A very white Christmas
- 3 years ago
- 25
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As we picked up the dirty lunch dishes and prepared to set the kitchen to rights again the doorbell rang and we stopped and looked at each other.
Anna was the best dressed of us all and had the most right to claim residence. She headed to the lounge window and looked out.
"There is a delivery van there."
I left the others waiting to consider a dash upstairs and had a look as well. I recognised certain signs.
"It's all right. You can go back into the kitchen."
Anna was by the door and I signalled for her to answer it. She did so to the hurried patter of bare feminine feet going into the kitchen and I say Hubby dressed as an Express Packaging deliveryman.
"Good afternoon miss. I have some boxes here for Miss Draper.
"Thank you," I said over Anna's shoulder. "Could you bring them in please?"
"Certainly. Where would you like them?"
"I think upstairs. It's okay Anna. I can fix them up."
"Like that?"
"They won't care."
Shaking her head Anna went back to the kitchen to explain and express her amazement at my exhibitionistic streak. I wasn't worried about Hubby seeing my underwear; people wore far less at the beach and that didn't consider the rock pool we had visited. I hadn't expected his wife to be accompanying him though. She was similarly uniformed and dropped a pile of empty boxes into my arms.
"Here you go Roger. We'll do a swap."
"Thanks June."
"Like your gear. Interrupt something?"
She headed outside without waiting for an answer.
I took the boxes upstairs and Hubby joined me with a full box and some tape,
"Where do you want them?"
"Just here thanks. Got many?"
"With all my worldly goods I thee endow! We just basically threw the young lady's bedroom through a vacuum cleaner. She should have most of it. There are enough that you've got plenty of time to pack. Let us know if you need more boxes."
"I'll put my toys away but other than that I haven't much more than I came with. I shouldn't need long then I'll give you a hand."
He went downstairs and passed June coming up.
"In here."
"Thanks lover boy." She sniffed the atmosphere in my room. "So this is the love nest? You all fit in here?"
"Not so far. Hailey will get this room."
June looked out of the window to the flat roof I had used for my nocturnal jaunts.
"At least she's not likely to need to climb in and out windows; or are the girls going to be under curfew restrictions?"
"No, I think they are sweet."
"I think they must be," she deliberately misinterpreted.
"I'll introduce you if you like. If you're allowed."
"I don't think we're going to cause any more headaches so long as there are no group photos."
"No, and sorry and thanks for everything."
"You're welcome."
She headed off and Hubby returned. I got busy with my boxes. Two remote control cars in one box, padded top and bottom with shirts. Tool kit and some books in the other. I threw a change of clothes into the suitcase I had come with and put another outfit on top to dress in later. The rest of my clothes went into a third box.
I really didn't have much in the way of possessions with me. Everything I needed was kept in a 'U-Store-It-Here' block when I wasn't actually on vacation somewhere.
I took the boxes out into the corridor where they wouldn't get confused with those coming in and waited for June to drop yet another box into my room.
"If you bring them to the landing I'll run them up the stairs. Come and meet the girls anyway."
The 'girls' had been poking their heads around the corner as they heard people going out and were curious as to what was actually in the boxes. Hailey wondered who had packed them and what had been included -- and missed.
They were taken by surprise when June appeared after I had walked into the kitchen.
"Don't worry. Think of the lake. June this is Anna, Rosalee and Hailey. Ladies, this is June who looks after me from time to time."
"Hi there. I just wanted to finally meet you. Roger has been a bit of a surprise but I can see what attracted him to the three of you, and you to him." She swiped my butt.
"Hailey, I got first look at your bedroom so you needn't worry anyone's been prying through your things. You'll have a bit of sorting to do I'm afraid but every thing should be safe. If we have missed anything I'm sorry."
"Thank you. I guess I've got the most important things right here."
"Smart of you to realise. I do have a message from your sister. She's hoping you're back at school soon so you can talk. I think she's a bit pissed at your parents. If you decide to go back I think they will have forgotten their brainwashing nonsense but will probably still try and feed their opinions to you 24-7 so it might not seem any different."
"I'd have to think about it a fair bit first. Thanks."
"Yes Rosalee?"
"Are you going to be looking out for Roger when he is gone?"
"I don't know but it isn't likely."
"Well if you do, or you can speak to the people who will, can you see he stays safe and doesn't do anything stupid please? We want him back."
