B J Jones the Story of My LifeChapter 292
- 3 years ago
- 43
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July 21, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written July 22]
I turned to Rhee, who was looking intently at me. She searched my eyes, my face for I’m not sure what. She pulled me in with her left arm and whispered in my ear.
“You are amazing. I wouldn’t ... I didn’t think of that, in my haze of thinking about Dad and me, what might happen. You are the best. I love you.”
She released me, and I looked across the end of the coffee table at the adults, particularly at Dad. He was the make-or-break part of this, the one that I considered to have the highest chance of objecting and bringing the game to a halt before it begins. I considered that chance to be quite high, high enough that I was already trying to soothe my disappointment in the game not only not being played tonight, but the game never again being played. That would be nearly a crushing disappointment, because I believed that getting Dad to be my first male lover was entirely dependent upon at least one, and probably two, more instances of playing this Truth or Dare game.
While I was looking in Dad’s eyes, he was looking in mine. He was looking at me like Rhee was just looking at me. He was searching for something and I wasn’t sure what that was. Was it confidence in my, well Rhee’s and my, just-stated assertions about our interest in “fooling around with Dad?” Was it looking for the answer to the legal question that I had blatantly exposed?
I didn’t know for what he searched, so I didn’t know for what to hope that he’d find, and as time continued to pass, I got more-and-more anxious, more-and-more certain that he was going to pull the plug on my long-held dream, inchoate as it was on inception, more-defined as I matured, to make love with my dad. My wonderful, loving, handsome dad.
I could see the moment that he found his answer. The tell was of brief duration and nearly non-physical. The set of his eyes, his mouth changed in only minuscule fashions, but they were enough for me. Hope roared back into my heart.
“Beth,” he said, “it seems that I am forever to be surprised by and impressed with you. While you answered the question that I asked, and answered it well, you also answered the question that I didn’t ask, the one that I was scared to vocalize. You were correct to be concerned about my reaction, about the legal complications of things that might occur tonight or any other night that we, as a family, might play the game.
“I know full well the illegality of those possible actions, even of the actions already taken, and the penalties associated with that illegality are grim. Now is the time to bare my soul, as you and Rhee have just bared yours.
“I believe that each us is indelibly marked by our first sexual experiences that involve a second person. Sometimes, those experiences involve the person directly, some as unanticipated observations of another person or other people.
“My first sexual experience with another person occurred when I was nearly 14. She was barely 15. To this day, I don’t know why it happened. Whatever the whys, one day, a neighborhood friend with whom I’d played for years, pushed our relationship in a different direction. We didn’t have intercourse, but that afternoon has stayed with me through life as a cherished, but bittersweet memory, one that was not repeated. An event in which I learned so much yet wanted to learn so much more.
“The point of this admission is that, since then, I have never stopped considering girls, post-pubescent girls, to be of sexual interest. Were I less interested in them, well, I don’t know where we’d be. That interest was the only cause of my concern about having children. What would I do if Sandy and I had a girl? What if she were really cute? Would I be able to control my urges, urges that I’d easily managed up to that point?
“Sandy knows this story, all the details, though those have become a bit dreamlike to me with the passage of time. She told me then, and convinced me that she was right, that I would not do ... not knowingly hurt any child of mine, presaging Rhee’s earlier comments. She even said that she knew that I didn’t have it in me to hurt any child of mine, and I quote, ‘even if she’s very pretty and a spitting image of me.’ Of course, that’s exactly what we got.
“Now, here you two sit, two young women that are very different in appearance and temperament, but both striking examples of the attractiveness, the promise, of post-pubescent girls. I have been entirely truthful in the past few days about clothing and attractive girls. While I love you as my daughters, I do, occasionally, entertain impure thoughts of you.
“I have apologized to both of you on multiple occasions after the instigation of the clothing-optional policy here. I apologized because I was a bit upset at being physically excited in your presence, explaining that I didn’t have any real control over that reaction. I don’t, but it doesn’t help that you’re both so damned sexy. And this clothing just makes it worse.
“Since the women on the couch seem to want this, and since you two have said explicitly that you want this, and since I don’t have enough concern over where this might go to overcome my desire, what say that we listen to Carol’s new ideas.”
We didn’t plan it, but Rhee and I and both leapt from the love seat, vaulted the coffee table, smothered Dad in a two-girl hug, and peppered his face with kisses.
Perhaps 45 seconds later, Dad said, “All right. All right. You’re happy. Go park your butts over there so that we can hear the game idea.”
I let Rhee go over the table first, so I looked down. Dad’s cock was causing a huge lump in his boxers, a lump that I’m pretty sure was not there during the serious discussion. His boxers were tight enough and thin enough that I could discern the differentiation of the head from the shaft.
As I crossed over the table, Rhee was waiting for my eyes. She shifted them to the love seat, then back to me. I nodded. Each of us got on her respective end of the seat and we moved it to sit across the table from the couch, as we did during the sleepover.
“Ah,” Carol said, “that will make it better. But that raises a question.”
As we seated ourselves, we looked a question at her.
“Of course, it does. Do you two frequently have silent discussions that you both understand with certainty? I ask because that little decision to move the love seat, though I couldn’t see your faces, looked like many such discussions without words that I’ve seen Charlie and Sandy have.”
I felt myself get a little flushed, but looked at Carol and said, “What can I say? We’ve been good friends for so long that I think that we’ve developed an extra communication channel. Of course, just last weekend during the sleepover, we moved the love seat here to enable better communication of the five of us. The love seat’s position there is for maximizing sight of the TV. Last weekend, we were having a, well, we were trying to get Heather more incorporated into the Gang, so moving the love seat seemed a no-brainer. Last weekend’s experience made this discussion obvious, one not requiring words.”
There was chuckling.
