Slut9Chapter 1: Elizabeth free porn video

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Wednesday December 13


"I will not tell you my name. It's simply too dangerous. I will tell you that I am a research biochemist at a major pharmaceutical company here in the US.

"For the last decade or so since the introduction of the drug popularly known as Viagra, almost all pharmaceutical researchers have been working to "jump on to the train" to make some of the billions of dollars consumers are willing to pay in order to improve their sex lives.

"The company that funded my research took three different paths towards this goal. The first was to reverse engineer Viagra and then to try and improve upon it in some way, shape or form. This led my company to a dead end. There was simply nothing to do to improve it.

"The second was to look at other closely related drugs to try and make something that was as effective, if not more effective. This led to the creation of our own erectile dysfunction medication but Viagra has continued to lead the way simply due to its brand name popularity. Being the first does have its advantages.

"The third and most important, to our story anyway, is the path that I was assigned to follow. This path runs parallel to Viagra. Instead of researching a way to improve upon or to top Viagra, I was told to create a drug that would have similar beneficial effects on the sex lives of women.

"It was a work of passion for me and I succeeded beyond all of my wildest expectations.

"My plan however was fatally flawed which is why I am now writing to you, a young man I have never met, and will probably never meet. I am positive now that the company, and probably the US government, are after me. They wish to obtain the chemical formulation.

"While I enjoyed the past few weeks since I realized what I had created, I know I can not allow this drug, which I call SLuT9, to fall into the hands of the multinational corporation who funded my work, nor into the hands of any government, anywhere. It is simply too dangerous. Thus, I am writing to you.

"The drug I have created does have the desired effects I was looking for but it is too strong. It is, simply put, the worlds perfect date rape drug.

"It will not only make any woman extremely horny but it will make them unable to resist the advances of any man who is nearby. It makes a woman into a complete submissive, unable and unwilling to disobey any order about sex.

"The drug will make a nun into a slut in a matter of seconds. I have tested the drug on women of all ages, races, and religions and on women with a variety of sexual and moral issues. To date, the drug has never failed me.

"It goes without saying that I have done some horrible things. I have had sex with dozens, maybe hundreds, of women. I make no excuses. I am human, I was tempted and with this drug I was able to fulfill all of my desires.

"That's over now!

"As I said earlier, the company that funded my work, as well as parties within the US government are now after me. I expect they will catch me, probably even before you receive this. I have destroyed all hand-written notations about the formula as well as deleting all information from computers, smashing them, removing the hard drives, and burning them individually, to make sure that NOTHING could be recovered. I am sure I have succeeded in this.

"I simply did not, and do not now, have the willpower to destroy the last of this drug. If it were not for the fact that I am sure I will be captured or killed within the next few hours, I would be unable to send it to you. But I cannot allow myself to die knowing that this drug has fallen into the wrong hands. I have already done so many things I regret that I must not fail in this final trial.

"Inside the package that this letter is attached to, you will find one small vial of the compound and a small needle. I was attempting to put the formula into a powder form so it could be made into a pill when one of my research assistants went to my supervisor and exposed me, so all I have is in liquid form.

"To use the drug, simply dip the tip of the needle into the formula and then lightly prick any women with it and she will be yours. If you can sink the needle in far enough to draw blood the formula will work within seconds. If not, if you can only penetrate the skin, the drug will still be absorbed but may take as long as five minutes to work.

"The drug will make any woman it is given to unable to resist any command given to them as long as it will fulfill their sexual desires.

"This is vital, David. The drug will not take away their intelligence or their morals, except in the area of sex. You may fuck a woman anyway you see fit and she will not complain but do not go thinking this is a brainwashing drug that will allow you to tell a woman to rob a bank or jump off a bridge. It appears to be only effective in the area of sex. I have no way to verify this but I believe the drug causes the part of the brain that controls sex to become hyperactive. The strong desire this causes makes her willing to do whatever you say in order to meet those desires.

"One small prick of the drug-tipped needle will put a woman at your disposal for approximately six hours. During that time, she will be unable, and better yet, unwilling, to resist any command you give her that she believes will calm the urges her body is having.

"When the effects of the drug wear off, the woman WILL remember everything that happened but will not feel as though she has been in any way violated because she will also remember being an active, willing participant. With experience, you can even make the woman believe SHE was the aggressor and you were the victim.