"I'll see what I can do."
"And I'll see about carrying these boxes upstairs!"
Anna followed us out and saw the man who'd been there when I opened the door. I took the box he was carrying and lugged it up the stairs. When June returned Anna took the next box from her.
Anna hadn't come out earlier because, although she was dressed, the dress didn't cover enough to make her decent on the stairs. Now June had seen Rosalee standing by the counter in just her top and Hailey holding the bottom of my former shirt closed across in front of her minge fringe, it didn't seem so important to conceal a flash of colour from whoever might look up.
Hubby and June both did catch a glimpse and June reached between the balustrades to slip a finger or two up my boxer leg with a laugh. It was no more than the pat on the butt that she had given me; I knew she was merely teasing.
I couldn't really pay her back though, not with Hubby and the girls to misconstrue my actions. I was cornered by Anna upstairs anyway.
"June took our lack of clothing in her stride. What have you been telling her? And who else?"
"I had to be fairly open to get this sort of response so there might be a dozen who know we've all been lovers; really no more than your family. Think of them as my family if it helps. June could be my big sister and I guess we have had a heart-to-heart. The man helping us shift is her husband. I talked about the complications in my love life, she talked about hers, we helped resolve things. I'm not a gossip -- though thinking back to what I told you about Rosalee and Hailey perhaps I am. Things have changed though. No-one needs to know about us except us."
"I can cope with June as your big sister. She's friendly."
"Her husband is okay too."
"He knows?"
"Yes. Sorry if I seem to be telling everyone our business but at the time it was theirs as well."
"So long as I don't go to school tomorrow and find all the boys have read my name and phone number off the locker room wall."
"If they do, I didn't put it there."
"Aren't we supposed to be helping?"
"Yeah, I guess so. You want to carry this one down?"
I gave her the heaviest -- not too much in it anyway and, besides, the two I carried together weighed more.
"Your stuff?"
"Seems insignificant next to Hailey's."
"Well the boxes are rather small. I guess it makes them easier to carry."
Hubby was downstairs looking up and we both saw where his stare was fixed.
"Oops, sorry. Guess it's a sight I don't get to see everyday. No offence meant to it."
"That's okay. No harm if it's just looking is there?"
"Guess not miss, least ways not if my wife doesn't catch me." His smile was contagious.
"Can we offer you a coffee or something?"
"Have a coffee," I suggested. "That's the one thing I'll miss when I have to leave."
Hubby ignored Anna's rabbit punch to my kidney.
"Well we do have time. Not a lot to do now the old farts have signed. I don't mean to offend Miss Hailey but her parents have got the most narrow minds I've seen for ages."
I handed over my boxes and bent to start on the backlog. "No problems then?"
"Not from your side. Both sets of parents faced Children's Services, investigating their other kids as well as your young ladies. Made 'em a bit more eager to cooperate."
He disappeared and I climbed the stairs while Anna went to make the coffee.
June joined me walking up and down and when we'd finished there were twenty boxes including a portable TV and a DVD player.
"I think that might have gotten included by mistake," smirked June. "They can always come and ask for it back but it's possible they won't want further contact. If Hailey wants to see her sister they are both going to have to be sneaky about it. I'd suggest swapping new email addresses quickly just in case the family up and moves."
"Thanks June. I'm surprised you got the delivery job. I would have thought they'd have packed you off to your well-earned vacation."
"Well don't let it worry you but we have to hang around for your psych review. I don't think they have any reason to complain. You're young; you fell in love. Nothing abnormal there. You just didn't know when to stop. We have to put in our two cents worth and from what I've seen so far you are all pretty much like any other sex crazed teens."
I began to wonder if coffee was such a good idea.
We went downstairs and the front door was closed. There were voices coming from the kitchen. Hubby was already there and I dreaded what I might find.
Rosalee had commandeered a small apron. It left her bare butt visible but other than that she was almost respectable. Hailey had also modified her attire.
My shirt now had all its buttons secured though there was the ever-present risk it would rise up revealingly if Hailey bent over or reached up.
I suspected Anna's hand in the matter. The three of them had stayed out the way initially, expecting the interruption to be a brief one. Then it had been impossible to get their clothes as one of the delivery people was climbing the staircase in one direction or the other.
