Vacation?Chapter 27 free porn video

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Day Twenty-seven - Saturday

Oh wow! Was it happening in my dream or was it reality that was hazily happening. A giant nipple was trying to choke me. I swear it was long enough to reach into my throat. As I swallowed, it stimulated the nipple enough to make its owner moan or was that because her pussy was sliding up and down my morning erection.

As my eyes began to open, the nipple owner pulled it from my sucking lips to lean up, pulling part of me from inside her so she could kiss me.

"Morning lover, you were sucking so hard I thought you were trying for milk. Down there feels good too. Do you want to come? Do want to shoot your juicy stuff in me? Wanna breed me? Huh? Shoot it, pump me full, put out the fire in my pussy, come in me baby, come in me."

She was going up and down on me so fast I had no control over my body. With her pussy clutching me, twitching as it slid up and down my shaft I was lost. My juices launched out of me deep into her as she shook her torso back brushing both her nipples on my chest hair, stimulating both of us.

As the last of my spunk pulsed into her, I had this strange thought, "I need to get rid of some of this beard or maybe all of it, it's getting in my way when I kiss her and when I want to taste her." The thought startled me, as I had not seen my face for a few years.

Sue sat up on me energized by the super sex we just shared, "Let's get going, let's have some coffee and breakfast then we'll go get those frames done. I have a surprise for you. I'll tell you about it when we are making coffee."

Nothing like some loving followed by some suspense first thing in the morning. Loving can come before coffee but suspense? I don't think so. May be she's just sadistic.

We showered quickly not getting our hair wet but washing the sleep from our eyes and all those good smells from our body. In less than fifteen minutes we were making coffee and at six thirty sharp, the patio light was on. While Sue waited for the folks to arrive, I was frying two pounds of bacon and getting ready to scramble two dozen eggs. We had made up a quick batch of biscuits to get us started on the great Saturday morning. It was funny, the girls all came bouncing over to the patio full of pep with broad smiles and sexy gowns, showing off their treasures. The guys dragged themselves to the patio, sleepy eyed, lethargic, ready for more sleep.

I could hear the girls laughing as Sue set the table telling everyone to get ready for some real food for breakfast.

Sue came in and began hauling the platter of bacon and the huge bowl of scrambled eggs. I brought the biscuits and butter along with some Florida strawberry preserves.

We ate noisily laughing and joking about the sluggish males and the bouncy women. Shawna and Hanna were competing to see who could be the most crude. Shawna said happiness for a woman was when it ran down her leg while Hanna said happiness was a well-fucked pussy and a mouthful of jizz as a reward. Sue was rolling her eyes while all the guys were in shock at how raw the girls could get.

Ruth and Tiny mentioned today was the day, they were actually going to buy a car. Charlie and Shawna told us the bike shop was going to be busy as Dell had advertised the arrival of twenty-five new bikes. Jim said the Harley store was going to be busy with a customer appreciation day with free hot dogs, free soda and lots of drawings all day. Glenda and Martin were going to a museum in St. Pete with Abe and Alice. Hanna was off today as her new job was 9-to-5 as physician's nurse within a hospital complex. She said one of these day's she would get a job to match her physician's assistant degree.

While Sue and I cleaned up she told me what the surprise was; we were going to her mom's for lunch or Sunday dinner tomorrow, or whatever you wanted to call it. She was very excited. I was excited for her.

At the shop, we kicked ass. We double-checked every angle with the squares and every length before we began welding. When Sue didn't feel good about a weld, she would call me over to check it and possibly add a touch or two. For a beginner, Sue was doing really well.

We both started grinding, filing and polishing the welds. When we had one complete and the other almost done, I began drilling holes. Lunch of Taco Bell then right back at it. We were working together so well we finished both frames, triple checking everything by three. It took us an hour to put away everything and clean up the shop.

On the way home we stopped by Sears for some more coveralls so Sue didn't have to wash so often and next to the bike shop to pick up my sheet metal for the shovel. Charlie was busy doing service work while Shawna was rebuilding a tranny for a customer.

Shawna showed me the tanks and fenders. Wow! The dark maroon metallic was magic but the gold and silver metal flames and drawings were awesome. If you looked at the swirls the gold flames were females and the males were silver. If you just glanced at the bike you would just think they were just flames painted on the fenders and the tank. But, if you stared at it, couples engaged in various intimate acts appeared from the flames. The scenes were flames but within were illusions of couples involved in sex acts.

