A Family Tradition Of BondageChapter 5: A Slave's Life free porn video

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This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental.

Sherri woke to the alarm clock's gentle chiming and realized this was her first Monday as Robert's slave. Robert didn't move, and 20 seconds later, it stopped chiming. Sherri realized her first thought was of him again and her smile widened. She snuggled into him, and gripped the arm that was around her tighter.

They rose and used the toilet and she dressed in another one piece thong backed leotard. Sherri followed Robert downstairs and joined him in exercising. She was still a little sore from Saturday morning, and the stretching did seem to help. Sherri watched Robert work his abdominal muscles and then doing reverse lifts, watched his back flex as she stretched and asked if she would be exercising like that before long.

"Sure, but you have to start slow, if you jumped right in, you wouldn't be able to move at work, stiff and sore from the exertions." Robert told her while doing fly exercises holding two dumbbells.

After her stretching, they showered and she washed him again. This time, she didn't find it frightening, instead finding it erotic, and fun she admitted.

She washed herself next and came out of the shower to find Robert had fetched clothing and had it laid out for her. A pant suit, blouse, and underwear for her. She smiled as she realized she was wearing lingerie to work, and he had chosen it. She dressed, finished her hair, and then checking her lipstick, and putting the tube in her pocket, she headed downstairs. Finding Robert laying out breakfast, she went to him, hugged him and then joined him in the food prep. Sherri smiled as she ate breakfast, she had seen the smile in the mirror and suspected it would be with her all day. She didn't know that smile would tell the world, she had gotten laid, and had experienced good sex.

During breakfast, Sherri began to think about her day, and realized she would probably get the file Robert had arraigned. "Master, what should I look for in the file you have sent for me?"

"Just do your job, you're a lawyer, take care of your client, and it will be perfect." He replied glancing at the newspaper.

"But you said it was a test of some kind, and I would find the Easter Egg." she said confused.

Robert put the paper down, and turned towards her. "You will find it, I know you will, but I won't tell you where, or what to look for. You have to find it, you have to accomplish this. Don't ask me anything else about it, I'll say nothing else."

Sherri considered, and got frustrated. Damn it, she needed a hint of what to look for. It could be anything, and it could take weeks of research to find the small thing it could be. There were thousands, no millions of little things. What if she didn't get the file, what if it went to someone else, and they found it. She forced herself to remain calm, and to think. "Master" she said "will you give me no hint?"

"Sherri, you need only be yourself, apply yourself, and look to the interests of your client, and do the job you are trained to do." Robert replied.

Sherri felt herself getting angry and forced her mind to other subjects. "Master, I'll need to go by my house today, pick up mail and other things." she told him.

"If you like, I will go by and do that. I assume there are some things you would like to have here, certainly you are welcome to bring anything you wish." Robert said.

"No Master, I'll go by, however I'll need to put my things in storage if I'm going to rent the house out." she said considering. It was a nice house, and she should make about $700 or so on rent if she could find a small starter family to take it.

"When you have what you want from there, and have changed your address, let me know, and I'll see to that with some of my own people." he replied.

Looking at her watch she took a travel mug of coffee and headed to work. Her car, her Lexus she corrected herself waited. The thong felt strange, and the pants rubbed on her ass and that felt strange. The two inch heels made her feel different. She had put a little blush on in addition to her lipstick, and she checked her lipstick in the mirror. It was becoming habit she noticed.

Lisa was at her desk going over things from last week, things that were going to carry over when she looked up and saw Sherri walking down the hall. Lisa put her eyes back to her work and then looked up again. Holy Shit, Ms. Stick up her ass had a grin plastered on her face, was wearing lipstick, and very nice clothing. Lisa gaped in surprise.

Sherri saw Lisa and smiled and said "Good Morning Lisa, and how was your weekend?"

Lisa's eyes nearly bugged out, Ms. Stick up her ass never said good morning, at most just a flat emotionless morning, and asking about Lisa's weekend? "Fine Sherri, and yours?"

Sherri's smile got wider and she said "Wonderful, let me know if anything pops up today will you?"

Lisa watched Sherri walk into her office and gaped once again. Shit, she doesn't have those horrible panty lines she usually has, she isn't wearing any, or is wearing a thong. Those clothes have to cost about $1000 minimum. That blouse looks Italian, and the suit was a silken blend that you don't get at a department store. Where had she gotten high end clothing from? How had she afforded it? Sherri was an associate and they don't make the big bucks the Partners and Senior Partners make. What is going on?

Lisa went back to organizing the day and saw Carl coming down the hallway. Carl was the Partner that Sherri reported to. Carl said good morning, and then walked into Sherri's office. Sherri was looking at e-mail and glancing at things to orient herself.

Carl said "Good Morning, I have that file we talked about Friday, the new client. The Cenotaph corporation is apparently overcrowded at their office, and want a second opinion on the feasibility and cost analysis on the tax benefits of the move." and handed her the thick legal folder with the information. "It looks pretty straight forwards, just go over the numbers their in house council came up with, and double check him. Shouldn't take too long, and if possible, I'd like it by Wednesday or Thursday." he told her.

"Certainly Sir, and I'll get right on this. I don't have anything else particularly pressing at the moment." she said with obvious sincerity.

Carl was brought up by this. Sherri usually answered with a dead voiced "sure" and hardly ever used Sir in her language. Carl noticed the smile, she was cheerful. She was dressed in expensive clothing. Carl didn't know Women's fashion, but he did know quality. Those might be real diamonds in her ears. "Great Sherri, thanks for taking a look at this, I do appreciate it." figuring a little encouragement might go a long way. This cheerful and polite Sherri was preferable to the sullen and withdrawn Sherri he had overseen for three years. "I'm going to Kansas City this afternoon, I should be back Wednesday after I meet with the people at Baker Construction about the audit."