Anna could have grabbed something for all three of them but, if I wasn't dressing and June hadn't been fazed, then there seemed little reason to get dressed and plenty of fun to be had by teasing poor Hubby.
June kept nudging her husband whenever he seemed to fix on one indiscretion or another. There were an unusually large number of them and I was worried lest June decided enough was enough. June might seem nice -- she was nice -- but she could also, without a qualm, taken out anyone who crashed through the door trying to harm any of us.
That was the basic difference between us -- she or her hubby would respond to an active threat; I could do the same to a potential threat. She was a killer; I was the cold-blooded type.
Actually the main threat I could see in the near future was for June to reveal we had done more than talk one evening while I had been sitting in her car. I don't know if she'd told Hubby but Anna especially might feel betrayed.
The couple didn't stay after they had drunk their coffee with both acknowledging the pleasant taste. Hubby did confirm that the paperwork signed by Hailey and Rosalee's parents putting them into the care of the state, together with more paperwork signed by Anna's parents taking over control as foster parents, was all sitting in front of a judge around the time he spoke. It would require little more than a check that everything was completed correctly and the two girls would legally belong in the house until someone approached the court to change that status or the girls became adults.
"And anyone other than yourselves or the Jamesons who tried to get things changed would find the proceedings a great deal harder to present to a judge let alone to get a ruling in their favour."
We waved them off, discretely standing back inside the entrance hall, and then Hailey raced up to my, her, bedroom to see what was where.
Anna stopped her from opening boxes. "You can do that later. I want to see you squirming on the couch."
"You should have been watching me in the kitchen then. I think my parents might have been right to consider scrambling my brains. The park was one thing; people didn't know us and everyone was roaming around naked. This was people who knew us even if they are strangers. And that is a strange enough experience in itself."
"You just like being a tease, like the rest of us."
"That's true Rosy. I did." Hailey giggled.
"I don't know which outfit looked sexier; Rosalee's apron or Hailey's hint of fur every minute or two."
"You didn't like my outfit?"
"I didn't get to stand under you on the stairs like some."
"Oh, well at least I didn't sit there doing a Sharon Stone for Jane like some others!"
"She couldn't really see up my shorts. I was just teasing her as well."
"How do you know she couldn't?" asked Anna.
"Because she complained about just that before she left."
Anna thought of how old the woman was -- perhaps even thirty! Yet June and I had messed around quite casually even with her husband there. I had many mysteries still to be uncovered, she was sure.
Since Anna had raised the matter of attacking Hailey I hoisted her over my shoulder and carried her down the stairs. It was a most revealing pose for Anna and Rosalee who had led the way and now waited at the bottom.
"Let me just put a cover on the lounge." Anna grabbed a soft cotton waste blanket that was used in the colder months by anyone watching TV who just needed a little more warmth. She spread it over the centre of the lounge and pointed where she wanted Hailey dumped.
"You will pay for that Mr Torrent! I would have come down by myself."
"After opening how many boxes?"
"I'm not interested in those. There's something much nicer here that needs unwrapping."
Hailey wasn't going to distract them by turning on me and Anna started on Hailey's buttons. When she leaned forward to reach lower down I took advantage of Anna's knickerless state to bury my thumb inside her.
"Ooo. Thank you." Accepting the touch up, Anna busied herself pulling Hailey's shirt open and pressed her face to one of Hailey's breasts.
Rosalee climbed into the seat beside Hailey and lay on her back so she could suck on the free breast as it hung in her face. Hailey leaned back as well, closed her eyes and let her mouth drop open.
"Mmm. Nice."
Hop up like Rosalee, Sweetheart," I suggested.
Anna looked and then climbed from the floor to become a poorly matched mirror image of Rosalee. I reached under them to grip Hailey's hips and pulled her forward then I knelt between her knees and pressed my face into her crotch.
The perfume was strong when I parted her guarding lips. Hailey's outer lips were flatter than the other girls and didn't trap the juices released from her cunt. Her inner lips were quite up to the task though and I sucked them into my mouth, getting a clearly audible gasp for my efforts.
When I took a break after a couple of minutes to rest my tongue I found Hailey had stretched out to each side to slip her fingers inside the others' pussies. I considered how the intention had been for us all to make up to Hailey for missing out before. It was nice to think she was happy to share her own experience.
