A time we will never forget
- 1 year ago
- 27
- 0
Clive had fallen asleep by the time his wife had headed to bed. He’d had some very pleasurable dreams involving his daughter, her friend Jade and a variety of rooms and positions.
He stretched and stood. His wife was still fast asleep. Lifting his phone, he checked for messages. There was just the one.
: Did you enjoy that :
Clive typed out a quick reply. : Yes. Yes I did. : He glanced at his wife, and typed another message. : I have a task for you :
Clive used the toilet and had a quick wash. He rooted out some casual clothes and made his way downstairs. Switching on the kettle, he poured himself some Fruit and Fibre breakfast cereal. He wasn’t normally one for healthy eating, but the change in the type of relationship with his daughter and the amount of time he had been spending with the other girls of the club, had made him conscious of his body, and his far inferior fitness level. In fact he was seriously considering taking up running in order to curtail his growing beer belly. His phone vibrated on the counter top.
: What?:
Clive finished making his coffee. : I want you to steal Jade’s panties that she was wearing in the video:
: Why!! :
: Because I want to see you wear them, and then I’m going to fuck you : He’d sent the text before he wondered if it had been a bit too much.
: Ok :
Who would have thought two letters of the alphabet would make him so
“Morning love.”
Clive looked up from his phone. He hadn’t heard his wife enter. “Good morning, I didn’t hear you up and about.”
“I have a favour to ask.”
“Sure, ask away.”
“Well it’s a bit more than ask really.”
“Go-on.” He replied cautiously.
“I need your advice/opinion.”
“I’m considering relocating the club and I want your opinion on a potential location.”
“Sure, where did you have in mind?”
“Threadlands retail park.”
Clive was rather surprised. “The near empty retail park?”
“Isn’t that going to be rather expensive?”
“Not really, it’s only a little bit more expensive than the community hall rent.”
“Really? That is surprising.”
“I’ve arranged a viewing with the agent at nine this morning. I would like you to come along. Second opinion and all that.”
Clive’s phone beeped and he nonchalantly picked it up. : These ones? : There was an attachment. He opened it and looked upon the panties in question. They took up most of the screen, and they were also still being worn by someone. The picture cut off just above the bellybutton, but Clive had seen enough of Emily’s lately to know that it wasn’t hers. The thighs in the picture, most likely Jade’s, were spread open, the material of the boy shorts pulled tight over her mons, the ridges prominent. Clive pictured a big puddle of his cum sitting on top of the fabric, between the two ridges, soaking into the pussy below. He quickly closed the picture and typed a hasty reply.
: Yes, those ones... : He slipped his phone into his pocket. That picture had obviously been taken with Jade’s knowledge and help.
Irene had a quick breakfast and collected a bundle of paperwork. She explained a bit more on the way over. The pension fund that had built the retail park and which had done so with the purpose of it being an investment, had also expected it to be a source of steady income. However the recession that had started just as it was finished, had caused almost all the lined up tenants to cancel, leaving just three units rented out of the fifteen. Three years later, with no sign of an end to the recession, the complex was costing the pension fund money and attempts to sell, even at considerable loss, had failed. So now they were trying to get as close to breaking even as they could. And to do that, they needed tenants.
“So they offered you a tenancy?”
“Not really. I enquired about the space, and I think they have come to the
realisation that retail space is in rapid decline due to online retail, so if they want to recoup, they are going to have to change the nature of the lets. Less retail more leisure orientated. Gyms, dance classes that sort of thing. They are also trying to sort out some Argos-like arrangement with Amazon and some of the other e-commerce sites. You know, where you come in with a number, go to the counter and they retrieve your order from a shelf in the back. A lot of people can’t afford to stay at home for a delivery that might not arrive, so being able to pick up online orders from a local store after work has appeal. But that still leaves them with lot of empty store space.”
The retail park was further away than the hall, but at an extra five minutes or so by car - depending on traffic-, it wasn’t onerously so.
Clive pulled into the large and almost completely empty car park. “It has excellent parking in its favour...” He joked. The empty shops fairly dragged the appeal down if you were a shopper, Clive had to admit. Of the three units inhabited. One was a Starbucks coffee shop, one was a Holland and Barrats health store specialising in ‘wellness’ remedies and the third was a Poundland store. Not exactly an attractive retail experience. “So what’s the lease?” Clive asked.
“Five years minimum with no rises above inflation guaranteed for a further two. After that?” Irene shrugged “It’s anyone’s guess. But I will have two years to renegotiate or find other premises.
“It does seem like a good deal.” Clive agreed as they parked up and stepped out of the car. “Which one are you interested in?”
“This one over here.” Irene pointed to an empty storefront with whitewashed front windows.
The car clicked is Clive locked it and they wandered over. Clive put his hands to the whitewashed windows and tried to peer in.
The driver’s door of a car parked in one of the disabled only bays opened and a woman dressed in a smart suit approached them. Irene greeted her as Clive continued to peer inside. Irene introduced Clive to the woman who fished a bunch of keys out of her handbag and opened the doors. The room beyond was large, empty and very spacious. It really was of considerable size. At least ten times that of the community hall. If it hadn’t of been for his recent and much begrudged trip to the Glasgow exhibition centre, he would not have had any appreciation of what could be done with the space.
The woman stopped chatting with Irene, who headed over to join her husband. The woman didn’t join them, giving them privacy to chat. Irene followed her husband’s gaze upwards to the metal roof trusses.
