BethChapter 29.1 free porn video

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July 21, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written July 22]

Today’s practice was unremarkable, except that Coach sent us home about a half-hour early. Heather, Rhee, and I went home to our respective houses. The families are getting together this evening, so I’ll see Rhee later. Meanwhile, there are chores to do and lunch to eat. I also have to do some prep for dinner, including making up hamburger patties and putting together the potato salad. Once Dad gets home with the fresh corn, sometime after 3:00, he and I will shuck the corn and wrap the ears in foil. There are also a few bratwurst (but they don’t need prep). The Devlins are due around 4:00, though Mom won’t be home until 5:00 or so.

I wonder if Carol and Rhee will stay here tonight. That’d be nice, certainly for me, but I’ve begun suspecting that it would be nice for Dad and Mom, too. Where did they stay last Friday and Saturday nights? I could demand that Supplicant tell me, and I might resort to that, or ... Hmm, I’ll have to think about that option. However, the important bit of this digression is that if Rhee stays here tonight, the soonest that I’ll be able to update you will be tomorrow night. We’ll see.

[Added July 22]

Dad got home at 3:20. He and I, wearing only our aprons, prepped the corn for the grill and got everything else ready to go. When Mom called to let us know she was heading for home, we fired up the grill. Of course, unlike the Devlins’, our yard is partly open to the neighbors’ view, so we cannot do the naked thing out there. Bummer.

My phone sang out its incoming-text jingle. I looked at the phone to confirm my suspicion that Carol and Rhee are here, then headed to the front door. Still wearing only my apron, I opened the door. They were just getting out of the car in the drive. I saw that Rhee is wearing the university T that I bought her a couple days ago. And a skirt. A short skirt. A very short skirt. She obviously isn’t wearing a bra and I’d bet a large sum of money that she’s not wearing undies, either. My libido, which certainly hadn’t been asleep, considering that I’d been hanging with my nearly-naked Dad, roared to a higher state of awareness.

Then I noticed Carol. She, also, was wearing a crop top, though it didn’t reveal quite as much abdomen as Rhee’s; understandable, considering her larger breasts. She, too, was wearing a very short skirt. Oh, I think that Dad’s gonna like this. Yeah, he likes smaller breasts, but he certainly finds both Devlin women attractive. And sexy.

They each had a gym bag over a shoulder and Rhee was carrying a smallish box; I’d guess there is wine in it. As Rhee came across on the short walk from the drive, I was further stunned by the shortness of her skirt. I couldn’t see anything that “shouldn’t” be seen in such a situation, but it seemed a close-run thing.

“What, you couldn’t find a shorter skirt,” I asked facetiously as she approached.

“Hah! I considered trimming it, but there’s already quite the breeze on my ‘nether parts.’”

I held my hands out for the box and she handed it to me. As Carol entered, I closed the door behind her, and said, “I love the outfit Carol, but I bet you wouldn’t wear that to Safeway.”

Carol chuckled and said, “No, I wouldn’t. However, we decided to wear something that would at least barely work for keeping us modest in your back yard, but that would suggest the nudity that we prefer. At least, I assume that you three aren’t doing the nudey thing in the yard.”

“No. I’ve got clothes waiting on my bed. Hey, did you guys plan to wear clothes all the time today or just until we come in from the yard this evening?”

“We figured the latter, rather than putting on or taking clothes off every time we turned around.”

“Cool. I’ll join you in that. May I take your bag upstairs, or do you want to keep it down here?”

“May I tuck it into the closet here?”

“Sure. Go ahead.” She did so, then said, “I’ll take that box off your hands, if you’re going upstairs to dress.”

“Okay,” I answered, as I handed her the box. I then turned to Rhee. “Do you want to put your bag upstairs?”

She nodded, so we began climbing steps, leaving Carol to head to the kitchen with the box. As our bedroom door closed behind us, Rhee dumped her gym bag along the wall next to my soccer bag.

“Okay, Beth, now you need to check out my skirt.”

I slowly dropped to my knees, then started leaning over to see how much skirt extended below her crotch. It was very little.

“Oh, man. you couldn’t do anything more strenuous than walking slowly on level ground in that thing!”

“Yeah. It’s got me going, knowing how short it is and feeling every wayward breeze on my pussy.”

I stood up and that shoulder imp whispered in my ear. I quickly reached under the skirt with my right hand and under her shirt with my left, grabbing her right breast and her crotch.