“First, I wanted to rename the game. Though a subtle difference, we treat the ‘dares’ more as ‘commands,’ so I have started thinking of the game as ‘Truth or Command,’ ToC for short. My new thoughts on ToC are due, as I said, to an attempt to assuage Charlie’s concern over the sexuality of ToC. Charlie, I came up with these new parameters before tonight, obviously, and, by agreeing to play the game now, you have agreed, in a de facto way, to alter your relationships with our daughters to include a larger sexual component. Certainly, we could make rules to restrict the sexuality of the game, but I think that each of us is most interested in the game specifically for the thrill of the sexual component. I will admit to that being my primary interest in proposing the game last time, and I was happy with its outcome.
“While I’m sure that you’ve considered this, I want to give you another chance to change your mind. If we play tonight, even with the rule changes that I propose, the sexual component will certainly be larger, and probably more explicit, than last time. Because I consider Rhee and Beth to be de facto adults – certainly they behave more like adults than young teenagers, I have only very minor qualms with their being watchers of, perhaps participants in, very sexual activities. I was somewhat sexually active about at the age they are, and you have just told us that you were younger for your first experience. I will also say that were you any other man I’ve ever known well, I would never have suggested playing the game with our daughters. So, knowing that a more-than-minor sexual aspect will be added to those relationships, probably tonight, certainly eventually, are you still willing to play?”
“Yes, Carol, I’ve considered that. I still have qualms, but I have to admit to a fairly strong sexual attraction to both of them, as I implied earlier. Like you mentioned, the only reason that I’m willing to allow this to happen is our daughters’ extraordinary maturity. While I miss some aspects of my daughter being more reliant on me, I would not at all trade her independence for what we might term typical young teenage-girl behavior. I am very proud of both of them in that vein. So, I will permit my sexual interest in both of them to be the deciding factor, as I firmly believe that they can handle a sexual relationship, at least up to some point.”
My stomach’s butterflies went cavorting then, while my crotch started tingling on a massive scale. YES! Dad wants us! My hopes for the future are alive and well!
“Thank you, Charlie. This should be interesting. I tried to find a way to slow things down a little in ToC, but it’s still a game of chance, so, even with the new rules, we could wind up having lots of sexy commands, or lots of questions looking for truth. My idea required more roll options, so I got this 12-sided die, a dodecahedron, to double the number of options. Two six-sided dice was not the solution, as there’s a reason that seven is the number you want to throw in craps.
“I see we’re all sitting in the same order as in the previous game, which should make it easier on us. The first five numbers, 1-5, indicate the person that is the answerer, just like last time. This time, however, those numbers indicate that the questioner must ask a question, no commands allowed. The next five numbers, 6-10, indicate the same people in the same order, but the questioner must give the answerer a command, no questions allowed. Number 11 will be something like 6 last time, in which we each have a vote as to who the answerer is, majority rules. However, 11 is for commands, only. Number 12 is a wildcard, and it is a wildcard in all respects. Other than all components of a command having to take place inside the house in which we’re playing, or in the Devlin back yard if we’re playing in the Devlin house, there are no limits. Not in who can be involved or how many can be involved. There are no time limits. Also, if the questioner chooses to ask a question, he or she can ask it of any or all of the other players, though cannot ask different questions of different players.
“I here clarify a parameter of commands. For commands engendered by die numbers 6-11, the command involves only the questioner and the answerer. It does not involve a third person. We got a bit off the rails last time.”
“Another slight change that I made for Charlie is increasing the number of passes per person per game to three. There is no shame in using them, so please use them if you are particularly nervous about a particular question or command. You, Charlie, in particular, should use a pass if you’re truly uncomfortable. It’s certainly not the end of the world if you use three passes and have to go sit in a corner when you want to use a fourth.”
There was much chuckling.
“I also have a change in the progression of turns.”
I interrupted. “It’s the multi-turn tasks, right?”
Carol gave me a surprised look.
“I don’t remember how it came about, but I was thinking about this ... umm ... almost two weeks ago. I thought that it didn’t work as well to have the next questioner be the answerer when the answerer was tasked with a multi-turn action. I’ll be curious to hear what your alternative is.”
“You’ve been thinking about this game?”
“Oh, yeah. The night of the last game was one of my favorite nights ever.”
I had quickly become pink while I was saying that, but I knew that I would, so just ignored it. I’ve learned many things from Heather.
“O-kay. My decision was to go in sequential order, clockwise.”
“That was exactly my solution. We can still run into the problem, but it should happen less frequently.”
“The last new rule, so to speak, is that the daughter whose genetic family is not the owner of the house in which the game is being played is the one to roll to see who goes first. For that roll, both numbers 11 and 12 are voting numbers.
“So, that’s it. I’m happy that everyone has agreed to play, especially Charlie. I want to make it perfectly clear, Charlie, that I understand your concerns and would not have thought badly of you had you made a different decision. I love you and I would not wish our friendship to be strained because you had insurmountable concerns over something that I wanted.
“I also have two requests. The first is that we play again sometime after tonight. We certainly need not play every time we get together, but if we could manage once a month, I’d be very happy. That request comes with a delicate question. Because our periods could put something of a damper on the game, just so we all know and could plan ahead, my next period should start in the middle of next week. Might I ask about the other three?”
Rhee piped up first. “Beth and I should start soon, possibly tomorrow. We’re usually within a day of each other.”
“I’m due late next week,” Mom said.
“That’s all of us in just a week or so. That’s handy, as it leaves lots of room for ToC. My second request, one that I’ve only just formulated, is that ToC always start clothed, as we are tonight. I would prefer that we adopt a rule that clothing for ToC should be ... uh ... provocative. Does anyone have objection to that request?”
