HealerChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 18
- 0
Charles gazed into the fire as he stroked the soft skin of the foal that was resting at his side. Occasionally he glanced down at the small creature. Across the fire, Kat was curled up with a blanket and in a deep slumber. The shadows under her eyes told their own story. She had fought quite the battle as she helped the zephti make it's entrance into the world. The foal made a questioning sound as it looked at Kat.
"Relax, she is just sleeping," he reassured the colt. Since his people settled in the desert, the zephti had been a mystery. The scientists were still trying to figure out why zephti young bonded with Aresericans. It had simply been the way of it. He had assumed that the foal would bond with him but to his surprise the colt had chosen to bond with Kat. It was the first time that he had ever seen it happen. Even when Earthlings were present the zephti always chose the Areserican. Maybe the colt recognized her as the one that had helped him into the world.
He watched in amusement as the colt left his side and stumbled on it's shaky legs to Kat's side. It's mother lifted her head and watched as the baby plopped down next to Kat. Charles couldn't help but chuckle when it lipped at a strand of her hair. Kat mumbled in her sleep and turned towards the colt.
He wished that she was different... that she was as lacking power as he was. Today he had seen that she had a backbone of steel that was tempered with compassion. If he were looking for a queen to rule at his side, she would be a very good candidate. If she were powerless, he wouldn't resist the desire to make her his queen and mate.
Kat found herself lying in a room that she had never been in before. Looking around she noticed the plush surroundings. Even the lush carpeting on the floor cried out sensuality. She rubbed her hand over the covering on the bed. It wasn't soft like she had expected. Instead it felt kind of 'nubby' like one of her grandmother's afgans.
Where am I?
When she heard a shower shut off, she turned towards the sound. After a few minutes of silence, the adjoining bathroom door opened and out stepped Charlie. He wore a towel wrapped around his waist and was drying his hair with the other one.
Charlie?Hi sweetheart.
What is going on? Where am I?
My chambers.
And why are we here?
Because I have the over whelming desire to make love to you. In here we have privacy and everyone knows not to disturb me.
Because you have spoken? she teased.
No. Because I am the ruler of Areseric and these are the royal chambers.
So I've been told. Does being the king give you any "privileges"?
But of course!
What would they be... these privileges? She leaned back further on his bed as he crawled into the bed with her.
You... He covered her body with his. As his head dipped in, he gave her plenty of time to stop him before capturing her lips with his. First he toyed with them, urging them apart with his. When she did, he ran his tongue over their inner surface before slowly tangling his tongue with hers. He growled when she wrapped her arms around his neck.
When Kat moaned, Charles looked at her in concern. When she moaned again, he rolled to his feet and hurried to her side. Was she sick? It was the last thing that he needed. He reached out to touch her, when she mumbled his name. He paused. What was she dreaming about? Dare he touch her? He frowned. When he had touched his wife in the same situtation, he had been drawn into her dream. Yes, she was a healer but she wasn't a witch like Deanna had been. He should be safe.
Reaching out he slowly brushed the side of her face. He inhaled sharply when he felt the tug of power on him before he was swept into the dream world. He now knew that he hadn't been safe at all.
Kat moaned happily as she clung to Charlie's neck. Goosebumps had followed his lips as he had worked his way down her neck. She was surprised when she felt an uneasy tension fill him. He lifted his head and Kat could see the confusion and lust warring in his eyes. What was going on? Did he or did he not want to make love with her?
Ah, hell. He leaned forward and rested his head against hers. She could feel the tremors shake him as he fought with the desire to make love to her. What kind of dream was this? she wondered. She wanted him but it seemed like even in here he was destined to resist her.
I can't do this...
Because I can't. He lifted his head and stared down into her eyes. I wish I could, Katrina. It would be so easy to give in.
Then why don't you? After all it is only a 'dream'?Because it would be bad for both of us. I cannot risk it!
Ah, I see that you are still focusing on my so-called abilities. Let's face it, Charlie. You are scared that I am going to hurt you. You are not remembering that I can and must heal. But you know, I can't promise that I'll never hurt you, Charlie. I'm human. I make mistakes just like everyone else. If you are looking for perfection then I'm not it.
Katrina, please. It isn't you, sweetheart. It's me. I can't take the chance. You will become an addiction that I won't ever escape.
So what are we going to do?
We're not going to do anything. I'm going to do as I promised Gracie and take you to see Arianna. Then I'm going to go back to Rand's palace.
Why? Why not stay and see your family?
I have no family that I want to see.
Kat stared at him sadly. She could feel empathy for him. She, too, was estranged from her own mother. Whatever demons were chasing him, she knew that it would be a long hard battle to banish them. Maybe being aggressive wasn't the key to this special situation.
I'll tell you what, Charlie. I'll stop chasing you, if you stop running from me. Just spend the rest of our trip enjoying each other's company. Then you can drop me off at Arianna's doorstep and I'll wish you a safe trip back.And this attraction between us?
We'll just let it lay. I won't try to seduce you and you won't look at me.
