen back into the Town Hall. Bremer watched as he paused outside the door. He shook himself and his shoulders set, his back straightening. He seemed to take a breath as he walked through the doorway.
Bremer had a habit of just entering the Tulat house; it was a sign of her friendship with Teran, Yren, Issa and Bena, just something they did at one another’s houses – well, something she just did at Yren’s house, at any rate. Now, though, the familiarity seemed wrong. She stepped back, her eyes taking in the weathered, wooden house with the thick, well-fitting door. The windows held cloth curtains, a luxury few in the town could afford but then Ardt – and Yren, of course – were very good smiths. Now, though, the windows looked strangely barren and dark, the soulless eyes of a soulless house. Bremer couldn’t shake the feeling of darkness hovering over her as she looked at them.
The smithy sat off to the left, north of the main house, a large metal sign hanging outward from the store front. She knew the storefront wasn’t deep and behind it was the large, open, covered area of the smith’s forge. She’d never noticed before but the storefront looked lifeless; the weathered planks of the walls seeming old and faded. The sight sent a shiver through her frame and a deep desolation wrapped itself around her.
She stepped up to the house door and rapped, the echo of her knocks sounding lonely and broken. She felt as if there was something dark sucking the life out of the home; an ill wind blowing hot and humid across the faded wood in a strange kiss of death. She shook herself and rapped again, louder this time.
“Brem?” Elva asked as the door opened. The Goodwoman’s smile seemed out of place; warmth on a day which seemed to have none. “Why are you knocking? You know you’re more than welcome here any time.”
“Sorry,” Brem forced a smile but the sense of foreboding remained. “I’m feeling a bit foolish today.”
Elva waved her in, the older woman wiping her hands on her apron absently. It left streaks of white on the navy apron; floury remnants of an approaching meal. Brem couldn’t help it; her forced smile grew naturally.
“Thank you for bringing Teran home,” Elva remarked as she walked over to the table next to the hearth. “I think she may have caught something. She’s feverish and mumbling.”
“She hasn’t said anything?” Bremer asked, her voice slightly too innocent.
“Not a word,” Elva said slowly, looking over at the younger girl. “She just basically passed out on her bed, the poor dear. Why? Do you know how she got sick?”
“I’m not sure,” Bremer demurred. She looked around quickly. “Did Yren get home?”
“Yes, he’s out with Ardt in the smithy,” Elva chuckled. “I swear those two do nothing but work the metal. You can head on back, if you’d rather.”
Bremer didn’t mean to eavesdrop. It wasn’t she had something against eavesdropping – she often listened in on her father’s conversations – but it wasn’t something she’d meant to do in this case. When she heard the murmured words of Yren and Ardt, however, she slowed her steps and listened intently.
“Of course I didn’t tell Elva,” she heard Yren say. There was still something in his voice, something thick with worry and fear. “I couldn’t bring myself to say anything.”
“How bad was it?” Ardt asked.
“Bad, Ardt,” Yren sighed. “Very bad. I’m not sure how Teran managed to stay sane; I’m not sure I’d have the strength if I had had to transport Goodwoman Masick.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,” Yren blurted. “I’d just like to forget it – but I swear, I never will. It was – Ardt, it was barbarous. They skinned her, Ardt. They somehow managed to keep her alive while they cut the skin off of her body.” Yren gave a wavering cry. “Gods, I can still see it behind my eyelids. Her eyes were missing – they cut them out. Her – her – her center, her loins; it was – it was gone. Seared shut. Her – her rear hole, too. How in chaos did they manage to keep her alive through that?”
“She was still alive?” Ardt asked, his voice sickly.
“Not when I saw her,” Yren sobbed. “She was thankfully dead when I saw her – but I heard them talking. When Teran brought her in, she was alive. Ranger Ellsworth helped her carry Goodwoman Masick in. Thank the gods she was there; I’m not sure Teran would have managed it on her own.”
Bremer couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. She could just feel the horror in Yren’s words, the evil in what he described. She could feel her heart pounding and the world spinning. She wanted to unhear what Yren had just relayed – but she knew she couldn’t. She knew she’d never be able to forget it for as long as she lived.
There was silence for a moment and Bremer, shaken and ashamed, had just started moving forward when she heard Yren resume. “There was a note on her; they’d stuck it through her shoulder with a knife. Tergin tried to hide it from me, but I saw it. It read – ‘Give us Princess Ataya by first light or every man, woman and child in this town will suffer a worse fate.’”
“Princess Ataya is here?” Ardt gasped.
“Yeah,” Yren’s voice was unsteady. “I’m sorry – I missed that part. The knights – there were three knights at Sir Givens’. They were the last of a – of a platoon of knights supposed to guard the Princess. They met – something they called the Red Guard. They said the Red Guard had a mage with them – a mage who could make fire hot enough to melt gaussteel.”
