Summer EmploymentChapter 3 More Elizabeth
- 2 years ago
- 24
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Unlike the weeks following my brief tryst with Harris during which I battled constant anxiety, guilt and distractions, I felt very content and satisfied following my evening with Don at his hotel in Midland. I am not entirely sure why. Perhaps it was the fact that although I did have two wonderful climaxes with Don, my encounter with him was more emotional and less sexual.
Don’t get me wrong, Harris was caring and respectful; however, when he fucked me, and particularly when Harris and Aaron fucked me together, it was raw, unadulterated sex. On the other hand, Don made love to me, with his tongue and mouth and then with his penis.
I felt an emotional connection to this older gentleman that is hard to explain. No question, part of the connection was due to the fact that both in appearance and demeanor, Don reminded me of my late father. And that fact alone made the experience with him deeply intimate and emotionally fulfilling for me.
And there was also the fact that I was feeling less shame and guilt from my new found role as a ‘hot wife’. I had come to grips with the fact that I was not hurting anyone. Aaron thoroughly enjoyed sharing me, and the men certainly enjoyed pleasing me. If no one was being harmed, how could this be wrong?
Finally, I was feeling comfortable knowing I would have the opportunity to see Don again, every month or so. He made it clear that he came to Midland on business regularly, and he promised to call me several days before his return.
Aaron was the clear beneficiary of my positive outlook. I was perpetually horny and I insisted that he satisfy me several times each week; an obligation he was happy to fulfill. And best of all, I found it much easier to achieve my climax now, even with Aaron. He certainly appreciated that his wife was now far more orgasmic than she was previously.
Yes, to my utter amazement, I was well suited to be a hot wife.
I continued to check the responses to our ad every evening. The responses continued to be mostly crude and offensive, and were quickly deleted. A select few caught my attention. I shared those with Aaron, but we did not actually contact any of these young men immediately. I no longer had the sense of urgency I had previously, and I was being fairly selective. I put them aside thinking I may contact these young men in a week or two when I am ready to play again.
One evening, I got a response from a young couple which was both interesting and a bit unsettling. I did not respond immediately, nor did I share this with Aaron. But I did re-read their note several times over a period of a few days.
The response read, ‘ Dear Curious Couple, We are an attractive, newly married, inexperienced couple and we are new to west Texas.
'He is straight, six feet, one inches tall, 205 pounds, handsome and well built. She is five foot, nine inches, 128 pounds, slender, athletic build, pretty and shy, and bi-curious. We have been discussing opening our marriage, but have been afraid to actually take the first step.
‘Your ad intrigued both of us. If you are willing, we would like to meet with you to discuss your journey down the path of an open marriage, and gain any insight you might have for us novices to help us better decide if this is a path we want to travel. We hope to hear from you soon, Elizabeth and Robert.’
I clicked on the attached photo. A very attractive young couple popped up. They looked to be in their very early twenties. They had a youthful, vibrant look about them. I was taken by her beauty. She had a tall, athletic figure, with long blonde hair that she wore pulled back into a ponytail. She wore a pair of form fitting jeans and a light blue t-shirt. I could not help notice her nipples were erect and strained against her t-shirt. She was not wearing a bra and I could detect the darkness of her areolas under the light colored cotton material. She had large green eyes and an engaging smile. Yes, she had a cute, wholesome appearance that any woman would envy.
He was tall, muscular and quite handsome. His strong jaw and large, toothy smile gave him a warm, charming appearance. There was an impish look of bedevilment in his large brown eyes as well; something that said, ‘watch out for this one girls, he could be trouble’.
Their picture and request momentarily captivated me. Aaron’s ad had specifically specified single men, yet a young couple had replied. I started to type a brief, polite response stating simply that we were looking for appropriate single men, not couples, and thanking them for their note; but something stopped me from hitting the send button. I decided to sleep on my response.
Early the next morning, I logged back on. I opened their response again. What exactly does ‘bi-curious’ mean? I mean, I was completely heterosexual, straight…right? So why was I so intrigued by this photo of this alluring young girl with her very erect nipples? I found it quite disconcerting that this girl and her perky breasts had captivated me.
That evening, after dinner, I nonchalantly mentioned to Aaron, “I received an interesting response to our ad from a young, newly married couple. They did not say where they were from, but I assume they are somewhere close by.”
“That’s strange. We didn’t advertise for couples,” Aaron replied
“I know, huh? They said that they were complete novices at this and wanted to meet with us to discuss ‘our journey’ into this lifestyle. I got the impression they are trying to decide if they want to open up their marriage.”
“It might be kind of interesting to meet with them.”
“I am not sure why I think this, but for some reason it feels like it was the wife, not the husband, who wrote the response,” I said, as much to myself as to Aaron.
“Why don’t you answer them and tell them we’d be willing to meet for drinks sometime, just to get acquainted?”
Lately, I have been thinking about the conversation that Aaron and I had the other day. We were discussing the fact that Aaron is very comfortable sharing me with other men, but I think I would be far too jealous seeing him with another woman. Aaron stated that he thought the reason that I feel like I’d be too jealous to ever share him is because I am not as confident in his love for me as he is in my love for him. I’d been trying to figure out if he was right. To be honest, I did not like the fact that he was more generous with me, allowing me to experience other men, than I was with him.
I was certainly not prepared to share my husband with another woman, but I did want to see what emotions I might feel sitting across the table from a beautiful young woman who was thinking about sleeping with my husband. Would I be flattered or jealous? I decided meeting this couple with no intention of actually swapping mates in the immediate future would be a good way for me to really gauge how I would handle something like that. Besides, the words ‘bi-curious’ came to mind every time I looked at the picture of this couple as my eyes were drawn to her very prominent braless tits.
I waited another day to reply, and sent this brief, note: ‘Elizabeth and Robert, We are ‘Curious Couple’ and we appreciate your replying to our ad recently. To be quite honest, much like you, Aaron and I are very much novices at this sort of thing, too. We have very, very limited experience. As such, I am not sure we have much to offer you in terms of advice or insight. However, if you are still interested, we would be happy to meet over drinks sometime and answer any questions we can. Anne.’
Within 15 minutes, my computer binged alerting me to an incoming message. ‘Anne, thank you for your kind response. Are you free for lunch tomorrow? My treat. It’ll be just us girls. Elizabeth.’
I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I had not even considered meeting anyone without Aaron present. I stared at the computer screen for several minutes before calling Aaron in from the next room. “Okay, read this and tell me how I should respond. I don’t want to be rude, but I am more than a little bit apprehensive about meeting this young woman alone.”
Aaron sat down and read the exchange between Elizabeth and me. “Oh my, I didn’t anticipate this development, but really, what’s the harm in meeting her?”
“Aaron, I’d be too embarrassed, and scared to meet her alone. I can’t explain it, I just am.”
“Nonsense. Go have lunch with her. You’ll be in a public place. If you don’t want to see her again, fine. It will be kind of fun. And you can tell me all about it tomorrow night when you get home.”