"Shawna, this is awesome," I praised her as I kept my eyes fixed on the painting. "I've never seen anything like it and I've never seen a work of art like this. I can't put this on the old shovel, not in the condition the rest of the bike is in. This is more than beautiful, and it is hot."

Sue was running her hand over the smooth multiple coats of clear polyurethane paint, touching each pairing of the silver and gold couples that made up the flames. Sue exclaimed, "Shawna, this is the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Looking at this I just want to jump Steve right here. Hell, I want to jump Charlie too. Wow, this is so awesome."

Shawna glowed with the praise. She replied, "Well then Steve, you're just going to have to rebuild that old sled to match the paint. Let me do it, I'll make you a show winner and I won't kill you with a price. How about it, will you let a chick build a bike for you?"

"Not in a million years would I believe that I would let a female build a bike for me, but you Shawna, you're such a babe and you are such an artist, you have a deal. Build it. Don't give me an estimate, just build it," I said still staring at the erotic sheet metal.

"Good, we'll bring the shovel in Monday and I'll start," Charlie said. "We'll do the whole bike, it will be like new, only better running and better looking."

Jan had come back and was standing next to Sue with a hand on her lower back, "Makes you hot doesn't it," she praised. "Makes me just drip."

Charlie took me aside and told me, "Hap wants us to drop by. They're having some kind of big deal with another club and he wants us to come by and get introduced so we can pick up some work. How about it, want to drop by out there this evening?"

"Sounds good, should I leave Sue home?" I asked.

"Not a chance, You know Hap wouldn't let anyone make Sue uncomfortable in front of you. They all might gawk and stare but what do you expect. Hell I gawk and stare at those beauties every morning. He really respects you so we'll all go, even Jim and Hanna. Hap and Jim aren't close but they are on nodding terms. Hap just doesn't like the restriction of no colors in the Harley store."

As we turned to where the three girls were, Shawna said, "It's my turn tonight and we're having pizza, all you can eat plus some for everyone's fridge so they can have a bite of cold pizza later. We'll be home early as I think we are riding tonight."

Sue and I left for home, leaving the magnificently painted sheet metal behind. At my trailer, Sue said for me to give her my dirty coveralls and she would wash them as well as the new ones. She also went into my bedroom and gathered my dirty clothes so she could do those as well. I told her to dress to ride and remember we were stopping by the clubhouse so to think about what top she would want to wear.

I showered, brushed out my long hair putting it in a pony tail considering that I would have one of the girls braid it to keep it from flying around while I was riding. After entering the deposits from yesterday, I made up a check for five grand to Sue wondering if that was enough to cover what we did today. I guessed five grand for a week's pay should work.

Out on the patio, Martin and Glenda were in the glider with a mug of beer while Tiny and Ruth were sitting at the table munching snacks and with their beer. Ruth was ranting about how she wasn't able to make a deal on a car she had liked. Tiny was trying to explain the value of a Shelby Mustang over a regular factory Mustang G.T. Ruth just couldn't believe a name attached to the car made it worth over ten thousand more. Hanna was leaning back in her chair with her feet on the table, content with life.

I joined them pouring myself a big glass mug. I mentioned to Tiny that I noticed the beer box had a top freezer with an automatic icemaker. We should hook it up so we could have ice cubes if we wanted. I also thought we should get a bunch of glass or plastic mugs that we could freeze to have some frosty mugs of beer. He nodded his agreement, as did Martin.

Sue came over in her jeans and boots. Notice I didn't mention the top. What there was of a top didn't cover much and even let a lot of areola of both tits show. "You going to wear that riding? To where you know we're going?"

"Sure, don't you like it," she said pushing her chest out so both Martin and Tiny could squirm.

"I'm just afraid someone is going to either steal you or knock me on the head and do with you what all three of us males are thinking of doing with you."

Hanna couldn't resist, "Wait till Charlie and Jim get here, you'll be lucky if they don't throw you down on the table and take turns at both your ends."