Sherri opened the file after returning to her desk. Rising she had seen him to the door and then told Lisa "I'm going to get some coffee, would you like some?"

Lisa had just stared at her and shook her head no. After a moment adding "No thanks for the offer though."

Lisa was sure she was on some sort of Candid Camera, or perhaps had seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers one too many times. Sherri was being NICE, which is one thing she never was. She walked with her head up instead of looking at the floor. She went for her own coffee. What the fuck is going on.

Lisa suddenly understood, thinking to herself I know that grin, Sherri got laid. Lisa said a silent prayer for the pipe layer, may his sword stay long and hard and keep Sherri happy.

Sherri opened the file and began reading, by Lunch she was oriented with the problem facing her. It was a double check, certainly but there was more than just the tax information in the packet. Someone had put the building specifications in the packet, and Carl hadn't dumped them into a "dead" file which meant it was really outside their purview. Essentially this Cenotaph Corporation wanted a bigger headquarters, near Chicago, to replace their existing facility in Chicago. They figured that building outside the state of Illinois would allow them to realize the cost of building and moving in something like 12 years. Additionally they would have lower utility costs with the newer construction materials and insulation available. They could lease or sell their existing building and show additional profit.

Sherri gave half the tax numbers to enter into the database program to Lisa and asked her to give Sherri a hand with these, and then surprised Lisa more by asking that everything be double checked. Sherri brought up the address on the Indiana State tax site, and saw it was currently wooded and rural area, with new development in progress. The site was zoned C-1 which meant it could take a Commercial Development, but only a single owner development. No mini mall. OK, that was fine, Cenotaph would be the only occupant, and didn't need the C-2 or C-3 zoning that multi occupant businesses needed.

Sherri started to punch in her own share of the numbers, and then had an idea. She looked into the file and found the building specifications. The plans included the assay plot of the prospective building, and something that she had ignored when reading. It had Co-ordinates. She had complained about the current system "Section 1 of plat book 456 in county records known as plot 438 which is located 1.4 miles West of known point 539 and 1.3 miles North of known point 215." which meant nothing to the person looking at the land. It was the old way before good maps were made, and before GPS and Satellite overheads.

Sherri brought up Google Earth, she had the Professional Model, and used it to look at cities she wished she was in instead of here. She punched the co-ordinates into the program and watched Google show her the exact location of the property and there it was.

"Happy Easter" Sherri said at 2:24pm. She had found it. She had found the Easter Egg. The building was going to cross the State Line, and would be liable for two State Property Taxes, the full value of the building was going to be taxed not once, but twice. It would bankrupt the company instead of save it money.

Lisa looked up from her data entry. She was sure she had heard Sherri say something, and saw Sherri smiling broadly while looking at her computer monitor. Lisa didn't know what was going on, but didn't want to ask for fear of ruining Sherri's good mood. Ms. Stick up her ass was being nice and human, and Lisa didn't want to fuck it up.

Sherri's grin widened as she went back to crunching numbers, she had lot's of work to do to get this done by Wednesday. She breathed a silent "Thank You Master" for doing this for her. No tax lawyer would look at the actual property, they dealt in numbers and percentages.

Sherri worked past 5pm, stopping at nearly 6 and deciding to beg her Master to take care of the mail at her old house tomorrow. Perhaps he would let her pay off the favor.

Arriving home, and it was her home now, at just after 6:40 having caught the tail end of the rush hour traffic out of St. Louis. She parked and walked to the door much more quickly than would have been considered normal. She rushed into the house, and looked everywhere. He wasn't on the first floor, she ran upstairs and found him at his desk, sipping Whiskey, and reading a file of his own. She ran to him and as he rose to meet her threw her arms around him and embracing him warmly. "Thank you Master" she said.

"Happy Easter" he told her. She had found it, he knew it, and knew she was proud, and rightfully so.

Robert knew the legal genius who had come up with the Easter Egg, and knew he was paid well above average, and was well worth the money. Robert had learned of it from his "good friend" and thought it brilliant. A test, how far would a law firm go to protect the client? The really good ones took everything in the file and went over every line checking and double checking. They were the ones who found the Easter Egg, and they were the ones who got the business and reputation to go with serving some of the biggest companies in the nation. Robert knew she would find it, if her head was in the game. If she approached it sullen and resentful, and went through the motions, she would fail to go over everything, and would fail to find it, instead finding a couple numbers transposed as a false flag.

She had found THE egg, only that would make her this happy. Something small that when you really looked at it, would be HUGE in it's implications.

Sherri talked about it through dinner, having added her collar for the meal to "dress up" as he said. She was so happy and excited, and Robert drew pleasure knowing he would be getting a case of Scotch Whiskey in a couple weeks. Winning was good, even if the cost to him was more than the case was worth, it was good. Her dream of working on Wall Street was possible now. In a couple years, she would be getting offers from major firms who wanted her genius on their own staff. Her firm, Whitman and Parker, would be begging her to stay and offering perks too.

They ate dinner in Roberts Office, and ordered clothing from online stores while eating. So much to do they agreed, so little time tonight to get it all done. She watched him order another $50,000 in clothing, and then order another $25,000 in Jewelry. She would comment and suggest and bow to his wisdom as was proper for a Slave in his service.

