DraftedChapter 2 free porn video

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I was in Mom’s room using her sewing machine when she came in and asked me what I was doing. “I’m just altering a t-shirt. I’m almost finished.”

“Do I want to see it?”

I giggled, “Probably not.”

“Oh well shit! Now you have to show me.”

When I finished the last two inches of hem, I stood up, doffed the t-shirt I was wearing and put on the one I’d just altered. I’d shortened it in the same fashion I’d done with the tank top the day before.

“Oh my!” Mom said when she saw it on me. “I hope you’re not going out in public wearing that.”

I shrugged, “Probably just to the drive in with Zeke for lunch.”

She shook her head, “I would have never ... but I guess the results were the same regardless of what I wore.” She put her hands under her large boobs and lifted them, “There’s no way I could hide these.”

“Did you really want to—hide them, I mean?”

My question caused my mother to laugh, “Not really. I enjoyed the attention. That’s what got me in so much trouble.”

“I’m just now learning to enjoy it.” I confessed.

“Well, have fun with it. Just be careful.”

“I will, Mom. I promise.”

“It’s nice of Zeke to let you hang out with him while April is gone, but I’m not sure you should wear something like that around him.”

“He just thinks of me as April’s ‘twerp’ sister.”

“Is that the reason for the alterations—to prove to him you’re not a little ‘twerp’?”

“His friends ... yesterday at the drive in, one of them teased him about being a babysitter. He busted the guy’s nose.”

“Oh wow!” And then she asked me, “So, the reason for the new look is for his friends benefit?”


Mom shook her head, “Well, if that look doesn’t show them you’re not a little kid, nothing will.”

“Anything in particular you’d like to do today?” Zeke asked me while we were eating our burgers.

I didn’t have to think about it, “Hell yeah! I want you to do down on me again. That was incredible.”

After laughing for a long while, he looked at me and said in a serious tone, “Lou, I love how bold you are ... in and out of the sack.”

His statement took me back a little. I didn’t consider my actions to that point to be all that bold. “Oh? What have I done that you consider bold—out of the sack, I mean?”

He tilted his head in thought, and then he said, “The first time we were alone and you were on the hood of my car...”

“Letting you put your hands under my jersey?”

He shook his head slightly, “Not only letting me, but it was your idea.”

I didn’t tell him I’d done that for my benefit more than his. I’d really wanted to feel a boy’s hands on my boobs. “What else?”

“The top you wore yesterday and the one you’re wearing now. That’s kinda bold.”

“Gotcha” I said, understanding that he enjoyed me flaunting what Mother Nature gave me. “Zeke, I’m doing it for you. It’s not that big of a deal to me, so if you have any requests, just let me know.”

He showed me a wide grin, “For me, huh?”


He shrugged, “Like I said, I like bold and daring. How far you take that is up to you.”

When we were finished eating, I asked him if we could stop by the mall before heading to his house. He agreed, but when we got there, I wouldn’t let him go inside with me. “I won’t be long.” I told him.

All during two blowjobs, one quick, one very long, and him going down on me in between, he kept pestering me to tell him what I’d bought at the mall. I’d just giggle, but I wouldn’t give him the slightest hint.

This time, instead of him crawling between my legs to go down on me, he had me straddle his face and lower my pussy to his mouth. I love that because I could be in more control.

When I came and rolled off of him, he looked like he’d just been sprayed with a fire hose. His hair, face, chest, and the sheet on either side of his head were soaked. To my surprise, he LOVED IT!

When he dropped me off at my house later, he told me he and some of his teammates were going to get together at the practice field behind the high school the next morning to run through some drills. And then he asked me if I’d like to tag along.

I had to stifle a giggle while accepting his invitation.

My parents had already left for work long before Zeke was to pick me up the next morning, so I didn’t have to worry about covering up my new purchase. I did, however, take a t-shirt with me, just in case one or both of them were home when Zeke dropped me off.

After my shower, drying my hair, and putting on a little makeup, I pulled on a pair of pink short-shorts. And then I stepped in front of my dressing mirror with my new purchase in hand.

There wasn’t much to it, which was the whole point. I’d seen an actress wear one in a movie, but I couldn’t remember which one. It was simply a six inch wide white silk scarf.

Not being contortionist enough to tie a bow behind my back, I had to do that first. And then I crisscrossed it over my chest before ducking my head and pulling it behind my neck. I found it easiest to tie it, crisscross it, and pull it over my head before tucking my tits into the two loops it formed.