I jumped in immediately. “I don’t have an objection, but it looks like I’ll have to go shopping, as this is the entirety of my provocative clothing.”
“Ooooh,” Mom said, “that could be fun. We should make a family outing of it.”
“Great idea, Mom,” Rhee exclaimed. “I’m in!”
I had a brainstorm, so voiced it. “Mom, I think that Dad should not go on the girls’ trip so that we can surprise him with our new, sexy outfits.” There was general acclamation to that suggestion. “I also think that if Dad’s outfit next time is lame, then we’ll have to do the shopping for him, and you can surprise him with his next ToC outfit.”
“Great idea, Beth,” Mom said. “We’ll do just that.” She turned to Dad and said, “So, dear, if you don’t want us getting outfits for you, you’d better come up with something exciting next time.”
“So, Rhee,” Dad said, “care to roll the dodecahedron?”
Rhee picked up the die, but asked, “Who wants to be timekeeper, or, at least, provide a phone or other implement for the task?”
I bopped to the kitchen and grabbed a timer and returned with it.
Rhee rolled a 10, so I start, and rolled a 7. I thought for a second, then put both my heels on the coffee table.
“Hey, Charlie, spend the next three minutes giving me a foot rub on both my feet.”
Wow! That was much more enjoyable than I thought it’d be.
Carol rolled a 2.
“Charlie, what do you consider to be Heather’s sexiest feature?”
“That’s a no-brainer ... her mind.”
Dad threw an 11. The votes were split two for Mom, 2 for Rhee, and one for me. Mom’s was the single vote for me, so we asked her to vote for either herself or for Rhee. She chose the latter.
“Rhee, come sit in my lap facing away from me while I hold you for one minute.”
She looked at me and grinned, then parked herself in Dad’s lap as directed. After the timer dinged, she returned to her seat.
Mom rolled a 1.
“Carol, at what age did you first have sexual intercourse with a male?”
Carol’s face heated a bit. “Almost 15,” she said.
I’ve never known much about Carol’s younger days, but her answer still surprised me a bit.
Rhee rolled a 3.
“Sandy, when you were a girl, did you ever do anything sexual with another girl?”
Mom glanced briefly at me, then returned her gaze to Rhee. “Yes.”
I grabbed the die and rolled. My eyes flew open when it came to a stop on 12. Oh, my. Who knows if I’ll get another 12 tonight, so I’ve got to take advantage of this one.
“Charlie, starting with Carol and moving clockwise, kiss each player ... like you mean it – for one minute. You may choose for each player whether to kiss standing up, kiss with the other player sitting in or straddling your lap at her seating position, or kiss lying on the other person on the floor within sight of all players.”
Dad looked at me, then slowly blinked his eyes and shook his head. Then he stood up and, facing Carol, asked her to stand. As his side was facing me, I could see that his cock was more than a little hard. Once Carol was standing, he sat in her place, patted his lap, and said, “Park your tush right here, babe.”
Carol eagerly did as requested sitting across his lap facing Mom. I set the timer and said, “Go.”
The two of them got into it rapidly. There was obvious tongue action and some moaning. I was so lost in their kiss and my pussy’s zinging that I jumped in surprise when the timer went off.
“Thank you, Carol, that was hot. I’d like to stay, but I’ve got another date.”
Carol exclaimed, “Rotten two-timer,” but nearly giggled as she stood up.
Dad stood, stepped over to Mom and held his hand out. “May I have this dance?”
She put her hand in his and, as she stood, said, “You may.”
Once she was standing, Dad sat in her place and said, “Straddle me, lover.”
She did as requested. I started the timer and told them to go ahead. By the time the timer dinged, Dad had his hands on Mom’s ass and had pulled her pelvis tight to his. Mom slowly dismounted. I could see that Dad’s cock was fully erect in his boxers.
As he stood, he said, “As always, my dear, it was wonderful being with you. However, another engagement awaits.”
“Rounder! Cad!”
Then it was Rhee’s turn. Dad sat in her place and had her sit across his lap. Rhee chose to face me on his lap and held nothing back. Her right hand snaked inside his open shirt and around to his back. I moved a little closer to them to watch the interaction of their mouths. I could see their tongues moving from one mouth to the other. At one point, he sucked on her tongue; she returned the favor shortly thereafter. Her chest was heaving after the timer rang.
Upon standing again, Dad said to Rhee, “Darling Rhee, you are delightful, your tongue tasty. Unfortunately, I cannot stay, as I promised a kiss to another.”
“My dear fellow, I am happy to get from you what time you can share,” Rhee replied.
My turn. I’ve had a hot kiss with Dad only once, and it was too brief. I intend to thoroughly enjoy this.
When Dad approached me, his cock was obviously at full mast, the tight boxers forcing the head nearly to the waistband and sharply defining the length of it. I returned Rhee’s favor by facing her across Dad’s lap. Rhee started the timer and I went at Dad’s mouth before Rhee said, “Go.” Despite that, Dad’s tongue beat mine at coming out to play, as he stabbed it into my open mouth. I could feel my heart nearly racing, my pussy zinging. I could also feel Dad’s hard cock against my right thigh. However, those were somewhat dreamy, out-of-focus feelings, as my mind was intensely focused on the incredible feelings that Dad created in and on my mouth.
At some point, Dad cupped my left ass cheek and with it, pulled me more tightly into him. I pressed my breasts hard against his chest and sucked on his tongue in my mouth. I suddenly realized that Rhee was almost in my face and saying quite loudly that time was up. When our mouths parted, I snuggled into Dad, putting my head on his left shoulder, enjoying the closeness, the wonderful smell of Dad, and the throbbing of my pussy.