I worked my tongue into and around Hailey, getting my head squeezed appreciatively from time to time. Hailey's hands stopped moving at some stage during my feast. She still kept them embedded in Anna on the left and Rosalee on the right but the time had come when her body overrode any suggestion of benevolent intent towards others. Hailey simply enjoyed what we were doing for her until I hit the right spot in conjunction with the others and then she started to shake.
Afterwards Anna and Rosalee told how Hailey's fingers pressed hard against the front of their cunts as her hands curled into fists. It wasn't comfortable for either of them but it didn't hurt too much. I remembered how Hailey had dug claws into my back and could only suggest the girls had been lucky they had only been attacked with the pads of her fingers.
Hailey was suitably apologetic and we all reassured her that we understood and that none of us had taken any serious or even inconvenient injury on either occasion.
Anna and Rosalee sat up and Hailey stood to allow me to take her place for a second before sitting back down on my lap. We kissed and hugged each other, taking turns trying to outdo each other.
When two people kiss there is only one pair involved and if you consider a more active kisser with a less active "kissee" there are two ways of looking at matters. With four people it becomes six pairs and twelve ways, and that doesn't consider getting more than two people involved at once.
It was a good way to recover but it eventually paled. Anna found a range of movies and we voted on which we would watch. It was inevitable that we would end up with a chick flick I suppose. At least I could sway the decision of which one it was to be though I refuse to reveal the title even as part of my debriefing. (It is more fun when the girls de-brief me anyway.)
While Anna was up Hailey moved into her seat and then invited Anna to sit on her lap for a while. I snuggled up to Rosalee and we watched the start of the movie.
Hailey and Anna almost immediately started kissing and Anna slid her hand inside Hailey's still loosely-hanging shirt. It promised to be more interesting than the movie and when I turned to look at Rosalee she was just as interested as I was. We kissed as well and Rosalee moved around a little to get a better view, sliding her hand into the opening of my boxers as she did so.
When Hailey noticed that, she slipped her hand under Anna's dress and began to finger her pussy. The movie played unheeded in the background. It wasn't that we weren't going to watch it, merely that there were more interesting things going on at the moment.
It was by no means a one-sided display. If we could see up past Anna's wide-spread legs at Hailey burying not one but two fingers to the second knuckle (if not all the way) then they got to watch my foreskin opening and closing over my knob as Rosalee slowly stroked me. They also got to watch Rosalee shift onto her knees on the sofa and bob for apples in my lap. She really paid attention to what I liked and the blowjob she gave me (which had to last something like eight long weeks) was everything I could ask for -- except a release.
Rosalee didn't make me come. It was long enough since our fun and games upstairs that I could easily get hard but I was able to withstand any sudden needs. It would be the slow build up that would catch me out. Rosalee wasn't going to wait for that though.
I had two in my shirt pocket, having collected them before manhandling Hailey down to the sofa. I offered Rosalee the choice of colour, red or green. She left the strawberry and opted for mint. It didn't matter as she had finished blowing me and all condoms are black when they are tucked away inside a cunt.
"Is it okay if we watch the movie together?"
Rosy sat herself down on the spike. It was nicer than her hand and even her mouth. She wriggled a little to settle herself and then kept me hard by leaning forwards and back or by straightening her legs a little.
There was some whispering next to us and Anna climbed to her feet.
"Mind if we join in?"
Rosalee turned her face up and Anna kissed her mouth. While they kept busy Hailey moved around behind the sofa and leaned my head back so I was looking straight up at the ceiling. That view was almost immediately replaced as Hailey's eyes, nose and then mouth drifted across like the introduction to a vintage Star Wars movie.
Hailey pressed her mouth to mine and then slid the top of her tongue against the top of mine. As a kiss it felt totally unusual. Her hands slid down from my shoulders to cover both my nipples and she massaged my chest as we continued to kiss.
Getting the okay from Rosalee, Anna spread her legs and straddled Rosalee's lap, facing her. Sure, Rosalee could give approval but whose legs were at the base of the pile?
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After Jeremy fucked that night onto my own desk, I even surrendered my tight asshole to his magnificent black cock. He made me cry in pain, since hi dick was very thick; but I enjoyed that anal fuck so good. Finally I was done and then I picked up my clothes to get dressed; I did not bother to put my thong back on. I could feel his seed running down the inside of my thighs as he walked me to my car. As I sat down I could feel more of his juice making its way to my ass checks…After that handsome...
