Healer's TouchChapter 13 free porn video

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Stephan stared down in dismay at the report in his hands. The long awaited report had finally arrived early this morning. After briefly perusing its' contents he was reluctant to give it to Charles. The truce between Kat and Charlie was very shaky. It was especially delicate after Kat's reaction in his study. If those two didn't kill each other first, they would make a very formidable couple. But what sane person would take on a Vindexicis warrior and a healer that had Kat's skills? Looking back down at the report, he realized that there was a lot more to Kat than met the eye.

He slowly closed the folder and rubbed the back of his neck. If he gave this report to Charlie, Charlie would have a complete meltdown. The man was nothing if not protective of his chosen. If he, Stephan, had his way, Kat would be the one to tell Charlie about her past. The report was like handling a lit bomb. It didn't matter who handled it, the damn thing was still going to explode. He needed to talk to some one about this. But who? Who would keep Kat's secrets and know how to handle the King? And then he knew ... and he smiled.

Arianna ... he decided. She would be the perfect person to talk to! She had been trying to avoid him lately, citing her duties in training the future queen. But this time he had the perfect excuse to get her alone. She couldn't say that he was distracting her from her duties.

He leaned over and pressed a button on his communications console and waited for her to answer.

"Councilor Dean, I don't have time for this!" Her voice sounded irritated.

"What's wrong, Ari?" he asked immediately.

"Those children!" she hissed. "Damn it, Charles, leave her alone!"

Stephan cringed when he heard several thuds and several voices raised in anger.

"I can't talk right now, Stephan. I have to go play referee."

"Come by my office when you're done."

"Fine, fine ... Kat, it's our custom. You have to have your family here for the bonding! If your father isn't here your mother has to be..." Stephan shook his head as he heard Kat's response. It sounded suspiciously like she just told Arianna that her mother would be there when Hell froze over. He disconnected the call and looked at the folder once again. There was no way in hell that Kat would ever invite her mother to her bonding. He wouldn't either if the woman had done to him what she had done to Kat.

Then a thought struck him. Why not have her grandfather come? It sounded like that Kat had some affection for her grandsire. He punched his communications console again and asked for an intergalactic connection. Within minutes, he was listening to the ring of an Earth phone line. He found it odd the way that they communicated but it was quaint at the same time.

"Hello?" a grumpy male voice answered.

"Is this Jason Littlebird?" Stephan asked.

"Yeah, state your business!" the old man demanded.

"Testy, aren't we? My name is Stephan Dean. I am the advisor to King Charles of Areseric. I'm calling concerning your granddaughter, Katrina."

"What's wrong with Kitty?" The concern in the older man's voice was obvious.

"Nothing is wrong with her. I was wondering if you would be interested in a trip to Areseric." Stephan replied.

"You want me to come to Areseric? Why?"

"Yes, it is our custom that a family member be available to give away the bride."

"Bride? Are you trying to tell me that my Kitty is getting married?"

"Yes, Mr Littlebird, your granddaughter is going to be bonded with our king at the peak of the new moon. That day should be in the next week or so."

"Okay, I'll be there. I'll have to drive to Iowa City to catch a flight to Chicago. That's the closest spaceport."

"I'll send one of our private spaceships for you. It will be there sometime tomorrow. I will get back to you with the time. Your daughter won't be coming with you will she?"

"No." Jason replied tersely before disconnecting the call.

And it was a good thing that she wasn't, Stephan thought. He didn't know if he could stand to be in the same room with the woman that had birthed Kat and then abandoned her to the penal system.

Jason sat in his old farmhouse and gazed at the small picture he had placed on the mantle. Since his daughter had left, he was finally able to have the picture out in the open. It was a duplicate of the one that he carried in his wallet. His beautiful little Kitty. It was hard to believe that she was finally getting married. And to King Charles! He wanted her to be happy, he really did. But this custom was going to put him in between a rock and hard spot. Because sure as anything, King Charles was going to recognize him. He had been able to fool Prince Rand with his Midwestern getup and fake accent. He had only seen the Prince in passing. Charles on the other hand wouldn't be so easy to fool. Considering that he had trained the lad, it would be damn near impossible, despite the fact that it had been over twenty years since the boy had seen him. The past had caught up with him and now was the time to heal the damage done.