The top was like big overalls. Two wide strips of cloth holding up a panel that exposed the side of her beasts as well as part of her huge nipples. If she moved fast, the natural sway of her monsters was going to let a nipple pop out. The front was low enough to let the viewer see enough cleavage to die for.

Sue came up to me and held my arm while rubbing a stiff nipple back and forth on my arm, "I brought along a T-shirt so I can cover up when I need to. I thought this top would be just right for Big Jim's. It should help Denise make a few tips."

Sue got herself a diet coke and came back out holding the check that had been on the counter, "Is this for me? Did I do that much?"

"I hope it's enough for the all the work we've kicked out. Not bad for a week's pay, huh?"

Sue gave me a big hug and kiss, "Maybe we should just have a joint bank account."

"Did I hear you right?" asked Ruth, "Did you just ask this guy to either marry you or to move in with each other, joint bank account? Tiny, is this the same big titted independent babe that lives next door to us who says she's never going to let a guy get close enough to her that she would be dependant on him. The same one I had to help seduce her neighbor."

Sue was sort of looking up at me with her head down. You know the coy look a girl can give you that melts you on the spot.

"Well, we do spend all our time together and we do seem to work very well together. We could consider something like that." Sue said softly. She turned to Ruth and said in a much louder voice, "I'm allowed to change my mind. I didn't know that I could fall for someone the way I have. And you didn't help all that much, I did most of the work myself."

I didn't think that I should say anything so I busied myself getting everyone refills from the tap.

Charlie and Shawna came riding up, stopping to say they were going to clean up. Shawna said the pizza guy could come any second but it was paid for and the driver tipped.

Jim rode up behind Charlie and Shawn and told us that he was going to clean up a little and would be out with us in a heartbeat.

Jim beat our other biker couple by a minute or so, dressed in clean jeans and T-shirt, ready to ride. Jim mentioned to Hanna that we were going riding this evening so she said she would be right back. She returned with jeans and a cute halter-top. She couldn't match Sue, she just wasn't big enough.

Charlie and Shawna came to the patio and got their first beer. Jim had drained his glass and was starting on his second when Sue came out of the trailer. Both guys froze, fixed on Sue's top, waiting, begging for one of her nipples to pop out. Shawna broke up, "It's not like you guys have never seen those before. Besides, what am I, chopped liver?"

Charlie tore his eyes from Sue and looked lovingly at his pixie wife, "You are my every wish, Sue just short circuits the brain when she teases like that, just like you do."

The guy was golden tongued. That had to be the best recovery anyone could do. Shawna tried to climb up Charlie hugging him, trying to kiss him.

Glenda laughed saying, "Get a room."

Shawna said, "That might be too much to go see Hap and the boys in Sue. You might want to wear a little more. You can't hide what you've got but you might want to hide a little more than with what you're wearing."

Sue explained her T-shirt option saying the other top would help hide her nipples a little as well. Hanna and Shawna thought that was a good idea.

The pizza was delivered and we all stuffed. I had some Parmesan cheese and ground red peppers to sprinkle on the pizza. Shawna had also brought a giant jar of hot peppers as a treat for those that enjoyed the heat.

We had the patio cleaned up by seven, ready to ride. Tiny said that maybe they should be looking for motorcycles instead of a car. Ruth said she didn't feel safe on bikes so they would just enjoy an evening on the couch when the rest of us were riding.

Sue put her black Harley T-shirt on and mounted my bike as I followed Charlie out of the park, opening up on Florida with Jim and me in hot pursuit. We settled down with Charlie and Jim riding tandem and me on my garbage truck following. I had some rock and roll playing loudly that must have been good to Sue's ears too as her hard nipples were poking me in the back.

We rolled up to the clubhouse to be greeted by two gate guys, each one wearing a different patch. The resident guy knew all three of us and said Hap was expecting us so the gate was opened and we were directed to park near the gate. The local guy said for us to park with the back of the bike against the fence facing out so it would be easier for us to leave.

When we walked around the side of the main house, I couldn't believe how many people were there. There had to be over two hundred people, half of them women with most of the women wearing vests with 'property of' 'patches of the two different clubs. Hap spied us and came over to greet us, calling for a prospect to bring us beer. Remembering from before, he told the prospect to bring Sue a diet coke.

