This Isn't The Philippines-Alexandra free porn video

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"Dad!" I yelled and he just sighed a growl seeing this isn't my first time complaining.

My name is Alexandra. Stupid enough I have a twin brother Alexander. I question everyday if I woke up to the damn 14th century. Even though my parents seem to live it.
I live in a fucking castle. A castle! What teenager lives in a castle with a dungeon, pillars, knights in armor, sword displays, even brick ovens! I burn every meal I make. My only freedom from the past is my room, my brothers or our vacations which is always to the Philippines. I have a boyfriend over there.
Anyway, description time. My brother and I are both 17. Both with blond hair and both with blue eyes. Our father is sort of a greedy man and only wants the best so, using science, he fount the right woman that would give him the best kids. In words, genetic engineering. He fount the right woman's DNA to make us beautiful and smart, the only surprise was twins. Of course this is a secret. Family name scarred and whatever would happen if this got out, especially since my dad is a aristocrat who lives in the 14th century. If it was known he used science to have us he'd shame his own name.
Father has black hair, apparently we got ours from our unknown mother, and he has blue eyes. He's about 33. Yeah, he genetically engineered us when he was 16. I think he was the only boy virgin to have kids. Surprising enough he still looks young too, about 10 years younger than he actually is. If only he'd live in his time.

"What?" he asks hauling up a suit case and handing it to the host.

"This isn't the Philippines!" I accused, "I wanted to see Rafael."

"I thought you'd be sick of the Philippines by now." he countered, "And aren't you going out with Will."

"No" I lied. Truth is, Will is my American boyfriend and Rafael my Philippines'. I could care less if it's wrong, my brother does the same thing. What? Are you going to blame teenagers for liking sex?!

"I thought we'd try something different. It's still on an island."

"But this isn't the Philippines."

"Stop whining" Alex says getting out the car and helping unload the bags, "You can find someone else to fuck with." he sneers and I [.punch him quickly on the back making him wince. He always has some smart shit to say back... even though he is always right.

"Don't even start it." Mom says getting out the car with the help of one of the hosts.
Mom is a brunette with brown eyes. A beautiful woman. Only the best for dad.
She's obviously not our biological mother but we're suppose to see to her as it. It gives her bragging rights whenever we win something.

'Oh my children...', 'Ah, I can't forget those wonder days of labor...', and all that other fake shit. She didn't want to get pregnant because she was scared it'll ruin her figure. She's too lazy to work out or play sports so she diet her entire life. I doubt the women ever had a hamburger. I really hate her.

"Oh, come on Alex. I've been here before and they're a lot of cute Samoan boys around here if you'd look." she tries to assure me.

"Things have changed since the 14th century lady." I snorted and Alex hit me upside the head. He doesn't like her either, but he knows that dad don't like when we treat her like shit. I could already feel his glare digging into my back. "Sorry Ma" I apologized.

"It's alright. Y'all go on to the beach. We'll check in." she says and I know it's not going to be alright. I'm pretty sure she's going to do some stupid shit to get me in trouble. With hope she'd get him to take me home.

Alex left me pretty quick when we reached the beach. I followed him with my eyes and saw him moving to the volleyball court where guys and girls were playing. I'm sure he's going to watch the girls bounce and at the end take one back to the hotel. This place doesn't have the usual tower hotels, they're more like mixtures of hotels and inns. But dad was able to pay for us to get our own rooms. We have about a third of the top floor to ourselves.
I would usually have followed him, but there was mostly girls over there anyway and not that they can show me up, it's just they have a home field advantage.

I decided to do what I always do. Get a small sun tan while looking hot and just wait for someone to come to me. Reject the uglies and accept the beauties. Whoever hottest wins.

Does that sound fair to anyone else but me?

I set myself up, placing my towel down in the middle of the beach. Setting myself in the right angle where I guess were the cutest Samoan boys and laid down. My breasts high in the air and thighs flashing. It only took two minutes for the first boy to come up to me and did... I... score!

He caught me by surprise because I was facing away from him, but when I saw him my heart skipped a beat. Totally not what I was expecting from this stray island.

The guy was light brown, tall, about 6'4. He had nice green eyes, long black hair that I know can reach down to his shoulders (currently in ponytail), kissable lips and a nice hot tattoo on the side of his face.