"Two warnings. First, do not to prick yourself or any other man with the drug-tipped needle. While I do not believe the drug is fatal to a man, I do not have any data on what effect the drug will have.

"Second warning: No matter how badly you may want a woman under your power DO NOT convince the woman to drink the formula. The formula is made to be injected, either in to the bloodstream or into the skin and muscle. While I do not believe drinking the formula would be dangerous or harmful, it will not have the desired effect.

"The drug suppresses the female reproductive system for that month. This means, that no matter what time of the month it might be in the woman's menstrual cycle, she can not get pregnant no matter how many times you ejaculate inside her.

"I believe this side effect is caused by a flood of hormones brought about by the hyperactive area of the brain that the drug stimulates. This flood of hormones fools the female body into believing it is already pregnant, causing the woman's body to reject an egg that has already dropped or by not allowing an egg to drop at all for that month depending on where in her cycle she may be. There is no need for any kind of contraceptive.

"In order to test this, I did use the drug on a number of already pregnant women. I believe the drug is safe for pregnant women who are more than four to six weeks into their pregnancy. Before that, I have no knowledge of what effect the drug might have on a new fetus.

"I believe I have given you all the pertinent data I can. Do NOT attempt to reverse engineer the drug to make more, it is too dangerous. Use and enjoy what formula I have sent you and then be done with it, allow this episode to be nothing more than a footnote in your grand children's history book. Used wisely, the small bottle I have sent you should contain enough formula to prick a different woman every single day for the next year or more.

"Do not search for me. I will be mailing this from some random town in Kansas as I pass through. With luck, there will be no way for you, or anyone else, to track me by this package.

"I picked you to send it to because I have read some of your stories on-line and have found your main characters to always be moral and upstanding while still enjoying sex. I am hoping that you are like your characters. I am hoping that you can bring yourself to enjoy the formula and then allow it to run dry and be done. I don't expect to know one way or the other.

"Be careful. Those who are after me will be watching for signs that someone else has the formula. If they find you, you will disappear and they will have the formula. Call it a dying man's last request, David. Do NOT allow them to get the SLuT9.

"Tell NO ONE of this letter or the drug. Re-read the letter and then destroy it. Put the sample somewhere where it will be safe and hidden. Stay low on the radar. Don't get power hungry. That's how I got caught. Be careful.

"Enjoy yourself, David, and good luck."

David Bernard did as the writer requested and re-read the letter immediately. He was unsure of how much to believe. Once he'd re-read the letter, he examined the small box. It was wrapped in plain brown paper and tied up with twine. There were two stamps on the package and a postmark for a town in Kansas, David's name and address were there but there was no return address.

David carefully opened the box, which had originally contained a small snow globe with a snowman waving while holding a wooden sign that read "Merry Xmas."

Inside the box were packing peanuts and a small glass vile with it's stopper taped to the bottle to hold it in place and a small needle attached to what David thought had been a brown leather glove. Most of the glove had been cut away leaving only the cuff that fit around the wrist, a thin swatch of leather that cut across the palm of the hand and one small circle of leather that the middle finger would slide through.

In the middle of the palm, on what used to be the inside of the glove, there was a pocket for a thumbtack that was then pushed through the leather of the glove. David guessed correctly that this was so he could remove the pin, dunk it into the formula and then replace it. The glove was obviously made to be only slightly noticeable but convenient for tagging someone with the formula-covered pin. Slip the glove on and it was just a matter of a casual touch of a woman's arm or neck or back to prick them with the pin. David slipped the glove on. It was a little large for his hand but he was pretty sure it would work.

David slipped the glove back off, carefully removed the push pin and looked it over. It looked like any thumbtack or push pin a person could buy at any office supply store. He laid the pin carefully on his desk and then pulled the duct tape from over the stopper. He carefully opened the bottle. If this stuff does what the letter says, I sure don't want to lose any, David thought.

He set the stopper on the table and looked closely at the dark blue liquid inside. He sniffed it but it didn't seem to have an odor. He then took the pin in one hand, tilted the bottle to bring the liquid near the top and carefully dunked the needle of the pin into the blue formula. He let it drip dry for a moment, replaced the stopper, and slid the pin into the pocket of the glove and pushed it through, exposing the sharp point.

David then carefully slipped the glove back onto his right hand. He realized almost immediately that if he wore the glove he could prick a woman with the needle while shaking hands with her.

David knew he had to try it. He had to find out whether this would work or not. He sat back in the chair and considered who to make his first victim.

