Bridget's DaysChapter 8 free porn video

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(Brazil, 1943)

I really hate getting shot at. Just because bullets won't kill me is no reason for me to go hunting situations like I was in right now. Bullets hurt when they hit me, for crying out loud. I was so upset by the whole mess that I could have cheerfully fired back at all three of the groups who seemed to think they were participating in "Wild West Night".

Of course I didn't. Two of these groups were allegedly on my side. One consisted of a four man OSS team and the other an undetermined number of FBI agents. The third would have been fair game. They were a group of SS men who had slipped ashore from a U-Boat. Since Brazil was an Allied Country, it wasn't hard to figure out they were on a clandestine mission of some sort.

However I couldn't shoot at the Germans. The main reason was that I wasn't carrying a gun. I suppose that means the secondary reasons aren't really important. After all, I was supposed to be an intelligence agent, not a one woman war on fascism. My job was to gather information to be acted upon by others.

Of course none of this would have happened had the OSS and the Justice Department been on the slightest of speaking terms. When the OSS was formed, it was given world wide responsibility for intelligence gathering and subversion. At the same time, the FBI was assigned intelligence and counter-intelligence in the Western Hemisphere. So the agents of both organizations ran amok through Central and South America, spending as much time spying and interfering with each other as they did fighting the Nazis. I guess they can't be blamed. Neither J. Edgar Hoover nor "Wild Bill" Donovan liked to come in second place in anything.

I had been recruited into the OSS when it was still officially the "Coordinator of Information" Office. The government never really loses anything, although finding it is another matter. Apparently there were still records that a certain Bridget O'Brien had at various times been employed by the Union Secret Service, the Office of Naval Intelligence, Army G2 and the State Department. I received a cryptic phone call, visited the Institute of National Health where the government's latest spy organization was hiding out and was offered a position.

I was highly amused by the shenanigans that ensued on my first night. Some officious clerk indignantly informed me that he had better things to do than stay late for some "maverick female". He sniffed and offered his opinion that he could not understand why I was being shown such special treatment. I was tempted to show him, but confined myself to ignoring the majority of the forms he thrust at me to fill out.

I was supposed to take a physical and then go to the training school where I would be taught to be sneaky, underhanded and deadly. I knew damn well that someone was aware of what I was and had no intentions of going anywhere except back to my apartment. However, with a perfectly straight face, I elected to report to my physical.

Two corpsman, a nurse and a doctor all fainted when they realized that they were in a room with someone with no heartbeat, no blood pressure and no respiration. Okay, I had no business dropping my fangs, but I was getting tired of the bullshit. I folded my arms and waited.

Finally the door opened. I sighed. I should have known.

"Robert, surely you're not going to tell me you have deserted the Bureau."

"Good heavens, no. Among the other duties inflicted on me for my sins, I am the liaison between the Bureau and your group here. I tried to get over here in time to save someone from your juvenile sense of humor but," he nodded towards the unconscious people in the room, "I see I'm too late."

I started to make a reply I knew he would find smart ass but instead held my fire as a very impressive man followed Robert into the room.

"Colonel Donovan." Had I been wearing a skirt I would have curtsied. The man's personality filled the room. Since I was wearing slacks, having refused a hospital gown, I simply said "An honor."

"The honor is mine, Miss O'Brien. I authorized your recruitment but didn't spread the word as to your unusual needs and abilities. I left word that you were to be treated as the valuable asset that I know you will be, but someone always fails to get the word. I apologize."

"No need to apologize, Colonel. I'm grateful that someone is able to see past the old wives' tales about my kind and realize that, just like anyone else, we are individuals. Some good, some bad." Robert and I exchanged quick glances, something I'm sure Colonel Donovan saw, although he made no comment.

We adjourned the meeting to a conference room. Colonel Donovan explained that the medical personnel would be fine and that they would be fed a cover story that would deflect suspicion about who, or what, they had encountered. He assigned me duties a an almost completely independent agent, able to draw on COI resources and funds as I needed.