His body almost crushed my heart as well. Fuck Will and Rafeal, this guy was just gorgeous. A hot set of surfer abs, nice even pecs, broad shoulders, muscle arms with the tattoos from his face trailing down his neck to his arm and just by looking, baby smooth skin.
And oh my God the best part. His swim trunks are way too small for him and his package is large and throbbing (Hopefully for me). But I've been around boys like this all the time. They wear small trunks because they want to show off their package, but this one has got something to show.

Three thoughts passed my mind at the sight of him; Thank you God.

I can work with this.

I think I pissed myself.

Turns out I just flooded my swim suit.

"Hello" he said with a thick accent, but pronounced perfectly and you could tell he had confidence in getting me. Something I can't blame him for. I have high expectations with my body too.

"Hey" I reply and it surprised me I stammered a little bit.

"Are you a tourist?" he asks sitting down on my blanket and if he was ugly I would have made him get off.

"Yeah, for awhile. Why? Want to be my guide?" I asked clearly flirting and he knew it too. I just hope in about an hour I won't be flirting as much as fucking.

"Why not?" he smiles and his smile snatched at me too. Is this a guy or a god?

"Maybe later. Let me soak in the sun for awhile." I yawn and I turn on my stomach. He should know what to ask.

"Should I put some block on you?" he offers and I simply smile. He pick up hints fast. He must do this to all tourists.

"Go ahead" I tell him pushing my hair away as I reached into my bag and produced La Rochelle. He took it from my hand slowly, letting our skin rub against each other. I was right, baby smooth and when his hands pressed into my back it was confirmed.

This was the absolute best back rub I've ever had! This guy must work as a massage therapist part-time. I couldn't help my moans, especially.... especially when he got to my pussy! He was rubbing it like he owned it, like it wasn't his first time touching it. He had way too much self-esteem... or that's what I was thinking. The only thing that came out my mouth were moans.

After about ten minutes of him teasing my pussy, I had to ask.

"Are you going to rape me?" and I asked it with a smile too.

"Will I have to?" he asked smiling back and his voice seductive under that accent. His hand was rubbing up and down my leg. He needed to have my body as much as I need his.

"Not at all" I told him and he moved my bottom swim piece aside and stuck his finger in. I lurched a little before settling down onto it. He was massaging my insides, nicely. I gave him a moan for my approval. He stuck another in. He had some large fingers, by time he got to three it felt like I had a full dick in me. I started 'oohing' and 'ahhing' like I was having sex right then and there. But the real thing was still in storage.

"What is your name?" he asks me softly and I could feel his breathe on my neck, which he started to kiss soon after asking.

"Alex" I moaned and he was already untying my top.

"I'm Natalianou"

"What?" I laugh.

"You may call me Luka, my friends call me that."


"Because I am very lucky." he says and I can tell he was smiling. I turn my head and smile at him.

"What about your real name? What does that mean?"

"Gift of God" he says and I know he has to be. Especially by the surprise he gave me. I knew he was getting close to my neck, but instead he revenuers to my lips and kiss me deeply, slipping away my top at the same time.

He works fast.

In seconds his hand was caressing my breasts. The only thing between my breasts and the towel was his warm magical hands that were working my breasts perfectly. For the next five minutes of the kiss I had to think whether or not I fucked this man before, because he's working me like he's done it a thousand times. He's hitting all my sensitive parts easily while he deepened the kiss. I wanted to melt. This is absolutely the first time I felt something like this.

Can I be in love? I thought it impossible, but it's hard to tell. This guy could just be a better player.

He let my lips go and pushed me on my back before getting on top of me. I have never been this naked in a public place.

"You have a nice body" he says cupping my boob and taking it into his mouth.

"So do you" I answered unconsciously. This man had a touch you could never explain by words. He stops sucking on my boob.

"I must have you" he says softly laying on top of me. Chest to chest we kissed. Till neither of us could wait any longer. I led him off the beach and toward the hotel.

On the way I learned a lot about him. He's 19. His mother is American. He's poor to an certain extent because of the lay offs last year and he's eighteen. He's fucked mostly every girl on the island, some for money, but because of that they avoided him because he had a habit of running off after he's done with them. Which is why he likes tourists who leaves him instead of the other way around.
He spends most of his time working and whatever extra picking up tourist girls who are looking for a good time to fuck. I couldn't blame him. I was just looking for natives to fuck. He said the second he saw me he was going to get me, pay or no pay, one way or another.

