The Devils Pact Chapter 22 The Bond of Avvah
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I was sunning myself on the beach, catching the last rays of the Miami sun. I was wearing a skimpy bikini, white with pink flowers decorating it. The sun felt great on my skin. Antsy plane should have landed in Seattle by now. It was only a matter of time before her brother, Mark, fucked her and triggered the Prayer of Avvah.
When Mark slept with his sister, she would be the only woman he desired. No other person would ever excite him sexually again. Hopefully, it would drive a wedge between Mark and his lover, the other Warlock, and make it easier for me to defeat them. One Warlock could be hard enough, but two was going to be very difficult. Plus, there was the demoness Lilith to consider, summoned by Mark's lover.
Guilt burned inside me. I served Antsy up to her brother, she would also be affected by the Prayer as well. I was a nun, a Sister of the Order of Mary Magdalene. I was supposed to save people from a Warlock's powers, not give him victims. But, it was for the greater good. Mark had to be stopped. Every day he wasn't stopped, more innocents were abused by him. It was for the greater good.
If I kept telling myself that, maybe I'll actually believe it.
Antsy had left early this morning to catch her plane. She was a wreck. I stayed up with her most of the night as she talked about her father who passed away yesterday. From what I gathered, he wasn't the greatest father, but you couldn't always help who you loved. Before she left, she gave me her original return ticket, promising to have it changed to my name.
I had all day tomorrow, and half of Tuesday to kill before I would fly out to Seattle. Plenty of time for the Bond of Avvah to wreck havoc on the Warlock's lives. So, in the meantime, I decided to relax, enjoy Miami's beaches, because I would be very busy when I returned home to Washington State.
Suddenly, a weird feeling trembled through my womb. It was almost like an orgasm, like my body was remembering the sweet pleasure that an orgasm brought. But there were no muscle contractions, no electricity shooting through my body, no toe curling pleasure that made me howl with passion.
I smiled, wiggling my hips. Mark just fucked his sister.
The Bond of Avvah has formed between them.
I woke up, reaching for Mark and felt a pair of small breasts.
I eye opened my eyes and saw Violet's sleeping face. The teen looked so peaceful. I was struggling to remember, shaking sleep off my mind. Another body was pressing against my back, not Mark. Mark didn't have a pair of perky breasts.
I wasn't in our bed. Mark wanted to be alone with his sister. So they could comfort each other. Jealous hurt burned in my heart. What had happened yesterday. It was our first night we didn't share a bed. And, since when did we not share our lovers. Was it just his dad's death? The excitement of fucking your sister. I knew how exhilarating it could be. I fucked both my sisters on Friday. But I shared them with Mark. I wasn't being selfish like he was.
You haven't shared Alice, a guilty voice whispered in my mind. I ignored that voice, Mark never asked. I would, if Mark wanted too. It's got to be his dad's death. He just needs a little space, to grieve. I made the Pact with the Devil and wished for Mark and I to love each other forever. I just needed to let him work this out of his system. Maybe he was already back to his normal self.
Hope blossoming inside me I positively raced out of the bedroom. He wasn't in our room, I went down stairs. Several of the sluts were enjoying scrambled eggs and bacon. "Have you seen Mark?"
"He's out jogging, mi Reina," Desiree answered.
I glanced at the clock. "Still? It's ten."
Chasity was nursing a cup of coffee. "I'll get his twenty," Chasity said. Chasity was the head of our bodyguards and she pulled out her Nextel. "Chasity to all units, can I get a 10-20 on Master?"
"09 to Chasity, Master's at the Rowe residence," 09 reported.
"That is where his jogging sluts meet, right?" I asked. Every morning, Mark would go jogging with a group of women and would fuck one of them when he was done. He was usually back by seven or seven-thirty.
The Rowe house was next door, owned by Madeleine, a southern divorcee with a nice body. I walked over, naked. 09 was leaning against her cop car and smiled when she saw me. She said something, but I was in too much of a hurry. My heart was hammering with excitement and fear as I entered the house. I could hear muffled cries of passion coming from upstairs. I walked up the stairs, the cries growing louder and louder. There was a woman's loud shrieks, a man's low grunts, a bedsprings creaking.
"Ride my cock," Mark's muffled voice came through the wall. He was fucking one of his jogging sluts. "Oh, god, your cunt's the best."
I stopped, Mark's words freezing me in place. Who's cunt was that best? I thought my cunt was, Mark. Fear suddenly clenched at my stomach, destroying the hope I was feeling. I stopped at the bedroom door, my hand on the knob. I must have heard him wrong. It was through the door. Mark loves me. Just open the door and go join him and whatever slut he's banging and have some fun.
It was Antsy riding his cock, her breasts bouncing up and down. She had a beautiful figure, her hips writhing as she fucked Mark in reverse cowgirl style. Long, black hair waving about her body as she shook her head in pleasure. Cum stained her tits. How long had they been fucking? All morning? Mark had never shown this much interest in any other woman besides me. Just stop being afraid, Mary, and get in there and have some fun.
Strutting my stuff, I walked as sexily as possible to the bed. Mark's eyes flickered towards me and then went back to watching his sisters ass. "Hey, hun," I purred. "Is your sister giving you a good fucking."
"Yeah, she's the best," Mark moaned.
I ignored that, and slipped onto the bed, rubbing my body against Mark and kissed him on the lips. He didn't kiss me back. "What's wrong, Mark?"
"Nothing," he moaned. "I'm just having fun with my sister. Isn't she so beautiful?"
"Don't you want to have fun with me?" I asked, hopeful.
Mark glanced at me. "I'm sorry, Mary. It's just with dad dead, I'm feeling so close to my sister. You understand, right?"
"I ... yeah, I guess," I said, stung by his words. "You still love me, right?"
"Yeah," he grunted. "Oh, Antsy your cunt feel so great. I'm going to cum!"
"Umm, fill me up big bro! Feel me with your hot, brotherly cum!"
"We have the appointment in Seattle," I said, lamely, after he finished cumming in his sister's cunt. I didn't know what else to do. "Are we still..."
"Oh, yeah," he sighed. "Yeah, to buy the land. Yeah, what time do need to leave."