It took me the best part of an hour to get the length just right. There needed to be enough tension around my tits to hold it in place. Too little tension and my tits would simply fall out. Too much tension and the silk fabric would pull free of my tits with the slightest movement.

When I had it right, I tested it by sitting, bending, turning, and raising my arms to various heights. The end result was more or less a halter which left almost half of my tits exposed in a tantalizing cleavage, and was sheer enough for one to easily discern my nipples and areolas.

I grinned at my reflection in the mirror, “Well, Mr. Zeke, you said you liked bold and daring. Is this bold and daring enough for you?”

When I walked out of the front door, Zeke was waiting for me with the passenger door of his Mustang open. By the time I got to him, his eyes were as big as saucers. I giggled and held my arms out from my sides, “Daring enough for you?”

“Holy shit!” He said in a low reverent tone. “Are you sure they’re not going to fall out?”

“Would that be a problem?”

He chuckled, “No, Ma’am.”

We got to the practice field before most of his teammates, so Zeke parked close to fence right next to the open gate. After helping me out of the car, he asked me if I wanted to sit on the bench on one side of the field.

I’d brought a book, so I told him “Nah, I think I’ll just sit on the hood of your car and read.”

“I have a blanket in the trunk. Hang on, I’ll get it.”

I teased him, “Are you worried about my ass or your car?”

He let out a half laugh, “My car, of course.”

Every time another car pulled into the parking lot, the occupants had to walk right past me to get into the practice field. I made a point of looking up from my book to greet each one. It was all I could do to keep from giggling when their eyes bugged out when they saw me.

After about an hour of practice, Zeke and his teammates gathered their things and headed my way. He made sure to introduce each one to me. “She’s April’s sister.”

It pleased me greatly that he didn’t introduce me as “April’s little sister” or “April’s baby sister.” Of course, I would have killed him if he’d said, “April’s twerp sister.”

During the drive to Sonic, Zeke kept looking over at me with a huge grin on his face. “I take it you like my new scarf.”

He chuckled, “Is that what you bought at the mall yesterday?”

“Yes. You said you like bold and daring, so I figured I’d give you a little sample of how bold and daring I can be.”

It frustrated me a little when he just cocked his head and grinned instead of letting me know if I’d gone too far ... or not far enough. I was half way finished with my chili fries when I couldn’t stand it anymore, “Zeke, goddamnit, the way I’m dressed ... too daring, not daring enough ... what? I need some feedback from you.”

He turned and looked right at me with a serious look. His tone matched that look when he said, “I love it. It’s awesome ... you’re awesome.”

“Then what’s the problem?” I ask in an almost begging voice.

He shrugged, “This whole thing ... it’s just putting me in a difficult position.”

“What position?”

He hesitated for a long while before telling me, “All the guys ... they want to know if I’m fucking you. So far, I’ve been able to tell them the truth—that I’m not fucking you. Fortunately, they haven’t asked if we’re fooling around. And too, I hope it’s not going to be long before we are fucking. What will I tell them then?”

“Hrm, give me a minute to think about that.” I told him. And then, after what seemed like a very long time, I had it straight in my mind. “About the fucking thing, I’m ready for that. I’d prefer to wait until my period is over. It’s going to start any day now. I know how you and April did it when she had her period, but I’d rather not do that right out of the gate. As far as what you tell your friends, I think we should leave that up to April. We’re going to call her tonight. If I get to talk to her without my parents hearing, I’ll ask her. Okay?”

He nodded, “Sounds like a plan. I’m enjoying what we’re doing now, so I can wait for the fucking part until you’re ready.”

That made me feel really good.

“Are they gone?” April asked me when she was finished talking to our parents and they’d handed me the phone.

I peeked out into the living room, “Yeah, they’re watching TV.”

“So, how are things going with Zeke?”

“Surprisingly well. I’m having fun.”

“So, you’re still okay with ... things?”

“Yes, but the bigger question is: are you still okay with it?”

“Lou, I really appreciate you doing that for me. Have you had sex with him yet?”

After peeking out into the living room again, I told her, “We haven’t fucked yet, but pretty much everything else. We agreed to wait for that until after my upcoming period.”

“As long as he’s okay with waiting.”

“He is. I’ve been taking really good care of him.”

“Oh, anything specific?”

Mom called out, “Better start wrapping it up. It’s long distance, you know.”

