My Wicked WaysChapter 33
- 4 years ago
- 26
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The mainsail was down and draped over the boom. The Genoa was furled around its stay at the bow. The engine was running on idle in forward as he searched for the right depth on the sounder. He pulled the gear lever back to neutral and let the boat coast toward shore. They were a hundred meters or so from the pebbles on the beach. The sounder reading flicked between five and six fathoms and he pulled the gear lever briefly into reverse to bring the boat to a stop.
He walked forward and took the anchor out of its mount on the superstructure. Lowering it over the side he let it go, watching it sail toward the bottom. He walked back to the wheelhouse and popped the gear into reverse and backed the boat up for a couple of seconds until the he saw the anchor line and chain move out in front.
Back in neutral, he could feel the anchor take its set and switched off the engine. It was very quiet. The little bay was near the houses on shore, and yet nicely out of sight. It was early in the season and few boats were anchored in the popular bay.
Ingrid had gone below to the stateroom. She was now uncomfortably warm in her turtleneck and she needed to change. There was no need for the 'floater vest' since they were at anchor in shallow water.
She pulled off the sweater and looked at herself in the small dresser mirror. She wore a pale blue sleeveless, v-neck top with a very deep 'V' and, as planned, no bra. She pulled off the baggy gym pants, revealing a pair of skimpy, snug white shorts. She took off her canvas shoes and socks and slipped on a pair of flip-flops she had stuck in her ski jacket pocket. Looking in the mirror, she smiled.
While she had gone below, Steve was setting up a table for lunch. The picnic basket was pulled out from the lower cabinet, but had been slipped under the bench seats at the stern.
She took a deep breath, opened the door of the stateroom and walked right into him. She heard his sharp intake of breath and saw his eyes widen as he stepped back, mumbling his apology.
"Holy cow!" was all he could come up with. For a guy who apparently didn't swear, it was the needed compliment. Ingrid put her hands on her hips and turned, first left, and then right, her breasts now swaying to their own rhythm.
"You like?" she asked cheekily.
"Ahmmm ... ah, what can I say. It's not what I expected," he said, his eyes glancing at her breasts that she deliberately kept in motion. "I guess you took my suggestion about loose fitting clothes to heart."
He had his hands up in front of him as if he were surrendering. His eyes seemed to be the size of dinner plates and his jaw had dropped to the point he was in danger of dislocating it. After another long pause and a particularly provocative look from Ingrid, he found his voice.
"My god, Ingrid, what are you trying to do to me?"
"Well, I though first, I might get your attention. Then, I thought I might be able to seduce you. I case you haven't noticed Mr. Inhalt, I have been trying to get you into bed with me. I want you to make love to me. Or maybe, I want to make love to you. I don't care which. It may kill you and it may disappoint me, but I'm damn well going to try.
"Do you find me attractive Mr. Inhalt?" she asked with a demanding tone, her fingers still gripping the side of his arm.
Steve was struggling to regain his composure. She had him completely upside down. She might have felt sorry for him, but it didn't show. He had no experience with someone like her. She had him at her mercy and right now, she wasn't in a merciful mood.
She moved closer to him and pressed her breasts against his chest. She squirmed against him, knowing full well that his reaction would be predictable. She wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him tighter against her. She heard him moan and felt his erection against her lower abdomen.
"Score one for Ingrid," she smirked. "The ball's in your court, Mr. Inhalt, in more ways than one!"
"You ... Ms. Solberg, are a temptress," he finally mumbled. "You are taking advantage of me. What am I to do?"
"First you feed me. I've been very busy this morning and we Vikings need nourishment. Then we'll talk about further nourishment I require. Understood?"
She pulled him close again and they kissed again. It was a passionate, fire-breathing, all-consuming kiss. His hands ran over her perfect derriere. He kneaded the wonderfully rounded cheeks and pressed his rigid manhood against her. She lost track of how many kisses and how long they lasted. It must have been some time. He loosened his arms and leaned back to look in her eyes.
"I understand you like my cooking," he said quietly with a smile.
"I told you I'm starved. How many hints do you need?" she smirked.
"OK, have a seat and be prepared to be dazzled," he said, regaining some composure.
They returned to the afterdeck and Steve pulled the picnic basket out from under the bench and with a theatrical flourish, opened it. Inside, folded on top, was a classic red and white checkered tablecloth. He pulled it out with a snap and floated it down on the wooden table in corner-to-side fashion. Next he produced the plates, but not just any plates. These were Royal Doulton fine china with an elegant gold leaf border and a beautifully rendered script 'Matron of the Sea' around the edge. Then he extracted the side plates, also in the boat's name.