Hap introduced us around till he took us to meet the other club's president. The guy was hairy, about my age with long hair and a bushy beard. He was introduced as Bear.

Bear barely glanced at Sue's tits. He met each of us and looked into our eyes, making me feel as if he were looking inside me. Maybe he was. He looked at everyone thoroughly then came back to me, "I know you, you were in Desert Storm with me. You were hurt weren't you?"

"I was there and I was hurt but I'm sorry, I don't remember you," I said searching my memory to find this guy back in my memory.

"I've changed, more hair and the beard. You were the other patrol leader. I was your counterpart in the patrol that usually went out with you. You were a good troop, I always felt like I could depend on you. Semper Fi."

"Oow Rah!" I exclaimed happy to meet someone from that era.

"You gonna prospect this club?" he asked.

"I'm an independent, the Corp was my last club."

"You decide you want some close knit brothers, see me, you'll never have to prospect my club," and he turned away going back to his group.

Hap had been listening to the exchange, "You never cease to amaze me; a national club comes visiting and you're personal friends with the prez. And you didn't embarrass me, you turned him down gently proclaiming to be independent in front of both of us. You ever want to be a part of us, you don't ever have to prospect here either."

Charlie and Jim were stunned that Hap had made that offer as the club had a rep for being a tough club to prospect for. The girls were all standing behind us looking at each other with big eyes.

I told Hap I had something for him and went to get the toy from my bike. The guns the cops had given me were all tagged except one of the Mac-10's. I knew from not being tagged, the gun was clean and was not even run through the evidence room so the serial number had been checked but never recorded. I pulled the paper sack with the gun and clip out of the luggage box and walked back to Hap.

I opened the bag and showed Hap the contents and handed it to him telling him it was an extra from the one of the fracases I had been in. I told him why I thought it would be okay for him to have and he agreed. He gave the sack to a prospect telling him to put it in the house.

Hap said that I might come by some time the following week to do some work they had for me. He complained that he had too many young guys trying to be Evil Knevil with their bikes. He had a few words with Charlie and Jim recognizing their ladies before he went to join Bear to chat for a minute.

Same as Vacation?
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This story begins at a dinner night I was invited too a few days ago, it is absolutely true. I have a huge knicker fetish!!! For those that do too will enjoy my story of the night... My girlfriend invited me to a do she was having at her block of apartments with the friends she works with. Downstairs from where everybody lived was a bar and a restaurant, obviously where the do was taking placee. As the night went on I met more and more of my girlfriends friends, a lot of whom were female and in...

1 year ago
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The Exchange

I am NOT the author am simply sharing a friendships takes a slow turn into something more.We did our best not to giggle as we exited the girls’ bathroom together, our book bags slung over our shoulders. Not that anyone would have noticed if we had. They’d probably have thought we’d been talking about boys. I caught Stacy’s guilty smile from the corner of my eye, relieved to see that I wasn’t the only one blushing. Unable to stop myself, I reached out and flipped the hem of her skirt up. Not...

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My sister invites me to fuck her

My sister, Hazel, is 23 years old and two years younger than me and came to visit me for a couple of days. She is a good looking girl and fully dressed seemed to have a good figure. I asked her if she had a boy-friend."Not now but I did once. We didn`t live together and he visited me." At that I took a chance and said that I hoped she wouldn`t mind if I asked her a personal question."How persona;?""Very personal,""What is the question? I won`t know if I would object unless you ask it.""Did you...

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Better a Millstone

Better a Millstone This one is what came out of a flashback. Accordingly, its a tough read, with sexual assault alluded to, so be careful. Dr. Anthony Stagg walked out the prison gates, gave a sardonic salute to the guards, and got into the waiting taxi. "Downtown." The doctor said, and then gave the address of a cheap hotel. When he arrived, he smiled a secret smile. He figured this place would make his parole officer happy, and that would be something to worry about for the...

2 years ago
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First Sex Of My Life With House Owner8217s Daughter

Hey hi guys, this is pranay sharma, from raipur, chhattisgarh. Baat un dino ki hai jab main engineering 3rd year me tha, aur maine march me new room shift kiya tha hum 4 friends ne ek 2bhk flat rent pe liya tha. Actually baat maine hi ki thi owner se fir flat conferm hote tak maine unki ek chhoti beti se baat ki jo usne hi kiya tha isi related baat karne ke liye.Tab tak maine unke family me se sirf usi ladki ko nahi dekha tha. Fir ek din ek mahine ke baad owner ki puri family police...

