Vacation?Chapter 28 free porn video

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Day Twenty-eight - Sunday

Lips were touching mine. Not kissing, just touching. I opened my eyes to see Sue's beautiful face framed by her thick auburn hair. Her eyes were closed as she slept peacefully.

I lay there thinking about how I came to be lying in this big bed with this wonderful woman. Counting back, I realized I had been on vacation for four weeks. Wow! A lot has happened in twenty-eight days, four weeks. So far almost all of it was good. There had been a couple of bad situations but were resolved with no harm done to my new friends and me anyway. I kept thinking about the global picture, knowing that at first I had been reluctant but now I was thinking of staying away from the oil company platforms and the isolation that was there.

I had many new friends; a new business - or should I think of it as an entity with several business opportunities that had been instantly successful? I had equipment to last me for years to come in my line of work. And I had met a couple of choice girls. One almost too old for me with a bunch of kids. Another who became a quick friend and fuck buddy only to find her true love in a strange manner. And now Sue.

Wow! Sue! Some kind of woman! Before I met her, she had gone through some personnel hell. She had been very overweight throughout most of her youth. She had been in a terrible disfiguring accident. She had just overcome her fears of men and chose me to welcome her back into normal hetero relationships. Sue had been successful in overcoming all of these tragedies and personal challenges.

Thinking over the past couple of days, I marveled at her adaptive nature. She had jumped right in and worked with me, wanting to learn even more and had even started to become proficient at welding. Then last night, she had followed me, backed me up when I took on someone who probably wasn't among the living today. The thought of what may have happened to the guy made me shiver.

I snuggled more into Sue, enjoying the feel of her large breasts pressing into my chest while continuing my introspection.

This girl is special.

Let's see, I'm twenty-nine. Damn, that's getting old. If I want to have a family, I should do something about it soon. Find that special someone you're supposed to find in order to live happily ever after. That's a tall order. Finding someone that fits your life in all the various ways that people are different is going to be difficult. I briefly thought that I would never have a family.

Then it hit me.

That illusive person was probably right here, with me, right now. Sue was probably the best person I could find for the job of being my wife. She was perfect for me, or at least she seemed to be. So far we had been one hundred percent compatible. So far everything we did together had been fun, had been successful, and has pointed to the future.

Am I nuts or what, thinking about settling down with a woman, a possible wife, mother of my kids, grandmother to my grandkids? A real babe, but I had only known her what, almost two weeks. Whoa, scary stuff.

Just as fast as I felt apprehension, I gazed at Sue and fell back into a loving thought process.

I think she's the one. How do you know for sure? How did my mom and dad know for sure? How did my grandma and grandpa know for sure? How does anyone know for sure?

Tiny and Ruth were such opposites. Tiny the accountant, Ruth a wanton stay at home housewife. Who would put those two together? Glenda and Martin, Abe and Alice, Jim and Hanna and of course Charlie and crazy Shawna. How did they all know?

I closed my eyes, thinking of how much I enjoyed being around Sue, and how much I wanted to keep being around her. I felt like I could just let things remain as they were and she would be fine with it for right now and probably for a long while but somehow I wanted more.

Was the "more" a commitment from both of us? If we committed, would that mean we wouldn't continue to sex play with our friends? Would that really bother me? Probably not, as Sue has already proven she can handle every thing I can give her and want more. Would she want kids? I think she said something about wanting kids. Where would we live, her place? What would happen to the patio?

Dumb. I was worrying about the stupid patio when I was thinking about making this girl lying next to me a part of the rest of my life.

Okay, it was out. I was thinking of asking her to marry me. Should I? Could I? Is it what I should be asking, do I have the guts? Yeah, I do? I want it; I want her to be my wife. I want us to have kids. I want us to live happily ever after. I was going to do it.

When? When should I ask her? Should I wait? Wait for what? Wait till I question myself? Nope I was going to do it right away.

I made up my mind to ask her today when I found the right moment.