Once more I was staggered by how much information the government had on vampires in general and me in particular. He made an offhand comment that he knew someone with my financial resources would hardly be tempted to steal from the unvouchered funds. He offered, and I accepted, a commission as a Captain in the Woman's Army Corps.

"It will make it easier for you to move discreetly. Someone might wonder why a civilian woman was traveling so much on government transportation but a WAC Captain won't draw attention."

He was right, as he was about so many things. I blended in with the other WAC's, WASP's and WAVES' and was able to move about without drawing too much attention. It also allowed me to meet more than one cute female in uniform who was attracted to other girls, including a senior WAC on the SHAPE staff I spent many a night with in London. My orders also permitted the wearing of civilian clothes when the uniform would have attracted attention.

I had done jobs, mostly counter-intelligence, in the US and Britain when I was called in and briefed for a mission to France to rescue an Underground Leader. Since I've covered that elsewhere, I won't repeat myself except to note I was excited to be going back to the European Mainland and being "operational". At nearly 400, new excitement isn't easy to come by.

That evening I was returning from a meeting at the War Department when I caught sight of a familiar form. I chased Robert down, slipped up behind him and whispered, "Hey Sailor, looking for a good time?"

I never could surprise him, damn it. He turned and sighed. "Bridget, you're about to go on a mission. You shouldn't act so juvenile. Remember the Nazis have done a lot of research and exploration into the occult. They almost certainly know all about us and how to deal with us."

He was right, as always, but I didn't care. I decided I wasn't going to spend the last night here alone.

"Oh hell's bells and buckets of blood, Robert." He winced at my vulgarity. I ignored it and took his hand. "We who are about to die and all. How long will it take us to get to your apartment?" For a second I thought I had managed to shut him up for a change. Then he shrugged, grinned and dropped his free hand to my bottom and squeezed it.

Fifteen minutes later we were in his lovely ground floor apartment in a quite pricey Washington neighborhood. I paused for more a few seconds to appreciate the elegant decor. Robert is a gentleman and lives that way, with taste and style. I, of course, am still an Irish serving girl at heart, but the centuries have taught me to appreciate the finer things in life.

He turned as we entered the bedroom and I leaped onto him with a force that would have staggered a mortal. No luck with Robert though. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist, and started kissing him.

He kissed me back. He always could read my moods and knew that tonight what I wanted was hot and furious sex. Reaching behind me, he grasped my uniform collar and pulled down. The cloth resisted not a bit as he ripped my clothing from me.

"Nice outfit," he commented. "Not regulation though."

He had left me clad in a bra and panties, and they weren't the type covered in the WAC Handbook. That ugly cotton issue bra was bad enough. I was willing to give my unlife for my adopted country, but not that. As for the prescribed GIRDLE, I wouldn't have been caught, well, dead in one, so to speak. So I ignored his comment. He probably would have liked it if I had been wearing stockings though.

I kept my legs locked around his waist. Awkwardly I reached between us and grasped the front of his pants. I squeezed his hard cock and tore at the zipper.

He turned around and dumped me on the bed. "Bridget, damn it, this is a hundred dollar suit and I don't want it torn because you can't wait 2 minutes." He draped the suit coat over a handy chair, following it with his tie, shirt and undershirt.

I took the opportunity to throw my underwear on top of my mangled uniform. When he sat on the edge of the bed, I waited just long enough for him to get his shoes off and pounced on him again. I scooted around and pushed him onto his back, catching him off balance. I kissed down his chest as my busy hands got his belt off and the fly open. My timing was perfect. I got his cock free of his boxer shorts just as my mouth descended on it.

Robert redoubled his efforts to get undressed as my lips slid down his cock. He rolled his hips into the air and I heard a noise that I interpreted as his slacks flying through the air. As his body settled back onto the bed I gave his cock one more lick and threw my leg over him, rising to my knees. I grabbed the head of that familiar shaft, guided it between my legs and let my knees collapse.