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BrattySis Emma Starletto Mackenzie Moss My Friends And I Flash Our Tits To My Brother

Mackenzie Moss and Emma Starletto have made a mess along with Seth Gamble, Mackenzie’s stepbrother. Emma is kinda into Seth, so as they all watch TV in the living room together she flirts with him by flashing her tits. Mackenzie catches Emma flirting and tries to tell her friend to stop. Instead, Emma talks Mackenzie into joining in. As the girls both flash their perky little boobs, Seth stares, frozen. He can’t look away as Emma and Mackenzie show off their asses. Seth is saved...

3 years ago
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Project Kansas develops friendship

classified information, but he has done his research at home. If nothing else, he’s curious, naturally and always, as any scientist should be. There was a news article he found in a local small-town newspaper from 1967 that described a meteor landing on a cornfield in Kansas. Differently from the many of its kind — the mysterious, conspiratorialist fodder — that one didn’t mention aliens at all. It did, however, talk about a viscous, large, grey mass that was collected for study by the...

3 years ago
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Amusement Park

“I hope the neighbors aren’t watching,” Brenda said.We stood there, on her porch, watching the car back out of the driveway and onto the street. My wife was driving; her husband was sitting beside her.“Why?” I asked as I waved to the two of them. KC flashed the headlights.“They’ll think we’re swingers, swapping partners.”I looked at her. In the shadows of the porch light, I couldn’t tell if she was serious or joking.“What?”“I mean there they go, driving off together, leaving us alone...

First Time
4 years ago
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A New Visitor

In a galaxy far far away live the people of a great planet known as Zunia. Zunia has most of the similar qualities of Earth: it is a spherical planet with two poles, rotates on its axis, has 4 seasons, and revolves around its sun. The planet is made up of 3 main states; each having it's own landmass. The three states are known as Omela, Erera, and Agaen. Each of these states has a distinct special power that every citizen must possess. However, the overarching government known as “The...

2 years ago
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Mothers Confession

For the sake of this story I will call myself Heather. It’s not my real name and for various reasons I think its best we all just leave it at that, if you think about it I’m sure you can understand why. I’m a 35 year old widow and mother of one. I stand five feet three inches tall and I weigh around on hundred thirty-five pounds. I know most women would not dare to speak of how much they weigh, but I have the added bonus of being anonymous, so it makes no difference...

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No more Doctor Nice Guy Part 11

No more Dr Nice Guy Part 11 As the world returns to focus my hands shoot up to my face and palpate it as I simultaneously look down at my body. I realize quickly enough that you can't actually tell what you look like by feeling your own face! Maybe if you're blind and have heightened other senses like touch I guess you can; but clearly that was not an ability I had. I just did not think I'd poked my hands all over my face enough to be able to ascertain with any certainty it is...

3 years ago
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I was just about to cum as I watched my beautiful wife’s face twist with wanton lust under the large Mastiff as he hammered into her pussy with primal abandon. The huge dog had her from behind and his massive weight pinned her body down to the bed in front of me. Her knees were widely spread to better handle the onslaught as well as accept the huge thick cock being pounded deep into her and the swelling knot that would soon tie her. It rammed her so hard that her large very firm breasts were...

2 years ago
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Rosetta Chapter 10

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 10 David was surprised... and impressed. While his observations of Rose's late night were pretty boring - she got to bed early, so he just saw her sleeping - her father was another matter entirely. That man could drink! And from the internals David could sense, it seemed like he was faking his seeming impairment as he played the bar games. And he wasn't using any anti drunk pill or anything. He thought people like that only existed in...

1 year ago
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A True Friend8217s Desire Fulfilled

Hi friends, me ek sachi kahani likhrahaun. Meri nam Sili he. Me ek house wife hun.Meri umar 37 he. Me ek beta aur ek beti ke ma hun. Meri husband ek private farm me kam karte he. Unka umar 41 he. Me bahut khubsurat hun. Meri patli kamar he aur breast ke size 36 he. Me jab market jatahun to sab mereko ghum ghumke dekhte he. Mereko meri husband boltehen ki mera body bahut sundar he. Meri husband bahut free and frank he. Sex karneka time o unka dostoke wife ko sochte hen aur unke bareme gandi...

