Escort ServicesChapter 4 free porn video

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Their day at the races turned out to be quite lucrative. Elizabeth had been given a tip for a rank outsider in the third race. She had one hundred pounds put on it at forty to one. Robert afforded only fifty pounds. It romped home by six lengths. Only those in the know cheered, none louder than Elizabeth who jumped up and down excitedly as the winning post got closer.

"Let's celebrate". She said, after they had collected their winnings from an unhappy trackside bookmaker who shelled out six thousand pounds to the happy couple. "I know a fantastic little restaurant in Weybridge."

She gave the directions to her chauffer as they slipped into the back of the Rolls Royce parked in the member's car park.

Robert gazed at her, taking in her loveliness. Flushed with her success, her cheeks were quite ruddy which perfectly complemented the simple jersey dress she wore. It stretched and clung to her body, accentuating her shape. A pearl necklace of three strands was her only other ornament. Her make-up, as usual, was lightly done with subtle hints and shades that highlighted her cheek bones. Her eye shadow was almost the same colour as her skin, just enough of a contrast to be noticeable. Her comeliness took his breath away and stole any words he had from his mouth.

The restaurant was indeed a fine place, carrying two Michelin stars to its name. Elizabeth chattered on, her excitement had not abated at all. It was so unlike their previous engagements, Robert didn't know really, what to say. He was content to allow her to flit from subject to subject while he drank in her face and drowned in emotion.

Eventually, she noticed that his responses were less than garrulous. She wrinkled her brow, tilted her head a little and asked "Are you okay Robert?"

It was an almost comical expression.

"What? Oh yes, miles away and happy to listen to you."

"You're very quiet, is anything wrong? Concern wrinkled her brow even more and made him smile.

You'll get stuck like that." His smile broadened. How could he tell her that he loved her, totally? How could he, someone who had next to nothing, other than the working parts of his body, to offer her? Someone who screwed women for money, just a cheap whore really?

Perhaps his emotions and thoughts were transparent, she knew straight away, now that she had calmed down that the look Robert was studying her with was not one of mild curiosity. She leaned back in her chair opposite him with the table and remnants of their meal between them as an effective barrier.

"We need to talk Robert, but not here." She waved the waiter over and settled the bill. With nothing more said, she rose from the table, expecting Robert to follow her lead.

They got into the car silently with only her telling the chauffer "Home".

Shortly, they were driving through the security gates to Saint Georges Hill Estate. Robert dully took in the houses and mansions that populated the exclusive real estate built around one of the best golf courses in the country. Her red-brick home had its own gravel drive in a U shape behind a copper beech hedge that was just big enough to hide the house from the road. The front lawn and shrubbery was immaculate.

"I won't need you anymore today Frank". She told the driver. The car moved off, tyres crunching on the gravel, leaving them at the steps to the front sandstone portico entrance. The door was not locked.

Polished wood panelling formed the entrance hall. A light oak stair spiralled up in a sweeping arch from centre of the flagstone floor of the entrance hall, up to the first level and out of sight. She dropped her bag on the occasional table that lent against the right side of the ornately worked hall.

She walked toward a door in the panelling, again, expecting him to follow. The drawing room was also panelled, but using white ash rather than the oak of the entrance hall. It made the room bright. A huge inglenook fireplace in red brick and a huge piece of oak as an over mantle dominated the room with a cast iron grate on top of the hearth, which was also of brick. The floors were polished light oak. The furniture looked almost accidental, but was obviously chosen to compliment the room. She sat on the green leather chesterfield and patted the space beside her.

"Robert..." She began. Her eyes bored into his with a steady gaze. " ... I told you once, not to fall in love with me. Do you remember that?"

"Yes." He nodded as if to reinforce his affirmation, but his heart thumped in his chest. This was a moment of truth with a dubious outcome and his uncertainty was clearly evident.

"I meant it Robert, my life does not allow for affairs of the heart." Her eyes softened.