"Oh, come on, Dave," he said out loud after a moment. "There are a hundred women a day you see on the street and wanna fuck. Go find one and get on with it." He rose from his chair, carefully removed the glove and laid it down on the table so as not to poke himself accidentally and went to get dressed.

Once dressed in blue jeans and a tee shirt, Dave put on his jacket, wrapped the glove around the pin and slipped it into his jacket pocket. He headed to his car, a clunker he'd bought from a buddy at work for two thousand dollars, and headed for the downtown area. Thinking about it on the drive, Dave decided that this first test of SLuT9 would be made on an anonymous woman. If it worked, then he would move onto those he knew, such as his bitch of an ex-wife.

Since he wanted to be anonymous, Dave rented a small, cheap, but still nice hotel room downtown and drove his car across the street to a Wal-Mart to look for his test subject.

Dave got a cart and casually wandered up and down the food aisles. He picked up a few things, a bottle of ketchup, a couple packages of taco seasoning, a bottle of grape juice, as he scanned each passer-by to see if she would be his first test subject. He saw a number of lovely women but none that felt right. Not finding any in the grocery area, Dave casually abandoned the cart and headed into house wares and then into the electronics area.

It was at the racks of DVD's that he found the girl. She caught his eye immediately. She looked to be a college co-ed with long silky brown hair pulled back into a single pony tail that hung half way down her back, bright brown eyes, a nice tan, small tit's covered by a white belly shirt that left her pierced belly button and the Chinese lettering tattoo just above the butt crack that was exposed by the low riding, tight jeans that covered a cute little ass and long skinny legs. Dave licked his lips at the thought of her.

For ten minutes, Dave walked up and down the DVD aisle, keeping an eye on his target as she picked up box after box, reading about the movie, then setting it back down only to pick up another one. She finally settled on a Michael J. Fox movie that had been released more than a decade before but had just come out on DVD. Dave picked up "Enter the Dragon," his favorite Bruce Lee movie and followed her to the register there in the electronics department. He got into line just behind her.

She paid for her purchase and started to leave as Dave stepped up to the register. "How much is this?" he asked, as he watched his target walk away.

The cashier scanned the DVD and told him the price. "Never mind," Dave said. "I don't wanna pay that much." Dave quickly walked off after his target.

He caught up to her just as she was exiting the store. He followed behind her as he slipped the glove onto his right hand. Then, putting a big smile on his face, he ran up behind the young woman and smacked her on her left butt cheek. "Hey, long time, no see," he said as he turned to face the woman.

"Ow!" the young woman yelled and grabbed her butt cheek.

"Ohmigod! I am so sorry," Dave said, trying to look shocked and apologetic. "I thought you were someone else. I didn't hurt you, did I?"

The girl was still rubbing her butt cheek but said. "No, it's okay." She then moved past him heading for her car again.

"Listen," Dave said, running after the girl as he pulled the glove off and shoved it back into his jacket pocket. "Let me make it up to you."

The girl turned to him. "Listen, if it was an honest..." The girl's eyes closed and she shook her head as if having trouble thinking. When her eyes opened again, Dave couldn't help but notice they were a little glassy.

"All I wanna do is make it up to you," Dave said, hoping and praying that the pin had gotten through the girls jeans, through whatever underwear she had on and hit hard enough to puncture the skin. Hoping that her glassy eyes were a sign that the drug was starting to kick in.

"Damn! Oh!" The girl muttered, shaking her head again.

"Are you okay?" Dave asked, becoming concerned.

"Just becoming very hard to ... concentrate," she said, having to stop to remember the last word. "Oh, damn. I'm getting horny. My panties are ... I gotta go." She turned and headed for the car again.

"Listen, I feel bad. Tell me some way to make it up to you, please?" Dave followed behind her, almost begging. She stopped at a blue Honda and leaned against it, rubbing her head.

After a few seconds she turned back to Dave. "Do you live near here?" she asked.

"I'm just visiting. I'm staying in the hotel right across the street." Dave pointed to the hotel.

"You wanna make it up to me for smacking my ass?"

Dave nodded.

"Take me to your room and fuck the shit outta me. What do you say?"

Dave smiled. "Sounds good to me."

He put his arm around her shoulder and led her past the car and towards the hotel. "What's your name?"

"Elizabeth. Elizabeth."

"No, no," Dave said quickly. "No last names."