"Hee-HAA, ride 'em cowgirl," I whooped as I impaled myself on Robert's cock. I had ended up facing away from him in my haste, so I couldn't see his face. I could imagine it though, eyes rolling in resigned acceptance of my antics. I didn't let it worry me. I was having fun, as always, and I knew he was too, in spite of his mumbled protests.

I cupped my breasts and squeezed them as I bounced up and down on his hard cock. I rubbed my nipples and pulled slightly on them, stretching them away from me. I leaned back, arching to allow more of him inside me. From the times we had spent together over the last 250 years I knew that he was building as I felt his hips begin to push up to meet me.

Then he cut loose. His firm hands grasped my hips and lifted me until only the head was lodged inside my open pussy. Then he pulled down with all the strength of his inhuman arms. I yelled my pleasure as he thrust upwards into me, burying that lovely cock up my pussy until the head mashed against my spot.

Just using his arms and hips he pounded me. I simply rode his heaving body as though I was in some wild sexual rodeo. I felt him expand to fill me, his fingers digging into my hips with a force that would have bruised a mortal. I pulled hard on my nipples and leaned forward.

"Damn you, Robert, fuck me. Fuck me NOW." I screamed. One last tremendous buck of his hips as he pulled me down on his up thrusting pole and I was coming as I felt him let go, releasing his own cum deep inside me.

As he shrunk after his orgasm, he sighed deeply and let go of my hips. Bad move. I had leaned too far forward in my efforts to grind my clit against him. With my hands still on my breasts I was overbalanced with no way to recover. Giving a startled squawk, I fell headfirst off the bed.

Sheepishly, I peeked over the edge of the bed. Robert was shaking his head, but he was trying to hold back his laughter to keep from embarrassing me more than I already was. I grinned, and he couldn't hold it in anymore and collapsed in gales of mirth.

"You," he gasped. He pulled me up onto the bed and into his arms. "You have been pulling things like that since I've known you. I swear Bridget, you will never grow up, no matter how many centuries you are with us."

"Nope," I admitted, stretching out against him. I pillowed my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

The assignment to France went off without too much of a hitch. The one hitch was the surprise appearance of Thorfinn Olafson, a very old Norse Vampire, who was working with the Nazis. We had crossed paths before, although not for centuries. I swore to myself that one day I would settle accounts with him somehow. He was as evil as the stories have always made our kind out to be.

After returning to America, via England and a weekend spent with my WAC officer, I was debriefed and then put on standby. That's fine for a while, but after a couple of months I was very tired of sitting around doing nothing but hitting the blacked-out nightclubs and keeping my strength up from the innumerable men and the occasional woman who crowded DC.

I went to prowl the domain of the case officers. I corned one mousy looking guy who couldn't escape for all the papers piled on his desk, and on the chairs, filing cabinets and portions of the floor.

He groaned when I came in. "What do you want?" Its nice when your reputation, whatever it may be, has preceded you. He obviously knew something about me, but what I didn't know. So I smiled pleasantly, emptied a chair of papers so I could sit down, and crossed my legs. Sometimes that helps.

"All I am interested in is getting another assignment. Someplace warm would be nice."

The harried man shuffled wildly through the mass of papers littering his desk. He tugged one out.

"This need looking into," he mumbled. Looking over the top of his glasses he asked "Have you ever been to Brazil?"

"Its been a while, but yes I have." I saw no need to tell him the last time I had been in Brazil was 1914. I had been doing some private contract work for an American company. Just before leaving I had gone upriver to meet with Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt's expedition as it arrived on its long journey from Paraguay. I had been much impressed by the man. I had been even more impressed by a younger member of the group, spending my last night in his bed. He enjoyed my being on top too.

"Well good. Then you speak Spanish."

I smothered a sigh. If the man was not aware that Portuguese was the language of Brazil I saw no need to confuse him with facts. I did speak Spanish, both Castilian and Tex-Mex in fact, so I simply nodded. Fortunately I had learned Portuguese along with the other couple of dozen languages I could speak well enough to get to the bathroom, order a drink or get laid.