Then, genuine silverware with a MS overlapping script engraved in the handle. Finally, two elegant crystal champagne flutes. From the bottom of the basket, he produced a half bottle of Moet. It was already sweating from the warm air and the cold contents. He opened it, removing the wire cap holder and working the cork out slowly until the last millimeter when it produced the mandatory loud 'pop' and sailed overboard. He picked up the champagne flutes and poured two glasses of the famous sparkling white wine and presented one to Ingrid.
"To a lady who only deserves the best!" he exclaimed, offering his glass to her. They clinked. Steve was hopeful he had reclaimed a lot of lost ground in the past few minutes.
They sipped the cold wine and he fashioned a smile that melted Ingrid. She was back to that euphoric mood she had experienced when handling the boat. She was giggling to herself at the effect her simple outfit had produced in Steve. She pulled her now bare feet up on the bench seat, folded her knees up almost to her chest, wrapped her arms around them and rested her chin on one knee. She was looking out over the still water of the little cove and admiring the scenery, the warmth of the sun and the happy feeling inside her.
The rollercoaster of moods she traveled through had taken a lot of energy, and she was glad to be back on emotional level ground. She thought that Steve was probably even more grateful for the declared truce. She had shamelessly used her body to change the tide in him. She was more confident now. After all, they had gone from holding hands to passionate kisses.
She was still trying to understand how all this had happened in only five days. It was crazy for her to be so demanding of him in this short period. She had long since forgotten their employer-employee relationship. That was no longer a rational accord.
Steve rose, leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips.
"Lunch is about to be served."
He disappeared down the companionway and she heard the movement of plates and cupboard doors and utensils. He was in his domain and she had no intention of invading it.
In a couple of minutes, he rose from the companionway with a silver platter and a beautifully artistic arrangement of small cone-shaped sandwiches, cheeses, and pickles. In a small, two cell, silver dish were pates with an assortment of crackers along side. He placed the trays on the side bench within reach of both of them. He then took a dark green cloth from his arm and created a tent cover for the food to prevent the sun from drying it out.
This man could seduce her with food! What would it take for him to learn to seduce her with himself? Her mood was too good for anything to spoil it. She ate the sandwiches enthusiastically and complimented him. He had made them the night before he said. The same for the pates. They were fantastic. Despite the diminutive size, the lunch, combined with the champagne, produced a satisfied feeling.
Steve sat beside her, close enough that their legs had touched several times. He had changed to shorts and a golf shirt and it showed off his trim body. He didn't have much of a tan, but neither had she. She was conscious that the sun was on them and she should think about protecting her skin.
She went below and retrieved her bottle of sun block. He was watching her as she came up the stairs through the companionway. They had finished the food, and were relaxing with the last of the champagne.
"Steve, would you put some of this on me? I'm sure I'll burn quickly if I don't," she smiled coquettishly.
"Of course! Where would you like me to start?"
"Why, where would you like to start, sir?"
It became a game. His erection was back and he had difficulty trying to hide it. He moved closer to her.
"You know, I would hate to stain this lovely t-shirt Ingrid. Perhaps I should move the shoulder straps before I start," he said innocently.
"That's very considerate of you, sir," she said in a little-girl voice.
He gently pushed the straps from her shoulders. She was facing away from him, her back towards him. He poured some lotion in his hands and rubbed them together before gently placing his hands on her back, near the nape of her neck. He began to slowly and rhythmically rub the lotion into her back. He noticed that the freckles which he loved so much were scattered on her upper back. He wondered how far down they went. When he had finished his thorough application on her back, his hands moved up to her shoulders. She responded by moving her shoulders in a rotation and moving her head from side to side. He put more lotion on his hands and applied it to her upper arms.
Then, in a moment of incautiousness, he began to apply it to her throat and upper chest. Her head came back slowly and he could see her eyes were closed. He was reveling in the moment when she raised her hands up and took his in them, slowly lowering them to her breasts. The front of the t-shirt fell away and he was massaging her breasts in the same, slow, rhythmic fashion. Her nipples became erect and he let the palms of his hands run across them in careful, soft, circular motions.
Her head remained resting on his shoulder, her eyes still closed. He heard her moan quietly. His hands slid under their rounded fullness and cupped them. His thumbs gently stroked her nipples and she moaned once more. He leaned forward and kissed the side of her forehead. He could taste the salt in her perspiration and he thought it was easily as lovely as the champagne. It was an idyllic scene and he thought he could stay here forever. He looked down at her breasts. They were almost free of freckles.