Stephan stared at the communications console and tried to place what was bothering him. The man on the phone had been a bit short with him. But there was something familiar about him. He was jerked from his thoughts when someone knocked on his office door. "Come in," he called as he slid the folder under his blotter. He was glad he did when Charles came in.

"Good morning, Charlie."

"I'm gonna kill her!" the king growled as he flung himself into the chair across from Stephan.

"Relax, it's just the mezclar. It's playing havoc with your hormones." "It's doing more than that, Stephan!" Charlie flung his arm across his eyes in despair.

"It's calling to your latent power, Charles."

"I won't perform the Traiectus! I won't, ' he said strongly as if he were trying to reassure himself.

"This promise you made to yourself, Charlie, is going to be hard to keep. I don't claim to understand all of the traditions facing a Vindexicis warrior but the mezclar isn't going to care what promises you have made. It's going to demand that you join your powers with Kat's.

"It didn't when I bonded with Deanna," he countered.

"Something tells me it's not going to be that understanding this time. Back then, Deanna, as lovely as she was, didn't bond with you other than physically. This bonding that you are making with Katrina is very different. I have the feeling that it is going to be a complete bonding this time. You managed to escape it the last time, Charlie, but I really don't think that you are going to escape this time. I'll bet you are already fighting aspects of your power right now, aren't you?"

Charlie just glared at him.

"Glaring at me, boy, isn't going to change it. You have to make the choice Charlie or the mezclar will do it for you."

Another knock on the door rang through the room. This time Arianna walked into the room, followed by a flushed Kat.

"Come on, Charlie. It's time for me to drag you to a meeting, for a change," Kat said as she stopped next to his chair.

"What are you talking about," he growled as he stared at the hand that she had rested on his shoulder.

"Come on, surely you haven't forgotten about your fitting for the special costumes we must wear for the Festival?"

"What? No one said anything about a fitting!" he exclaimed as he surged to his feet.

"It's tradition, Son. You know that as the King you have to wear the traditional robes. And the last King's robes definitely won't fit you." Arianna gave her son a scolding look.

"Damn it!" he growled as he stood up.

"Hey, don't yell at me!" Kat replied as she took his arm. "If you think you have it bad, the last queen's robes don't even come close to fitting me. They had to start over from scratch. I still have several fittings before I'm done. So quit your grousing and come with me."

"What are you going to give me if I do?" he asked, a crafty look on his face. "Why is it you always want something in return?" she muttered low enough that he could only hear.

"Because it's the only way I'm going to get anything out of you."

"Fine! What do you want?" Kat asked with a straight face. Which quickly reddened when she saw the look that entered his green eyes. "I..."

"As tempting as I find that offer, I think that I'll settle finding out where you learned to do that little trick."

"What trick?" she asked innocently.

"The one where you vaulted over a gargoyle, grabbed a pole and flipped onto the roof. Who taught you how to do that?"

"After the fitting, I'll tell you," she bargained.

"Tell me now, and you can show me after the fitting." he countered.

"You know you really drive a hard bargain. Fine. I took gymnastics as a child. They teach you how to tumble. I can do somersaults, flips, cartwheels, round -offs and several other moves," she explained as she led him towards the door.

"Good, now that wasn't so hard was it?" he teased. "You can show me these moves after our fitting, Kitty Kat..." he said as they left the study. Arianna shook her head before quietly shutting the door behind them. She mentally gathered herself up before she turned back around and faced Stephan.

"Okay, Stephan, what is that you wanted to discuss with me about Kat?" she asked as she sat down in the chair that her son had just exited.