2076 a.d. Jupiter The great ship was at last approaching Jupiter. They had been drifting through the solar system for almost three years, orbiting out to the largest planet in the system. Béla and Elaine hugged each other as they watched the vast expanse of the gas giant spinning below them. "If you look long enough, you can see it move!" Elaine said, thrilled at the newness of it all. She was broadcasting enough excitement to enthrall the twenty or thirty others that shared the...
Thursday, July 8, 1976 I woke up ready to meet the day. I’d had a good night’s sleep. I might have to invest in getting a mattress like the hotel suite has. I did my workout, showered, and dressed in some casual clothes. Then met Uncle Lucas in the lobby restaurant for breakfast. We discussed looking for a new home, even though we hadn’t heard from the insurance company. I needed Uncle Lucas to call them this morning. We decided to look at the house we saw yesterday. We had to move fast....
Introduction: I have a mom everyone wants to fuck, and it pays This story picks up right where I left off. I promise it gets more interesting in every story, sorry for the slow build up of my last one. Like I said before, I didnt know this was going on at the time, I was about 4 or 5. I could only see a few things and couldnt understand at the time, but my mom filled in the gaps later in life. My moms boss was a big, fat, black man called John. He was about 40 at the time, married, and ugly...
There was a knock at the door, I opened it to find the cleaner standing there in a cleaning outfit which was so short, the bottom of her underwear was visible. I welcomed her in and she started to clean the kitchen. "Hi, you can start in here I'm just going to sunbathe next to the pool," pointing out the window where the pool was clearly visible. I went upstairs to get my Speedos, and just as I was about to get changed, I decided I would get changed outside, to give my cleaner a little show, I...
EroticI love visiting our special place, our private holiday. Just me and you. Where we can be together. The sun is beaming down on us as we lay on the beach, drinking and giggling. You rub suntan cream into my body and I feel little electric shocks tingling through my body whenever you touch me. I can’t get enough of you, I love feeling your breath on the back of my neck as you rub my shoulders, I know you can feel the heat between us too. You push up close to my back, and I feel that you’re hard....
I was walking back to my office after a late night meeting at the courthouse, when I paused in front of the window of a Laundromat. I could see a light from a small office in the back and a young lady reading a book. Then as I looked at the reflection of a tall man with a grey beard, my thought flowed back to 1967 when I was a young law student. It was an unusually hot Saturday morning in May as I pushed my way through the side door of the Laundromat. After dealing all week with the Law...
It was a little over a year ago. My wife and i were discussing her having sex with another man. After a long discussion we decided to take an ad out on craigslist. After the ad was placed a few days later we got an answer she liked. So her and her new male friend began talking so we decided to meet. The meetin was a good meeting so we all decided he should return in a couple weeks to meet again.Upon the arrival for the second meet my wife was ready for sex you could just see it all over...
This is real rarity for me.....a quickie. Just an idle thought that could have been stretched into a longer tale. actually, I kind of like it as a short-short. The Outlands by Raven It had been almost a year to the day since Aimee and I had gotten sucked through a dimensional portal into a strange new place called the Outlands. Odd place, this Outlands. We quickly learned that neither the laws of physics, nor anything mechanical worked here. Instead, everything worked by...
Hi all kannadiga friends, nanna life nalli nadidiro real incident Na share madiro Educated My Hot Mom story odhi Chennai edae antha ge comments madiro all friends ge thank you soo much So next enu aithu antha what part 2 nalli heltini, part 1 story odhi nanthara e story Na odhi nimage olle suka and Maza siguthe. Mom na bathroom nalli nanu bathtub ninda snana Madi horage bandu mom na caboard open Maddae, Alli varieties of sarees, nities, leggings ethu hage ondhu box full designed modern bra and...
I woke up by the sun hitting my face. I was still lying on the sofa naked. My body was stiff. It was hard to move. That’s when hit me. It was like remembering a forgotten dream. Was it really a dream? What next, if it really happened? I looked around the house. The pizza was gone. Everything was clean, like someone tried to cover up a murder. I looked for my mom, but she was nowhere to be found, not even in her bedroom. Did she run away? I thought. I panicked. I knew she was going to regret...