As sat there I realized that over the past month, Aaron had become increasingly adept at overcoming my initial reluctance to his ideas, wants and desires. I seemed to comply more quickly, with far less coaxing and persuading. Was I becoming more submissive? Or was it simply that I was becoming more in touch with my own inner desires and those desires actually mirrored Aaron’s more closely than I would like to admit? I simply did not know. However, the danger and excitement of being forced to meet this very attractive young woman alone made me feel slightly vulnerable, of what I don’t quite know; but I found the feeling strangely arousing.
I typed the following reply: “Elizabeth, my office closes at noon on Fridays and I am free in the early afternoon for a late lunch. Would that work for you? Anne’. Nervously, I hit the send key.
Within minutes I received this response: “Friday would be perfect. I will plan on taking the afternoon off. Are you in Midland? If so, we could meet at the Midland Country Club for lunch and cocktails.”
I was not yet prepared to tell her that I lived in neighboring Odessa, so I merely responded, ‘I am not far from Midland. The Country Club would be wonderful. I have never been there. I can meet you at 12:30 p.m.’
Immediately, I got the following response: ‘It’s a date. I will meet you in the lobby at 12:30 p.m. Hopefully, you will recognize me from my picture. I am looking forward to meeting you. Elizabeth’.
I was now certain that Elizabeth was the author of the initial response to our ad. I could sense a great deal of enthusiasm, and little or no apprehension from her. I was fairly certain she would not need much convincing to journey down this path…I wondered if her husband, Robert, was the apprehensive one.
I grew increasingly nervous as Friday approached. I’m not really sure what I was concerned about, but my anxiety had me edgy. Friday morning, I selected an orange and white floral print sundress and a pair of matching pumps. I needed to wear something flattering, yet appropriate for my office.
I don’t know, but why I wanted to look good for this young woman. She wasn’t a potential romantic partner for me; her husband might be, but he was not going to be present today. I just wasn’t into girls, was I? Yet, I spent extra time that morning bathing, shaving my parts and putting on my make-up; far more than I usually do. Aaron noticed it too.
“Are you going on a date?” he teased.
“No, don’t be silly. But we are eating at her country club. I imagine it’s pretty swanky. I just want to look nice.”
“You know, that’s another thing. They looked awfully young in that picture to have the kind of money it takes to join a country club. I wonder what he does for a living,” Aaron mused.
“I don’t know. Perhaps I’ll find out.”
I left my office about quarter to twelve, and made the forty minute drive to Midland without incident. I arrived in the lobby of the country club at 12:25 p.m., five minutes early. I recognized Elizabeth immediately from her picture. I studied her briefly before approaching her.
She was even more stunning in person. At five foot seven inches tall, I am not a short woman; however, Elizabeth was a statuesque five foot, nine. She wore a red and white pleated dress with a V-neck line that revealed a hint of cleavage. Her legs were long and tan. Her butt was perfectly proportioned to her figure. However, her most prominent feature were her large fawn-like deer eyes. They were huge. Combined with her full lips and warm mile, she had a cute, sassy, innocent-looking beauty that men drooled over.
I caught her eye, smiled at her and started walking towards her. Her face lit up like she had found a long lost friend. “Anne?”
We hugged each other and exchanged pleasantries. As she guided me towards the bar, she said, “Well, Robert is certainly going to like you.”
I felt that comment was a bit presumptuous, I certainly was not committed to meeting her husband. Nonetheless, I knew she meant it as a compliment, so I merely replied, Thank you.”
We were seated at a table with a wonderful view of the 18th green. I was fascinated by the vast difference in skill levels as I watched groups of golfers approach the green. There were some men who obviously played regularly and played well. On the other hand, there were several who looked like they should take up some other activity since golf obviously was not their sport.
“Do you play?” Elizabeth asked.
“You mean golf?”
Elizabeth giggled, “Yes, golf. From your ad I know you play at other things.”
I felt myself blush deeply, partially from being so stupid as to ask ‘golf?’, and partially from Elizabeth’s reference to Aaron’s and my ad. “No, I have tried a few times, but I just plain stink at it. You?”
“A little bit…well actually, I was on the women’s golf team at Tulane.”
“Well, you do have the look of an athlete,” I said.
Just then we were interrupted by our waiter. We ordered cocktails. Elizabeth ordered a glass of merlot, I ordered a cranberry juice and vodka cocktail. We chatted for the thirty or forty minutes. I ate my chicken Caesar salad while Elizabeth enjoyed her Ahi tuna salad.
I learned that Elizabeth had a degree in biology from Tulane, which is where she met Robert while he was in law school. I learned that Robert had recently passed the bar and was now a junior associate at one of the more prestigious firms in the Permian Basin, specializing in injury lawsuit and environmental suits against the oil and gas companies in the area. I was shocked to learn that both Elizabeth and Robert were considerably older than they appeared in their photo. Robert was 28, and Elizabeth was 24.
I was impressed with her poise and presence. Elizabeth was charming and intelligent. Although she was nearly ten years my junior, Elizabeth exuded a confidence that I envied.
“So how did you and Aaron first get started in…you know…swinging?” Elizabeth asked in a bit of a stage whisper. “Which of you was the instigator”
I looked around the room to ensure we were not within earshot of anyone before answering, “Definitely Aaron. I was very apprehensive at first. In fact, I was scared to death at first. Aaron spent a lot of time and effort convincing me to give this lifestyle a try. What about you? Is this Robert’s idea or yours?”
“In our case, there is some mutual curiosity. I discovered early on that Robert becomes very aroused when I tell him about some of my previous experiences, so I kind of played with that…teasing him and stuff. Let’s just say I had a rather unconventional youth and I have always been sexually adventurous.”
I could not believe Elizabeth was being this open with me, someone she just met. I finished my Cape Codder and ordered another before asking, “Okay, now you have me very curious. Just how unconventional was your youth?”
Elizabeth’s countenance changed noticeably. Suddenly, the flirtatious, confident, poised young woman was gone. In her place was a solemn, serious woman who seemed to have something she wanted to share with me. Why she chose me, I will never know.
“Anne, when I was seventeen my step-father was killed in a roadside attack in Afghanistan. He was my step-father, but he was the only father I had ever known. I was devastated. The entire family was devastated. We each dealt with our grief in a different manner. Mom fell into the bottle and was passed out drunk every night before nine. My stepbrother, Gary, and I leaned on each other for emotional support. In our grief, we clung to each other more than we should have. We got closer than society says a stepbrother and stepsister should. And while on some level, I am ashamed of my weakness, on another level, I remember that those experiences not only made me who I am today, they helped me make it through a most difficult time of my life.”
I noticed that her eyes moistened as she talked and her speech was measured and cautious. It was as if she was weighing every word before saying it, deciding exactly what she wanted to share. Her voice had a noticeable quiver in it as well. Clearly, telling me this was emotionally taxing for her.
