Bridget The Story of a trained Slave
- 3 years ago
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(Washington, D.C. 1862)
"Oh crap, crap, CRAP," I muttered under my breath as I saw the hooded figures pass the alleyway where I was precariously balanced on a stack of wooden crates. I redoubled my efforts with the pick head I was using to chip the cement from around a pair of steel bars.
"What is it?" replied a soft Southern voice from inside the tiny room I was trying to open.
"They're here. They're here now." I said. "I thought we had more time." I put the pick aside, its tip blunted from hammering the stone window frame and grasped the two bars in my hands. "Stand back." I exerted my stronger than human strength. The time for subtlety was gone.
In the back of my mind I thought, "This is a fine mess you've got yourself in Bridget. An agent of Allan Pinkerton's Secret Service and a trusted one at that, breaking a notorious female Rebel spy out of jail. Well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do."
This had all started prior to the war. I had been living, so to speak, in Chicago for several years, having moved from Charleston in South Carolina when it once again had become a little too obvious to acquaintances that I didn't seem to be getting any older. I had made that move many times before and was certain I would do it again. With the increasing tensions between the areas of the country, I expected by the time I ran into anyone who knew me, well, they'd be too old to remember me.
Once there I looked for a job. I didn't need the money, having carefully invested the proceeds from a large number of jewels that unexpectedly had come into my possession about 70 years prior. However I could only lay around so long, snacking on the occasional salesperson and reading lurid romances. I guess it was my upbringing. Mother and Father taught me to work. Some lessons aren't forgotten even after 250 years.
However since I didn't HAVE to work, I was able to look around for something that fit my wants and needs. Something exciting, interesting and most importantly, something that could be done at night. I was amazed that I found it. Allan Pinkerton had an amazingly advanced opinion of the capabilities of females and hesitated not at all in hiring me. Nor did he have a problem with my desire to be a nocturnal detective. In fact he told me that he preferred that, he had plenty of daylight operatives.
One line of questioning that he pursued in great depth had to do with my having lived in Charleston and before that in Savannah (although I certainly didn't tell him just how long I had been there). He wanted to know where my loyalties were and I was able to reassure him that as an immigrant from Ireland I owed my allegiance to the Federal government. He was very intrigued as to my ability to speak with an upper class Southern accent.
I worked in the capacity of a private detective until the events of January 1861. One night I was ordered to report to a certain passenger rail car. I was also instructed to come armed, something I generally did not do. Clutching my Navy Colt, which I had never actually fired, I became one of the agents who surrounded president-elect Lincoln as Allan brought him safely past the attempted assassination in Baltimore.
Following this, I was one of the agents who followed Allan into his new position as President Lincoln's personal intelligence chief. When the war broke out arrangements were made to smuggle me into Richmond, along with a considerable sum of money and enough dresses and accessories to allow me to masquerade as a Southern woman of independent means.
I didn't go crawling through tunnels and sneak into the Confederate Headquarters to steal secret documents. I attended and hosted parties. I danced and batted my eyes and stared dreamily at various Southern officers. I held supper parties and listened to women talk about their husbands or boyfriends, or sometimes both. I kept the information in my head, writing it down only when I sent a report to Allan via the channels he had arranged.
Generally I found that although they were every bit as hot-blooded as I had known them before, most of the officers were susceptible to a kiss and a caress. After all, they were fighting for Southern Womanhood to begin with. I actually was getting a bit frustrated when I couldn't get any of them to do more than daringly brush a hand over my breast. I was taking care of my other needs by slipping around the city late at night, careful to never visit the same place twice, nor to take too much blood from any one person. But damn, I was getting horny.
Then I met someone my match. He was a ship captain, a dashing rake of a man. He was dark and handsome, if not tall enough to satisfy the requirement for the third factor in the old prophecy. He was suave and his interest went far beyond a kiss or a casual touch.
The friends I had made warned me that I should be careful, that he would pursue me and even, they shuddered, attempt to debauch me. Well about time I could tell you that! I needed a good debauching. Female vampires do not live, so to speak, by blood alone.
Now I certainly led him a merry chase. Several nights he thought he had me cornered but I slipped away. Finally, one night after a particularly successful party I "inadvertently" dismissed the hired help and found myself alone with him.
He strolled out of the drawing room with two glasses and a bottle of port. He extended one glass to me.
"A taste before, Mistress Smith?" If "Smith" sounds absurd, I couldn't go by "O'Brien" and move in society circles. The Irish were SO not acceptable.
