Junior Year Part IIChapter 29: Operation Prom free porn video

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People were supposed to start arriving today. I’d gotten a text from Ridge, from USC, which said that he and Bill were done with their finals and would be at Bill’s house tonight. John Phillips, from Kentucky, called to say he was driving over today. It looked like we would have a football get-together. Emma Stoned and Maria Dowe were on the same flight with Ridge and Bill.

Ben Cowley and Zak Verwood had been booked on a flight from LA that would get to Chicago around 1:00 tomorrow afternoon. Ryan Barlow was coming from New York, and his flight landed at 1:25. Fritz or Paul would go up in the SUV and pick them up.

I was throwing pitches to Cassidy while Coach Herndon, Coach Haskins and Moose stood back and made smart comments. They tried to say they were analyzing my technique, but comments about Cassidy having a better arm made me wonder.

“Even I could hit that weak stuff,” came a call from the peanut gallery.

I turned around and saw a smiling Ridge Townsend with Bill and Maria. I hugged my two USC friends and then gave Maria a kiss. I didn’t look around for Emma Stoned; I knew she’d gone to my farm to settle in.

“You just get in?” I asked.

“We talked your driver into coming to see you. Tracy called me on the ride down and said we’re all going to dinner tonight. Bill tells me that he has to get some pizza fix,” Ridge said.

“Monical’s,” Cassidy supplied.

“I figured we could do that tonight,” Bill said.

He was as bad as I was about Monical’s.

I got Ridge in the batter’s box and threw him some pitches he could hit. Bill and Maria wanted to have turns, so I grooved them some fastballs at three-quarter speed. Maria surprised us with her skills. She admitted that she played softball at her high school.

I let them have their fun, and then Cassidy told me to get serious. Ridge was a very good all-around athlete and had played baseball in high school. I got him in the box and began throwing him actual pitches. It didn’t help that Bill gave him shit about not being able to touch my stuff. Heck, if I hadn’t picked up a bat for over two years, I wouldn’t have done any better.

Moose was happy and sent me home so I could go out with my California friends.

When I arrived home, there was a pickup truck in our driveway. I went to the kitchen and found John Phillips, my quarterback friend from Kentucky, talking to Peggy and my boys. Duke was making a pest of himself since he thought John should be his new best friend and rub his ears.

“I need to go change and then we’re going out for dinner,” I said.

“Well, hello to you too,” John teased.

“Whatever. Want to hang out here, or go up to my apartment?” I asked.

John and Duke followed me to my place. While I got ready, he looked at my wall of pictures.

“How many All-American teams did you make?” John called out.

I’d noticed that Caryn, or someone else, had put my football awards in a display frame. It also held my picture and State Champion patches for the last two years. I would bet that I’d see one for baseball shortly.

I walked out and John spoke before I could answer him.

“Coach told me about all the awards. I guess I didn’t really put it together to realize what you’ve accomplished,” he said.

“It’s sort of embarrassing at times,” I said.

“I call bullshit. I know how hard you work. You actually motivated me to do my rehab.”

“I heard you won the starting job in spring ball.”

Blowing your Achilles was never good. John had missed the season to rehab. His sister was proud of him and had sent me his press clippings.

John just smiled. We went downstairs, and Fritz was waiting for us.

“How big a deal are you to have your own driver?” John asked on the ride to Monical’s.

“It’s the price of fame. I’ve had a couple of incidents. Fritz is more than just my driver, he’s in charge of my security and has become a friend,” I said.

Fritz rolled his eyes at that, but it was true. Heck, the guy taught me to surf.

“I saw when those guys tried to attack you in LA. That had to be scary. I’m just glad that at Kentucky, basketball is king, and it’s those guys that get swarmed, not me,” John said.

“It’s my turn to call bullshit. Nancy complains all the time about the girls that flirt with you,” I reminded him.

Nancy was John’s girlfriend. I’d invited her on a vacation at Range Ranch, and she was in the middle of the troubles between Devin and me. He’d tried to steal her. She showed the both of us up: she went back to Kentucky and ended up dating John. All I knew was the boy was in trouble. She’d keep him on his toes.

“She knows I would never stray,” John said.

When we arrived at Monical’s, there were a few photographers out. I stopped and introduced them to John. While we were doing that, Ridge and Bill came up and joined us. Having Ridge and John here reminded me that I’d made some good friends attending football camps.

We went in and found their dates were there. I introduced John to Cassidy. Bill already knew Gina, and Ridge had already met Pam. Emma and Maria saw me.

“Your dates aren’t here yet. Jim is picking up Johan. They should be here soon.”

“What’s with the name ‘Johan’?” Emma asked.

“It’s a family name. I think you’ll have a good time with him. He’s one of the nicest guys I know,” I assured her.