I think I've fallen in love.

When we got to my room, no words had to be exchanged. We just started to undress, smiling at one another. We could both hear my brother getting his in the next room and I'm ready to get mine.
We both started to undress and my heart went rapid when I saw he had speedos on under his swim trunks. The bulge was twice as big. He smiles at my reaction.

"They do not come this big where you come from?" he asks walking towards me and I let him slip off my bottom piece. "mmm" he moans as he dug in. My hand shot to the top of his head to keep my balance. He was eating feverishly. I was close to screaming, so close, but instead he got up, kissed me, and swept me off my feet. Next thing I knew I was on the bed and he was on top, kissing me again but more hungrily. Oh god I'm falling in love.

He grabbed my butt and pressed it up, towards his throbbing peter that has yet to burst through it's restraints. I felt the head rubbing against my clit.

"You taste delicious." he laughs softly, kissing me again to get more.

"Do all girls from London taste this good?" I asked smiling back.

"I only had one other and no, she didn't" he says taking my boob into his mouth licking my nipple. I cried out then. "You taste better than them all" he says quickly before going back to my breast. I reached down and took the bow from his hair. He looked up and saw me slip it onto my wrist.

"You have nice hair" I complimented running my hand through his nice soft batch of hair that was now flowing down to his shoulders.

His thank you was taking my boob back into his mouth and dangerously teasing it till I came on his leg. He laughed.

"Let me see that prick" I said sitting up on my elbows and he happily got on his knees in front of me. His thumbs on the lace of his speedo. I sat up and pushed his hands away. I grabbed the lace of his speedo with my teeth and slowly slid them off. He helped of course. My nose smelled the nice sea salt of his cock that was exposed to the ocean so many times it adopted it's scent and taste.

Oh god, I can love this cock.

When my nose reached the soft hair of his leg I let the strap go and I was face to face with an 11 inch, uncut, 6 girth cock. My heart was beating with excitement.

"Are you sure you're the lucky one?" I whispered mostly to myself and he smiled.

"It goes both way." he assures me and he pushed the head of his cock to hit my lip. I licked the slit slowly, savoring the taste of his pre-cum, and he shuddered moaning already. I kissed the head of his cock before trailing my lips to the rim. I nibbled on it playfully. I can tell he was getting impatient with me just working the head. After a minute of torture I took him into my mouth his hands quickly shot to my head, urging me on.

"Ahhh" he moaned and I went further in. I can take about 7 inches thanks to practice. But the last four were just staring me in the face, challenging me. Luka's smile was doing the same. I etched on, trying to get to the base. Luka smiled at my struggles but finally tried to help me, pushing my head on. I choked, but it was short because I felt Luka's soft pubes on my nose.

I beat my best.

I was completely right. This was the oceans cock. I've been to the ocean thousands of times in the Philippines and this cock is fresh and salty.

"Ogh" he grunts and I smile before pulling back, needing air. When my passage was open and I started bobbing my head on his fresh salty rod. He fount a fish that won't be letting go any time soon.

He started to fuck my face, grabbing and pulling my hair and shoving his giant wonder cock all the way down my throat and pulling it back to the head for my tongue to work. His cock tastes too good. I looked up and saw his face, still as beautiful and his face when he grunts.

Just handsome.

I slit my tongue into the head of his cock and juiced out any stray liquid, even piss. Instead I felt it coming. The muscles in his head throbbing madly.

His final grunt ended with a sigh, but he didn't tense up with my hair. He shoved his wonderful cock deep down my throat and unloaded his balls. Blast after blast, stream after stream, rope after rope. My mouth absorbed all of it. Long practices helped me learn how to seal my mouth and keep every drop in. I gulped down all of it. The rest of his thick cum sticking to the top of my mouth. I continued to work his cock. He was smiling down on me.

"You love dick don't you?" he laughs.

"I love your dick" I corrected him and I started to give him one my master handjobs. I might not know the muscles of the body like a massage therapist, but I know the dick's. His moans clearly told me he loved it.

Damn I need him in me!

He had other ideas. He pushed me back on the bed and started the wonderful process of eating me out. His hand shot up and rubbed my clit as he bit my walls and drunk my juices at the same time. Now I'm convinced this guy is a gift of God.