Well, what can I say? I see you watching me with those silver eyes and can't help but want to jump your sexy bones. Kat toyed with a strand of his hair before tugging on it lightly.
So no more throwing yourself at me. We will finish this trip as friends not lovers?
As much as it pains me, yes. The only thing I ask is before you drop me like a hot potato, I want you to kiss me just once of your own free will.
You just have to push don't you? he growled as he rolled off of her.
Kat stared at his body as he bent to retrieve the towel that had ended up on the floor. She sighed as he wrapped it around his waist.
Push? If that is what you want to call it. I can't help that I want you. If you won't let me have you at least let me have a memory.
Charles stood there for a moment. It didn't seem like he was even breathing. Then he sighed and turned back to her.
One kiss, Katrina. One for your memory. Then he turned and strode back to the bathroom.
Mr Ulrich sat behind his desk and reviewed the file in front of him. The presistant buzzing at his wrist reminding him that his wife was waiting patiently at home for him. She was an understanding woman but the understanding only went so far. Glancing at the watch, he sighed and closed the file in front of him. He had to go now or he'd be sleeping on the couch for sure. Placing the file back in his in box, he straightened his desk as his habit before standing up. As he prepared to lock up, he was surprised when a man entered the room.
"Oh, you startled me. Son, if you are looking for testing you need to come back tomorrow. We're closing for the evening." Mr Ulrich stepped back a step as the man walked into the light. There was something familiar about him. Where had he seen this person before. As recognition dawned on him, he panicked.
"You're dead!"
"No." the man said softly. "My brother is dead... but not me. Where are they?"
"Who?" Mr. Ulrich gasped as the man backed him against the filing cabinet.
"The little healer from Earth and that son of bitch that she's with. Where did they go?"
"Katrina and Charles?"
"I see that the light has finally dawned. Where are they?" He shoved the man against the cabinet hard enough to make it rattle.
"They are gone."
"You test my patience, Mr Ulrich. I know they have left. I want to know where they are going!" the man hissed before reaching behind him and pulling a blade out of his back pocket.
"What are you planning on doing with that!"
"Tell me what I want to know, or I'll leave a pretty little souvenir for you wife to fret over."
"They are headed back to Charles' home." Mr Ulrich said weakly as he felt the burn of the knifepoint being dragged across his cheek.
"Now, was that so hard?" the man crooned before stepping back from him. Reaching out, he brushed off Mr. Ulrich and straightened his jacket. Then as quietly and elusively as he appeared he was gone, leaving Mr. Ulrich to dab at the blood that was slowly seeping down his cheek.
"What have I done?" he whispered.
The man approached the proprietor that had rented to Charles and Kat. He smiled faintly as he took in the man's nervous glances. He did look remarkably like his twin brother. It was so easy to slip into his shoes. As a result many doors had opened just with a cool glance and a raise of his eyebrow. His brother's reputation had stood him good use.
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IncestHello everyone. Main pichle 6 years se ISS ki stories padh raha hun and main incest and desi ka fan hun. Ye meri pehli story hai isliye thodi galtiya ho to maaf kijiyega. Ummeed karta hu ki sabhi ko ye story pasand aayegi. Ye story parts mein hai. Jaise jaise aap sabhi story padhte jayenge naye naye characters introduce hote jayenge, Ye pehla part hai agar mujhe achhe response mile to main aage ke parts upload kar dunga. To chaliye start karte hai, ye story hai do dosto, Vivek and Karan ki. Ab...
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It had seemed like a good idea. Sail out to an island I know of, spend the day snorkeling on the reef that surrounds one side of it. A fun day doing something simple. A way of maybe helping my friend Peggy forget some of the pain, the bitter loss, that was making her so depressed that even I noticed it. Not that I’m unobservant. Take just then for instance. I was blissfully enjoying observing that an older woman’s body and a young woman’s body were not all that different. ‘You coming in?’...
Two old age pensioners are enjoying oral sex together… but after a few minutes, the old guy says, ‘I can’t stay down here much longer, it stinks!’ The old lady says, ‘ I’m sorry, it’s my arthritis playing up again.’ The old guy replies, ‘ You’ve got arthritis in your cunt?’ ‘No’ says the old lady, ‘the arthritis is in my arm, it means I can’t wipe my arse!’
ONE WEEK LATER It was mid afternoon during the weekend. "Thank you for coming with me Kesha!!! Michelle!!! I really want to make it up to you guys!! To the Douglases too!!" Kim talking to Kesha next to her and Michelle behind her, while she was sat down on the driver's seat of her own car. The car was parked on a pavement that adjoined the front yard of the Douglas Residence!! They lived in a very big two-storey house. As they were more or less wealthy but good at now showing it!!! Some...
First off let me tell you something about us and warn you this isn’t a story of one incident in our life but one of several ways we enjoy our life. My wife is a slender woman with perfect boobs, long wavy hair, a gorgeous ass and an amazing pussy. We have been married for a little over three years and it has been fantastic for us. In our prior lives we were married to spouses who didn’t understand us and whom after many wasted years divorced. We found each other on the internet and...