“I checked. They are designed to support a fake/suspended ceiling along with fire suppression system, heating/air con and of course, large shopping signs. We won’t need any of that so it will easily hold rings and trapeze bars.” Irene rummaged in her pile of paper and pulled out a rough floor plan. “I was thinking of blacking out the front windows, for privacy, or, installing a false wall along here.” She pointed at the corresponding wall in her diagram. “That would separate the main hall from the doors. It would also allow us to put seats here and a possible reception desk, should we need. Any parents could wait here and not get in the way of the girls training.”
“And there is a coffee shop almost literally next door, for when they are waiting...”
“Exactly. Male and female toilets to the right of the door as you come in, but not obvious from outside. I don’t want random passing people thinking they are public toilets. I may put electronic locks on the main doors -key card entry only- but I’ll see how things go. Double doors in the fake wall here. Definitely key card entry. Changing room for the girls here, along with showers and toilet facilities for the girls. Storage room here for the small equipment. The large I will leave out. Permanently fixed floor mats in this area here and here. Rings here and here, trapeze bars suspended here and trapeze bar floor mounted here. First aid/treatment room here, next to my office which I will have here. Windows on these walls here so I can keep an eye on the floor and the girls.”
“What about a changing room for boy’s?”
“I’m not sure that I want to open up the club to males. Too much distraction for the girls. Especially the older ones. But I’ll see. There is plenty of room to adapt at a later date. Come see this!” Irene led him across the floor to another set of solid double doors at the back. They were locked but the woman quickly hurried over to unlock them. The doors opened to smaller floor space with a large roller door at the rear along with a separate fire door. “Stock room, obviously, but we could store the minibus in here!” Clive had to admit it certainly seemed perfect and his wife appeared to have thought of everything.
Well maybe not everything “You are going to need planning permission and building work carried out to achieve all of this.”
Irene nodded her head and rummaged again in her pile of paperwork, pulling out another sheet. “ Aria’s father, Reynold, runs a construction firm. It’s a bit quiet, what with the recession and all. A lot of lads are in the yard ‘bored and causing trouble’, he said. If the club/I pay for all the materials and,” she looked down at the page in front of her “ ‘Provide copious amounts of tea and biscuits’, Ray will provide and cover, the cost of labour. And his architect will deal with planning.”
Okay, so she really did have everything planned out. Clive turned to look towards the main retail floor space again, but the two doors to the stock room had shut on their fire springs, denying him the view. “That’s a lot of floor space in there.”
“I know!” His wife could barely contain her excitement.
“More than you have equipment for.” Clive pointed out.
“Not a problem. Your firm offered a little financial support remember.”
“Yeesss ... they did, didn’t they.” It was becoming readily apparent that his wife had already made her mind up and he was just a formality. “Well, if the numbers add up, go for it.”
Irene let out a most un-adult like squeal and gave him a big hug and a kiss.
He left his wife to discuss things with the estate agent and popped round to the Starbucks for a coffee. Clive sat at a window seat and watched the world go by.
Amusingly, the most common type of visitors to the retail park seemed to be from the polar opposites of the consumer spectrum. The old and the borderline destitute headed towards the pound store, while the young and affluent exited their Range Rovers and BMW’s and headed towards the Starbucks. He didn’t see anyone head towards the health shop. Clive couldn’t see how it’s existence was profitable unless he had just caught them at a bad day, or their mark-up on prices was brutal.
The estate agent and his wife left the property, the agent locking the doors behind her. Clive finished off his coffee and headed over to meet them.
Irene was excitable and very animated in the car. Nothing had been agreed yet. A contract still needed to be written up and approved by the solicitors. Irene called out directions as Clive drove as they were stopping by one of Emily’s friends’ houses to pick her up. “Don’t tell Emily or any of the girls about this, not yet.”
“It’s okay. I won’t steal your thunder.”
“It’s not that. I don’t want to build their hopes up in case it falls though.”
That seemed sensible to Clive.
“Pull in just after that red car.” Clive pulled in as instructed and his wife got out and walked up a drive way. There followed a brief chat with a woman on the doorstep and then Emily appeared, overnight bag over her shoulder. She seemed rather subdued as she climbed into the back.
“Hi dad, miss me or something?” She remarked upon seeing him when she had just expected her mother to pick her up.
Clive grunted as Irene climbed in the font. “No, your mother and I were out shopping. It made sense to pick you up on the way back, rather than to make a separate journey.”
“Are you okay love?” He asked, concerned at her seeming listlessness.
Irene snorted “What time did you get to bed last night Em?”
“About an hour ago...” Emily admitted as she slumped in her seat and closed her eyes.
Back home, Emily went straight to her room, and bed, whilst Irene spread out her pet project on the table and invited Clive to look it over and find fault and issues.
“It seems like a lot of effort just for one night a week?” He remarked.
Irene nodded. “That’s the beauty of it. Currently, the club is one night a week as that is all there is time for. There is obviously the drama club, the bingo club, the chess club, the various drug and alcohol meetings. The prayer group, the badminton club and a host of others all fighting for time and space. I was lucky just to get the one night a week. Some others are fortnightly or even monthly. This will enable me to tailor the club to the needs of the girls. I know some would like to train more,”
“Yes, she is one that would like to train more, but there are quite a few others. And it’s not just my club. Most of the other local clubs are in the same boat. And that is the beauty of this. I can rent out floor space for those clubs to train on the nights my club isn’t using it. In fact, given the size, I could probably allow for clubs to share space on the same night for those few members that are committed. It will benefit them and their clubs.”
“And give you a chance to poach the better ones?”