"Good." He handed me a file and had me sign for it. "Intelligence uncovered in Argentina and Uruguay indicates that the Germans are moving money into South America. Surprisingly, some seems to be showing up in Brazil too. We don't have much of a presence there since Brazil is an Allied Country." He furnished me details of the local teams assigned there and warned me to be sure to avoid any contact with the FBI.

I flew to Rio de Janeiro and found it a vibrant, energetic city. I spent weeks snooping around under the guise of a not very bright but extremely nosey reporter. And I really didn't find anything at all. I might never have, had I not gone shopping one evening.

While wandering from stall to stall in the huge open market, I made an abrupt leap to avoid a hand cart and bumped into someone. I turned with a hasty apology on my lips only to hear a voice cry out "Bridget!"

"Benjamin! Judith!" I smiled in genuine happiness and threw myself into the welcoming arms of the couple before me. They both kissed me and hugged me until I would have had to gasp for breath had I been human. I hugged them back for a long minute, finally breaking the embrace.

"Look at you two. You look wonderful. How are the children?"

"Growing every day," Benjamin announced proudly. "Please come and see them, and us. We have a place near the coast about 100 kilometers south of here."

"Really? I would have thought you would settled here. You never struck me as the country type."

A shadow crossed Benjamin's face. "We have bad memories of cities right now."

I understood. When I first had crossed paths with the Rubens in the late 1930's, their future had been anything but bright. I had been in Berlin in a multi-functional capacity that strained even my powers of deception. I had been gathering political and economic intelligence for the US State Department. I had been assisting a Zionist underground railroad that was frantically attempting to get as many Jews out of Germany as possible.

I had been walking down a certain street when I had heard blows and loud curses. Since I have no sense when it comes to "minding my own business", I dashed ahead to the source of the commotion.

What I saw infuriated my Irish soul. Five brownshirt storm troopers were pushing a couple around, spitting on them and cursing them. The man was trying, but failing, to shelter the woman. His fists were doubled, but I knew that he was aware that resistance would only make things worse.

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I am Salman, 37 years old, average body doing job in accounts office of a Multinational company who involve in geology activities. It happened in a train during travel Rawalpindi to Karachi. My company selected me and my colleague for a course of accounting Financial Analysis in PIMS Karachi. We both decided to travel on train as its fascinate both of us. We had booking in Green line Train which start from Islamabad and then Rawalpindi. We chose Rawalpindi as we both live in Rawalpindi. I am...

4 years ago
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Hole in FourChapter 6

I sat down at my school desk Monday morning in Mrs. Peterson's math class. Eric sat down by me in the next aisle. Eric said, "Hey, Andy, I heard you're teaching girls' golf. Is that true?" "Yeah," I replied. Where had he been if he just heard? "I guess my sister is even on the team. I finally figured out why she's been bugging me so often to teach her how to play golf. I hear they are all freshmen. It must be brutal. I'm glad they didn't ask me to help teach." "Yeah," I said...

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GuardianWarrior Meltd0wn

Guardian-Warrior: Meltd0wn (There are simple viruses, there are complex viruses, and yes sometimes there are even worse things than viruses, these are spread all over the net. There are different types of protection against these threats. Most common are the virus scanners and firewalls. But there are other types of security programs also available some of these programs were referred to as 'Guardian' programs which work similar to virus scanners but also aid in fixing other problems...

2 years ago
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His wifes fishing luck changes

My wife and I have been happily married for over a dozen years, we enjoy sex but with k**s around its hard to find time or energy for wild sex. But finally we had a day with someone at the house to stay with the k**s. We could have some time to ourselves if we could find somewhere to go. No chance at an overnight but a few hours are better than nothing. It was a beautiful warm sunny day so I suggested that I take my wife fishing. I was only half-way serious, since fishing is always what I want...

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Scott Holly

Holly’s belly filled with a thousand fluttering butterflies as she waited for him on a brick wall outside of her house. Her legs dangling over the edge, she wasn’t quite sure why she was so nervous about his arrival. They had met before. But under different circumstances, they were in public constantly. But this time they’d be all alone in a Las Vegas hotel room. She waited only a few minutes before he pulled up. She stood up, tucking a strand of her dark blonde hair behind her ear. Her full,...