Robert and Sherri trained after dinner, working on her walk and her manner of sitting. Sherri wearing a Posture collar, which held her neck rigidly in an extended manner, forcing her to use her eyes to check locations of steps, and other things. She wore a thong, and little else but the shoes. Robert directed, encouraged, and a few times used the whip to get his point across. Smacking her on the ass when she did something wrong which she hadn't done the last time. Sherri would jump and apologize with a "Sorry Master" and try again.

They went to bed once Sherri was able to walk and sit confidently and with grace. Sherri had leather bindings placed on her wrists, but they weren't connected to anything yet. Robert laid her on the side of the bed, and began to caress and kiss her. Sherri responded to his attentions, reaching for his cock and finding it fully erect. Robert took her hand, and placed it on her cunt.

"Feel yourself Sherri? Do you see how wet and hot you can be?" Robert asked.

Her fingers weren't in her, just on the mons, but it was hot and humid, so wet already. She wanted his hands there, caressing her as only he could. She reached for his cock again.

Turning suddenly, Robert placed ropes from the headboard to her leather wrist restraints. Sherri tugged at them and found she couldn't move her arms at all. Robert licked and caressed her, breathing hotly on her nipples, licking her clit and plunging his tounge into her love.

Moaning and squirming Sherri wanted to have his cock. She whimpered and silently begged him to fuck her. She was so close to an orgasm, so close to having one. He was teasing her again, driving her insane with desire. "Please, please Master." Sherri begged him.

Mounting her Robert eased his length into her. She moaned, and as he reached her bottom, she came crying loudly into the night. Her body shook as the orgasm gripped her and waves of pleasure spread outwards from her clit.

Robert pounded into her now, fucking wildly. As he reached his own orgasm and her third one subsided, he pulled out suddenly and gripping his cock ejaculated on her breasts, coating them with his thick white semen. As he lay beside her, he took a small strap and connected the two bindings on her wrists as he released her from the headboard. She was to sleep bound next to him.

Sherri woke to the alarm, and another day serving her Master began. She first asked to be released, she had slept with her wrists bound by leather straps, in front of her, but still attached.

Sherri considered washing the residue off herself before working out, but decided to enjoy the workout with the heady scent of their love filling her nostrils. It felt so dirty, so slutty, and she grinned wickedly as she stretched in the high cut thong leotard and worked on her flexibility. She was sore, and at first felt a little sorry for that, but then realized it was because he had ridden her like a race horse last night, and pounded her pussy into multiple orgasmic joy. However this morning, she was sore, and mentioned it to Robert. He smiled, brought her close to him, and kissed her gently.

"We'll take a break tonight, I don't want to send you to work bowlegged after all." said Robert.

Sherri blushed, and smiled at him. "Thank you Master." she answered.

They exercised, and she washed him, paying extra attention to his pecker, and wondered if she would be sore when she got off work, if it wasn't too bad, perhaps there would be a change in plans.

She dressed in clothing he had lain out for her. Another pant suit, this one in a conservative gray, and instead of a thong, a body suit. Robert explained that it was worn in lieu of underwear, but she did wear a Bra. He explained that the top looked like a blouse, and in the pale blue, it would go lovely with the gray suit. He then told her it had a snap crotch for easy access for trips to the restroom. She felt an erotic thrill as she wore it to breakfast, and purposely got a little flip with him. She then told him she hadn't gone by the house to get her mail, or filled out a change of address, but would attend to it sooner or later.

Sensing her desire, Robert sent her for the riding crop. After twelve lashes, her ass was warm, and so was her sex. She left for work without her house keys, he would attend to the mail and anything else, and with an ass which glowed red and kept her warm through the morning.

Lisa saw another expensive outfit, and another silly grin on Sherri's face. She was getting curious, and resolved to see if Sherri wanted to go to lunch together, and perhaps spill the beans.

Sherri sat and smiled more as she felt the warmth of her ass. He had paddled her until she had begged forgiveness, and then sent her to work, chastised and aroused. She dove into the file, and went back to work. She had finished checking the Indiana numbers, and had found the mistake there, and laughed. If she had punched the numbers in before doing Google Earth, she might have missed it. She then started on the Illinois Tax Information before lunch. She wanted this done before the day was out, so she could spend tomorrow looking for possible answers to the problem. Obviously, the building could not be built where they planned it and obviously, they would have to buy more land to get the building firmly into Indiana, at least a 50 foot buffer zone she thought. As she checked reference tables and other tax information, she worked out how much money the company would save by not building as they originally intended.

Lisa had come at lunch, and asked if Sherri would like to join her for a Salad.

Sherri consulted the clock, and said "Sure, that would be nice, I usually have a salad or soup but whatever you would like would be fine."

They walked to the soup and salad place, "Souper Salad" it said. Sherri decided to get a small bowl of French Onion Soup to go with the small Chef's salad, and then insisted on paying for Lisa's lunch. Lisa had been doing great these last couple days, and Sherri wanted to show her appreciation. Sherri hadn't realized it was only her own perception which had changed, Lisa was the same, if a bit confused by the changes.

As they ate, they chatted, and Sherri realized she never knew Lisa was divorced, without Kids thank God. Living with a guy for the last year, but no wedding bells in the future, Lisa said she didn't think he was the one. Sherri felt sorry for Lisa, now that she was happy, she wanted everyone to be happy, content, and satisfied.

"So tell me what mystery man has your eye now?" said Lisa.

Sherri blushed and looked down. "Is it that obvious?"

"Listen girl, if you had a neon sign over your head that said "Got my bell rung good last night" it wouldn't be more obvious." said Lisa

Sherri blushed deeper and said "Oh My God, I didn't think it was, Oh God." she was embarrassed, and happy that someone had noticed. Perhaps Lisa wasn't that bad, perhaps Sherri's resentment had kept them from being friends. She moved her hair slightly with her left hand and Lisa jumped in shock.