"Too bad," he thought. "I was hoping there would be more. They are so beautiful and that would be so sexy. They just need a bit more sun."
Ingrid was on fire. He had brought her to the edge of orgasm simply by tenderly rubbing lotion on her back, shoulders and finally, her breasts. She had achieved her goal. He was completely in her power. She felt comfort and happiness. He was so gentle. There were times when she wanted a powerful man to dominate her, but this was bliss.
The day had been saved, she thought. The warm sun, the gentle touch of a man, fine food and champagne. What more could she ask for? She knew the answer, but now she knew there was no rush. Her eyes blinked open at the realization. This was the foreplay, and god what wonderful foreplay.
She knew now that they would make love soon. Perhaps today, but if not, soon. She closed her eyes again and leaned her head back against his shoulder. She moaned her appreciation as he continued to lovingly caress her breasts. "Paradise," she thought.
Steve stirred against her. He too had closed his eyes and as his hands had slowly moved across her body, he was aware something had changed. He opened his eyes and blinked into the brilliant sun. They had taken their sun glasses off and it took him a few seconds to get orientated again.
The boat had swung on its anchor and was facing toward the west as it should. In addition, the tide was running in and its strength had caused the boat to drag anchor.
Steve squeezed her arm and said as calmly as possible, "Ingrid, I think we have a problem."
Ingrid sat upright quickly and looked around. As her eyes adjusted, she could see that they were much closer to the shore than they were when they anchored. "What's happened?" she asked, slightly alarmed.
"We've swung around and dragged anchor, and we're in shallow water. Shallower than I want to be in."
Ingrid realized she was naked to the waist and quickly pulled her shoulder straps up and stood up. Steve quickly assessed their situation while starting the engine. Almost as soon as it caught he pushed the lever into forward and felt the boat sluggishly move ahead.
He kept his fingers crossed that they wouldn't scrape bottom or worse, get hung up on a reef. Luck was with him and the boat moved forward steadily. He had turned on the sounder and watched the bottom fall away and the depth increase.
He let out his breath. He wasn't sure how long he had held it. He pulled the gear lever back to neutral briefly as the anchor chain approached vertical. The boat slowed, almost stopping.
"Ingrid, I'm going forward to raise the anchor. If I give you a horizontal wave like this, I want you to pull this lever back to the middle, neutral position. If I give you a forward sign like this, push the lever forward for five or so seconds and then pull it back to the middle. Understood?"
"Yes, understood," she replied seriously. His mood had changed dramatically and she could see he was both intense and angry.
He slipped the gear lever forward, gave her a more serious 'thumbs up' and quickly made his way to the bow. He opened the small, forward hatch and inspected the anchor line. She heard a whirring sound every few seconds. He didn't seem to be doing anything but watching the line.
Then, she heard and soon saw the anchor chain smoothly wrap over the bow roller. It stopped as he peered further over the bow of the boat. He gave her the horizontal wave and she pulled the gear level back to centre. The forward movement of the boat slowed quickly. She heard the whirring sound start immediately and it stayed on continuously.
Steve gave her the forward sign and she pushed the lever forward and slowly counted to five before pulling it back to center. She felt the boat move forward briefly then stop. She kept her eyes on Steve. Somehow, he was controlling the motor that wound in the anchor. In a minute more, he signaled again for forward and she repeated the previous procedure.
Soon she heard a clanking sound and the whirring motor stopped. The anchor was up and Steve quickly snapped it into its holder on the deck, turned, and walked rapidly back to the wheelhouse. He said nothing, but pushed the gear lever forward and turned their heading to the south west. He put his hands on the dashboard beside the wheel and let his breath out again. His face was beet red and she could see his jaw was clenched. He was clearly very angry.
"Are we OK, Steve?" Ingrid asked uncertainly.
"Yeah, we're OK. No thanks to me. Stupid bastard! Damn it!" he spat. She had never heard him swear and had never seen him angry. It was a new side of him and it was good to see that there was passion inside that cool exterior.
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GayChapter 34 Deanna arranged the last of tomorrow's tasks in order of importance on her desk. Picking up her purse and keys she made her way out of the offices. Locking the office doors and the lobby ones as well, she continued on up to her apartment. Once inside she went about straightening things in the living room, starting the dishwasher, changing the sheets on the bed, putting out some fresh towels in the bathroom before freshening herself up a bit. Deanna had to admit she...
