Lizzy's Story In Her Own Words (Part 2 The Prom) free porn video

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Lizzy's Story in Her Own Words (Part 2 The Prom) By Robin Y. As I stood in the doorway watching Lindsey drive off I felt like I was falling....falling from a very high cliff....very high! Mother wanted to know if I knew the pretty girl that had just knocked on our door and said she was looking for me....the boy me....Joey Janovich. She knew of course it was me from the moment I opened the door....I was wondering why she had pretended that she didn't recognize me and it felt almost like she was teasing me...playing with me as a cat would a mouse. I realized I was aroused and with my mother there I made some excuse and walked back into my room. I could hear mother still talking to me as I closed the door. "Elizabeth! Who is she? Do you know her? What's the matter?....did she say....." As the door clicked shut I embraced the silence. 'I need to think!' I kept telling myself, but the only thoughts in my head were about the way Lindsey had smiled at me when I opened the door. Did she know that why she put lipstick on me those years ago? I sat on my pink comforter and put my face in my hands.....why did I think I could get away with it! I began to feel angry toward myself for being so foolish to think a boy could dress as a girl and get away with it. Then I realized I was still aroused. Trust me....that didn't ease the stress. I could feel my resistance failing and I knew tears were coming when I heard my cell ringing. I dug around in my purse and pulled it was Lindsey. I was afraid to answer and I was afraid not to....finally I just hit the button and waited. "Hello!.....Hello! Is there anybody there? Joey! Joey, please let me know you're there." "I'm here!" was all I could say. "Am I talking to Joey or to Lizzy?" she asked sounding sincere. "It's me! I don't have multiple personalities,'s just me!" "I will assume that Lizzy and Joey are the same person then, but if this still Lizzy I want to speak to you about Joey. He is one of my best friends, you know that! I think he is awesome and I think I may have a super crush on him....especially since he has introduced me to you, Lizzy!........hello! Is anyone there?" "I'm here, Lindsey. I'm sorry you had to find out that. No one from school has ever come here and I really didn't expect.....well, I never expected to see you at my door." I don't know how I managed to get even that meager response out. "Don't be a ninny! I should have called first, but.....well, I really wanted to finish talking about what we were talking about you know so much about girls fashions and stuff. I was afraid if I called, you would say no. So I guess I thought if I just showed up you might let me in and we could talk about it.........are you still there?" "Yes! I'm here." I was wondering what she was going to say....she sounded like she didn't care that her boyfriend dresses like a girl...maybe even that she liked it. "Well, of course when you opened the door I didn't need to ask the question anymore. And I didn't want to cause you embarrassment in front of you I just pretended I didn't know it was you. After the shock of seeing you wore off I realized that your mom acted like you were her long has she known? Does she approve? Does she help you to dress?" the questions were flying and I was still trying to catch my breath. "Lindsey, I really am embarrassed...there is so much to tell!....Can we just wait and talk another time.....I promise I will tell you the truth?" I really felt deflated and just wanted to stay in my room all day. "Listen Joey.....I mean Lizzy.....I can't wait any longer. You are beautiful. If I hadn't known I was at your house I'm not sure I would have recognized you....really!" "Come on Lindsey....I was wearing jeans and a T with flats....anyone could tell it was me." "Don't kid yourself sweetie, it was more than the clothes and looked like a girl....I mean a real girl!" "Thank you Lindsey....that means a lot coming from you.....but don't you think I'm weird or something?" I asked hoping she would say no. "I always thought you were weird....but in a good way. I know YOU! So stop all this nonsense and say you will let me come pick you up so we can go to the park and can tell me everything. Oh! I have so many questions!" I could tell she wasn't going to take no for an answer and in a very real way I wanted to unburden myself. I had been living two lives. Joey, the boy was nondescript (on purpose). I had friends at school and the girls seem to think I was nice looking (teenage girls seem to like boys who are pretty....not so much when they get older). As I keep saying, I kept my personal life and my school life separate...completely! I didn't participate in any extracurricular activities, but I made good grades and I didn't get into any trouble either. Sometimes though, I felt like I was walking a tightrope. I would catch myself relaxing around other kids and my thin arms and small hands would start to express themselves the way girls do. I would catch myself and no one ever said anything....I guessed they didn't know what to think or just didn't care....I don't think anyone suspected that for the most part, outside of school I was a girl. When you live two different lives it can be confusing at times. I think in spite of my talk with my dad and the way mom accepted me....somewhere deep inside I still kind of thought of it as game....a game that didn't have an ending, but a game none the less. "Okay! Do you want me to meet you or, are you going to come by and pick me up?" I could imagine her face lighting up from the way she squealed in glee. "I'll be there in five minutes." "Five minutes? Where are you?" I asked thinking she had been gone about 20 minutes. "I just drove down the street and parked in front of my cousin's house. She lives over on Washington St......about 3 blocks from your house.....I've been thinking about what I could know, to make you get over this fear you have.....Do you really think me so shallow that I don't care about the you inside? Look, I'll wait an extra five minutes so you can touch up your makeup....then I'm coming. If you aren't waiting, I'm coming in after you." She giggled when she said that last part. I could feel the muscles in my back relaxing and my throat seemed to open up and allow full breaths again. Lindsey picked me up and as she said we went to the park and sat and talked until noon. I told her everything....the summer with Mandy and Deb....even going dancing at some of the lesbian bars. She asked if I ever danced with any boys at these clubs and I told her no.....there weren't many boys there and I didn't fancy boys. She almost