“Hey, hey! Hands off the goodies!”

“I can’t help it. As soon as I saw you get out of the car, you and that skirt raised my blood pressure. I missed you last night and this morning. And this afternoon. God, I want you. You are so sexy, and you rock that outfit!”

For that, I got wrapped in a Rhee hug and then got lips on mine. We kissed, without tongues, for nearly a minute.

“I missed you, too, baby. Practice wasn’t nearly long enough nor private enough.” After a short pause, her face suddenly lit up more. “I nearly forgot. I think that Mom brought this weird die that was at the house. It has more than six sides. I’m not positive that she did, but it was sitting with a pad of post-it notes yesterday, so...”

“Oh, wow. Is she going to propose another game?”

“If she brought the die and notes, I think she is. A die with more sides suggests that she’s come up with a new wrinkle on the game. If so, I wonder what it is. Every time that I think about that die, I get gushy.”

“Yeah. Maybe more sex in front of us, tonight. That would be great! You’ve seen how more accepting Dad’s been of us seeing Mom sexing him up since we had that talk in the car and since the first T or D game. Wow. WOW! If Carol can get the game started, I think that we’ll really see some stuff!”

“Yeah. Oh, I hope so, I hope so, I hope so.”

“That reminds me. Did you ever find out where the three of them stayed last weekend? Did they stay at your house?”

“They did, at least on Saturday night. My bed was a little mussed, but only a little. I’ve been wondering about that. Do you think my mom’s been having herself a good ol’ time with either or both of your parents?”

“I’ve been wondering that very thing.”

With a somewhat-anxious face, Rhee asked, “How would you feel about that?”

“I wouldn’t mind at all. In fact, remember that morning that your mom cried about that jerk at work? I started wondering then if my mom would be willing to share Dad with your mom, as your mom certainly seemed to need some loving.”

Rhee brightened. “I’m glad that it wouldn’t bug you. She did need some loving. And she’s seemed a lot happier of late, so while I have no certain data, I have strong suspicions in that direction. Are you sure that you’d be okay with that?”

“As long as my mom was, I would be. I love Carol like a ... well, a mom, and I’d like to see her happy. She deserves it. And, from what we’ve seen, Dad seems to be quite the lover. Oh, god. I feel like I’m dripping.”

Rhee wrapped me up again and said in my ear, “I want you. So much. Now. I know we can’t but know that I love you and really want to make love with you tonight. We both brought clothes for tomorrow and I’ll bet if we do play the game that we’ll be staying here tonight. Oh. You’re going to wear that tonight?”

She was looking over my shoulder at the bed, so I assumed that she was talking about the clothes I had laid out for this evening.

“Yup. Do you like it?”

“Oh, you’ll get me even hotter wearing those.”

“That’s only fair, considering how you got my motor going with what you’re wearing.”

“May I dress you?”

I pulled my torso back a bit to look at her face; it was lit. I smiled, “As you wish.”

Rhee nodded emphatically, so I stepped back, out of her arms. “Have at it. You can undress me and then dress me.”

Rhee proceeded to take the apron off me, fairly slowly. She threw in a two-handed grope of my ass, free of charge. I had expected her to clothe me in the opposite order, so I was a little surprised when she presented the tube top to my feet. I figured out what she wanted, so stepped into it, and she raised it up my body to my waist. I raised my arms and she pulled it up and over my small breasts.

“Oh, god. I love that on you. It’s so short and does for your breasts what that top you got for Heather does for hers. Oh, god, you’re delectable.”

“Thank you. You make me feel so sexy.”

“That may be, but you shouldn’t need me to feel sexy. You ARE sexy. So sexy. So pretty.”

“Okay, okay. You’ve all told me that, and then Dad said the same thing the other night. I’m trying to accept that, but it’s working against my own long-held image of myself, so I won’t manage to fully accept that anytime soon.”

Rhee then leaned in and kissed me softly. She picked up the shorts, yes, “those’ shorts, and held them at my feet for me to step into them. After I did, she slowly pulled them up my legs, though I had to do a little wiggle to get them up all the way. She then buttoned the button and zipped the fly.

“Wow, that was fun. I’ve enjoyed stripping you, Beth, but I think that it was even sexier to dress you, particularly to dress you in these clothes. Wow! I am jonesing for your bod.”