My gift.

I came quickly and he slurped it up quickly. He was purposely doing whatever he could to get my juices. I can hear him gulping it down.

He shoved in two fingers and started massaging my walls. His mouth shot up and bit onto my clit. I etched him on. Begging him to continue, but he stopped.
He shot up and kissed me hard, forcing me back onto the bed. We made out for as long as possible, sharing juices and pressed together as much as possible. His cock was wandering my pussy.

He stopped dancing with me.

"You've done this many times before" he states the facts and I look at him oddly.

"So have you" I reminded him, "Anything I need to know about?" I asked laughing as I took over his lips again. We've both done this hundreds of times. We're professionals. Asking about STDs is always first. We just got carried away little at the beginning. But truthfully, it'd be debatable whether I care about an STD or not with him.

"No. Not from me." he smiles and takes control over my lips.

"Me neither" I whisper between kisses and he was smiling. I'm sure he wouldn't care as much either.

I felt him roaming my pussy with the head of his cock that was still dripping with my spit. He softly put pressure on me.

"You love pussy don't you?" I ask smiling, lifting my hips up a little till he was spreading my lips.

"I love your pussy" he corrects me, his smile golden as he penetrated me... hard.

I yelled at the top of my lungs, knowing Alex next door would hear me. I think I even hear him laughing.

I had to look. I had to.

He was only fucking halfway in!

I hit my head back onto the bed and Luka was laughing at me.

"This is normal" he assures me and I laugh with him. "This is usually where girls tell me to stop." he laughs.

"Fuck you" I laugh at him adding more pressure and it was so painful, it felt great.

"You are too small." he says grunting and I know he meant too tight.... maybe. He can probably think a crater too small with this thing.

"More" I moan and I know that took him by surprise. I wasn't going to quit so easily. Again only four inches was laughing at me. He added an inch more. "M-more" I stammered and it was getting even more painful. He was hitting the base and stretching me so much. But I needed it all in.
I didn't have to tell him again, he shoved the last of it in, taking pleasure in my facial expressions. I sighed onto his cock when I felt his pubes brush mine. My hand went to my stomach where his cock was trying to burst through. I massaged it through my own flesh moaning.

"You are wonderful" I moaned out loud. "I see how you got your name." He simply laughed and slowly pulled out to the head and slamming it back in. He moaned as loud as possible finding my breasts with his hands and my nipple with his teeth. I wrapped my arms around his head. He started to fuck me slowly and deeply. We both savored every inch and depth of one another.

He started to speed up.

He kissed by breasts, massaged them, made out with them. Twirled my nipple with his tongue. He went harder into my pussy. It felt like he had two minds. One focused on my breast and the other on my pussy. I felt good from head to toe.

His hand shot up and grabbed me on the shoulder as he stopped focusing on speed and started with power. He got up on his knees, grabbed my ankles and placed them on his shoulders, and then with strong grunts took his cock out to the head and slammed it in as hard as possible. I screamed to hell's end and he ended it by shoving his fingers into my mouth. I sucked on them like they were the cure for pain. And even though I was wrong, I still sucked on them.

He went harder and faster and I screamed in his fingers. He squeezed harder onto my thighs and came to a stop, taking his finger out my mouth, he started playing with my pussy. Stretching it, slapping it, pinching it. I took my legs off his shoulder and shot up, kissing him hard. He kissed back harder, forcing me back onto the bed as he started to fuck me again. I helped him keep tempo with my hips, squeezing onto him at the right moments to make him moan so loud he'll bite my lip.

He went faster and our lips didn't leave one another for the pass half hour. I've already gotten used to his size, power and speed. The only thing I'm getting out of it is pleasure, bliss pleasure.

I came three more times before I felt him lurch, his cock throbbing madly. He was ready to explode.

"Where do I cum?" he asked me and I know he needed an answer fast.

I usually don't let guys cum inside me, but he had little to no choice. I left the question hanging for too long and he came in, in spurts and blasts. I've never felt anything more filling.
He hit the sides of every wall and got every corner.

It must have been a long time since his last tourist.

He yanks out and splattered my stomach and breast with his cum. When he fount out he was too late he cursed in his native tongue. Something I can guess was "Fuck!"

He looks at me and smiles, "I came in you" he said innocently.

"What are you going to do about it?" I asked seductively and his smile widens.