"I'll get to that in just a minute. I have something else I want to talk to you about before we get into that." Arianna met his gaze and inwardly groaned. He had that look about him again. He was going to start pestering her about being his chosen again!


"Don't. For just once in your stubborn life, woman, listen to me first. Until I finished, I just want you to sit there and actually listen. And don't go getting all defensive on me either." he growled when he saw her cross her arms over her wonderfully ample chest.

"Fine, lets get it over with, Dean. I'm a very busy woman," she said through gritted teeth.

"Busy at avoiding me." Stephan stood up and walked around the desk and sat on its edge facing her. "You know, Arianna, this is going to happen whether you fight me or not. Why do you keep running from me? I haven't had a decent night's sleep since the night that I held you in my arms. I keep waking up and reaching for you. And you're not there."

"Maybe you should try a sedative, Dean. They are a lot less expensive and not as much trouble as having a woman to deal with."

"Really? And you think any woman would fulfill this need?" he asked curiously.

Arianna tried to steel herself against the pain of the thought of another woman in his arms brought but she knew that she failed when he smiled knowingly. The bastard knew that it bothered her to think of him with other women!

"Exactly, Arianna. There is no substitute for you. There wasn't when I was married to Hope and now that I've had you, I'll never be able to touch another woman without longing for you. So I've decided that I'm done playing this silly game that you have insisted we play. I'm not a young man anymore. I won't waste any more time."

"So you've finally given up on me?" she asked quietly.

"No I have NOT! Maybe if I were younger I would give you more time," he said after a moment. "But if I know you, you'd just try to find another reason why we couldn't be together and you'd back away from me once more. So this time I'm not giving you a choice. We will be married at the Renewal Festival. I've already spoke to Charlie about marrying you. I'll have you know, Ari, he gave me his unconditional approval. It seems that the only one uncertain about us being together is you."

"So you think you have this all worked out, Councilman Dean?" Arianna asked him coldly.

Stephan smiled as he watched her fume.

I know I have, Ari. You're mine and whether you like it or not, we will bond at the Renewal Festival. You and I belong together.

"Stay out of my head, damn it!" she hissed at him. He just smiled at her.

"Now, for the other issue that I needed to talk to you about," he said as he stood up and walked back around his desk. He retrieved the file from under his desk blotter before walking back around to stand in front of her once more. He tapped the file absently as he gathered his thoughts.

"What is it!" Arianna asked finally.

"Your son came to me a couple of weeks ago and asked that I compile a report on Kat ... her background and her past. You know how closed-mouthed she is about it. And you know your son, if he thinks she hiding something, he wants to know it — every detail."

"Why couldn't he just be like any other man and wait for her to come to him." Arianna finally replied as the enormity of what her son had done. "Does he realize that it will blow up in his face if she finds out?"

"Yes, in fact it already has. She found out about the preliminary report. That was the day that she locked him in the stables. Even after that fiasco, he still insisted on having the full report. He wants to know what makes her tick, I think."

"That son of mine always was an impatient one. So let me guess that folder that you are holding is the final report."

"Yes, I want you to take it, look it over, and tell me how the hell I am suppose to give that folder to your son." Charles placed the folder in her hand before leaning back on the desk.

Arianna stared down at the thick manila folder that he had just given her. She knew that opening it could be like opening Pandora's box. She was tempted beyond belief. It could help her with training Kat.

"Go ahead and open it, Ari. I know that you won't use what's in there against Kat or Charlie." Stephan assured her. She looked up at him. He was being quite trusting of her.

She swallowed before flipping open the folder. Tears quickly came to her eyes as she skimmed the contents in the folder. Whoever had gathered the information had been very through. It was hard to think that any child should have to go through what Kat had endured. She looked up at Stephan. She set the file aside and stared at him.

"My advice! Don't give it to him. She needs to tell him in her own time."

"But it's my duty as his advisor to..." Stephan protested softly, reminding her of his position.

"This file will do nothing but hurt her and I think she has been hurt enough, don't you, Councilman Dean?" She arched an eyebrow waiting for his reaction.