I guided everyone back to the banquet room. I didn’t want to get distracted with people in the restaurant. I wanted everyone to get to know each other.

Jim and Johan showed up and were introduced to their dates. What was funny was that Johan treated Emma just like a regular girl, and they got along great. Jim was the nervous one. If anything, I thought it would be the other way around. I’d never seen Johan with a girl before and had assumed he’d be a little unsettled.

Tracy showed up and acted as my date and mother hen to the group. I sat back and had a good time while Tracy made sure everything went smoothly. When she and I worked together, we did make a good team. I made sure the guys didn’t talk too much football. Overall, it was a success.

Friday May 6

When I went to breakfast, Megan pointed at the newspaper. I found a photo of the four of us from last night and another picture of Emma. The article said we were meeting pre-prom to get to know each other. Someone in our group must have let the cat out of the bag. It went on to talk about who else was coming today.

I had a feeling either Frank or Adrienne was the source of the information.

When I was done reading, Megan handed me Coby because he wanted his breakfast. She knew I liked to do this in the morning and, if he wasn’t too fussy and could wait, she made it a point to let me do it. Little David was wide awake, chattering. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought he was a girl.

“I want to thank you again for helping us out during finals. Peggy’s looking like she’s catching up on her sleep.”

“They’re a handful, but I’ve enjoyed taking care of them,” she said, and then smiled. “Did you see the pictures of the boys and Pam?”

Pam had been going a little crazy on Instagram and Facebook. I guess I didn’t have much room to talk. I felt a little guilty when I had to admit that I hadn’t looked in a few days. I pulled my phone out and went to her Instagram first. My eyes got big when I saw the pictures.

Pam and Peggy had taken the boys to Pam’s and they were all in the pool. What about gave me a heart attack was seeing Little David and Coby with their heads sticking out of inner tube-like flotation devices. Coby didn’t look too sure about this, but Little David was older and he looked happy. Pam and I had talked about her desire to teach Coby to swim early. I just hadn’t realized how soon she wanted to start introducing him to water. At this rate, he might be able to swim before he could walk.

Peggy came in the back door with Duke. They’d gone running this morning.

“Slug,” she called me, and then gave me a kiss before she went upstairs.

Duke ignored me and followed her upstairs to get his morning loving from my parents. I just shook my head because he was such a creature of habit. God forbid you messed up his routine.

Fritz dropped me off at school along with Halle, who’d ridden with him today. I never really understood why she was able to drive herself to school and I wasn’t.

Still, every once in a while, she caught a ride with Fritz.

Tracy had waited for me. Before we could say hello, Alan came storming up.

“Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!” he seethed.

“Well, good morning to you too,” I said.

“I didn’t think you’d actually do it. You gave my date away to that big oaf, Johan.”

“You make it sound like I owe you something,” I said, with an edge to my voice.

Tracy reached over and smacked him in the forehead like Tami used to do.



“You fuck... !” he managed before Tracy punched him in the nose. Alan wasn’t afraid to hit a girl. Tami had had to be saved a time or two. I was on the fence as to whether Tracy could take him because she was no shrinking violet. Alan’s face went dark as he found his nose was bleeding.

“Run away,” Pam said behind him.


Alan was smart enough to know that sound meant that Pam had her stun gun out. He headed for the school. I ran and caught him at the door. I knew if I didn’t, he’d head straight to the office and tattle.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I asked.

“Fuck you, David. Tracy hit me and you’re not going to protect her.”

I couldn’t help myself ... I laughed at him.

“Fuck you,” he said and jerked his arm out of my grip.

“You dumbass. I’m trying to protect you, not her,” I said.

“I don’t need your protection!”

“Alan, you’re your own worst enemy. Do you know what’ll happen when you go and tell on Tracy?”

“She’ll get suspended.”

“During finals,” I said, and gave him a look. “Do you know what’ll happen when you get a girl suspended for beating you up?”

He stiffened when I said ‘girl.’

“I don’t care,” he retorted.

I wasn’t convinced.

“Everything that’s happened to you has been your own fault. You know my mom, yet you decided to defy her. Even I’m not that stupid,” I said.

“Bullshit,” Alan shot back.

He had me there, but if she had warned me like she did Alan, I would think very hard before doing what he did with the boom box at the baseball game. He knew she’d jerk him out of the stands in front of the whole school without even thinking twice. As a result of his actions, I’d been hit five times in a single game by opposing pitchers. That was a personal best I never wanted to repeat.

Tami was right. Without Jeff here, Alan had no one to tell him he was being an idiot. Jeff had curbed his stupid ideas and kept him from being a dick, most of the time.

“You know what? Do what you want. I’ve had enough of your remarks and bad behavior.”

Inside, I cringed. Did I just say ‘bad behavior’? I sounded like my mom.

“And I’ve had enough of you being Mr. Perfect. No one can live up to your expectations.”