"A few hours," I said, answered. My voice was cracking as I fought back tears.
"Okay, I'll meet you at the house," he said.
"I love you, Mark," I said, looking back from the door. Mark was focused on his sister, who was still riding him hard, and didn't answer.
Antsy's wanton moans followed me as I staggered out of the room. I stumbled down the hall and leaned against the wall. My legs gave out and I slid down the wall to the carpeted floor and sobbed into my hands. What had happened to my randy stallion? Why didn't he want his naughty filly? Did I do something wrong? No, it was the grief. Just be patient, Mary. Just be supportive. Grief does weird things to people.
The drive to Seattle was strained. I was wearing the sluttiest dress I had, a slinky black thing that was so low cut, my freckled breasts were about to pop out. And the skirt showed off my nice legs, and swayed deliciously on my ass as I walked, so short flashes of my ass cheeks could be seen. I had hoped that Mark would pay attention to me once he was away from his slutty sister. She had gone to see her mom, finally. But Mark didn't grope my ass, kiss me, try to fuck me the moment he saw me in this dress. I kept wanting to ask Mark what was really going on, but fear held my tongue. What if he didn't love me anymore, find me attractive. What if he'd fallen for his sister.
He had fallen for me that quick. What if he fell out of love with me just as fast. No, he's just grieving. I just need to suffer through it. He'll come around. His sister is just how its manifesting. I just need to be patient. I reached out to squeeze his hand but he drew away. Hurt burned at my eyes and I looked away, wiping at my tears.
He didn't even want a blowjob. I've never driven with Mark more than a mile without him wanting me to suck his cock. I would pretend that I didn't want to and he would be all sweet and give me flowery compliment and caress my body. I would let him think he talked me into it, but I was as eager to blow him as he was to get blown.
We got stuck in traffic and were an hour later for our meeting. Mark did his thing and the owner was more than happy to sell his property. It took another hour to draw up the paperwork, get things signed. Then we had to wait on a notary. The owner had a beautiful secretary, but Mark didn't seem interested in passing the time with her.
"You just enjoy her, Mary," Mark had said. "I'm not in the mood."
The secretary tasted of spice, and when I tried to kiss Mark, to share her flavor with him, he turned his head and I just kissed his cheek. Feeling more hurt, we left the office, heading for our make-up dinner. We had been on a date Saturday night when we found out his dad was dead, on our way to dinner. Mark felt bad, not that he should, but he was a sweet, caring guy, with me anyways, and wanted to make it up to me. Mark had made a reservation at 7 pm at Spinnasse, famed for its pasta.
Mark was distracted all through dinner. I pointed out pretty women for us to enjoy. Or even to enjoy by himself. But he would just glance at them and shrug and pick listlessly at his food. I just had to be patient. I tried talking about movies. About books. We both loved to read fantasy and we could usually talk about our favorite books. But he just twirled his pasta on his fork, not paying attention.
"Tomorrow," I said, trying to make conversation. "I need your guest list for our wedding. We need to get the invitations mailed out."
"Maybe we should delay the wedding," Mark absently said.
A cold knife stabbed my heart. "I understand, its because of your father's death. You have to get his affairs in order, there's the funeral to plan. We can delay. I understand."
He chewed his food, silently.
"I'm here for you, Mark," I told him. "I know its been difficult for you. I ... I get that your sister is helping you, but I can help you to."
He snorted with laughter and I blinked.
"What?" I asked as ice flowed through my veins. My stomach clenched in knots. "What, Mark? What's going on in your head. You can tell me anything."
"I'm not sure I want to marry you," he finally said.
I'm not sure I want to marry you. The words hit me in the stomach, hard. I couldn't breathe. This couldn't be happening. Please, this must be a dream, a nightmare. I did everything for this man, I loved him with all my heart. I degraded myself, soiled myself. I sold my soul for him. And now that he's fucked his sister, he doesn't want me.
"Why?" I asked, coldly. The anger was beginning to roil in my stomach.
"It's..." he swallowed. "You're just not ... how to say it."
"Just say it, Mark," I spat.
"You're just not that attractive," he said. "I don't know what I saw in you, but you just don't stack up to Antsy."
"I'm not attractive?" I said, flabbergasted. Tears were brimming at my eyes. I ripped open the bodice of my dress, my perky tits spilled out. "These aren't attractive?" I demanded, hefting a breast. I didn't care that an entire restaurant full of people were looking at me, at my breasts. Let them look, I was proud of them. They were perfectly shaped, topped with dusky nipples, and covered with freckles.
"No," he said, barely glancing at my tits. "I'm sorry, Mary. I just ... I just don't find you pretty."
A hysterical laugh escaped my lips. This just could not be happening. This must be a dream. "You found me pretty yesterday!" I shrieked. "When you fucked me in the shower."
The restaurant had gone silent. The Maitre D' was walking over. Mark shrugged. "Things change, Mary," Mark said. "You just don't hold a candle to my sister."
His words cut so badly, I could feel the tears running down my face. Anger was roiling inside me. I grabbed my wine glass and splashed it in his face and stormed out. Oh, god. What had gone wrong. Everything was going so well. And then Antsy arrived and messed it all up. How could he not find me pretty anymore. This couldn't be happening. Please let this just be a nightmare. Please!
"Shoot, I left my jacket in the restaurant," a man said at the valet. His beautiful wife was sitting in the passenger seat of a very expansive-looking red sports car. "I'll be right back."
"Hurry up, dear," she said. She had a doll's face and raven-black hair. Her black dress was covered in shiny sequins and was low cut to show off her nice pair of tits. I was walking to the car, reaching for the driver's door.
I slid into the driver seat and she looked at me in surprise and then smiled. What was I doing? "Am I beautiful?" I heard myself ask the woman, my voice quavering with emotion. I was beautiful, right? I didn't somehow go to bed pretty and wake up ugly?
"Oh," she looked me up and down. I was holding my ripped bodice closed and I let go, the cloth falling away to expose my breasts. She licked her lips. "Very beautiful," she purred.
"Do you want to fuck me?" I asked her, rubbing her thigh.