Staying here had its good points, no rent, plenty of room, free food and a hot Step-mom! Cindy was 32 years old and had the body of a high school cheerleader. She was 5’5” and weighed maybe 100lbs. Her light brown hair fell halfway down her back and flowed around her B-cup breast. She was constantly working out wearing nearly nothing. So far so good, he had made it all the way to his bedroom door and hadn’t heard from her. Maybe she was asleep or something. He opened his door and stepped...
In den letzten Wochen , so das Gerücht, war in der Großstadt ein Filmteam unterwegs. Es klingelte in der Regel an Haustüren, wo zu dem Zeitpunkt nur Frauen daheim waren und brachte manche von diesen dazu, ihre sexuellen Fantasien vor der Kamera auszuleben. Jetzt stand das Team am frühen Nachmittag vor einem Reihenhaus in einem Vorort und klingelte an der Tür.
Group SexBy the time I was 17, I had probably had sex with over 50 guys, most of them were at least 5 years older, but some were in their 40’s. I started hanging out in a bar where a lot of lawyers, doctors and other professionals went. When I decided to dress up, I looked old enough to be in a bar. I would go there with my cousins, one of them got me a fake ID just in case, and it looked just like me. On occasion, I would make dates with some of the men there. Guys like that...
First TimeMy cock felt fit to burst as I wanked. My red rubber miniskirt squeaked in delight, in time to the masturbation. My large PVC tits peered from inside my black mac, and my white thigh boots gave me added height and confidence. My neighbour stared down at me, lusting haughtily at this lascivious lovely, stroking his cock, behind his window, in the dark. I teased him by dipping my long cigarette holder into my dripping cock slit, then sipping the juice as I inhaled a reassuringly large lungfull of...
Gregg lay gently on top of her and thought of the womb he had just filled with semen. Another man's wife's womb. He knew as well as anyone else, though, that actions speak louder than words, and the married woman underneath him had spread her legs even after pledging her fidelity before both her husband and God. Those words were meaningless, now, as Gregg slowly shrank inside her and they french kissed as his sperm searched for the entrances to her fallopians. Dorothy's wedding vows always...
Wife LoversI kept driving and felt her nudging her face into my neck and her boobs pressing over my arm and shoulders. She then rested back after the hug and I felt she as relieved. I asked her if she liked me and she said yes she did. I asked her, what if I still have something else to say too and u could be angry again to which she replied ” Tanishq, keep saying whatever u want to say, I am sure It will only be pleasant to hear” n I felt some butterflies in my stomach n loins again. I said ”Satakshi,...
We continued with the idea of Monday through Thursday I would fuck the girls and Friday 5 PM the girls would tie me down, ankles/wrists, put the gag on my mouth and blindfold my eyes. Once again I was at their mercy. Although their mercy was my sexual pleasure. This Friday, as it was with so many other Fridays, the girls put a vibrating butt plug and I would go into this sexual pleasure that would have me thinking of sexual heaven. I do not know how long they were out but I fell them coming...
Group SexMy Nurse, My Husband, and MeI’m Betty, a 61 years young married woman. My husband and I have been married for over 15 years, this is both our 2nd marriage. We are in business together, so we work, live, and play together. Basically we are together all the time and trust me, sometimes that working together gets on our nerves but it does have its benefits, nothing like a quickie between appointments when there’s time. I think for an older couple we are very sexually active. We aren't afraid...
On Saturday morning, Ann and Mary slept late. After going through their daily workouts, swimming, soaking in the sauna, showering and having breakfast, it was after eleven before they bothered to check Susie, their computer. They howled with laughter as they heard Susie going down on Jack to get him hard enough to take her again. When she offered to fix his last unit if he would eat her, they just sat on the sofa of their sitting room watching the show. Finally, after uploading Mayday...
Previously: “Tell me sexy, what’s your deepest darkest sexual fantasy?” “Oh, you’ll never believe it if I told you,” I say laughing freely. “Try me,” he says, with a wink. I move us over to a more secluded part of the room and whisper my fantasy into his ear. His mouth drops open and a few times a soft growl of approval escapes his lips. When I am done, he turns to look at me in wonder. “You would really let me do that?” He asks in disbelief. “Of course,” I laugh flicking my long hair.