Elizabeth nodded in understanding.

"I'm Max, by the way." He shook the girls hand.

Dave led the girl through the parking lot, across the busy four-lane road, into the motel parking lot and up to his second story room. He unlocked the door and allowed Elizabeth to enter first.

By the time they got into the motel room, Elizabeth was breathing hard and Dave was pretty sure he could smell her arousal. When she turned to him again, her eyes were still glassy, her mouth open just slightly. Dave thought it was very sexy. He smiled at the girl.

"Anyone waiting on you?"

"My roommate."

"Why don't you call her. Tell her you're going to be a while. Make up whatever excuse you want."

Elizabeth nodded, flopped down on the bed, opened her purse and pulled out a pink cell phone with stickers of glittery stars all over it. She dialed and put it to her ear. "Hi, Sylvia. Listen. I met an old friend. I'm going to hang out with him for a few hours. Will you be real mad?" There was a pause. "You sure?" Another pause. "Okay then. Hope you have fun. See you later tonight." She flipped the phone closed and shoved it back into her purse.

"Why don't you get naked and get settled," Dave said with a smile. "I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick."

Elizabeth nodded, set the purse aside, and stood up. Even before Dave got into the bathroom she had the small white belly shirt and the sports bra underneath stripped off over her head. Dave very much enjoyed the brief glance he got of her lovely little tits.

Dave closed the bathroom door and smiled at his reflection in the mirror. He reached into the jacket pocket where the glove was stored and kissed it. "I love you," he said. He then stuffed the glove back into his pocket and looked into the mirror again. "I am going to get laid every single night!" Dave said to his reflection, emphasizing each of the last three words.

Dave stripped off his jacket, hung it on the hook on the door and drained his bladder. He then returned to the bedroom. Elizabeth was already in the bed, her clothes lying over the back of a chair. Dave wasn't sure but her right hand was under the blanket and from the movement of the blankets he suspected she already had a finger or three on her clit. She looked at him and the motion of her hand got faster. Dave smiled as he stripped the tee shirt off over his head and tossed it onto the second bed. He kicked off his running shoes and pulled his jeans and underwear down in one motion.

He circled the bed to the far side. Elizabeth kept her eyes locked on Dave's cock as he moved. Dave very much enjoyed the young woman's stare. He pulled the blankets back enough to expose one of Elizabeth's small tits and then climbed into the bed beside her. He rolled over on to his side, propped his head up on his elbow and placed the other hand on her belly.

"Got anything particular you've always wanted to try?" he asked.

"I've never had it up the ass."

Dave smiled. "Let's see what we can do about that."

Dave grasped her right arm. "Why don't you leave that to me," he said and pulled away the hand that had been rubbing her clit.

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Getting to Know Elizabeth

— I plan to write many stories in a series about Elizabeth and I. She changed my life, and while this first story has very little sex, trust me there’s a lot to come. I wanted to do this right, and I feel a story to set up our relationship was an important element. — Elizabeth and I officially met at a party. I had seen her around before amongst friends and such. She dated a buddy of mine once for a bit. At 5’2′ she must’ve weighed maybe 110lbs. Cute as a button, with a really stellar body....

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Edward and Elizabeth met at a nice restaurant. It was raining outside. The hostess greeted them making them aware that it would be a few minutes before a table was ready. She pointed out the coat checkroom and suggested they hang their wet coats and umbrellas there apologizing that there was no one taking coats. Elizabeth followed Edward to the coatroom and removed her coat. Edward smiled as he took in her navy suit, white blouse, just a hint of cleavage. As he turned around from hanging her...

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Maid Elizabeth

August 1936 Jack Reynolds wiped the sweat from his eyes and stepped back. The afternoon was hot and he had been hard at for hours, least ways, it felt like hours. ‘What’re you doing?’ He started at the unexpected voice and turned. The owner of the voice was staring at him quizzically. ‘Working on my boat. What does it look like?’ The girl said nothing but continued to stare. She moved closer and switched her gaze from the boat to Jack. ‘ How come you’ve got a boat then?’ Jack snorted....

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2020Sitting there stirring her soy-milk latte, brunette-bob cut, and the 'librarian' glasses. A black dress, up to the collarbone - nothing to tease. Beyond the lenses though, her soft green eyes are on me. Moving down a little, the nose piercings, another just above and below her mouth, Those soft lips, natural filler-free, and the corners up-turned into a warm smile. It had been a few years since we'd last caught up at her wedding, but even longer since we'd spent any time alone...