“Yes, Ma’am” I called back to her and then told April, “Just blowjobs, but I’m getting really good at it. Oh, and I’ve been wearing some really sexy tops for him.”

April giggled, “I’ll bet he loves that.”

“He does. There is something else ... he’s getting hammered a lot by his friends. They want to know if he’s banging me. He can say no for now, but he’s worried about later.”

There was a short pause, and then my sister told me, “He has a reputation to live up to. He should tell them the truth. It will be a little awkward when I get back, but we’ll work through it.”

“I love you, sis.”

“I love you too, Lou.”

“April said you can tell your friends anything you want.”

He let my words soak in for a few seconds and then said, “I guess that means we can start acting like a couple then. We don’t have to hide ... things.”

“Zeke, look at what I’m wearing.”

I was wearing a very small leather vest with white leather tassels. I’d found it in the attic. It was part of the cowgirl outfit I wore on Halloween when I was ten. The flaps didn’t come even close to meeting in the middle, and the arm holes were large enough to provide a tantalizing view from almost any angle. When he looked down at my vest, I said in the sexiest voice I could muster, “Does it look like I’m trying to hide ... things?” I emphasized my point by untying two strings which connected the flaps. They opened even more.

He was grinning from ear to ear, “Too bad I have bucket seats.”

We were at Sonic, and our food hadn’t arrived yet. I scooted up and sat on his console. “Better?”

When we pulled into the Sonic, we’d spotted three of Zeke’s friends in another car. He had honked at them and we both had waved. From my elevated vantage point, I saw one of them get out of their car and start our way. Zeke was facing me, so he didn’t see his friend coming.

“One of your friends is coming. Kiss me and grab my boob. Don’t let go until I tell you to.”

Zeke’s eyes shot open, but he did as I requested. He tilted his face up so that I could lean down and kiss him. When he put his hand inside the flap of my vest and grabbed my tit, I put my hand on his wrist to insure he didn’t withdraw it.

“Hey Zeke.” His friend called out when he was a few steps away.

Zeke broke our passionate kiss and turned his face toward his friend, “Hey Rob.”

I could feel Zeke slightly try to withdraw his hand, but I held it firm. Rob’s face went bright red when he saw where Zeke’s hand was. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt ... just wanted to say hey.”

“No problem.” Zeke managed as his friend turned to leave.

When Rob was out of earshot, Zeke turned back to me, “I can’t believe you did that.”

“Did I embarrass you?”

“Oh hell no! It was hot as fuck.”

I giggled, “I guess they won’t be asking you if you’re banging me now.”

He chuckled, “I guess not.”

Our food arrived, so I slid back down into my seat. I was still laughing.

The next week and a half were fairly mundane. I lost track of how many blowjobs I’d given Zeke. He always came a lot more on the first one, so I fell into a routine of jerking him off on his body on that one. Most often, after he watched me lick it up, he wouldn’t even get soft, so I could go right into a second blowjob. Sometimes, I’d get in a third blowjob before he’d take me home.

When he dropped me off at home long enough before my parents were to get home, I’d work on my tan. Our backyard had a nice privacy fence, so I lay out there totally naked.

I did fall asleep once. When Mom got home and found me sunbathing nude, she woke me up and told me I’d better get dressed before Dad got home. Fortunately, she didn’t make a big deal about it. She simply warned me that falling asleep out there was dangerous because I might get too much sun.

I was really starting to struggle finding new daring tops to wear for Zeke. When I confessed that to him, he took me to the mall. This time though, I made him come inside with me.

Over an hour later, we walked back to his Mustang with three new purchases in a bag. He liked them so much, he even paid for them. The first was a fairly sheer pink halter that fit me weird. It was tighter on the bottom, but drooped very loosely over my tits. I only had to lean forward slightly to provide an observer with an almost unobstructed view of my tits, including my nipples.

The second article was a tiny light blue bikini top. It was a couple of sizes too small, so my tits bulged out in all directions. The last one was the one that excited Zeke the most. When I walked out of the dressing room wearing it, and after his eyes bugged out, he said, “I dare you to wear that to practice in the morning.”

I teased him all the way to his car, “At this rate, you’re going to have me going completely topless before long.”

He chuckled, “I’m sure the guys wouldn’t mind that.”

When I walked out of my front door the next morning with a t-shirt and my book in hand, Zeke was waiting dutifully with the passenger door open for me. He let out a wolf whistle and then said, “I can’t believe you’re really going to do it.”