"Hmm," she purred. " I would. God help me, but I would."
I tore out of the parking lot. Behind us, I could hear her husband calling out. My hair whipped in the wind as I drove the convertible fast, racing away from the pain. The woman's name was Karmen, and she was gorgeous. And she found me desirable. I used my phone to find a sex shop and bought the largest strap-on dildo I could. "You going to fuck me with that?" Karmen giggled, her large breasts jiggled in her tight dress.
"I am, Karmen," I told her.
Her husband called her three times and each time she told him she was out having fun and would be home in a while. He didn't sound pleased. We drove to a cheap motel, the Rain City Motel, and she paid for a room.
I was still furious at Mark and wanting to prove that I didn't need him. When we entered the hotel room I tore the dress off Karmen, ripping open the bodice and tearing the sides. She took off her bra before I could rip that off of her while I was pulling down her panties. I pulled out the strap-on, adjusted the big, black cock and roughly shoved Karmen down on to her hand's and knees. I lined up at her glistening cunt.
"Fucking slut!" I shouted as I thrust the cock into her cunt. She was wet and ready and moaned as I thrust it in. "You goddamn fucking whore!"
I was pounding her hard, the dildo rubbing hard against my clit, almost painful. It matched the pain tearing up my heart. Tears were running down my face. Mark didn't want me. That fucking whore stole him from me. Antsy. What a terrible name. I grabbed Karmen's black hair, pulling hard as I fucked her.
"Oh fuck," Karmen moaned. "I haven't been fucked this hard in years!"
I smacked her ass. "You're a fucking whore, aren't you!"
"Yes, yes!" Karmen moaned. "I'm a filthy whore! At the Christmas Party last year, I let my husband's partner diddle my cunt in the board room! Hmm, I'm such a bad, naughty slut. He would've fucked me if my husband didn't come looking for me. Luckily, he was too drunk to realize what was going on."
"That's what I thought!" I gasped. "A filthy, man stealing whore!"
"Fuck me, fuck me!" Karmen moaned. "Oh god, this so amazing! I've never been this turned on before in my life."
Fucking Antsy! The dildo rubbed so deliciously on my clit as I fucked her hard. I wished it was Antsy. I wish I could just fuck her man-stealing, slutty cunt until she bled! I fucked Karmen harder. Her ass jiggled every time I slammed into her cunt. In and out, in and out of her pink cunt. Karmen's moans of pleasure spurred me on to fuck her harder and harder.
"Yes, oh fuck yes!" she screamed, spasming on her hands and knees. "Oh, fuck that was a great cum!"
"Did you cum on my cock, you filthy whore?" I asked, slapping her cheek.
"Yes!" she squealed. There was a red print on her ass, bright against her pale ass.
I slapped her ass again, loving the sound of flesh slapping flesh. The way an ass reddened as you spanked it. "You dirty, fucking slut! I'll teach you to steal my man!"
I pulled out of her cunt, spread her ass cheeks and aimed the dildo for her brown, puckered asshole. "Oh, fuck!" Karmen gasped as I shoved the dildo up her ass, lubed only by her pussy juices. "Oh, fuck that hurts!"
"Oh, you love it, cunt!" I barked, smacking her ass. "You're a fucking nasty, anal slut! I bet you love it up the ass!"
"Oh, fuck I do," Karmen gasped. "Last year, when we were on vacation in Mexico, I let the cabana boy bugger me while Scott was off fishing! I'm such a nasty whore!"
I was getting closer and closer to cumming. I didn't need Mark. I could fuck whores just as much as he could! Fucking Antsy! I gripped Karmen's ass and drilled into her bowels harder and harder. The pressure on my clit was mounting, more and more, growing larger and larger. I was so close to cumming. My fingernails bit into the soft flesh of her ass as I drew back and then slammed in for one last, hard fuck.
My orgasm rocketed through me. Every muscle in my body seemed to spasm and stars swam before my eyes. I fell back, falling on my ass on the floor and quivered as the pleasure slowly faded from my body.
Tears were running hot down my face. I didn't want to fuck whores! I wanted to fuck Mark! I wanted his weight on top of me as he slowly slid his hard cock in and out of my wet pussy. His rough lips on mine, kissing me, loving me. How his curly chest hairs rubbed on my sensitive nipples. Oh, god! I wanted him so badly.
"Get out!" I shrieked at Karmen, throwing her torn dress at her. "Get the fuck out! Go back to your fucking husband!"
"But ... I..." she stammered. "What do I tell him?"
"Tell him whatever you want, you fucking whore!" I screamed. "Just go!"
Tears in her eyes, Karmen struggled to cover her nakedness in her torn dress and fled the room, heels clutched in one hand, her bra and panties in the other. I curled up in a ball, hugging myself as the tears sobbed out of me. Oh, why did this happen? How? I stared at my engagement ring. The black diamond glinted in the light, a brilliant fire contained in its smokey depths. We were supposed to be together for ever. This ring was the symbol of that. I wanted to rip it off, smash it, shove it up Antsy's cunt and make her bleed! But I couldn't take it off, I loved Mark too much. God, I hurt inside. I just wanted to stop hurting, I just wanted Mark to love me again.
There was a minibar. I licked my lips and crawled to it, opening the little fridge and pulling out the first alcohol mini bottle in there, downing the liquid. It burned as it ran down my throat, feeling warm in my belly. I grabbed another, Absolut vodka, then I downed a Jack Daniels. I just wanted the pain to go away. I just wanted my Mark back. I grabbed a Jim Bean and chased it with a peppermint Schnapps.
The wine stung my eyes, and I wiped the liquid off with a cloth napkin. Blinking, I saw Mary storm off. Stop her, that voice whispered. Fight.
Fight what? I asked.
I stood up. It was for the best that Mary dumped me. I had Antsy now, and Mary needed to move on with her life. Find someone that could stand her ugly body. Hell, there was Alice. Somehow that bitch loved Mary. Mary could find happiness with her. My cock was hard. I needed my sweet, baby sister. It had been hours since we'd last fucked. Far too long.
You need Mary, the voice whispered. Go after her.