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The Family Mansion Chapter 1 Elizabeth

Twenty Years Ago...Elizabeth was a late bloomer. She was essentially flat-chested until about sixteen when her breasts exploded into the EE-sized bra that she’d had since then. The first penis she ever saw was when she was eighteen. Her father was coming out of the shower with a huge erection while she was walking into the bathroom almost twenty years ago. She gasped when she saw the bulbous, purple cockhead, the thick and veiny shaft, his bulbous balls, but luckily her father didn’t hear and...

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Maid Elizabeth

August 1936 Jack Reynolds wiped the sweat from his eyes and stepped back. The afternoon was hot and he had been hard at for hours, least ways, it felt like hours. "What're you doing?" He started at the unexpected voice and turned. The owner of the voice was staring at him quizzically. "Working on my boat. What does it look like?" The girl said nothing but continued to stare. She moved closer and switched her gaze from the boat to Jack. " How come you've got a boat then?" Jack...

3 years ago
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Young Elizabeth

“The shining light this season,” said Madam Von R--, “is young Elizabeth S--, a Hudson River beauty if there ever was one.” “That so,” I said, sipping her cinnamon tea and waiting for the hammer to drop. “Don’t think I’ve heard of her.” “No reason you should, associating with the people you do.” She smiled. “But this fair miss is, I believe, in some sort of trouble, under pressure or duress. She has been occasionally valuable to the cause, indeed, recently, most helpful.” “That so,” I said,...

4 years ago
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Dane Elizabeth

My name is Dane Elizabeth but my friends call me Liz. I'm 25 years old, 5 ft 2 in tall. I know I'm very attractive with my large full breasts and my olive skin. I love laying in the sun getting a full golden tan. I was nine years old when I decided I would never again let a male touch me. You see my older brother, he was 12, tried to rape me one spring day when our parents were at work. But because my hymen was so tough he was unable to penetrate me. Instead he fucked me in the ass over and...

1 year ago
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Maid Elizabeth

August 1936 Jack Reynolds wiped the sweat from his eyes and stepped back. The afternoon was hot and he had been hard at for hours, least ways, it felt like hours. “What’re you doing?” He started at the unexpected voice and turned. The owner of the voice was staring at him quizzically. “Working on my boat. What does it look like?” The girl said nothing but continued to stare. She moved closer and switched her gaze from the boat to Jack. “ How come you’ve got a boat then?” Jack snorted. “She’s a...

3 years ago
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Breaking In Elizabeth

With my head buried deep in my race guide, a thousand miles away, I feel a hand on my shoulder. Turning my head to the left I see my good friend Michelle. We had car pooled to the track earlier that morning with her husband and a few other friends. In amongst the hustle and bustle of the keen racing enthusiasts we had managed to find a tall round bar table and some stools to stand at for the day, somewhere to place our drinks, girls to put their handbags and rest their feet. My eyes glance...

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Always Finding TroubleChapter 10

We were up by six and John was in our suite, having breakfast, at six thirty. We went over the e-mails from yesterday and anxiously waited for the call from Ken, as we were kept from calling until too late yesterday. At seven thirty, we called Ken knowing he was an early in the office guy. "Good timing, guys," Ken said. "I've just finished checking my e-mails. The New York group has some Ruskies tailing our investigators, so we have some of New York's finest picking them up for bullshit...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Mickey Violet Fucks However She Desires LIVE

Mickey Violet is feeling retro and making it sexy as fuck! How do you like her attire? She feels very old fashioned with her leggings and stylish heels looking amazing in matching yellow lingerie too. It doesn’t take much for Charles to get a raging hard cock so he can fuck the hell out of this little petite babe. Mickey loves that cock fucking her little pussy so deep. She grinds on that cock doing all the work because she wants it so bad. Make Charles her own toy to use and fuck any way...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Aunt Neha

Hi ISS! This is my first story on ISS and hope you will enjoy it. The incident I am going to mention happened sometime back when I was in class 12th and preparing for my board exams. I was a virgin at that time and relieved myself with masturbation sometimes called Hand Practice. I have always been a sexually active guy not literally but quite much so in watching porn fantasizing about celebrities and trying to bed any of the fairer sex kind but The problem had always been my shy nature due to...