"But what about your son!" he asked when she stood up and picked the file up.

"I'll deal with him. And I'll deal with this." she said softly as she turned and walked towards the door.

"Ari, I can't let you take that! What am I suppose to tell Charlie?" he moved quickly to stop her., but she moved even more swiftly.

"Tell him that I stole it." she said over her shoulder as she closed the study door behind her.

Arianna finally tracked down King Mica in the library. He was reading a book.

"Your highness, I hate to bother you, but I need your council." Arianna said as she shut the library's heavy door behind her.

King Mica looked up from his book. "I've been expecting you, Arianna." he waved his hand and the door behind her magically locked. "It's about the report that Charlie had Dean gather isn't it?"

"How did you know?" she asked as she sat down in the chair across from him.

"One of the powers that I possess is to see the future. It isn't always a pleasant gift to have."

"I suppose you have seen what will happen if I give my son this report," Arianna sighed as gripped the folder tightly in her hands.

"I can understand your concerns, Arianna. There must be something of great magnitude in that folder."

"It's her life, Mica. She should be the one to tell him. I find it hard to believe that a child I raised would stoop to this level."

"You have to understand his position. If I were in his place I would have done the same thing," Kat said as she walked out of the shadows behind Mica.

"Kat!" Arianna surged to her feet.

"Relax. May I see the file?" Kat asked softly, her voice steady even though the hand that she offered was trembling slightly. Arianna glanced over at Mica for guidance.

"Go ahead." The King nodded his agreement and Arianna slowly gave Kat the folder.

Kat stared at the cover for a moment or two before opening it. She briefly skimmed the contents of the first page. Then she closed it and held it tightly to her chest. A small tremor shook her small body.

"Thank you. May I go?" she asked the king.

"Of course. I never would dream of holding you hostage, Kat. You are like another daughter to me. Go do what you need to do."

Kat nodded her thanks before disappearing back into the shadows. Arianna could hear the shallow scrape of a window opening.

"Is she going to..."

"Yes. Our little Kat is quite the gymnast. The last time I was on Earth I was invited to their Olympic Games. They have a sport dedicated to this activity. They are quite graceful and powerful athletes."

"She won't hurt herself? It is dangerous to walk those ledges."

"Believe me, Arianna. Walking those ledges is 'a stroll in the park' as the Earthlings say."

"That girl is going to make me gray before my time," she said with a shake of her head.

"You're already gray." Mica reminded her.

Kat sat outside of the window of Charlie's inner sanctuary and gazed off into the distance. Even without the green fields she was so accustomed to, the red plains of Areseric reminded her greatly of her home. She wondered if she would ever live on Earth again. More than likely not, she decided. Once she bonded or what ever they called it, she would become the queen. This morning's battle with Charlie and his mother had finally driven home the fact.

When she had started this journey all she had wanted was to find the man of her dreams. And now that she had found him, she was torn between throwing herself in his arms and finding the nearest object to clobber him with. Her Vindexicis warrior was every inch the alpha male. Could she hold her own against him? She had a feeling that she was going to find out shortly.

She glanced over at the file that rested on the ledge next to her. She had only read the first page and hadn't bothered reading anymore. She had a feeling that Councilman Dean had been very through when he had complied the report for Charlie. She knew everything that was in the file already. Now, she wondered if she were brave enough to give it her chosen. When he found out most of her secrets would he turn away from her. Or even worse, would he pity her?

Well there was only one way to find out, she decided. She leaned back and tapped on his window.

Charles glanced up when he heard a tap against the window behind him. He turned around and walked over to it, expecting to see nothing more than a child tossing pebbles. His window overlooked the skipping pond that he had commissioned a few years back, after seeing one in an Earthling movie. He wasn't to bad a stone skipper either.