I snorted, I didn't need Mary. I need Antsy.
I dropped a hundred on the table and walked out. Outside, a man was shouting after a red Ferrari as it tore off up the street. I saw Mary's ugly, auburn hair whipping in the wind and smiled. Looks like she found someone. Good for her.
"She's stolen my car," the man complained. "My wife's in there!"
He was fumbling at his phone. "Don't call the police," I told the man. "No one calls the police." It's the least I could do for Mary. We had good times, once.
15 ran up, one of the cops that was guarding us this evening. "Do we follow her, sir?" she asked.
"No, let her go," I said. "I'm heading home."
"Okay, sir," she said, saluting. What possessed me to recruit a bunch of ugly women to be my bodyguards. I may as well have hired a bunch of guys. At least they'd be intimidating.
The valet brought up my Mustang, I slipped him a hundred. What the hell, right. I used to work shitty jobs. They guy was very thankful. I got in my Mustang and tore off. I had to get home to my Antsy. My cock needed some relief. I was so happy when I pulled into my driveway. There was Antsy, waiting on the porch.
"Mark!" she excitedly yelled, racing towards me. "I missed you so much!"
She threw her arms around my neck. "Antsy, I need you," I whispered.
Her hand rubbed my hard cock. "Hmm, I know just what my big brother needs," she said, archly.
I pushed her down onto the grass, pushed up her skirt. She wasn't wearing underwear, her cunt shaved. I could smell the tart and spicy flavor of her arousal. Her hands unzipped my pants and fished out my cock, stroking me a few times and then guiding me to her hungry hole. She felt so amazing as I slid in. No cunt ever felt half so good as Antsy's did.
"Hmm, Mark, you feel so good inside me! Your dick's the best! So big, so hard, I love it!" Antsy moaned. "Fuck me, big bro. Fuck your little sister!"
The sun was setting, bathing the lawn in brilliant orange, as I fucked my sweet Antsy. "You're the best!" I panted. "I love your cunt! Oh god, it's squeezing so velvety on my cock. I love fucking my baby sister!"
Her hips rose to meet mine as we fucked each other harder, faster. Both of us were desperate to cum. We had been to long apart. Never again. We needed to be with each other all the time. My cock needed to be in her sweet cunt, her tight ass. Her fingers clawed my back, fiery pain that spurred me to fuck her harder and harder. I sucked at her neck, leaving another hickey. Marking my baby sister as mine!
"Yes, yes!" she moaned. "Fuck my naughty cunt, big bro! Oh shit, I'm gonna cum! Shit! Shit!"
Her cunt spasmed on my cock and my balls tightened. I was fucking her as frantically as possible, every stroke bringing me closer and closer to the precipice. I was so close, grunting as I fucked her tight, baby sister cunt. And then I was over the edge, pleasure exploding from my dick, shooting my cum in her sweet cunt. I captured her sweet lips in a a kiss as I spilled my passion inside her hungry pussy.
"I needed that," I whispered into her ear, as the pleasure faded.
"Hmm, I love you, big bro," Antsy said, a satisfied smile on her lips.
"I lo..." I love Mary. I got all tongue tied. Fight! Don't say it! Fight! "I lo ... love your ass," I managed to say, relief surging through me. Why did I feel relieved. Why couldn't I tell my sister I loved her. Because you love Mary, the voice whispered.
"Hmm, I love it when you fuck my ass, too," Antsy giggled. "I could use a good ass reaming right now." Antsy rolled over, presenting me with that ass and my cock was more than happy to slid into her tight, velvety hole. Nothing mattered, I was inside my sister. Nothing else matters.
Except Mary, the voice whispered.
I lay on the floor, sobbing, surrounded by empty bottles, clutching my phone, hoping Mark would call. But he didn't care enough to even see if I was fine after I stormed out of the restaurant. He was probably fucking that whore of a sister.
I don't even remember looking up Alice's phone number. "Hello," she answered, sleepily. "What's up, Mary?"
"I need you," I sobbed. "Please, I'm at the..." shit where was I. I staggered to my feet, the room whirling about me, and found the placard next to the phone. "I'm at the Rain City Motel. Room 14, I think. Please come, I need you, Alice."
"Okay, Mary," Alice said. "I'm on the way. What is it? What's wrong?"
"It's Mark," I sobbed. "He ... he doesn't want me anymore!"
The room was still spinning when Alice arrived and I had to hold onto her as we walked to the bed. She was so beautiful, I thought, and I reached out and stroked her thick, raven black hair. Then I leaned in and kissed her sloppily on her full lips. They were just so beautiful and begging to be kissed. I was suddenly so horny. Fuck, Mark. If he didn't want me, I could do better.
"Am I beautiful?" I asked Alice, then fell back onto the bed. I was naked so I spread my legs, showing her my wet, horny cunt.
"You are gorgeous," Alice purred.
"I don't need Mark," I muttered. "Not when you think I'm beautiful."
Alice had a happy smile on her face then she bent down to my pussy. I shivered as Alice licked my wet cunt. Her tongue felt so good, so relaxing. I breathed in deeply, enjoying the pleasure. My eyes were so heavy, I'll just close them and enjoy Alice's cunnilingus. The room didn't spin with my eyes closed and...
... I woke up, my head pounding in pain. My mouth tasted of old tire.
I sat up, looking around the room. I was in a cheap motel room. There was a black haired woman sleeping next to me. Alice, I realized. I called her after I fucked that woman. Karmen, I think her name was. After Mark ... oh god, he dumped me. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.
No, keep it together, Mary. He's just reacting to the death of his dad.
"I'm sorry, Mary. I just ... I just don't find you pretty," his words echoed in my head. His dad dying doesn't excuse him for treating me like dirt.
Alice stirred, sitting up. "You're alive."
"Maybe," I muttered. I wished I was dead. Mark didn't love me anymore.
Alice put her arms around my shoulders. "You were so drunk when I got her last night. What happened? I gather Mark hurt you somehow."
I shook my head, I didn't want to talk about it.
"C'mon, let's get you in the shower," Alice said. "You got some vomit on you."
I flushed. I dimly remember Alice holding my hair back while I puked in the toilet. "Thank you," I muttered in embarrassment.