“Well, yes ... But it’s not just that. The girls will benefit from the different coaches. Coaches have their strong and weak points. So exposure to different coaches will help mitigate that effect.”
“Plus you will be getting their hall rental fees?”
“I will be charging a modest fee for the use of the floor and equipment, so yes. That will help offset my own rental fees. In fact, I was working this out. If I get enough clubs involved, I will actually turn a profit.”
Clive thought back to all the times he had seen parents impatiently waiting to pick up their progeny outside the community hall. “I think I can see an increase in the footfall at the coffee shop...”
“I think that’s what the landlord is hoping for. If they can increase footfall, it increases the chances of renting out the other units.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon hashing out what needed to be done, and in what order, until Irene decided that it was time to start making the tea. She turned to her husband. “You’d better go and wake up sleeping beauty, otherwise she won’t sleep tonight, and then she will be all to cock come school nights.”
Emily was indeed fast asleep when Clive entered her room. He woke her up, much to her displeasure. “Come on, up you get sleepy head.” She was resistant at first, but eventually threw her duvet back in a sulky pout. Emily had gone to bed in a t-shirt and leggings, so he didn’t get an eye full. Once he was sure that she was up, he left her alone.
Clive pulled into the Sainsbury’s supermarket car park, and parked near the entrance. He quickly walked the short distance to the high street and the focus of this trip. Automatic Number Plate Recognition at both entrance and exit to the supermarkets carpark, gave him just fifteen minutes, any more than that, and he would have to buy fifteen pounds worth of goods from the store, or incur a fifty pound penalty charge for parking. He could also park in one of the many public car parks, but that would require at least two pounds being spent on ticket machines. He checked his watch. The shop he was heading to was one of those family run shops that dealt with a niche market. In this case it was in making company logo branded workwear. They also did company branded stationary, mugs, mouse matt’s, pens, basically anything you could put a logo on, they would give it a go. In this case, it was track suits and dance leotards. Irene had never been that bothered about matching attire for all the girls, just the few who regularly partook in competitions. There had been no real need when the club was at the bottom of the rankings, and there had been no money available for the self-indulgent extravagance anyhow.
That had all changed. His wife was on an all-out drive to be more professional, and to help with that, she had decided that all the girls needed to look more professional.
There was a large new ‘For let/ sale’ sign displayed prominently on the second floor above the door. Clive entered. There was just one other person currently being served. “Hi Nadeem.”
“As-Salamu-Alaikum, Clive.”
“You moving to bigger and better premises?”
Nadeems’s face fell. “Sadly not. The landlord has put the rent up to a rate we just simply can-not afford.”
Nadeem reached under the counter and lifted up a large plastic bin bag, which he deposited on the countertop. “I have been trying to source other property, but, to be honest, they all want silly money. I have been given a months’ notice, with the option of staying longer on a short lease should no buyer/renter be found.”
“What will you do if you have to leave?”
Nadeem shrugged. “The machinery is large, heavy, yes? Which limits me to where I can go. If I can’t find suitable premises” Nadeem shrugged “I look for other work. Internet take most work anyway. Tell most beautiful wife that she needs to make decision soon, okay?” He pushed the bin bag towards Clive.
“Okay I will do. Thanks Nadeem. I hope you find someplace suitable.”
“So do l Clive.”
Clive took the bag “Shukraan lak.”
“Ahlan wa sahlan, Clive.”
Well, that was going to be a pain. Irene didn’t shop there much, granted. The internet was cheaper, just as quick, but the quality was suspect at the best of times. Irene liked to see what she was potentially buying first and have a good look and feel at the quality of the fabric.
The club hadn’t bought much from Nadeem, mainly t-shirts with the clubs name and track-suits, embroidered with the wearers name for the longer served members. A perk for staying. Clive still had a good few minutes left when he slung the bag in the back and headed home.
When he handed the bag over to his wife, she went through the contents, There were three fleeces, small, medium and large in female size along with similar in track suit, Leotard and T-shirt. Irene methodically inspected the material and checked the quality of the seams. Clive noted that the were a couple of woolly hats and baseball caps in there as well. The items were all a light black in colour, as Irene still hadn’t settled on a colour scheme and the contents of the bag were just testers to give Irene, and the girls an idea of what sizes they would need.
“Emily love?” Irene called out.
There was a muffled reply from upstairs. “Yes mum?”
“Can you come down and try these on for me?”
Emily ran down the stairs with the surety and enthusiasm of youth. “Try on what?”
Irene handed over a set. “Try these on for size please.”
Emily took the bundle and headed back upstairs. There was a price list in the bag along with a small brochure -printed in house- of the other services and products they could supply. Irene put the brochure aside and read through the price list.
Emily wasn’t long in changing and was soon back down dressed in the tracksuit. Irene asked questions about fit, comfort and ease of movement. Emily answered whilst going through a series of basic warm up exercises.
To Clive’s untrained eye, she seemed happy enough with the fit, as did his wife.
“What about the leotard?” Irene asked.
Emily casually unzipped the tracksuit top and removed the T-shirt underneath showing that she was wearing the leotard. She casually bent over and removed the track suit bottoms. Clive watched her out the corner of his eye, feeling the first flush of arousal. The leotard was perfectly modest, more so than most he had seen at the Glasgow competition. Yet somehow ... He turned his gaze fully away as Emily repeated the warm up exercises.
Irene watched critically. “Seams okay? Nothing rubbing, chaffing?”
“No, everything is fine mum. It’s pretty comfy really.”