He knew how to push my buttons. I went from mad to a white-hot rage in a flash.

“Is that what you think this is about? If so, it makes not being your friend even easier. We used to be best friends, but I’ve had enough. You’re on your own. I’ve protected you and your smart mouth for the last time. Don’t be surprised if you end up with your head in a toilet by the end of the day. You’ve pissed off a lot more people than just me this year,” I seethed.

I could tell Alan finally understood that he’d gone too far. I pushed the school doors open and stormed past him.

The morning had been about reviews for finals. When it was time for lunch, I went to put my books in my locker. Alan glared at me. I was startled when Yuri seemed to come out of nowhere and pinned Alan to the wall. My first instinct was to stop him, but then I remembered this morning.

“Word is you’re no longer protected. I wanted to let you know that the next time you call me a Russian thug, I’ll kick your ass.”

He let Alan go and walked off. It sounded like people had heard about our dustup this morning and Alan looked a little shaky. That was when Wolf shoved him into the wall.

“Keep your smart comments to yourself,” Wolf warned.

I hadn’t understood what a dick he’d been. It looked like he was being put on notice by a few of the guys he’d mouthed off to. I felt bad that I’d protected him if this was what he’d been up to.

Tracy pointed to the seat next to hers. We hadn’t talked this morning, so I assumed she wanted to update me on ‘Operation Prom,’ as I was now calling it.

“I talked to Caryn. Everyone is on their way. Adrienne and Frank will be here in a little bit,” Tracy announced.

“Why are they going to be here?” I asked.

“To organize the interviews. I have them set up to be done before we go out to dinner,” Tracy said.

“I’m almost afraid to ask. What interviews?”

Tracy just rolled her eyes like I had no clue. What I knew was this was just supposed to be fun. I hadn’t planned a big media event. Actually, I was sick of big media events. I guess for Frank and Adrienne’s sake, it was better that Tracy had taken this and run with it. She was having fun, so I just shut up and let her do her thing. Caryn would step in if Tracy needed help. Sometimes it was better that I didn’t know everything.

“Who’s my date?” I asked, to change the subject.

“Tonight, your date is Tami.”

I then remembered that we were having lunch on Sunday with everyone going to Chicago for the summer.

“And for Prom?” I prodded.

“I don’t know. Adrienne says she has it handled. She said if you got all whiny, to tell you to trust her.”

I growled at Tracy.

Cassidy touched my hand. I practiced my one-raised-eyebrow look.

“Be good. For once just let us handle it.”

The Alpha Male wanted to raise his head. He didn’t like not being in control. At the same time, I’d begun to trust people like Tracy and Wolf to be in charge of things. Uncle John had pointed out that if I didn’t learn to delegate, I could only accomplish so much. Once I learned to do that, the sky was the limit. That didn’t mean I didn’t want to know who my date was.

“Just tell me,” I said, making sure to sound like a whiny teenager.

“Oh, dear God! You’re such a ‘stupid boy’ sometimes. We’re not ruining the surprise,” Tracy groaned.

I just smirked at her. Cassidy found a pressure point in my armpit that almost brought me to tears. That earned her a glare, but she just batted her eyes as if she were an angel. Evil angel would be a better description.

I came home and saw Tami’s car in the driveway. Fritz told me he would pick me back up in an hour, so I went up to my apartment and found Tami studying.

“What’s up, stranger?” I asked.

“Not much. Just studying. When do we have to leave?”

“We have an hour. Do you need to get ready?” I asked.

She stuck her tongue out at me.

“I suppose I don’t look good enough to be your date.”

I wasn’t touching that one.

“I just wanted to know if I should go first since you take forever to get ready.”

That wasn’t true. Tami was too much of a tomboy to take a long time on makeup and hair. She did get up and head to my bedroom.

“I better go first. You might take forever,” she pointed out.

“Looking this good doesn’t just happen. You have to work at it,” I said while making a goofy model pose.

“I’ve missed you,” she said as she came back and gave me a hug.

I’d missed her too.

We went to the Henderson, a landmark hotel, for the interviews. The Henderson had one of the best restaurants in our town; I’d taken Beth there for a Thanksgiving date my freshman year. Frank and Adrienne found me when Tami and I entered the lobby.

“You both look nice,” Adrienne said.

When I’d come out of my shower, I’d seen that Tami planned to wear a dress, so I’d bypassed my jeans idea. Now I was glad I had.

“What’s this about interviews?” I asked.

“This is a PR gold mine,” Frank said a little too excitedly.

“Better than stealing the Millennium Falcon?” I asked.

“No, not even close,” Frank admitted.

At least he didn’t try to lie to me.

“David, this gives your friends in the business a boost of exposure. With you, Halle, Zak and Emma here, it helps promote your movie coming out. I was able to get a number of clients to donate dresses, so there is that angle,” Adrienne added to Frank’s excitement.