"Oh, no problem," Alice said. "I've done it for your sister loads of time."
In High School, Alice and my older sister Shannon had been good friends. Alice spent a lot of time around the house. She was the older sister that Shannon never was. Shannon was too busy trying to be mom that she didn't have time to be my older sister. Last week, when I went to see Alice about buying the property around our houses, it came out that Alice had a torch burning for me ever since she saw me naked when I was thirteen. And we ended up in a motel room, making love all afternoon. She'd become my best friend, with benefits.
The warm water felt wonderful on my skin and I held my head under the warm spray and, for a minute, I forgot all about the pain Mark caused me. Alice was in the shower with me, her naked body rubbing up against mine. An itch formed in my pussy and I turned to face her. Our breasts brushed each other, our nipples kissed.
I stared into her hazel eyes and saw love there and I leaned in and kissed her. I needed to feel loved right now and Alice seemed more than happy to give it to me. She wasn't Mark, but she was all I had. She pressed me against the shower wall, her tongue fencing with mine. Her hands gently stroked my sides and hips, reaching back to give my plump ass a squeeze.
Mark used to love my ass.
I pushed that thought away as Alice's lips captured my right nipple, sucking gently as her tongue played with the tip of the hard nub. Pleasure was tingling through my body and Mark and all my problems vanished beneath the gentle kisses and caresses of Alice. She kissed lower and lower. Her tongue flicking into my bellybutton bringing a giggle to my lips. She rubbed her face through the silky heart of fiery pubic hair above my cunt.
Her hands spread my thighs and my breathing quickened. I could feel her breath on my cunt and then delightful feeling as her tongue slid through my tight vulva, sinking momentarily into my wet hole and then grazing my aching clit. I gripped the shower bar and was lost to the pleasure of her lips as the warm water splashed down my body.
She slipped first one and then a second finger inside me. Probing the delicate walls of my pussy, stirring ever great pleasure out of my sex. Her tongue was caressing my clit, every touch sending shivers of pleasure throughout my body. My body shuddered when I came on her mouth, my hands gripping the shower bar to keep from losing my balance.
And then I was on my knees, returning the favor. She tasted tangy and sweet, her smooth vulva felt like silk on my cheeks. Her clit was a hard pearl nestled in the beautiful folds of her pussy. I licked and sucked on her pussy, reveling in the taste of her. She was moaning, enjoying my tongue. She desired me. Alice's hips were moving in pleasure because of my touches. I slid my tongue into her pussy hole, shaking my face around, rubbing against her labia as I tongue fucked her.
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A woman living in a house with three men -- three brothers, in fact -- could be considered one lucky bitch or a whore. It all depended on who you asked. To most people, the brothers were lucky bastards to be sharing a house with a woman — especially if she put out to all three. Living with three young, virile males between the ages of twenty-six and thirty was a nymphomaniac's dream come true and Angel was living it. When she rented a room from the guys three years earlier, it was purely...
SpankingLilith had made it to her destination. The church where she had grown up. She walked up the stone steps that looked exactly the way she remembered them. It was around midnight when she knocked on the door. She struck a pose with one delicate hand on her hip, jutting the other hip out and leaned most of her little wieght on one of her long shapley legs. A young student, wearing exactly what she wore, answered the door to see who it was. She gasped seeing the red skinned woman with black...
Introduction: Lillian was a bad slut, and needs her Mistress to discpline her. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact Side-Story: Lillian Gets Spanked Visit my blog at Notes: This takes place during Chapter 43. Friday, November 8th, 2013 Lillian Franks Murano Hotel, Tacoma, WA Lillian, Tomoyo greeted when I opened my hotel room door. She was one of the maids, and cute as a button with dark, slanted eyes and a petite body....
Introduction: Liliths plague strikes Seattle. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Five: Wormwood Visit my blog at We had been in San Francisco for a week, spreading the Holy Word, when Wormwood erupted. Brian fell ill, and a great fear clutched my heart. The hospitals had been overwhelmed and I could only sit next to my husband and pray. I furiously prayed to our Living Gods, over and over until my sex grew sore with...
Introduction: Will my love for Jack grow? Who where these Devils heading toward our happiness? The Story of Ann Chapter 6 Love on the Ranch as Devils Ride to Town I drove home leaving Jacks thinking about him. The man had confessed what he had done to me some 4 years ago when Janet and I attended an end of school year party. I had found myself becoming more fascinated with him as he told me his side of the story of that night. I will admit I was attracted to Jack the first time I ever saw him...
Introduction: Chase plans the downfall of her parents and their Theocracy. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Fifty-Three: The Fall of Rome Visit my blog at My name is Chasity Alberta Glassner, the Tyrants daughter. I write these words down so my motivations will not be lost to time, and so there will be no confusion, speculation, or misunderstanding about my actions. Excerpt from The Tyrants Daughter: An Autobiography by...
The Devils Pact Chapter Three: Customer Service Regretfully, I walked out of the Heavenly Creatures Salon. I really wanted to stay and watch Mary get her cunt eaten out by that Joy, the fine-ass Asian stylist, but the place reeked of so much nail polish remover it was making me sick to my stomach. Oh well, Mary was going to have a good time and I couldnt wait to see her freshly waxed pussy. I smirked, wondering if she would remove all the hair. Or maybe she would just leave a landing strip of...
Introduction: Mark founds the Naked Jogging Club to make jogging fun. And he has a lot of fun. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Jogging Club Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013: Anastasia Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10. It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would,...
Introduction: Ever since the Best Buy Orgy, all Veronica can think about is the strangers cock that gloriously fucked her. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Obsession Note: This takes place three weeks after the Best Buy Incident, following Veronica Beckam and her obsession. Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 Oh, Veronica! Marshal, my husband, gasped as he pumped away at my pussy. Im gonna cum! Yes, yes, Im...
Introduction: Kristi is shocked by her lesbian wifes strange behavior after the Best Buy Incident. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: The Lesbian Cuckold Note: This takes place in the week that followed the Best Buy Incident, following Kristi, whose wife, Ashley, was one of the victims of the Incident. Thursday, June 6th, 2013 Kristi Shelley Tacoma, WA Hey, Kristi, Adam said, peering over the top of his...