"Oh my God, let me see that." Lisa said grabbing Sherri's left wrist. "That's a fucking Rolex, you're wearing a Rolex watch on your wrist. Did HE give it to you.?" Lisa thought to herself, Girl, you must have one so good it turns to sunshine if you toss it into the air.

"Yeah, he gave it to me, a gift, and he is wonderful to me." Sherri said and realized Lisa saw she meant it.

"So what's Mr. Wonderful called, does he have a name?" asked Lisa

Sherri smiled and said "Robert Mason, he's a business man in town, owns a couple businesses." said Sherri.

Lunch ended and they went back to work, trying to come to grips with this new friendship that seemed to be blooming around them. Lisa decided that Sherri wasn't as bad as she thought, and must be great in bed to get a Rolex. As her ex husband would have said, I bet she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

Sherri was uncomfortable, but not extremely so, a friendly working relationship, or even a friendship would be nice she decided, and resolved to be nice and friendly towards Lisa. She had her own life problems, and Sherri suddenly didn't want to add to anyone's problems. She had her share, and they weren't over yet.

By the close of business at the Law Firm, the secretarial gossip vine had the name Robert Mason down cold. They had searched the web, and found NOTHING but a few fluff pieces. He wasn't one of the firms clients, so they didn't have internal information to find out about. The gossip flew and at the end of the day, Franklin Whitman, the founding Partner, and senior surviving partner of the firm learned from his secretary that Sherri Chenowith was seeing a mystery man known as Robert Mason. Nancy told him that Mr. Mason is apparently comfortable enough to provide Ms. Chenowith with a Rolex watch in gold.

Whitman didn't care what his employees did, he honestly didn't care. He figured as long as they showed up and did the work, what they did on their time was their business. However he didn't recognize the name Mason, and made a mental note to keep his ears open. As for Sherri, she hadn't really fit in yet, but he had hope. She wasn't a bad lawyer, far from it, yet she didn't seem to be happy here. Perhaps that would change he decided, and went home to his own wife.

Sherri had finished the Illinois Numbers and was on her way home when an idea struck. She rushed into his house and ignored the pile of mail he had gotten for her. Probably junk mail she thought with a glance and rushed upstairs. He wasn't in his office and she sat down at his desk and began searching the internet.

Robert heard her come home, he was on the Patio enjoying a drink and walked in to find her. She was at his desk, and obviously thinking hard. He stepped back quietly, and went to get her plate for dinner. He brought it to her, and she thanked him and began to eat and surf the web. She smiled finding what she wanted, and then turned her attention to Robert "Sorry Master, I had an idea and wanted to see about it." she said.

"No problem, if you wish to keep working, be my guest." he said knowing how important this file was to her now.

"Master, your slave is here to serve you, and hasn't done that yet." she said with a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Then you will be punished, however your work is important too, and I am a patient and charitable Master."

Sherri smiled and looked forward to the punishment, and to serving him as she ate with him in the office.

He hadn't asked her about the file, or her idea, and at first that bothered her, and then she realized it would have compromised her duty as a Lawyer, that whole Attorney Client Privilege that she was supposed to maintain. "Master, I had lunch with my secretary today, and she asked about you." Sherri said.

"Did you enjoy the lunch?" he asked.

Sherri frowned, he didn't care who knew about him, or what they thought about him she realized with a start. "You really don't care what someone thinks about you do you?"

"No, not really, I don't work for anyone, and my businesses are low profile enough, most of them, that there is no danger in someone's disliking me causing problems for any of them." he said.

Sherri blinked at that, trying to understand it. He was working her so hard to be elegant, sophisticated, teaching her about walking and sitting like a lady, she didn't realize he was doing it all for her, for her future, not his. It meant nothing to him, but everything to her, to be in New York, and a lawyer on Wall street, with seven digit salaries the norm for a Partner in a big firm. He on the other hand was just Robert, and preferred to be low key, and under the radar. He didn't try and gain popularity, or see his name in the paper, he just was himself.

"Master, she saw the watch and I told her your name, if I have done wrong, I am very sorry." she said.

Robert smiled and chuckled at her. "Sherri, you have done nothing wrong, we can't hide that we spend time together, and I am not going to reveal the details of our time, and doubt you will. From my point of view, it's none of their business if we dance all night or if we play our game, it's your choice what to tell anyone. To the public, even Suzanne and Carmen, you are my girlfriend who has graced my life with her presence."

Sherri smiled and felt vaguely self conscious. "Master, thank you for the compliment."

"When you are done with this, please come get me, I don't want to disturb your work." Robert said.

He then rose and left the office. Sherri considered and realized she had the answer she needed, and finding her collar in her room, stripped down to her thong, and went to find and serve her Master.

He sat her in the dining room, and explained the different glasses, plates, and silverware for her. She now understood how to dine at a four course meal, and Robert was pleased with her progress.

He then took her downstairs and pointed to something he had ready for her. "This is a means of immobilizing you, it will not bind you as the leather straps do, but will prevent any motion from you." He placed her in the thing and showed her the breathing hole which was in it. It had a mouthpiece, like a gag, and she placed her mouth on it. Robert told her that was her air, and she would now experience total immobilization. He connected the vacuum and turned it on. It sucked the air from the twin thick sheets of latex, and soon she looked like a toy wrapped in plastic.