"Before what, Captain Butler?" I inquired. My tone was innocent but I knew the devilish amusement that flashed in his eyes was matched by mine. I sipped the wine. Good port.
As I placed the glass on the end table he came up behind me. His arms slipped around my waist and his lips nuzzled the side of my neck. For just a moment the thought flashed through my mind, "Could he be?" The common sense took over. I had heard enough to know he wasn't a vampire.
"Why Captain Butler." I purred, reaching behind me to where the front of his trousers strained against me. My nimble fingers began to free him as I continued, "This seems so sudden." His hands rose to pluck the shawl from my shoulders. Since my long dress was both strapless and sleeveless, the downward motion of his hands pushed my dress top down to my waist. He took my breasts in his hands and squeezed them. I gasped and responded by pulling his cock free.
"Oh perhaps I am too forward, Mistress Smith," he replied. One hand pressed me forward over the edge of the table. The other hoisted my flowing skirts up, bunching my dress around my waist. In defiance of fashion, I had neither innumerable petticoats nor pantaloons under my dress. "I would hate to think that you consider me hasty in my actions." He emphasized his last point by leaning against me, the length of his cock filling the cleft of my ass.
"I am sure the thought never would cross my mind to consider you 'hasty', my dear captain." I answered him as I grasped the far side of the table. I stood on my toes, bowing my back and presenting myself to him. He moved back slightly, until the head of his cock slipped over my dark hole, causing me to gasp deeply, and then it slid along my pussy. "Indeed," I managed to say between clenched teeth as he rubbed the head back and forth in my wetness. "I would hope that 'hasty' is anything but what you have in mind."
"Certainly, my dear lady." I moaned deep in my throat as the thoroughly wet tip of his shaft slipped back to my ass. "In fact, I plan to take all the time to properly express my appreciation at your hospitality that you would desire." His hips pinned mine against the table. I felt my anal ring slowly giving way as his weight opened me until, with a satisfied grunt, his cock head slid inside my ass.
"Mmmm, Captain, I feel your thanks." I gave a louder moan as he proceeded to fill me with the remainder of his cock. "In fact, I feel them quite deeply."
"I do so want to please." He grasped my hips and with a gentle rocking motion commenced to fuck me. His hand reached around and slid down my belly and between my legs. One finger dipped inside me while his thumb found my clit. His other hand rested on the nape of my neck, gently massaging it as his thrusts began to pick up speed. I felt his groin slap against my ass cheeks as he buried himself in me. He withdrew until the head was straining at my ring. Then he drove deep back into me.
All the motions combined. His finger inside my pussy, his thumb rubbing faster and faster on my hard clit, even the motion on his fingers on my neck as he held me steady, all those complimented the building sensations his cock was stirring. I closed my eyes as I felt him groan and swell in my ass, stretching me even further. The hot spurt of cum in my ass was matched by the nectar I released onto his hand as we shared an orgasm.
"Mmmm," I laughed as I felt him pull out from me. "Captain, I must bow to the power of your thanks." I turned and made a mock curtsey. Since my dress was still gathered at my waist I'm sure it looked ridiculous. "Perhaps we could continue this upstairs in a more suitable position?"
I was immediately alarmed when he smiled at neither my curtsey nor at my suggestion. He shook his head. "I'm afraid, Mistress 'Smith'," and I could hear the quotes around the name I was using, "That it would be a good idea for us to skip that, although," and he smiled happily, "I will regret losing the opportunity to know you better." He became serious again.
"The fact is, dear lady, that certain elements of the government have been taking a great deal of interest in you lately. I don't think they have arrived at any firm conclusions, but that may only be a matter of time. I suggest that you go, and go now." When I visibly hesitated, he added, "I am not trying to stampede you into revealing yourself. I'm already quite certain that you are a member of the Union Secret Service. I have no intentions of turning you in."
I sensed the truth in his words. I scampered into a back room and emerged in a few minutes dressed in male clothing. I unlocked a hidden drawer, pulling my final reports and stuffing them inside my shirt.
"Why, Captain? Why risk yourself for me?"
"Because, my dear lady, I know that the South cannot win this war. Her sons are brave and determined, but the overwhelming numbers and industrial might of the North will prevail. Perhaps when it is all over I will need a friend. Besides," his face lit in a roughish grin, "You are too lovely to be decorating a gibbet."