Introduction: Bill cant stop thinking about his wife Erin fucking other guys while they were under Marks control. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Playing at Cuckoldry Note: This takes place a week after Chapter 3 involving Bill and Erin Connar and how their lives were changed after the Best Buy Incident. The car pulled into the my driveway. It was Saturday night, and I was hiding in my bedroom closet, naked, waiting for my...
Introduction: Jonathons wife ran afoul of Mark Glassner, and hes about to find out just how shes changed. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Jonathons New Wife Note: This takes place during Chapter 10 and Chapter 11. While robbing his first bank, Mark fucked a bank teller named Monica, ordering her to be a good wife, and do whatever nasty, whorish things her husband wants her to. Monday, June 10th, 2013 Jonathon Jephson I hate...
Introduction: Rachel is on her honeymoon with Jacob when she runs into Mark and Mary who have other ideas on how the new bride should spend her honeymoon. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 1-Friday Night Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. Mrs. Jacob Goldstein-Blum. I am Mrs. Jacob Goldstein-Blum, now. That happy thought filled my mind as Jacob pulled our Chevy...
Introduction: Rachels dreams of being a wild, uninhibited slut are realized as Leah takes her to a hot night club. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 2-Saturday Evening Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. You and Leah sure seem close, Mary told me after a delicious dinner at Keens Steakhouse Saturday evening. Mark and Leah had slipped off to fuck in the bathroom and...
Introduction: Rachel is torn between returning to her husband, Jacob, and running off with Leah, the vivacious blonde Rachel has fallen in love with. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 4-Sunday Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. I was kissing Leah as a group of men cheered us on. We were in some loft with some of the guys from the club. We had partied with...
Introduction: Tiffany is alone at home and horny, so she decides to visit her husband at his work for a little afternoon delight. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Tiffany Wants a Nooner Note: This takes place during Chapter 34, following Tiffany Sullivan. Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 I was bored. Ever since I gave my son-in-law my Gift, my life had been so busy, so full. After so many years I was happily reunited with my...
Introduction: Rachels finds herself in the company of the vivacious Leah who is everything Rachel always fantasized being. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 2-Saturday Morning Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. I woke up, confused. Where was I and who was I with? Not my husband, thats for sure. Unless he transformed into this beautiful, blonde woman sleeping next...
Introduction: Mark humilates a Subway Worker. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Mark and Mary Eat at Subway Note: This takes place in Chapter 17 while Mark and Mary have lunch after recruiting Willow. After Marys OB/GYN appointment with Dr. Willow WolfTail, and our subsequent fucking of said doctor, we were both hungry. I had parked on Division around the corner from the clinic and started driving down the hill when we saw a Subway restaurant on the...
Big thanks to gwensational and panting4urhose, whose kind comments, messages and good stories inspired me to write this story, I'm sure you're able to see your helpful influences throughout!Also a special thank you goes to gwensational for allowing me to feature your wonderful creation of Agent 78, I'm very much honoured by your permission to use her in this story, I hope I've done her a real good justice and are pleased and satisfied with my take on her :)For those of you who haven't read...
Prologue"Ahhh nothing beats getting paid well for a job done well..."The heavy framed deadly curvaceous ASSassin known as Scorpio, aka Agent 78, sighed as she sat down on her sofa.The big deadly gorgeous assassin placed a laptop, which looked tiny compared to her big bulky thighs, onto her lap.She was hiding out in a small discreet B&B in the countryside of Croatia.It was very early in the morning, still dark outside, and she was tired having just killed off 2 powerful foes.Before she could...
Introduction: Mark and Mary are reunited with their loved ones after their ordeal. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Thirty-Nine: Reunions Visit my blog at On September 30th, 2013, amidst blood and fire, the Tyrants reign began. In the name of Peace and Security, they put mankind beneath their Oppression. To fight the Darkness, the False Gods, Mark and Mary Glassner, shrouded the World in Night. excerpt from The History...
Introduction: Mark and Mary deal with the fallout of the news report. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-five: Eight-and-a-Half Weeks Visit my blog at I stood with Mary on the private balcony of our bedroom. Surveillance photos and videos of our house had just appeared on the eleven oclock news on channel 5. Our law enforcement sluts, Chasity and Noel, figured the photos must have been shot from a house on Shaw Road across the empty lot....
Introduction: Mark and Mary have cemented their control over America, and Sam is hard at work constructing the Matmown. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Two: Dreams Visit my blog at General Olmoss assassination of Governor Holt, and the subsequent massacre of the Governors supporters, was the first of many atrocities committed by the Tyrants. The fact that they had General Olmos hung does not exculpate the Tyrants...
The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Five: The Talk Mary and I exited Victorias Secret. We just had the most pleasurable time inside, when Mary had arranged for the beautiful salesgirls, Aurora and Heather, to pleasure me while Mary and our sex-slave, Allison, modeled lingerie. Mary was wearing the red-and-white striped pencil skirt and a loose fitting, white blouse. Her auburn ponytail contrasted nicely against the white of her blouse as it fell down her back. Behind us,...
AUTHORS NOTE: Copyright mine. Mean people suck. If not 18 get a signed permission slip from your Mom before reading. Any resemblence to persons living or dead may be untentional (unless it's Dolly Parton, Tom Cruise, or Timothy Dalton's chin). No fictionalized renderings of imaginary people impersonating minors were harmed in the production of this novella. BOND GIRLS & BABY DOLLS VOLUME 1: PROSPECT 2006 D: We need a new Fall title, and we know you're a...
James Bond awoke from a light nap to the delightful sight of a small head bobbing slowly in his lap, the girl's shimmering black hair fanned over his belly. He had to crane his head a little to see the mole on the girl's left shoulder to realize that it was Ping working with measured precision on his stiff cock. "Thank you, Ping, my darling," he said and glanced up at the cloudless blue sky above. Ping let his cock slip from her mouth with a soft, wet pop. She smiled sweetly up at him before...