Damn, I need to give her a ring. She won't need one but I need to give her one. I could sneak off to the mall.

I lay there thinking about it, then it came to me, I already have a ring.

I had to get up to go get it, right now, I couldn't wait. I kissed Sue gently on the forehead then unraveled myself from her, scooting backward out of bed.

A soft, "Where're you goin?" came from Sue.

"Go back to sleep, I have to get something, I'll be right back."

I slipped on my shorts, skipping the T-shirt and went to my trailer. I dug out my duffel bag to get my small little box of trinkets. All people have a little box full of miscellaneous stuff that has some kind of value to them. In my box was an old watch, my high school class ring, a pair of gold cuff links, a fancy gold tie tack, a single diamond earring that I had bought when I wore an earring for a year. Ah, there it was the wedding set from my Mom.

I looked at the size. It looked about right. I left the wedding ring in the little box then brushed my teeth in anticipation of kissing my beauty in a few minutes.

Back in Sue's trailer, I glanced at the clock. It was only five-thirty.

That's okay, I was going to wake her up and surprise her or at least get an answer, find out how she feels about it. I stripped out of my shorts then snuggled into her. She sighed, kissed me and relaxed again asking, "Where did you go."

"I had to get something, something important."

"Hmmm," she sighed contented with her eyes closed, "What did you get?"

I gave her a long soft kiss but didn't answer.

"Honey? What did you go get?"

I gave her another long kiss, this time her nipples popped upright sticking straight into my chest and my dick pumped up pressing against her belly.

Sue's eyes opened, her dark brown orbs looking back at me questioning.

I sat up and straddled her on my knees looking down at her, "Sue will you marry me, will you be the mother of my children, will you grow old with me sharing our life forever?"

The questioning look vanished, replaced by shock, followed by panic, then softening as a smile crept onto her face, "Do you really mean it? Do you really want to get married? We don't have to get married."

"I really mean it and yes we do have to get married," I said a little frustrated she didn't just say yes.

Sue was still staring at me but now with the softest, most loving look, "Yes, I want to marry you, I want you too."

With that I pulled the ring off my left little finger and placed it on her left ring finger. It fit very nicely.

"Where, when, what, when did you get this," she stuttered as she looked at the ring.

"It was my mom's. My sister has always said I should give it to you. The person I wanted to marry."

"It's so special Steve, I'm honored," she said as she pulled me down to kiss her. I was kissing her, feeling tears rolling down her cheeks into our kiss. I was choked up too.

"Before I met you I didn't want any man. I played with Ruth but didn't want Tiny; I didn't want any man. Then you came. You fascinated me so I had to find out more about you. Ruth picked up on it and we planned your seduction. Not marriage, not even a long term relationship, just someone to find out some things about myself."

Sue continued, "From our first meeting, in my obnoxiously tiny swimsuit, I wanted you, I wanted to know you better."

Sue pushed me off her onto my back then straddled me holding her hand out looking at the ring.

"The more we were together, the more I wanted to be with you. You taught me that I really enjoyed men. I really enjoyed you. When you let me come with you all the time, I felt great. You even acted like you depended on me. God, I loved that. You made me feel wanted."

She looked at her ring again, scooted forward and reached around behind her so she could fondle me.

"And then the sex. It was and is so good. You make me come so much. I can make myself come really good but you do it even better. You make me nuts coming so much."

I was getting firm so she leaned up and rubbed me around her oily pussy.

"The way you make love to me is wonderful. Just thinking about it makes me wet and want you, like right now."

With that she positioned my now firm erection into her channel, pressing downward, consuming me.

"You're not jealous. You take me to the hot tub with your friends and have them screw me. Do you remember? The first time I said, "I love you was while Charlie was pushing his short tree trunk into me. Is that kinky or what?"

Sue gave a few up and downs, sliding freely up six inches then back down hitting the end of her tunnel.