And precisely what had she told me? Was she revealing that her first sexual experiences were with her stepbrother? I was unsure how to react. I was unsure how I felt at the moment. I was experiencing a myriad of emotions, but the most salient of which was a sense of gratitude that this enchanting young woman had chosen me as someone with whom to share her deepest and most emotionally taxing secrets.
“That must have been a very difficult time for your entire family. Hell, seventeen is a difficult time even if you don’t lose a parent,” I said with genuine empathy.
“It was, but it also served to bring Gary and me very close. Do you think something can be wrong and still be beautiful?” Elizabeth asked.
“I’m pretty sure it can. In fact, Aaron and I recently had a beautiful evening with an older gentleman we had just met. His name was Don. And I believe most people would call what we did wrong, but it was a beautiful experience for me. I think it was also a beautiful experience for Don as well.”
Elizabeth and I talked for nearly two hours. Because we both were driving, we limited ourselves to two drinks. I don’t quite know why, but as the afternoon progressed we became more and more comfortable sharing our deepest thoughts and secrets with each other. I learned that, yes, in a moment of weakness, an emotionally distraught seventeen year old girl lost her virginity to her stepbrother. I further learned that she and her stepbrother remain close.
I revealed that until a month ago, I had only slept with one man, my husband. I told her about the trip to Houston, our visit to the swinger’s bar, and dancing with Harris. Elizabeth was awestruck as I described making love to two men at once; how I was astride Harris while my husband, slowly, and somewhat painfully, entered my backside.
“Oh my god, that is so sexy. I’ve always wanted to do that, but I simply cannot handle it back there,” Elizabeth stated with astonishment. “Anne, you are my new hero.”
I felt a combination of pride and embarrassment as Elizabeth gushed at my sexual prowess. It was unwarranted praise, especially in light of the fact that she was obviously much more experienced than I was.
Although I had only met her two hours ago, I felt closer to her than I did towards many of my friends whom I have known for decades. I certainly revealed things about myself that I would never share with any of my friends. I also realized that she and I had far more in common than I did with many of my friends. I was developing a genuine affection for this strikingly beautiful young woman.
I looked at my watch and said, “My god, where has the time gone? I need to head back to Odessa. I am supposed to pick up the girls at daycare by 3:30 p.m. today.”
I realized that I had inadvertently revealed that I lived in Odessa, something I had not planned to do just yet. But so what? What harm could there be in that considering I had also told my new friend that I had a stranger in my vagina while my husband fucked my backside recently?! Certainly, the city in which I lived was not really an issue, was it?
“Anne I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you today. You are a beautiful and fascinating woman. I apologize if I got carried away. I revealed some things about my youth that I had not really intended to reveal. I don’t know why I feel so comfortable with you,” she said as she placed her hand on top of mine.
“Me too. I just felt so comfortable with you, too. I can’t explain it, but I feel like we’ve known each other for years. And your secrets are safe with me,” I promised.
“Odd isn’t it, considering we just met? I feel very close to you. Anne, I do hope we can get together again, next time with the guys,” Elizabeth said squeezing my hand.
“I think I’d like that very much,” I replied.
“Anne, Robert and I are hosting a table at a charity event being held next Saturday at the Coliseum. The funds go to help a battered women shelter in this area. To be honest, we are having trouble filling up our table. Would you and Aaron be our guests? There’ll be dancing, dinner and an open bar.”
“Let me talk to Aaron about it and get back to you. It does sound like fun. Is it black tie?”
“No. I imagine some men will wear tuxes, but mostly it will be business attire. You know, business suits, cocktail dresses, nice but not too formal. Here, let me write down my number. Call me if you can make it. I’ll hold two seats for you.”
That night, I talked with Aaron about my lunch with Elizabeth. I did not feel comfortable telling him about Elizabeth and her stepbrother. That felt like it would be betraying a confidence of a close and trusted friend. I know it sounds bizarre since I only met her today, but strangely she did feel like a close and trusted friend.
“They’ve invited us to be their guests at a charity gala being held at the coliseum next Saturday. They are hosting a table and wanted us to sit with them,” I said nonchalantly. Aaron was not fooled.
“You’re taken by this young woman, aren’t you?”
I blushed and turn my head. “Don’t be ridiculous. I just thought it might be a nice night out…you know get dressed up a bit and dance a bit.”
“Anne, I know you pretty well. You have a little crush on this girl, don’t you?”
I did not know how to respond. My mind raced in all directions. “Aaron, I enjoyed her company, yes. She is charming and, I admit, I was enchanted by her wit and sensitivity; but I do not have a crush on her,” I protested. My denial did not sound plausible even to me. My husband was right, I was smitten with this gorgeous young woman.
“Very well. Deny it if you will. So you want to go to this gala with your friend and her husband?”
“I think it might be fun.”
Aaron grinned ear-to-ear and replied, “Okay, make it so, number one,” mimicking Captain Picard from Star Trek.
Saturday arrived. I took a bath, shaved my underarms, legs and vulva. I dried myself, blow dried my hair, and applied my make-up. If I am honest, I have to admit, I was dressing for Elizabeth as much as for Aaron or Robert. I selected a black halter-style cocktail dress, black gladiator pumps, and a matching black bikini panty. I decided that my legs looked good enough, so I skipped the nylons.
I studied myself in the mirror, I looked good. The cocktail dress was fairly low cut, exposing a fair amount of cleavage, the skirt came down to mid-thigh, showing off my legs nicely. The halter style left my shoulders bare and prevented me from wearing a bra. The dress accentuated my figure, showing off my thin waist nicely. Yes, this dress was quite flattering.
Aaron wore a dark suit. I caught our reflection in the hallway mirror, we were a handsome couple. During the short drive from our home to the coliseum, Aaron held my hand and massaged my thighs.
“Baby, I want you to enjoy yourself tonight…whatever you want, you should do,” Aaron tried to reassure me, but his words made me feel a bit anxious. What did he think was going to happen tonight? What did I want to happen? My life had changed so much over the last month or so, I wasn’t sure I wanted any more adventures.
The coliseum was midway between Midland and Odessa. We arrived a little before 7:00 p.m. Aaron and I were standing in the lobby when I turned to see Elizabeth and Robert walking across the room. She looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a beige dress that came down just below her knees. The skirt flared open as she walked. I could not tell if she was wearing a bra, but her nipples stood proudly under the silk material of the dress. As I said, she looked stunning.
Elizabeth hugged me, pressing her perky breasts into mine, and said, "Anne, you look lovely."
"Thank you. You look wonderful yourself."
I cannot deny it, I was feeling a unique attraction to this tall, slender, beautiful blonde. I have to admit, this is the first time in my life that I felt a sexual attraction to another female. And the attraction was as much mental and emotional as it was physical.
Elizabeth introduced me to her husband, Robert. He was tall, muscular and quite handsome. He had a warm, charming demeanor with an impish look of bedevilment. I like him immediately. I shook his hand and introduced Aaron to both Elizabeth and Robert.
