Forbidden Encounters
- 3 years ago
- 27
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Day Twenty-eight - Sunday
Lips were touching mine. Not kissing, just touching. I opened my eyes to see Sue's beautiful face framed by her thick auburn hair. Her eyes were closed as she slept peacefully.
I lay there thinking about how I came to be lying in this big bed with this wonderful woman. Counting back, I realized I had been on vacation for four weeks. Wow! A lot has happened in twenty-eight days, four weeks. So far almost all of it was good. There had been a couple of bad situations but were resolved with no harm done to my new friends and me anyway. I kept thinking about the global picture, knowing that at first I had been reluctant but now I was thinking of staying away from the oil company platforms and the isolation that was there.
I had many new friends; a new business - or should I think of it as an entity with several business opportunities that had been instantly successful? I had equipment to last me for years to come in my line of work. And I had met a couple of choice girls. One almost too old for me with a bunch of kids. Another who became a quick friend and fuck buddy only to find her true love in a strange manner. And now Sue.
Wow! Sue! Some kind of woman! Before I met her, she had gone through some personnel hell. She had been very overweight throughout most of her youth. She had been in a terrible disfiguring accident. She had just overcome her fears of men and chose me to welcome her back into normal hetero relationships. Sue had been successful in overcoming all of these tragedies and personal challenges.
Thinking over the past couple of days, I marveled at her adaptive nature. She had jumped right in and worked with me, wanting to learn even more and had even started to become proficient at welding. Then last night, she had followed me, backed me up when I took on someone who probably wasn't among the living today. The thought of what may have happened to the guy made me shiver.
I snuggled more into Sue, enjoying the feel of her large breasts pressing into my chest while continuing my introspection.
This girl is special.
Let's see, I'm twenty-nine. Damn, that's getting old. If I want to have a family, I should do something about it soon. Find that special someone you're supposed to find in order to live happily ever after. That's a tall order. Finding someone that fits your life in all the various ways that people are different is going to be difficult. I briefly thought that I would never have a family.
Then it hit me.
That illusive person was probably right here, with me, right now. Sue was probably the best person I could find for the job of being my wife. She was perfect for me, or at least she seemed to be. So far we had been one hundred percent compatible. So far everything we did together had been fun, had been successful, and has pointed to the future.
Am I nuts or what, thinking about settling down with a woman, a possible wife, mother of my kids, grandmother to my grandkids? A real babe, but I had only known her what, almost two weeks. Whoa, scary stuff.
Just as fast as I felt apprehension, I gazed at Sue and fell back into a loving thought process.
I think she's the one. How do you know for sure? How did my mom and dad know for sure? How did my grandma and grandpa know for sure? How does anyone know for sure?Tiny and Ruth were such opposites. Tiny the accountant, Ruth a wanton stay at home housewife. Who would put those two together? Glenda and Martin, Abe and Alice, Jim and Hanna and of course Charlie and crazy Shawna. How did they all know?
I closed my eyes, thinking of how much I enjoyed being around Sue, and how much I wanted to keep being around her. I felt like I could just let things remain as they were and she would be fine with it for right now and probably for a long while but somehow I wanted more.
Was the "more" a commitment from both of us? If we committed, would that mean we wouldn't continue to sex play with our friends? Would that really bother me? Probably not, as Sue has already proven she can handle every thing I can give her and want more. Would she want kids? I think she said something about wanting kids. Where would we live, her place? What would happen to the patio?
Dumb. I was worrying about the stupid patio when I was thinking about making this girl lying next to me a part of the rest of my life.
Okay, it was out. I was thinking of asking her to marry me. Should I? Could I? Is it what I should be asking, do I have the guts? Yeah, I do? I want it; I want her to be my wife. I want us to have kids. I want us to live happily ever after. I was going to do it.
When? When should I ask her? Should I wait? Wait for what? Wait till I question myself? Nope I was going to do it right away.
I made up my mind to ask her today when I found the right moment.
Damn, I need to give her a ring. She won't need one but I need to give her one. I could sneak off to the mall.
I lay there thinking about it, then it came to me, I already have a ring.
I had to get up to go get it, right now, I couldn't wait. I kissed Sue gently on the forehead then unraveled myself from her, scooting backward out of bed.
A soft, "Where're you goin?" came from Sue.
"Go back to sleep, I have to get something, I'll be right back."