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The Third Sex

Note to the reader: Although this story has a strong sexual tone with teen female nudity, and involves possible incest, the only sex occurs off-camera, so to speak. Saturday, July 14, 2018 It was just after 10 a.m. on Saturday morning. Maggie was in the kitchen, rinsing the coffee pot when Kellie ambled in, clad in her cute blue and green one-piece swimsuit. She had a beach towel wrapped around her slender waist. Kellie was the oldest of Maggie’s 3 nieces and nephews. Kellie, Jamie and Cody...

2 years ago
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The first girl i ever spanked

Many moons ago when i was nineteen i dated a trainee nurse who i shall rename Alice. She was a redheaded girl of eighteen and very broadminded, nothing ever shocked her when it came to sex. I picked her up from the hospital after her shift and because i was delayed in traffic was late by fifteen mins picking her up. She sulked all the way back to her home saying i was uncaring etc and would not listen to my reason for being late.She flounced out of the car and me in hot persute got to her...

3 years ago
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Seducing a friend

"Hey!" she said, as she strolled in."Oh, hi!" I replied, my cock already beginning to throb."So, how's it going?""Pretty good thanks. How's things with you?""Alright.""You look nice today," I said."Ha! No I don't. I'm tired and tense from working all day."My eyes lit up, but I stayed calm."Well you could've fooled me. You look great."There was a pause. An uncomfortable one. Had I gone too far?"Would you like a tea? Or coffee?" I said, breaking the silence."I'd kill for a coffe. Black. Thanks,"...

1 year ago
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Risky Business Chapter 1

Technically, Ryan wasn’t a co-worker. We just worked for the same company in the same building on the same floor. All of the women in the office talked about him and how good looking he was and I obviously agreed, though I never thought that flashing a smile here and there or having quick coquettish conversations would lead to anything. Eventually, though, he asked me to lunch and we got along so famously that I agreed to meet for a quick glass of wine after work and before you knew it those...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 23 Bisexual

Finally satisfied with his training, Lucas stood up and watched Violette, who had passed out. During the tests, she had passed out twice, and the last orgasm made her lose consciousness a third time. Whenever that happened, he used his cold hand to wake her up. At first, he thought about leaving her there, but remembering the bet with May, he knew he couldn’t. “Hey, wake up sleepyhead.” Feeling Lucas’s cold hands, Violette woke up, and the first thing she saw was Lucas’s face. With a smile,...

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Emily and I

Emily Smith raps on my back sliding glass door. Emily is a freshman in college. She is modestly dressed in a green long sleeve sweater, a white blouse, skinny fit straight leg pants and sneakers. She is five feet tall and maybe ninety-five pounds soaking wet. She has a great hourglass figure with a perfect hip to waist ratio. Her bright red hair is tied back in a ponytail. She has brilliant, piercing green eyes and a light smattering of small freckles across her nose and cheekbones. She has a...

First Time
3 years ago
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Pic Swap

The whole idea of sharing naked pictures with a stranger appealed to Kathy for some odd reason, even though she had never taken a nude or even mildly risque picture of herself, or anyone else for that matter. She was intrigued, but told Sarah that she would check the app out later. Later for her meant the next day while she was at work and at lunch. She sat in her usual corner of the break room so she could lean back against the wall and scanned the app selection on her phone. She found the...

4 years ago
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Blood Sacrifice of Innocence

Everything in Nature adores the chaste virgin, as she walks through her Almighty Father’s Garden of Paradise, naked and unashamed. She will never know sin, so long as the snake is kept out of Paradise. When she has matured, the lover sees the beauty so breathtaking to behold, and innocence so pure, surely she must have the blood sacrifice of innocence, to atone for accursedness in his seed. Her lover places her needs for security and commitment, above his own base instinct, elevating...

1 year ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 17 Retaliation Station

"You're an unholy fuckin' bastard. Fuck you, the horse you rode in on, the blacksmith who shod him, and the priest who baptized him." Dan pauses the movie, comes into our bedroom and switches off the vibrating egg that he previously stuffed up my ass. Then he returns and resumes the movie and turns the volume on the home theater system up. That's the worst part about this torture session. He knows I really wanted to watch that movie with him. We are both suckers for really good suspenseful...