"We are not so dissimilar you and I. We are both playing a part, you as a male escort and me as a trophy wife. Neither of us is supposed to have feelings or emotions, just be part of the trappings and providing a service." She turned slightly and took his hands in hers. "My husband and I have been married nearly ten years now. In all that time, he has never once touched me. We have separated bedrooms, separate lives even. He prefers the company of men, but for decorum's sake and the honour of the family, married me. We pretend to be the perfect couple socially, but nothing could be further from the truth. I shut up my feelings a long time ago and mostly drift from day to day with nothing more in my head than what to wear."

He rubbed his thumbs over the back of her hands, just a small gesture of soothing.

"Elizabeth ... I know I am supposed to be dispassionate and all that. Mostly, I can be and have been in my short career, but then I met you. I can't forget how you cried in my arms in Paris. You sobbed as if your heart was broken and you seemed so alone. I wanted to be there for you, protect you and love you. You were like a perfect bird in my arms, frightened and helpless and I just wanted to protect you."

"In another life, that would be perfect." She withdrew her hands from his and got up. "We cannot go on like this Robert. It was a mistake on my part, to call you again and I am sorry for that. I think it best that we not meet again, it is too painful." She turned away from him and faced the fire place. "I'll call you a cab to take you home." Her shoulders hitched a little. "I'm sorry Robert."

He saw and heard her distress. Before he knew it, he had risen and grasped her in his arms, turning her to face him. Her tear filled eyes rose to meet his. He kissed her full on the lips, pulling her body into him. "I love you." He murmured into her mouth. "I love you so much."

"Don't." She tried to say, but his mouth covered hers. Her will power fell away at his embrace. She gave into him and held him as tightly as he held her.

Later, when they had made desperate love on top of her bed and lay naked, holding one another, Elizabeth, soaked his chest with her tears while he stroked her head smoothing her hair gently with his finger tips. He didn't know where this was going to go from here, but he knew he wanted her in his life. His own doubts clouded any rational thinking. What could he give, other than his love? Their sex was amazing, filled with passion and tenderness, but if that was all he had, then he knew it wouldn't be enough.

Eventually, she dozed, still with her head on his chest. He felt her relax gradually and become heavier. He may not be able to bring much, but this was all he wanted. Just to have her in his arms was enough for now. Still worried, he fell asleep.

It was much later when he woke. It was full dark outside. He wondered what the time was but didn't want to wake her to look at his watch. Elizabeth was snoring slightly, her hair tousled, lay across his shoulder, obscuring her face with a haze of blonde. Robert felt a physical ache just looking at her. It hurt to take her in, to feel so at ease, but at the same time, knowing that it would end when she woke.

As if she knew he was watching her, her eyes opened, she regarded him, silently, giving nothing away, her usual professional demeanour stared back at him.

"What are we going to do Robert?" She searched his face as if looking for the answer. "Sooner or later, things will go bad between us and I couldn't bear that." She pushed up from his chest and turned her back as she sat on the edge of the bed.

He ran his finger tips up over her spine. She shivered and goose bumps arose on her skin.

"Robert, please..."

"I don't know Elizabeth. It is pretty much up to you what happens from here on. I don't want to lose you, but you have more to lose than I do." He got up from the bed and headed to the toilet.

"I need some time to think Robert. Can we leave it at that for now?"


She called him a cab which arrived after a ten minute wait. Nothing was said, the balance of the situation too delicate for very much for words. She kissed his cheek and opened the door for him. "I will call you. Take care."

His goodbye was almost cut off with the closing of the door.

The next few days passed without a phone call. Robert worried that she wouldn't call. With time on his hands to think, he realised that she had not told him how she felt. She hadn't said she loved him and he began to convince himself that it was all him, all one sided. He didn't have her number. He knew where she lived, but he wasn't going to hang around the house in the hope that she would come out and see him, besides, the security on the gate wouldn't allow him in.

Amber called him on Tuesday with his next assignment, planned for that weekend. He would be escorting one of her regulars to a party and to be ready by eight o'clock on Saturday evening. Dress was to be smart casual.