“Okay.” Irene scribbled a note on one of her many bits of paper.
Clive lay in bed, trying not to think about his daughter. Or indeed any of the girls at the club. It wasn’t really working. Judging by the breathing from beside him, he wasn’t the only one with an overly active mind that night. That ruled out silently slipping out of bed to relieve the loitering sexual urge.
And if his wife was also mentally busy, she wouldn’t thank him if he started getting amorous. He had learnt that the hard way over the years. Clive tried to derail his mind with work, but that proved as difficult as trying to stop a moving train by standing in front of it and sneezing at it. He tried to compromise by thinking about the potential new premises of the club. That didn’t work either as his thoughts just turned back to Emily.
He desperately sought a compromise. “My love?”
“You know how I said that Nadeem is looking for new premises? Do you think one of the empty premises at the retail park would suffice?” Clive sensed more than saw her turn over to look at him. He turned his head and caught the reflection of streetlights upon her open eyes.
“It’s a lot of open space, probably ten times more than he needs.” Irene mused. There was a moment of silence. “He could partition it off and only rent the smaller portion. Though I’m not sure the landlord would go for that. Though saying that. A little rent is better than no rental income. And he would have to factor in the cost of the building work...”
“Well if he uses your builder, Ray...”
“I’m getting a ‘family’ discount remember...”
Clive lapsed back into a thoughtful silence. “He could always do a deal with Reynold. Reduced prices in exchange for say, company branded work wear, advertising brochures of building work done, that sort of stuff? Maybe the same deal with the landlord, reduced rental rates for reduced printing charges? I would think a rental firm must have a pretty large printing budget?”
There followed another moment of mutual silence, then Irene sighed and rolled over, turned on her bedside light. There was a rustle of paper and the scratch of a pen. “I have to speak to the agent and Nadeem anyway tomorrow, so I’ll ask, see if the owners would be amenable and for how much, then if they are, I’ll pass on the details to Nadeem.”
Clive was pleased with himself for his idea, but it didn’t help with his sexual arousal mulch.
The next few days were a work induced blur, The tiring days helping to overcome his insomnia at least. A few quick trips to the toilet at work allowed for a temporary release to the pent up sexual frustration. Today had been a long day. A busy day, in that he’d had to stay back a few hours later than normal. The one upside to working late, was that at least the tube ride home was quiet, with plenty of empty seats.
He had informed his wife of his late finish and something that smelled really nice greeted his arrival home. Immediately ravenously hungry, Clive walked into the kitchen where his wife and daughter were patiently awaiting him. Clive looked down at the full table and bottle of wine, droplets of water forming on the outside of the chilled bottle. Clive panicked inside, mentally going through his inner calendar for a forgotten birthday or anniversary.
Nothing came to mind. Emily was almost bouncing in her seat with excitement “Have I missed something?” Clive started cautiously. Irene silently handed over a signed sheet of paper. Clive took it, still not understanding. It appeared to be a rental agreeme... Ahh... “You got it then?”
Emily squealed loudly as his wife nodded. “The club has a new venue...”
He walked over and hugged his wife “Congratulations my love. You signed today?”
She nodded again “This afternoon.”
“When do you move in?”
“Technically tomorrow. But a lot of work needs to be done first. Building and planning applications need submitting, then the modifications need doing and that will depend on how much concurrent work Ray has. So looking at six to twelve months really.”
His wife shrugged again “It is what it is. But it will be worth it in the long run.”
“It will indeed.” Clive agreed.
As it turned out, building warrant and planning took three weeks. The recession still showed no signs of ending any time soon, and as such, had a corresponding nock on effect on the planning department, which found itself with less work than it once had. The planning through, building work started straight away. Ray still had not enough work to keep all his employees busy and was now starting to consider laying off staff. A situation that he was desperate to avoid as there would be no guarantee that he would be able to find decent tradesmen once the building industry perked up again. It had been hard enough getting the brickies, joiners, plumbers, electricians and other skilled trades that he presently had with a level of trade competency that he could put his company name (and reputation) to and still sleep soundly at night.
Irene, for her part, had gone on an eBay spending spree, picking up lots of equipment at rock bottom prices. A lot of clubs had no cash, or very little in the way of cash reserves, and because of the recession, most families found themselves cutting back on their outgoings, and expensive club fees were the first port of call for many financially struggling families.
With building work progressing, Irene found herself spending more time at the new club site. Things had to be ‘just-so’ and she insisted that she ‘had to be there’. Secretly, Clive reckoned that the builders must cringe when they saw her arrive every day.
Clive dumped his briefcase at the doorway and removed his jacket. The house was quiet. He popped his head into the kitchen and living room. No sign of a living soul.
He climbed the stairs, knocked on Emily’s door and popped his head round. Emily was lying atop her bed on her front. She was still dressed in her school skirt and blouse, and was busily doing something on her phone as her ankles circled in the air as she kicked her calves back and forth.
“Where’s your mum?”
“Where do you think? Over at the club, says she’ll be there till about seven and will pick up a pizza or something on the way home.”
The hem of Emily’s pleated black skirt was quite high up her thighs. She wasn’t wearing tights or socks and her painted toenails wiggled, seemingly by their own volition. Unsurprisingly, Clive felt himself harden. He walked over to her bed and placed a hand on her thigh. She didn’t budge from her phone tapping. Clive slid his hand up-wards, lifting her skirt as he approached her panties. He wondered what she was wearing today, though it really didn’t matter as he would shortly be removing them.