"Mrs. Malibu has requested your help with a special assignment. It's a very rare occurrence. We don't know who else to turn to. A man's life may be in the balance." "Of course I'll speak with her, Mrs. Riviera, but is this something Mrs. Cardinal can't know about? I still get my assignments through her." "This is something even Liz can't know about, by her own choice, until after the job is done. Think of it as a black op. The black card sisters operate all underground railroads. Barbie can...
BDSMNote : This story is completely fictional! “Just put it in the far room, please.” Even his voice was sexy. How could he be so perfect? He was 19, 6’ 2”, and had the shaggiest sensual tan and finely sculpted muscles. His eyes were the deepest pool of blue, and his smile was filled with such warmth. And he was my new neighbor. Oh, how many dreams of mine he’s starred in! If only he could just look at me with those blue eyes. I’d drown in them, and not want to come up for air! But, of course, like...
EroticENJOYING MY RETIREMENT I retired just over a year ago and moved from South Wales to a small block of flats in Bangor in North Wales. I'd been looking to having plenty of time on my hands to do the things I wanted to, fishing, walking and photography. I soon found out that the weather up North made days to do these things few and far between and some days I struggled to find things to do. So, one day when my next door neighbour, Hazel, called round and said she was having problems with her...
Althea simply shouted 'come in' to whoever was at the door; she had me continue to ream her delicious anus as her pussy dripped. I was completely humbled when the guests who entered were two muscular males; one black one white, both already naked and toying with huge cocks, which stiffened as they watched me. Their looks of were of utter contempt as I knelt in nodding service of my feminine owner's arse. Althea made sure the cameras had time to catch my full humiliation witnessed by two...
“What do you want for your birthday?” she asked.“I don’t know, I don’t really need anything,” I replied.“I didn’t ask what you NEED, I asked what you WANT.”“I hadn’t really thought much about it, to be honest with you.”“What about sex; you always want more sex?”“No, you pretty much do everything I like.”“What do you mean, “pretty much” – what haven’t we done?”“Well, I’ve always wanted you to have such an intense orgasm while you’re sitting on my face that it would excite me enough to come,...
Oral SexI am going to narrate my real life experience in which the central character is my mom. This is about how my mom cheated my dad for sex. My dad is a common man who works hard for the welfare of our family and is working abroad in U.A.E. He has left India at a very young age to make more earning so that his family will live happily in home. We are an upper middle class family from Kerala. My family consists of me, dad, mom and grandpa. My mom is a housewife who always spends lot of her time and...
I am working in a private company. My wife is beautiful with perfect figures. I have been having sex with my wife everyday but I also fantasize about my having sex with another guy. I work for a big private company, and we colleagues at work normally sit together during weekends and my boss also sits with us. In a chat my boss casually told that he has a huge dick of 10 inches, and I realized this is the one that should ram into my wife’s pussy. I went home and told manju about my boss and how...
Midnight. The video screens were alive with activity. Hawk Dryden and his tech staff had out done themselves this time. We were in my private office, inside the War Room, under the Pentagon. Technically, that meant I was in charge, but I had made it clear that I was a spectator. The Secretary of Defense was in charge of our forces as they assisted the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Jordanian Army against Iran's Imperial Guard. Hawk had put up impressive air cover to shepherd the joint...
It’s a busy weekday morning in the office, but nothing I can’t handle. Lists dwindle as the 'things to do' get dispatched. A nice, uneventful day so far. While I’m figuring out which item gets next priority, my tummy does a crazy flip. It’s done that intermittently for the past three days so I know damn well it’s not the mango I had with breakfast. I motor through another item on the agenda. Done.For some reason, a racing pulse has decided to keep the tummy flip company. I know only too well...
MasturbationThis is an experience from my friend Karan. He had been on a road trip to Nepal for some soul-searching adventures. The below story is presented from his POV. Hi readers, this is Karan Mehta, a traveler, and explorer. I like to call myself a sexplorer. I visit different places and try to hook up with the local ladies. This gives me the local taste and also fulfills my burning desires. I am always traveling on a budget. So hooking up with the locals gives me a free space to stay with food and...
"What time is it?" She said to herself. She stood up and looked at the clock. It was about 8 o'clock. For a 17 year old Christina was over developed. She had a slender, tan body, no more than 110 lbs and 5 foot. Her breasts were large. She had a firm ass. She had long curly blond hair that was cut just above her waist. She wore pink booty shorts and a white spaghetti strap tank top. She walked down stairs and saw Nat cooking. She crept up behind him and said "Good-morning." He...
Hello readers, after reading so many sex stories I thought of publishing my story which happened two months back. My wife’s name is Maya(name changed). She has perfect assets good sized boobs and ass. This is the true sex story of how my wife and her boss made me their slave and how my life changed after that. Now I would like to be a slave to any girl/woman. I started making part-time income from that. If any of the girls/women are interested can contact me at My id is I’m danish from...