“Hot enough to melt gaussteel?” Ardt gasped again. “Chaos. A fire that hot? It’s a wonder any of them are alive.” Bremer watched Ardt get up, his hand rubbing his face. The older man started to pace.
“What can we do?” Yren asked. “Do we – do we – are we going to hand over the Princess?”
Ardt turned, his look thoughtful as he contemplated his adopted son. “Should we? What do you think?”
Yren stared at the older man for a moment. “No.” The word was soft and Yren hung his head. “No. We can’t.” He looked back up. “But I don’t want to see my neighbors – my friends die.” The young man’s voice was unsteady as he went on. “I don’t want to see you or Elva or Teran or Issa or Bena, die.”
“Son, death is inevitable,” Ardt commiserated, clapping his hand softly on his adopted son’s shoulder. “We all die. We’re men, we’re born simply to die. It’s the way of the world. What matters isn’t that we die – what matters is how we live. What truly matters is what we do with our lives. I agree, we can’t hand over the Princess. We’ll fight for her – and maybe we’ll die for her. Not because if we hand her over, the Queen would probably kill us all herself. Not even because she’s a Princess. We’ll fight because it is the right thing to do. We must fight for her because we must never succumb to evil. Anyone who could do to Goodwoman Masick what they have done, is evil. If we succumb to it once, if we let it rule us once, it will become that much easier for it to rule us again. THAT is why we’ll fight ... and, even if we lose, THAT is why we’ll win.”
“Now, go down into the cellar and bring up my chain mail and my sword,” Ardt ordered. “I may die – but I’m not going to make it easy on them.”
Yren easily moved the heavy anvil which hid the trap door into the cellar. As Yren started to lift the cellar door, he stopped, his back straight and his eyes wide. Fourteen swords. Three knights, ten recruits. He suddenly knew for whom the fourteenth sword had been made.
Bremer took that moment to step out into the smithy. She nodded to Ardt as she made her way to Yren. “I’ll help.”
“You heard?” Yren asked but he already knew. He knew of Brem’s eaves-dropping habits.
She nodded, not trusting herself to talk. She felt small, suddenly, like the world had somehow grown so much larger in the past few minutes. She felt small and lonely and scared and she didn’t like those feelings at all.
It took them half an hour to pull everything from the cellar. Yren’s armor took five trips on its own. They didn’t talk as they worked, both trying to lose themselves in the silence. Bremer watched her friend as they made the trips up and down the stairs, though, and she noted a gradual change as they worked at their task. She could sense Yren readying himself, could almost feel his resolve strengthening. She could actually swear each climb up out of the cellar saw her dearest friend’s back get a little straighter, his face a little stonier and more resolute. It was as if he was coming to grips with what was being asked of him; as if he’d found peace in the inevitability.
As they carried the last of the swords up, Ardt came through into the smithy.
“I’ve told Elva,” he said. “She’s rushing dinner. We won’t have fresh bread and the stew might be a bit undercooked, but we’ll meet them on a full stomach.”
“I’ve also spoken with Tergin and the Knight-lady,” he continued. “They’re bringing the Princess and her maids into the town proper. They’re hoping they can give her more protection with everyone around her. The whole town is mobilizing. Teran has gone to join with Ranger Ellsworth and the other rangers – they’ll be few, but they think they might be able to harass the Red Guard. The rest of us are to meet at the Town Hall.”
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Meanwhile as I stroked my cock in the shower I didn't realize how long I had been doing it. Usually I came before I even had time to enjoy it but for some reason it was extra long today. For me masturbation was more like getting rid of erections than pleasure. But it was much different this time. I lost all track of time. I also made two mistakes. I forgot to lock the door and I didn't close the shower curtain. I was so into what I was doing I didn't notice the door open. I was moaning...
Ezra's mother snarled at him. "Answer the question." "I 'ave done. I ain't seen no vodka. You looked, right. I ain't been drinking and there's no vodka at 'ome so it ain't me." The police officer sighed. "We have a positive ID on you, Ezra. He saw you and has identified you. Now lets start again. Ten bottles of vodka, five bottles of whisky and a dozen bottles of wine." Ezra gave a smile to himself; he had not stolen anything like that amount of alcohol, but the shopkeeper...
For everyone who has been following my stories, sorry to say but this is going to be my LAST story. For now at least. I have ran out of my previous sex experiences! Anyone who wants to volunteer and be in one of my stories send me a message! This all happened when I was 18. My b*****r had a webpage which he was friends with this older white lady. She was 23. I sent her a friend request and we started talking. After a week she invited me over to her house. When i finally got to see her in...