She then plastered her mouth to mine, her tongue spearing in after mine. Her right hand began feeling up my left breast. Oh, that felt good. So good.

Rhee ended the kiss and pulled back. “We should probably get downstairs. We wouldn’t want our parents to think we’re having sex up here, would we?”

I cocked my head, looking at her. “Well, their finding out about us, even if they don’t already suspect, would be very far from the worst thing that could happen. I’ve been thinking that they wouldn’t be surprised or disturbed. Now, I’m not interested in just telling them, but, as with our friends, I’m not willing to lie about it, either. I think that Heather would be the harder sell. And, I shouldn’t get myself started on Heather. We cannot afford the time to, again, hash out our non-understanding of her and us. Let’s just go.”

With Rhee’s nod, I turned, and we headed out the door and downstairs.

When we returned to the kitchen, we were greeted by a staring, open-mouthed Dad, who, after a few seconds, shook his head sharply, as if to clear the cobwebs.

“Both of those outfits would be illegal in parts of the world. Remember what I said about your outfits two nights ago? These are ... worse? Sexier? Even-more-revealing? All of the above? Since it’s apparently a clothing evening, I’ll go get ... dressed.”

I looked at Rhee, who gave me a raised-eyebrow rapid nodding, telling me that she, too, noticed Dad’s cock growing from a bit erect to more than that.

“Beth, those ... shorts would make almost any top work, but you really rock that combo. Your tube top is giving you Heather’s crop-top look of covered-but-virtually-exposed breasts. You’re very lovely.”

I dropped my head in embarrassment, but then channeled Heather, and forced my head up and my eyes to look at Carol’s. “Thank you, Carol. And speaking of clothes, wouldn’t your outfit have been even sexier if you’d worn a button-down shirt with the tails tied below your ... bust? You know, like in all those hillbilly caricatures?”

Carol’s eyebrows crawled up her forehead. “Wow, I should have thought of that. Although, that look works better with old jean cutoffs, like yours. Hmm. I’ll be back.”

Carol turned and headed to Dad and Mom’s room, knocking on the door. “Are you decent? May I come in?”

I didn’t hear Dad’s response, but Carol must have, as she opened the door and walked in. I looked at Rhee, who was already looking at me.

“Umm, wow,” she said.

“Do you think that she’s going to borrow one of Dad’s shirts?”

“Uhhh, maybe. If so, the bigger question is will she change her top in there with Dad still in the room? I know that they’ve spent quite some time naked in the same room together, but her changing with him there seems more ... I don’t know ... familiar? Personal? Perhaps they are, as we talked about in our room.”

Rhee and I had chatted for another minute or two when Dad walked into the kitchen, wearing an untucked and unbuttoned button-down shirt, revealing a stripe of chest and belly down the center of his body. The shirt tails were hanging over his ... shorts? No, maybe tight, short-legged boxers. His penis was somewhat obvious. Carol followed him less than 30 seconds later.

“Rhee, honey, will you help me with this?”

Carol was ... wearing (for lack of a better term) one of Dad’s button-downs, all right. A rather thin one that was somewhat translucent. Her arms were in the sleeves, but none of the buttons were buttoned. She had the tails of the shirt in her hands and only portions of her breasts were covered; one nipple was peeking, and that nipple was not quiescent.

“I need the tails tied, but in such a way that I don’t spill out of the shirt too readily. The appropriate button needs to be buttoned, too.”

Carol and Rhee worked on it for a couple minutes. At one point, both breasts were bared and Rhee apologized for losing hold of the tails, but they eventually got her put together.

At that moment, the garage door began opening and about a minute later, Mom walked into the kitchen, then came to an abrupt halt. You know that phrase, “her eyes bugged out?” That describes Mom’s reaction to a T.

“Oh,” she said after she recovered, “we’re ... uhh ... dressing today? Is that the correct verb?”

Carol grinned. “Yeah, you know, since we’re cooking out and this isn’t the Devlin house and yard. However, I do understand your query about the appropriate verb. I think that the rule is no more than two clothing items per person. At least I know that Rhee and I are wearing only two, it certainly looks like the man of our family is wearing only two. I assume that Beth’s wearing only two, but I don’t know that. Beth?”

I turned pink but nodded.