"So, you're the wonder boy in Amber's stud farm then are you?" He was still standing at the threshold of the door to the hotel room of his Saturday's assignment. "Amber tells me you have boosted her business no end. I'm not surprised. Finding decent men to fill her books is never easy. Christ on a stick, finding a man of any sort is hard enough."

Jean, for her age, was trim and carried a confident poise in her bearing. Her clothing was expensive, without being ostentatious or too obvious. She had spent a large part of the day n the beauty salon, getting ready for this evening's soiree at Lady something or other's garden party. Robert had chosen a simple blazer of slacks and an open necked shirt from his now, seam bursting wardrobe.

She picked up her purse, took his arm and waited while he opened the car door for her. She chatted on about this and that while he thought she was just another wealthy business woman, from a long chain of the same, who had made their career their lover.

The party passed Robert by. Being on duty, as it were, he limited himself to one glass of champagne and only nibbled at the array of treats being passed around by an army of waiters. And then, it was time to leave. He wasn't sure that he could live up to the billing Amber had labelled him with and fretted a little on the way back.

Jean was quite tipsy. Fortunately, she was a happy drunk and giggled as she fumbled her pass at the electronic lock of her suite.

"I suppose you are going to take advantage of my drunkenness now, aren't you?"

"Well, the thought had crossed my mind." Robert fell into the role immediately. It was obviously her little foible and not an uncommon one, to be taken, defenceless, in her drunken condition, by a virile man. It was a role he had played before with minor variations. He stepped in close to Jean, invading her space and leaving no room in which to manoeuvre. He put his arms around her and deftly unzipped her dress while looking intently into her eyes, holding them captive while he undressed her. Then, as she stood in bra and panties, he grasped the back of her head, scrunching up her carefully manicured hair and kissed her mouth forcefully, taking her breath away. This was exactly what she had wished for. She melted in his arms and clung to him to stop herself from falling bonelessly to the floor.

He picked her up, realising that she weighed a lot less than he had thought. The steps to her bedroom were effortless. He dropped her on the bed and placed a flat palm on her chest in a silent instruction to stay exactly as she was until he allowed her to move. She stared as he efficiently removed his clothing and slipped a condom onto the bedside cabinet ready for later.

"What..." He put a finger to her lips, stopping any questions. It proved to be an effective gag and was just as insistent a command as if he had told her to keep quiet. Obediently, she lay on her back and made no move as he slipped her bra straps off her shoulders while his stare bored into her head. Her breasts, when they were finally free of their lacy prison, had just enough firmness to them, that they remained erect and pointed at him enticingly. He hooked his thumbs into the waist band of her panties and eased them over her hips and knees, then off over her feet.

He gripped one of her breasts and rubbed the nipple under his thumb, trapping it against the side of his hand. She made a little moue and gasped at the sudden stimulation. It hardened and darkened at his ministrations. He had not broken eye contact while he excited her teat. He placed his other palm on her stomach, just above her vee with just enough pressure to let her know it was there. Slowly and with consummate skill, he slowly touched her lips, parting them so that he could get to her clit with just a finger tip. Her legs opened just enough to allow the intrusion. Her back arched at his touch, an invitation to take her fully. Robert finger fucked her gently, but forcefully. He would not be denied his prize and there was nothing she could do about it.

She came noiselessly, a knuckle in her mouth to stop from crying out. Robert knelt up, taking his fingers from her moist pussy and pushed them into her mouth so that she could taste herself. Jean sucked at them like a drowning man might for air, savouring her own juices as they passed over her taste buds.

Again, he took hold of her head and with gentle by firm strength, pulled her mouth to his semi-hard cock. He didn't give her a choice. She was to suck him while he finger fucked her again. She came a second time, much quicker and gasped around his cock between her lips. Satisfied that she was ready, Robert reached over for the condom, and then slipped between her knees which parted with no resistance. It was going to be the missionary position, but that was alright and allowed him to play with her nipples and coax her to yet another orgasm.

This time, her orgasm was not silent. She cried out as the waves crashed through her synapses and her body gave of its self, her own essences to mix with those of his. Robert came inside her and enjoyed the sensation more than he had for quite some time, closing his eyes as his ejaculate spurted over and over.