After perhaps 10 or 15 seconds, Dad scooted and turned to his left and placed me back on my butt on the love seat. He then returned to his seat. As he was seating himself, Mom groped him. He said nothing, which surprised me, as he usually objects (only partly, if at all, seriously) to such actions by Mom in front of me.
Carol rolled the die. “Rhee, how would you rate that kiss Charlie gave you on a ten-point scale?”
“10 plus!”
Dad rolled a 12! What would he do? His cock is still rampant and his face still a bit red, so he might have less control than he would otherwise.
“Sandy, straddle Carol’s lap and the two of you make out for two minutes.”
Mom did not dawdle in getting into Carol’s lap. Rhee set the timer and told them to start. Their faces mashed into each other and their hands went roaming. I could see Carol’s right arm inside the back of Mom’s shirt and Mom’s left hand on Carol’s left breast, outside her shirt.
The dinging of the timer saw two flushed and heaving moms, with mine slowly getting off Rhee’s and returning to her seat. Mom spent a few seconds collecting herself and letting her breathing rate subside, then rolled a 6.
“Carol, don’t calm down. You need to repay the favor and sit in my lap and make out with me for two minutes.”
I spent most of that time watching Dad watch them make out. When they completed the task, they were breathing quite hard; Dad was breathing a little heavily and his cock was still noticeably erect in his shorts.
Rhee rolled a 1.
“Carol, do you like sexing up Sandy?”
“Oh, god, yes,” she panted.
I rolled an 8.
“Sandy, lie on your back on the coffee table, put your left hand inside your panties and pl ... masturbate for two minutes.”
We all watched Mom intently. By the time that the timer dinged, she was, again, breathing heavily. She collected herself, sat up, and returned to her seat.
Carol threw a 5.
“Beth, do you like to see, or ... watch, your parents doing sex things like that?”
Dad rolled the die, then said, “Rhee, stand on the coffee table in front of me with your feet a bit more than shoulders-width apart and hold your skirt up for one minute.”
While Rhee stood there in the position demanded, Dad leaned in and stared at her pussy. Near the end, Rhee put her right hand down between her legs. She told me that she was going to spread her lips apart for him, but that the timer went off before she could do it.
Oh. My. God. Mom rolled a 12.
“Charlie, starting with Carol and moving clockwise you will perform a task on each of us. Each of us will stand as you approach and remain as motionless as we can You will gently and slowly remove each female’s shirt or top. Your eyes must visually caress breasts as you expose them. Before you move on to the next player, you will place your hands on the defrocked female’s hips and then lightly kiss each nipple.”
OH, MY FUCKING GOD! I will have to hug Mom for this one! Dad was marvelous. It took him nearly ten minutes, I’d guess, to complete the task. He was gentle and slow. He was obviously into the task. Getting Carol’s shirt off her required a bit more interaction with her breasts than it did the rest of us.
As he approached Rhee, she stood, and I watched her. Her face was glowing, her eyes gleaming. When Dad kissed her right nipple, her eyelids closed in apparent bliss, but she forced them open, again. She forced her eyes to remain open and watch Dad kiss her left nipple. That one I could see better, and I saw Dad’s tongue tip just barely peek out and touch the nipple.
I stood then, butterflies doing high-speed laps in my tummy, and my pussy was obviously leaking, as I could feel a bit of moisture on my thighs. My heart rate was high, my breathing stilted. I watched Dad’s eyes as he approached. I was surprised that he didn’t lift my tube top from the bottom and up and over my head. I could feel his fingertips and knuckles on my sides as he rolled my tube top up over my breasts, all the while watching at the advancing lower edge for my breasts to appear. I lifted my arms in front of his advance. Once the fabric had cleared my breasts, his eyes were glued to them, travelling side to side within their sockets to take in each breast individually.
While maintaining his eye lock on my small breasts, Dad lifted the top up my arms, over my head, and off my hands. When my eyes cleared the fabric, I found his eyes still caressing my breasts. He dropped the top onto the love seat, looked at my eyes, then placed his hands on my hips, his long fingers extending onto my ass. He kept his eyes on mine as he bent down toward my left nipple. His eyes lowered to light his mouth’s way to my nipple, which I watched with intensity. His lips puckered, then lightly touched the nipple.
I had learned from Rhee’s reaction and, like her, I wanted to watch, to remember, Dad’s mouth on my nipples. I managed to keep my eyelids up, despite the incredible sensations that coursed through my nipple, through my chest, through my pussy, through my whole being. I watched his lips part and then his tongue tip stretched out and lightly touched my nipple.
That was almost surreal. My vision had narrowed such that all I saw was my nipple and areola, his lips and tongue tip. From there, everything else just faded out.
He stood erect. I tracked my eyes up to his, which were again locked on mine as he lowered his head toward my right nipple. Again, his eyes left mine for my nipple. Again, he puckered his lips. Again, he lightly kissed my nipple. Again, his lips parted. And again, oh, again, his tongue touched my nipple. As he again stood erect, my eyelids could no longer remain up. Instead, they lowered so that my whole being could relive the experience. An experience, event, that lasted for minutes from the lean to my left nipple to his mouth leaving my right nipple. My eyelids opened anew.
Again, Dad looked in my eyes. He then leaned in one more time and kissed my forehead. His hands left my hips and he turned toward his seat.
Time sped up, returned to its normal passage rate, and I quickly expelled the breath that I’d been holding unbeknownst to my conscious mind. I inhaled deeply, then exhaled deeply with a sigh.
Rhee’s rolling of the die brought me fully back to awareness.
“Sandy, what was your favorite part of the previous task?”
“The nipple kissing.”
I rolled.
“Sandy, get on your knees on the seat and turn toward Charlie. I’ll talk you through the rest of the task.”