I slipped on my shorts, skipping the T-shirt and went to my trailer. I dug out my duffel bag to get my small little box of trinkets. All people have a little box full of miscellaneous stuff that has some kind of value to them. In my box was an old watch, my high school class ring, a pair of gold cuff links, a fancy gold tie tack, a single diamond earring that I had bought when I wore an earring for a year. Ah, there it was the wedding set from my Mom.
I looked at the size. It looked about right. I left the wedding ring in the little box then brushed my teeth in anticipation of kissing my beauty in a few minutes.
Back in Sue's trailer, I glanced at the clock. It was only five-thirty.
That's okay, I was going to wake her up and surprise her or at least get an answer, find out how she feels about it. I stripped out of my shorts then snuggled into her. She sighed, kissed me and relaxed again asking, "Where did you go."
"I had to get something, something important."
"Hmmm," she sighed contented with her eyes closed, "What did you get?"
I gave her a long soft kiss but didn't answer.
"Honey? What did you go get?"
I gave her another long kiss, this time her nipples popped upright sticking straight into my chest and my dick pumped up pressing against her belly.
Sue's eyes opened, her dark brown orbs looking back at me questioning.
I sat up and straddled her on my knees looking down at her, "Sue will you marry me, will you be the mother of my children, will you grow old with me sharing our life forever?"
The questioning look vanished, replaced by shock, followed by panic, then softening as a smile crept onto her face, "Do you really mean it? Do you really want to get married? We don't have to get married."
"I really mean it and yes we do have to get married," I said a little frustrated she didn't just say yes.
Sue was still staring at me but now with the softest, most loving look, "Yes, I want to marry you, I want you too."
With that I pulled the ring off my left little finger and placed it on her left ring finger. It fit very nicely.
"Where, when, what, when did you get this," she stuttered as she looked at the ring.
"It was my mom's. My sister has always said I should give it to you. The person I wanted to marry."
"It's so special Steve, I'm honored," she said as she pulled me down to kiss her. I was kissing her, feeling tears rolling down her cheeks into our kiss. I was choked up too.
"Before I met you I didn't want any man. I played with Ruth but didn't want Tiny; I didn't want any man. Then you came. You fascinated me so I had to find out more about you. Ruth picked up on it and we planned your seduction. Not marriage, not even a long term relationship, just someone to find out some things about myself."
Sue continued, "From our first meeting, in my obnoxiously tiny swimsuit, I wanted you, I wanted to know you better."
Sue pushed me off her onto my back then straddled me holding her hand out looking at the ring.
"The more we were together, the more I wanted to be with you. You taught me that I really enjoyed men. I really enjoyed you. When you let me come with you all the time, I felt great. You even acted like you depended on me. God, I loved that. You made me feel wanted."
She looked at her ring again, scooted forward and reached around behind her so she could fondle me.
"And then the sex. It was and is so good. You make me come so much. I can make myself come really good but you do it even better. You make me nuts coming so much."
I was getting firm so she leaned up and rubbed me around her oily pussy.
"The way you make love to me is wonderful. Just thinking about it makes me wet and want you, like right now."
With that she positioned my now firm erection into her channel, pressing downward, consuming me.
"You're not jealous. You take me to the hot tub with your friends and have them screw me. Do you remember? The first time I said, "I love you was while Charlie was pushing his short tree trunk into me. Is that kinky or what?"
Sue gave a few up and downs, sliding freely up six inches then back down hitting the end of her tunnel.
"The funny thing is that I'm not jealous either. Some how, some way I know you love me. The sex is good but you loving me is so much more important. So far it's all good."
Now she was pumping up and down on me faster.
"The way we worked together fixing supper that first time made me feel closer to someone than I ever had. Then you taught me how to help you while we were working at the NASCAR place. I felt so important, so much a part of what we were doing, so much a part of you."
Her insides were quaking, my balls were signaling burst pretty soon.
"It seems everything we do together has been so smooth. We work together like flowing water. We make love to each other the same way we work together, perfectly."
We were getting close to bursting.
"I thought about asking you to marry me but thought I would be happy just to be your special friend from now on. I didn't want to scare you away. I was going to go off the pill to see if I could have your baby. I thought if my proposal drove you off, so be it, I would still have a part of you."
Sue closed her eyes, feeling her orgasm approaching.
"But you asked me, you asked me to be your wife, the mother of your children, and to grow old with you. Oh Steve, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm going to be your wife, yes, yes, yes, I'll marry you."
My juices jetted up into her at that same moment. All question of whether I had done the right thing was gone. It was the right thing to do and it was done.