Aaron and Robert got our cocktails from one of the open bars in the lobby. We found an empty waist-high table on which to set our drinks and chat until we were seated for dinner. Aaron and Robert appeared to be getting along quite nicely. At one point, Elizabeth took my arm and leaned in to whisper, “Aaron is certainly not hard on the eyes. You did alright for yourself, girlfriend.”
I smiled and replied, “Thank you. I think so too.”
At 7:30 p.m. the doors to the main hall were opened and we were escorted to our table. We were introduced to two other couples, both of whom looked to be in their late forties, or early fifties. Robert explained that one of the men and one of the women were lawyers in his firm and they were here with their respective spouses. We had polite, but relatively shallow conversations during our meal.
Dinner consisted of a small filet mignon and three barbecued shrimp, whipped potatoes and baby carrots. It was quite good. Since the waiter kept refilling our wine glasses before they were empty, it was difficult to keep track of my alcohol consumption; however, I was feeling the warm buzz of being slightly inebriated.
There was a brief speech after dinner before the band took the stage for dancing. Both the older couples at our table excused themselves after the speech, explaining that it was getting late and they needed to get home, leaving only the four of us at the table.
Elizabeth also asked me to dance to a couple of songs. The alcohol consumption had lowered my inhibitions, and I allowed her to place her hands on my hips as we swayed to the beat of the music. The physical contact looked innocent enough to anyone observing us, but I was keenly aware that there was a definite chemistry developing between us.
Back at the table, Elizabeth was teasing and flirting with both of the guys. I also felt like she was flirting with me. I must confess, I enjoyed her attention. I cannot describe my feelings at the time any better than to simply admit that I was developing a crush on this enchanting young woman. We seemed to truly connect with each other. I don't know why the connection with this lovely young thing felt so real and so natural, but Elizabeth and I simply seemed to connect.
I danced with both Robert and Aaron a couple of times, as did Elizabeth. We returned to our table to catch our breath. The music was too loud, and I was having trouble hearing. Elizabeth indicated that she was getting a headache from the noise.
“Would you two care to join us back at our house for a nightcap? Aaron, I have a bottle of 25 year old Glenlivet single malt scotch someone gave me. I have been looking for an opportunity to break it open,” Robert offered.
Aaron looked at his watch. It was 9:55 p.m. He looked at me and said, “Baby, why don’t you call the babysitter and see if she can stay a little later.”
I started to protest. I wasn’t sure what I was getting into here. Aaron and I had not discussed the rules of engagement with Elizabeth and Robert. We had not anticipated being alone with them tonight. However, I was enjoying myself, and I was enjoying Elizabeth’s attention. I did not want the night to end.
“How late do you think we’ll be?” I asked.
Robert volunteered an answer, “We live about fifteen minutes from here. We can have a few drinks and relax. You can leave whenever you want, but surely you’ll be home by two o’clock.”
I nodded, said nothing, and got up to find a quiet place to call home. The babysitter answered the phone and assured me that she could stay as late as needed. She was doing her homework. The girls were in bed asleep, and she was very comfortable sleeping on the couch until we got home. She joked that she enjoyed getting paid for sleeping.
I returned to the table and reported back, “We’re good to go. She can stay as late as needed.”
We followed Robert’s and Elizabeth’s black BMW to their house in old Midland. The neighborhood where Robert and Elizabeth lived was very affluent and exclusive. It was clear to me that Elizabeth and I ran in very different social circles.
As we pulled into the large circular drive in front of their oversized home, I asked Robert, “Okay, what do you expect to happen tonight?”
I saw Elizabeth and Robert pull their car into their three car garage. We had just a minute or two to talk.
“I don’t know. I was kind of playing it by ear. They seem really nice. I am enjoying their company,” Aaron answered without really saying anything.
“Aaron, you know what I am asking. How far do you want to take this tonight?”
“Anne, I want you to enjoy yourself tonight. And I want you to trust me enough to believe whatever you do tonight, or I do tonight will not change how I feel about you. I won’t let anything come between us, or damage our marriage.”
“I think Elizabeth has been flirting with me,” I blurted out.
“I know she has. It’s been obvious.”
“Aaron, if I get freaked out or get uncomfortable with any situation, I want us to be able to politely excuse ourselves and leave, without you getting mad. I am really not sure how comfortable I am with any of this.”
“Honey, that’s always the case. If you feel you are getting in over your head, just ask me to take you home.”
“Aaron, there is one more thing. I am not sure how I’m going to feel if you and Elizabeth start fooling around. I think I’ll be okay if you two play around the edges, but I am afraid that I might have a fit of jealousy if you two get too involved. If I start to freak out, I need to be able to get you to stop and we need to leave…I know it seems unfair, but I am trying to be as understanding as I can, okay?”
“Got it,” Aaron replied while nodding.
The porch light flashed on and Elizabeth opened the front door beckoning us in. I was duly impressed by the marble entryway and the large spiral staircase. There was a beautiful baby grand piano nestled under the staircase.
“Very nice. I love your place,” I gushed. Looking at the piano, I asked, “Do you play?”
“You mean the piano?” she giggled.
Elizabeth and I both busted out laughing as we both remembered her asking me if I play at the country club, and me replying ‘golf?’ The guys looked at us like we were completely nuts, which only served to make us laugh harder. It was a silly moment, but it broke the ice, and got us through a potentially awkward moment where Aaron and I were entering the home of a couple who had replied to our ad on a swinger’s website.
Finally, Elizabeth was able to calm down enough to utter, “Inside joke, boys. Inside joke.”
Robert escorted Aaron to the bar area where they broke out the coveted bottle of twenty-five year old single malt scotch.
“Anne, come help me prepare a few snacks while the boys get our drinks,” Elizabeth said as she took me by the hand and led me to a huge kitchen with a large island area. All of the appliances were stainless steel. The affluence was evident everywhere I looked.
“I love your kitchen. This is gorgeous.”
“Thank you. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it.”
Elizabeth prepared a tray of crackers, cheese, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, tiny broccoli spears and dip. I gathered up the knives she had used to cut up the vegetables and cheese and placed them in the sink. Elizabeth followed me carrying the cutting board and two bowls. She reached around me to place her items in the sink just as I turned back to face her. With the sink behind me, I could not move backward to put more space between us.
Elizabeth was standing unusually close to me, and she did not back away as one normally would. She was looking deep into my eyes with a subtle passion, smiling silently. It was an awkward few seconds before she spoke. I just stood there, unsure of what to do.
She was slightly taller than me, and she looked like a goddess. Elizabeth had the tall, slender, athletic frame of a model. Her long sleek legs accentuated her firm, round butt. Her breasts with their perpetually erect nipples seemed to be begging me to touch them. I can honestly say that I have never seen a more beautiful woman. I felt my heart pounding with anticipation.
