Stained Memorabilia free porn video

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I’m almost fourteen years old and, Tommy, one of my friends, had just told me he’d heard that some guys use Vaseline to make their cock slippery so it’ll go in a girl with a really tight pussy. He kept repeating that he wondered what it’d be like to fuck a girl with it. His continual talk about sex, girls and fucking had made my cock get hard. I’d never thought about Vaseline being used that way but it made sense. When we finished our last game of one on one basketball, he left to go home for lunch.

I knew that my sister and I would be eating whatever my mother had fixed and left in the refrigerator for us to reheat in the microwave. It was about noon so I figured that, by now, Mom and dad were already on their way to their bi-monthly business seminar and wouldn’t be home till late tomorrow. I put my towel, rosin bag and basketball in my gym bag and started for home. On the way, I couldn’t help remembering what Tommy and I had been talking about, between games. My cock was still semi-hard and I started thinking about what he’d said about using Vaseline to fuck a girl. I’m tired of having to jerk off and I wish I knew a girl I could try using the idea on. As I walked, I started imagining what it’d be like to feel my cock sliding into some girl’s pussy. I don’t have a girl friend and I don’t like Cindy our neighbor, three doors down, but she does have a nice body. Of course, she’s made it clear that she doesn’t like me, either, so she’s out.

As I walked, I realized that there aren’t any other girls my age living in our neighborhood. The only girl who’s anywhere near my age is my sister, Sandra. I was about to discard her as a candidate when it dawned on me that for almost a year she’s been looking more and more sexy. She’s twelve but she doesn’t talk or act like a silly twelve year old who giggles at nothing. She’s really smart and likes to learn new things, too. A lot of times, we study together and swap new things we’ve learned about. We both get good grades but she always gets the highest scores in her classes. She doesn’t talk about boys, the way most girls do but I know she likes them… I know she likes me, too… We’ve always been close and we get along really well.

Actually, I thought to myself, we enjoy being together so what difference does it make if I AM her brother? She’s a girl, isn’t she? … and i’ve read stories about brothers and sisters having sex with each other. That’s when my thoughts began to focus on Sandra and then other thoughts and realizations started to sift into my consciousness. For the last year or so, she’s almost constantly hung close to me, whenever I’m at home. The possibility of fucking Sandra was one that I’d never thought of…. But if she’s willing to.. Why not? She’s always touching me… kissing my neck or hugging my arm. Sometimes, when we’re alone she pulls my face down to hers and kisses me on the mouth. She’s been doing that a lot, lately, and I started remembering how nice her kisses are. We both know we spend a lot of time at home and alone together… ‘I wonder if she’ll let me fuck her, if I can get her in my bed and start kissing her.’, I thought…. Something deep inside of me was telling me that she wouldn’t try to stop me, if she knew I really wanted to…. Which I now realize I do. The more I thought about her and about how sexy she looks, the harder my cock was getting. By the time I got home, I had to push it down to keep it from sticking out against the front of my shorts, before I went inside. I left my bag in the entryway and headed for the refrigerator to get something cold to drink. When I walked into the kitchen, Sandra was standing in front of the microwave. She looked back over her shoulder, smiled at me and said, “I saw you coming. It’s almost lunch time so I’m heating our lunch.” She looked at me for a few seconds and then slowly turned back to the magazine that was lying on the counter in front of her. Immediately, my eyes went to her tight, shapely ass. She was wearing a pair of bright red shorts that fit snugly over and accented the pronounced round cheeks of her ass. I felt an instant tightness in my groin and my cock jerked, as it started coming back to full attention. It’s been less than ten minutes since I had my first thought of fucking Sandra and, already, I know that I’m going to do it. The only thing I’m worried about is if she’ll tell mom and dad, when they get home tomorrow.

I went to the bathroom to wash up and get the sweat off my face. I finished, dried off and hung the towel back on the rack. I could feel my heart racing, now, because I know I’m going to fuck Sandra. I reached into the medicine cabinet for the Vaseline and, when I had the jar in my hand, I could feel my body tension increase. I knew that I was committed to my fifteen minute old plan and was already preparing for what was going to happen, as soon as I’d maneuvered Sandra into my room. I went to my room and set the jar on my nightstand before stripping off my sweaty shorts and putting on a pair of fresh ones. I’d started to put on a pair of underwear, too, but put them back because I didn’t want anything to slow me down, once I started. I reached into the next drawer for a shirt and suddenly it came to me that, more than once, i’ve caught Sandra looking at my bare chest with a strange look on her face. I’ve seen it a lot of times…. Especially in the last few months. And sometimes, if I resist letting her pull my face to hers so she can kiss my mouth, she wraps her arms around me and plants a slow lingering kiss on my bare chest, instead. I decided not to put a shirt on and walked back downstairs wearing nothing but a loose fitting pair of shorts with an elastic band that could be removed in two seconds.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I picked up the odor of whatever Sandra was heating in the microwave and I knew that I was too wound up, now, to eat anything. I repositioned my cock and walked to the kitchen. It was still semi-hard and making a sizable bulge in my shorts. Maybe I should go back upstairs and put on a pair of underpants….. Nahhhhh What’s the difference if she sees it now, or twenty minutes from now? If I’m lucky, it’s going to be in her in half an hour, anyway.

Sandra had already set the table and was taking the food out of the microwave when I walked back into the kitchen. I looked at her and said, “I’m not really hungry, right now, are you?” “Not really but I figured as long as you were eating, I would too. You should have told me, when you came in.” I looked at her and asked, “Can you put it back and heat it again, later?”… She smiled and said, ”Yeah, I can do that.”.. And she opened the refrigerator door. I held it open while she picked up the dish and leaned over to slide it back on the shelf. When she leaned over, my eyes went straight to her firm and voluptuous ass. I can feel my blood starting to pound because I know that those bright red shorts and the rest of what she’s wearing is going to be laying on my bedroom floor, in just few more minutes.