“So, this is good for you?” I teased.

“Of course it is.”

“Who’s my date?” I asked, to change the topic.

“There was a problem with that...” Adrienne sputtered.

I turned to Tami.

“Want to go to Prom with me?” I asked.

“David, I don’t even have a dress,” Tami complained.

“You didn’t let me finish,” Adrienne said. “I’ll have someone here tomorrow. I just have to confirm they finished their shoot early.”

I wasn’t reassured in the least.

“We can leave early and hit the mall,” I suggested to Tami.

“Like they’re going to have anything left,” Tami complained. “Let Adrienne find you a date.”

That whole ‘not in control’ issue was starting to come to the forefront. Tami read me like a book.

“If she doesn’t find you a date, I’ll go. I have a dress at home that would work,” she said.

“I don’t want you to feel like you’re a backup plan or something,” I said, worried how this looked.

They all laughed at me. It was too late to pull that one off. I just gave up and followed Frank.

I was surprised when Frank pulled me into a small conference room. He shut the door and motioned for me to sit down in one of the chairs, then sat down next to me.

“I have an update for you on our contingency planning for Operation CP,” he said.

I gave him a look.

“‘Counterpunch,’” he said. “We figured it was better than ‘Operation Feminazi.’”

I snorted in amusement.

“We’ve put together several short video clips. Each clip shows the actual questions and answers relating to the four areas we expect them to attack you on: the feminist movement, rape, abuse, and sports. As soon as we know which issues they’re reporting on, the appropriate clips will be immediately emailed to the news outlet, along with some additional material.

“Included in that additional material will be a summary of the videographer’s activities and criminal history, including mug shots. Next will be a video of the comments they made while they were loading up their car to leave. That video makes it crystal clear they plan to heavily edit their footage to make you look as bad as possible.

“The next item in the package will be the stick. Ms. Dixon used their firm’s document drafting system to generate a letter that can be tailored to the particular issues raised by the media with a few simple keystrokes. Once the name and address of the media contact are put in, it takes less than a second for the document to exist, and it can be printed out or attached to an email immediately.

“You’ll like this. The letters say, in polite lawyer-ese: ‘You now have the true facts and know that what the two women created is a lie. If you publish or present their information as though it is true, we will be happy to own a large piece of your outlet,’” Frank said, warming to his task.

He seemed to be in his element; he lived for situations like these. I think he liked the slick system Ms. Dixon’s firm had for creating letters.

“Your lawyers and I have put together a summary document outlining what happened from our perspective and directing anyone who reads it to your website and other social media like Instagram, where we will have all the footage, including the raw footage. That summary will include information that the police have opened an investigation into the two women’s actions, that they bagged the raw footage immediately after the interview was concluded, and that the copy of the raw footage we’re putting on your website was made under police supervision and oversight and using police equipment.

“Once we have the clips the two women are using, we’ll have a team ready to put together tailored responses to what they put out on each issue. It should only take an hour, two at most, to have those available to the media and on your website as well,” Frank explained.

Frank leaned back and took a deep breath. It sounded like they’d been busy.

“Now, as to how we plan to handle the media beyond that. First, we’re going to characterize this as the malicious actions of independent wannabe television journalists who are trying to destroy a teenager in order to further their own personal agendas. We’ll also point out that one of the women picked you for a personal vendetta. This gives the news outlets a chance to make a distinction between independent wannabes and the mainstream media, and that that will reduce any inclination the outlets may have to protect those two women.

“The problem here is the media tends to circle the wagons to protect their own. You were pretty young, so you might not remember what they did to the Oklahoma State coach, Mike Gundy, after his ‘I’m a man’ speech in support of one of his players that a reporter had badmouthed. The press didn’t take the reporter to task for taking comments from an eighteen-year-old athlete out of context. They went after the coach when he stood up to her and told everyone that he was a forty-year-old man, and if they wanted to come after someone, they should come after him. We have to be careful, or they’ll protect these women out of principle. What we’re doing here is showing them a way to distance themselves by saying, ‘it’s not us, it’s them, and we don’t need to protect them.’ Then hopefully the mainstream outlets will throw the two women under the bus,” Frank explained.

The last thing we needed to do was go to war with the press. Without creating some allies, this could go south on us.

“Now, we also talked about offering a carrot. If they report fairly, and especially if they include a link to your website in their reporting so the address is readily available to their viewership, we’ll give them more information down the road. For example, if CBS reports it fairly, we’ll cooperate if they want to do a 60 Minutes report on malicious reporting,” Frank continued.

“Do you think that’ll really work?” I asked.

“Not everything will go according to plan; it never does. You should expect some station will have a sensation-monger who’ll try to capitalize on this and go after you with the ginned-up videos. Ms. Dixon has already drafted a boilerplate defamation lawsuit, though, and will be able to file on Monday anywhere we need to. That’s to send a message, more than anything else,” he said.