Mom obeyed, so I continued. “Place your hands palm-down on the couch between you and Charlie, then bend over to put your head above his lap. Now, move your hair out of the way so that it does not block the view. Slowly lower your mouth down toward the tip of Charlie’s erect penis. Extend your tongue so that it almost touches. Stay like that for 15 seconds.”
After mom finished, I looked at Rhee. Her eyes were gleaming at me and she mouthed, “wow.”
Carol threw a 6, so she rolled again: 9.
“Rhee, sit on the coffee table in front of Charlie. Put your heels on the couch on either side of Charlie. Lift your skirt to expose yourself to him. When you get that done, there is a final aspect of the command.” When Rhee got into the commanded position, Carol continued. “Put your left hand behind on the edge of the table to support yourself, then masturbate for two minutes.”
“Mom! I can’t do that.”
“Do you want to use a pass?”
Rhee inhaled deeply, then exhaled.
“No. I’ll do it.”
Wow! A bit of my mind pondered Carol having her own daughter do something obviously sexual with, well, at least for Dad. By the time the timer dinged, Rhee had mostly seemed to forget the exact situation that she was in, as her breathing had become somewhat labored.
Once Dad’s eyes returned from the glazed-over look they’d had at the end of Rhee’s task, he picked up the die. Mom, though, interrupted.
“I need to use the bathroom, so let’s take a five-minute break.”
She looked around and saw agreement, so headed to their room; Dad followed closely behind. Carol headed for the half-bath off the living room, so Rhee and I headed upstairs.
“Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod,” exclaimed Rhee as she closed the bathroom door behind us. “I was so embarrassed at first, but when it started feeling good, I looked at Dad, and his eyes were locked onto my hand on my pussy. That really turned me on. So much so, that I might have cum if I’d been there for three minutes!”
“Yeah, that was really crazy.” I was going to say more but stopped myself. Apparently, I was too obvious in stopping myself, as the light in Rhee’s face dimmed.
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"Come on fart boy," Tantka started, "I've been telling you all these years that I was better, finally I have proof. I am recording this to transmit all over the empire, even if you survive you'll never live this down." Mark's neural link was working over time transmitting all the data his comp was detecting. Knowing he had only a few minutes to get this done, he thought the commands to his comp as soon as it started transmitting. Mark just smiled at Tantka. "What are you smiling at,...
The mainsail was down and draped over the boom. The Genoa was furled around its stay at the bow. The engine was running on idle in forward as he searched for the right depth on the sounder. He pulled the gear lever back to neutral and let the boat coast toward shore. They were a hundred meters or so from the pebbles on the beach. The sounder reading flicked between five and six fathoms and he pulled the gear lever briefly into reverse to bring the boat to a stop. He walked forward and took...
TRIPLE HELIX BY JENNIFER N. RICHARDS Sitting by the side of my bed, I begin to write this, which is the story of my life that came to be a year and a half ago. My journey has been long and hard, but in the end, I lie here amazed at what life has given me. It is my intention with these writings not only to let you know, my readers, what has become of me, but to remind myself of who I used to be and how better my life is today. Who was I? I was a happy (or so I thought)...
CHAPTER 5 Peter ate his lunch in silence. In his mind, he was happy with the way that his punishment ofSusan had progressed. His goal for that morning was to have marked Susan, and he’d obviously succeeded. Her resentment, or perhaps defiance, was something he’d expected, in fact, he’d anticipated it sooner than it had come. He reviewed in his mind, what he had planned for that afternoon. His intention was to remove any notion of privacy that Susan had left. He would open and freely explore...
Twin Switch Chapter 15 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be described. Comments good or bad pertaining to the direction of the plot and grammar are welcome as long as they are NOT directed to the nature of this...
Consciousness returned slowly. The bed was hard. My arm ached. Light was too bright when I opened my eyes. I saw chrome; sunlight reflecting painfully off the chrome frame of a wall mirror. Noise intruded in the form of a constant background hubbub. Smell arrived; rubbing alcohol, Pine-Sol floor cleaner. The sheets felt rough, starched, institutional. "How are you feeling, Mr. McDaniel?" Just turning my head hurt. My brain was painful. An Asian nurse smiled at me as she picked up a...
This young guy is really into mature women, he likes to work on the their horny holes and his games are always appealing to aged ladies…I don’t know why but I’m just crazy about women some 12-20 years older than me. Meaning they’re 30-40 years of age. I love sex with mature babes. I’m drawn to their experience and their bodies. I find all mature women very sexy and attractive. They’re all usually married, and it makes my desire even stronger.I met Tanya at a dating site. Imagine my surprise...
Tonight was here, so as soon as daddy and me had eaten and cleared away, I told him I wanted a chat. I told daddy my plan to get him socialising again. He wasn’t that thrilled with the idea to start with, until I showed him the site my friends dad went on. I told him he’d still got it and he’d have loads of grannies after him. I think he found that funny. I love it when daddy and me laugh at silly things. I told him about putting an age range on there as I didn’t want anyone I went to...
Hi Iss readers naa Peru Sampath . na age 26.Madi Srikakulam town. Evarina intrusted ammailu pelli ayina aunties near srikakulam vishakapatnam, vizayanagaram sex kavali ante naku mail cheyandi my mail I.d Me details secrete ga untayi Inka story loki velte Naa atha peru geetha. Thanu maa paka village lo untundhi. Thanu chala sexy ga untundhi. Thana sizes naaku correct ga idea ledhu. Ee story nenu degree chadivee tapudu jarigindhi. Maa mamaya antee maa atha husband oka shop undi. Maa mamaya...
You're sitting at your computer surfing craigslist, sifting through dick pix and weird daddy/ daughter requests, wondering why you bother. So what do you do? The only thing you can do: use your imagination. you close your eyes and visualize yourself in those hot heels you haven't worn in forever, the dress you never take out, and that set of lingerie that a pair of strong hands hasn't had the chance to take off your body in so long. The clothes that make you feel hot and confident about it,...