3 years ago
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The Two Queens 7

The Two Queens Chapter 7 A Night with the King In shock, Sir Gray immediately runs to the Knight's chambers. He sees Sir Ben who is helping the wounded. "Sir Ben why are back from the Castle?" Sir Ben replies, "Sir Gray we chased Sir Randall back to the Kingdom. Unfortunately he was a day ahead of us. Somehow he planned for us to chase him so he could attack." "Sir Ben do you know where he went?" "I believe he went to the King's chambers. I will go with you," Sir...

4 years ago
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A weekend at the Hilton

Susanne finally reached the door to 1502. A “do not disturb” tag was hung on the door handle. She thought she could hear the gentle sound of music playing through the door, but nothing else. She hoisted her bag a little higher on her shoulder. She pulled her coat a bit tighter. Then, gathering her nerve, almost hoping it would not work, she swiped the card down through the magnetic lock, watched the locking light flash from red to green, then turned the handle hard, swung the door wide, and...

4 years ago
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Merry Christmas cuckold

Since I convinced my wife I wanted her to have sex outside of our marriage my sex life has become unbelievable. It was her idea to incorporate a chastity device because I always jerked off when she was out on a date. Over the years we have accumulated a large selection of cages and some are down right uncomfortable for me to wear. If I misbehave she always picks one of the smallest cages to put me in, so for Christmas she told me I would be getting a new cage for Christmas and she asked if I...

2 years ago
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Slowly Moving On Chapter 2

I laid down on the bed to rest, thinking through the events of the day, and the memories of Jenn came flooding back as I fell asleep…“Promise me!” Jenn said with a giggle.  “Promise me you won’t show anyone these!” she continued with a little more seriousness.  I pressed the button and heard the shutter of the camera click.Jenn was leaning against the doorway to the kitchen.  My god she was breathtaking.  We had come home from hanging out with a bunch of friends at the bar.  We were both drunk...

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Jackson in HRPGWorld 2 Exploding Kiwis in the Nether RegionsChapter 4

"Tubby isn't the problem," OldFart said. "He's big and he's got a lot of hit points, but none of his attacks does much damage. No, the real problem is her ... the succubus." OldFart pointed down to a pathway that ran off to the right of the bridge. It wound between dead trees and under a broken archway. At the end of the path was-- DaBigBoom's mouth dropped open. Wow. That was a hottie. A real, blazing hot, totally fuckable hottie. She looked like a porn star or glamour model in a...

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ShesNew Annie Archer Brand New Blonde

It’s not everyday that Bobby Beefcakes runs into a girl who’s only had sex once in life. It’s like hitting the lottery. Even more exciting, she decides to have sex for the second time ever on camera! Bobby has the pleasure of interviewing Annie Archer, our new young blonde. Coming from Kentucky, this girl loves the outdoors, but today she’ll get to experience some satisfying firsts right inside this room. Another never before seen first timer that’s available exclusively...

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Teasing Elderly Neighbour the BeginningChapter 3

I have been asked more about Frank and how I kinda got started in teasing him. I first noticed that he paid extra attention to me not long after we had moved in, this is about 3yrs ago now. During the time his wife was alive, though in increasingly ill health, we of course had the deepest sympathy for him, and hope that we acted as good neighbours. Making sure if he needed anything we could get it from local shops for him, making sure he had enough food in etc. He got to know us quite well...

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Ma Bani Meri Beti Ki Maa

Hello readers, this is Nazeer from Tumakuru. The following story is completely about Love between mom and son, it happen in Mumbai but now we are shifted to Tumakuru Karnataka. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedback to Hi friends mera naam Nazeer hai ab meri umar 23 sall hai. Mai Tumkur,karnataka ka rehnewala hun. Mere gharpe meri ma mai aur 3 saalki beti rehthi hai. Papa ki death hoke 6 saal hogaye. Maa ka naam Zareen hai Umar 42 Size 36-26-38. Meri mom jab mere papa mare...

2 years ago
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My Uncle and His Friend Day 1

Just a few years ago, I was preparing to board what I had hoped to be my last budget airline flight, a day before my twentieth birthday. The flight was the start of the final leg of my solo adventure in Europe. My sweet mother, who had been constantly worried about her only girl travelling alone, asked me to spend the occasion with family. Even if it was family I’d only met once. Regardless, I was more than willing to say yes for three simple reasons: First, my only relative in the...