I had an errant thought: ‘That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.’ I hoped it wouldn’t be quite like that.

Frank had finally run down, but then he smiled.

“I want you to know that your mom’s been intimately involved in this. I think she’s better than any field general who ever ran an army.”

Same as Junior Year Part II
Chapter 29: Operation Prom Videos

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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 13 Prom

“Dad, did you ever go to a prom?” I was taken back, “Sure. I think I went to five or six of them in high school. They were fun. Why?” “Well, the Junior-Senior Prom is coming up in May, and underclassmen are allowed to attend if an upper-classman invites them. I think it’s a big deal. Our three other teen friends are coming over any minute to talk about it with the three of us.” Penny stated her case as Misty hung out beside her. I saw Doug at the doorway listening to our talk. I chuckled,...

3 years ago
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Michelles Prom

Michelle’s prom I – Julie Sophomore year had started. Classes were fine. Sports were going fine. Dating was better than ever, I was actually seeing three or four different girls at the moment. Not all at the same time of course but one this week, a different one next week, a party here or there, whoever had a particular event at the time. I was pretty carefree at that point. If I didn’t actually have to attend classes, school would have been great. So one morning, I’m walking down the school...

3 years ago
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Remembering My Senior Prom

— My senior prom is memorable in lots of ways, most memorable to me is the blowjob. I'd rented a limo and got a room at the Hilton for our after party. I had some money for this as I'd been doing a little work for local businesses. Installing accounting and office systems, things like that. Though the thing which paid best was the tech support once I'd installed the system. So I could afford to turn up to Jasmine's in a stretch limo. Her dad opened the door, "Good evening Mr...

3 years ago
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little sls chapter three before prom

All three of us damn near lost our minds those two weeks before prom night. It seemed like an eternity. It was so utterly strange we truly gave each other all a free pass to fuck who we wanted when we wanted to do it.Scott blamed his busted up face in a bar fight. I have to say I am a deviant little bitch but when I looked at that busted lip I nearly begged him to fuck me. Jason went on a fucking marathon that made town legend. He fucked the strawberry festival queen, two of her runner’s up. He...

5 years ago
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Blind Date for Prom

The events in this story occur approximately a month or two after the close of “Do you have a Big Dick? Why Not?” The story centers around Eddie Davidson’s family (Justin’s Uncle) and are a direct result of events that occur later in that story. If you wish to avoid spoilers you may wish to not read. If any sort of fetish or situation could potentially offend you in fantasy then you may also be so inclined to stop reading here. THE BACKGROUND (Skip this if you don’t give a shit about...

4 years ago
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Young Love at Prom

Before I go on, I guess I should describe her a little bit. She had beautiful light blonde hair that went just passed her shoulders. She stood a little higher than five feet and had a small frame. I always thought she had a “cute” complex to her, but she was always very pretty in my mind. Maybe I was just biased because she was my friend. Her breasts were a good handful, I think about a B cup, but I could never tell exactly from looking. She had a great ass as well. I especially loved it when...

2 years ago
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Queen Of The Prom

Queen Of The Prom Because of government cutbacks my country school only went through the junior high years. I had been living with my aunt Madge the last three years to finish high school. I didn't hang around much with the other students in the small town but did my best to fit in just the same. Now that high school was almost over I would be heading on to college. The last big event was the upcoming prom. Madge was excited but I said I wasn't going because I couldn't get a date. I...

4 years ago
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The FavorChapter 41 The Prom

Prom time was here, and I wasn't sure what to expect. Surprisingly, Jeff had asked me to go to the prom with him. I think that he had been deluding himself to believe that others were not aware that he was the puppeteer with his hand up my ass, metaphorically speaking (although that was an interesting picture). When Brittany explained to him that everyone knew, his behavior towards me in public changed, albeit only marginally. He no longer hid his command of me, though neither did he revel...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 183 Prom

The rest of spring break was just as hectic. I recorded three sessions so I'd have some built up before we got to prom and then started bringing in our guests from class. Of course, Jennifer and Courtney were staying for the week and Sam wasn't about to be left out. Whitney didn't stay with us every night, but she was there Tuesday and Wednesday nights and stayed with me after our taping on Saturday. I had a long and private discussion with Doreen after our taping on Monday. Sam, Jen,...

4 years ago
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Charity Graduates 5 The Prom

We’ve finally come to the end of the high school road for my formerly younger self. I’ll skip the witty banter and let’s finish this. The final week of high school. Here it was. A bunch of exams and lots of study time. The school became a ghost town to the students that did show up to bury their heads in books. I even went to school to study just to avoid the pleasures of the flesh that might befall me at home in the trailer park. And then those were over. Then it was Grad...