I giggled, “Do you want me to go change?”

“Hell no!” He said as he closed my door.

My outfit was simple. I was wearing my pink short-shorts with a black woven belt. My top was actually a white beach cover up. It was loosely woven and almost totally see through. It left NOTHING to the imagination. An observer could not only see my nipples and areolas, but also their color. I had trimmed off the bottom enough to allow me to tuck it in. Of course, I only zipped it up half way.

I’m not sure why I felt so comfortable showing myself off like that. All I knew was that I really enjoyed how it made Zeke’s friends get all tongue-tied when they were around me. I’m sure they probably thought I was a slut, especially for fucking my sister’s boyfriend, but I really didn’t care. I was having the time of my young life.

I had to laugh on the drive to the practice field. Zeke kept looking over at me. Finally, I had to tell him, “You’d better watch where you’re going.”

When he parked, he helped me out of the car, got the blanket from the trunk, and helped me onto the hood of his car. Before leaving me, he gave me a passionate kiss and shocked me by pulling my zipper all the way down to my belt.

Four of his teammates showed up in one car. They stopped on their way by me to say “Hey”. Rob said, “Hey, Lou, you’re looking sexy as ever.” The rest of the group agreed.

When their practice was over, each of Zeke’s teammates made sure to stop by to say goodbye to me. It was all I could do to suppress a giggle. None of them ever looked me in the eyes.

One of them told Zeke, “We’re going to the Dairy Maid for dogs and shakes. You guys wanna come?”

Zeke looked at me, and after I showed him a slight nod, he told them we’d be there. Before we got out of the parking lot though, one of them yelled to Zeke, “The goddamn car won’t start. Do you have jumper cables?”

“Yes, but they’re in my garage. You guys can ride with me. We’ll stop by and get them after we eat.”

The next thing I knew, there were three of his teammates crowded into the small backseat. I was sitting on the console with Rob in the passenger seat. I stretched one arm along the back of Zeke’s seat, and the other along Rob’s. That made my top gap open enough to give Rob a nice view. It didn’t escape his notice. In fact, he never once took his eyes off my tits.

Half way to the Dairy Maid, Marc asked Rob a question from the back. When he didn’t answer, Marc repeated his question. Still Rob didn’t answer, so I looked around to the back and told Marc, “Rob’s brain isn’t working right now. He’s too busy staring at my tits.”

That caused everyone to laugh, except Rob. And then Marc said “I call shotgun on the way back.” A lively round of hoots and laughs ensued.

We stopped by Zeke’s for his jumper cables, and then took the guys back to their car. When we were alone, I asked him, “Well, did I go too far by making that comment about Rob staring at my tits?”

Zeke laughed, “Not at all. I loved it, and I’m sure the guys did too. They’re not used to hearing a girl talk like that.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Two days after my period ended, Zeke and I were sitting on the sofa in his motor home. I’d already given him a blowjob, and we were having a glass of Vodka. “It’s time.” I told him.

“Time for what?”

“Time for you to go down on me and then fuck me.”

Zeke got a big grin and raised his eyebrows, “Are you sure?”

I showed him a serious look, “Zeke, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

We both gulped down the rest of our drinks, and then he immediately scooped me up and carried me to the bedroom. The minute he put his mouth on my pussy, I moaned, “God, I’ve missed that.”

After only five minutes or so, I begged him, “Please fuck me now. I’m ready.”

He looked up at me, “Do I need to get a condom?”

I shook my head, “No, the pill, it’s all good.”

When Zeke moved up over me, he kissed me passionately, and then he told me, “Don’t worry. I’ll go slow. You tell me if you need me to stop or go slower. Okay?”

I nodded, “Yes.”

I was very nervous, but I wasn’t scared. I’d been mentally preparing myself for this for a long time. I was excited to finally be doing it.

It didn’t take long for Zeke to work the large head of his cock into my pussy. When it was in me, he stopped and asked me, “Are you okay?”

I looked into his eyes and nodded, “Yes. Please just do it. I want to feel you inside me ... all of you.”

“It’s going to hurt when I hit your barrier. I’ll have to push through it.”

“No, I’ve taken care of that. Please just go in me now.”

Hearing that, he began pushing. I could feel inch after inch of his big cock entering me ... stretching me ... filling me. It was a little uncomfortable, but it didn’t really hurt until he bottomed out. My fingers dug into his shoulders, “No more. That’s far enough.”