Night Skies Hotel: The Lesser of Two Evils By Wolverine Editor's note: This story was written with Solari's permission. Please be aware that, for storytelling purposes, this story does not always flow chronologically PROLOGUE The Patriarchial dostum waved his shock troops into the empty corridor. They slowly worked their way down the hall, their stony faces scanning every nook and cranny. A blur moved past them, drawing their attention to the dostum, who promptly fell, his armor...
Herbert who is a very light skinned black man, (half white half black) and I dropped hubby off at the airport late in the afternoon, and we went to Walmart to grab a few things, we joked around as we walked around, I stopped to look at bra's and panties, Herbert held up a nice teddy in red and said this would look hot on you, I smiled and said you think so? He patted my big ass and said oh yes it would, so we took it with us, as we left Walmart Herbert say's let's get something to eat, so...
Beautiful, sexy and horny, the spectacular Hazel Moore returns to today as a keen skater in Private Specials, Hot Babes, but skating is just a warm-up for another activity for this American beauty! That’s right, Hazel soon swaps her skates for lingerie as she looks to impress Potro del Bilbao, and a hot fuck is sure to follow where her perfect natural tits, hairy pussy and incredible ass are put to the test in a long and hard anal pounding that has her moaning with pleasure...
xmoviesforyouFast forward 12 months and Cherry and I were in no doubt of our sexual slant. Cherry loved cock and I loved watching cock fuck her.We had continued our night clubbing and picking up guys who would fuck Cherry, and I had seen in excess of 25 cocks screw my hot little wife in that time. The motel idea worked great but was a little expensive and it was after a fancy dress party that we attended where Cherry has bought some one night hair color for her costume that she started to change her looks...
I took one last moment to brush all the kinks out of my hair, and made sure it was silky smooth and completely straight. My fingers were a little bit red from the hot strands of hair, but it was all worth it. I glanced into the mirror one last time. My little sun dress splashed with color and had vibrant flowers printed on it. The deep purple bow that tired around my tiny waist gave the dress a fairly daintier image. I mean, first impressions are what matters, Right? Technically, this wasn’t...
First Time"Ladies." I waggled my eyebrows at them. "I thought you'd sworn off sex." Wendy said. "Me too," commented Kim. "Yeah, what's the deal here anyway?" Rachael questioned. "I do admit," I admitted, "I was wondering when you decided." "Decided we were all wives and not just me?" asked Wendy. "Yes." I agreed. "We can't talk to them," Kim put forward. She gestured towards the native camp. "They can't talk to us." Rache said by way of explanation. Wendy said,...
2 Happy Cousin By: Londebaaz ChohanHonestly; I do not remember the reason why there was such an outsized gathering of relatives arranged at our place. If I try my best to look back, it was surely no wedding occasion because there were very few ladies in the memory of mine for this gathering but mostly the k**s; I mean young touching adult age boys. We are 7 cousins that are all within the range of only 2 months apart from anyone else according to our dates of birth. Being the month of October;...
"Guest Services, this is Taryn speaking," she said smoothly into the receiver. "Mmm yes Mr. David, I can absolutely do that for you." I laughed softly. Taryn had one hell of a sexy operator voice. The fact was, I did too. After all, it was part of the job. As Taryn efficiently took down room 232's order, I tapped my fingers on the keyboard in front of me, rotating the rooms displayed on the screens. There were four of us monitoring each floor at night, ready and able to assist with...
Unlike the weeks following my brief tryst with Harris during which I battled constant anxiety, guilt and distractions, I felt very content and satisfied following my evening with Don at his hotel in Midland. I am not entirely sure why. Perhaps it was the fact that although I did have two wonderful climaxes with Don, my encounter with him was more emotional and less sexual. Don’t get me wrong, Harris was caring and respectful; however, when he fucked me, and particularly when Harris and...
LesbianEmma was enjoying her illicit affair with Harry. They had to fuck each other at night since during the day Hermione took up most of Harry’s time. But that didn’t seem to bother them since that made the nights more passionate. But one night changed everything. Emma was straddling Harry fucking him hard.“You like that Harry baby” Emma panted.“Yes Emma, you look so hot like that” Harry groaned.“Only for you Harry” Emma said.She then bent over and kissed her lover hard on the mouth before...
Hi ISS readers, this is Nani from Visakhapatnam once again. I hope you enjoyed my last story. I want to share another story with you. It all started during my college days. Like it generally happens with everyone, I also had a lover. I enjoyed every lovely and romantic moment with her. But, coming to the sex, I never tried because I was sincere to her. The college life was completed and I was busy with my job search. The gap between us increased day by day. Two years passed by. Finally, I got...