Robert caressed and touched her, knowing she couldn't move. He could see her strain, and try to move, but she couldn't. He listened for their word, having decided on one. She didn't say Red, so things were not beyond her. She did moan a couple times, but nothing more than that. He lightly whipped her body through the latex, knowing the sensation was driving her insane with desire. She could be touched, but not respond in any way, she could not touch back. She was in effect shrink wrapped in clear latex and her breasts stood out invitingly.

He pressed the release finally, knowing she was horny as hell, and allowed the air to go back into the immobilizing bed, and enjoyed her reaction, she flexed, and then her hands went to herself, massaging her pussy, and saw her looking at him wantonly.

Sherri came free of the bed as he undid the zipper, and she practically threw herself at him. She needed him, but he wasn't done with the pleasure torment. He took her and bound her to a spreader bar, and then stood her up on her feet. She writhed and begged him to take her. He gagged her, which meant the snapping of her fingers, a task she demonstrated for him, was the new key for stopping. She writhed in pleasure moaning into the penis gag she had in her mouth, biting down at times as he caressed and then flicked her with the whip. She had never known such torment, nor such pleasure. She was desperate, she needed the sex he had, and withheld from her. He tormented her, inserting a small dildo into her, just barely penetrating her, and she wanted so much more from him right now. She needed so much more.

Robert enjoyed the fruits of his labor, she was panting and desperate, her arousal was as high as it could go, if he didn't bring her over the edge soon she would probably go insane with desire and become resentful and sullen. Robert decided it was time. He stroked some more, and then flicked her clit and saw her orgasm dangling from the chains, bouncing as much as she could trying to get even more stimulation. Robert released her left ankle and then her right and she surprised him, wrapping her legs around him, and grinding against him. Robert supported her ass in his hands, and saw her and knew what she wanted, what she needed. He got the pleasure swing from the rack and wrapped her in the sling, and lowered her slightly, and then entered her. Still suspended by the wrists, her lower body suspended by the swing he had hooked up and she was in heaven. She was still gagged, and ground against him in rapture. Robert thrust himself into her with passion, force, and will. He drove into her, slapping flesh echoed around the dungeon, and Robert loved her passion.

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Slaves Of The Copper Coast 2

?SLAVES OF THECOPPER COAST 2.? Morris Kenyon * On her eighteenth birthday, Rebecca daCastro's father buys her a very special present – a slave-girl. Her very own slave-girl who will attend to her every need. Even better, it is one of her ex-school friends who has fallen on hard times. But will the two girls get on?This story is set just after my earlier story, 'Slaves of the Copper Coast' and includes some of the same characters. However, it is a stand-alone story and you do not need to have...

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Slaves Of The Copper Coast

SLAVES OF THE COPPER COAST.? Morris KenyonWhen wealthy young broker James Baxter is sent to the tropical country of Kupro Marbordo, the Copper Coast, he is amazed to find that slavery is a well established custom there. Initially shocked, he soon finds himself owning a beautiful slave-girl – with all that implies regarding her discipline and training.WARNING! This book contains scenes of a sexual nature, graphic violence against women and strong language, It is not intended for the easily...

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My beautiful bisexual slaves and I

        This story is intended as entertainment for adults onlyHaving become fabulously wealthy from my vast real estate, and other assorted ventures,  I decided to fulfill my deepest sexual fantasies, and to enjoy the fruits of my years of labor.  My assets totaled about thirty five billion, and I constructed a very large and special estate in Mexico, with surroundings quite conducive to peace and solitude, and to the pursuit of my vocation as a male dominant to willing women, and researcher...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 6 Girls at school Preparing for the Wedding and a Special Surprise

Characters introduced At the local school: Mr. Theodore “Teddy” Smith, 45 Principal, 6'2 12” x 3 1/2” cock Black Male Leroy, 35 Janitor, 6'3 13”x 4” cock LuAnne, 22 Nurse, 5'11 Brown hair Hazel eyes 36D swan like neck Alexandra “Alex”, 32 Teacher, 5'2 white blond hair blue eyes 34C Alana, 30 Teacher, 5'4 white Brown hair green eyes 32C Roxanne, 24 Teacher, 5'4 white Blond hair blue eyes 36D swan like neck Rosanna, 25 Teacher, 5'8 white Red hair green eyes 36C swan like...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 5 The Training Continues with Janets Surprise

Characters Introduced: Janie, 20 5'2 Blond hair blue eyes 34C Alex, 15 5'4 Blond hair blue eyes 36C Carly, 13 5'0 Blond hair blue eyes 32C Carol, 31 5'8 Brown hair hazel eyes 38D Ken, 36 6'5, Carol's husband Black Male 14” 4” wide Elfie, 13 5'0 Black hair and eyes 32B, classmate of Carly's and daughter of manager of Italian Restaurant that Ben and Becky frequent Antonio, 43 6'0 8” long cock average width Elfie's father. The training continues: From chapter...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 17 Holidays in the New Mansion Family Reunions and a Korean Surprise

Introduction: The continuing adventures of Ben Barnes and his loving slaves My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 17 Holidays in the New Mansion, Family Reunions and a Korean Surprise Characters Introduced: Chasity, 20, Jessica Taylors Sister, 56, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C Breasts Carrie, 15, Jessica Taylors Sister, 50, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carmen, 15, Jessica Taylors Sister, 50, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carson, 15, Jessica Taylors Sister, 50, White, Blond...

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The sex slaves of the Mongolian Empire

Chow Ming lived in Hangchow, the capital of the Southern Sung dynasty  The sex slaves of the Mogolian EmpirePart one, in the camp of the Mogolian Empire   Chow Ming lived in Hangchow, the capital of the Southern Sung dynasty. He had a happy life with his dad who was an owner of a great Inn. Chow was a playboy but also a patriot. When the Mongols invaded , he joined the army .But sadly, he was captured in one battle. Mongols enslaved those captives, but the General, Tamjuli, who...