“So,” Carol continued, “I don’t know if the rules permit wearing only one item, but I assume that all of the naughty bits need to be covered. Though, like Heather before her, Beth’s breasts couldn’t look sexier if they were bare.”

Mom chuckled; I got pinker.

“Yes, that tube top does make one want to rub those breasts, doesn’t it?”


“Oh, pooh, Beth. Remember the discussion earlier this week. You’re a lovely young woman, a lovely, sexy young woman. Perhaps you will learn from this that even a lovely, naked body is often less sexy than an alluringly clothed lovely body. With that top and those shorts, you exude sexiness. Hell, you exude sex.”

I felt my face burning and ducked my head. “Mo-omm.”

Rhee gripped my shoulder and used it to pull me into her. “Poor, baby. Poor, sexy baby.”

Carol decided to throw her iron on the fire. “And, Beth, sexiness can be a hit-’em-over-the-head outfit, like the one you’re wearing, or like what Rhee and I are wearing. It can also be elegant and, at first glance, demure, but upon closer scrutiny prove to be provocative.”

“Carol’s right, Beth,” Mom piled on. “With your willowy shape, you could really do a number on a provocatively elegant ... Oh, I know what I’ll wear. I’ll be back.”

Dad walked over to me, looked a speaking glance at Rhee, who released me, then put his arms around me and pulled me into him and just held me for a bit.

“Beth, your mom and Carol are right. You’re lovely and your outfit is screaming ‘sex.’ Remember what I said the other night. If you’re going to wear a sexy outfit, you have to expect to be ... appreciated. This outfit, however, is not just sexy. As your mom said, it is sex made tangible. I know that you wouldn’t do so, but if you wore clothes like this on a date, your date would certainly infer that sex was in his immediate future. Perhaps wrongly, but that would be his inference.

“I know that my nudist daughter ... uh, my nudist actual daughter, wanted to wear as little clothing as propriety would allow for the back-yard cookout. Might you also have wanted to be sexy? Wanted? You’re allowed that desire; it is found in virtually all people. Don’t be embarrassed that you have it. By the same token, don’t be embarrassed when others tell you that you have achieved that desire. Allow yourself to feel good about it.”

I looked up at him, then reached up and kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Dad. I’ll try.”

As I turned around, Mom returned. My chin dropped. She was wearing two items of clothing. The first was a long, button-down shirt, of which three buttons were buttoned. The shirt was of a medium green but somewhat see-through. I think, however, that it would look opaque from longer distance and her breasts would not seem to be showing. The tails of the shirt hung to mid-thigh and entirely covered the skimpy, dark green bikini panty she was wearing, but which was quite noticeable at close range.

Same as Beth
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I pulled open the door of the machine shed and stepped back from the bright sunlight and climbed into the Beast. It was time for an unofficial test drive. No one would mistake the car for a Roadrunner any longer. Instead of the muscular angles of the original body, it now had sleek curves over the wheels with a reversed teardrop body. The car hood tapered inward and had a slight reverse chamfer with a chromed grill radiator. I had kept it a two door with a pretty roomy back seat. All of the...

2 years ago
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My Unwanted Transition 8

( Disappointment )I stepped up to the apartment door, knowing that Andy was inside. I hadn’t responded to his texts, so I was sure he wanted to know how I felt about it. With a deep breath, I opened the door and went in. I went to my room first so I could change into fresh clothes. Next, I went to find something to eat since I skipped breakfast at Skylar’s place.I sat down at the table and ate some cereal while waiting for Andy to come out, which didn’t take long. He came out of his room, sat...

Office Sex
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EvilAngel Monica Santhiago Angel Lima 3Way

Two super-thick Latinas wear high heels and lingerie that can’t contain their massive asses. Tan Monica Santhiago and light-skinned Angel Lima sport huge eye lashes. The longhaired, artfully tattooed ladies share lesbian play: Angel eats pussy from behind and rims Monica. Monica takes her oral turn, twerking as she tongues. They fuck each other’s asshole with a huge dildo. Director/stud Jazz Duro makes it a threesome. He fucks Monica’s face, copious slobber streams flowing....

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Punish Me Part Three Punish Me No More

This story is the follow up to Punish Me, Again... while you don't have to read the first parts, it will give you a richer picture if you do. Even now, as Robin ran down the stairs from Matt's apartment, her disloyal pussy still tingled as she replayed in her mind how Holly had licked her pussy and finger-fucked her while his thick cock had been pumping in her mouth at the same time.She had done it for him, she was certain, she was absolutely certain that she had never told him that she wanted...