Sue collapsed on me with our fluids leaking out at our connection. She kissed me long and slow, very lovingly. Then energized by the loving, she pulled off me and headed to the bathroom, "Come on let's get up and make coffee and wake everyone up to tell them the news."
She stopped for a second and turned to me smiling. My juices were running down her leg. She reached down wiped it up with a finger then sucked it into her mouth, "You're going to meet my Mom today. I can't wait to tell my Mom about us, she'll be so surprised. She will really be happy for me."
We showered, making a connection one more time, drawing out even more fluid from my body. I slipped on my shorts and T-shirt while she put on her sexy see through robe. It didn't take us long to make coffee. I said I would run down to the Seven-Eleven and get a bunch of donuts and left. I was there and back in less than five minutes but amazingly, the entire crew was there when I came back.
"Wow, you guys surprised me. It's still really early for a Sunday morning and we were out late last night," I said as I put out the donuts.
"I think we're all hungry and I didn't want cold pizza this morning," Ruth said.
Sue came out of the trailer with a bunch of napkins and flashed her left hand in front of all the women. Shawna was the most observant. She gasped, "You have a ring. Does that mean what I think it does?"
"Steve asked me to marry him and I said yes," Sue said proudly holding her hand up displaying the ring.
All four women got up and crowded around Sue to look at the ring, giving her hugs and telling her how happy they were for us.
"So you're gonna join us in servitude, huh?" Charlie asked. "It's been the best slavery a man could ever ask for. Shawna makes me king, every day. Well at least most every day, there are times you know," he added with a smile.
Tiny added to that, "I've always felt privileged that my gorgeous Ruth picked me. I'll never understand it but have enjoyed twelve years of it so far. Every day is heaven for me."
"My crazy Hanna is a handful just like Shawna and I think both Ruth and you Sue are the same, but it has been worth it. Hanna is really great, very loving, very special to me."
Martin laughed, "Glenda and I have been together now more than fifty years. There have been mostly good times and some rough times but we are a part of each other. It's nice to be around all you guys that are happily married. I think Steve is going to be too."
The girls had all sat back down with Shawna curling up into Charlie's lap, Hanna in Jim's and Sue into mine. Ruth looked around then crawled into Tiny's lap kissing him on the cheek, making him smile.
"So when are you going to get married?" Glenda asked.
Sue looked at me, I shrugged so she said, "Don't know yet but it will be soon."
"Are you going to do the big church thing. If you do, can I be a bridesmaid?" asked Shawna.
Hanna raised her hand while curled up on Jim's lap, "Me too, me too, I want to be a bridesmaid."
"We did the big church thing and it darn near killed us," Ruth said kissing Tiny's cheek. "Actually it almost made us want to not get married."
"Martin and I ran off to get married. We ended up in Fort Myers at the courthouse. A nice judge married us. He said we looked awfully young and we said we were both eighteen and we had our birth certificates to prove it. Our parents were mad at us in the beginning but then as we started making a home, having some kids, they never stopped apologizing for making us run off."
Ruth asked, "What does your mom think?"
"I don't know, I haven't told her yet. I'm going to wait till we go to see her for dinner today to tell her."
Martin asked, "What do you want Steve? A big wedding or maybe a judge like we had?"
"I don't know Martin," I said thinking about the mind battle I had earlier. "I made up my mind to ask her this morning and did it right then. I woke her up from a sound sleep. I had made up my mind and wanted to get the job done. I think I like the small wedding best. Then after the wedding if we need to go visit relatives to show each other off, we can do it as partners not as potential maybes."
Sue looked at me and kissed my cheek. "Most of my relatives are jerks. They made fun of me my whole life because I was overweight. I do have an Uncle who is a widower that always treated me nice. I like him and do things for him too. He lives down on Bayshore in a big old house. Mom and I will take you to see him. He's a little strange from living alone for so long. But you'll like him anyway, he's a good man. Mom and he are really close."
"If you like him, I'll like him. You'll have to meet my brother and sister as they will want to meet you, then we'll go our separate ways as usual. I have an ancient crazy aunt that I need to see. She lives out in Lakeland with my cousin. Is Lakeland very far?" I said looking around at everyone.
Charlie offered, "Lakeland is only about thirty minutes from here, maybe forty but really close. You should go."
We drank three sets of coffee. A set is both pots. We also ate up two dozen donuts. I said that Sue and I may not be back for supper tonight but if they needed to use the kitchen, Glenda and Charlie had a key. They all seemed to think Sunday would be a good day to just handle supper on their own. I would bet they all gathered on the patio to have a beer later though.