1 year ago
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Fucking Sex With My College Girlfriend

Hi I am Mayank who lives in Delhi and I am 20 years old. This is a story I wrote a few days back so I thought I might publish it here. There was a girl Aranya Sharma who was in the same class as I was, we didn’t know each other for the first what, like 4 months as both of us were serious students. But one of her friend Riddhima had a crush on me so they began to sit in front of me when we actually got introduced for the first time. Obviously I became more interested in aranya as she was just...

3 years ago
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The Worlds Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party

episode 27 (This follows “Getting Nekkid With a Cheerleader”)The annual football game between the University of Georgia and the University of Florida is a very unique clash. Rather than alternating the game on each other’s campus, the two universities have met in Jacksonville, Florida since 1933. The tickets sold to the event are divided equally between the two universities, so that both teams fans show up in equal numbers. The crowd is enormous and the festive party atmosphere that surrounds...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Old times

For some strange reason this was what I thought I should be doing as a young girl. Well, after coming home from a date – spent most of the time kissing my boyfriend and him feeling me up – I was hot and bothered. When I got to my room my roommate was already in bed sleeping – she didn’t have a boyfriend at the time, but she was much more worldly than I was. So I got into the room and changed into a t-shirt and my panties. I went to lay down and get some rest, but kept thinking about what...

3 years ago
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Another threesome with Mark with a twist at the en

After our first threesome with Mark things were more relaxed for my wife and that made it easier more.Keep in mind that my wife was  very shy at the time this started so this was a very big step in our life.After our Friday night threesome my wife was in a great mood she asked me a few times if I was still okay with what happened and again I told her I'm fine I just don't want you to do something with Mark when I'm not around she told me that she would never even think about doing anything...

4 years ago
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Heavy TrafficChapter 2

By the time they left the rest area, the worst of the heat had broken and a fine, misting rain had begun to fall. Thunder rumbled as they slid back into the turgid flow of traffic. "So," Fiona asked finally. "What happens now?" Jack pondered the question, "What do you want to happen?" It was a long time before Fiona said, "I think we should put this behind us. It was ... the sort of thing that could only happen once ... on vacation. I want to grow old with you, Jack." She shrugged,...

3 years ago
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The Meeting0

Anyone who knows me, even a little, will know that I used to be a regular member of a sex forum and would get very involved with writing sex stories, posting naughty pictures and join in with extremely contentious and lively debates. Despite my diminutive stature, my attitude was not of a meek and mild person. That was the public persona and it was a good escape from my real life. Anyone who knew me better on that site knew another part of me, the real me and I could count on my fingers,...

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Trail of tears part3

This house was built just for my twisted tendencies. The dungeon is actually a concrete bunker divided into two rooms. The bunker was built and buried a year or so before the house, while the hay was high and no one could see what was going on. All the walls, floors, and ceilings are three foot thick reenforced concrete, at least 12 feet underground. The house was built a year later on what appeared to be undisturbed ground, So the bunker is not in the drawings and not on file with the...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Rachele Richey Big Tit Office Chicks 06

Rachele Richey is ready for a new career. She gets an interview for a job selling watches and is tasked with selling a watch to the owner Cyrus King to prove her sales skills. If there is one thing a titter knows how to do it’s sell herself. This guy never stood a chance as she soon has him eating out of her hands, or in this case, off her tits as she shows him how to sell a watch to a man. With a rock hard dick in her mouth, he is offering her the job within minutes. Being no slouch, she...

1 year ago
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Pink Salon Fuck Pig

Linda’s jaw felt sore, and she was relieved when the taxi-driver filled her mouth with his seed. She swallowed out of resignation, and not because she enjoyed it. The flash from the cab-drivers cell phone camera blinded her as he took a picture of her with his dick in her mouth. Her c-cups had popped out of teddy and the posts that went through her nipples scraped and caught against the fabric of the car seat as her Japanese boyfriend plowed her aching vagina from behind. He was standing...