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HOLIDAY family TRADITION The holiday season has always been an important time for my family; it’s the time when we all gather together at our family cabin for some much needed bounding time. I come from a rather large family, and nearly every branch has all taking up the family traditions of i****t.The tradition of i****t go as far back to my great grandfather who had six daughters all of watch he happily bedded. My grandfather along with his four c***dren will carry our family banner well into...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chaper 4 Renees Daughters

Characters Introduced Renee, Tiffani's Sister – 26 5'4 Red hair Green eyes 36C Breast Her daughters: Rachel and Reanna twins – 14 5'2 Brown hair Blue eyes 36D Breasts Sarah and Sam twins – 12 4'10 Red hair Green eyes 32 C Breast Roy, husband and father, 45 a drunk without a job, 5'10 with a 5” cockold. Alice, wife 36 6'2 Black hair brown eyes 36DD with swan-like neck Jennifer, daughter 16 5'10 Black hair brown eyes 36 C with swan-like neck like her mother. Officer Sally...

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Slaves Of The Copper Coast 3

SLAVES OF THE COPPER COAST 3.* Every so often, the ruling junta of Kupro Marbordo, the Copper Coast, sends the cavalry to sweep the distant, lawless Pine Mountains free of brigands. A great opportunity for Ensign Fernando Bartro to make a name for himself – and maybe capture a slave-girl. But there are dangers ahead for the young officer. Will he make it through? This story is set just after my earlier stories, 'Slaves of the Copper Coast 1 & 2'. However, it is a stand-alone story and you do...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues Nadias wish for her friend

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues, Nadias wish for her friend Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 54 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigails sister, white, 52 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7 cock Jolene, 16, 54 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 17 Holidays in the New Mansion Family Reunions and a Korean Surprise

Characters Introduced: Chasity, 20, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'6, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C Breasts Carrie, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carmen, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carson, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Megan, 13, Jessica Taylor's Cousin, 5'3, White, Red Hair with Blue Eyes, 34C Breasts Miranda, 13, Jessica Taylor's Cousin,...

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Woman Partner Chapter Eighteen Husband And Wife Slaves

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 18, Husband and Wife Slaves) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

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Mistress and her slaves

Chapter 1 The Slave stands over the stove cooking his Mistresses dinner. Making sure nothing burns and setting the plate up for the dish to be served on. Garnished just right in his opinion. He reaches over and drinks some water as he has been ordered to keep drinking as he cooks. The meat gets done and he puts it on the plate and calls his mistress on the in house phone system. As she answers he tells her that dinner is ready. She tells him in turn to wait one hour and...

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Slaves Of The Copper Coast

SLAVES OF THE COPPER COAST.© Morris Kenyon April 2012.When wealthy young broker James Baxter is sent to the tropical country of Kupro Marbordo, the Copper Coast, he is amazed to find that slavery is a well established custom there. Initially shocked, he soon finds himself owning a beautiful slave-girl – with all that implies regarding her discipline and training.WARNING! This book contains scenes of a sexual nature, graphic v******e against women and strong language, It is not intended for the...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues Nadias wish for her friend

Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 5'4 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigail's sister, white, 5'2 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7” cock Jolene, 16, 5'4 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns 28, friend of Nadia, white, 5'8 Black hair Green Eyes 36D breast. Swan like neck Julia Johns, 13, daughter of Emily, white, 5'0 Black hair Green Eyes 32C breast. Swan like...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 20 Phillips Downfall and Demise

[b]My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 20 Phillips Downfall and Demise [/b] Characters Introduced: Phillip, 45, FBI agent, 7 cock Valerie, 13, FBI agent Phillips niece, 52, White, Red Hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts swan-like neck Violet, 13, FBI agent Phillips niece, 52, White, Red Hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts swan-like neck Vanessa, 13, FBI agent Phillips niece, 52, White, Red Hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts swan-like neck Suzanne, 32, FBI agent Phillips sister, 59, White, Red Hair...

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My Mom and my Sis are my Sex Slaves Part 31

DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, sex slavery, and cruelty. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story...

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Slaves Unlimited2

As Sarah moved through the house her thoughts dreamily shifted, she hoped that the club would be hopping with guys later on tonight, after she met with Jess of course. Maybe she would be lucky enough to even find one who might go back to a hotel room with her for the night for some blow, a good time, and an easy fuck,…and then she frowned. She remembered her last attempt at bringing a guy to a hotel room for the night, the little fuck had said she was disgusting, and nasty looking,...

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The proper treatment of slaves

Good morning students, my name is SloppyCunt., and I am very happy to here. With the new laws recently passed, you need to know the proper way to treat slaves. The Federal government, along with McDodold’s and the Slave-r-us Corporation has arranged to have me shipped over here. I’ve had a special Brain chip inserted so that I can tell you all of things that you need to know?but don’t worry, when I’m done, it will be removed and I’ll be back to my  normal animal like slave condition.So let’s...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 19 Miras Assimilation into the Family and Family Reunions

Introduction: This is a work of fiction. It contains sex acts with children and adults. If this is not your cup of tea dont continue to read. This is an ongoing story. Being Chapter 19 means that there are 18 other chapters prior to this one. Please read the entire series to get the whole story My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 19 Miras Assimilation into the Family and Family Reunions Characters Introduced: Mira, 25, FBI agent Phillips young wife, 53, White, Dirty Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 10 Martys family training and a surprise

Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 5'8, white Ben's tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, “You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!”. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master and then Martha. “That was fun, Master, I think our asses are getting use to having BIG FELLA in them” Cam says and...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Martys family training and a surprise

Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 5'8, white Ben's tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, “You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!”. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master and then Martha. “That was fun, Master, I think our asses are getting use to having BIG FELLA in them” Cam says and...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Martys family training and a surprise

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed Chapter 10 Martys family training, and a surprise Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 58, white Bens tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!. In comes Cam and Calla...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 10 Martys family training and a surprise

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Chapter 10 Martys family training, and a surprise Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 58, white Bens tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 19 Miras Assimilation into the Family and Family Reunions

Characters Introduced: Mira, 25, FBI agent Phillip's young wife, 5'3, White, Dirty Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C Breasts Marsha, 17, Phillip's daughter, 5'9, White, Brown hair and eyes, 36D Breasts Layla, 15, Phillip's daughter, 5'6, White, Red hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts Haley, 15, Phillip's daughter, 5'6, White, Red hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts Joanie, 12, Phillip's daughter, 5'2, White, Brown hair with Green Eyes, 32C Breasts Angelika, 21, Mira's sister, 5'1,...

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Community of Slaves

Chapter 1The life style act of 2012 allows consenting adults to live any open lifestyle the want.  Same sex couples my get married.  Open marriages swinging and open sexual slavery is now the law.  It is now legal for nudism to be practiced in public.Five wealthy wives decide they want to be slaves.  They try to talk their husband into this.  The husband find they do not have what it takes to be masters to their wives.  The husbands decide they will allow their wives to become slaves of a...

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Slaves of Acteon

+++++++++++++++ Slaves of Acteon +++++++++++++++ By Alyssa S. This is a rewrite and completion of a story I wrote in May 1999 and posted to Fictionmania. Any changes supersede that story. It can be posted wherever the hell you like, so long as you notify me at [email protected], and you don't make a cent off of it without my consent. The original version left off rather inelegantly in the middle of the story; I hope I have amended this adequately. My apologies to anyone who was...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor Wife Kyles surprise and Many Many Births

Introduction: The Continuing story of Ben and his extrodinary family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor & Wife, Kyles surprise and Many Many Births. Characters Introduced: Dr. Steven Taylor, 48, OBGYN, white, married to Jessica, 8 cock Jessica Taylor, 28, wife of the doctor, 54, white, Brown hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Bob, 45, drunken neighbor of Crystals, white, 7 cock Gracie, 32, wife of Bob,54, white, Blond Hair Blue Eyes, 36DD Breasts Kelsi, 18, Gracies daughter,...

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Slaves of the Amethyst part nine

Chapter Sixty Four.Alice had simply never known an evening like it in her life. To her it was the most defining few hours of her impending adulthood. In common with many a young person Alice had entered into marriage with Daniel with only the vaguest idea of some nebulous future. They’d had hazy ideas of buying a house someday, of Daniel getting a better job, of c***dren someday, of moving out of Teescastle. They’d had dreams but the reality had always been the wage...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip Lauries homecoming and Ben Jrs Birth

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip, Lauries homecoming and Ben Jr.s Birth Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 58, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast OH God Ben, I missed you lover Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him,...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 21 Cayman Island Girls Family Reunions and a Couple of Weddings

Introduction: This is a purely fictional story. A continuation of the story of Ben Barnes and his family. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 21 Cayman Island Girls Family Reunions and a Couple of Weddings Characters Introduced: Penelope, 40, Briannas Mother, 55, White, Blond hair with Blue Eyes, 38D Breasts and a swan-like neck Iris, 18, Briannas Sister, 54 White, Blond hair with Blue Eyes, 38C Breasts and a swan-like neck Julian, 16, Briannas Sister, 52,White, Blond Hair with Green Eyes, 36C...

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My New Slaves

       I have always had dreams of owning my own slave every since I was a young man, but every girlfriend I seemed to have was repulsed by the idea and my relationships with them never lasted long.  I kept pondering to myself how I would solve this problem.  I would go on line, no success there, I would put out a personal ad, nothing.  So what else was there for a young 25 year old guy to do?         One night I decided to go out to a party at my friend’s house, there should be a lot of...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part One

Introduction: Fictional Story. Romance about an unusual family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben, a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Characters Introduced: Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 59 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 52, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 57, Asian with 5 cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 62 ,white, 8 cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 58, white,...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor Wife Kyles surprise and Many Many Births

Characters Introduced: Dr. Steven Taylor, 48, OBGYN, white, married to Jessica, 8” cock Jessica Taylor, 28, wife of the doctor, 5'4, white, Brown hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Bob, 45, drunken neighbor of Crystal's, white, 7” cock Gracie, 32, wife of Bob,5'4, white, Blond Hair Blue Eyes, 36DD Breasts Kelsi, 18, Gracie's daughter, 5'7, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D Breasts Brook, 16, Gracie's daughter, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 34C Breasts Evelyn, 14, Gracie's...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip Lauries homecoming and Ben Jrs Birth

Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 5'8, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast “OH God Ben, I missed you lover” Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him, licks the head and looks up at Ben “Master we are not going to leave this room till we go back to Alabama, You are mine now” she sucks BIG FELLA deep getting him hard. Laurie straddles BIG FELLA and...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part One

Characters Introduced: Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts From Chapter 13 They go to...

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a slaves journey

It was a beautiful day, the day I was taken. I had gone to the market with my friends as we often did in the morning. I knew nothing about what would occur, everything was decided without me knowing anything. It was nothing unusual in that. This kind of matters were never discussed with girls like me. Even if it would affect you profoundly. I was together with my friends sitting by the fountain relaxing a little after having finished the shopping. As always we had lots of things to...