Sue went to work on her clothes sales for an hour while I put together a bunch of information that I would need for sales tax. Wow, I was going to have to start charging the tax. It was seven percent of the first five thousand and five percent for everything over that. I needed to get sales tax numbers from as many people as I could so they would be wholesale accounts so I wouldn't need to pay sales tax on the receipts. I'd do that Monday as I had to file by the 20th of the month for the previous month. I needed a bookkeeper.
Not knowing what to wear for Sue's mom, I went over to her place to ask her. She was busily getting dressed while constantly running to her computer to enter something.
"Wear your new Dockers with one of your dress shirts and your new shoes. You'll be perfect. With mom though, jeans would be fine too."
I dressed as suggested thinking I wanted to get rid of my beard but keep the mustache. I went to Sue and asked her. At first she was shocked that I would shave, then she looked at me a long time, "Do you have any pictures of yourself without a beard?"
"Yeah, let me go get a couple." I went to the trailer and for the second time in a few hours I rummaged in my duffel bag. I had a brown envelope full of pictures that were important to me. I just took the whole envelope to Sue's.
She looked at the ones I showed her then said she would be right back. She went next door to Ruth's then I saw her walk over to Shawna and Charlie's. A minute later she was headed toward Glenda and Martin's. It took her five minutes to come back toward her place so I assumed she had gone to Jim and Hanna's as well.
"I like the idea of keeping the moustache. Everyone else thinks so too. They all think the beard makes you look too intense. When do you want to shave it off?"
As I was unbuttoning my shirt, I said, "How about right now. Let's do it."
I used Sue's scissors to cut the beard close then soaked it with hot water. I used some of Sue's soft soap to lather up real good followed by using her razor with a new blade to finish the job. A different me. I liked it. This was the first time I had ever been with just a mustache. Funny though, my face was cold.
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CuckoldHi to all please read the first part okay and here is my story after one year of that incident my father was transferred from Kolkata to Patna. We moved on to Patna, next few years were pretty uneventful only thing that became more prominent was my dad’s indulgence in his work and he became a workaholic. My mother Padma was left alone and she craved for attention as I could make out with her body language. Also after rollicking affair with three studs for a long time did not do any good. Her...
IncestRead Pt1 firstI grabed the tube of lube and stood up to face her "what are you going to do with that" she asked "i thought it would be better to make it easier for you" so i sqeezed the lube all over my cock and rubbed it in, it made my cock glissen in the now dimming light my cock looked great and i could see she liked it too "would you like to touch it" i asked "ok" she said. She held out her hand as if to offer a place to put my greesy cock so i moved forward and placed my cock in her hand...
100% fiction! 18 year old Billy DiMato had just gotten home from school. After changing into a pair of grey sweats and a Chicago Bears tee shirt he was sitting in the living room listening to his music when the front door crashed open. In streaked his twin sister Carrie. She slammed the door, kicked off her shoes and scampered up the stairs pulling her shorts down as she ran. What the hell, Billy thought; he got up and followed her. At the top of the stairs Carrie was trying to kick off her...
IncestAfter finishing the morning quickie, we had a nice soapy slippery shower and went in to make breakfast. She wore a flimsy see-through top and her fresh lace panties that revealed her dark mound. I put on a pair of shorts and an apron since I don't like to cook while naked, splattering and all that. We made scrambled eggs and she heated the cheese grits left over from last night. We had a nice grapefruit and coffee with whole-wheat toast. I was having a great time being around her. She sat on...
Clevis walked toward the barn through the carnage of the barnyard while shaking his head in wonder. Of the 127 men that attacked the ranch, only twelve men had been captured alive and every one of them was wounded. Three had run from the barn in a panic screaming for the police to save them from the monster. Jonas appeared in the doorway with Brian and Anna behind him. Jonas was looking around the barn yard with a sad expression. "Did you get him? Was Carlos Cruz killed?" Clevis asked...
When Ted went to answer his door late the next afternoon, he secretly hoped it would be Tammy, back for another bout of lustful fucking. Instead of just his neighbor, however, he saw that she had brought another young girl with her. Something inside him told him he'd gone too far the day before and that now he was going to pay for it. "Hi, Ted," Tammy greeted him cheerfully as the photographer let the two girls into his place. "I came by like you said I could, and I brought along my...
All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. This story is set in a alternative universe, which splits from the canon after the Battle at the Ministry of Magic. Therefore some characters might have survived which canonical did not. Dark grey clouds hung over London and rain drizzled down from them as Harry walked through 12 Grimmauld Place, looking for a few last items to pack before leaving. Summer was coming to an end and in a few days he would return to Hogwarts. It had been a...