IncestHi my name is Kd. Main aaj ek sacchi story batane ja raha hu jo mere saath hui hai. Meri shaadi ko aadha saal ho gaya tha and ISS main read karne ke baad mujhe bhi lagta tha koi meri patni ka gangbang kare. Main har baar uska gangbang sochke masturbate karta. Meri patni ke baare kich bata du. Wo ek 22 saal ki gulab jaise hot and kamar and breasts ka to koi jawab hi nahi. Sab ki nazar usse chodne ki hoti hai. Maine bhi usse kai baar choda tha shaadi se pehle. Rehne ka uska Surat main tha and...
It was one of those rare summer days when the air was cool. It had just rained and, although it had rained quite a bit, there had been no hint of rain in the forecast. It was also a rare day because Jacob had to spend the day at his work office across town. Holly and her mother were somewhat at loose ends, had just engaged in some hot mother-daughter play time and they were trying to figure out where to go dick hunting since Jacob would not be available until evening.Holly had been totally...
I thought it would be great working at a shoe store. However, I have a foot fetish and am constantly aroused with all the incredibly sexy feet to look at. A long time ago, I found out that feet turned me on.I had a girlfriend that liked to dominate me in the bedroom. She got incredibly turned on when I sucked her toes. At first, I didn’t really like it, but the more I did it I became a fan. It was very exciting and erotic to me. There’s nothing better than a woman who cares for her feet. ...
FetishIt was late September. I was home for the day, cleaning up, doing the dishes, reading, and working. It was about 3:30 and the schools were letting out and my dog was restless and bugging me. I hate taking her for a walk, but I wasn't getting anything done with her begging for my attention, so I hitched her lease to her collar, put my shoes on and headed out the door. The sunlight hit me like a ton of bricks, my eyes adjusted. Blue skies and a crisp autumn wind hit my skin and sent a chill down...
Straight SexI see you. Watching me from the corner of the room. Waiting for the right moment to come over. I know you want me. I can feel your eyes on me, undressing me. And I like it. I watch you shift in your seat as I take the cherry from my drink and and put it to my lips, licking the whiskey that clings to it before popping it into my mouth, and I know I'm making you hard. I wonder to myself what your dick looks like, and realize how wet the thought of your erection is making me. I need some air. I...
Jessie?s story- Pt Jessie?s story- Pt. 1 Tuesday,8 November 2005 It had been another long day. Jessie screwed her tired eyes shut, fingers still resting on the keyboard. She had an idea for another story in the back of her mind, but had been too busy to write one word. It was well past her usual finishing time & her work was almost done. There was no one left in the office- the coast was finally clear. Opening her secret folder, she brought up a new document & started typing. The cares...
From the street one could only see rusty iron gates, a ruinous fence with intertwining ornaments of black metal and pointed pillars, which once must have belonged to a grand garden. Behind it thick shrubs grew rank in between high trees that stood so close to each other that branches and twigs interweaved. Only in winter, when all leaves had fallen to the ground, the big gray house in the back of the garden was visible from the street. The trunks of dead trees were lying on the ground and on...
“Five o’clock, Cully, okay?” She’d called straight-up noon. I’d just finished cleaning the house. Only the vacuuming remained. “Sure, I’ll be there.” “Cully, Tommy is going to drop me off at the front of Skaggs and then pull into the parking lot. He doesn’t want to leave until you pick me up. Isn’t he sweet? So, please don’t look at the parking lot in search of him. He’s so nervous. And don’t pick me up and hold me up in the air. And no Dutch rubs. Okay, hon?” “What’s wrong, Girl?” “He’s...
Author's Foreword My first story for Fictionmania, 'The Best Stand at the Wedding Fair', was written and published in June 2016. I went on to write some other stories with different characters, but then, for various reasons, I stopped. In September 2019 I felt the urge to try writing for FM again, and it seemed natural to consider a sequel to my first published story. I re- read 'The Best Stand...' and, after making a few minor amendments and corrections, I resubmitted it. I'd...
During my years of escorting in Manchester and the UK, I have asked that question hundreds of times to myself.I have seen husbands who have paid me for sexual services out with their wives and thought one of two things :-1) She is a hot wife - why does he need to have have sex with me or2) She is a dog - I understand why you need to have sex with meBut is seeing a hooker, prostitute, escort cheating on the wife - especially as 99.9% are shut down now ??Lets remove the money side of things -...