Straight SexHe had perfectly valid grounds for such an attitude, since there seemed to be nobody around, as it was almost night, and the outside of the high school campus was devoid of people and activity. He was proven wrong, fortunately. Loud cracking of knuckles is heard, and the three attackers turn towards a dark area not illuminated by any lampposts. “I’ll show you what a tough guy looks like, you junkie fuckers.” a voice belonging to a young man breaks up the brief silence. A muscular teenager...
Because he was wearing his flasher raincoat, suspect garb at best, Jack let himself into the house very quietly, wanting to get upstairs and change before he encountered anyone. And because he was being so cautious, neither his wife nor his son heard him come in. But Jack heard them. Standing just inside the front door, he frowned and cocked his head as he heard the juicy slurping and the heavy panting that was coming from the living room. Jack knew well the telltale signs of a blow-job in...
For a few minutes we just looked at each other. Then she spoke. "So." she said, "After all this time and you never told me that this is what you liked." I didn't say anything. She paused for a moment, then picked up the laptop and watched the video closely for several minutes. I was embarrassed and very nervous. Then she turned off the laptop, picked up the lube and started to walk away. She got to our bedroom door and turned and beckoned me to come to her. I stood up and walked...
We went inside to eat a bite and the girls stayed right by my side the whole time, asking questions which I patiently answered the best I could. They finally made me promise I would take them to Sean's when I was through eating. I looked up at Tran. She had that little smirk and was shaking her head at me. "What?" "Harry, those girls have you wrapped around their little fingers. All they have to do is get together and pressure you a little and you just give in. I have learned something...
18 months, 568 days since Jenny's disappearance I'm sitting in the bar at my hotel, thinking about the course, thinking about my resolutions. Then I find I'm smiling to myself, remembering the daydreams I had about Gwenda earlier on, as I walked back from the course. I'm playing with my mobile phone, absent-mindedly flicking through the menus. I look down. Without realising it I've thumbed through to Gwenda's number. There in the "A's" is Gwenda Andrews. For a few moments I stare...
The Sex Wife [Section 1] By Diana Heche I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Perched upon my high heel platform slides, with my skintight skirt and form fitting low cut top to emphasize my generous cup size, I looked to be all legs and breasts. An attractive look to many men, certainly. To me, I just looked cheap. I could hear them from outside of the door, in the passionate throes leading up to, but falling just short of, making love. I...
The neighbors were having a big celebration of some kind the Saturday I moved into my new house. The moving truck was unloaded, all the furniture and the boxes were distributed to the appropriate rooms and I was beginning to unpack the boxes in my kitchen by the time the movers pulled away. I heard the doorbell sound and went to greet the visitor, expecting it to be someone welcoming me to the neighborhood, even though I honestly thought any considerate person would have waited for me to settle...
My sexy pink satin panties felt so good against my skin and looked great with black stockings and garter belt, my matching satin camisole top was so soft and I was gently creasing my pert nipples through the fabric. It was around 10pm and I was feeling a little bit tipsy after my bottle of wine The DVD was playing Cock in Frock and had some sexy clad shemales in compromising positions, god I love my nights in. I have always loved dressing like a slut and have now shaved all my...
CrossdressingHi everyone, my name is Suraj. I have been reading ISS for a long time and I am a fan. I never thought it could actually work but reading ISS stories gave me a lot of courage. That’s why I am going to tell you all about a very exciting incident that happened to me about a few days ago. I recently shifted from Mumbai to Gurgaon and most of my family is situated in Delhi NCR. I have an average size penis but my stronghold is pussy licking. I have been able to blow the minds off girls with my...
IncestHer arms lashed out as she tried to escape while he stood behind her. With her mouth still covered she cried into his hand, thrashing her face about. All it did was make him grip into her tighter, and shove her harder into the wall. The man successfully managing to pin her arms against her. Still squirming and flailing in sheer panic, she could feel his hot breath against the back of her neck. He barely even registered her escape attempts. Not even flinching as she twisted and whined. One...
My first real time real life blog story. I survive on your comments XXX!This is today's first entry feb 18 2018 about what I'm doing to myself. I want to transform myself.If you guys keep interested, I can blog as I change and grow. XXX ;-)Hi guys!So if you’ve checked out my galleries you can see that my cock is not small or even average in length or girth. I’ve never thought of enlarging and although I’ve used cock rings for stamina I’ve never ever done anything to enlarge.About 6 months ago,...
Languidly, Tabitha walked through the downstairs hall, swaying her hips to maximize the swing of her well-formed ass. The cock-shaft around which her fingers were entwined was resolute in its hardness, primed for the penetration she needed. He might have grabbed her and fucked her against any surface in the house, over any piece of furniture, but he did not.This guy had restraint—he knew how to savour an erotic moment and allowed himself to be led like a lamb up the gently curving stairwell. It...
CheatingOn Friday, I delivered a sketch of Mr. Collingsworth's existing space to Tom Pierce, the architect in charge of building design, and asked him to add the future projected requirements into a layout that would fit the vacant space in our building. I told Tom that there was no rush. He seemed pleased with the assignment, intimating that his department was not busy. Marcie called on Saturday morning. I told her about Megan leaving the bikini hanging in the shower and about my inability to...
Yes, I'm a horrible person. I know it's not what I did, but I fell in love with him. I was in high school when I first saw boyfriend my best friend but I was not interested in him, he was much lower than meDuring that time I had a boyfriend for almost 2 years, but the relationship did not work and I split up after almost three months. A little while later I made another boyfriend with whom I spent three years, at the time I was going out with my friend and her friend quite often.He was very...
i had about 15 mins before SCD was supposed to arrive , and i had to organise myself , the room and my story before he arrived... i wasnt sure how he'd react if he were to know i'd already used his hotel room and in effect , his little bitch's ass to please another man before he even got the chance ..so i decided to keep it quiet , unless he asked me , to which i'd answer honestly ..'well i did have one stranger walk in on me'.. so i straightened the room up , reset the door closer , freshened...