"The funny thing is that I'm not jealous either. Some how, some way I know you love me. The sex is good but you loving me is so much more important. So far it's all good."

Now she was pumping up and down on me faster.

"The way we worked together fixing supper that first time made me feel closer to someone than I ever had. Then you taught me how to help you while we were working at the NASCAR place. I felt so important, so much a part of what we were doing, so much a part of you."

Her insides were quaking, my balls were signaling burst pretty soon.

"It seems everything we do together has been so smooth. We work together like flowing water. We make love to each other the same way we work together, perfectly."

We were getting close to bursting.

"I thought about asking you to marry me but thought I would be happy just to be your special friend from now on. I didn't want to scare you away. I was going to go off the pill to see if I could have your baby. I thought if my proposal drove you off, so be it, I would still have a part of you."

Sue closed her eyes, feeling her orgasm approaching.

"But you asked me, you asked me to be your wife, the mother of your children, and to grow old with you. Oh Steve, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm going to be your wife, yes, yes, yes, I'll marry you."

My juices jetted up into her at that same moment. All question of whether I had done the right thing was gone. It was the right thing to do and it was done.

Sue collapsed on me with our fluids leaking out at our connection. She kissed me long and slow, very lovingly. Then energized by the loving, she pulled off me and headed to the bathroom, "Come on let's get up and make coffee and wake everyone up to tell them the news."

She stopped for a second and turned to me smiling. My juices were running down her leg. She reached down wiped it up with a finger then sucked it into her mouth, "You're going to meet my Mom today. I can't wait to tell my Mom about us, she'll be so surprised. She will really be happy for me."

We showered, making a connection one more time, drawing out even more fluid from my body. I slipped on my shorts and T-shirt while she put on her sexy see through robe. It didn't take us long to make coffee. I said I would run down to the Seven-Eleven and get a bunch of donuts and left. I was there and back in less than five minutes but amazingly, the entire crew was there when I came back.

"Wow, you guys surprised me. It's still really early for a Sunday morning and we were out late last night," I said as I put out the donuts.

"I think we're all hungry and I didn't want cold pizza this morning," Ruth said.

Sue came out of the trailer with a bunch of napkins and flashed her left hand in front of all the women. Shawna was the most observant. She gasped, "You have a ring. Does that mean what I think it does?"

"Steve asked me to marry him and I said yes," Sue said proudly holding her hand up displaying the ring.

All four women got up and crowded around Sue to look at the ring, giving her hugs and telling her how happy they were for us.

"So you're gonna join us in servitude, huh?" Charlie asked. "It's been the best slavery a man could ever ask for. Shawna makes me king, every day. Well at least most every day, there are times you know," he added with a smile.

Tiny added to that, "I've always felt privileged that my gorgeous Ruth picked me. I'll never understand it but have enjoyed twelve years of it so far. Every day is heaven for me."

"My crazy Hanna is a handful just like Shawna and I think both Ruth and you Sue are the same, but it has been worth it. Hanna is really great, very loving, very special to me."

Martin laughed, "Glenda and I have been together now more than fifty years. There have been mostly good times and some rough times but we are a part of each other. It's nice to be around all you guys that are happily married. I think Steve is going to be too."

The girls had all sat back down with Shawna curling up into Charlie's lap, Hanna in Jim's and Sue into mine. Ruth looked around then crawled into Tiny's lap kissing him on the cheek, making him smile.

"So when are you going to get married?" Glenda asked.

Sue looked at me, I shrugged so she said, "Don't know yet but it will be soon."

"Are you going to do the big church thing. If you do, can I be a bridesmaid?" asked Shawna.

Hanna raised her hand while curled up on Jim's lap, "Me too, me too, I want to be a bridesmaid."

"We did the big church thing and it darn near killed us," Ruth said kissing Tiny's cheek. "Actually it almost made us want to not get married."