It turned out that she was wearing Jade’s panties. He lifted her skirt clear, so he could look down on her stolen knickers.
Emily put her phone down. “You like what you see?” She said as she rolled over onto her back.
“You know full well that I do...” Clive slipped his hand between her thighs and rubbed her panty clad pussy. She opened her legs wider to allow him more room. “You’re such a slut.”
“I know! “she said with a smile. Clive spread her legs further apart and climbed between them, burying his head between her thighs. She smelt so good.
“Are you going to ravish me?”
“I might ... Turn over.” Clive leaned back on his knees to give her some room as she lifted a leg over him and rolled onto her stomach, sliding the opposite leg around the other side of Clive, so that Clive was still knelt between her thighs.
Her school skirt had dropped down again, so he lifted it clear of her bum so he could admire her perfect curves. His hands travelled where he wished over her panties, enjoying both the feel and the act of touching her. His hands curved around her hips and he physically lifted her onto her knees, forcing her to stretch out her arms so she could rest her upper body on them.
Reaching down to his own waist, Clive unbuckled his trousers, pulling his boxers down. His hard cock sprung out, desperate and ready for action. Clive rubbed his hard cock against Emily’s panty clad bum, savouring the expectation.
He wondered if she would allow him to try her back door. Clive had never tried anal sex and was a little curious to see what it was like. Irene had always point-blank refused when he had brought the subject up, and since it was rare enough getting a blow job from her, he had never pushed the matter. Clive decided to leave it for a while yet. His sexual relationship with his daughter was still in its infancy and that might be a step too far at this time.
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Mrs. Waxerman had long since gone into some sort of sensory overload. She was conscious and bawling, yet spaced out when Delilah had finished the task Doctor Hooker had set her. Doctor Hooker took Mrs. Waxerman in his arms the moment Delilah crawled out of the way. Doctor Hooker realized with a start that this was the first time he’d ever embraced his fiancée this closely, and definitely the first time he’d done so while she was naked and had just had semen licked off her body. “I’m sorry, I...
BAM Visions’ Mick Blue is celebrating the day of Sagittarius with New Age teen Megan Winters. Her long legs, perky small tits, and mane of strawberry blonde hair are worth celebrating. And so is her red hairy bush, especially when she masturbates with her fingers and a sex toy. What really gets Mick’s big cock reaching for the stars is her POV blowjob. The moment this barely legal babe wraps her mouth around his shaft, Mick is raring to go. And his raging prick goes hard — slamming her young...
xmoviesforyouHi my name is vicky from a small town in odisa. I have been a regular reader of iss since 12th standard.To day I am going to share my own story today. I am from middle class family .We are four member in our family . My mother ,father my sister and myself. Now come to story, Me us bakt sayad std.7th me tha. Me ur meri behen and uski dost hamare ghar me hi tuition pdhate the. Us bakt sardi ka mahina tha sir nehi aye the or ham log sal odh ke bethe the . Mere side me mere behen I dost bethti thi....
Lena sat on her couch, excitedly opening the package from her aunt back home. Her birthday had been a month ago, but there had been some issues shipping this ‘mystery present’. As Lena carefully extracted the hand-wrapped gift from within the bubble-wrap-lined box, she smiled. ‘Thank you, Aunt Margaret…’ she said to no one. She lived alone since breaking up with her fiancé, Collin. Due to this, she felt a bit lonely sometimes, but her family back home had really come through for her. They had...
Chapter 5 Baltoh slowly stirred, being drawn from his deep sleep by a warm wet feeling around his cock. With a yawn and a tired hum, he opened his eyes and looked down, smiling as he watched Selene’s beautiful head bob up and down. She had a coy look in her eyes as she sucked hungrily on his semi-erect phallus. He gave a tired stretch and his grin grew wider as her soft tongue slathered the shaft with her lips wrapped securely around the head. She then released the head and spat on...
Hello readers, I’m new to this site. I have read many stories on ISS. I read almost daily and masturbate. If u like my story and any unsatisfied girls/aunties, drop a mail to I’m Mukesh from Hyderabad studying in Delhi in some reputed college. I’m 5’7 well built and a sports person. My dick size is 6 inches. Let’s come to the story. The heroine of the story is Veena. She became my close friend after joining this college. Everyone used to call us brother and sister. She is very open to me. Let...
TLC with Erin (December) Striding to my car, I was in a funk. On the one hand, I was elated at finally getting out from under MP and Mister Gabe. On the other hand, I was sad ... very sad ... about Jennifer, and the constantly mixed signals I was getting from her were tearing me up. I needed a break, a break from everything. At the car I fished my Bluetooth headset from the glove compartment and fitted it to my ear before settling into the driver's seat. As I pulled away I called a number...
He was a big DICK. A big and fat DICK that ate my story plot...Never discovered this DICK's name, but he came into my bedroom from the window adjacent to my garden's bed of roses... He would often do this to avoid making noise in the neighborhood. Mind you, I loved when he entered my room like that...It happened one evening while I had just finished up the tenth chapter of my new novel, that DICK happened to visit.. While he was waiting for me to finish in the shower, he noticed my last chapter...
They carried the supplies to Tira's den, and were re-joined there by Naz. The rest of the day was a traveling hunting class. Menak taught perhaps half the time, Tira a quarter, and Jena a quarter, though Naz and the children were encouraged to offer their thoughts to every discussion. Naz, Menak, and Tira carried most of the game, and the work was accomplished quickly. Jena managed to make more than half the kills, and the rest made about equal contributions. As night was falling they were...