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help brother

first chapter My name is JJ and I have cerebral palsy. Right now I'm in the hospital. I have 2 wonderful fat sisters named Jesse and Nicole. They both take care of me. I really appreciate all they do for me. They help me go to the bathroom and give me sponge baths as well. I really love them and they love me too. I have a small incestuous crush on them. I have ever since I was about 16. I'm 20 now and having cerebral palsy makes them wanna take care of me even more. I love them more and more...

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Twists of Fate Ch 03

Hello!! I want to apologise for the delay but here’s the third chapter anyways. Votes, rates and comments are always a welcome!! XXX * She took a deep breath as the presentation came to an end and glanced at Terence who was standing beside her. Their turn was at the last and after listening to the previous presentations, she had started getting nervous, but now that they were done, she was relived. She stole another glance at her professor and was shocked. Was he smiling? She tugged at...

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I had her tied spread-eagled to the bed when the doorbell went. I saw her immediately flinch and stiffen and a look of concern flitted across her face. Usually I try and make sure that our sessions are undisturbed so I was initially annoyed.“Who’s that?” she yelped, her voice tremulous.“I have no idea, bitch. Stop panicking you stupid cunt.”Her eyes switched away from the door to the playroom and came back to me as her fear came back to where it belonged. I stalked around the bed tapping the...

1 year ago
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Best Friends Dad

I was alone on summer break and our pool was being worked on. I decided to go next door to my friends house, knowing she and her mom were away doing a college visit. Her brothers were at their grandparents house, so I knew it was just her dad. Her dad had a history with his daughters friends. We would spend the night often, me more often because I lived next door, and when he thought that we were asleep he would come in and jack off while looking at us sleeping. Now, we all thought he was...

3 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 8

"Susan, kiss your man and then go prepare yourself." Jane commanded after they had arrived. Susan complied. Ron seemed complacent. "Sit down, Ron." Jane said, after Susan had left to bathe. Ron sat on the sofa, admiring the house. Jane poured a shot of scotch in a glass and set it by him. She poured herself one. "Okay, I guess the place to start is at the beginning. I am ... the High Priestess of the Power of Lesbos, keeper of the secret works and guardian of the Rod of Sappho."...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Bhabhi 8211 Coincident

Myself Sameer Sharma from Bhopal, M.P. (). Mein aur mere dost bahut acche se ek dusre ko jaante hai sabhi. Sabhi ko sabhi ke baare me sab kuch pata hota hai. Hum aapas me sab kuch share karte hai. Mera ek dost hai Rishi, bahut accha friend hai aur wo uske bade bhai, mummy aur bhabhi ke saath rahta hai. Hamara aksar ek dusre ke ghar aana jaana rahta hai to hum ek dusre ki families acche se introduced the. Abhi se 3 mahine aur 4 din pahle ki baat hai. Rishi ke bhai ki job lagi hui thi forest...

4 years ago
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Lola Goes To Dinner

He told her to stand nude and wait for him to dress her for their outing. She had already made up her face the way he liked, soft pink lipstick, light eyeliner, a touch of blue eyeshadow and mascara to bring out her thick, long, eyelashes. She had placed jasmine scented oil between her breasts and on the insides of each of her thighs. She stood waiting for him to get her ready. He wrapped her bronze, twenty inch corset around her and fastened the clasps at the front. He then expertly pulled at...

1 year ago
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business pleasure trip

Zara enjoyed her new job. But she enjoyed her new boss more. Mark came home that afternoon when Zara was gardening. It had been her routines since she finished working last month, and she really enjoyed it. ‘Leo invites us for dinner next Sunday, babe. ‘ says Mark to Zara, who was busy digging a hole for a new rose. Zara looked up. ‘Oh, hi there, hun. which one is Leo again?’ ‘He is the one with hospital project. He wants to meet you.’ Zara frowned....