"Martin and I ran off to get married. We ended up in Fort Myers at the courthouse. A nice judge married us. He said we looked awfully young and we said we were both eighteen and we had our birth certificates to prove it. Our parents were mad at us in the beginning but then as we started making a home, having some kids, they never stopped apologizing for making us run off."

Ruth asked, "What does your mom think?"

"I don't know, I haven't told her yet. I'm going to wait till we go to see her for dinner today to tell her."

Martin asked, "What do you want Steve? A big wedding or maybe a judge like we had?"

"I don't know Martin," I said thinking about the mind battle I had earlier. "I made up my mind to ask her this morning and did it right then. I woke her up from a sound sleep. I had made up my mind and wanted to get the job done. I think I like the small wedding best. Then after the wedding if we need to go visit relatives to show each other off, we can do it as partners not as potential maybes."

Sue looked at me and kissed my cheek. "Most of my relatives are jerks. They made fun of me my whole life because I was overweight. I do have an Uncle who is a widower that always treated me nice. I like him and do things for him too. He lives down on Bayshore in a big old house. Mom and I will take you to see him. He's a little strange from living alone for so long. But you'll like him anyway, he's a good man. Mom and he are really close."

"If you like him, I'll like him. You'll have to meet my brother and sister as they will want to meet you, then we'll go our separate ways as usual. I have an ancient crazy aunt that I need to see. She lives out in Lakeland with my cousin. Is Lakeland very far?" I said looking around at everyone.

Charlie offered, "Lakeland is only about thirty minutes from here, maybe forty but really close. You should go."

We drank three sets of coffee. A set is both pots. We also ate up two dozen donuts. I said that Sue and I may not be back for supper tonight but if they needed to use the kitchen, Glenda and Charlie had a key. They all seemed to think Sunday would be a good day to just handle supper on their own. I would bet they all gathered on the patio to have a beer later though.

Sue went to work on her clothes sales for an hour while I put together a bunch of information that I would need for sales tax. Wow, I was going to have to start charging the tax. It was seven percent of the first five thousand and five percent for everything over that. I needed to get sales tax numbers from as many people as I could so they would be wholesale accounts so I wouldn't need to pay sales tax on the receipts. I'd do that Monday as I had to file by the 20th of the month for the previous month. I needed a bookkeeper.

Not knowing what to wear for Sue's mom, I went over to her place to ask her. She was busily getting dressed while constantly running to her computer to enter something.

"Wear your new Dockers with one of your dress shirts and your new shoes. You'll be perfect. With mom though, jeans would be fine too."

I dressed as suggested thinking I wanted to get rid of my beard but keep the mustache. I went to Sue and asked her. At first she was shocked that I would shave, then she looked at me a long time, "Do you have any pictures of yourself without a beard?"

"Yeah, let me go get a couple." I went to the trailer and for the second time in a few hours I rummaged in my duffel bag. I had a brown envelope full of pictures that were important to me. I just took the whole envelope to Sue's.

She looked at the ones I showed her then said she would be right back. She went next door to Ruth's then I saw her walk over to Shawna and Charlie's. A minute later she was headed toward Glenda and Martin's. It took her five minutes to come back toward her place so I assumed she had gone to Jim and Hanna's as well.

"I like the idea of keeping the moustache. Everyone else thinks so too. They all think the beard makes you look too intense. When do you want to shave it off?"

As I was unbuttoning my shirt, I said, "How about right now. Let's do it."

I used Sue's scissors to cut the beard close then soaked it with hot water. I used some of Sue's soft soap to lather up real good followed by using her razor with a new blade to finish the job. A different me. I liked it. This was the first time I had ever been with just a mustache. Funny though, my face was cold.

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I started to lose track of time. I wasn't sure anymore how long I'd been tied to the bed. An hour? Maybe it had been only twenty minutes. I adjusted myself, trying to get a bit more comfortable, but quickly felt the pull of the leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles. It was warm in the room, luckily for me because I was completely naked; except for my belt. Being blindfolded didn't help me keep track of things either. Time never seems more vague than when you're alone in darkness. I shifted...