3 years ago
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Charity Graduates 5 The Prom

Introduction: The end of school has arrived Charity Jones here again. Weve finally come to the end of the high school road for my formerly younger self. Ill skip the witty banter and lets finish this. The final week of high school. Here it was. A bunch of exams and lots of study time. The school became a ghost town to the students that did show up to bury their heads in books. I even went to school to study just to avoid the pleasures of the flesh that might befall me at home in the trailer...

4 years ago
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The Prom IV After the Prom

[/image]I put on some lipstick then we smoked some MJ. I was ready to smoke a bone.His bone. He came over and his mouth dropped saying "You are cuter than any girl at the Prom or anywhere.This is way more than the Prom.I want to make love to you.To take you deep and make you a woman.My woman.I love you as Danielle.My Prom date.Now my GF. Please come up to my Bedroom{BR}”.I blushed.We sat and smoked a few bones.I tried to hold his ...

3 years ago
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Our Stories Junior Prom

A week after our trip to South Carolina, Sheri and I made love for the first time. I think we’d both love to say it was fantastic, but it was what you’d expect for two seventeen year olds. It was awkward, kind of rushed, and ended way too quickly. We were in my bedroom in my parents' house and they were sleeping about fifty feet from where we were. Even though it wasn’t as great as we’d wanted it to be, we both couldn’t wait to try again. The junior prom was mere weeks away and we both knew...

Wife Lovers
5 years ago
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Senior Prom

> >Pete and his three buddies were shooting the shit as theydressed for the>high school senior prom. They had started drinking early,wanting to down a>few brews before they went to pick up their dates. Now, inJoey's basement,>they started to don their tuxedos. Pete, the self proclaimed leader and>joker of the group, pranced around wearing his tuxedopants, a bow tie and>no shirt or jacket. He loved to show off the tattoo he had gotten the>previous winter in Florida. The basement had a...

2 years ago
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Sweet Love Making After Prom

‘God Danielle! My little girl is all grown up! You look so beautiful…i need to take some pictures when you’re done.’ ‘Mom, its just the prom. Relax…I havnt been your little girl for awhile I’m 18…just…relax ma.’ ‘Ok, Ok. God, you look so grown up.’ She did. She was 5’7′, her long straight black hair, was perfectly in place. Her dress revealed lots of cleavage, and it flowed as she walked. She looked gorgeous. She was stuck out front of the mirror, frantically putting on some strawberry lip...

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The Prom III Pre prom

https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/8399809/151354304The Prom IIIPre prom.We talked on the phone a few times and had one short date on Thursday afternoon. Saturday was upon us fast. My 2 pals M. & I. called me that week and said they wanted to dance with me at the Prom. “Only if you call me Danielle?” I left them each hanging. I tried on my prom dress 4 times on Friday and once Saturday morning. I shaved all over and no Mom did not assist me. I wore ...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 15 Prom

May 2002, Senior Year The last week and a half had been perfect. Allie's and my relationship had been re-energized and we'd been fucking like rabbits every chance we got, in every position possible. I found that having such a small and light girlfriend had its advantages. I could lift Allie and literally fuck her up the wall of my bedroom without getting too exhausted. I could fuck her wheelbarrow style without my arms giving out. And once we even had completely free-standing sex, without...

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emilys prom

Once we got to my house, I popped the trunk and grabbed my sister and all of her sexy outfits and brought my new property into my house. I had to mildly sedate emily to get her out of her house and now that we were home her sedative was wearing off and she started to squirm and resist. Since she was handcuffed and shackled I had her under control. I brought her down to my basement where I built a secret bunker to lock her up in. “how do you like your new home emily” I said as I took the tape...

2 years ago
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After Prom

Shannon opened her diary, grabbing her favourite pen to write her thoughts with: I’m going to do it. I’m going to give John my virginity during the after-prom party tomorrow. We’ve become closer, but all that has happened is that he’s caressed my breasts in the back seat of his car at the homecoming game. Everything is planned, but I am still rather nervous.She put the pen down and closed the book, locking it and putting the key away in its usual place under her mattress and slipping the book...

3 years ago
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Sissys Prom

Sissy's Prom - by: Brittany Little Jennifer was the most beautiful girl in school. Beautiful green eyes and long flowing hair. This day she was wearing a stunning red sweater with tight jeans and those little white oxford sneakers that I adore on women. She had on a pearl necklace and earrings to accent it. I couldn't believe that she seemed to be walking toward me. I would pretty much be classified as a 'geek' in any high school. Scrawny, about 5'8" 125lbs with shoulder length...

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Beth 1Chapter 21 Prom

The following Monday it was back to the grind. We both spent a lot of time explaining to people where we got the tans—let's face it, I don't care how much sunscreen you use, a week in the Caribbean is going to leave you a golden brown—and your friends slightly green. Greg caught me after last period Monday afternoon, "So what are you two doing for the Prom?" Prom? OH, SHIT! Something had been rooting around in the back of my head for a couple of weeks and it just kicked me—big time—I...