4 years ago
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Bet Your Sweet AssChapter 11

It definitely wasn’t every day that one fucked one’s own mother, let alone on a hide-a-bed, while on film and being watched by one’s own father in the process. I had to say, I was already aroused to be boning Mom, but soon after Aaron ate her and the ladies out, and so close to when Dad was going to screw Natalie, it was a whole different ball game. I could feel her slick, wet, hot pussy surround my thick, hard cock and it was a whole new level of taboo delight! I also knew that Aaron would...

3 years ago
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In Her Fathers Footsteps Ch 11

Erotic Adventures of Sexy British Super-Spy Jane Bond The next morning, British super-spy Jane Bond awakened to hear her telephone ringing. Still drowsy, she felt sore but refreshed after a night of sharing her bed with both her husband Brad and her first female lover, Wendy Warmcox. Stretching, and rubbing the last vestiges of sleep from her eyes, Jane paused before answering the phone, to look around contentedly. Jane had been sleeping on her right side, completely naked, in the center of...

2 years ago
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1st experience

hi every one i am mallika here and i will explain about my first sexual experiance,though it is not a great experiance for me.i am 18 years old girl .i have a very developed figure of 34/30/34.i stay with my bhabi and bhaiya as my school is beside their house ,otherwise it is 3 hours journey from our brother Rahul work in a computer firm and her wife Malini is a housewife she had also a amazing fig of36/32/34.that time i am in 12 day due to some reason our school decleares that...

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Final blow Cuckold 3

Arles, Saturday, June 2, 2012 As every year since six years, we pass Murielle and I a weekend in Arles (South of France). We have our habits and have selected two hotels and a bed and breakfast where we go according to our moods, once the one, once the other. That day we spend it in the “Sainte Marie de la Mer”, walking around in the vicinity, on the beach and in the plains of the Camargue where we got a bit lost. It’s late when we return to the hotel, at the entrance of the town, and we decide...

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In the NavyChapter 46 Exile

“Sir Anthony, Ushant is bearing two points to larboard, ten miles ahead,” Captain His Serene Highness the Prince of Hohenstein announced to his commodore. “Thank you, Sir August. The sloops are in sight?” “Yes, of course, Sir Anthony.” “Kindly have a course set for Cape Finisterre, Sir August.” “Aye-aye, Sir Anthony,” Hohenstein answered stoically. Their destination was not quite New South Wales, but it certainly felt like a punitive mission. They were headed for the Mediterranean coast...

3 years ago
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Incestia 5

Sweet young Verity and the b**st of i****tiaPart 5.The morning of the Volka family’s court case for citizenship in i****tia was clear and bright. Young Verity and her sister Cambria were in summer dresses while their younger brother Caci was dressed in a frill-sleeved top and smooth cotton pants and their father Yuri and uncle Avan were in button-down shirts and slacks.Despite their appearance as a wholesome family, for weeks, Yuri had copulated with his daughter with such unbridled lust that...

1 year ago
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Daughters Hot Home MoviesChapter 2

It was nearly five in the morning before Symphony finished her project. She took a few steps away from the bed and inspected her work. In one suitcase she had the camera; in the other was the recording equipment. The camera shot through a hole cut in the side of the suitcase and was held in place with Styrofoam. Finally, entirely exhausted from her hours of work, Symphony put the camera and other equipment away and crawled between the cool sheets of her bed. With a sigh she closed her eyes...

4 years ago
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Incestuous Mind Control ExplodesChapter 5 Twin Sister Seduced into Incestuous Power

Deidre Icke trembled as she knelt before her son, offering herself up as a sacrifice to buy time to allow more people of the Institute to evacuate. She hoped they wouldn’t get ensnared by her son’s mind-control powers. Already, the poor twins, Mindy and Cindy, knelt before him, the two sixteen-year-old girls staring up at him. Deidre squeezed her tits, fingers kneading her large tits. She was naked, a collar about her throat, a leash dangling behind her. “Watch and understand the truth,...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 16 Los Angeles

10:20 Central LA, California, 1-14-05 Mark 'Hoover' Mathews looked up from his bunker behind two wrecked tractor-trailers. In the distance, the AH-1 Cobra still burned from where his stinger had taken the Marine helicopter down. Around him were the rest of his brothers from the local Blood gang. "Hey Hoover, did you hear what the man in power did to those cities up the state?" asked Vince 'Snakeman' Anderson. "Ya, I heard Snakeman, but we shall kick whities ass out of LA and then we...