"Guess I have to break up with my girlfriend" he says moving to my lips and he was softly jerking himself off before sticking it back in.

I thought he was cumming again, but I'd know if it was. It was piss.

"Is this a custom here?" I laughed.

"No" he laughs back, "But it can help clean" he says and I could feel the pools of sperm pouring out my pussy, being trailed by his piss. But I know he came way too much for him to get everything, especially when his piss came short, leaving half his cum inside. I rocked on his cock. Softly spooning.

"Are you going to take responsibility?" I asked and he smiled before shifting me on top of him. I can actually have an abortion, I had only one before because it was the result of my first time having sex and I was scared. But I just want to hear what he says.

"Will I see you again?" he asks petting my head.

"I'm here all week." I tell him, "And I'm damn sure coming back here next break." I tell him and he became hard again. He quickly shifted us back and he started ramming me again and again and again and again, back to bliss.

This defiantly isn't the Philippines... And I'm happy as hell.


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Jakes Journal The Philippines with GandaChapter 6

This is Christmas time. Christmas in a tropical clime is a different experience. Firecrackers are an integral part of this one, as are roaming groups of carolers. Two of the suitcases we have brought are filled with nothing but presents and we have a fun time giving them out. Coins are also big for the kids and by only dumb luck, my random choice to empty my pockets of coins on Christmas night is a big hit with the small kids. With all the food being pushed on me, I am not losing any weight,...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines with GandaChapter 5

The trip back home is long and uneventful. Once I get stored away and immediate matters are attended to, I make my reservations to get back to the girls. I also start advertising in local and regional papers for a position in my company. The person needs to be able to speak English, Tagalog, Ilocano, Visayan, and Mandarin Chinese. The skill set includes Cisco certs in Security and a BS in computer science. The individual has to be willing to relocate. I place the ad, (one ad per month, ) in...

2 years ago
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My Hot Client From Philippines

This sex story is about Tin, a 25 year young hot girl from the Philippines, let me tell you about me first, I am Ram a 51-year-old man, married for 26 years to my beautiful wife, we were happy couple having two beautiful kids, I am in fashion industry, I design Indian clothing for women, I own a shop in Mumbai, I was into this business for 30 years & clientele was good with God’s grace. One of my client’s daughter was getting married in a week’s time, in fact, I had made wedding outfits for...

1 year ago
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Please Uncle George Adventures in the PhilippinesChapter 2

After May left, Jana, Gem, and I were alone in my house. Jana was wearing tight jeans and a tee shirt because she had been riding the bus from Manila to Baguio. Gem was wearing very tiny, very tight jean shorts and a red bikini top. The top still fit because Gem’s breast growth wasn’t noticeable yet. “At home, can we call you daddy? I like feeling I’m your daughter. I must be some kind of pervert, but feeling like I’m your little girl always makes me feel very, very sexy and very, very...

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Please Uncle George Adventures in the PhilippinesChapter 4

Guilt at failing Brandy so badly had been nagging me since Bailey revealed how mixed up her mom had been about love and sex. I felt like I had taught all my other daughters well, and it gnawed at my gut that one of my girls was so unhappy and didn’t know how to give her love or find a partner who could give her the right kind of love, so she had no chance of finding happiness. I’d been concerned about whether my age would cause my sperm to be more likely to cause birth defects and whether it...

3 years ago
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As Told to the Purvv the Girl From the Philippines

Author's note: A while back a reader of mine told me of an incestuous relationship that he and his daughter had and he asked if I would help him put his story down in words. Once that story was posted I began to receive numerous stories all purporting to be true. I don't believe that even 5% of those that I received were true. Short of seeing an incestuous couple in the act, there is not much to go by to verify the truth. What I do is send continuous questions to the writer, hoping to get a...

2 years ago
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Sperm Donor in the Philippines

My work takes me around the world but I found myself on repeated trips to Manila which eventually grew into a year long assignment. After getting accustomed to the country and settling into life a bit I couldn't help but notice Filipina women were very much into western men like myself. I also found them to be attractive, with their petite frames and tan skin. A very attractive woman named Rosa was actually the manager of the building I stayed in and I began to hit on her a bit. She was...