3 years ago
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Sex To Reduce Stress

This is real one and have tried to capture most of what happened. I am 40 yrs old, 5’6″ medium build and smart. The girl I was chatting with on yahoo is about 26, 5’3″ and slim and dusky. She had nice rounded breasts at 34B, which slid down to a 30 and curved to 34. I was working from home that afternoon. Got bored and took to chatting. While I trying to play funny with everyone, this lady struck a conversation and we went from joking to being a little more serious in conversation about...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 3

“What for?” Jackie asked. “You didn’t do anything. Besides, I thought your explanation of hyperbolic acceleration was very… educational.” “I’m apologizing because you got stuck with me instead of someone you could actually talk to,” Alicia explained, her face turning a little pink with embarrassment. “I can talk to you just fine, Mom,” Jackie replied. “Yeah, right!” Alicia replied, throwing Jackie’s attempted friendliness back in her face. “Like I even understood what you just said...

1 year ago
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Jake comes to visit and we have our OWN sleepover

"Ohh, guess what baby?" I asked my girlfriend Tracy Donovan, as I rammed my dick up her . " Ugh, ughh...deeper motherfucker! What's that baby? Are you buttfucking me, or are you tickilling me, NOW fuck my asshole!!" As I increased my grip on her hips, slamming her shithole back against my cock, I felt her fingers pick up the pace against her clit. "I said guess what, whore!" "Mmmph, uggh, ohhh, yeah baby? what? ughh, nghh." "My friend, Jake from highschool is going to be in town, he's going to...

4 years ago
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Vicious Days Insane NightsChapter 6

By some process that I didn't notice, Christie and Sophie came to an agreement, and while Christie drove home with what little baggage there was, Sophie kept Meredith and I company. By that, I mean she waited on us hand and foot while we proceeded to get more than a little sloppily drunk. My friends in the scene came by, group by group, shared some time with us, wept with us, and then went on their ways, until at last it was just Meredith, Sophie, me, Francesca, and Randy. I got so drunk, I...

1 year ago
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Metamorphosis of Narcissus

I was down at the gym with Phil and David. We went there three times a week after work. Phil was a bit of a bodybuilding nut but David and I were just trying to keep the middle-aged spread at bay. Phil was spotting for me as I puffed and grunted my way through the third reps, or, more accurately, tried to prevent the bar from crushing my rib cage. There was the usual early evening crowd of overweight business types plus a few guys from the local Rugby Club. And there was Charles. As usual,...

2 years ago
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Jade McQueen

Jade McQueen sat alone in the her blue tour bus. There was peach colored teddy bear underneath the seat. She had picked up at FAO Schwarz a few weeks ago. It was a present for her Casper, her lover. Actually, it was a peace offering. Casper was upset by the rumor that was going around about Jade. Apparently, Jade was being unfaithful on the road. Also, there was an allegation of drug abuse. That allegation struck a chord with Casper. Before Jade hit the road, her and Casper had come to an...

3 years ago
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Making HeroesChapter 2

Jack and Sue had traveled for about 30 minutes when they were approached from the rear by a wagon loaded with farm produce. As it drew up beside them, they stepped back off the road to allow the wagon free room to pass. The elderly man driving the wagon halted his draft animal, which looked somewhat like a cross between a mule and a zebra. The man said, "Good day, Sir and Lady. May I offer you two a ride in my humble wagon?" "Thank you, sir. My lady and I would be grateful for a ride."...

4 years ago
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The Truth About Bethie First Part Chapters 15

This is a story about William and Bethie Conlin, a father and daughter, whose love for one another over the past few years has taken on an erotic undertone. They have been careful to maintain their devotion to one another as father and daughter, but now find themselves struggling with ever-stronger forbidden impulses as they share an unexpected Sunday alone.This story is related to the Loving Lizvette series, but involves only Daddy and Bethie. The action takes place immediately following the...