Ever so slowly, she traced her right hand up my side, gently cupping my left breast. I stood there motionless, paralyzed by the intimacy of the moment. Her fingers traced their way around my breast, barely touching me, until she softly located my very erect nipple. She gently pinched it and teased it.
"Anne, I just love the way your breasts are so perky. Your nipples are hard as pebbles," she said as she continued to tease my nipple. I stood there, frozen in place, eyes closed, unable to speak or move as she felt me up. I was unable to stop her, nor did I want to.
Her touch only lasted few seconds, but it seemed longer. For those few seconds time seemed to stop. Then she lowered her hand and stepped back.
"God, I wish my tits stood up like that without a bra," Elizabeth said as she nonchalantly walked back towards the den.
I stammered a weak sounding, "Thank you."
It is the first time a woman had touched me like that. I could not stop thinking about Elizabeth's brief touch of my breast. I was confused. I longed for her touch again. Surely, she knew what she was doing to me? I felt my chest heaving slightly as I followed her back into the den.
Elizabeth and I took the hors d’oeuvres to the den. The guys had prepared a glass of wine for Elizabeth and cranberry juice and vodka cocktail for me. Both men had removed their suit coats and neckties.
I sat in a large overstuffed leather chair facing the couch and recliner, trying to clear my head from the events in the kitchen just moments ago. I reached down and unbuckled my black gladiator pumps, kicking them off and rubbing my feet. “I like the way I look in these shoes, but by the end of the evening, my feet are killing me.”
It was a simple, honest comment. My feet were, in fact, killing me at the moment. However, Elizabeth took it as an invitation. She moved over and sat on the floor in front of me, Indian-style. She then took my left foot and began to massage it. “I think I can help you out there, girlfriend. Let me give you a foot massage. Robert, come here and help me give this lady a proper foot massage.”
Robert quickly positioned himself on the floor next to his wife and took my right foot, placing my heel in his lap. I could feel the distinct pulsing of his penis against my foot. He was slowly growing erect as he massaged my foot. With Elizabeth and Robert holding each of my feet, I was forced to lean back slightly with my thighs open in a most unladylike manner.
“You guys don’t have to do that,” I protested. I was not so naïve’ that I did not realize that allowing any physical contact could lead to much more intimate touching; however, at that moment, I truly did long for this girl’s touch.
“Nonsense, Robert enjoys giving foot massages, don’t you honey? Aaron, come over here and stand behind your wife and massage her shoulders,” Elizabeth instructed.
Within seconds, I found myself the center of three people’s attention; Elizabeth and her husband each massaging one of my feet, my husband standing behind me, rubbing my shoulders. The tactile sensations were exquisite.
I decided to enjoy the moment as I moaned softly, “Oh this feels nice. You guys are spoiling me.”
After a minute or two, Aaron softly said, “I think this lady is a bit over dressed for her massage.”
Robert agreed, “I concur…you should remedy that.”
Aaron started fumbling with the halter strap around my neck, untying it.
“Aaron, what are you doing?” I protested weakly.
“Anne, just relax and enjoy. We’re going to make you feel very good.”
Robert stood up and pulled me to a standing position while Aaron, lowered the zipper on the back of my dress. I stood there and allowed my dress to be removed, leaving me wearing only a pair of black bikini panties.
Instantly, I found myself standing between two men, topless, while Elizabeth kneeled in front of me. I stood there, silent and motionless. My emotions were all over the place. I was aroused, excited, embarrassed, scared, nervous and anxious. I felt like I could not move. I was frozen in place.
"Anne, you have the most beautiful breasts. I love how firm they are,” Elizabeth commented as she slowly traced her finger tips over my left nipple causing me to shudder. “Is this okay?”
“Uh huh, I guess so,” I muttered almost silently, barely able to speak, my voice cracking. I started shivering ever so slightly at her touch. I could feel my pulse in my erect clitoris. My lubrication was seeping out of me, soaking the gusset of my panties. The men were massaging my shoulders and back. Clearly, they were her accomplices, but Elizabeth was the one giving me the direct attention now.
"Are you okay? You're shaking," she asked.
"I'm just a little nervous, I guess. This is uncharted territory for me," I confessed candidly.
With her fingers barely touching my erect nipple, she asked, "Should I stop?"
Nervously, I shook my head and softly answered, "No, I am enjoying your touch. I'm just a little scared."
She continued teasing my nipple between her forefinger and thumb, pinching it as she reassured me, "You don't have to be scared of anything."
I nodded. Robert was standing behind me now gently rubbing my shoulders and upper arms. I closed my eyes and laid my head back against his chest, and quietly moaned, as I savored both of their touch. I felt Robert’s penis pulsing against my lower back as he pressed himself against me. He was growing erect.
Elizabeth leaned forward and took my other nipple in her mouth, sucking on it gently. I moaned audibly as I caressed her head and held it to my breast. She released left breast from her fingers, and slowly started tracing her hand up my inner thigh.
Aaron had stepped to the side and was now content to stand back and watch this gorgeous young couple work together to seduce his wife.
In a teasingly slow manner, Elizabeth inched her hand up between my legs until her fingers were barely touching the very wet gusset of my panties. She then continued her journey up, running the palm of her hand across my vulva and then gently caressing my tummy and my breasts.
Involuntarily, I began rocking my hips as my arousal grew. I moaned and caressed her head as he continued to suck my breasts. With her hand on my stomach, she said, “Anne, I love how flat and firm your tummy is. God, you have a gorgeous body.”
“Thank you. Please touch me,” I moaned shamelessly.
With that Elizabeth smiled, nodded and began lowering my panties. I stepped out of them as she slid them over my ankles and feet. Suddenly, I was naked; the only one naked in the room.
Elizabeth was kneeling in front of me, still wearing her beige cocktail dress. I lifted her face and whispered to her, “I want you to know this is very special to me. We should take off your dress, too.”
Elizabeth nodded and stood. The next few minutes are a bit of a blur. I am not certain I recall the precise sequence of events, so much happened so quickly. Elizabeth removed her dress, her bra and her panties. Robert scurried from the den into the adjacent living room, and quickly returned with three cushions, which I assume came from the living room couch. He arranged the cushions in front of the gas fireplace. He then lit the fireplace, creating an atmosphere of warmth.
Both men shed their clothes, revealing two very impressive erections. Elizabeth led me to the cushions in front of the gas fireplace and guided me to lay down while she kneeled next to me. I had long ago abandoned any thoughts of resisting. I was hers now…totally hers.
Leaning over me, Elizabeth returned her mouth to my left nipple and tweaked the right one slightly. Without disengaging her mouth from my nipple, she slowly slid her hand down across my abdomen, down past my navel, and placed the very tips of her fingers inches from my clitoris, teasing my sensitive skin with her touch.
I wanted to slide my own hands up her thighs, and touch her vagina, but I was too nervous, too scared. So I just lay there, allowing her to touch me however she chose.