Vanita is a divorced businesswoman in her 40s living alone in a 2BHK flat in Kolkata. She sells saree and related garments from her home and makes a decent living. She is also an aspiring politician from her area, well-known for her strong stature and boisterous nature. She was married at the young age of 18, and it only lasted for 5 years. Her only daughter followed in her mother’s footsteps. She married after finishing junior college and lives with her husband and a daughter. So now, Vanita...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Following on from our great holiday in Devon with the farmer, we only had to wait four weeks, before we joined him again for our trip to France with him. The nude resort meant that we'd be nude throughout the two weeks, both in the flat and throughout the complex. The resort mainly catered for couples, but adult families of were there aswell. Our flat had three bedrooms, so there was plenty of space for us all, considering that we took virtually no...
IncestHello friends mere nam Sonam h me 21 sal ki hi mere ghar me total 5 log h mom dad me mera bhai or bhen bhai 19 sal or bhen 18 sal ki h. me dekhne me bhut khubsurat hu meri bhen bhi bhut khubsurat h mere hight 5’4″ h or mera rang gora h mere bobs kafi bade h college me mujh par sare ladke line marte h mere boyfriend ka nam Rajesh h mere bhai ka man rahul h or bhen Shruti h. Ye us time ki bat h jab mere mom dad mamaji ke yaha gaye hue the to waha mom ko ak bike ne takkar mar di isliye mom ko waha...
It was a short walk from the parking lot to the entrance of the garden center, but far enough for Rose to have already started sweating. True, it was an uncomfortably hot morning, and the sun grew more merciless as the minutes passed, but the reason had as much to do with Rose as with the heat. She had dressed lightly for the day-- a thin polyester dress with a floral pattern, sandals, a broad-brimmed hat-- but at 44 she was not a petite woman, and it didn't take much exertion for a film of...
During my online dating phase back in the POF and Latinchat era, I was killing it. After talking online for sometime we decided to meet up. She lived an hour away so it was just enough time to get to know each other and make her cum at least twice while fingering her in the car. There's just something sexy about fingering a girl while driving. People can look in and see how much fun you are having. She returned the favor by giving me a blowjob while on the way to my place. She was getting...
HumorHai everybody this is Vimal with my first story, I have been a permanent reader of ISS from couple of years, the stories here are great. So about me I am 22 years old living in a small town in Tamil Nadu, I am not mentioning the particular place for privacy purpose so sorry guys, I have completed my graduation in civil engineering and was searching for a job, tried a lot for a good job but finally I ended up in a BPO away from my home town which works for an American company the job was very...
Other times, however, my confidence would dwindle, and my masculine side would step in. There was one day in particular which tested my male resolve. The day started out well enough. Lisa and I had planned to go out to lunch with Carrie, our co-worker. Driving to the restaurant, I was feeling especially confident for some reason; I had managed to apply my lipstick and foundation just so, and my wig was behaving better than usual as well. Perhaps it was the new earrings that were...
My Aunt JoAnne was almost 25 years older than me, at 53. She and my uncle had divorced five years earlier and she still didn't have a lot of money. To take a vacation, she would normally go to visit family so she wouldn't have to pay for a hotel. I had moved to a little house by the beach 6 months ago and she had called one month later, asking if she could come visit that summer. I picked her up at the airport Saturday morning. She looked a little tired from the five hour flight."You look...
I have to admit it, I loved teasing him. My poor brother walked around most of the time with a hard on because of my tormenting him. I was hot and I knew it. Long black hair, smooth skin, high firm tits, with dark nipples, a blazing white smile, and a nice ass. It was not too big not too small. In my family girls are supposed to be modest. I was so bad at that. I was always leaving the bathroom door open, leaving my bedroom door open, and for the life of me I couldn't keep quiet when I would...
IncestIt had been forever since they had the opportunity to venture out on their own. With work, kids, and life itself getting in the way, it had been hard for them to make it happen. It had always sounded like a great idea, but free weekends became few and far between. When there had been a break in the schedule, they found themselves staring at a TV in separate rooms or wrapped up in their phones.For the past week or so, there had been great effort to reignite a spark that had been missing for...
ThreesomesIf you haven’t read the previous chapters I suggest you do, as this will explain how my journey into depravity started. If you want to read this chapter now and then go back if you like it, then a brief update goes something like this. My name is Rick and I’m a normal, constantly horny 15 year old male who lives with his hot Mom Tanya, and sweet 13 year old sister Rebecca. Dad is not around since Mom caught him fucking a neighbor and gave him his marching orders. Mom told me she wanted to...
Help Wanted! I was low on funds and needed away to raise cash. This was the way I did it. My thanks to Belle Starr for helping me tell my story. I just got home from work and noticed the mail. The most of it said Final Notice or Payment Due, then the one from my bank. I was overdrawn. I talked to my bank and got a loan that paid off all my debts and all I had to do was make one easy payment. The trick was, I was still overdrawn and had raise money. I took a second job. It was a...