Suddenly there were noises out front. "Hasten," he commanded. "Out the back. I will delay them." I took one precious moment and kissed him. Then I was out and running into the darkness behind the house.
I made it safely to the Union lines. I knew any pursuit would expect me to go North to the Army of the Potomac. Instead I slipped away to the east and the Army of the James. My identity confirmed by telegraph, I returned to the Capitol. Allan debriefed me and immediately handed me another assignment.
"Bridget, high society here is riddled with Southern sympathizers. I want you to pose again as a Southern Belle. Just keep your eyes and ears open and note who expresses Secessionist opinions. Most of them are just talkers, but we're concerned about an underground organization called 'The Knights of the Golden Circle'. We suspect they are aiding Southern agents and still plotting the assassination of the President and other key officials. I also suspect it was through their actions that you were identified in Richmond."
I returned to the drudgery of fancy balls and dinner parties. I flirted. I listened. I danced and I drank champagne. I did as Allan instructed and took mental notes on who seemed to be merely shooting their mouths off and those who had determination in their faces.
One man I wasn't sure of. He seemed openly a Southerner in his remarks but I didn't catch actual hatred or willingness to act in his comments. Knowing we were short-handed to watch everyone I elected to report him as a sympathizer only. How I could have changed history if I had looked deeper. His name was John Wilkes Booth.
However in my own defense I was intent on bigger game. I had heard whispers of who might be actual agents of the Rebel Government. In particular my suspicions centered on a woman named Belle Boyd. She moved as I had in Richmond, listening far more than talking. I sensed a quick and decisive mind behind the facade of being a vacuous woman.
I was reasonably sure I wasn't fooling her either. Behind smiles and faces hidden by more than hand fans, we dueled with each other in drawing rooms, libraries and dining rooms. Finally one night I walked, unannounced and uninvited, into a meeting she was attending with several upper members of the Knights.
"Good evening. gentlemen," I nodded at the men and turned my attention to Belle. "Good evening Mistress Boyd."
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IncestUp until this moment, Rachele had considered her apartment a sanctuary, where the problems and sorrows of her life cannot plague her. So she is surprised to actually feel the immense weight of the prospect of a full-term pregnancy lift from her shoulders. She feels wonderful. She looks down at Ghok with an ear-to-ear grin frozen on her face. “I’m really glad you came tonight,” she reiterates at barely a whisper. She looks past his shifting head and notices that the alien is still sporting a...
Jennifer Perhaps I'd better introduce myself before going into my version of events. I'm Jennifer Watkins, usually known as Jenny. Twenty-three years old, and if I say it myself, not too bad looking although definitely not a glamour girl or a model. Bit on the short side and a little plump for that, I probably don't have enough in the tit department either. At school I was more or less a model student gaining four A levels and six O level GCE's. I then did a business studies course at...
Darkness... Chaos... Energy... As old as time, formless and ancient, a slumbering consciousness containing the knowledge and experience of a thousand lifetimes. It sleeps, restless and dreaming of sound and sensation, taste and smell, pleasure and pain. Dreaming of life. Into the timeless, endless darkness, a sliver of light pierces the veil, a whisper entering the void, calling, commanding the energy to take shape and emerge... But the voice is uncertain, and the command lacks any true power....
FantasyBrad sat in his living room, watching a football game. Last week, he had busied himself with inviting himself over to Inga and Josh’s house and had ploughed Inga. He had promised them that he would be returning to have sex with her again to make sure that she was pregnant. The thing that he enjoyed most about this situation was that Inga’s husband, Josh, didn’t seem fully on board with Brad impregnating his wife. Brad loved to see Josh uncomfortable and embarrassed, and he took perverse...
Cuckold--= 11 =-- I just looked at Danny, completely dumbfounded. I didn't know what to say, at least, I didn't know where to begin. How did he know? Am I that bad of a liar? Did Kevin tell him? No, he had no chance to. Unless, he texted him on his phone? I played the stupid card: "I uhm, don't know what you're talking about?" "Soph, I was there." I felt like I was going to hurl at this point. "Th-there?" "Yeah. I had to take a piss 'n I heard noises outside the door. Here I was thinkin': 'Wow, what...
Love StoriesOne of the positive benefits of getting a divorce after nearly twenty years of marriage was my newfound freedom. I had always wanted to move to the city but my wife was a die-hard country girl. During our marriage we compromised by living in the suburbs. Now that I was single again I had the chance to move back to the city where I could take advantage of the seemingly unlimited singles bars and endless numbers of available women. My one daughter remained with my ex, so it was no problem for me...