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Slaves the whole story

Chapter 1: Introduced to the Art Lenarta had been idly fingering herself on the bed, as Galifssae and Reesha walked the boy into the chambers. She smiled. She'd been trying to imagine how he'd look, and she was pleased to say that he was even prettier than she'd hoped. The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be. The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called. As he was walked further in,...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part Two

Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Karen, 36, neighbor of Crystal's, 5'8, white, Blond Hair...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 9 Tuscaloosa Trip First Christmas with the Family

Characters Introduced Sophia, 18 5'4, white Dirty Blond hazel eyes 36D breasts, long swan-like neck Becca, 16 5'6, white Red Hair with Green eyes 36C breasts Martha, 35 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 36D breasts Victoria, 17 5'6, white Blond with Blue eyes 36C breasts Candy, 14 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 34B breasts Cynthia, 14 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 34B breasts Alileen, 12 5'2, white Blond with Green eyes 32C breasts Alexis, 12 5'2, white Blond with Green...

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School for Sex Slaves part 2

As per popular demand, here is second part! Please read part one before you read this. Enjoy!Lina woke up the next morning groggy and sore. Everything hurt! She slowly got up and went to the bathroom to do her daily enema and shower. It felt nice to wash away all the sticky cum and feel fresh again. She was hesitant to put a butt plug for the day, but after some debate she settled for a smaller one. It was her graduation day, she needed to go to the school and pick up her Diploma and the...

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School for Sex Slaves

Jeremy Lynch was ushered into an absolutely decadently luxurious office. The floor was covered by a blood-red carpet with a very thick pile, and the walls were lined with tapestries depicting all sorts of sex scenes. There was an oversized desk and chair occupied by a man of about 35 in excellent physical condition. In front of the desk was a overstuffed chair, and that was the extent of the conventional furniture in the room. Otherwise, there were several large and small cushions scattered...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine Hawaiian girls and Sophia Spring Break Cruise Trip to the Cayman Islands and Furniture Shopp

Introduction: Fictional Story. Romance about an unusual family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine, Hawaiian girls and Sophia, Spring Break Cruise and a Trip to the Cayman Islands. Character Introduced: Josie, 14, daughter of Fred and sister of Jolene, white, 51 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Janice, 14, daughter of Fred Josies identical twin, white, 51 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Claire, 12, sister of Jolene twin of Clairice, white, 411 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 7 Hawaii Trip

Characters Introduced Kiki, 18 Massage parlor worker, 4'8 Asian Black hair and eyes 34C Kali, 20 Massage parlor worker, 5'0 Hawaiian Brown hair blue eyes 34D swan like neck Mami, 22 Massage parlor owner, 4'10 Asian Black hair and eyes 34C Jessica “Jess” Williams, 32, Mother of Hope, 5'6 Red hair Green eyes 36 D Jenny Turner, 30, Mother of Charity, 5'2 Black Hair and eyes 36 C Bill, 45 6'2 white guy with a 9” cock Vivian, 37 5'8 wife, white Red hair Green eyes...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine Hawaiian girls and Sophia Spring Break Cruise Trip to the Cayman Islands and Furniture S

Character Introduced: Josie, 14, daughter of Fred and sister of Jolene, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Janice, 14, daughter of Fred Josie's identical twin, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Claire, 12, sister of Jolene twin of Clairice, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Clairice, 12 sister of Jolene twin of Claire, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Ray, 40, white 5'11, 5” cock Madison, 36, wife of Ray, white, 5'7 Red Hair Blue Eyes 38D...

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Latex Slaves for the Elite

Most of humanity goes around on their day to day lives. They work, they pay their taxes, and every once and while they vote for people who they think will make a difference. Of course, some theorists believe that there is a hidden world that they cannot see. Far from being insane, these people know the truth... just not all of it. The true elite of the world are not interested in running the world on a hidden bunker miles below ground or on a hidden airship in the sky. It's much to boring. The...

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Slaves The Capture of Elise

She regained consciousness to the sound of the truck's air brakes hissing. The chain pinching her narrow waist locked behind her. Attached cuffs held her hands against her belly. Her ankles were crossed and chained. A third chain drew her into a ball. Reinforced adhesive bandages covered her eyes and mouth. The air was rank, a combination of sweat, exhaust fumes and perfumes. (What happened? Think, Elise! Think! We left the tournament. The girls were excited because they'd placed second. We...

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Naughty Slaves Chapter 3

Chapter 3THE PUBLIC SQUARE The next morning I awoke with the taste of his cum still in my mouth. I wanted to vomit! Suddenly, two guards appeared. "We have been ordered to take you down to the bath house. Your not going to give us any trouble are you?" I shook my head reluctantly. The severe pain in my head preventing any thought of rebellion. They unhooked my chains from the wall but kept my hands firmly cuffed behind my back. They had to half carry me down a long hall into the bathing room....

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Five out of six Devil pulled the trigger despite the coach's pleas for his life. He had heard the same words probably a thousand times and probably in a thousand different languages. He didn't give a fuck, hadn't since he was a kid. He had killed his first man when he was twelve years old. He was offered $200 to shoot a local gang leader by another gang. Devil did the job and never looked back. Forty now, over the years he had carefully created a world for himself in which he controlled...

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Slaves of the Amethyst part fn reposted

This is a repost of an earlier piece since in the original post all the apostrophes and speech marks have been converted by the site into question marks for some reason. Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The outside was dark and damp and a light drizzle streaked the windowpanes. It didn’t seem likely to be a day that would inspire adventures out of doors. Debra was disappointed at that for...

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