We were back on the road heading to our parents house. "Only thirty more miles" I stated out loud, reaching over and holding Rachel's hand. I found that I really enjoyed the slightest physical contact with her. Even holding her hand somehow comforted me, knowing that she too wanted to hold my hand and that she too was feeling the same comfort I was feeling. A few more minutes passed by and we reached our parents home. It wasn't the house we grew up in. They had moved I left for college three...
IncestTess lay in her hammock in the shade. Christmas lunch was over. The boys had cooked an enormous turkey with all the trimmings. They had waited for Geoff to arrive before they had opened the presents and then had eaten together. She knew she had over eaten and that tomorrow she would ask Dave to accompany her on a long ride on the mountain bikes to try and burn some calories. But now the table had been cleared and the dishes were being washed in the dish washer. Drew and Dave had gone off in a...
BisexualBy 19 I was at a State University playing basketball and at 7’7″ I was a force to be reckoned with. I wasn’t a great player but my height made up most of the difference. After a game away in another part of the State I was taking pictures with some people and felt my leg being hugged. I looked way down and there was Manny’s mom. She was wearing her usual high heels but even then I could tell she was the same height as about my cock. She lifted her arms up to give me a hug. I immediately lifted...
Two for Tennis – Episode One – Discovering the unexpected On Wednesday afternoon, I usually take off to play some tennis with friends at the local sports club. It’s a nice group, we usually have lots of fun and its great to get the body in shape and fit again. One of the girls I play tennis with often is Elin. Elin is a beautiful young blonde girl, unfortunately straight. She lives together with a hunk of a boyfriend and they are having plans to get married and have some kids. One Wednesday...
Savannah Sixx - just let her name sink in for a little bit. Do you recognize her name? A petite girl with juicy ass(ets) and an extremely naughty attitude are what Savannah is all about. Savannah uses her tight young body to win over men of all ages and plays the roles of many girls to an absolute T. When it comes to her Twitter with nearly 160K followers, Savannah lets us know who she really is while giving us peeks at her porn content.Just on the surface, Savannah seems to have an...
Twitter Porn AccountsI went in the beauty salon for my regular appointment. It was a Saturday morning and I had a standing appointment every six weeks.? I got there and went straight back to get my hair washed and conditioned.? When I was there, like always, I went up and sat down at the hairdresser's area for her to cut and style my hair.? She wasn't there when I sat down, so I waited a few minutes to get back.? It was no big deal, I figured she had gone on a quick break or run to the restroom really quick.? After...
I had grown up in a poor family, as a child, my mother used to grow plants and then sell them door to door to buy us bread. Sometimes for dinner, all we’d get was bread and butter, on a good night, it would be toast with baked beans. Suffice to say we were below the average wage mark.Father worked hard, long hours for little pay as mother would stay at home and look after us kids. As we got older, our situation improved, father got promoted and got a huge wage boost. Mother decided that as she...
MoneyI took the job as a maid at the golf resort because, one, I figured I'd be left alone a lot of the time while I cleaned, and two, because what else was I going to do after high school? Work a bar, work a cash register at the feed store, either one I'd have to deal with assholes who poked fun at me for being a fat girl. I didn't consider myself fat, just sturdy. It wasn't because I ate potato chips and candy bars all day, it was just genetics that made me as strong as an ox. And not afraid...
Everything changed for me after the big fight. Brian's nose was messed up pretty bad and, at first, his dad threatened to sue us. But there were fifty witnesses who said that Trent was the one who broke it, and the police were trying to get me to press charges against Brian, Aaron and Trent for hitting me, and Jake for throwing the beer can at my head. Principal Howard said that if there were criminal charges pending he might not let any of them play sports, which could screw up college...
“Outside, Now.” … Cassie’s fingers left my pussy empty as she walked away. I gasped as I came back to my senses. A couple seniors pushed Laurie and Alex towards the door, still naked. The warmth from the steam in the locker rooms kept our bodies completely damp. My wet hair clung to my back, and my pussy was wetter still. The trio of volleyball babes continued out into the hallway. I was the last to step out, feeling the cold air bite at my already hard nipples. The moment Laurie, who was in...
HardcoreOnce the girls realised that I wasn’t at death’s door and, of course, that they’d pumped me for all I knew, they left promising to call around later that day. I rang my work and explained what was happening. Obviously, as my attack was public knowledge at work, it came as little surprise that I’d be taking a few days off, though our beloved CEO thought that I should at least be working from home and it was only me pointing out concussion and pain killing drugs that he accepted that it wasn’t...
I suppose I should tell you a little bit about myself. A little background or something… But you don’t really want to know about me. You want to know about Summer, right?We met… well, that’s kind of boring too. Let’s just say we met at an event. Or rather, that’s the first time we met as adults. I found out later that she was my niece. Long story short, I didn’t care much for my family. Feeling was mutual, so I didn’t bother keeping in touch. Last time I’d seen her was at her birthday party....
IncestHe caught himself looking at her profile for the thousandth time. Adam couldn’t help himself he just had to check. It was almost as if he wanted to make sure she was still there, that she wasn't gone. Each time left him feeling guilty and c***dish.The girl was Ashley Walker his next door neighbour. Adam leaned back in his chair, he sighed with frustration. He had known Ashley since they were little k**s. They used to be the terror of the neighbourhood when they were growing up. Their days were...