2 years ago
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Christen Twins Holiday of Discovery

Twins get closer than ever in the third row of the minivan. ~~~~~~~"Are you two awake back there?" Judy asked, peering toward the back of the minivan."Well I am," Darren replied, looking up from the book he was reading, "But I'm not so sure about Beth." "Oh don't worry, I haven't quite nodded off yet," Beth replied, sitting up straighter from the position slouched against the window of the van."Well at least Henry and James are sleeping," Judy smiled, glancing at the 18 month old twins whose...

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Redemption with Jerry 1st and 2nd encounter

My story with this guy starts like a year and a half ago. Maybe two years ago. I was posting ads on Craigslist looking for guys to suck off. At the time I was watching rough porn... facefucking type stuff. So I think my ad probably asked for somebody to “fuck my face”..Little did I know... I wasn’t ready for that at the time. A guy... let’s call him Jerry... answered my ad and said he had his own apartment and he would turn me into his sissy. And it turned me on. He seemed different from a lot...

1 year ago
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Baby Sitting Job

Taylor yawned and stretched. “Gosh it’s nice just to relax,” he thought to himself. He settled down into the cushions of his big comfy couch and yawned again. He had never thought living on his own could possibly be so peaceful! He was free from everyone in is family bugging him. He was done with having to give up his privacy. Suddenly, he panicked. He couldn’t find the remote! Gosh, where was it? He searched through the couch cushions and then under the couch. There it was, under the coffee...

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First Time

Hi, Readers. This little nugget is just an excuse to announce another book of mine just launched on Amazon. It's called Lowell's Vacation. It you feel the urge, take a look. There's a lot of free pages to read, too. LM First Time Leslie Moore She lived on the fourth floor of our walk-up in lower Manhattan. I passed her several times a week in the hall and each time my heart stopped. She was the angel of my dreams - tall, brunette, and lean. With a beautiful, delicate...

4 years ago
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It Started Here

The story is about myself and started when I was a boy 8 years of age. Family life for me was not the best, with a single parent alcoholic with no real time for me, so I took every opportunity to escape and by this I mean looking for affection wherever it was to be had. This meant that I would do errands for most of all the elderly people in my immediate area, shopping, collect their newspapers, walk dogs etc. and even help prepare meals for them. I had no real friends and found it very...

2 years ago
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The Au PairChapter 4

Ken walked out the front door and down the street, admiring the houses in the neighborhood. They looked to be historic, many three stories high, and with wings added on to create sun rooms, conservatories, or extra bedrooms. The lawns were beautiful and the trees were enormous. Some, like the Johnson's home, had large wrap-around porches. Ken walked down the street, found a bench, and sat down to wait. He had dressed in dark green jumper and a light cotton blouse with lace around the...

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BabySitters Advances

My wife, Heather, and I had a rare night out, dinner at a decent restaurant and then on to the cinema. It was nearly midnight when we returned. I'd half expected to find Marie, our sitter, asleep on the couch or in the spare room, but no, she was up, surfing the 'net, and apparently full of beans.Marie was a new sitter as far as we were concerned. Our old sitter had out-grown the job and one of Heather's friends had recommended Marie. My personal opinion was that she was a little young for the...

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Human sex had a special fascination for them, the BEMs. By Oediplex 8==3~ This is a true story. I don't expect you to believe it, however. My mother and I were abducted by aliens from outer space. They were not little green men. They were BEMs, Bug Eyed Monsters, though actually they treated us quite humanely. My mom is letting me write this story, since in this genre and on this site, anyone who reads it will naturally think it's fiction. But I wanted to tell the real story. ...

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