1 year ago
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Gander My brother earned the namewe used it

Note : This story is completely fictional!!! I went to 10th grade looking like Barbara Eden of Genie fame. Something in the water I guess. (9th grade I was little Nancy** frizzy hair chunky bod). My two brothers were the barometers of my GROWTH. They started making fun of me one Sunday as we dressed for church. No one in our house left their room without being DRESSED. no nighties in the living room, Skirts and dresses were two inches Below the knees. Shorts two inches above.No tight blouses or...

3 years ago
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Fairy Tale Therapy

Geraldine sat with her elbow propped on the desk, forehead resting on her hand. She had just eaten the basket of goodies her granddaughter brought her for lunch. She was really going to have to talk to her daughter-in-law about letting the child go out by herself. She wasn’t old enough to go tripping through the forest. It just wasn’t safe. She sighed. No use postponing the inevitable. She hated conducting the fairy tale families’ group therapy sessions, but there was no one else qualified....

1 year ago
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The Educator Ch 01

It was the biggest, nicest, room that Madeline had ever seen. She almost burst out laughing but checked herself when she remembered that Sissy, one of the kitchen girls, was standing behind her carrying her small bag. She took a breath and composed herself. ‘Lay the bag on the window seat and you can go.’ ‘I’m sorry miss, I was told to get you dressed for dinner.’ She looked frightened. Maddie felt sorry for her. She seemed afraid that Maddie was going to shout or hit her or something. She...

2 years ago
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My Lovely Radha Pinni

Hi friends i m bhanu 23yr old from kurnool (andhra pradesh) ,i m a big fan of iss ,though some stories may be real some may not i m really fascinated by these stories i relentlessly enjoy i m posting my experience in my life . About me 23yr old guy with 6″cock ,the heroin of this story is radha pinni who is my mothers sister .coming to her stats she is 34 24 36,i m most fond of her from my child hood days, During my adolescence days, when i am learning to know all world things, we...

4 years ago
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The more I imagined what she had on underneath, and the more I fantasized about what might be in store, the tighter the cock ring Veronica had asked me to don clinched around my dick, restrained as it was by a tight pair of boxer briefs. All I knew for sure was that I was about to experience another one of V’s delightful surprises, and the anticipation was driving me nuts. The last one had been an amazing swingers’ party, and the time before that, we’d fucked on a bench in the audience of a...

3 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 16

Following on from the time with Ritchie the bouncer at a local bar. I thought I would tell everyone about the time he had fun with both Tracey and me together. After my alleyway quickie with him, I told Tracey the full details of what had happened. She was rather jealous and a little intrigued, especially when I told her how big his cock was! We continued to drink at the bar off and on for the next few weekends and sure enough he kept up the patter and chat. On one such occasion he invited...

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It was my daddy's birthday, mother and me we decide to making him very happy, a few days before while my grand father and my uncle were busy pleasuring each other in the bedroom, my daddy walk in the house, we were enjoying so much, none of us noticed, after a while I notice the door was a bit open with my daddy watching us and playing with his cock, whispering on their ears I told them what daddy was doing, both started sucking my pussy and asshole much harder, fucking me in the ass and mouth,...

4 years ago
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My Cousin Wife Starving For Sex And Fulfilled Her Desire Part 3

I hope you enjoyed my second story with my cousin wife Ramya This story about me and my cousin’s wife Ramya part 3. She damn sexy with big boobs and perfect ass. She kissed me on my lips and went to the bathroom and after a min, I also went towards the bathroom. She did not lock the door and can hear the shower sound. I peed into the door and went inside and she turned to other side and slowly went near to her and held her waist. She turned towards me and smiled and moved towards me to kiss....