1 year ago
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First time sex story after my high school prom

Jasmine imagined a rough but erotic first time sex where Chris finds her in a barn feeding horses. He approaches her from behind and wraps his muscular arms around her body, kissing her on the neck. He tears off her blouse and skirt, exposing her petite body. He plants heavy kisses on her partly-opened lips and tears off his shirt, displaying his well-toned torso. Jasmine runs her hands across his chest and grabs his tight ass. She wants Chris to have her rough. It’s every girl’s dream to have...

First Time
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The Prom

BretDon’t get me wrong.  Being a big brother has its advantages.  But, it is not as glamorous as it sounds. Yes, you do get to do a lot of things before your younger siblings but most of the time parents are stricter with you than they are the brother or sister.   That is just at home. I haven’t mentioned anything when it comes to school.  That’s an entirely different subject.  Both good and bad as well.  If you’re too good, Teachers expect more from younger siblings. It’s even more difficult...

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Terror After the prom

Jenny drummed her fingers on the door panel as she reflected on the disastrous prom. Her mother had insisted on coming with her and had sat right beside her all evening. None of the boys had dared to come near. Her mother tried to talk with any that did in her annoying messed up English. What a disappointing end to her 18th birthday! Today Ling Hui (5’2”) had dressed in her best polyester Wal-Mart dress; a lovely form-fitting dress that zipped up the back. Unfortunately the dress had...

2 years ago
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Jr Prom

My Jr. Prom-2=============10==============When my parents came out I was still reading stories and wishing I couldsuck somebody's cock. They went into the living room and watched TV untilnoon when my dad jumped in his truck and went to the gun club to do someshooting.After he left, mom came over and asked what I was reading. I told her whatthey were and we sat and read some of them together. I was trying to hidethe fact that I was grinding my pussy into the chair. While my mom tried tohide the...

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Mary Robert And The Prom

It started when I was thirteen years old. I was at the drive in movies with my parents and I'd gone to use the bathrooms. On the way back to our car I was passing by a car and I heard, "Oh yeah baby, fuck me with your cock," and I peeked in the window and saw a guy fucking a girl in the backseat and I stayed and watched until the girl looked up and saw me and then I ran back to our car. Two weeks later my parents took me to the movies again and I left the car on the pretext of going to the...

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Tommy and Me Part II Prom

I pulled my gray dress up my body and my sister zipped it. The purple, blue, and pink flower design on the back hid the zipper well enough. My hair had the perfect amount of Pouf in it, and I was ready to go.Tommy's red Chevy pickup truck turned into the driveway and he hopped out. Tommy stopped in front of his truck to fix his tie. He wore the classic black tux, a gray vest, and a gray and white striped tie. Once he was all spiffed up he headed up to the Victorian style house and knocked on...

Love Stories
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Jakes Saga Ch 12 Prom

“Jake! Your dates are here!” his mother shrieked from the bottom of the stairwell. With that cue, Jake gave himself a cursory glance before heading down the stairs to greet his dates. Katie looked stunning in her baby blue dress which fit snugly on her short, athletic frame, its plunging neckline left little to the imagination with her ample cleavage being on a tremendous display. Chloe wore a royal blue crushed velvet dress that was a little more conservative, but still looked good on her...

2 years ago
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Her Unusual Prom

She sat back, the night of the prom and felt like the only one she knew of who didn’t get herself a date that night. Now 19 and one of the prettiest girls in her class she never could figure out why she hadn’t gotten a date for it. Still she went anyway. For some reason, she told herself, maybe there’d be a guy who’d come up, and ask her to dance. Was that lame or was it lame she wondered? It was 1982 and yes that’s right, it was the school’s senior prom. Sullen about not being asked to it, she...

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Joans Reunion Prom

After such an exciting time at the reunion ball game Joan and I took a nap at the hotel. I woke up to the smell of sex. Joan was sitting astride my face slowly grinding her cunt on my mouth. I could taste all the strange cum that was flowing from her vagina. I sucked and slurped Joan's cunt. I stuck my tongue in her ass. She started humping my whole face. I was fully engulfed in her juices. We moved to a classic 69. Joan moaned, "Suck meeee. Cuming". I exploded into her mouth. Joan kept sucking...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Her Unusual Prom

She sat back, the night of the prom and felt like the only one she knew of who didn’t get herself a date that night. Now 19 and one of the prettiest girls in her class she never could figure out why she hadn’t gotten a date for it. Still she went anyway. For some reason, she told herself, maybe there’d be a guy who’d come up, and ask her to dance. Was that lame or was it lame she wondered? It was 1982 and yes that’s right, it was the school’s senior prom. Sullen about not being asked to it, she...