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My first entry

I suppose you should know a little about me. Well, this journal is intended to be stories about my past. I'm 28 years old now. I'm gay. I like a dominant man, and I figured that out when I was 18. I'm still horny as all hell...just like I was as a kid. I didn't know what I liked or didn't. At the time, I didn't know I was gay. But, even then, the word penis turned me on. I always wanted to see another guy's penis. I didn't have that opportunity until I was 18. I had decided not to...

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Candy Jimmy and Me

Okay, I admit it. I am one of those guys who would like to see his wife with another man and to anyone else the reason I want to see it would probably make absolutely no sense. But what the hell, there are times it makes absolutely no sense to me either, but for twenty-two years I have wanted it, my wife knows I want it (but not why and I don't ever intend that she ever finds out) and for ten years now she has been saying "maybe some day." The story starts almost two years before I met...

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LoveHerFeet Kay Lovely Mila Monet Missing Shoes

Stealing is a big NO for housemates. However, you can’t stop yourself from stealing the beautiful shoes of your gorgeous blonde housemates, Kay Lovely and Mila Monet. You think the girls will never find out if they are missing a shoe or two. However, Kay values her personal things. She even installed a security camera in her room to catch the shoe thief. Kay quickly tells Mila that the camera in her room recorded the thief. With a piece of video evidence in Kay and Mila’s...

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Standing together my lips touch the top of your head, feeling the soft curls of your beautiful dark hair. Your curls tickle my nose as the smell of your hair engulfs my senses. My hand moves up your back and my fingers lightly touch the muscles at the top of your neck, thumb and forefinger moving up the back of your head I hold you to me. Your body surrenders to my touch, I feel you relax and you softly melt into my body, fully feeling you, so satisfying so comfortable, like being wrapped in a...

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something I wrote for my exMaster

the new greek slaveHe had bought a slave, a female greek valuable slave. His excitement let him pull her quickly into the house. His first slave. And he was now the first slave owner in his family.What to do with her next? He looked down at his new purchased property, her long dark hair, her beautiful face with very sensual lips, and her curvy body hidden in an old rag of a dress. She kept her eyes down and her body was slightly tensed. She smelled of the dusty road, but it seemed she had been...

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JoshCubes Dream Crazy woman with a knife Text Fix

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Roses are red2

-Angela Carter *** "Why does the wolf eat Grandma first?" The question floated out of Angela‘s mouth before she realized what she was saying and hung in the air, pregnant with possibilities. Nicolas wiped his mouth with a red-checked napkin and raised an eyebrow to indicate she should go on. "Think about it: The Big Bad Wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood in the forest and wants to eat her. So why not just eat Little Red then? Why bother running ahead and impersonating Grandma and...

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Darkness and LightChapter 12 Attitudes or To Have What It Takes

The marauders hiding in the main building of the abandoned farmstead were a band of militia deserters from Notabir. Roban asked the last one of them why he had decided to ambush his fleeing neighbors instead of fighting against the invaders. Too distracted watching Bosko cleaning up the evidence of the short but violent fight, the man hadn’t answered his question. Roban dragged him down to the cellar where he found the sole surviving captive chained to a wall. He also found about thirty...

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The Glory Club

The Glory ClubBy The QmoqStory codes: M/f, nc, humiliation, voyeurism     Part One     Peter pushed Alice into the small cubicle and told his wife to strip. Too stunned to react to his instruction, she instead looked around the small, blandly-lit area. It reminded her of a toilet stall, except there was no toilet, and one wall was mirrored from floor to ceiling. The doors and other walls were solid too, yet it still had essence of a toilet-stall in the drab lighting and dull colours.     ?I...

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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 2

When I walked downstairs and saw my dad he took one look at me, smiled, and said, “It’s good to see you back my angel. How was your trip?” I let out my breath that I hadn’t realized I had been holding. I felt the tension leave my body as I said, “It was wonderful. I loved it. I had SO much fun. I’d love to go back again soon.” My dad smiled, “So you didn’t run into any of those mean girls from before? Or any trouble?” I shrugged my shoulders, “I did run into a couple of them. Donna has...

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Mr Archer Ch 4

Michael was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was finding this situation completely surreal. The student from his class that he had just started to date wasn’t the student from his class, but her twin sister. And the almost naked young woman in front of him wasn’t the twin sister he thought she was, but was in fact the student from his class... Wow. So he had just spent the last 30 minutes slowly arousing a beautiful, sexy young woman whom he'd never ever touched before. And this woman was...


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