Obediently, he stopped pushing and just stayed there. I knew he was just letting me get used to the feeling, letting my pussy adjust to the intrusion. After about a minute, I told him, “Okay.”

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Harsh lived in a small village. He was 22 and lived with his father, Nitin and his mother, Amrita. She was a very simple lady. She usually wore a saree. Her bust and ass were huge. She had pretty thick thighs and, overall, a fatty body. In the village they lived, it was considered that males were superior to females. The females have to obey every command by the males of the family. Harsh’ s father was ill, so he stayed at home most of the time. Harsh always likes to tease his mother. He would...

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The house party True story

This story is true, it takes place when I was 13 years old. One morning I got a call from my friend asking me to come to a party, when I arrived I found everyone either dancing on the kitchen table or passing around a nearly finished bottle of vodka. After a while everyone, accept for me who didnt drink that much, started to feel the effects of our drinking -there were quite a lot of us at the party so there was enough people to look after those who drank too much. I went up to one of my...

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Another Strip for a friends Mum

Well as I told you about how I stripped for my friends Mum at her 50th birthday party and how another friend asked me if I would do it for his mum’s birthday, well it was nearly a year later and he asked me would I do a strip O’ gram for his Mum and her friends on her 50th birthday! They were having a Ladies night out for her birthday and he wanted me to strip for her, he was going to be there to video it and see what his mum would do. She was a very prim and proper Lady that would not watch...

3 years ago
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The Crimson Bikini

The Crimson BikiniAmber woke with the dawn, the rays of day break stretching across the bed illuminating her golden locks. She instinctively reached for the smooth lips of her moist pussy to give a little pull on the thick gold ring of her pierced clit. A gift from her Owner, her Lover, her Mistress, lying beside her fast asleep.Amber slipped away quietly to prepare herself, feeling the delicious swing and tug of her clit ring. ?Mmm,just Love my ring!?she thought as she entered their large...

2 years ago
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Is Greg Cheating Yes And Its Time For Revenge

"Hey, Grace?!" I yelled, running to her."What, did you miss me already, Dahlia?" she asked, turning to me."Maybe, but I have an idea to make things up to your hubby, let's have a threesome with him.""Really, even after all that shit that just went on in there?""Yes, it’s a Saturday night, and even though I never met your husband, I'm sure he'd go apeshit if he got to have sex with two beautiful ladies. Let him see how well you know how to eat pussy, and he doesn't need to know...

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The Kansas Adventure

“Thanks for letting me borrow the car, sweetie!” Lara hugged Mark outside his family’s tech store. “I’ll be back in time to help with supper.” She kissed him quickly because she knew his father was watching from just inside the door. It was still awkward showing any more affection than a peck on the cheek in front of his family. She knew that Mark needed to get inside to help.Mark chuckled. “Sure thing, Lara. You deserve a day of leisure. Just don’t drive too far, babe.” He gave her butt a...

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Unlucky airport victim

“I’m so glad we decided to take this trip.” Agnes smiles up at her boyfriend as they walk in Bogotá’s El Dorado International Airport. It’s grand and bustling with people, many of them tourists with tanned skin and relaxed shoulders getting back to their regularly scheduled lives after a stay in Colombia. David, Agnes’ boyfriend, directs them throught baggage dispatch, then the security line. Agnes is distracted by her phone up until the point that a grumpy-looking worker tells her to put it...

4 years ago
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My New Girlfriend

This weekend I got a girlfriend, Stella.Turns out that we already knew each other from high school, we were best friends then, any ways we saw each other at the club (not gonna mention which one)and we started talking saying stuff like your so beautiful and who did you cam here with, she told me she came with no one and that she came to see if she could find any hot girls.So, I asked her your into girls now, she said I've always been into girls I just never told you, I said I'm into girls to...

1 year ago
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My Brother part one

My Brother has always been my hero, but until I was 17, I never knew how much he meant to me... Ever since I was a little girl I believed that my older brother was a most perfect person I could ever know. He was always kind to me, and was always there when I needed him. Even as we got older, he would always ask me how my day was, if I needed help with homework, or if there was anything the matter. On several accounts he put dumb guys in their place if they treated me badly.It was a sad day when...

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Emilys anal Photoshoot

Emily’s Anal PhotoshootHer stomach fluttered with anticipation and excitement during that short walk on the beautiful, warm spring morning.She looked forward to the adventure that lay before her with excitement. The weather matched her mood perfectly. The dark months of winter were behind her and the morning sunshine warmed her pretty face. Emily felt her spirits lifted with the blossoming beauty of the day, which caused a surge of joy at just being alive to swell her heart in her chest.As...