I've seen them all come through my office in my time. All the wannabe's desperate for their 15 minutes of fame. And with my position in the talent company deciding who we signed up and who we didn't I have the ultimate power over them. All their hopes and fears, their dreams and aspirations in my hands. Which is cool for me, but not so cool for them."This is Melissa, Mr. Howard."The announcement was from my sexy PA, Jade, who I hired for her exquisite Asian bone structure and long glossy-black...
The Portrait Of Darlene Grey(Man Into Supermodel) by Cabinessence. Some say that a picture is worth a thousand words. To Jim Davenport, the right picture could be worth a thousand dollars, sometimes even more. His job was to be a photographer, one of those wandering paraparatzi, trying to ensnare the rich and famous into the web of his lens. Yet he was also a throwback to another era when you could call a woman a dame and pinch her fanny and not worry about having to hire a...
When I was 7, I was one of only a few kids on my street. We lived in a trailer park where most of the trailers were shielded by high wooden fences in the front, and divided by chain link fences in between the lots. I lived next to a family that had a 4 year old girl, Candy. I will never know for sure why, but I wasn't allowed to go into Candy's yard or house. I am sure my mother thought that her family was evil or dirty, which is why she kept me away. I find that ironic. Candy's ...
William’s hands gripped the lapels of her turquoise blouse as he stared into her eyes. His dark brown eyes were penetrating and threatening. Suddenly a smile lit his face and he released them and turned away. Avril watched nervously as he reached inside the bag and took out the handcuffs. ‘He’s going to restrain me,’ she said to herself.Moments later he stood behind her and snapped one cuff into place on a wrist followed by the other. She had never been cuffed before, and suddenly she felt very...
InterracialCataract Reaction By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Four "Ah, great timing honey," said Betty, who was just about ready for him. "Sit in the high chair and feel better?" "Yes, and sorry if I got a bit emotional on you," said Kyle, sitting down in her slightly higher makeup chair. "Stressful day as you know." "The only one stressed will be your boyfriend worried the other boys will be all over you," teased Betty. "So sit still and pretend like it's your recital day...
Sex needn’t be hard to find. Whether it’s the satisfying release from a quick fuck or an entire night of hot and dripping sex if you have the balls to make it happen the city's streets offer a myriad of possibilities. And this 'Night Trawling' series is all about the secretive pursuit of the ultimate in casual sex, the 'zipless fuck'. These stories concern the pure, animalistic need for sexual release as it reaches its ultimate climax. They are shameless stories, explicit and very real to...
OccupationsThank you so much for the comments so far! I can get stuck into a much bigger re-write than I’d envisaged now. I’ll post all the chapters to the novel. If you have any further feedback, I would be very grateful. Diolch yn fawr! ***** Clair stood with his hands deep in the sink of soapy water, staring mindlessly out of the big scullery window at the sunny kitchen gardens. Gently he turned bowls and plates, wiping them clean then handing them to that scallywag of a pot-boy Caja who rinsed them...
Much later in the afternoon I did go back into the office, if only to say hello. As I'd expected, both Naz and Seff were about and looking extremely busy ... even before they saw me. In fact the office was pretty much as I'd left it, except that Naz had sort of expanded his workspace across both my and Debbie's desks, occupying the space with some large format print outs of code models - all heavily annotated, I noticed - while Seff's desk had accumulated a variety of accessories - in...
I’d already forgotten his name by the time we reached his apartment, not that it really mattered. I’d had a few drinks before he’d even come in and sat down next to me, too busy flirting with the bartender to notice until I felt his hand upon mine, pinning it gently to the bar as he introduced himself. Dan, perhaps, or Dave. As I said, I’d been drinking. We’d struck up a conversation. Nothing deep. Tonight, I wasn’t interested in deep. I was only here for one thing. Sex. He wasn’t the hottest...
Quickie SexHi all, I have been thinking about a story to write, I no longer need to think. This past Friday, an event took place that I believe will interest you. It will be a short story, but a hot one, I hope. We've had record warmth for the month of March here. Some days last week reached the high 70's, although today, Winter has returned. It's a nice day to put on a cup of coffee and write a story. Every Friday, after my boys go to school, I try to spend my day running errands. I usually start by...
VoyeurCali had just had a baby and no daddy so she needed the job bad. When she had interviewed the man really was staring at her figure. Her tits were big and full of milk as she was still nursing her son and wanted to for a longer time. She loved the feel of him sucking her nipples as she fed him. She planned to nurse him till he was at least two and maybe longer if there was no man in her life. Then maybe she would nurse her son and the new man. Thinking of a man sucking milk from her tits made...
After Flo's party and with summer vacation starting business began to pick up. Without school in the way we were both able to service the older women of our small beachside community and even some of the surrounding towns. Life was good and for a poor k** growing up in the early eighties, I was doing alright. I had my van and a good sized chunk of cash in the bank on top of getting all of the pussy I could ask for and then some, who cared if that pussy was some of my classmates' grandmothers....
Breaking through a cloud the scenery below is once again visible, the clear blue water and now and again a little piece of green, as in a chain small, seemingly uninhabited, islands spread through the ocean. The rumbling of the engines, one under each of the wings, fill the interior of the seaplane. Apart from yourself and your client the two pilots in the cockpit is the only other persons onboard. Being the junior employee at the agency most of the assignments that find its way to your desk...
“Who was that on the phone Tim?” his wife Amanda asked.“Omg! You wouldn’t believe it! It was my old college roommate Dave!” Tim responded back.“What did he want?” a nervous Amanda asked.“He is town next week and wanted to get together. I told him he could stay with us. I hadn’t talked to Dave since we graduated 6 years ago. We both went our different ways when we graduated. Boy, the memories we had in college.” Tim said.“He is staying with us?” Amanda asked.“Yah! It will be great! You remember...