2 years ago
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Wife get Me A Special Massage Gay

I was returning home from work and was expecting my wife might have something planned for my birthday. We had been experimenting with some more uninhibited sex lately, and I was hoping that I wouldn't be walking into a surprise party with our neighbors, but some sort of more intimate surprise. I wasn't disappointed.I noticed Nancy's car was gone when I drove onto my street, and when I walked in the front door; I saw a note on the table."Dear Jim - Happy Birthday!! I got you a special gift and...

2 years ago
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A rape to remember

Being bisexual really is the best of both worlds. I can appreciate the beauty of both men and women’s bodies equally. As the day warmed up, the sidewalk filled up with gorgeous specimens for me to ogle. As men would walk by, I would estimate the size of their package from the front and check out their ass as they went past. Women were looked up and down, and I envisioned their firm tits wet with my saliva and their beautiful pussies glistening with their juices for me to lick up. My tastes...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Never Gets Old

Hello readers. Handshake to boys and boobs shake to girls. The story is a fiction written for couples and cuckold sex lovers. Relax and hands inside underwear now! I’m a 25 year old Software professional leading a healthy (I mean boring) life. I’m quite a fan of cuckold sex, but not being a cuckold husband, rather the idea of fucking a wife in front of her husband. While it sounds weird for some couples, some of them do enjoy this. I’m not a married guy. I had this thing in my mind as a fantasy...

3 years ago
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2005It was a hot, gritty night. The kind you experience only on the high desert. The long, flat highway rolled-out ahead as would a path through a mountain meadow. Except that here the peaks were rising towers of mist, the valley, sand, wind-blown off the desert floor across which the blue/gray Navy hearse was forced to crawl at snail-speed. A cloud enshrouded full moon did little to help either, unless you’re one of those strange souls for whom the spooky factor gets high marks. Under normal...

Love Stories
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Work experience

So here I was at 50, a millionaire with a great mansion and pool. My wife and accountant had left me with my business partner (some 15 years my junior) and we had divorced a couple of years ago (cost me a bundle) and was the end of the company. However, I had started again, nothing too grand this time, and I now worked from home managing only the most lucrative of clients with my personal attention from a small office out by the pool terrace. I considered that I had made it and I wasn’t...

2 years ago
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A Quickie or a Hickey

"Give me a quickie or I'll give you a hickey." "Shut up!" "No you shut up! Get those panties off." "No! Do you think I don't know what you want to do to me?" "Come on Baby Girl, give me some of that Hoochie Poo." "You try anything, I'll slap your face, you horny guy." "Come on, raise your dress just a little. I want to see what color panties you have on. " "I raise my dress, the next thing I know, you'll be over here trying to pull my panties off with your...

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Sex With A Stranger Or Is It

AJ slid the keycard into the slot and let herself in the room. She still wasn’t sure why she was here. She had gone to the bar at the end of the evening to pay up her tab, and a message was waiting for her, along with the keycard. No matter how long she stood there and looked at the card, she hadn’t been able to figure out, for sure, who it belonged to. She knew who she wished it would belong to, but that would just be too good to be true. She had seen and talked to so many people that evening,...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 14 Not Really a Date

My first year as a paper carrier, I won the "Carrier of the Month" award for January. I was the only carrier who didn't get a complaint that month. We'd had a heavy snowfall and getting through it on my three-and-a-half mile route was a pain. I abandoned my bike the morning the first big snow fell. There was no way I was going to pedal through this. I started walking and just kept trudging through the snow until I was back home. I was crying and had ice on my cheeks, but I finished the...

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HighSchool lessons

I'd always been pretty fast in all the strokes and they needed an IM guy so I finally made the squad. Everyone made me welcome because nobody else relished the extra training the Individual Medley requires. I was the only Junior there and coach asked John, one of the Seniors, to mentor me. He was really cool and didn't seem to mind hanging with a younger teammate. He set up a training schedule for me and we spent a lot of time together in the pool in the evenings. I was making big...