First Time
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Late from the prom

This story is fiction and my first attempt at this so please be kind. However I do want honest feedback (only way to improve)I did not date much in high school and was shy. I did however get the nerve to ask a girl to the prom. Nancy and I were friends and hung out together at school and it seemed to all be working out. Our first date was the Prom and so I was very nervous and she was too. Well I had a car and picked her up and drove her to prom. We had a really nice time. We danced and talked...

4 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 25 The Prom

The day after the barbecue, I asked my Dad to do me a favour. I got him to help me rent a room at the hotel in which the prom was taking place. He didn't ask me many questions, simply assuming that some kind of party would be taking place. Of course, now that the day had arrived, he also knew that we were engaged, and it was obvious how the hotel room would be used. He had made the reservations through the hotel chain's web site, so that part of the preparations was easily...

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Go with Me to Prom

The first time I ever asked a guy anywhere was when I asked Joey to prom. God was that hard for someone who’s as shy as I am! Io, I would drive people home from play practice (we were doing Bye Bye Birdie) and Chris, Joey and Joanne all lived on the same long stretch of road, just in different courts. The problem was that Joey’s house was between Joanne and Chris’ and so I couldn’t get him ALONE to talk to! This one day driving home, I decided to drop off Chris first (I usually did Joanne...

2 years ago
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My Junior Prom

Introduction: Kind of rough, but you will get the idea I went to my first prom when I was 15. I was still with the guy who took my virginity and he took me to prom. My best friend also had an older boyfriend, Sam, and she was going too. We were both excited, she knew I was having sex and she was planning on losing her virginity after prom. Jakes parents were going to be out of town so we were going to skip the after prom party and go to his house instead. We had also gotten a bottle of vodka...

4 years ago
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The Prom

I was 18. No date for the prom. My Mom suggested that I wear my sisters prom dress and ask my brothers friend G. from college to take me. “Mom.I dont wear a dress and I aint no gay”Mom “I know butt I bet you can have alot of fun..Beats sitting home alone playing video games. Beats watching TG porn which I found on your computer.”“Mom”Mom was so right.I always liked my long hair and made it look girly at times.I thought it...

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The Prom

The Prom "Renee, are you ready? Todd just pulled in the driveway." Carol Harper stood at the bottom of the stairs as she heard her youngest daughter yell down, "I will be right there." All of the last minute preparations that went into this day are now culminating in this rush of excitement as her date knocks on the door. "Todd, you look really handsome tonight," Carol said as she let her daughters date into the entryway. Todd's face turned a little crimson as he let out a soft...

4 years ago
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An Officer and a GentlemanChapter 18 May Senior Prom

"Holy! ... You're kidding!" "Mitch, what's going on? I'm trying to work here!" Usually, Tory and Mitch sharing the office space at the house wasn't a problem. But, when trying to work on her finals, Tory found Mitch's outbursts disturbing. It was Friday evening and she was trying to get as much work done as possible, since she and Mitch would, again, be chaperoning the prom on Saturday. "Sorry, baby, but you've got to hear this." Tory saved her work and then moved her chair so...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 227 Prom

"Are you ready for this?" I asked as I turned down Mosquito Road Wednesday afternoon. "I never thought I'd be this nervous," Doreen said as she hugged my arm. "Is it too early? You can't see anything yet." "If we don't do it now, word will filter out. Everyone at the ranch knows. Hell, they were all present!" "Oh god! I never in a million years thought I would ever have to face your parents and tell them I was pregnant by their son. Brian, do you love me?" I glanced over at...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 141 Prom

We started playing basketball at noon. In a way it felt weird to have us six guys playing three-on-three and not have Whitney with us. But, of course, Whitney was with Candace—I mean Elaine—Rachel, Cassie, Denise, and Sugar. We were getting pretty used to Elaine's new name. On Monday after her name change we'd made the tour of both our lunch table and the drama table. "Guys, I'd like you all to meet my girlfriend and new sister, Elaine Frost. I know it sounds like incest, but we're...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 165 Prom

Of course, word that Jen and Court were "doing without" until prom got back before I did. My girlfriends decided it would be a great idea for me, too. But they were going to do their best to tease me. We all came back home on Sunday night because Mom and Dad had to go to work on Monday. But it was spring break for the rest of us and I was looking forward to a date with each of my loving girlfriends. Well, they were loving, all right. It started with Rhonda and Samantha showing up for lunch...

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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 27 The Senior Prom

The years passed for Mike and the guys, and finally reached their final year at high school. All four of them were repeatedly pestered over the years to tell what went on; Mike had said years before that the whole story would come out at some point. The senior prom was being organized and it raised many questions when Mike and his friends all got two tickets, and they were again pestered, 'why do you need two tickets, you never go out with any girls so who could you bring.' Mike replied,...

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