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Discovering Lynn 31

I was looking at Gina, admiring this redheaded beauty. She was roughly the same height as Lynn but her auburn hair hung all the way down to her butt. She was wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a black sports bra that was struggling to contain her large breasts. I assumed she was not wearing anything else as she was sporting the most beautiful camel-toe and her nipples were also very evident. “Is this the same person I had to plead, beg and blackmailed into posing for some sexy photos on...

2 years ago
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My sister, her husband and her daughter all celebrate their birthdays within the same week in August, from the 11th to the 17th. This year they decided to throw a big shindig with about 50 guests. Invited were, among others, my sister's midwife and her 11 year old daughter, a lovely brunette just showing the first signs of sprouting into womanhood. The weather had been unforgiving for weeks, making the water temperature very agreeable. There were ten of us making for the beach and as soon as...

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New Life part 30

“Quick put this on and follow me.” She says as she tosses me a coat. I put it on and follow her across the street and inside the door she opens for me. I can hear people walking and talking nearby. “Stay here out of sight until I come back.” She says. I go to the window and listen. My mind is telling me I’m in danger, but I have nowhere to go so I wait and listen. “Sup Tab?” a Guy asks. “Just got home from work, what are you boys up too?” Tab says. “We got wind of...

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My StoryVacation in Alicante

Hey guys and girls! For you who don't know me - I'm Caitlin... But everybody call me Kate! I'm a Danish girl living in Sweden. My friends call me "Nymph" because of my always present desire for sex... They're honest about it, and so am I.Now I've wanted to share some of my experiences for awhile - so here's my most recent story from my vacation in Alicante, Spain!With my two best friends, Laura and Martin. We decided to go on a one week vacation in the sunny Alicante. We arrived at our Hotel...

4 years ago
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Sissys Day Out In Public

Story took place in surat,Gujarat I had a relation with a woman eight years older than me.We had sex quite a few times.One day we were cuddling in bed and she started teasing me that I have a girly body as there were no hairs on my body.It looked like I had shaved my hands and legs. Now she told me to wear her panties,as soon as hearing panties it really turned me on.She gave the one she was wearing whole day.I took blue panties from her and started going to bathroom to wear it.That’s when she...

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The Making of a Sissy Part 2 The Metamorphosis

As the morning rays of sunlight pierced through my bedroom window I was awakened from the most intense dream, reenacting what had happened the night before. My throbbing hard little cock was gently humping against the sheets of my bed while I couldn’t stop thinking about the amazing big black cock I had in my mouth just hours ago. I could still taste him on my tongue, and I could smell him on my lips. What had happened to me? Why was I so turned on by all of this? I thought to myself, ‘Maybe it...

4 years ago
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Friends Mom

This story is back from my teenage years and involves the same woman as my "A Friends Mom" story.When I was younger I used to go round to my friends house to play video games and have a laugh. His mom worked as an account manager so frequently wore business suits with skirts. She always wore either navy blue, smoky grey or black pantyhose with her suits as well. I enjoyed it when I was there and she came back in from work, usually finding an excuse to try and catch a glimpse of her in her suit...

5 years ago
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My Horny And Sexy Didi

Hi guys, I am Rahul a new member in this site. Here I am going to share you a really hot story of my didi. For better feelings, I am going to write it in Hindi… Main Ek software company mein engineer hoon, main west Bengal Se belong karta hoon, filhaal job k silsile mein Bangalore mein hoon. Family mein mera parents Hai, aur Ek didi jo ki mujh Se 9 saal ki badi Hai, Unka shaadi 10 saal pehle hi ho chuka, shaadi k Baad ab woh Delhi mein shift ho gayi aur unko 7 saal ka beta bhi Hai. Main...

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A Very Private Sex Club

Chapter 4 Whores in TrainingAt the end of the meeting, Joe directed Rebecca to the conference room on the bottom floor of her apartment building.“Sarah is over there setting up for interviews and auditions. She will translate for you. She is fluent in English and Spanish. Call me if you need anything” stated Joe. Rebecca was pleasantly surprised when Sarah greeted her with a hug and a kiss.“What brought that on?” inquired Rebecca.“I know last night was business but I wanted you to know how much...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIII

They showered and dressed later. Julie put on stockings and suspenders underneath a pretty flared blue dress. Alistair watched her dress in pensive silence as he contemplated the change in her. There was an air of self confidence about her. He had watched her dress, in similar mode, a couple of weeks ago before she had set off for Turkey. She seemed a little timid. It was almost as if she was afraid of her sexuality, as if it was wrong to look and act sexy. All that had changed now. Her stay...