One of the benefits of working for a large, international corporation is the potential for overseas assignments. A stint at a foreign subsidiary usually comes with premium pay, better advancement prospects after returning home, and the opportunity to learn a new culture. My husband, Ed, works for a major information technology company, headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, and he was given the chance to work as second-in-command for his firm’s foreign office in Chennai, India, for two...
Interracial‘IS MEL AROUND?’ V. V. When Carla woke up it was daylight and something was poking her bottom. At first she thought it was Mel, then she remembered. Mel wasn’t home. The man in bed with her was his best friend, Bert. Bert’s hand slid over her, cupped her breast, and a rush of heat swept through her as he played with her nipple. ‘Good morning,’ he said, nibbling at the back of her neck. ‘Good morning yourself,’ she replied and pushed her bottom back at him. ‘What’s that I feel?’ ‘My...
Hi friends, My name is Vijay, mai pune me ek software engineer hoon, I hope ki aapko meri last story “Usaki Khushi Ke Liye Use Choda Aur Maine Maza Liya”. Meri age 26 hai, meri height 5ft 7inch hai. meri average body hai. Mai apani story pe aata hu, ye story aaj se one month pehale ki hai. Meri ek classmate hai Priya(Name changed). We are good friends, hum aksar milate hai, ghumane jate hai, shopping and lunch-dinner pe bhi jate hai. Mai priya ke bare me batata hu, she is normal girl, age 26,...
But I do remember those times with my buddies well, and I found something hot about each of my friends. The boy who introduced me to it was quite small, though we were both ten years old. He went about 2 1/2" hard, I was about 4 1/2", and we both had lean boners. We were both pre-pubescent but he showed me that it can feel good and be fun. My neighbor and I got involved a couple of years later, he was very handsome, with nice skin color and great proportions. He was smaller, being two...
Introduction: Miles wins the lottery and decides to make his dream a reality! (This is my first story please be nice ???? I encourage you to criticize though) this series is absolutely fake as far as I know its all my imagination. Read the first chapter before this one thanks for reading I slept peacefully that night and woke early in the morning. I got dressed ate some food went to the bathroom brushed my teeth before finally deciding I was ready and padding to the basement door watching it...
Let me know what you think and if you want me to continue. I'm also open to suggestions to what the next stories would be about. Thank you. Barnes & Noble GirlThe harsh sound of alarm clock was the first thing she heard before she woke up. It was 8 am and she had thirty minutes to be at work and open up the store at 9 am. She had finally become a manager and though it didn’t pay much more than when she was a regular employee it did come with much more responsibilities. She quickly washed...
With the pending birth of their own child the young couple gave little attention to the affairs of their parents. Jeff was also concerned about Royce who for several weeks complained of a lack of energy. After some pushing from Jeff he had a doctor’s appointment scheduled when he got back from a planning conference. The early panic that Pam had in those first days gave way to thoughtful investigation and design. Early Jeff reminded her that impetuous desires or hysteria would gain them little...
Sue Anderson walked into the bedroom to get ready for bed. She knew that it would not be long before Jim, her husband, would be in to join her. She had left him watching the news while she got ready for bed. She had given him a nice little wiggle as she left the room just to get his interest aroused. Her 19-year-old son, Tim, also observed the wiggle she gave her husband as she left the room. What she didn't know was the effect it had on him.She stood in front of the full-length mirror to...
If you want a short story move along. Like all of my stories this is a mixture of truth and fantasy. You as the reader can determine which is which. Enjoy.Our Secret GameI rinsed the remaining shaving cream off my face and pressed it closer to the mirror. Except for a few lines I appeared to be aging rather well. My blue eyes stared back at me as I inspected my shaving job. Shaving had taken longer than the shower, but I wanted a very close shave for I was planning to spend plenty of time...
Outta luck after all, huh. Raven locks of hair swept down over one of the scene girl’s eyes, and Kelly blew that fringe of her bangs up with an annoyed puff of her lip. Fuck.She resentfully kicked at one of the discarded pamphlets littering the main lobby as she surveyed the aftermath of AnimeCon’s first day. The skylights had long since fallen dark and the tempestuous sea of convention attendees, once hundreds thick, had since dwindled down to bare dregs. Scattered groups still wandered about,...