I wanted her to touch me lower, to touch my clitoris. I felt like I could climax with the slightest touch, I was so aroused. But I could not force myself to utter the words asking her to touch me lower. I was humping my hips, in a frustrated attempt to bring her fingers into contact with my clit, but she was intent on teasing me first.
Elizabeth withdrew her fingers, and moved her hand back up towards my breasts. Her fingers teased my nipple, barely touching it. I moaned with desire.
She asked, "May I kiss you?"
"I've never kissed a woman before," I confessed.
"Well, I want to be your first. May I?"
I nodded and said, "I think I would like that."
She leaned forward and placed her palm on my cheek, and turned my face towards her, and slowly our lips touched. It was more sensual than sexual. Our lips parted slightly at first. I felt the tip of her tongue flicking along my full lips. I opened wider and gently sucked her tongue into my mouth. My head was spinning.
Elizabeth took my hand and placed it on her left breast. Hesitantly, I explored the contour of her breast, gently massaging it, rolling the erect nipple my index finger and thumb.
"Oh, that feels nice," Elizabeth moaned, before resuming our kiss.
Elizabeth must have sensed my nervousness from how timidly I touched her. She was certainly more confident and comfortable with this than I was. For me, this was all new and was not something I had planned.
She broke off our kiss momentarily to say, "it’s okay, Anne. Relax. Let's just get to know each other a bit."
"I've never touched a woman before. I guess I'm just a bit nervous," I confessed again.
"I know. I can tell. Just touch me the way you like to be touched."
Elizabeth laid beside me, her breasts pressed into mine.
Aaron and Robert were mesmerized by the sexy scene that was unfolding. They both seemed content to stand back and watch this scene unfold without being directly involved.
Elizabeth broke off our kiss and began kissing and sucking on my neck, biting it slightly. I moaned loudly as the love bites sent shivers through me. She worked her way down to my breasts, kissing me and flicking her tongue across my sensitive skin as I massaged her head and shoulders.
With my nipple in her mouth, her fingers traced their way down across my flat tummy and back down to my vulva, only this time she was not going to simply tease me. Her fingers quickly found my very wet slit as she opened the lips of my labia.
I lay there panting, caressing her head as I opened my thighs to grant her access. Elizabeth found my erect nubbins, and rubbed tiny circles around it with the tips of her fingers, causing me to shudder and moan. I humped up in rhythm to her stimulating my clitoris.
All my doubts and inhibitions had evaporated. I wanted this. I wanted her. Elizabeth started kissing her way down my tummy, heading to my pussy. She started to climb between my legs to lick and kiss on me down there, but I stopped her.
"Elizabeth, turn around and climb on top of me. I want to taste you too."
She smiled and nodded that she understood. She climbed on top of me, straddling my face, placing the two of us in the ‘sixty-nine position’. Her shaved vulva looked so invitingly smooth. Since she was slightly taller than me, she was able to arch her back, to place her vagina inches above my upturned face, as she opened my labia with her fingers.
I moved my arms around her waist, and reached behind her to open her vagina. It was the first time I had ever looked at the inside of another woman's vagina. It was beautiful. I liked her scent.
.I was still studying her opening, when she flicked her tongue across my clitoris. It was as if an arc of electricity shot through my loins. I moaned approval, as I touched my tongue to her clitoris. Elizabeth quivered and moaned at the initial touch of my tongue to her clitoris, indicating that she liked the stimulation.
We started slowly, flicking our tongues and gauging each other's reaction. I liked the slightly salty taste of her secretions. The fact that her lubrication was seeping out of her reassured me that she was becoming increasingly aroused.
Soon we sucking and licking each other, each moaning and humping from the pleasure we were receiving. I wanted to savor the pleasure and intimacy of my first lesbian experience with this beautiful, sexy goddess.
Elizabeth was clearly responding to the way I was stimulating her clitoris. She was grinding herself into my mouth and chin, as I was licking and sucking on her. I noticed that her clitoris seemed to grow and swell under my stimulation. It felt like it was almost a half an inch long on my tongue. I took it into my mouth and sucked like a nipple.
Elizabeth shuddered and moaned loudly. For the briefest of moments, she tried to pull away from me, moaning, "oh fuck... too intense."
She tried to break my suction grip on her clit, moaning loudly. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tightly, preventing her from pulling away from my mouth, as I sucked more violently. Her clit was so swollen, I thought it might pop.
Her entire body quaked, and suddenly, she buried her face into my vagina licking and sucking on me. My pussy muffled her cries of pleasure as she was grinding her vulva into my face and chin. Her legs tightened as she squeezed my head between her thighs.
I could taste the sweet nectar of her secretions flowing out of her as she came. I loved swallowing her pussy juice. Knowing that part of her was now inside me was strangely satisfying to me.
Elizabeth was bucking wildly now, literally screaming into my vagina as she climaxed.
I don't think I have ever been so aroused in my life. Elizabeth's orgasm triggered mine. Together we humped against each other's mouths, as we each sucked and licked each other. We could not stop cumming. Our orgasms seemed to go on and on and on.
Finally, she raised her head and cried out, "Oh shit... I need to stop... fuck... please...Anne...too much...that was intense."
She arched her back and broke my suction on her clitoris. I could feel the wet perspiration on our breasts and abdomens making the contact of our skin slick and slippery.
I lay there panting, trying to catch my breath, as I stared at her vagina, where my mouth had been moments before.
"God, you taste good. I never knew how sexy and rewarding that could be. Thank you Elizabeth."
Elizabeth's head was resting on my thigh now, and she responded, "No, Anne, thank you. That was so beautiful. You have no idea how much I enjoyed doing that. You made me cum so good."
Suddenly I became aware of movement in the room, and looked over to see Aaron and Robert approaching us with rigid erections. Both men were hard as rocks.
Clearly, they intended to fuck Elizabeth and me, repeatedly. In what combination, I was not sure.
"I think our men are looking for a warm, wet place to stick their boners. Got any suggestions?" Elizabeth observed.
"Oh my, those are impressive erections they are sporting. I’ll bet we can find someplace nice for them to put those," I replied.
Elizabeth rolled off of me, on to her back.
I waited to see which man would approach me, and which would approach Elizabeth. I decided that if Aaron wanted to enjoy Elizabeth, I would just have to deal with whatever jealousy I felt. Besides, Robert’s cock looked awfully tempting to me at this moment.
Coming soon; Chapter 9 – Full Partner Swap
A special thanks to Lisa and Don for all their assistance proofreading and editing. Their input has greatly improved the quality of this series.
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Edward and Elizabeth met at a nice restaurant. It was raining outside. The hostess greeted them making them aware that it would be a few minutes before a table was ready. She pointed out the coat checkroom and suggested they hang their wet coats and umbrellas there apologizing that there was no one taking coats. Elizabeth followed Edward to the coatroom and removed her coat.Edward smiled as he took in her navy suit, white blouse, just a hint of cleavage. As he turned around from hanging her...