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When you check your e-mail, you see a new message from Cavalier Escorts; you had almost forgotten you had sent in an application a few weeks ago. It had been pretty thorough: a questionnaire about your physical, mental, and sexual health, photos of course, and a video presentation. It felt a bit strange to be posing naked for some company, but you weren't ashamed. Your body is well toned by regular visits to the gym, just slightly hairy, and 6 foot tall. Your cock, when fully erect, comes in at...

1 year ago
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Escort Number 2

After my first foray into paying for sex with Elle, I really wanted more. As much as I enjoyed my first meeting, I decided that I would rather sample different escorts each time. I would meet up with Elle again but not before trying out what others had to offer.I started looking through my local escorts on the website I joined and there was a lot that I’d love to meet. Luckily I discovered that I can make a hotlist and add escorts onto it so they are saved for me to look at later. I trawled...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Escort Number 2

I start looking through my local escorts on the website I joined and there were a lot that I'd love to meet. Luckily I discover that I can make a hot list and add escorts onto it so they are saved for me to look at later. I trawled through around 500 profiles and added just over 50 to my hot list. There was one that stands out to me the most at the moment. Sacha from Spain. Her profile shows me that she is a touring escort and that she will only be in my area for a few days. Unlike Elle,...

1 year ago
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escorts and whores

For a long time now, I have been seeing girls, escorts, whores and prostitutes. A long time is the last 25 years, and I got my first taste from picking up a street girl in Aberdeen. She was about 21, nice looking and gave a wonderful blow job – lots of mouth slurping and hand action. She always swallowed and I saw her maybe 10 times. All for 25 pounds. Since then I was hooked as it were. I saw so many other girls at the time – excitement of picking them up, driving somewhere, sucking and...

2 years ago
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Escort in Training Chapter 4

Sunday, 8pm The door clicks closed behind us and I stand in the middle of the room feeling awkward. Petra has abandoned her phone at last, and is gazing out of the window. I’ll take one last stab at this. Be the bigger person, Emma. I walk over to her, muster the most genuine smile I can manage: “Hi Petra, we haven’t met properly yet! I’m Emma. It’s nice to meet you.” She looks suspiciously down at the hand I’ve offered it. Bitch. But she takes it, limply, and shakes. She looks me up and...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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escorting Addiction

After my husband left me for a 22 year old I was lost and confused as to why! We are both in our mid to late twenties, me 26 and him 29, we’d had a lot of fun together since we hooked up eight years earlier and we were married for the last five. We were planning to start a family. I was scared that I would lose my petite figure and my firm 34D’s would begin to sag after giving birth to our first c***d but I didn’t care because I loved this man dearly. It was a bitter break up he couldn’t even...

2 years ago
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escorting is the Answer Chap 1

Vincent Dae gets back into escorting but his first client changes the game on him. . . things get real for Dae. ‘Why would you even say something like that?’ I said into the cell phone as I unlocked the door to my apartment. I was speaking to my boyfriend who had been having some trust issues since he found out I had been a male escort during my senior year in college. ‘I’m sooo sorry baby’ he replied ‘I didn’t know what I was saying I was drunk!’. ‘. . . . bullshit, you weren’t that drunk,...

4 years ago
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Escort Tales Ch 01

Chapter 1: Antonella’s Dinner Date As Antonella stepped out of the bathtub and prepared for her night, she thought to herself. ‘My how fast a year goes by.’ Just a year ago, she was a high level executive at a large corporation. Then came that night when she did the unthinkable, she slept with a co-worker. ‘My how good it felt,’ she remembered. It was as if she were finally set free. After that, she realized all the things she could get with her sexy looks and her sweet spot between...

4 years ago
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Escort Service Enjoyed

Hi, all of the Indian sex stories dot net! This is Sabeel. Here I’m with my new and latest experience. I thank all the people who sent their comments and feedback to me. I really glad to see such feedback. Please, no one ask me to introduce me to as a male escort. Iss is a great platform to deliver my experiences. Now let me describe the story here. Myself is Sabeel from Banglore age 25 average body. I got a mail from a lady that she is interested to have fun with me by seeing an ad in Happen...