2 years ago
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Chodon Khela

Chodon khela – Bannya boudir sathe Ami Dipankar, bayos 28, kolkatai thaki, Ei ghatanata amar scool life er. Amar bari Siligurite, kokatai porte esechilum. Thaktam dadar barite. Dadar barite onek lok jon. Dui boudi, 4 dada, 3 unmarried didi. Bhaloi katchilo. Baro boudir age 32, dadar sathe age difference onek. Boudi ektu mota. Koyekdin thakar poroi bujhlam boudi khub sexy. Katha barta besh rasalo. Chance pelei khisti dei. Amio ektu adhtu khisti ditam. Sabrokaom katha barta suru holo. Ekdin keo...

3 years ago
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The Seduction Of Carol Chapter Four

Mo turned out to be a perfect choice from the men I'd had to choose from in the hotel's bar. His cock was long but narrow without the girth to really stretch my pussy the way Jason's cock did. However, Mo had the other qualities I looked for in lovers. Strength, endurance and energy... Strength because at 5'10" I like a strong man who can position me in whatever way he wanted when I was in the mood to be manhandled. Endurance because, well, what woman doesn't like a man who can fuck for more...

3 years ago
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I Seduce my Neighborpart IV

Vanessa, Sherry and I were now the regular members of our very own club: Le Club Taboo! What fun…all of us had taboos in our lives but once they were shattered it was full steam ahead. It was like our much treasured virginity: approached with awe and suspense and curiosity…some of us giving it greater or lesser importance in our youth. Then, once “lost,” or was it not lost at all but “won?” I mean “losing” virginity as attached as is that verb to a hymen that, once gone, returns no more. ...

2 years ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 22

Tom and Cal spent the night outside the small community of Bucklin, Kansas and rode over to Dodge City the next day. They crossed the Arkansas River near Ford, Kansas and rode into Dodge City about three o’clock in the afternoon. Dodge City was as busy as Kansas City had been, it just wasn’t as big and wasn’t as up to date on a lot of luxuries. The railroad split the town almost in half and the south side was mostly shacks and tents. Among these were saloons, gambling halls and whorehouses....

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter in Georgia Part II

It was late morning when we woke up. Adam and I laid there in bed, still tangled in the sheets, just smiling at each other. We broke the silence at the same time when we said, "Good morning," which was followed by laughter since we said it at the same time.We let time stand still as we looked into each other's eyes, smiling. The room was silent as we laid there. Adam broke the silence by saying, "Stay here and get dressed. I'll be back in about an hour and a half. I have a surprise in store for...

Love Stories
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The Bill That Changed Christmas

I hate this time of year. The holidays ... bah humbug! The excitement for the season was lost to me a long time ago. To me, Christmas is just another day on the calendar. I think it's been hyped up by the media to increase the sales at the various stores and shops. The real meaning of Christmas is barely even mentioned. I wonder how long it will take before stores will open early on Christmas for the big after the holiday shopping sales. I don't even remember when I last celebrated...

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 21 Mother Time

I was grateful for the band. Heather’s departures were never a good thing for me, inevitably the start of a long slide down into wistful distance, but the fact that I could go from our final embrace to playing my guitar within fifteen minutes was at the very least a welcomed distraction. “So we need to start thinking about a set for the battle,” I said, once we’d played a few numbers to warm up and clear the farewell feelings as best we could. “We have six originals, so we’ll need another...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Penelope Kay StepDaughter Studying Fantasy

I (Duncan Saint) never thought I’d be lucky enough to have a studious & nerdy stepdaughter, but that’s just how Penelope Kay turned out! She also turned out to be quite a sexy teen, but that’s neither here nor there. Until I catch a glimpse of her cute panties, it sets me off. I’m only her stepdad alright!? I start thinking about pulling out my big cock and jerking it, she responds by gleefully rubbing her soaking wet pussy. She gives me a great boobjob with her...

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Test This 2367

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop...