Introduction: Alison and Desiree have found the Patriots headquarters as the terrorist are about to unleash a devastating attack on Mark and Mary. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Eight: The Patriots Blood Visit my blog at For those of us that remained free of the Tyrants control, one of the great mysteries of their rule was the Patriots. They had appeared almost immediately to challenge Mark and Mary. From their...
Introduction: The Patriots grow more desperate in their attacks. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Seven: Deadstick Visit my blog at As Wormwood raged across the world, the chaos served the Tyrants interests. By January, Canada and Mexico had fallen under their control. As governments struggled to maintain control of their populations in the devastating wake of the plague, Warlocks arose. Men and Women who swore...
Introduction: Mark and Mary meet with Lilith on the one year anniversary of the Fall of Seattle, unaware of Liliths plan. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Fifty: The Bloody Knife Visit my blog at On November 17th, 2014, the world seemed to belong to the Tyrants. Almost every country had capitulated to their rule, and the majority of mankind was enthralled by their words. On November 18th, Darkness and Fire fell across...
Introduction: As Mark and Mary struggle to get the Country and the World under their control, the Patriots plot in the shadows. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty: The Patriots Visit my blog at The Tyrants, Mark and Mary Glassner, represent the greatest threat to Liberty in human history. As the great Statesmen Thomas Jefferson wrote in The Declaration of Independence, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that...
Introduction: The Ghost violates the marriage bed and fucks a wife next to her passed out husband. The Devils Pact, The Ghost of Paris by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Nine: The Marital Bed Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 Paris, Texas It was nearing midnight and Heather Pritchard lay on her side, snoring softly, which was strange to hear coming from such a beautiful, young woman. She was my favorite bedmatea redheaded vixen that loved my cock. Tonight I had made a...
December 13, 1991, Chicago, Illinois When I arrived home, I went upstairs to shower and shave while everyone else was eating dinner. When I finished in the bathroom, I dressed in my tuxedo and then went downstairs. “Jesus,” Abbie breathed when she saw me. “Don’t give him any ideas!” Elyse laughed. “His ego is already big enough!” “There can only be one person in the house who thinks they are a god,” I said piously, “and Jess has that position sewn up!” “Watch it, Tiger. For all intents...
Introduction: The day of Mark and Marys wedding has arrived. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Thirty-Three: The Calm Before the Storm Visit my blog at The Wedding, July 20th, 2013 The last three weeks since the SWAT attacked us and I nearly died seemed to fly by. And before I knew it, July 20th has finally arrived. The setting sun was warm and the breeze was cool. The air was filled with the sweet scent of the...
Introduction: Mark and Mary are off to New York to get their hands on the Magicks of the Witch of Endor while Brandon is in France to get his hands on another copy. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-seven: The Book Visit my blog at The fire crackled in the clearing, fiery sparks rising up into the air like tiny souls. Tonight was Thursday, the Twentieth of June. The Summer Solstice. The coven assembled around the bonfire, all ten women...
Introduction: Alison and Desiree are rewarded for destroying the Patriots, Sam has found the key to capturing Lucifier, and Lilith has found a weapon to destroy Mark. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Nine: The Victors Reward Visit my blog at Who were the Patriots? Who wrote their Manifesto? After the ravages of the Demon Wars, only speculation was left behind. The only clue that had survived was a paper that had...
Introduction: Mary and her mother are reunited and Mary learns what really happened to her mother thirteen years ago. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 Chapter Thirty: Tiffanys Tale Visit my blog at My hands were shaking as the adrenaline bled off. But the images of the dead and dying would not leave my mind. Oh, God, so many dead, I prayed. Forgive me, Lord. Why are you crying, Mother! my daughter spat at me with such venom in her...
Introduction: Mark heads to Tacoma for a political rally, not knowing the danger that awaits him. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Thirty-Five: The Storm Visit my blog at Friday, September 27th, 2013 Mark Glassner Sir, I think Ive finally figured out how this communication spell works, Sam reported, her round, olive face filled with triumph. Sam is our Vizier, and had been making amazing progress with the Magicks of...
Introduction: Chase and her family have entered Washington State, drawing ever closer to Mount Rainer and the confrontation with Mark and Mary. The Devils Pact, The Tyrants Daughter by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Fourteen: Highway US-12 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Saturday, July 9th, 2072 Rex Glassner Longview, WA I liked Longview, Washington. The city was built along the Columbia River right where it turned back west for the Pacific, leaving the ruins of I-5...
Introduction: Monique and Lize, Mark and Marys stewardesses, find a naughty way to pass the time with a married, Muslim woman. The Devils Pact Servants Chronicles by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Two: The Naughty Stewardesses Note: Takes place between Chapters 41 and Chapter 42 Thursday, October 31st, 2013 Monique Lavoie Lansing, MI Everyone take your seats, Joslyn announced over Air Force Ones loudspeakers. Pity, I sighed, breaking my kiss with 53, one of Marks...
Introduction: Monica loves submiting to her husband and enjoys being his sex slave! The Devils Pact Slave Chronicles by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Monica: My Husbands Slave Note: Over a year ago, Mark gave Monica the command to do whatever filthy things her husband wants. Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Saturday, June 7th, 2014 Monica Jephson Tacoma, WA I woke up bound, the sunlight streaming through the window. My bladder was full, urgent. My husband, and master, snored next to me....
Introduction: The ghost takes a bride and her sister on her wedding day! The Devils Pact, The Ghost of Paris by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Ten: The Bride Thursday, September 19th, 2013 Paris, Texas You dirty slut, Happy giggled. The reverends adulterous wife was sprawled on Franny Reynolds bed, her best friend and one of her many lovers. I used to think Happy was a shrewish prude, but after I molested her in the middle of her husbands church service, I...
Introduction: The ghost takes a wife in the kitchen beneath her unsuspecting husbands nose. The Devils Pact, The Ghost of Paris by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Eleven: Lazy Saturday Saturday, September 28th, 2013 Paris, Texas My pecker was like a slab of cement, poking into the soft ass of my bedmate, when I was wakened by the rising sun. It was Saturday, and I was feeling lazy. But the sun was too damned bright and my pecker was too damned insistent. And the girls...