4 years ago
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escort fun in Tenerife

I was down in Tenerife recently with a few friends for a couple of days and on the last night when the rest of them had had enough and went to bed, I decided to go for a walk. I had already noticed a strip/escort club down the road, so I already knew where I was going! I went in and sat down and was immediately joined by a petite brunette girl who asked if I would like to buy her a drink. I of course said yes and after a little chat, we got down to prices. She said it would be 40 for a hand...

3 years ago
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Escort ServicesChapter 3

There was no point in pretending anymore, Robert's studies were going to hell in a hand basket. There was also, no point in pretending that he wasn't enjoying himself. But, and it was proving to be a big but, he was having doubts about the women he met through his adverts. His initial advert in the shop window had been superseded with a flashier, more colourful card. It brought a few enquiries, but was proving to be the weaker point of sale. He had taken out a small space in the local free...

1 year ago
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Escort girl apartment

This is the story of my escort girl. I was 23 and she was 24 at the time. I took public transportation to arrive late at her apartment. She was dressed ready to go out and told me to hurry up. She was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a zipper jacket. She looked cute even though the pictures listed on the erotic website were not her. I decided she would have to do. She showed me to her bedroom and turned on the air conditioning to 70 degrees. The blinds were closed and then she closed the door after...

First Time
2 years ago
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Escort in Training Chapter 1

Friday, 11am My hands shake as I fumble at the keys on my phone. My angry fingers can’t seem to hit the right buttons. I curse the gibberish on the screen and slam the fucking thing back into my handbag. It’s only an enraged nothing tweet to nobody in particular. I should have gotten further away. Now I’m falling apart on their doorstep. Through the screaming pack of thoughts racing laps around my head, a voice is yelling at me to get out of here. But my legs have gone to mush. I can barely...

1 year ago
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Escorting Or Swapping 8211 It8217s Fucking That8217s Fun

Hi all, This is Sanjeev here again after a long time submitting new experiences. Like I mentioned earlier I am a 50 year male from Punjab who is well endowed and likes to meet ladies for some fun. I live in Chandigarh and if any Ladies want to enjoy, please send your emails at and I will reply immediately. Swapping has been going on in India for a long time, first, it was in the upper class and then it slowly came to the middle class and now it is rampant all over the country. Most of you...

2 years ago
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Escort Number 3

I’m not sure if I will ever top my first two times with escorts as they were so good. Sacha was the best fuck I had ever had. But that was not going to put me off trying.I loved the number of different types of people that were escorts on the site I had signed up to. I had added a load of them to my hot list and planned to meet as many as possible.The next one that caught my eye was advertising as an ex Page 3 glamour model aged 36 (My oldest so far). A Page 3 girl was a model that posed...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Escorted Out

Escorted Out By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers "Oh you finally answered! I've been calling you all morning," Craig spoke as Julian answered the phone. "You ok man? That was pretty rough last night." "Dude, I was passed out," replied Julian, flipping off the covers. "I'm just getting out of bed and my head is killing me." "Your head?" laughed Craig. "I figured it was more your back or your ass, after the bouncers tossed you half way across the street. You really better...

1 year ago
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Escort Tales Ch 05

After Kobi had experienced her first double penetration and Antonella had experienced her first black cock, the two thought they’d done everything possible except BDSM. Then they got a request from a very special client who saw both of them since they started in the business. He wanted to fuck both of them at the same time. Every guy’s dream: Two girls at the same time. This client, who liked to be referred to as Mr. Harris, was very wealthy and spent the equivalent of what some middle class...

1 year ago
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Escort Helping Hand

I of course said yes. *** Calvin was older big guy with grey sprinkled in his wavy black hair, but his body was still in great shape. His wife, Miyu, seemed years younger. A pretty, petite brunette woman, looked to be of Japanese decent. I imagined she was his secretary before he left his wife for her or something. She laid topless on the chaise lounge. Her breasts still stood in perfect mounds topped with caramel peaks. Her bikini bottom was a tiny triangle held by string. Why was...