2 years ago
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Irfan and Sahil

Irfan was lying on the bed in a relaxed mood. It was late night. He was getting a little bored. 'What should I do,' Irfan thought. Suddenly, Sahil entered the room. Sahil smiled at Irfan. Irfan smiled back, knowing he wont be bored anymore. Sahil sat besides Irfan and started staring him from top to bottom like a hungry slut. He asked Irfan seductively,'Am I allowed to play?' 'Sure,' was Irfan's reply. Sahil moved over his hand and started caressing the bulge in between Irfan's jeans. Slowly,...

1 year ago
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Teen Cousins Brother Explore Each Other 8211 Part 1

Disclaimer : All characters in the stories are fictional. The story has teenage incestual relationship between two cousins and extensive homosexuality. If your name is same as one the character it is a coincidence. If you are against any of the above please do not read the story. The ideas for this story are taken from many as I’m regular reader to many of the blogs. For any comments and ideas : Email – Story:- It was the middle of the summer. Me (Tanay) and my cousin brother Anmol were...

Gay Male
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A BLIND DATE: JUST THE KEY OF A HOTEL ROOM Mark and Darlene  met on the chat in the web site for adult friends, and  considered this subject thousands of times, always giving it a second thought.  The fact Mark mentioned his   fantasy so many times to her, it had already aroused an interest on her too, so she was not reluctant to carry on with his plans;  it had also  been one of Darlene's fantasies for many years now and here  was  her chance.  She was so prepared to the point that nothing...

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Chaos Comes ACourtin

The object suddenly appeared out of nowhere, halfway between Earth and the moon, and made a beeline for the planet, moving so quickly there was no time to broadcast a warning. The first inkling the citizens of Township Dawn's Majesty, or "TDM" as it was known to non-residents who had the misfortune to visit, had of the object was when they saw it streaking toward the only road into or out of town that wasn't under heavy construction. Imagine the terror in the minds of the people ON that...

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My sister and her friend Ami

My sister and i had been messing around in dads tool shed and i had found his stash of dirty films....lucky for me my sister was happy to sit and watch some. mum and Dad were away for the weekend and my parents trusted me to look after my younger sister while they were away. We loaded one video into the recorder "Uncle and niece i****t" thought that might be quite interesting. Just before the film started the door bell went and My sister looked outside and saw her mate Ami at the door, it had...

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HONEY ebony erotica

Honey was probably the most sensual black girl that I have ever tasted. She was eighteen-years old, a freshman in college, and didn’t have a hint of ghetto in her. Not in her speech or mannerisms. Honey had golden-brown eyes and ebony skin but she was all pink inside. Her toned body came complete with an onion ass that was so delectable that it made me cry just from looking at it. Her breasts were so firm that they never bounced or swayed, even while she rode me. Honey’s most desirous...

3 years ago
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Office Cumslut

I walk into my office, put my stuff down on my desk, turn on my computer to check my e-mail, daily checklist, average everyday things. Behind me rubbing my shoulders and chest is my cum slut. Everybody in the office knows about her, I tell everyone. The blowjobs she gives, her amazing tits, her sexy lips, amazing body. "Are you done checking everything?" she asks"Yes I am, are you ready?" I answerShe doesn't respond, she gets on her knees and starts to unzip my pants. She reaches in and pulls...

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Jades Extraordinary Sufferning

M/f M/FF F/M  Blackmail/ f-self/ bondage/ humiliation/ Serious/ Slavery/ Exhibition/ Spanking/ Toys/ Real/ Chastity Belt/ TeenJade’s Extraordinary SufferingI am a wealthy man with a basement in my mansion.  The basement has been fitted with hooks in the ceiling, a pegboard along the walls to hold my black leather whips, a large plastic X-shaped cross, a lightly padded sawhorse, and a display table on which I have a number of brilliantly colored candles: tangerine, blue, gold, black, white, and...