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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolMonday part 2

As Arie and I and the dark-eyed girl walked away from the cafeteria, it suddenly struck me that, for the most part, I hadn't noticed all day that I was naked. I hadn't asked for relief, I'd barely had a hard-on. Considering the circumstances, that was probably okay. Arie and her stories—me and my stories—were hardly conducive to things getting hot and bothered. Basically the only time I'd gotten an erection all day was during break, when Jane was near. (I wonder why Zach hadn't teased me...

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first time

I had always thought of myself as a normal teenager - I had messed about with a couple of girls, but hadn't really done anything too serious. I certainly didn't see myself as anything less than a straight teenager. So a few weeks after my 18th birthday I had to travel to London to see some people. I got on my train, and settled down to watch my journey pass by through the window. I supposed I must have dozed off because I woke up to feel a hand between my legs gently feeling me up!! The hand...

2 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 7 I was misinformed

"Okay," I said looking around at everyone still seated at the breakfast table. "Based on the things you've said I've conceded that my theory about destiny magic holding you locked to me might be a big steaming pile of crap, but that pile doesn't necessarily have to stink to high heaven. Suppose it's an on again off again thing. I mean what if this magic jumps in when it feels like it and then jumps back out when it feels like it. That would explain how we all fell in love so quickly,...

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Law of the BloodChapter 16 A New Arrival

The next morning Roban woke up and felt a bit confused for a moment. The little girl sleeping on his chest wasn’t his sister. His sleep-fogged mind cleared quickly and he remembered. There wasn’t a problem; the girl on his chest was Menja. The tight petite ass in his right hand felt very familiar as well. To his left was a buxom curved brunette, easy too, Denyssa. The big auburn beauty spooning her had to be Hassika. That meant the slim girl hugging his sister was Rhabina. Roban was happy,...

3 years ago
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Bimbo Brinkmanship

Today's the day things are finally going to change. No more feeling undesirable. No more "not now, honey, I have a headache." No more sad handjobs. No more flipping through Netflix with a half-chub, no more Fleshlight window shopping, no more running out of tissues and lotion, and DEFINITELY no more porn sites on the credit card. There's a miracle sitting right on your kitchen table, practically staring you in the eye. A substance guaranteed to make any woman more sexy, horny, and airheaded -...

2 years ago
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The captain of the guard entered, his face distraught. "Princess, your father and brother are dead. The palace walls have been breached. You are in immediate danger."My older sister looked at me. "What shall we do?"I looked at my younger sister, then, at my older sister. "We make peace with them.""Peace! Are you mad, Arielle?""No, my sister, just practical. If we resist,  the town and the palace get pillaged, we all get raped and probably killed.  If we make peace, ally ourselves with the...

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Maa Ki Majburi 8211 Lala Ka Tharkipan

Hi, pornasaxena here  … Srirampur gaon bilashpur se 12 km pe hai. Jaha mai aur meri maa rehte the. Ye kahani 14 sal purani hai. Aj to mai delhi me rehta hu. Aur settled hun, Ghar ki halat bahut kharab thee. Mai ma bap ka lauta beta, papa naukri ke liye andhrapradesh me rehte aur paise bhejte the.Kuchh mahino se unhone paise bhejne band kar diye the, hum chinta me the. Lekin badme hame unke dusre sathi se pata chala, ke unhone waha dusri shadi kar lee thi. Is sadme me maa to atmahatya karleti,...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Jeni Angel Just This One Time And Never Again

My step-sister Jeni has a real issue locking the bathroom door, I am always walking in on her. Jeni is always a bitch about letting me use the bathroom, I can not stand that I have to share a bathroom with her. This time I am not gonna put up with her attitude, I pick the lock into the bathroom. Jeni doesn’t even hear me come in, I slowly pull back the shower curtain to see Jeni all soaking wet and nude. Of course, she acts like a bitch at first but she finally tells me she is gonna let...

3 years ago
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My innosence

I was 18 then and a nice and innocent boy. Though my friends had given me the opportunity of watching pornographic material with them, yet I did not know much about it, and I was shy too, so I did not even ask my friends about it. I did not even know how to masturbate, and whenever, I used to have a hard on, I used to get very confused, and go to the toilet and urinate until my penis was back to its size. I used to think that it was because I needed to urinate urgently. More so I felt sex and...


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