Introduction: Cindy and her mom are offered the chance to serve Mark and Mary, they just have to pass their interview. The Devils Pact Servants Chronicles by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter One: Cindys Interview Visit my blog at Notes: This takes place during Chapters 34 and 40. Monday, September 2nd, 2013 Cindy Mayflower South Hill, WA I lounged naked in Doctor Willows exam room, enjoying the afterglow of my orgasm. My mother moaned and gasped...
I'm standing in Rick's office, having just got my ID as a Private Hero. And now Rick's placed what looks like my Crossblade uniform on the table but there's something different about it. I take it and examine in. It's the same black skin tight suit. But instead of a crossblade symbol, it's a bright silver x that goes across the chest from my shoulders across to my hips. Rick also places a belt on the table and what looks like a set of goggles. "Go ahead try them on." I excuse myself...
Introduction: A beautiful 24-year-old Asian girl goes on vacation but gets lost in a small town and quickly kidnapped by a ruthless and violent biker gang. She struggles to survive as they turn her into their personal fuck-toy, beating and raping her constantly. Chapter 8: Day 2 with Big Joe Hannah wasnt sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. Shed never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded...
I. Introduction I stood in the kitchen watching the water slowly drip from the faucet. The girls were in the living room, cuddled on the couch, whispering, waiting. Pet was doing what she could to soothe Kasey. Pet knew what was coming; Kasey on the other hand, did not have the slightest idea. On top of the dresser in my room I kept a wooden box about 10 inches wide by 12 inches long; it was a simple box with a simple hasp. No locks, no complicated mechanism to open it and free it of its...
BDSMA Devils Tale: Jacqueline's descent Part OneJacqueline stared at the bruiser of a man sitting across from her at the table. He appeared to be in perfect shape and a man who took care of himself. Probably in his mid-30s but could've been much older for he had an aura of real self-confidence not the false bravado of the young. She wondered if he was some sort of professional athlete but if so she did not know him. He was the only one still in the game and she had just raised him everything she...
Bond. Savannah Bond. She looks like the voluptuous girl you'd bring home from college, and your Dad would go crazy over her. She'd probably fuck him too. Do you like big busty blondes with a perfect peach emoji ass? She's a fucking dream. I watch so much fucking porn, but sometimes it doesn't get better than going back to the big-titted blonde girls. Better yet, tight blonde, Australian pussy. In August of 2023, she hit 500K followers on Twitter and spread her ass, pussy, and showed her tits to...
Twitter Porn AccountsAs she turned and walked away my parents started laughing. I had not even heard them approach when the class ended. I grinned and looked at them, “getting used to the place?” My dad nodded looking around, “it takes getting used to but I think I like it. I am going to miss my practice though. I had a lot of people that worked with me that were friends.” I looked at them, “sorry you came?” My mother stepped close, “no Michael. This place is different and we will make new friends. You...
Then there was the fact that Rashala was in love with Master Jake, she knew that the elite warrior Jinns were all fighting and not really nothing else. Sighing she had to back away from the doorway, it was obvious that the sexual pull of Master Jake was weak after sex, but began to rebuild mere minutes after the act was finished. How, she thought, was she going to resist throwing Master Jake down and trying to screw his and her brains out? Shaking her head she would just have to keep her...
After drying off, I simply wrapped a towel around myself and went out to find out what Renée had meant. Erin came out of the master bedroom of the suite and stopped me before I could go in. "Not yet." I couldn't help but grin, ideas of what was being planned making me feel giddy. Erin smiled back. I had seen her smile when happy, smile simply to be pleasant and even smile when she didn't want to — usually helping a customer who was being a complete pest — but this time her smile seemed...
Clara’s announcement that she was moving in took me by surprise. I said, “I hadn’t looked at it from that point of view before. It seems logical for Bond Mates to live together, and I certainly don’t want to be separated from you any more than necessary. I have absolutely no problem with you moving in, but what about our Joining Ceremony, and your mother and our friends?” “I talked with my mom as I packed my bag; that’s what took me so long to get here. She wasn’t expecting it, but after I...
I wanted to meet Jeni bond a Home Shopping Network product demo lady that I really think is gorgeous, she's lovely sexy and tan. i came into the studios and greeted her. "Jeni Bond, your word is your bond." I said to her walking up to her. "yes it is but that's not what you're here for is it?" she asked."I really wanted to meet you, I know you're married but I must say you have a gorgeous figure." I told her. "really?" she asked."I'm serious I always check you out your presentations on Bissell...
Mom was not one to pull punches when she was upset with me. “What were you thinking bringing your girlfriend over here to skinny dip in broad daylight while I am at work? I have four messages from Mrs. Bergman on my phone complaining about your promiscuity.” “But mom...” “No buts. Mrs. Bergman even left a message insinuating that you had an erection and were fondling Kimberly. Mark, you are eighteen years old and should know better. You better not be fucking her in my house.” “But...
Riding the Devil’s Horse by Ashley B. D. Zacharias Cindy’s eyes narrowed when she saw Trevor looking at the sign over the dark doorway. ?You don’t want to go in there,? she said flatly. ?It might be interesting, don’t you think?? He sounded hopeful. ?I think it might be disgusting. That’s what I think,? she replied. ?Oh, come on. How often do we come to Amsterdam, anyway? I bet you’re curious. You’re curious about everything. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.? He grinned at her. ?Come...
294 Kitty and her James Bond. Brady, the man in the tuxedo took his place at the bar, the barman did not need telling and within seconds the tall glass appeared, looking like something dell boy would have ordered. The man sat quietly waiting, he was the only one in the big bar and the silence was broken only by the tick of the bulkhead clock the barman keeping a discrete distance from the yachts owner, he knowing his place, and the wrath of the owner was well known. They were tied to a pier...
Lucy knelt on the ground in the corner of her small room lit only by two large white candles on either side of an antique wooden Christ. She made the sign of the cross, clasped her hands together in front of her chest and lowered her head. She prayed for the wellness of her family and success in her career but most importantly she prayed that all went well the next day, the night of her wedding. She had been planning her wedding, along with her mother and sisters, for six months and all she...