looked disappointed.....I think there is something about me expressing my feminine self that arouses her. By lunchtime I had given her the entire story in a nutshell....I didn't go into every detail, but I didn't hold back on the important things. She was enthralled and didn't interrupt me once....a new record. We went to a nearby mall and ate in the food court. It was a strange feeling to sit there dressed like a girl with my girlfriend and talking about Prom dresses. After we ate we browsed the mall window shopping until we got to a store that sold prom and fancy dresses, several of which they had displayed in the storefront window. "Look Lizzy! That pink one is just like the one I showed you in the magazine!" For a moment I thought someone had shot her with an adrenalin bullet or something. I fully expected her to jump up and down clapping.... fortunately, she didn't. I'm still shy about drawing attention to myself when dressed as a female...actually!.....I guess I feel the same way when I'm in boy mode. I will have to remember to talk to Lindsey about that. By the end of the afternoon I had forgotten about the incident earlier at home and was just having fun. It reminded me of the summer with Deb and Mandy.....and I remembered how much I really liked just being me....a human being who enjoys all things feminine.....pretty hair, cosmetics, dresses, lingerie, nightgowns, high heels, painted nails, perfume, jewelry.....(I would go on, but I'd never finish telling you what happened). When Lindsey dropped me off at home things between us were like they had been before all this drama came about. I can't believe how wonderful Lindsey is! I put my hand on the inside door handle of the car then turned and looked right into her eyes. "Lindsey....after you saw me this morning and then drove away....I decided I would tell you everything about how I feel about who I am....I also decided I would tell you about how I feel about you. I love you, Lindsey! With all my heart! ...Stop!... Before you say anything let me finish. I'm not saying this because you have been so sweet and understanding today....I've felt this way for a long time. I was two lives and not knowing which is real....I didn't think I could ever tell you how much I care for you...and...that I wanted to be just like you." I know I blushed at this point, but I wanted to finish what I was saying. "I want to hold you and kiss you and whisper in your pretty little ears....I want to carry your bags and I want to shower you with everything you desire." There!...I'd said it without reservation. Lindsey looked at me dumbfounded with her mouth slightly open. I was looking at those plump, pink, shiny lips and suddenly they moved toward me and softly touched mine....Lindsey slid her bottom along the seat to catch up with her upper body which was locked against mine. Her arms surrounded me ...gradually working her hands up my back with one stopping at the nape of my neck...her fingers intertwined amongst my tousled hair. With the other hand she reached up and brushed her finger along my cheek. Oh! My! I never felt like this before. All the while her lips were gently caressing mine while her tongue teasingly darted along the crevice where our lips joined. Much too soon our kiss ended and she sat back behind the steering wheel. "I hope your neighbors aren't too snoopy!" she said looking around like a young girl sneaking her first kiss. When she giggled at what she said, I knew my declaration of love had been true. I loved this girl in every way possible. "I'll have to tell you about the neighbors sometime". I said jokingly. I can still remember the look on some of their faces when mom introduced me as Lizzy. She insisted that we go to each of the other five houses in our neighborhood and let them know that I was now going to dress and behave as a girl whenever I was home and chose to. It is a free country and neighbors should be helpful to one another and not bicker and gossip over unimportant issues. Mother had her speech down pat and with her deliberate delivery no one said or did anything but smile and say 'it's nice to meet you Lizzy'. I was against it at first, but honestly it was fun to see some of the people who knew me as Joey try to understand that the young girl in front of them was the same boy they once knew. Mom said something about the element of surprise.....but worked and after I thought about it for a while I realized mom had done it for I wouldn't have to hide at home....they would think what they would, but if they already know I might as well just let myself be who I feel like. Soon after, Lindsey and I were spending weekends together and talking about for just the right dress for Lindsey. We went back to the store in the mall and she tried on the one she had pointed out, but it didn't suit her once she looked at it in the mirror. I was Lizzy of course and she tried desperately to get me to try it on....but I'm afraid to say I didn't. I love to shop and I know my size (still a 6), but I was reluctant to try anything on in the store. Silly me! All the things I used to be afraid of. Oh well! One day while we were shopping Lindsey suddenly got serious. "You know it's a real shame that you can't go to prom in a dress. You would be prettier than ninety percent of the girls there!" I just shrugged my shoulders and she smiled... "I love it when you do really is precious." I'm sure I was blushing face felt flush. I was definitely touched by her compliment, but part of my excitement was in thinking of myself in a prom gown. "Yes, I guess it would be really fun to get all dressed up and everything, but I don't think the school would look favorably on two girls a couple I mean.....and if they realized it was me.... which they would... I would have to transfer to another school for my senior year...if I lived that long." Lindsey could see the longing in my eyes. "Well, you know there is a way!" She looked at me with her pretty brown eyes. "How's that?" I couldn't imagine what she was thinking. "You know my cousin Frank? The one the family keeps hidden? Well, he and I were talking the other day and he was complaining that he and his boyfriend were having the same kind of dilemma. They really want to go to prom together, but neither could pass as a girl and two boys would spell trouble." I just looked at her trying to understand what she was getting at. "What are you saying...they have the same problem as us?" I still didn't get it. "Yes and no. Yes they have the same problem as us, but no, that isn't what I am saying. What I am saying is that if we can pair up with them...Frank and his boyfriend....go as their dates and we can all get what we want. Once we get to the dance