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Relic Hunter

There have been many golden ages and each left some trace. Ruins and treasures and sometimes ... sometimes they leave Relics. And then there were times of war and strife that left fortresses and traps and many other dangers. They also left war Relics and weapons if you could find them. I found my first relic in a brush choked set of ruins. I was sixteen and being chased by six goblins. I had crawled under several thorn bushes and then climbed a broken stone wall after pouring a pouch of pepper...

3 years ago
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Victorias Real Dinner Date Part 4

Victoria's Real Dinner Date- Part 4 By CDVeronica At the end of Part 3 we were all in a lusty heap on our bed, exhausted by a session of wonderfully passionate sex. I was contemplating which of my fantasies I'd lived out that night and looking for some others to try. Meghan and I were pointed in opposite directions on the bed. Meghan was naked and I was still wearing my pink nighty. My face was looking directly at her sopping pussy. Meghan played with my cock lovingly through...

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Vengeance 23

After a long evening of homework, Ellie was on her knees in front of me. I sat on the futon with one hand stroking her cheek, and the other lazily lying off to the side. She worked slowly, hypnotically, up…down all the way…pause…and up again. My dick glistened with her spit. I closed my eyes and moaned softly, letting her do her work. Her right hand found my left and our fingers intertwined tightly as she blew. We were both tired, and I had finished eating her out just a few minutes...

3 years ago
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Trio Of Delights

Finally, it was time for a much-needed holiday for us both in my favourite destination, so far, the Algarve in Portugal. It would be my first trip back there for 10 years so I was looking forward to it immensely, as was Zoe who hadn’t been before.Arriving at our destination, in the early evening, the hotel was a sight for sore eyes and despite our weariness from the travelling we headed out for something to eat and a few drinks of course. We had seemingly booked at the ideal time for as it...

Wife Lovers
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 42

Gina stepped off the school bus and walked along the side of the road as if the high heels had become second nature to her. Despite the cold breeze, she gave no notice to the chill against her bare legs. A car passing the other way slowed as it approached, its driver pausing to gawk at her strutting stride before peeling away. Gina flushed with pleasure. She approached her house and slowed as she crossed the intersection with the dirt road. Her eyes twitched, and her head made an aborted...

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Whats a Cowife

“Dan, this is Mariella. Call her ‘Ella’.” Smiles and a handshake. ‘Ella’ looked to be anywhere from early twenties to late thirties, possibly Hispanic, still pretty. I was no judge of age any more. At the moment, I was wondering how ‘Ella’ was going to infect my life. Knowing my wife, I knew she wouldn’t be able to refrain from saying something. “She has come to see about the ad I placed.” I vaguely recalled Diane saying something about hiring somebody to help clean. I nodded. As I turned away...

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A Weekend of Keeping Score

So if you've read my stories before, you know I'm basically a cum whore. Love being bred and feeling that spasm of a cock that is deep in my ass as it fills me with cum. Especially when it's back to back with multiple guys.I've mentioned that my neighbor had a cabin that I have been to a few times. This story is about one of those times. I used to whore myself out to make money for college because I could make a lot of money and I loved it. One early summer, after the Spring and before the...

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First Taste Of Gay Bottom

Hello guys. This is my first story and a real experience of gay world when I was a teenager. Let me describe myself… I am 25 years now but.I am very slim .I had a friend named manish. He was very bulky and fat since then.He used to sit next to me..Earlier we used to touch each other in just a funny way.Talk about sex facts.. Then we decided to touch each others body parts.We used to touch each others pants and penises in class.Then we moved little forward and kept our hands inside each others...

Gay Male
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White WifeChapter 3

Emily was almost shy at breakfast when Jake came into the kitchen morning. She didn't look him in the eye as she always did. There wasn't the usual light greeting. "What's with you this morning, beautiful?" "Nothing, I'm just getting ready for the day." She said without even turning toward him. "Well," Jake asked, "What about last night?" She cleared her throat and said, "What do you mean, honey?" "Oh come on Emily. What happened, happened. What was said was said. What we...