It had started as a chance meeting in an online chat room for erotic literature. Chat soon gave way to private messaging and as the messages slowly become more suggestive emotions had started to become involved. Months had passed and after many suggestions from both sides they had agreed to meet. Saul stood at the platform waiting for her train to arrive. A light wind was blowing the first snowflakes of winter across the tracks as a weak sun tried to break through the clouds. He was nervous,...
I am lost. I despair of escaping from this existence. I am now in a worse state then when I was falsely incarcerated for an unknown crime. Now I am captured by Mistress Green and the transvestite Mistress Benny as their sex slave. No, more than just sex, their abuse and torture slave too. If you have somehow read the other episodes of my story I have managed to leave on the Internet you'll know that I foolishly and consentingly decided to accept this position with Mistress Green, but...
We met a few months ago on an online sex dating site. We've chatted a little about what we like and I've explained I'm happily married but fantasise about having a sexual encounter with another woman. We've passed some naughty pics between us, so I know she has a good figure but is not skinny and has pretty round breasts. Her pussy is a little hairy but not too much, she is neatly shaved. She is lesbian, in her early 30s and is keen to meet up. She knows I can't give her any committment. I'm...
Megan thought it must be a dream as she felt her body shaking. As she tried to remember the dream she was having she heard a fimilure voice. Thinking wait, why is aunt Ann in my dream. Opening her eyes she looked straight into Ann's eyes. Moving her hand over her stomach she realized it's not. I'm naked, not in my room. Looking around Savannah was no where to be seen. Looking back up she asked, what's wrong aunt Ann. You okay sweetie, Ann asked. I think so, why Megan slowly answered. Well...
Most of the girls talk about running away. I think, after sex, it is their favorite fantasy. Jerry, the school counselor, has told me that all of the girls have dreams of running away. He explains to them that the dream is an attempt to run away from their responsibilities and if they learn to accept their responsibilities the dreams will go away. What a load of crap. Prisoners always dream about escape. I guess Jerry is just keeping the company line. There is no escape from the Academy....
My boyfriend had a birthday coming up and we had done every fantasy possible except one. He had always wanted a threesome with two women and him. I was reluctant but decided his birthday was the perfect opportunity to give him what he wanted. I took him out to dinner the night of his birthday and told him that I had a surprise waiting for him at the house. We drove home as quite as possible and I wanted him eyes closed straight to his bedroom where my best friend was waiting in his bed naked...
It was the Fourth of July, 1991, and I was washing Holly's car when Sandy came out her front door, obviously dressed for a party. "Do you have someplace to go today, Sammy?" she asked when she reached her car. "Yes, I'm going to a cookout." Her smile was one of relief, probably because she wouldn't feel obligated to ask me to tag along with her. "I hope you have a good time." "Thanks, Sandy. Are you ready for your trip?" "I've packed everything, but I'll probably have to...
I lay there, pretending to sleep as I heard him walk into the room. As soon as he’d opened the door I could smell his warm, comforting and incredibly sexy smell waft over me. He straddled me, grabbing my head and kissing me gently on the lips. I still pretended to sleep, worried that he might stop this uncommon show of affection should I ‘awaken’. I felt his hands slide over the satin of my red and black front tied corset, over my breasts and stomach, the slight brush over the patch of exposed...
I was a little confused too. Six stars! I had only ever known of five star ratings on hotels and the proverbial bed and breakfast, but here I was about to click ‘pay’ on the web site. It seemed a small place, in a more than ordinary location, but it was close to where I needed to be for the Monday morning. I checked out the images one more time and there was nothing special that suggested it was posh. I double checked the form and then I altered the number of days to two. Why not stay in a six...
Straight SexHi everyone, I am here to write about an incident. It happened totally unexpected recently while I was traveling on a train. Before I tell the story, I am introducing myself as Dev, 35 years, working in the Southern Part of India. I am dusky in appearance. I live a happy and peaceful life with a lot of passion for intimacy. For my official work, recently I had traveled to Trivandrum in Kerala. The journey was during the day and by 3rd AC in Train. I had a presentation to make at my office the...
Thursday night is guest star night at the North Dallas Swap Club, Any pornstar passing through DFW was invited, along with any wannabe star, stud, bull, or bi- female who could get past the screeners. I was in my usual spot: a former den in a former home turned swap club. The first round was in progress, I made myself scarce. Exhibition fucking has even less appeal for me than wife swapping. I'm here simply because Kelly comes here. I braid her long blonde hair so the guys who take her from...
It was a Saturday afternoon and Andy was sat in his room playing on his Xbox 360 but quickly becoming bored. He could have been out with friends just like any other 17 yr old boy but he didn’t have the luxury of living near his best friends and he didn’t know many people who lived on his street. The main shopping centre was just down the road as he lived on the outskirts of town. Andy was the type of boy who preferred his own company, either that or he had just got used to being on his own,...