4 years ago
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After reading some of the stories in your wife watch collection, I find my own story isn't so unusual after all. You can post this to the Net and perhaps some other men will identify with my situation. For the past four years, I've been married to a beautiful woman, who is ten years younger than myself. Jo has the kind of face and figure men dream about. She is now twenty-three years old, stands five feet five inches and weighs about a hundred fifteen pounds. Her measurements are a stunning...

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Team Spirit

Four eighteen-year-old studs, the Middleton College Sophomore debating team, were gathered in Room 212 waiting for the teacher. They were surprised by who arrived, surprised by the new teacher, slender, hard-bodied, barely older than them, with the voice and face of an angel. "Hello boys. I'm Ellen James, your new team advisor." "Hi, Miss James. My name is Luis, the team captain. This anglo on my right is Scott; that dude there is Carl, and Jeff is the fool coming out of the bathroom."...

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Two Aunts and a Part 3

Last part folks. My wife dropped me off at the Airport. Just as I got there Aunt Dee called my cell and said to wait for her and that she was only a few minutes away. I gave my wife a kiss goodbye and thanked her for everything. A few minutes later, Aunt Dee pulled up with her husband. We all hugged and after her goodbye with her husband Aunt Dee and I walked through security and to our gate. We were two hours early and decided to have a few morning drinks. After three bloody Mary's, we...

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Switch HittingChapter 10

The mind is the least understood part of the human being. Everybody knows how powerful it is, but nobody really understands how it works. The human mind is responsible for every scintilla of engineering and technology that surrounds us. Every book, every note of music, and all art is the result of the activity of the human mind. Individually, each mind is even less understood. Some are strong and can endure incredibly negative influences. Others can be broken, leaving the individual to...

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apter 1 – First ImpressionsIt was late June in the Midwestern college town. Three weeks before, Dan had received his degree in Information Technology, but instead of celebrating, he was concerned for his future. The recent economic downturn had ruined his hopes for landing a job in his field, and for the first three weeks after graduation, Dan moped around his rented house checking the mail every afternoon for responses to job applications only to find nothing but bills.With his grant money...

4 years ago
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While You Were Out of It

Thanks to Steve Zink for editing! While You Were Out of It! By Eric Lucy stared with intense longing at her dream man - a handsome young lawyer - but she was reaching for the moon. He was very well to do, while she was working hard just to pay the bills. He wouldn't normally even consider associating with her, even though Lucy was much more than just good looking. She just couldn't obtain the packaging that would enhance her good looks. The only thing that would get her even...

2 years ago
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Pyaari Tuition Teacher Ki Chudai

Board class hone ki vajah se mujhe maths k tution ki bohot zaroorat thi to mere ek dost ne mujhe ek teacher k baare m bataya jo ki apne ghar p tution deti thi me agle din uske bataaye hue address pe gaya to mera friend vhi tha to m uske saath hi gaya mam ka tution 2nd flour p tha so jese hi hm dono ander gaye to vaha mam apne bed pe thi or baaki sab girls hi girls saamne sofe p thi to mam ne hamko bola ander aa jaao or betho mere bethne k liye jagah nhi bachi to mam ne kaha tum aake mere sath...

1 year ago
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Private Internet Access PIA

Do you have Private Internet Access (PIA)? I know many people are pretty fucking surprised to learn how often their Internet use is being spied on by bosses, apps, baristas, oppressive regimes, your wife and even your internet service provider. If you don’t believe me, I guess you’ve never gotten an ad for dick-sucking machines moments after asking your buddy if he’s ever tried a dick-sucking machine. (Speaking of dick-sucking devices, your mom wanted me to tell you to clean your...

Best VPN Sites
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Sex in air

Hi there all of u. I had promised to write of an experience last year when flying from London to new York. Here is the story and it is true and factual. As an nri and a part of my business I travel between three continents, India, uk and usa. Last summer I was flying from heath row to new York. It was a late evening flight and as usual I was tired from a full day of running around and was planning on trying to snooze on the plane. When checking in I asked the clerk for a window seat so I could...