3 years ago
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Escort Tales Ch 04

Chapter 4: DP Kobi While Antonella was busy getting fucked by her first black man, Kobi was getting put through the ringer. On the other side of town, Kobi’s two clients, Bill and Lance, weren’t wasting anytime. She was already on her knees with one cock in one hand, and another cock in her mouth. Her dress pulled down around her waist, and her stockings and heels still on. Kobi sucked as fast as she could, while jerking the other guy off. Every thirty seconds, she would switch cocks,...

3 years ago
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Escort Tales Ch 03

Chapter 3: First Time’s a Charm ‘We need to get an apartment with two bathrooms,’ Kobi thought after bumping into Antonella for the third time in as many minutes. They were both getting ready for another eventful night. As Antonella dried off her hair in front of the mirror, Kobi was stretching out her black thigh high stockings over her foot and up her legs to her thighs. Kobi yelled over the noise coming from the hair dryer, ‘What time is your appointment?’ Antonella shut off the hair...

1 year ago
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Escort Tales Ch 07

Meanwhile, Kobi was not sharing the same feelings as Antonella. As a matter of fact, she was feeling the complete opposite. She was becoming infatuated with the lifestyle. People always say it’s nice to get paid to do something you love. Well, she was a real life nymphomaniac, and she loved what she did. So it was icing on the cake for her to get paid so well for it. While Antonella kept a smaller list of exclusive clients, Kobi did the same, but also let some new customers make appointments...

3 years ago
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Escort Tales Ch 02

Chapter 2: Kobi’s Adventure ‘Ok, I’ll see you at 7 O’clock tomorrow night.’ Kobi hung up the phone, unsure if she should have agreed to the meeting. The gentleman, a man named Peter Hopkins, had a very odd request. He wanted her to be his date for a dinner with his ex-wife and her new boyfriend. She didn’t have to have sex with him. Just look sexy, talk sexy, and help him make his ex-wife jealous. She wasn’t sure if he was telling her the truth, but she accepted when she met him. He sounded...

1 year ago
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Escort Tales Ch 06

Antonella and Kobi were going into their 2nd year in the business and things couldn’t be going any better. In this city, they were arguably the best and most popular choice in the game. Repeat business was off the charts. Recommendations were reaching as far as international waters. They were getting so busy that there wasn’t enough time and they had to keep an exclusive list of VIP clients only. But after a year where everything was going their way, luck was bound to catch up to them. It all...

2 years ago
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Escort in Training Chapter 9

“I will keep these items, Miss Carling. You won’t be needing them in the near future.” It’s barely two minutes since Rupert pulled his fully erect dick out of my sopping sex. And now he’s telling me to get out – with all of my clothing bunched up in his fist. He snatches up my panties off the floor before I even have the chance to think of retrieving them. My mind is addled with a churn of mixed emotions. The euphoria of my orgasm, that wonderful release, is still there, but it’s draining away...

Straight Sex
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Escort in Training Chapter 8

Tuesday, 10am My mood is even more terrible when I wake up. Now I’m not just frustrated, I’m tired too. My first response to the morning is to frown and sigh. The Colin Firth-lookalike rouses us again, pulling back the curtains to more blazing sunshine and birds chirping merrily. I notice that it’s an hour later than yesterday, but the lie-in doesn’t seem to have made much difference. I’ve got a faintly fuzzy head after the champagne. I wonder if today will be another never-ending tease. I...

Straight Sex
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Escort in Training Chapter 6

CHAPTER SIX Miss Jackson leans back in her chair, offering me no further guidance. She’s all ears, it seems. I swallow hard. Suddenly being naked in front of her seems like the easy part. But speak of my sex life? My, that’s a broad question. I presume she isn’t going to judge me for anything I’ve done. More likely things I haven’t. “Uh…OK….” She smiles warmly at me, tilting her head to one side. But she just won’t offer me the crutch of a more direct question. I say the first thing that...

Straight Sex

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