ReluctanceMiss-Spelled (Part 4) I was still curled up in a ball when my intercom buzzed. "Hello?" I asked cautiously, Richie could still be around. "Sophie, it's Sarah, I'm here with Mikey." Sarah? I phoned Becca. I buzzed her in. When Sarah saw the state of me she rushed straight over to give me a huge cuddle and stroke my hair. That made me feel so much better already. "His car isn't here so I`m think he's gone." Mikey said "Becca phoned Sarah to tell her what had happened. I...
"Hi Grandpa," Ellie thought aloud to her Grandfather Dan aboard the Behemoth Bounty. "Well, we're here at KTT and it doesn't look like much." "Tell me what you see, baby girl," her Grandfather said. "Like I said, not much. Tonto says there are a series of directional beacons broadcasting in a spectrum well beyond the visual range. He said they form a pathway for us to follow into a very shallow bowl. I asked him if we would be able to see the bowl but he said it was a flat,...
I’m almost fourteen years old and, Tommy, one of my friends, had just told me he’d heard that some guys use Vaseline to make their cock slippery so it’ll go in a girl with a really tight pussy. He kept repeating that he wondered what it’d be like to fuck a girl with it. His continual talk about sex, girls and fucking had made my cock get hard. I’d never thought about Vaseline being used that way but it made sense. When we finished our last game of one on one basketball, he left to go home for...
Are you sure this won't hurt?" Mary asked again."Absolutely. All you have to do is push back, like you are trying to go, and relax. Things will be just fine. I slide in a little, let you have time to get used to it, and take it easy. You'll love it." At least he hoped he wouldn't hurt her. He had used enough K-Y. If she were too tense, it would hurt. If she relaxed and wanted to enjoy this, it wouldn't."God I hope so. I've heard about this enough.""Girlfriends huh?" John said as he moved closer...
Arwen Dickenson had a love-hate relationship with waking up. Far too many mornings over the last eight years, she’d done so gasping from nightmares of being buried alive or hands with an unbreakable grip holding her underwater to drown. On mornings when her dreams were better, she often fought to stay asleep and keep the awareness of real-world mundanities away for a while longer. In recent months, that real world had improved to the point where she actually welcomed it most mornings. Waking...
The Bordunes Morning, Mid-April 1882 Chapter One Lorelei Langley Part 1 On an unseasonably balmy April morning in Manhattan, a young woman in a peach colored satin dress made her way down Fifth Avenue. Catching her reflection in the window of a hat shop, Lorelei Langley paused to admire herself. After looking around to ensure no one was nearby, she leaned closer to her reflection and opened her cashmere shawl to reveal a shocking amount of décolletage for day time. Watching her reflection, she...
NovelsIt was the Tuesday following our expanded Play Group's inaugural debauch and Melanie and I were over at Sue and Jake's place for a quiet evening at home – their home, that is, our second home. Jake was doing my wife Melanie doggy-style on the living room floor and my cock was deep in his wife Sue's throat as we all halfheartedly watched television, when Melanie's cell phone started playing 'Psychotic Girl' very loudly. Mel grabbed the phone off the coffee table and took the call without ever...
Group SexAt The Stables – Exposed Vulnerable And Taken.PreambleI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown...
On Monday, the 30th of March, the Major called all of the Section Chiefs in for a meeting. "Tomorrow is the last payday that we will have requiring a split shift, as next payday we will all be on our way to Chiang Rai, and then back to our regular assignments, at least most of us. What will the Red Tigers be doing?" the Major asked. "We'll be rotating also, sir," Captain Rust told him. "But it will be on the First of May. They will hold our pay till then," he assured us. "So, I am...
Hi friends this is my 1st post 2 ISS, i m big fan of dis website since a very long time. Now i m 25 years old male 4rm Gujarat working in mnc with a higher post n salary. This story was held before 4 years when i just completed my m.b.a. N started my job. One good day i got one costumer who r seeking high networth loan. As i m in banking sector i had to meet then personally i met that person at his factory n discussed all the stuffs. They were really elibile for this loan. So i consult my boss...
All of a sudden Anders fainted, Alex and Jacob hurried to pick him up. After sprinkling some water on his face he gained consciousness. Me: Thank god, are you feeling ok, now? Anders: Yes I guess. Alex: I guess you didn’t eat much today other than alcohol right? Anders: Ya I wasn’t in a mood to eat all day long. Me: I will take care of him Why don’t you guys go out and get something to eat for us? Alex: Sure, I’m starving too. Jacob and Alex went out to grab a bite, I started massaging...
“Molly, I have to go to town before the store closes. Mr. Simmons is still working on the pump for the well. See that he gets his check if he finishes before I get back.”“Okay, mom. I’ll see that he gets it.”Mom headed for town and I walked slowly out to the pump house to see how Mr. Simmons was coming along. He had been there most of the day working on our water pump for the well. The pump was in a small shed we referred to as the pump house. It was about ten feet square with just a door in...
TabooI backed out of the garage, shut the garage door and waited for Cory to tell me where I’m going. He directed me out to the main road. I’m not too concerned about the possibility of any of my neighbors seeing my breasts. They’re below the window level. I’m more worried about stopping at red lights on the main road where pedestrians or people in taller vehicles might be able to see into the car. I was quickly distracted when Cory reached over, pulled my slip up just a bit more than it already...