3 years ago
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Sex starved mother

Hi ISS readers, I’m Angelo a 23 year old single male from the USA. I am not Indian but I enjoy reading all about incest no matter where its from and I really enjoy all the stories here at ISS. I hope you enjoy hearing about my situation that I’m presently involved in. I had always fantasized about my mom, ever since I was around 14 or so. I loved looking at her hot body and very attractive face and I am not ashamed to say that I would often masturbate to dirty thoughts of my mom on a daily...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Liz Jordan There8217s A Lot Of Noise Coming From Down The Hall

This is such an exciting week! Because finally, after 4 long, hard years, in just 2 days, Liz Jordan is finally about to graduate from high school! Sure she’s gonna miss her friends and some of the cool teachers, but Liz is also VERY excited to start the next chapter of her life! But in order to start the next chapter right, Liz needs to close the last chapter with a bang! And that’s why she’s throwing a banger tonight! Her parents are out of town until late tomorrow too so...

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A Beautiful MessChapter 9 Expression

I knew where Charlotte's house was having dropped her off there that one time, but it had been at night. Seeing her house during the day was quite a surprise. It was huge. It was a mansion really, with a huge yard. There was a curved driveway, and three different sports cars parked in front of the garage. I felt rather self-conscious pulling my dinky little truck in beside one of them. I rang the doorbell and waited, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. I had my fingers tucked...

4 years ago
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Sally Company Slut Part 5

Sally the Company Slut Part 5Hi my name is Rob and this is the fifth account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy.So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is fucking Private...

4 years ago
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Mirror Mirror

Mirror mirror Chapter 1 Norman Anderson first realized something was wrong when he looked in the mirror. He'd glanced at it as he was getting out of bed, and something about the image got his attention enough that he carefully walked toward it. It was a large mirror that hung on his bedroom door, a heirloom of his parent's he had not been able to part with, but as he approached the wrongness only got worse. Instead of the average male 20-year-old image he normally saw, it...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 67

August, 1987 Something had changed, Josh realized as he looked out the window from the fireman's seat of the Rock. It was subtle, but it had changed, and he was sure of it. Things hadn't been quite the same among Marsha and Danny and Amy and himself since the night the week before, out at West Turtle Lake. He and Amy had stayed in the water of the lake for a long time, still hugging and kissing until their feet got cold. Afterwards, they'd wound up on the sand of the little bay, sitting...

4 years ago
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Sleepover Fun Part 2

Introduction: please go easy on me, this is my first time writing a sex story of any kind. This is the second part to Sleepover Fun so please if you havent read that please do so first Name: Kate (me) Age: 14 Hair/eye color: artificially colored, shoulder length red hair and honey colored brown eyes Height: 51 Body description: short for my age, slightly chubby around the middle, average sized chest (36B) Name: Seth (my boyfriend) Age: 16 Hair/eye color: natural dirty blonde hair and blue-gray...

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A night with Him

It is a crisp spring evening, the moon is full, giving the earth a brighter than usual glow. I am wearing my favorite short black evening dress. Under I have on my hot pink bra that pushes my breasts up nicely to attract interest yet, not so much as to not leave some to the imagination. I have on thigh high fishnet stockings, black lace panties with innocent pink bows on the sides and lastly, black high heels. My red hair is styled in sexy loose ringlet curls, and my eyes are darkened with a...

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Julia Tourist to Slave her descent

Title: Julia, tourist to slave whore, her descent Introduction: Julia gets mugged and loses everything Genre: Fiction Themes: BDSM, Bondage and restriction, Domination/submission, Humiliation, Male/Teen Female, Males / Female, Prostitution, Rape, Reluctance, Young, Your story: On the coast in Italy July 2013 Julia was bored, a typical American tourist wearing a floral print skirt and a tight red blouse which emphasised her ample D cup breasts she strolled along in the sunshine. One of the...

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Entering The Lifestyle Part II

If you haven’t read part one yet please do so now, as it shows how this amazing day began. Feel free to comment on anything I have written thus far, as all feedback is greatly appreciated. Now, just sit back, put one finger on the arrow key, place your other fingers wherever you wish, and have a good time!!                 This was like something out of a porn movie. I sit back against the headboard, gripping her hair, as this beautiful sex goddess is trying to take my whole cock in her...