and have a few dances we can still be together." Lindsey seemed really excited about the prospect of us both attending prom in dresses. Suddenly I flashed on the dream I still have sometimes where we are at prom and I am in a dress.....I guess I've already told you about that....anyway, I began to hope that maybe there was some way. "Lindsey....I was so looking forward to dancing every dance with you...even if I had to dress like a boy to do it." What I said was truthful.....but probably not the whole story. "We can still dance together silly, girls dance together all the time!" That was surely true. Hmmm! My mind began to consider the possibilities. After some discussion I agreed that Lindsey and I would meet Frank and his boyfriend for a coke....just to see what they were like. Other than the brief incident that happened in a school play where I played the part of a girl and an actor accidently kissed me on the lips....other than that I hadn't ever interacted with a boy in a girl-boy on a date or something. I never thought of boys like that and it didn't seem of interest to my hormone driven young body. I wondered if I was reluctant to do this because I was frightened to be with a boy or if it was because I didn't want to share Lindsey with a boy....even if he was gay. She is such a doll... she might even turn him straight! I know that isn't how it works, but she is that hot! "We met the boys and if Lindsey hadn't told me, I would never have guessed they were gay and a least not by how they looked. Once we sat and talked a bit, it became evident that they were very much into each other. Tommy is a junior at a private school and Frank, Lindsey's cousin is a junior at our school. I didn't know him, but I may have seen him around on campus. I'm pretty sure we haven't had any classes together. He is about 6' tall and I would guess he weighs around a 180. He's on the tennis team and is in great shape. I'm 5'7" and I was thinking I could wear nice high heels and still not be taller than him. He has blonde hair that is very similar to my hair color and his eyes are hazel. The day we met he was wearing a green pullover and his eyes were as green as the grass. Tommy said that when he wears blue his eyes appear blue. I've known other people like that. I hit it off with the boys and they seemed to like me and were very anxious for me to agree to the scheme. I would go as Frank's date and he would use his school ID to get us in and Tommy would go as Lindsey's date. We were going to double date so everyone could be with the person they really wanted to be and Lindsey and Frank and Tommy. I began to let myself get excited about prom. I told mother and she was hysterical....she was like a child at Christmas.....truly beside herself. She was making lists of everything from finding a dress and shoes to appointments to have hair and makeup done. She was very excited. Dress shopping was fantastic. Mandy and Deb came with Lindsey and I and we had a ball! We looked at prom dresses from Allure, Flirt, Tony Bowls. Sherri Hill, Jovani, Blush and Faviana. I tried on long dresses, short dresses, flirty dresses and demure little numbers. It was wonderful! Finally I put on this long white gown with a unique print that subtly accentuated my shape with a delicate fuchsia, turquoise design. The beaded straps and low cut back added the perfect finishing touches and I knew that this dress by Blush was the one for me. Lindsey settled on a sexy black one shoulder dress by Flirt. It was a sexy black dress with a sultry short design that made my heart flutter when I saw her in it. I was transfixed there in front of the mirrors staring at her wearing the black cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline on a fitted bodice. Crisscross ruching added a seductive style that wrapped around her like a glove. She and the dress were beautiful. We settled on the dresses and found shoes to match. Mine were white pumps with 3 3/4" heels with a delicate pink flower on the toe and Lindsey's were black open toed pumps with 4" heels. I could picture us together standing with our dates, corsages in place on display for all to see. The thought sent shivers up my spine....I was at once both thrilled and frightened at the prospect of sharing my feminine self with my fellow students and the school faculty....even if I was incognito pretending to be someone else. Lindsey made arrangements to spend the night with me both the night of the prom and the night before so when we woke Saturday morning we were ready to begin transforming ourselves from high school juniors to glamorous visions of young womanhood. Mom made appointments (which she paid for) for Lindsey and I to have makeovers at her favorite salon on the afternoon of the dance. Previously, with Deb and Mandy I had my hair cut and styled in a salon that first summer I was introduced to girlhood, but to get a full makeover with my girlfriend beside me having the same experience was beyond my expectations. As we walked in the salon door and the fragrances I so love met us, Lindsey turned to me and said. "Lizzy, I am so excited....just a few hours we will be dressed and on our way to the prom....together!" "I know Lindsey! I am so excited....I feel like Cinderella getting ready for the ball." Lindsey looked at me and giggled. "Okay Cinderella, let's not get carried away!" and again she giggled. I watched Lindsey as our hair was shampooed, conditioned and then rolled. Every so often, she would turn and look at me and smile and I knew she was enjoying seeing my femininity brought to the forefront.....I was enjoying seeing hers accentuated as well. As the rollers were tightly wound I could feel the familiar tug on my scalp and the tension after the roller had been fastened. One by one I saw Lindsey's hair disappear onto the colorful plastic cylinders and I could feel my own head of hair being similarly manipulated onto curlers. I thought to myself about my mother's weekly appointment to have her hair set and styled at the beauty parlor when I was growing up. A few times she bought me with her and the women all oohed and ahhed over the cute little boy of 7 or 8 years of age. It was a fond memory and I was thinking it a shame that this ritual is not as common as before....and then I remembered my own long hair and how I was always looking to learn new techniques which saved me time. The right perm or cut can speed a girl's time in getting ready to go out for an evening or even just to go shopping. A setting lotion was applied to both Lindsey's and my rolled hair and she made a frowny face and pinched her nose at the smell. I giggled at her antics, but I was actually enjoying all of it...odors included. We were both