My stepmom does yoga all the time. She is so fucking hot that I can’t help but want to watch her. She always tells me not to watch that it’s not appropriate. My dad was out of town and I knew she was in her bedroom stretching. I love to watch her ass in her tight yoga pants and her sports bra. She told me to get out, that it wasn’t okay to watch because she’s my stepmom. Then she said she tries to stay fit and my dad doesn’t appreciate it. I couldn’t help it, I got so...
xmoviesforyouStacy is cheating on her loser boyfriend today, and with a big black guy no less. Not that this mouthy stripper is aware of this last part until AFTER our camera guy makes her suck him off and cums in her mouth. She’s a bit pissed off at the ruse but they did have a good time up until now so she tries to stay in good spirits. This pretty much all ends when JD enters the scene. Just look at Stacy’s face when he twirls her around by the door like the little fuck doll she is. She...
xmoviesforyouHi to all females of all ages in this world. If any females of any age wanted to have a 200% satisfaction in sex please mail me at (please only seriously interested females). I can assure u 200% satisfaction, secrecy also. It’s not my story it’s my friends story. She asked me to place in this site so that all the viewers can enjoy. First I want to say that I’m not very good at this but I wanted to write it down so you would enjoy and remember ever experience you have and not take a one for...
We have a lot we need to do before this evening, and we need to get started," James said in a commanding tone.He paid the check and we walked out of the café, his arm securely around me. It was the first time he had touched me since we woke up naked together that afternoon.We walked outside to the valet station and he handed his ticket to the attendant. It was a beautiful sunny day, maybe mid 80's I guessed, typical spring weather for Las Vegas.There were several couples ahead of us, so I knew...
Introduction: Erins gift Twin Japanese Nieces Pt18 William Blake once wrote, The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom…for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough. I had had enough. The lunch and the cake were absolutely fabulous, but now I felt like a bloated whale. As Kayko and the kids cleaned off the table I sat down on the couch to stew about why I had been so stupid. I felt absolutely miserable, and just a little embarrassed. I should not have eaten so...
2004 “It’s evidently serious,” said Stacey. He smiled at her words. “And you know this how?” he said. “Jenna. Said she came over when she was there last week. They were very friendly. Jenna, is happy for him or so she told me,” said Stacey. “Hmm, interesting, I guess. I mean I never expected that he would go forever without a woman. But that woman? Weird,” he said. “No weirder than you and me,” said Stacey, “and in point of fact maybe not as weird.” “I don’t know,” he said,” it’s just a...
Lourens was twenty-five years old and worked at a well-known department store. He was very proud of the fact that he was the youngest department manager in that store. Being a very hard worker though, this was hardly a surprise. Lourens worked long hours and got very little time off on weekends. His young wife Sally, whom he had married a year before, often bemoaned this fact, but she understood that it was a requirement of his work. They had a good sex life and had decided to hold off having...
Gay MaleChapter Two: Johana's Naughty Futa Demonstration By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Johana Jordan's Week, Monday I splashed the cold water on my face, wiping away the tangy pussy juices from my mother. My naked body quivered, my small breasts jiggling, my futa-cock softening, soaked in Genevieve's cream. My mind was reeling from what just happened. I was in the Program this week at Rogers College. My body trembled as that thought alone had me shivering. I wasn't the most popular futa,...
Finally, the Montague sisters were safely home in the land of their ancestors. The long sea voyage had its ups and downs and had been fraught with conflicts and stresses that impacted Faith, Hope and Charity in different ways. The sight of the high white chalk cliffs brought no sense of memory to any of them because they had been born in a far-away place in an ornate palace dedicated to the pleasure of the ruling masters. Their only remaining parent had expired shortly after their birth and...
We had been looking online for a bisexual guy for a threesome. We’d tried a couple of times but it really hadn't worked out well. One evening we got an email from a woman inviting us to join an internet sex group. We were intrigued! As we sent notes back and forth we found it was a group of people who met, usually monthly, for an adults only party. We decided to try it out and made plans to attend the next party in February. We arrived at the party and nervously made introductions around the...
BisexualAs his name suggests, he was indeed a Blue Dragon, in the highest order, a protectorate of Malygos. But that was before all this happened. Before the Scourge raided his home, and killed so many of his people, turning them into frost wyrms and flaming dragons of bone. He had been enraged. But he remembered little of it now. It didn't matter either way. He'd just heard a noise. He advanced toward cover, seeing a door-less passage with a broken statue sticking out of it, he dove for it....
So there I was hiding under the bed in Lilly's room with my heart beating through my mouth, and a throbbing member in my undies listening to every move my Mom made right above me. I was fucked. I was busted for sure! An eternity passed and I just lay still. Luckily, I remained undetected and Mom left the room and went to bed, I was ready to resume!So I had verified that Lilly slept deeply (pretty much) so really there was nothing that I couldn't do (or try). I had the confidence to try...
{the day after} Debbie didn’t seem to be herself when I came home from work today. She wasn’t waiting for me like she usually does. Instead of being naked playing with her pussy getting herself ready to fuck me , she looked rather rough. “Well you did pretty good last night “ I said giving her a kiss”you never let go of a cock for almost 4 hours.You looked like you really loved having us all fuck you silly”,I said. I know I didn’t see or...