NovelsThe settlement’s problem had been a group of raiders in an old car factory. Even before he got to the settlement, he had to deal with some raiders camped in the woods, who immediately started shooting at him. That had been enough of a hint to realize that stealth was his best friend here ... just like the old days he realized. Dealing with the raider group at the small dish monitoring station had been more of a personal choice. He was developing a distinct loathing for raiders, and he had...
I’m a 51 year old married man of 25 yrs. with 3 k**s the youngest 13. I love my wife and would not hurt her, but, if she found out what I have done she would never forgive me. Our sex life is not that great, maybe once or twice a month, by mutual agreement. I do use viagra with some results. We live in N.C. and my folks live in Va. We go to Va. every other Chistmas. Last year was a Va. Christmas. We stay a week. My mom is 70 and my dad is 76. My dad and I are about the same physical size, both...
MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the community quickly...
Those of you who read about my encounter with Sophie and Mark will know what a treasure Sophie is. As 19 year old blond girls go, Sophie is something extra special. Her presence alone makes you excited: her enthusiastic, bright, self-confident personality induces a feel-good effect and her sexy firm young body is omnipotent - you are always aware of it and always looking. She only has to walk into the room and you will be transfixed by her movement, watching her figure, her pretty face, her...
BisexualNancy and Diana had just finished their second bottle of rose wine for the evening, gossiping about how their handsome teacher Nick, and all the implausible kinks he might have. In truth, neither of them had much sexual experience to begin with, but since they were a little tipsy and had nothing better to waste their time doing, this was entertaining enough. "I bet he has a sex dungeon" Diana said, trying to give a sultry look before bursting into laughter. "I bet he like spanking bad girls"...
FetishAfter dropping off Bess and George, Nancy returned home in time to enjoy a light supper prepared by Mrs. Gruen and then take a phone call from her father. They exchanged pleasantries and then Nancy proceeded to tell her father about locating Brianna Colby and the strange meeting with Dr. Chang. “It sounds like you’re still not satisfied after your meeting with Brianna.” “You’re absolutely right, Dad,” replied Nancy. “Something isn’t right at that house and I intend to find out what it...
April Snow is a hot motivated artist who is hoping that getting some exposure in the adult industry will get people more interested in purchasing her artwork. She’s a bubbly teen with loads of experience, and sucked our producer’s cock almost perfectly without any instruction at all! She’s a big fan of double penetration too! The more cocks the better. Today she had to settle for just one though, and boy did she show it twice the love. That pussy rocked our producer’s cock until he couldn’t...
xmoviesforyouso I decided to talk about a little encounter I had today. this guy Ive been hooking up with for the past few months. calls me up craving for some dick. seeing as it was my day off and I didn't have much planned I swung on by. as soon as I walked through the door, he's leading me to the bed room. I sit down pulling my shirt over my head, as he quickly dropped to his knees pulling my shorts and dark blue striped boxers past my ankles. looking as if he waited a life time for this moment. he...
I’m is busy at work when there comes a knock at the door...its her and she’s dressed in a low cut white tee, exposing her navel piercing, with tight blue jeans. I’m wearing my normal shirt and tie, which I'm not very keen on wearing, but she finds it incredibly sexy on me. She has come to tell me fuck work, and fuck her instead. She walks over and I have to stop what I’m doing, he nipples are rock hard and showing through her top, I just want to grab them both and run my hands over them. She...
EroticJim dreamed - just like everyone else. He dreamed of bygone days when he would leap from his bed Christmas mornings, a flushed and excited eight-year old, taking the stairs two at a time on his descent to the lounge-room. Pushing wide the door respectfully, a trait often exhibited by only-children, you could have lit-up a thousand cities from the glow on the youngster's face as he gazed in awe at the presents piled up around the tree. Jim's parents had never been what you might call...
Brie was a most beautiful bride. She stunned everyone including Josh at how lovely she was. Irv and Ruth both had tears in their eyes as they saw their youngest son marry such a gorgeous young woman. Sally bawled as Bill passed her tissue after tissue. Victoria smiled with satisfaction that her lovely gown was being used at last. She could picture Tiffany in that dress when she was grown. Brie had planned on a church wedding but when the Rubensteins wished for them to marry on the grounds of...
We're in the room. Standard. He didn't seem impressed by it and I'm a bit embarrassed about my comment that it was a nice room. Of course he's been in better. So, here I am in a hotel with a complete stranger that I met, not from a bar or social event or even on a dating site, but from a site where arrangements, trades, bargains like these are implied between the lines. It’s no mystery that this would happen. I walked in to it knowing that I'll be submitting myself to someone for an exchange of...
Oral Sex