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For The Love Of LynnChapter 10

To Jamie the months before his wedding seemed to drag by. It was May, four weeks until their big day. Lynn and his mother were still hard at work on making the arrangements, and the time had come for him to start looking for tuxedos. He set up a date for himself, his father, and Brandon, whom he asked to be his best man. Brandon felt honored to be included and graciously accepted. They made their way to Men's Wearhouse to get fitted. "So, big J," Brandon said, "This Denise chick I'll...

4 years ago
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The Professional Whore 8211 Part 5 Dinner Served

Disclaimer: This is a completely fictional story and a creation of my imagination. Any similarity to anyone alive or dead is purely coincidental. If you enjoy this story, if it made you wet or hard, if it made your insides tingle, leave me feedback. Your feedbacks fuel my imagination. . – TH(the author) Waheeda rushed to the store as soon as they left. She picked a random bra and walked into the same trial room Jenny and Aaron had used. The black bra and rolled panties were still on the floor....

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Call Girl Confessions Part 2

Part 2 - Holly's StoryHolly; a call girl; 30 years old, five foot four inches tall, with midback-length straight blonde hair and blue eyes.My name is Holly... Holler Holly most people call me 'cause I guess I make a lot of noise when I have sex. I just love fucking and sucking! And when I'm with a guy, I want him to know I'm having a good time too - after all if I'm not enjoying it, I won't put my heart into what I'm doing! I'm a call girl, which means I work out of my home through a...

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Jordan Cums of AgeChapter 1

Jordan Cole was always a mischievous child; she broke the rules only when she was certain she couldn't get caught. So it was natural that her classmates and friends thought she was a bit of a rebel and wise beyond her 17 years. Jordan was wise in that she had her finger on her goal. She was blessed with beauty and a fantastic figure which she worked at. The coach suggested she leave gymnastics because her breast size grew fast at 14, so she took up softball and volleyball. But her real...

1 year ago
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My WayChapter 2

Elizabeth came through the door caring a tray full of incredible smelling foods. As she placed the tray before Victoria, she asked Jamie to help her set up. No, the last thing he needed was to touch this woman again, but he knew without an explanation there was no way out. “Jamie why don’t you grab another tray and join us?” His mother asked. Again, he wanted to scream no but like a good son; he did as he was asked. He watched as Elizabeth fed Victoria and how smoothly it already worked but...

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The Cookie Competition

The Cookie Competition Author's note - Thank you to all for your wonderful comments on my last story "Deported". It was requested that I take this principal idea of a "drastic life change" into another story. So this time we join James who ultimately will have "got what he wanted" and in turn, "lost what he had"! Enjoy... James was your average run of the mill guy. Well perhaps not "run of the mill", as you see James just wasn't happy with his life. At the age of 38, he had...

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Good Things Comes to Those Who Wait Chapter 1 All My Girls

I have three wives today—Clarisse was first, Julie was next, and then Carol Ann—well, they really aren’t my wives, but I treat them as if they are. They use to be my foster family, Clarisse was my foster mom before I turned eighteen and foster care stopped paying her for my support, Carol Anne and Julie were my foster sisters. We saw very little of our dad, he was a member of the Teams and was always rushing off on some Special Ops to save the world, for a while I dreamed about signing up and...

2 years ago
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Chapter OneMrs. Wilson had taken Molly from the orphanage years ago, and Molly knew she ought to be grateful: Mrs. Wilson could have hired a maid with some experience, and she had recently decided that Molly ought to be trained up in order to get a job as a paid companion someday.  But Mrs. Wilson was strict, and Molly couldn't even count the number of times she'd been birched or whipped or otherwise punished for breaking some small object or rule.?Do you know why I have asked you to stand here...

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Just Do What Youre Told Part Three

Susan woke up as the morning light came shining through her window. Bill’s now limp cock was still in her mouth. As directed, she immediately started licking and stroking his dick back to life. She loved the idea of sucking him off for breakfast, but a part of her would not have minded being fucked. She couldn’t believe herself; one quickie with her husband, and she’s set for a week. This bastard had her in a constant state of either waiting to be fucked, or actually fucking. As Bill opened his...

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Consequences EveChapter 2

I went down to the kitchen the next morning, dreading what I might find, but John was gone and there were no notes or anything to tell me where he had gone. I didn't even know whether he had stayed last night or left. I had no choice but to wait. I called work and told them that I was not able to come in today and might have to call off the rest of the week. I prepared myself for what was to come. I wondered what I could do and decided to see if I could reach Bobby. I had to let him know...

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