3 years ago
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Letting The Genie Out Of The Bottle

The story I am about to tell is based on a real event in my life.  I am sharing it for selfish reasons, but also, to warn others like me about the dangers of taking your sexual desires too far.  The results of doing so may be more than you will be able to handle.Let me begin by telling you a little about myself.  I am a 37 year old white guy.  I am currently married to a woman who is remarkably beautiful.  Her name is Jacqueline.  We married in 2002 after having dated for about 3 years.  We...

Wife Lovers
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Glorias Sex Diary 71908 part one

The day went by at the hardware store that my boss, Mr Chang owned and ran. Once again I found myself in the backroom doing inventory while his brother-in-law and partner took care of business out front. The two old guys had been watching me all week long and little did I know it was because they had watched me having sex with Mr Chang’s son on a surveillance tape. As I held my clipboard and looked over some shelves, Mr Chang sat at a table nearby chatting with me. He asked me on how I have...

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John and the HypnoWatch

My name is John Doe. I attend college. And this is the story of how my life changed forever. See,I was never popular with the ladies. I'm what you might call a nerd. I was a virgin at the time of this story. A 'dweeb',I guess you could say. But that all changed. I was walking home from school one day when my sexy female bully,Eliza,and her friends,Veronica and Jordan,ambushed me. They were hot,stereotypical cheerleaders who loved making fun of me and bullying me. "Hey,nerd!"called Eliza,her...

Mind Control
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Gang Aft Agley Chapter 2 of 7

Chapter 2A quiet noise woke me again. I could tell I had been sleeping for quite a while. I felt a bit of warm wetness move around my cock, and for a moment, I wondered why she was using the cloth to clean me again.She whimpered just before she took my cock deep into her throat again. She was sprawled across my body, and my hand was resting on her lower back. I could feel her body tremble as she gave herself another orgasm."Fuck!" I groaned as my body flexed to push even deeper into her. She...

Wife Lovers
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I Made My Servant Submit Herself To Me

She is my maid servant and m her master. She is vry poor and wo meri kharab neeyat k bare me janti h. She always wear saree and blouse and i leave no occasion to see her cleavage,or stomach or back. Wen she cleans d floor,i keep on staring her chhati and bouncing boobs and sofe pe baithe baithe mn apne cock ko uprse sehlata. Wen she wash d dishes tab jaan bujkr peechse ata & ase thali rakhta jisse uska pet touch ho. Mere intentns use leke ekdm gande the par ghr pe family k kaarn mn kch ni kr...

2 years ago
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CAROL MY CAT DREAMS PART TWOJUST USEDI just sat in the middle of the living room couch, my legs spreed wide, my head back looking at the ceiling. All I could here was the fucking machine slowly moving the black cuck back and forth into my cunt. Then you cam in, stud in front of me and asked what has happened. Cum was dripping out of my cunt, down over my ass hole onto the couch, I said that I was very hot, put on my cat ears, tail and front pows and crawled into the back yard, I thought I would...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps April Olsen Mckenzie Lee April Needs Someone Who Actually Turns Her On

April Olsen is so tired of her loser husband and his limp dick ways. She brings in McKenzie Lee to force him into signing his savings over to her; but it doesn’t stop there. She wants to show her Husband what it looks like to truly be turned on while fucking. Something she could never do when they fucked. She gets McKenzie to fuck her with a strap on and make her feel so good. Is this what an orgasm feels like? This is something he never got to see or experience. McKenzie loves drilling...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 16

Monday night I got home about six. It was kind of nice. With football and the play done for the year, all I had to worry about was school and gymnastics. It was almost like having free time. I parked in front of the trailer and then walked Tami to her house, with Kelly beside us heading for her own. "Good practice," I said, swatting my favorite munchkin on the butt as Tami and I stopped in front of her house. "I don't think Cheyenne thought so," Kelly giggled. "Go!" I said, pointing...

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