escorted to the nail stations and as we sat to let the technicians perform their magic, Lindsey put her lips up to my ear and whispered. "Sweetie, I don't remember if this was your idea or mine, but I must say I am so excited....My on my! I had no idea watching you be transformed would turn me on like this.....You are really precious with your hair up in curlers....I wish I had a picture." "I'm glad you didn't tell mother that....she would have had a photographer here." Lindsey looked at me and then made an unintentional raspberry. "Be careful, almost sprayed me!" I asked surprised by her little burst. This seemed to make her even more giddy. I couldn't stop smiling and I was having the time of my life. My technician asked if I wanted nail tips.....I normally kept my nails at a respectably long length for a boy....and since we decided on our little masquerade I had only touched them with a keep the ends strong and without splinters which can ruin a pair of hose. "Sweetie, yours are beautiful as is, but if you want a little glamour I can add just a bit of length without going into a big ordeal...what do you think?" The girl of about 19 or 20 asked smiling at me like she knew something she shouldn't. I guess I was a little paranoid for some reason...... but with Lindsey there with me getting the same loving feminine treatment as me.....I somehow didn't care if anyone knew it was me. That kind of scared me and excited me at the same time. Rather quickly for what I had expected, my nails were receiving a clear base coat of polish. "These nails will last as long as you like, sweetie! As your own nails grow out you just file them down to a length you and your boyfriend like!" Was she teasing with talk like that? I couldn't be sure, but I think I liked it. I looked over at Lindsey and her girl was applying a second coat of dark red polish to her nails. Lindsey has beautiful, feminine hands and gorgeous nails. The red polish reflected the light which seemed to give her hands a glow. As I sat with my nails under a nail dryer Lindsey came over and stood by my chair. "My nails are dry enough to sit under the dryer.....I'll see you in a minute." And she walked to the dryers and sat down while her stylist set the dryer and gave her a magazine to read. I looked down at my own nails and saw the Blushing Berry polish being carefully applied to each finger. I had never seen my nails this long before and I was captivated.....sitting in a salon with my girlfriend with rollers in my hair having my nails done for my date to the prom tonight.....I felt like another, but a me that had not stepped out to the front before. A girlie me! I suddenly felt giddy and I could feel tingling in every extremity....EVERY extremity....I was glad I was well tucked. As the last coat of polish (which matched the supporting color in my dress and shoes) was judged sufficiently dry I was escorted to the dryers and seated next to Lindsey. As I sat, Lindsey looked up from the Vogue she was reading and smiled at me. "Look!" she said over the sound of her dryer, "this is your dress!" She held up the magazine and there was a young model wearing a dress almost identical to mine. "I believe it is....I hope I look half as good!" I answered. "What did you say? Twice as good? That is more likely!" Lindsey always knows what to say to make me feel confident. We sat under that dryers for a while and eventually Lindsey was brought up front to finish her hair. I was the only one left in the dryer section and I kind of felt like the old me....spying on real life from my fantasy world. But no! This was real and I savored every second of it. Later as Lindsey's stylist put the finishing touches on her hair I sat marveling at her beauty. Her long slim neck and delicate shoulders were......were.....well, they were delicious. I don't know how else to describe her. She turned and smiled at me...her auburn hair full to her shoulders looking like it was ready for a prom queen crown. The light behind her gave her a glow that surrounded her like an angel. Her eyes were done in a smokey look that really gave her a more mature look ....I could feel my breath become shallow. The gray and black shadow accenting the sultry look shook me to my core. Her dark red lips, pouty and glistening screamed woman and I was praying that she was indeed my woman. My stylist turned me to the mirror to watch as she fluffed out my hair. It was done in very loose waves which weaved together in the way I've seen on models in magazines....and even the movies. It was very young and contemporary and my natural highlights, which include several shades of blonde and light brown gave it a feminine quality. I stared at the mascara coated lashes that seemed longer than I recalled ever having before.... turned up by the lash curler and offering a wide eyed look that was dramatized by the eyeliner...above and below the eyes. I'd played games with Mandy when she dressed me up sexy and made me look few years older, but somehow this was different. I wasn't playing at being a girl...I was girl! Wasn't I?" I didn't know anymore...I knew I loved Lindsey so maybe I was a lesbian like my sister Deb. That might make sense. But I didn't wasn't to lose my stiff little friend either. My brows had been dyed a darker blonde and the contrast with my fair skin made a dramatic difference....maybe too much difference. I still had two weeks of school left. I decided to just go for it and worry about the consequences later...much later! I puckered my lips as Erin (my stylist) dabbed some gloss onto the middle of my Dark Berry Lipstick. I pursed my lips gently and looked in the mirror. Lindsey had come over to my chair and was standing slightly behind and to the right of me looking at me in the mirror. I know she was looking at me because I was watching her. With her new look and the way she smiled at me I was feeling a little she had some power over me. I looked back at myself and saw the young woman whom I only let out in controlled situations. She...I mean me of course, was ready for the world. I would be wearing a wondrous dress and heels with my hair gently flowing as I danced....yes, I could picture it. Until now I had only thought about Lindsey and I being together at the Prom, but now I started to think about having a date with a boy....even if Lindsey was in the back seat....we would both be on dates with boys. I knew they were gay and weren't interested in girls, but somehow I felt a little tingle of excitement thinking about looking really good and flirting with my handsome date.... being as girlish as I felt. When mother saw us she was ecstatic. "You two will be the belles of the ball. Oh Lindsey! That makeup makes you look so