[Author's Note: This is a long one. I just didn't want to split the day into two parts...again. Rereading previous entries has revealed some grammar issues and other mistakes (my editor is an idiot), if anything is confusing just drop me a note. Thank you for the encouragement and let me know what you think.] No Hands - Day 4 Twice during the night Mark woke only to realize he had moved in his sleep and the white satin ribbon keeping him in the bed had become tight forcing him...
The next night at the VVIP Kelsie looked very sexy. Her hair was slicked up with Hair gel and her tiny outfit of pink trainers with pink ankle socks along with a pair of tight pink booty shorts and a pink vest top covering her tiny titties. She knew how good she looked as she fixed her bra making sure her firm little tities didn’t pop out from under her top. Gisele was in the same style of outfit that Kelsie was but a dark green color. It was still early and slow so she walked up behind Gisele...
Another long day at work had finally come to a close. David was making his two-mile walk home from the coffee shop he worked at, his head hung low with a sigh escaping his lips. He was a college student, doing his best to work his way through classes and was barely keeping up with all of the bills. At 6'1 tall with an average build, he was able to score a job as a barista at the local coffee shop. He had black hair and brown eyes, and dressed well enough to be presentable most of the time....
The two women went back down the stairs and to the kitchen. By now, mid-morning, the house was showing some life, as people woke and began moving. Half a dozen beautiful young women were gathered around a kitchen table. Margaret introduced them to Jennifer. “Most mornings we simply have coffee and juice, fruit, some buns and pastries. You know, sort of a continental breakfast. Lunch is usually sandwiches and soup, or something else of the sort. Mrs. McMurphy prepares a nice dinner before she...
You come home and catch me in a towel fresh out of the shower with the lights dim and sensual….you just can’t resist my sexy, toned body and perfect ass. You start admiring me from behind, peeking under my towel, pulling it up slowly, finally teasing my already wet pussy with your fingers. I let out a few small moans and I can feel you getting more and more turned on. You pull out your hard cock and slowly slide into me….do you like that? Does my warm, tight pussy feel good...
xmoviesforyou"Come on, Kirsty, get in here quick before someone sees us." "Natasha!" exclaimed Kirsty as she scurried after her flamboyant friend. "God! What is this place?" she asked moments later. "It's something to do with the cricket club," replied Natasha, "but it's not used much anymore." "What's that smell?" "Probably piss," said Natasha, "You know what boys are like when they get caught short." "You should talk," responded her friend. "Yeah, I suppose I can," was the...
A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 2 At half seven the doorbell rang. I looked nervously up at Eric. I wish my parents had been able to stay to say goodbye, but they both had to go to work. "I'll answer the door," he said, getting up. When he returned, he came in with Dr Rachel Ruiz who asked, "You ready to go?" "Yes. Are you sure I don't need anything?" "Just yourself, now say goodbye to your parents and Eric, then we must get going." "Good luck," Eric...
Saturday, 8:12 A.M. Mandy woke up to a very pleasant surprise the next morning. She moaned at the feel of Michael’s hard cock buried deep within her pussy and wiggled her hips when she saw the older man was still asleep. The thick cock instantly hardened when her tight lil’ pussy tightened around it, clamping down like a vice in an attempt to keep the monstrous member within its slippery walls. “Oh, that feels good,” groaned Michael, his eyes opening when he felt the young girl begin to gyrate...
Erotic FictionThis is one of a series of tales written about the Medallion?s Journey in tine and Space. Many thanks to Steve Z for his selfless editing! The Living God By Eric "DOWN, DOWN before the living God!!" thundered the stentorian voice. Drums rolled and shields clashed. Ramesis came forth, Pharaoh of upper and lower Egypt, absolute ruler of Syria. Golden armor gleamed on his chest under the burning Egyptian sun. A self-satisfied smile formed on his handsome, cruel face as the...
My story begins during that one fateful trip my aunt made to visit my mom and I. I was 19 at the time and my mom and I lived alone in our condo overlooking the water. Our house was nice, a big pool and a hot tub downstairs (my mom had a great job and that left us very well off). I also had a problem. After many years of masturbation I could not make myself reach an orgasm. I thought I came close a couple of times, but the fact that it never happened to me was cause for worry and I began...