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On the road in the Philippines

This is a story for a girl I fell in love with in the Philippines taken from our online chat after I got back home to my own place.. It’s written like I’m telling her what I’d like to do with her when we see each other again..I'd imagine I pulled up to your house in the car I'd rented, a pick-up truck with two seats and a big open space in the back. I'd be wearing loose shorts and a t-shirt and as we had agreed you are in skirt and a sexy top showing off your boobs in the most sexy way, and...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines with GandaChapter 4

I had just dumped a load in Ganda's ass. I had nothing for Krissell at that moment. OK, but not now. My body is not ready. Come here and just let me hold you. You think you can love an old fat man like me? Opo (pronounced Oh-Po, means Yes Sir or Yes Ma'am.) You are Pogi. (handsome) I am holding Krissell in my arms. Her head rests nested on my right between my arm and my chest. She is lying on her side with her head looking at my chest. My right hand rests on her right hip. Her right leg...

4 years ago
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Jakes Journal The Philippines with GandaChapter 7

Until now, Muriel had what amounted to a big sister who was not sexually active and certainly not sexually active in the home. Muriel had not been there the day I met Ninay and that had never been discussed with her. Each evening at the dinner table sat her mother, my wife, Krissell, also an adult and clearly my mistress, Ann, also an adult and also a mistress and then the two of them, Ninay and Muriel. The three older ones had been my sexual partners from our time in the Philippines. There...

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My First Time In The Philippines

My first time in the Philippines was quite the grand one as I had never been there before and did not know what to expect. Willie was a very good guy and he told me that he would show me the ropes. We started out at a rock bar. The beer was nice and cold and the women where nice and hot. We spent two hours there getting warmed up. After spending time in the rock bar we walked down main street the P.I. was know for having the most bars down one street in the world. Willie said that the better...

3 years ago
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New Philippines The Begining

The branch of a very large family from a small town in New Hampshire are on their way to a family reunion, which this year is happening in Hawaii. While on the last leg of the trip over the Pacific Ocean the private jet they clubbed together to charter for the trip is struck by lightning, and blows out both engines. Just as they were about to hit the water there is a flash of green light and everyone blacks out. They wake up on a deserted island, no idea how they got there and no sign of the...

4 years ago
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philippines surprise part 2

so after we have fucked it was pretty late and we were both drunk time for bed the morning head arrived it was a beautiful day once again we get ready to go snorkeling usually my wife would wear a one piece swimsuit while going snorkeling but she walked out of the bedroom in her sexiest bikini I was not complainingwe grab our towels sunscreen and head off for the day we are going for a day trip 2 some islands wanna filipino traditional catamaran style boat we meet up with jenny and dave on the...

3 years ago
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Philippines 1995

In April 1995 I married the sister of one of my co-workers Lisa in the Philippines. They were very good with my sexual as Lisa told them. Her older brother David and I got it on while I was over there. He introduced me to his friends and all five of them enjoyed fucking me. David I did it first before he introduced me to his friends. We started out the day getting some stuff at stores. It was very humid there as we walked around and took a few jeepneys. We finally go back home in the afternoon...

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My Philippines Adventure Chapter 1

A few years after a sexless marriage and painful divorce I decided to start dating again. I found a free dating site from the Philippines(PI). It was there I found a bevy of beautiful single ladies of all ages to chat with and get to know. I posted a few pictures and to my surprise most could type and speak pretty good English. Since I was looking for a mate I searched women in my age area 45 to 50. One lady in particular seemed more aggressive and interesting then the rest and soon they fell...

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Philippines Adventure

This is a true story. It all started four years ago now while I was over in the Philippines on a work related investigation for my company back in the USA.I was staying at a remote small hotel far from what we all know as being anywhere close to civalisation....the place was clean and the staff were most pleasing to deal with on every level of positions within the entire facility.The day had been a long one and I had to get ready to move out in the morning to another location far across the...

3 years ago
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California Who Says Revenge Isnt Sweet

Prologue: Im attempting to write an ending to the continuing story series about a California business/vacation trip taken to Southern California by Stacy and her husband. In the series, he has to go for work and she is going to visit with her sister Laura and enjoy herself, and boy does she. Read the series by solipsistic starting with California The Introduction. In California, Stacy eagerly gets naked and lets her sisters boyfriend fuck her and do other sexual acts with her while her husband...