daring....I love it. And my sweet daughter! Oh my!" Mother turns and looks at me. "You are beautiful and I am so proud of you.....and I love that color on your nails and lips!" I was starving and mother fixed us a light early dinner. After mother, Lindsey and I ate broiled fish, yams and salad, Lindsey and I retired to my bedroom to freshen up and get dressed. I stood in my panties and padded bra while I watched Lindsey remove her blouse and skirt. She knew I was watching her and she slowly undid the first button on her top...stopping to look up at me with those big brown eyes....smiling the whole time....she is such a tease....she reminds me of Mandy in that regard. They both use their ultra femininity to control their prey and steer the action in the direction they want. "Lindsey! Sweetie, you are going to make me forget about the behave yourself," I said teasingly. "Listen girl, you have had my girlie parts twittering since the salon....don't be coy with me!" I love it when she takes charge of the conversation. "Now let's get dressed before you drive me to distraction." I was happy to oblige. I went into the bathroom and washed up. I tucked myself back and slipped on a clean pair of nylon panties...pulling them up tight to hold myself in place temporarily. As I walked back into the bedroom I saw Lindsey picking up a cute little strapless demi bra to wear beneath her dress. Seeing her exposed pert little breasts made it difficult to keep my tucked in friend hidden. She looked up to see me staring at her. "Would you like to touch them without a bra or blouse in the way?" she asked. I had felt her up on occasion, but never hand to skin. "Come on! They won't bite!" she teased. I cupped both her beneath each breast and felt their warmth. As I was marveling at the perfection of her body she reached and cupped the little flab I had around each of my nipples. Although, they were not a woman's bosom I still felt more feminine than I thought possible. She gently squeezed each of my small breasts...her fingers kneading my nipples which became hard and tingling. "We are going to have to find a way to make these things a little bigger.... I believe I kind of like having them to play with." She smiled and batted her lashes. I resisted reaching out and embracing and kissing her. It was a difficult test. "Lindsey, would you help me with my Basque? I don't think I can put in on by myself!" I said trying to calm my libido down. Lindsey wrapped the virginal white lingerie around my torso and began hooking the eyelets on the low cut back which tightened up my already firm waist. As each eye and hook were mated I could feel the restriction of the garment slowly push up my breast area while squeezing my already small mid section down to a delicate wisp of a waist. Having such a tiny waist really helped my figure because my hips are still rather sleek and not on the wide or full side. My bubble butt does compensate and mother says it is not uncommon for young woman and girls to have narrow hips. Next, Lindsey handed me a rubberized panty girdle designed to flatten the stomach but was not restrictive in the hips are buttocks. With just the right fit all my amorous inclinations were kept in check. I felt at once both imprisoned by and released by my intimate feminine garb. Lindsey moved right up into my space, her darling little nose touching mine. I could feel her warm breath on mine and it took all my will power to not throw her on the bed and make passionate love to her. As her breasts touched the cups of my Basque I felt a shot of electricity through my entire body....then she passed her hand over my enclosed boy part and I got weak in the much so that I had to sit on the bed to keep from falling. "I'm glad you are smooth down there....I don't want to get Frank's interest up! I don't want to share you with anyone. "But darling, you're the one who got me a date with him....are you having regrets?" I asked. "Of course not sweetie! To the contrary....I find it exciting.....I just don't want it to go beyond a certain point....flirting is okay....maybe even a kiss....but you come home with me....understood?" "Of course babe! I only have eyes for you." I wasn't exaggerating. As Lindsey finally slipped into her bra, I carefully rolled my stockings into little donuts and slowly drew them up my smooth tan legs (I just had to shave them... I only had two PE classes left in the year and I would find a way to avoid dressing out). I watched as Lindsey stepped into her little black dress and turned for me to zip her up. My hands were shaking...from excitement. She turned back to face me and her smile melted any concerns I may still have had. "Come on, darling....let's get you into your gown." Her words were music to my ears. I carefully stepped into the long white gown and Lindsey helped me pull it up over my hips and then pulled the beaded halter strap around my neck and snapped it into place. The cut of the dress in back was low enough to really accent my narrow torso and small waist and with my bubble butt right below providing a shelf for the dress to flow over I was unquestionably a femme delight. The halter style in front disguised the fact that my breasts were still tiny and with the padded cups of the Basque I appeared to be a 15 or 16 year old girl who had only started to bloom (as opposed to the 17 year old boy I really am). I slipped on my heels and stood in front of the full length mirror in my room. From head to toe...I was all girl! From the delicate styling of my hair to the pink flowers on my pumps.....all girl!!!! I looked at Lindsey as she stood beside me staring at the two pretty young women in the mirror.....she smiled and then she repeated what she said earlier. "We need to think about getting you filled out a little on top. There are some herbs that will increase you a cup size or maybe even two. And they won't make your little willie shrink! At least they better not!" She giggled and my heart skipped a beat. When we returned to the living room mother insisted on taking picture after picture. Some with us by ourselves and some together smiling and ready for Prom. The perfume wafting through the living room was intoxicating and I was as anxious as a pumpkin at Halloween. At exactly 8 pm the doorbell rang and mother answered it. She led Frank and Tommy into the living room where Lindsey and I were waiting. If I had not known these two handsome hunks were gay I would have sworn that they both were drooling over Lindsey and I...I kind of liked the made me feel even more womanly. The boys pinned corsages and mother took pictures....she even insisted on one each of both Lindsey and I on tiptoe giving our dates a little kiss on the lips