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As I watched my ex drive away, i knew what i need. A few weeks at Elizabeth's house.Elizabeth lived in a large house deep in the country side in Wales. There must be about 50 girls and her self living in the huge house. As well as the guests.The girls were all slaves. They were beautiful girls, yet so young. All from foreign countries, with rough past's behind them. Compared to their old ones their current lives couldnt be that bad.They did not work for Elizabeth. She owned them. Elizabeth was...
Twenty Years Ago...Elizabeth was a late bloomer. She was essentially flat-chested until about sixteen when her breasts exploded into the EE-sized bra that she’d had since then. The first penis she ever saw was when she was eighteen. Her father was coming out of the shower with a huge erection while she was walking into the bathroom almost twenty years ago. She gasped when she saw the bulbous, purple cockhead, the thick and veiny shaft, his bulbous balls, but luckily her father didn’t hear and...
IncestElizabeth and I are still working together but have only got together one other time.It had been months since the last time.Whenever we were alone and out of every ones sight I would tease her,touching her ass or her tit.One time she was wearing shorts and I slid my hand up her thigh.She was so horny she let me.I moved up under her shorts.I was shocked when I hit a naked pussy.Elizabeth shivered then pulled away"god you'll have me dripping,knock it off.""We need to go somewhere" I said."I agree...
My real name is Elizabeth and this is my story. I got married at age seventeen to a twenty-two year old factory worker. It seemed that with his pay I would always have what I wanted. That sure wasn't true. I grew up in Pennsylvania and my honeymoon was at a theme park not far from home. Then I found out that the nice car he was driving was from one of those pay by the week lots with a high interest rate. We had to turn it in to pay rent and bought a fucked up old Dodge. So, here I was, married...
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— I plan to write many stories in a series about Elizabeth and I. She changed my life, and while this first story has very little sex, trust me there’s a lot to come. I wanted to do this right, and I feel a story to set up our relationship was an important element. — Elizabeth and I officially met at a party. I had seen her around before amongst friends and such. She dated a buddy of mine once for a bit. At 5’2′ she must’ve weighed maybe 110lbs. Cute as a button, with a really stellar body....
Edward and Elizabeth met at a nice restaurant. It was raining outside. The hostess greeted them making them aware that it would be a few minutes before a table was ready. She pointed out the coat checkroom and suggested they hang their wet coats and umbrellas there apologizing that there was no one taking coats. Elizabeth followed Edward to the coatroom and removed her coat. Edward smiled as he took in her navy suit, white blouse, just a hint of cleavage. As he turned around from hanging her...
August 1936 Jack Reynolds wiped the sweat from his eyes and stepped back. The afternoon was hot and he had been hard at for hours, least ways, it felt like hours. ‘What’re you doing?’ He started at the unexpected voice and turned. The owner of the voice was staring at him quizzically. ‘Working on my boat. What does it look like?’ The girl said nothing but continued to stare. She moved closer and switched her gaze from the boat to Jack. ‘ How come you’ve got a boat then?’ Jack snorted....
2020Sitting there stirring her soy-milk latte, brunette-bob cut, and the 'librarian' glasses. A black dress, up to the collarbone - nothing to tease. Beyond the lenses though, her soft green eyes are on me. Moving down a little, the nose piercings, another just above and below her mouth, Those soft lips, natural filler-free, and the corners up-turned into a warm smile. It had been a few years since we'd last caught up at her wedding, but even longer since we'd spent any time alone...
TrueAugust 1936 Jack Reynolds wiped the sweat from his eyes and stepped back. The afternoon was hot and he had been hard at for hours, least ways, it felt like hours. "What're you doing?" He started at the unexpected voice and turned. The owner of the voice was staring at him quizzically. "Working on my boat. What does it look like?" The girl said nothing but continued to stare. She moved closer and switched her gaze from the boat to Jack. " How come you've got a boat then?" Jack...
“The shining light this season,” said Madam Von R--, “is young Elizabeth S--, a Hudson River beauty if there ever was one.” “That so,” I said, sipping her cinnamon tea and waiting for the hammer to drop. “Don’t think I’ve heard of her.” “No reason you should, associating with the people you do.” She smiled. “But this fair miss is, I believe, in some sort of trouble, under pressure or duress. She has been occasionally valuable to the cause, indeed, recently, most helpful.” “That so,” I said,...
My name is Dane Elizabeth but my friends call me Liz. I'm 25 years old, 5 ft 2 in tall. I know I'm very attractive with my large full breasts and my olive skin. I love laying in the sun getting a full golden tan. I was nine years old when I decided I would never again let a male touch me. You see my older brother, he was 12, tried to rape me one spring day when our parents were at work. But because my hymen was so tough he was unable to penetrate me. Instead he fucked me in the ass over and...
August 1936 Jack Reynolds wiped the sweat from his eyes and stepped back. The afternoon was hot and he had been hard at for hours, least ways, it felt like hours. “What’re you doing?” He started at the unexpected voice and turned. The owner of the voice was staring at him quizzically. “Working on my boat. What does it look like?” The girl said nothing but continued to stare. She moved closer and switched her gaze from the boat to Jack. “ How come you’ve got a boat then?” Jack snorted. “She’s a...
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Disclaimer: The following story was written for entertainment purposes only. It contains sex; however, it is described artfully as plot a device. If this might offend you, please read no further. Furthermore, this story is dedicated to other writers in this genre who have given me so much pleasure over the years. Wishes and Power By Romances Key Long ago, there was a legend... a legend of an ancient being of power trapped in a ring. It was a story of a man who had everything -...
Wishes don't exist, but you always have choices! Greetings to anyone that finds this journal/story. My name is Brandon. I will once again be a 20+ year old male living in Northern California, sorry for being cryptic but I will explain what I mean later. My wife and I have to sacrifice our memories of the events I am about to transcribe, so I am writing this letter and hoping it finds someone who believes me. I am leaving this letter to be a testament to all that has happened and a...
I had called my group of friends over to my place. My parents wouldn’t mind. They never minded. I’m lucky that way. I can get away with nearly anything. Nearly, but not everything. My friends were all from school. James and Denise lived on the same block as I do. Brent and Robert each live about a quarter mile away, but not in the same direction. Then there’s Aaron, who lives on the other side of town, but always comes over when invited. I wanted to have a little fun. Some fun that involved...
‘So,’ the Genie mused, as he sat on James’ sofa. He had a can of beer in his hand and a lazy grin on his face. He was handsome, that was for sure. “You can guess the drill; you get three wishes.” “I get three wishes?” “Three,” he said with a smile, “and none of that fooling me like Robin Williams crap, I wasn’t born yesterday.” “When were you born?” “Three thousand years ago.” He winked broadly at James. “Oh.” “Yup.” “So ... I should decide my wishes?” “Yup.” “Standard...
We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...