2 years ago
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The Present Day Mira Destovsky and Ivanova were dead and gone. Mira’s younger sister, Alexandra, had assumed command of Mira’s business empire. My name is Jelena Miskoba. I was trained by the former KGB as an assassin. I only graduated when the Soviet Union was in total disarray after its collapse. I had learned the arts of cold-blooded murder and excelled in them. I was not like some of my peers who orgasmed when they killed. It was not a sexual thrill for me, it was a job. I was also...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 12

A couple of months later we heard from both of the girls who had needed to get pregnant. The second one I was with was pregnant. However, miss deep throat was not. Two months after that we got word that miss deep throat and her mother had received their conditional green cards. The girl's "father" emailed me about having miss deep throat 'visit her relatives' in Gensan for a month. It sounded a bit extreme to me and I gently said so to him. He said he would think about it. Then I got a...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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When Watching Isnt Enough

Introduction: Although this story is fiction, there is a few things that had really happened to me and thought it would meke for a great story. Let me know what you think. She was the most beautiful thing that I have seen in a long time. Fresh out of college and looking to making it on her own. She came to my door looking for the apartment I had for rent in my building, but as I stood there staring at her large round breast stretching her t-shirt and those incredible hazel eyes that glittered...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 8

Jun and Anabel vanished and I suspected went upstairs to change and spiff up a bit. Joy after rolling her eyes at me, instructing Abbey and Mitch to get the kitchen cleaned up, we had a guest coming. All three of them were moving around in a well ordered but rapid fashion. I repaired to the office to await our visitor and answer some emails while waiting. I sent a text to Jun and Anabel to join me in the office as soon as they could. The two girls were in my office when Jun's principal...

4 years ago
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Please Uncle George Adventures in the PhilippinesChapter 3

Time flies when you are having fun. Suddenly Sherry and Brandy were two years old, and we were discussing whether my girls wanted to nurse for another year. The girls decided that it was too difficult for the girls to understand not to use teeth on mommy’s tender nipples, so we began weaning them. May dropped by and oohed and ahhed over Sherry and Brandy like an Auntie or a Grandma. She said, “You know you just married me because I liked to fuck and you couldn’t find the pretty, skinny girl...

2 years ago
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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 10

The laughter that greeted me was, I gathered, all at my expense. When you live with six girls, the likelihood of keeping anything confidential is nonexistent. As soon as Jun and Cherise left the office they headed downstairs and the word was out to all assembled. They all thought I was off my nut and if I wasn't then I must be ill. I gathered that my convincing talk earlier was ephemeral in its effect on Cherise's and Jun's views of the matter. The only thing I could do was to challenge...

3 years ago
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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 7

When I got to the kitchen, I found my entire family just waiting there. A mango sat cut up on a plate for me along with a little sticky rice. A pot of coffee had been brewed and so I poured both, some coffee and a small glass of OJ. With that, my breakfast was complete. They were all awaiting news / gossip and they were going to be very disappointed, at least as it came from me. I did instruct Abbey and Mitch to get Anabel situated on the third floor and assist her in bringing over any of...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines with GandaChapter 3

Back at the hotel we shower and as full as we are, sex is a slow and sweet matter of licking and sucking and kissing for a couple of hours before we even get around to a legitimate fucking. Ganda's body is firm and if not as flexible as Drama's, it is plenty enough for me. Each time I am face to face with that hairless, shaved pussy of this Filipina, the more I feel like I am having sex with a girl far younger. From the small breasts and narrow hips to the small stature to the naked lips...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 6

My girls seemed happy. They were surely not complaining to me. I asked and they all said that they had a far better life than they ever expected to have. Joy laughed and said that the biggest problem the girls had was to not get fat! There was so much food in the house. They were not used to eating so well or so often. They had access to education they would never have been able to afford and Mitch told me that her father was doing better than he ever had in his life. They were not...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 5

Our new house was about ready for occupancy. Electric service was established. We had Business class DSL (which sort of sucks but it's the best you can get in Gensan). Mitch's and Angel's father had been working for the contractor, Mr. Vasquez, at my request and I was waiting for the end of that employment as the house was about finished. It never happened. I spoke with Mr. Reyes. Their father was so well skilled and such a good worker that he had succeeded in obtaining long-term...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 13

There is a problem that happens once you start fucking young girls. It is not that older women don't get to you any more. They sure do. No, you do not lose interest in older girls, it is just that you no longer see innocence. You see untapped sexuality. Normally, the young girl doesn't share that view and if you try anything you will be explaining yourself to a cop. But when you are in a culture that permits or winks at it in some circumstances, and where the girls are in real need, it...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 9

Joy was back in my office mid-afternoon. There was a smile on each of our faces, but probably for different reasons. I was remembering our time together that morning. May I talk with Mitch about rescheduling who has time with you? Rose has asked that her daughter lay with you tonight. Joy evidently thought this was beyond cute. Rose's daughter Rosemarie, was the spitting image of her mother. Joy was well aware that the mother could barely walk right now and she wanted her daughter in my...