3 years ago
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my foot fantasy

For as long as I can remember I have always been attracted to a lady's feet. Everything about a woman's body is a work of art sculpted by God. Her feet are no different. The perfect foot to me has high arches, straight toes, wrinkled soles, and smooth skin. I have always had fantasies about worshipping a lovely pair of feet and receiving a footjob from them. The main fantasy I wish to live out begins with my woman (or any woman for that fact) coming home after being on her feet for an extensive...

4 years ago
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The Intruders Part 2

THE INTRUDERS, PART 2 "Hold still please Brandi," instructed Kristina, as she worked to repair my makeup. "Don't call me that," I muttered, though I did my best to comply. I knew just as well as she did how much trouble we would be in if I didn't look as "glamorous" as possible for the two dangerous criminals who had invaded her apartment and threatened us both "Well that's your name right now, isn't it?" retorted my girlfriend, restoring my lips to the state they'd been in before...

1 year ago
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Matched PairsChapter 3

The process of accommodating four adults through a single bathroom was a major task. It began at ten and required nearly an hour. Fred and Maggie, as hosts, allowed Pat and Charlie to go first. Fred did his part by staying out of the way. He had half a beer to finish and the air was a warm and pleasant. He stood on the dock and listened to the night. The two bedrooms were arranged such that they shared a common wall. Fred was the last to finish in the bathroom. Charlie and Pat had been in...

2 years ago
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Eager Horny CousinChapter 6

None of the children talked much at supper. In fact they all seemed unusually quiet. Once again Linda found herself frowning with concern as they picked at their food, hardly tasting a thing. "Soon as we finish that north acreage, we'll be set up for harvesting." Dave was talking, lightly keeping the conversation going as he munched a mouthful of steak. "You've done a good job, son. A man's job. This year ought to be our best yet, just wait and see." Mark didn't seem very...

2 years ago
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With My Colleagues Wife Swati

Hi All, this is Rohit(Name changed).Please mail me your comments at about myself. I’m a post graduate working at Hyderabad. I’m 5’11” tall with fair skin. I’m smart enough and good looking. Mostly all of the girls and auntie’s keep staring at me. So do I, Now coming to the story it happened nearly 6 months back. I had just joined and had started earning. I had a colleague named Rajesh who had become very friendly with me because he thought that I’m very smart and could help him with different...

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“Can’t wait to feel a hard cock shooting cum inside me.” I was trying to sneak past my sister’s bedroom door, but that phrase rang in my ears and rooted me to the spot at the top of the stairs. At sixteen, my older sister Jenny was an annoying sibling. Shallow, nosy and a tattle tale; she seemed to revel in any trouble she could get me in. So I always did my best to avoid her. It wasn’t too hard for me to get away from her nosiness, but I always had to be careful. The difference...

1 year ago
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11 Reasons Why Men Should Start Wearing Thongs

Not only are thongs for men now easy to come by. They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, and materials. But not all men wear thongs. Some think it’s weird. Some think it’s uncomfortable. Some think only women should wear thongs. Actually, men will gain a lot from wearing thongs regularly. Don’t think so? Here are 11 advantages of wearing men’s thongs.1) You'll feel incredibly sexyThink thongs for men are unnecessarily skimpy? Think again. There are several purposes to the design. For...

4 years ago
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I Love My Slut Slave Part One

------------------------------------------------ I love my slut, and she loves me. We've helped each other through tough times and developed a bond too deep for words. More relevantly, we are both sick fucks. But we have never seen each other face-to-face. Until now. Waiting alone by the exit terminal, boredom and expectation have my mind churning through disjointed memories. We met online when she was only eighteen. Barely eighteen, even, if I recall correctly. Would that I could have...

2 years ago
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Falling Dawn entered her apartment. It was sparse, little more than the size of a hotel suite. It had a tiny kitchen, a bedroom, and a small dining room. She went into the bedroom, sat down at the computer, wiped away a tear, and started to type. Dawn's Story: "I should have seen that coming. I bet everyone has said that at least once. Well, sometimes, you are better off not knowing. Take me for example. Right now, its time for me to write my last entry. I guess it serves...

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