I'd been dropping the idea into our sex talk for quite a while. When she went on a night out without me I'd always say, "Be good, and if you can't be good tell me everything that happened when you get back," but I didn't think it was ever going to happen. That night she'd left the house and I'd kissed her at the front door and said my usual line, and said a silent prayer, but guessed that would be as far as it went. I had work the next day so I went up to bed sometime after 11pm and drifted off...
CuckoldI looked around at the now mostly empty front room. It, like every other room in the house, was devoid of furniture and almost every other sign that anyone had lived in it, at least in anything like recent times. When she, my wife, got home; she was in for a big surprise. I had to smile to myself. Smile? More like a sneer, actually. When my wife: that traitorous, low down, mean-assed, cold-hearted bitch of a woman got home; she was in for a bit of payback for damn sure; not that it could ever...
David drew Khan to a sudden halt by the gates of the Fort. The entire garrison was drawn up on parade. Turin stood proudly in front of Tiger Company, whilst Sultar stood in front of Cobra Company. A Havildar stood in front of the rest of the men on parade. Subedar Major Para cried out, bringing the men to attention and then to the present arms. He turned, giving David a fierce salute. David returned it, slightly shocked at the transformation of his command. Then Para turned, dismissing the...
Pepper Hart is a cheater, and her Hubby knows it. Hubby knows his place in Pepper’s life: he’s the sole wage-earner and a good, good friend. He’s not her sexual partner, per se. You’re about to watch a typical day in Pepper’s life: Hubby comes home early from work in hopes of walking in to the kitchen to find Pepper prepping his dinner. Instead, he finds his wife disheveled, sitting on a messed up bed with her lipstick smeared across her pale, freckled face....
xmoviesforyouI have had a desire for a very long time to fuck my Mother In Law! Recently she has been complaining to my wife about how "Her needs aren't being met any longer" and "She is just so frustrated". I started to build a plan... My Mother in Law came out for a week long visit. Around bed time on the evening she arrived, I always stay up late, my wife took off to bed. Bev was looking pretty worn out from the long drive so I decided to enact my plan. I offered up a back massage since she looked like...
We sat on the beach and watched the sunset. Marcel, Marie, Inez, Aunt whoever-she-was, and a few others joined us. There was not a lot of conversation and most of what there was centered on how fucking amazingly awesome the wine was. Which it was; I was definitely taking a few bottles home with me. The boys gave me some space; they sat or walked in twos and threes around me and let me think. I needed a cigarette. I didn't smoke, but I figured I'd look cooler or something. Inez sat down...
I lay on top of Paul is thick cock still secure in my sopping wet cum filled cunt. I softly giggled as I kissed his lips. Paul opened up his eyes and asked me what was so funny. I told him not a single thing. I raised my self up and stared down into his eyes and said to him. “ want to know how I knew you were the big bad wolf?”I put my mouth close to his ear and whispered, because you have the thickest and longest cock of the three of my big bad wolves and you touch me in places the others...
It was raining again, that's the way she liked it. It was a hot July night and she was on her way out the door for her weekly "girls night". She kissed her husband goodbye and wished he could fill the need she had. She was wearing a long thin red silk strapless dress with a slit on both sides that went to the middle of her thigh. He black fish net stockings showed as she walked down the front steps. She was off to find a man who could feed her apitite. She sat at the bar sipping a drink when in...
EroticAfter wiping up the last couple of puddles, I wanted to throw the mop into the bucket, but I couldn't summon the energy. My arms ached, and my temper was foul as I cast a murderous glance at the washing machine. It sat there, bright red lights glaring at me like small beady eyes, as if to say, "Serves you right," while the round glass door matched the expression of someone who had pissed their pants. How I wanted to kick that thing, but that would have left me with a broken toe and a washer...
AnalCaramel-skinned hottie Jamie Michelle rubs her pert nipples through sexy fishnet lingerie. Porn pro Mick Blue douses her body in oil and eats her sweet, shaved cunt. She gives him a thorough blowjob, licking his boner from balls to head. Jamie masturbates lustfully, and Mick stuffs his big cock inside her eager pussy. He thrusts hard as she gasps in ecstasy and rubs her hyper-sensitive clit. Jamie mounts Mick’s rod and indulges in a vigorous cock ride that leaves her breathless. She cums...