Going back over my life there's been a few things i've wished i'd done and few things i wished i had'nt done, but one thing i thought i would never do happened with my best friend. For years me and my friend mated around with eachother, we went to school together and hung out together through our teens into adulthood but this story elevates from our late teens.We often used to do daft things, u******e drinking being one of them, daring eachother to go into the newsagents to buy something from...
The add was deceptively simple. ‘Female, blonde, blue eyes, tall and sexy. Owned by a loving husband and Master is now available for weekend use by those desiring a fully compliant, service-oriented slave with no limits, an unbelievable sexual appetite, and a huge pain tolerance.’ ‘Apply to this add with proof of your abilities and references that are checkable.’ She had no idea that Master was in the final process of selecting her first tryst. She knew that the add had gotten many replies,...
It never bothered me that my wife's youngest brother was gay. I thought it was cool he has a crush on me. Ashley would tease me about it. We hadn't been dating long. "Joshy is so nervous around you. It's so weird." She sounded as amused by the idea as I was." He has never made it weird." I smiled to myself. "I'm gonna ask him..." "Roue, No! You would not?" She slides under the sheet with me and lays her head on my chest. "I'm gonna make him tell me he wants my cock." She giggles as I pull...
Sandra heated three slices of pizza as Jessica poured new drinks. Brad was encouraged to feel their tits and rub their asses. “Now which porn would you like to watch?” Sandra asked. “Yours, Mom. I want to see just how much of a slut you were,” Jessica replied. “And I would like to be one again with the right partner. Your dad comes to mind,” she smiled at Brad. “I’m sure he’d be proud to treat you as his wife and take you out for some sexy fun. He’s done that with several women we...
The birds are chirping loudly, signaling it's the next morning as Joshua opens his eyes, waking to the sound of laughter from Saitx and Phil. Joshua grabs his pillow and puts it on top of his head. "Joshua! Wake the fuck up and get out here!" Phil calls out from the other room. Joshua picks up his head, to find Saitx is no longer next to him. He gets off the bed and grabs a pair of boxers and pulls them on before leaving his room. Joshua is a bit panicked about the fact that the alien...
THEN: Induja Nair was Mrs. Nair’s newly married sister-in-law whose husband worked in GULF. To satisfy her growing sexual needs, she began an affair with a colleague Prof Jayant who failed to do so. Aamir was an eighteen-year-old boy who was smitten by Induja. He had even started taking tuitions from her in an attempt to get close. Instead, he ended up fucking the lonely MILF Mrs. Nair. NOW: It was nearly twilight when Aamir came knocking at Induja and Mrs. Nair’s penthouse. He was there for...
About 3 months ago that happen to me. I went to visit one my closes friend James at his job to catch up since I was out of the country. I went and he saw me and told his boss he was going to take a break. We went to the lunchroom and started to talk and catch on things. As we talked many of he coworkers began to leave the lunchroom...so he started to began rubbing my leg and me trying my best to act as if he wasn't doing anything, but he went down to ky panties and started to rub my pussy and...
Kay and the dungeon 3 and final I lay on that bench feeling broken, crying softly, my body aching all over. I put my hand between my legs, gently touching my swollen lips, painful to my touch, lumpy and stinging, my fingers came away wet, I looked at them, covered in a thick clear slime, with a slight red twinge in it. I realised it was discharge from my orgasm, mixed with a little blood from where the clips had broken the skin of my poor labia. I had mixed feelings, it had been extremely...
My Atha, father’s Sister and her Daughter-Part-II Hi all ISS readers, I’m regular reader of ISS stories, I liked lot of the stories that the guys narrate the stories on this. Its fun, so I like to write a story of mine, so Please Enjoy my story and give reply at This is Suresh from Hyderabad Let me introduce myself properly before I narrate my stories. This is a another Sex encounter with my Atha( Aunty ). Friends, welcome to the exotic world of sex and lovers of mummies sisters daughters...
IncestChastity Pantiesl Girl asks guy to wear magical panties while she is away which guarantees he won't be sleeping with other girls. --------------- I have always been a guy, and loved being a guy. I have always enjoyed being the physically dominant gender, but not in a bad way. I like being able to lift heavy things for my girlfriend. I like playing sports such as football. And I like being physically dominant in the bedroom, which my girlfriend has never complained about. I...
Sunday morning Jessie got up at went downstairs to watch whatever sports were on. He had been a sports fanatic all his life. If it involved anything physical and testosterone laced, he was all over it. He decided to skip his shower today and sat himself down comfortably on the couch. Jessie flipped to the football game and quickly caught up on what was going on. For some reason though, he couldn't get into the game. He decided to flip the channels some more...soccer, tough man,...
He would be arriving shortly to pick me up from work, Usually I had a pretty good idea what he was up to with his late night antics that he has become so accustomed to. My husband and I have been together for about 2 years and we were the best of friends for several years before this. So when it comes to knowing each other we have it down pat. I was nervous this time, he didn't give me any clues and he usually stumbles up and I don't have a hard time figuring out what he is up to. But...
BDSMI saw him walking toward me from across the yard as I played with my toy cars outside my play house. I was excited to see him, but nervous too. I didn't know how to act around him, he didn't treat me the same way other grownups did. But I really liked him. He came up beside me and gently placed his hand on my hair, smoothing over the tangles. I looked up at him and smiled. "How's my favorite little girl?" "I'm playing with my cars." He knelt down next to me, his...
As they were going along the corridor the slave said, "Mistress, may I speak?" "Of course," Elinor shrugged, "Why not?" "I hope I do not offend you when I say that you reminded me so much of the Countess, and yet so young." "She is my grandmother, I believe," said Elinor. "Princess, my most humble apologies. I did not realise..." Jaida's voice trailed off as she knelt again before the bewildered young woman. "Oh, do stop all this silly kneeling down, and come along,"...