to thank them for the flowers. When we finally got into the car I apologized to Frank for mother's insistence on the kiss, but he said he didn't mind...'not at all' he said. We drove to the Prom with Frank and I in the front seat of Frank's car and Lindsey and Tommy riding in the back. I lowered the passenger side mirror on the visor to check my lipstick and I could see Lindsey sitting close up against Tommy and staring into his eyes while he talked. I felt jealousy and I wanted to say something, but I realized we were just playing a game of sorts with these two gay men. I slid over next to Frank and looked back over the seat and smiled at Lindsey. She just smiled back. As my thighs touched Frank's he looked over at me and smiled then looked back at the road. When I put my left hand on his thigh and kind of dug in with my new longer nails I saw him breathe in deeply....he seemed to hold his breath and I was hoping he wouldn't black out and wreck the car. I found that I liked teasing a boy! At the dance I recognized a lot of people, but I really don't think anyone recognized me. How could they....I was really all girl that night. Frank said that in order to avoid suspicion we should dance together off and on all night. Lindsey and I could slip off to the little girl's room together so we could talk and kiss a little if no one was around. We continued in this fashion for most of the night. At one point Frank and I were dancing to a slow song and he was holding me close with his strong muscular arms. We had come to be comfortable with one another and he was talking candidly. "Did Lindsey tell you that I am bisexual? I like boys, but I still like some girls!" I think Frank was flirting with me. "No....she didn't. So you think I qualify as a girl or a boy in your little scheme?" I asked batting my eyelashes as I had seen Mandy and Lindsey do. Without responding Frank leaned down and kissed me on the lips....I mean he kissed me! I was introduced to his tongue and I felt helpless not to respond with my arms around his neck. As he held me close I could feel his manhood against my hip....I shivered with the thought that Frank found me that attractive. When we finally broke I looked over and saw Lindsey smiling with a dreamy look in her eyes. She was enjoying seeing me be romanced as a girl. Around midnight Lindsey and I went to the powder room to freshen up a bit. As I stood at the mirror patting powder onto my nose with my compact puff I noticed the girls standing on either side of me perfecting their lipsticks. Everyone was animated and obviously having a good time and I felt completely at ease and at home amongest them. As I touched up my lipstick I noticed Lindsey behind me straightening her dress....when she looked up our eyes met and I saw the intense passion she exuded....those beautiful big brown eyes told me that she wanted to ravish me and I was ready to be ravished. In the future, my dream would be a memory instead of a fantasy....I wondered what other delights the evening still held. The dance ended shortly after and when got back to Frank's car Tommy got in the front with Frank. Lindsey held the back door for me and I slid in as lady like as I could...followed by Lindsey who snuggled up to me. As I looked forward I could see Tommy resting his head on Frank's shoulder and for one second I felt a pang of jealousy. Then I came to my senses and turned to the beautiful creature beside me and kissed her with all my might. By the time we arrived at what I thought was my house I was completely distracted by Lindsey's advances. "We're here!" said Frank. I looked up to see the car parked in front of Lindsey's house. "I thought we were going to stay at my house tonight? Mom will be waiting up!" I said. "Don't worry about mother, dear. I told her that since I spent the night at your house last night, so we were going to be spending the night at mine tonight." "And she let you get away with that?" It didn't sound like mother. "She said that as long as we described every minute of Prom to her tomorrow, she would be patient and wait to hear.....and guess what? My mother and father are gone for the is just you and I!" As we got out of Frank's car my heart was beating a hundred miles an hour. I heard Frank say something nice to me, but it was like I heard it through a drain pipe...distant and compressed. All I could think about was Lindsey and being alone with her. Lindsey began taking off my dress the second we stepped inside the door. By the time we reached her bedroom we were both down to our lingerie. Lindsey released my hand and jumped onto her bed. "Look!" she said. And she pointed to the mirror on her closet door. I turned and looked at the pretty young woman standing in her virginal white lingerie and high heels. D?j? vu is putting it mildly!.....I turned and looked at Lindsey and she was reaching out to me with both arms. "Lizzy....I want to ravish you! You have me so hot I can't wait any longer....But please understand....I am a virgin and I don't want to lose my cherry tonight. I want it to be with you....Yes!...but not tonight. Tonight I want to make love to my girlfriend as only girls can do with each other. Is that okay with you?" As she asked that question I looked up from her breasts where my attention and lips had been. "Please Lindsey....can I kiss you everywhere? I so want to make you scream with delight." My nails were simultaneously pinching her nipple on one breast while my other hand was busy dragging my nails across the front of her panties. "Hush....just kiss me!" She said. Who was I to argue? We lay together kissing, hugging, sucking, licking and nuzzling each other's bodies. The next morning, Lindsey told me she lost count of the orgasms she had. I wasn't counting either....That night I experienced a different kind of was internal and was like fireworks going was exciting, humbling, wonderful and all my senses felt like they were on extreme alert...all at once enveloping me. I lost all thought and was just in that beautiful moment without limitation or expectation. One rush of euphoria after another. Whew! The next morning Lindsey got up first and brought me coffee and toast in bed. As I ate, Lindsey began telling me of her plans for us....and for me. She said she had no intention of giving up her new girlfriend Lizzy and that she would devise a way for us to explore the possibilities on a regular basis. She also kept talking about my breast size or lack of it..."we can fix that little problem!" she said....I'm not complaining! I believe I've already told you this, but I love Lindsey Green. I can't wait to see what new adventures she is dreaming up for us.....something naughty I'll bet! The End (probably)