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Discovering my sexuality

Me my Mum and Carl my step dad, had gone to the Italian lakes on holiday, it was back in July 2008, just after my birthday. About 3 days into the holiday, just after lunch, mum and Carl had gone up to the apartment for a nap. I stayed down by the pool for another half hour or so enjoying the heat of the sunshine on my skin, then decided to go to my room to get some cash for an ice cream. I walked out onto the balcony where I'd left my purse and heard some moaning and groaning coming from the...

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Porn to fucking

This happened about thirty years ago I was over at a co-worker's apartment one evening. We had a very hard day at work and he invited me over to watch some porn. Since my girlfriend and I had broken up two months before, I decided, sure why not. We had been there for about twenty minutes when this foxy blonde walked in. She got on to us for watching porn and stormed off. I watched her leave and I looked at my friend. I did not know he had a girlfriend. He shrugged, saying she was his twin...

Straight Sex
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The Ex Factor

It was one of the lowest days when Ashlei found herself rummaging through old files in her computer. She saw the folder that held well-remembered pictures of her and Nathan, her ex. She suddenly felt a pang of sadness as she scanned their happy pictures, as well as a hunger inside of her."He used to be the insatiable one..." she thought to herself as she started to fondle her breasts, touching herself on every inch of herself that Nathan was able to touch.Her mind drifts to images of their...

Quickie Sex
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How I became a Sissy 01

She slowly prepared me for step one Well, it all started way back…I was 25 years of age…single by choice for about 4 years…and I was wild. I lived alone…went out 3-5 times a week and I changed girls at least once a week. I was young, carefree and I loved girls and women of all ages…I had young girls barely 16, I’ve had mature women around 40 to 50…and everything in between. Well, I enjoyed myself and I felt free like a bird. And that’s when I met Karmen. Well, actually I have seen her before....

4 years ago
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Operation Violation Chapter Three

Introduction: Ray and Leah, and Ashleigh again. As soon as the door clicked shut, Ray attacked her. Well, not attacked, as that would suggest he hit her. No, instead, he grabbed her by the waist from behind and carried her into his bathroom. The whole way she shrieked and cussed him out. Let me go, you fucking pervert! What the hell do you think youre doing!? Ray did put Leah down, in the bathtub. Ray closed the door and turned to her. Take your clothes off, he ordered her. She looked at him...

3 years ago
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It was the other Christmas. My alternate Birth day. That one time every human being between the ages of 5-14 could become richer than the dreams of avarice, sitting atop a bounty of booty cackling with glee while he horded his golden slice & savored the wealth while their parents went without -absolutely nil, nada, zilch. An outstretched middle finger to every passing middle-ager in the western hemisphere. ‘ TRICK or TREAT Smell my FEET give me something good to EAT!’ A Butter finger that...

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Star Trek a Holodeck Fantasy

She had been eluding her pursuers for eternity, it seemed. The sweat on her body felt almost like a second skin, born of a mixture of fear and desperation; tightly controlled and held in check but a real, living entity nonetheless. The desperate fear was born when her palm flower began to blink steadily some nine hours ago. In another fifteen hours the blinking would cease and the flower would turn black. And she knew exactly what that meant. Mandatory suicide. She would be obligated by society...

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JulesJordan Ariana Marie Anal Upper Class

Ariana Marie is on deck and delivers a sexy and slutty performance in this scene from JulesJordan.com. Marie is a sensuous sprite with long dark hair. She’s primped in pink, frilly lingerie with silky white stockings and matching high-heels. Also draped in an extra lengthy pearl necklace that can only be taken as foreshadowing… Ariana wields those pearls expertly during the racy come-hither style tease that she simply knocks out of the park. A nice transition ensues as Marie crawls to the couch...

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Profane Rituals The Ritual

PROFANE RITUALS - THE RITUAL The big, black, stretch limousine in which we travelledseemed to glide over the shiny black surface of the wet street as it wendedits way through the city, towards the waterfront. All the luxury vehicle'swindows, with the obvious exception of the windscreen, were opaque black, denyingpassers by any opportunity to see into the interior of the cabin, and the privilegedfew who travelled in there. This was just as well, considering those who wereactually occupying that...

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The Fall Guy Ch 05

I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement they always give me. As I’ve been known to fiddle with stories, after they’ve seen it. I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story. While I’m at it, I think from now on I’m going to thank all my friends out there, who write to me and encourage me to continue writing and posting these demented ravings of mine. Your emails are greatly appreciated. ...

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