Wishes of Fate An old shaggy man greeted us when my wife and I entered the tattered old shop, a door down off LeGrand Street. Looking back it seems odd how this old place was open so late at night or early in the morning as it was nearly 3am Saturday. My wife (Teresa) and I had been out drinking and partying since early Friday evening. To say the least by this point we were both feeling quite intoxicated. "Hello and welcome, I am Bill the proprietor of this fine shop." ...
Wishes Do Come True By Stephanie Ann Bryant My name is Jeff and I am your average teenager but I have one wish. Ever since I could remember I always wanted to be a girl and every night before I went to bed I always wished on the stars that I would wake up and be a girl. Of course it never happens. I guess wishes don't come true. "Jeff go to bed it is getting late." My Mom said. "I'm going." I said. I looked up at the stars and made my wish. I wish that I was a girl I said. I...
Wishes Granted Inc.: The Anime Case By (Miss) Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Mei never could understand what her boyfriend, Mohammed, liked about Anime. "Mohammed! You are always watching Japanese cartoons. I really don't understand why." "Gee whiz, Mei! What is your problem? Don't I buy you stuff and take you places?" "Yes," said Mei. "Last week, we went to a Ranma 1/2 film festival and you bought me a Lum Urusei Yatsura T-shirt!" "Oh, come on Mei, I just wish that you would...
Wishes Granted Inc-Case Two By Micah Distel "Kevin! How many times have I told you to quit sneaking in my room?" "I don't know. How many?" "That is not the point! Everyday, I come from cheerleader practice and find you in my room looking for my diary. What am I to do with you? I know, I'll just tell mom when she comes home from work. With a little twist to it." "You don't scare me. She won't do anything. I'm the good kid. Remember?" "Oh we'll...
Aaron and I managed to get together with Harris two more evenings during that torrid week in Houston. Each encounter was wonderfully fulfilling. I must confess, when I said goodbye to my ebony lover late Thursday evening, I was deeply saddened. I had developed a genuine affection for him. “Do you think we’ll ever see him again?” I asked solemnly.Aaron hugged me before responding, “I don’t know. Perhaps…You really like him, don’t you?”I nodded, “He’s the only other man I’ve been with…and...
Wife LoversWishes Granted 10 Micah Distel Little Billy Cooper was sitting in class one day bored out of his mind. Here he was, ten years old, in the prime of his life, sitting in a boring classroom. Then he noticed something. In front of him was a pair of pigtails. Owned by Sara Rafter, the cutest girl in the class, even though Billy didn't care. He decided to have a little fun and gave a tug at both of them. "OWWWWW!" Was the response he got from Sara. Billy spent the rest of...
Previously:As you may recall from the first three chapters, I accompanied my husband on a business trip to Houston, where, for his birthday, I reluctantly agreed to accompany him to a swinger's cub, Wish’s. At the club I met a very attractive, twenty two year old black man who my Husband invites back to our hotel room. While Aaron watched quietly from the couch, Harris, droves me to a series of powerful orgasms.“Oh, baby, do you see my cream on his cock? Your wife is being a very bad girl...
Group SexAs you may recall from previous chapters, while on a business trip to Houston with my husband, I reluctantly agreed to accompany Aaron to a swinger’s bar, Wish's. For his birthday present, I also agreed to wear a very revealing outfit that he bought me.At the bar, with Aaron’s encouragement, I spent time with a very attractive, powerfully built, younger black man. Harris and I thoroughly enjoyed each other on the dance floor under the watchful gaze of Aaron. While my husband watched, Harris...
Wife LoversAuthor's Note: Hello Again, everybody! Slut High here was the winner of my first Story Poll. If you'd like to help decide what I write next you can take part in my current story poll by going to ! This was a lot of fun to write and I hope you enjoy it! Wishes Gone Wrong: Slut High - A Smutty Novella - = Part 1 of 2 = By Razmagurk "Satisfaction Guaranteed?" I had expected something in... Latin, I guess? Ancient Arabic maybe? Was Arabian a language?...
With my head buried deep in my race guide, a thousand miles away, I feel a hand on my shoulder. Turning my head to the left I see my good friend Michelle. We had car pooled to the track earlier that morning with her husband and a few other friends. In amongst the hustle and bustle of the keen racing enthusiasts we had managed to find a tall round bar table and some stools to stand at for the day, somewhere to place our drinks, girls to put their handbags and rest their feet. My eyes glance...
Wishes Granted Inc.-Story One By Micah Distel Story can be posted. Just give me credit for it. "But mooom!" "I don't want to hear anymore about it. You're going to have to wear your sister's underwear and that's final." "But why? I don't want to wear panties. Why didn't you do laundry?" "Michael, you know I don't have a lot of time since I took on that second job. I'm sorry but you'll have to." "But what if someone sees me in them? I have gym class. Everyone will...
Wishes Granted, Case Seven: Break a Leg By Micah Distel Steve was excited. His high school was putting on a production of "Romeo and Juliet." The week before, he had tried out for the part of Romeo. He thought he did awesome. He knew he had the part. They were now posting the parts and the crew members. He looked next at the name of the person playing Romeo. Tod Richmond. How he despised him and he knew the feeling was mutual. Playing Juliet, no, this can't be happening, Jennifer...
Wishes Granted Inc: Case Three By Micah Distel "Honey, are you alright?" "I'm fine. Blaaaaaaa!" "You know, maybe you should take a pregnancy test. That's probably why you've been sick lately." "I just had my period. I am NOT pregnant! Besides there are no other symptoms. Could you go and order us a marshmallow and anchovy pizza? I'm starving." "Honey, that sounds a bit odd." "Don't question me! I'm just hungry that's all. And if you can't order your wife a pizza because...
Wishes Granted Inc.: Christmas Story By Micah Distel Two weeks before Christmas, Billy's mother walked up to him and asked, "Billy, what do you want for Christmas?" Billy replied, in the typical fashion of a thirteen-year-old, with an extremely long list of gifts, totaling well over $300. Later that evening, Billy's mother sat down in front of the computer to work out this year's Christmas budget. "Boy, it was so much simpler when he was younger. A toy truck and he was happy....
Wishes Granted: Case Eight Don't Wear Your Sister's Underwear By Micah Distel "AHA! I knew it! I thought you had been doing that." "Listen, Gina, I can explain." "Explain what? That you're some sort of perverted transvestite who likes to wear his sister's underwear?" "See. I knew you would understand." "Yeah. I understand that now, thanks to you, I have to buy a completely whole new set of lingirie 'cause for one thing, I don't know, nor do I want to know, what you've...
Wishes Granted: The Big Breasts By Roy Del Frink Jack Phelps was just an ordinary 25-year-old male. An ordinary horny 25-year-old male obsessed with breasts, that is. He wanted to go out with big-breasted women, but his gawky manner and arrogant personality made ANY woman want to avoid him altogether. He didn't have much of a life or identity, outside of the big-breasts magazines, books, and photos in his room, and the big-breast Internet sites and gifs on his computer. Jack just...