Same as Lizzy's Story in Her Own Words (Part 2 The Prom) Videos

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First time sex story after my high school prom

Jasmine imagined a rough but erotic first time sex where Chris finds her in a barn feeding horses. He approaches her from behind and wraps his muscular arms around her body, kissing her on the neck. He tears off her blouse and skirt, exposing her petite body. He plants heavy kisses on her partly-opened lips and tears off his shirt, displaying his well-toned torso. Jasmine runs her hands across his chest and grabs his tight ass. She wants Chris to have her rough. It’s every girl’s dream to have...

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My Mom Chaperoned My Prom

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A Different Kind of Prom

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Queen Of The Prom

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The FavorChapter 41 The Prom

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Living Next Door to Heaven 183 Prom

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Charity Graduates 5 The Prom

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Charity Graduates 5 The Prom

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The Prom IV After the Prom

[/image]I put on some lipstick then we smoked some MJ. I was ready to smoke a bone.His bone. He came over and his mouth dropped saying "You are cuter than any girl at the Prom or anywhere.This is way more than the Prom.I want to make love to you.To take you deep and make you a woman.My woman.I love you as Danielle.My Prom date.Now my GF. Please come up to my Bedroom{BR}”.I blushed.We sat and smoked a few bones.I tried to hold his ...

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Senior Prom

> >Pete and his three buddies were shooting the shit as theydressed for the>high school senior prom. They had started drinking early,wanting to down a>few brews before they went to pick up their dates. Now, inJoey's basement,>they started to don their tuxedos. Pete, the self proclaimed leader and>joker of the group, pranced around wearing his tuxedopants, a bow tie and>no shirt or jacket. He loved to show off the tattoo he had gotten the>previous winter in Florida. The basement had a...

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The Prom III Pre prom Prom IIIPre prom.We talked on the phone a few times and had one short date on Thursday afternoon. Saturday was upon us fast. My 2 pals M. & I. called me that week and said they wanted to dance with me at the Prom. “Only if you call me Danielle?” I left them each hanging. I tried on my prom dress 4 times on Friday and once Saturday morning. I shaved all over and no Mom did not assist me. I wore ...

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Sweet Love Making After Prom

‘God Danielle! My little girl is all grown up! You look so beautiful…i need to take some pictures when you’re done.’ ‘Mom, its just the prom. Relax…I havnt been your little girl for awhile I’m 18…just…relax ma.’ ‘Ok, Ok. God, you look so grown up.’ She did. She was 5’7′, her long straight black hair, was perfectly in place. Her dress revealed lots of cleavage, and it flowed as she walked. She looked gorgeous. She was stuck out front of the mirror, frantically putting on some strawberry lip...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 15 Prom

May 2002, Senior Year The last week and a half had been perfect. Allie's and my relationship had been re-energized and we'd been fucking like rabbits every chance we got, in every position possible. I found that having such a small and light girlfriend had its advantages. I could lift Allie and literally fuck her up the wall of my bedroom without getting too exhausted. I could fuck her wheelbarrow style without my arms giving out. And once we even had completely free-standing sex, without...

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More Than Words

Sarah was nervously fidgeting in her seat, her warm brown eyes constantly shifting back and forth between Mr. Wilson and the empty notebook on her desk. Sarah was a lovely combination of pretty and adorable. Her petite frame stood at 5’3 when on her tippy-toes. Her lovely pale-skinned face was adorned with freckles. And her long hair was a beautiful yet unusual shade of auburn. “Your mom said that you need help studying for your college entrance exams; is that right?” Mr. Wilson questioned. ...

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 29 Operation Prom

People were supposed to start arriving today. I’d gotten a text from Ridge, from USC, which said that he and Bill were done with their finals and would be at Bill’s house tonight. John Phillips, from Kentucky, called to say he was driving over today. It looked like we would have a football get-together. Emma Stoned and Maria Dowe were on the same flight with Ridge and Bill. Ben Cowley and Zak Verwood had been booked on a flight from LA that would get to Chicago around 1:00 tomorrow...

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Her Unusual Prom

She sat back, the night of the prom and felt like the only one she knew of who didn’t get herself a date that night. Now 19 and one of the prettiest girls in her class she never could figure out why she hadn’t gotten a date for it. Still she went anyway. For some reason, she told herself, maybe there’d be a guy who’d come up, and ask her to dance. Was that lame or was it lame she wondered? It was 1982 and yes that’s right, it was the school’s senior prom. Sullen about not being asked to it, she...

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Her Unusual Prom

She sat back, the night of the prom and felt like the only one she knew of who didn’t get herself a date that night. Now 19 and one of the prettiest girls in her class she never could figure out why she hadn’t gotten a date for it. Still she went anyway. For some reason, she told herself, maybe there’d be a guy who’d come up, and ask her to dance. Was that lame or was it lame she wondered? It was 1982 and yes that’s right, it was the school’s senior prom. Sullen about not being asked to it, she...

First Time
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emilys prom

Once we got to my house, I popped the trunk and grabbed my sister and all of her sexy outfits and brought my new property into my house. I had to mildly sedate emily to get her out of her house and now that we were home her sedative was wearing off and she started to squirm and resist. Since she was handcuffed and shackled I had her under control. I brought her down to my basement where I built a secret bunker to lock her up in. “how do you like your new home emily” I said as I took the tape...

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After Prom

Shannon opened her diary, grabbing her favourite pen to write her thoughts with: I’m going to do it. I’m going to give John my virginity during the after-prom party tomorrow. We’ve become closer, but all that has happened is that he’s caressed my breasts in the back seat of his car at the homecoming game. Everything is planned, but I am still rather nervous.She put the pen down and closed the book, locking it and putting the key away in its usual place under her mattress and slipping the book...

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Sissys Prom

Sissy's Prom - by: Brittany Little Jennifer was the most beautiful girl in school. Beautiful green eyes and long flowing hair. This day she was wearing a stunning red sweater with tight jeans and those little white oxford sneakers that I adore on women. She had on a pearl necklace and earrings to accent it. I couldn't believe that she seemed to be walking toward me. I would pretty much be classified as a 'geek' in any high school. Scrawny, about 5'8" 125lbs with shoulder length...