3 years ago
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On the road in the Philippines part 2

My previous story got a lot of views I think though sadly no comments.. Here is part two of my Skype chat story with my secret filipina lover :)As we continue our journey together down the road, we'd be laughing and joking, enjoying our trip along the coast as the day goes by. You'll be sitting beside me, no panties under your skirt, they have gone back to hanging from the rearview mirror. It's getting hot and we are sweaty as we stop by a little secluded beach, all deserted besides a few k**s...

4 years ago
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Visit to the Philippines

I followed the bell hop to the elevator then up to my room. He was a young man maybe 18 or 20. He said you will love it here there are so many places to visit and the weather is always hot even when it rains.As he talked we arrived at my floor then to my room. He open the door I went inside to see my room it was very big and had a nice view of the hotel pool. The bell hop put my bags down and offered to unpack my cloths. I said sure hang most of then in the closet the computer and Ipads put...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines with GandaChapter 8

And then all hell breaks loose in the shape of the most pissed off woman ever seen on the face of this earth. She is screaming at me in Tagalog and while I know a little Tagalog, I sure don't know it well enough to keep up with her. But more to the point, I am not thinking of the Tagalog, I am looking at the 8 inch kitchen knife in her hand. If she thinks she has a clear strike at me with that knife without hitting the kids, I figure I'm a goner. But then the kids cover my body and start...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

2 years ago
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My Philippines Vacation 4

Since I have never been to Arnel’s house, I asked Rusty about it after I gave him a quick visit since he is the only one I know where he lives. As I walked towards Rusty’s place, I saw some kids playing by their street and some guys sitting by the roadside near the parked Jeepney. I immediately noticed Rusty’s uncle who gave us a ride last night and he waved to come. I obliged and headed in his direction; thank him for giving us a ride last night and he offered if he I want to hit a smoke with...

1 year ago
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My Philippines Vacation

My name is Carlos Sasuke Baruel, a Filipino-Japanese American who lives in Daly City, CA, 5’8”, black hair, and skinny with a childish smile, nerdy looking and turning 16 years old in June. I already know that I am gay but I am still in the closet since I get beat up when I made some snarky, feminine gestures at school and it is an all-boys catholic school. I already know about gay sex since I get those from my fellow horny classmates and schoolmates. However, that will be for the next...

3 years ago
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My Philippines Vacation 2

After I finish my house chores that morning, I told my mom I will be hanging out with my new found friends today and she wish me to have an amazing time. I walk to the elementary school where Chuck is going to meet me and to my surprise, he is already waiting for me by the gate. As I approach him, he welcome me with his sweet and alluring smile, he is wearing a white sleeveless shirt with the same short he wore yesterday. He handed over an empty matchbox and to my surprise, I don’t know what...

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My Philippines Vacation 3

After dinner that night, I ask my mom if I can go out and enjoy the night with a stroll. My mom was hesitant and then someone was knocking on the door. As I opened it, it was Arnel standing with his stoic look. He let me know that there is a festival about two towns over, Rusty’s relatives invited us over and Rusty managed to borrow a motorcycle with a sidecar that can fit five of us. I told my mom about it and even though my feet are already outside, my mom agreed and gave me some money to...

4 years ago
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My Philippines Adventure Chapter 21

After our drinks the Korean couple politely said good bye and the Husband winked at the Mom. What he did not see was his dutiful Wife standing behind him giving me the “blow job” hand signal with her mouth and mouthing “Thank You for fucking me”. It was very funny in all reality. The Mom decided it was time to make her delivery and get the Dad to fuck her some more. She admitted that she was addicted to white cock and it turned her on to see me fuck the flat chested Korean slut. We rode the...

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