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Beth 1Chapter 21 Prom

The following Monday it was back to the grind. We both spent a lot of time explaining to people where we got the tans—let's face it, I don't care how much sunscreen you use, a week in the Caribbean is going to leave you a golden brown—and your friends slightly green. Greg caught me after last period Monday afternoon, "So what are you two doing for the Prom?" Prom? OH, SHIT! Something had been rooting around in the back of my head for a couple of weeks and it just kicked me—big time—I...

2 years ago
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Student Begs Her Teacher F

While most teachers, students and other school staff were enjoying the last day before classes started, I, teacher Philip Caan, was waiting in my classroom to speak with a student I had met at the end of last term. Harper Stone was a seventeen-year-old soon to be senior who, as of the end of last term, was a shy, slightly awkward girl with a lot of issues fitting in with her peers. I met with her and her parents at the end of the previous school year and promised them I would speak with Harper...

4 years ago
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Terror After the prom

Jenny drummed her fingers on the door panel as she reflected on the disastrous prom. Her mother had insisted on coming with her and had sat right beside her all evening. None of the boys had dared to come near. Her mother tried to talk with any that did in her annoying messed up English. What a disappointing end to her 18th birthday! Today Ling Hui (5’2”) had dressed in her best polyester Wal-Mart dress; a lovely form-fitting dress that zipped up the back. Unfortunately the dress had...

4 years ago
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The Prom

BretDon’t get me wrong.  Being a big brother has its advantages.  But, it is not as glamorous as it sounds. Yes, you do get to do a lot of things before your younger siblings but most of the time parents are stricter with you than they are the brother or sister.   That is just at home. I haven’t mentioned anything when it comes to school.  That’s an entirely different subject.  Both good and bad as well.  If you’re too good, Teachers expect more from younger siblings. It’s even more difficult...

4 years ago
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Mary Robert And The Prom

It started when I was thirteen years old. I was at the drive in movies with my parents and I'd gone to use the bathrooms. On the way back to our car I was passing by a car and I heard, "Oh yeah baby, fuck me with your cock," and I peeked in the window and saw a guy fucking a girl in the backseat and I stayed and watched until the girl looked up and saw me and then I ran back to our car. Two weeks later my parents took me to the movies again and I left the car on the pretext of going to the...

1 year ago
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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 3 Downsizing

“I don't like it” Ian muttered before taking a sip of his jet black coffee. “Don't like what?” Marco asked in between bites of his reheated chicken parmesan. The two sat in one of Athena Corp's many cafeterias. They were chatting over lunch, as they did most days. The talk of fellow co-workers buzzed around them. It was a cacophony of commiseration over the many drastic changes to the corporate hierarchy in recent weeks. “What do you think I'm talking about?!? The shakeup! The layoffs....

4 years ago
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Junior prom

It was junior prom night, a night every father fears, the first night he allows his daughter out, with a guy. Ok she maybe have been on a few dates, but for me this was her first real date, and the potential of what he might try on with her had me scared. I tried to be mature, to trust her, my little girl is sensible enough, she wouldn’t do anything wrong, how far would this go, would he even try to kiss her, would she reciprocate, most definitely not, she’s not old enough, she’d probably...

1 year ago
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Jr Prom

My Jr. Prom-2=============10==============When my parents came out I was still reading stories and wishing I couldsuck somebody's cock. They went into the living room and watched TV untilnoon when my dad jumped in his truck and went to the gun club to do someshooting.After he left, mom came over and asked what I was reading. I told her whatthey were and we sat and read some of them together. I was trying to hidethe fact that I was grinding my pussy into the chair. While my mom tried tohide the...

4 years ago
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Tommy and Me Part II Prom

I pulled my gray dress up my body and my sister zipped it. The purple, blue, and pink flower design on the back hid the zipper well enough. My hair had the perfect amount of Pouf in it, and I was ready to go.Tommy's red Chevy pickup truck turned into the driveway and he hopped out. Tommy stopped in front of his truck to fix his tie. He wore the classic black tux, a gray vest, and a gray and white striped tie. Once he was all spiffed up he headed up to the Victorian style house and knocked on...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 25 The Prom

The day after the barbecue, I asked my Dad to do me a favour. I got him to help me rent a room at the hotel in which the prom was taking place. He didn't ask me many questions, simply assuming that some kind of party would be taking place. Of course, now that the day had arrived, he also knew that we were engaged, and it was obvious how the hotel room would be used. He had made the reservations through the hotel chain's web site, so that part of the preparations was easily...

2 years ago
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Late from the prom

This story is fiction and my first attempt at this so please be kind. However I do want honest feedback (only way to improve)I did not date much in high school and was shy. I did however get the nerve to ask a girl to the prom. Nancy and I were friends and hung out together at school and it seemed to all be working out. Our first date was the Prom and so I was very nervous and she was too. Well I had a car and picked her up and drove her to prom. We had a really nice time. We danced and talked...

3 years ago
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Olivia approached her bedroom door, thinking about a long hot shower. She grasped the knob, turning it but the door refused to open. Fuck, I must've accidentally locked it. As she searched for the keys, she paused, hearing muffled voices from within. That was strange. Maybe she left the TV playing.Sliding the key into the hole, she fumbled with the lock, pushing the door open and stepped inside. Olivia halted, staring at the scene in disbelief. Amidst the rumpled sheets, her housemate was on...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Olivia approached her bedroom door, thinking about a long hot shower. She grasped the knob, turning it but the door refused to open. Fuck, I must've accidentally locked it. As she searched for the keys, she paused, hearing muffled voices from within. That was strange. Maybe she left the TV playing.Sliding the key into the hole, she fumbled with the lock, pushing the door open and stepped inside. Olivia halted, staring at the scene in disbelief. Amidst the rumpled sheets, her housemate was on...

College Sex

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