As she turned and straightened up I saw her eyes hesitate on the bulge in my shorts. I saw her eyelids flicker and then slowly move up over my chest before she looked at me and said, “You must have had a good workout. Your face is all flushed and you’re still hot. I can feel it.” She put her hand on my chest and when she slowly pulled it away, she looked up at me and said, “Your heart’s still going fast, too.”

When she turned back to close the microwave door, she asked, “What’re we going to do, tonight?”

The moment of truth has arrived and I asked, “What do you want to do?” She was looking straight at me and then she looked away but not before I saw the strange look on her face. That’s when I realized that I’d seen that same look before. She quietly said, “i’ll do whatever you want to do.” I gently took her shoulders in my hands and turned her to face me. She had a nervous and guilty look on her face and suddenly the light went on in my head. I brought her close against my chest and softly said, “Let’s go upstairs, Sandra.” Without waiting for an answer, I turned her and with my arm around her, I gently held her against me and started toward the stairs. She didn’t resist in the least, as she matched my steps without asking why we were going upstairs. ‘She HAS to know what’s going to happen, when we get there.’, I thought to myself.

Even as tense as I already was, I could feel the tension building in her as we neared the top of the stairway. I continued past her room and straight into mine, pushing the door closed with my foot. When we got to the bed, I said, “Come lay down next to me and i’ll show you what we’re going to do, tonight. I gently guided her onto the bed and moved next to her. When I reached to pull her close against me, I could sense the eager willingness in the way she came to me. As she lay snuggled in my arms, I could feel her heart beating rapidly. She was looking up at me and I could see the nervous knowledge in her eyes and on her face. ‘She knows! …. She knows what’s going to happen and she’s going to let it!’, I realized.

I gently pushed her over onto her back and, without saying a word, moved my face over hers and lowered my lips to hers. Her eyes were wide open but when my lips touched hers, I saw her eyelids flutter and then close. I wrapped my arms around her and started tenderly kissing her. About two seconds later, I felt her arms come up around my shoulders and begin pulling my mouth to hers. She was really kissing me and then I realized that I was really kissing her, too. This kiss wasn’t like any we’d ever shared, before. There was long pent up passion in it, even though we were both still a little tentative. But then our nervousness about what we were going to do began to melt away and I could feel the hungry passion in the way she was kissing me. As we continued, with our lips exploring each others, the passion in each of us was building toward a beautiful explosion that we were going to be sharing with each other, in only a few more minutes. I’d never dreamed that Sandra was in love with me and wanted me this way but now I understand why she’s so happy when I come in and why she hangs so close to me. She knows that I’m her brother, just as well as I know that she’s my sister but it doesn’t matter…. Not to her.. And not to me, either, as I’d realized on the way home from playing basketball.

When I lifted my mouth from hers, I could see the new flush of excitement on her face. My voice came out hoarsely, as I stated, simply, “I’m going to take your clothes off.” Her arms came down from around my neck and she lay there looking up at me expectantly, without saying a word. I sat up and reached down to pull her sneakers off. She held each foot up as I took its sneaker off and dropped it to the floor. My cock was starting to throb, now, and I saw her eyes go the bulge that it was making in the front of my shorts. Without hesitation, I reached for the bright red button, unfastened it and opened the front of her shorts…. I started pulling down on them and watched as she raised her ass so I could slide them over her hips. As soon as the shorts cleared her crotch, I saw that she wasn’t wearing any panties but what instantly had my complete attention was the soft, dark thatch of hair on her cunt…. The beautiful, unfucked cunt that we both knew was about to have my cock shoved into it and be fucked for the first time.

I’d watched some porn clips on my PC and now it dawned on me that Sandra probably has, too. I’d seen men get between the women’s legs and start licking their pussies and, suddenly, that’s exactly what I wanted to do to Sandra. After she’d pulled her legs free of her shorts, I dropped them to the floor and let myself down onto the bed and slid lower. When my face was even with her pussy, I moved over it and Sandra’s legs spread, slightly, as I lowered my mouth to her and began kissing in the soft hair around her cunt. I could feel her body trembling as I spread her legs wider and moved between them. Now that her legs were spread apart, the pink moist lips of her cunt were fully exposed and I thought my head was going to explode. I looked up at Sandra and saw that her eyes were half closed and her hands were unbuttoning her blouse. I watched as she pulled it open and her two beautiful pear shaped tits come into view. She looked back down and into my eyes as I lowered my mouth to her cunt to do what I’d watched those other men do. I pushed my hands under the round cheeks of Sandra’s firm ass and began sliding my tongue over the soft, moist pinkness of her cunt. Immediately, I heard her begin to softly moan and felt her ass cheeks tighten and jerk, each time I slid my tongue over her clitoris. Taking a firm grip on her cheeks, I pulled her pussy up to my mouth and continued softly and hungrily licking her. When I took my first full lick of Sandra’s cunt, I instantly learned how delicious she tasted and my olfactory senses had picked up the sweet heady ambrosia scent of her feminity. I absolutely knew that, in the future, I was going to spend a whole lot of time with my face buried in her delicious pussy but, right now, I have another and more pressing mission.

The men in the videos had spent a long time licking the women’s pussies and hadn’t seemed to be in any hurry to shove their cocks into them but I simply couldn’t wait that long. I just had to get my cock inside of Sandra and start fucking her.

I was surprised at how wet her pussy was, as I wiped my mouth off and reached down to slide my shorts off. I’d completely forgotten about the Vaseline and as soon as the shorts were off, I moved up over Sandra until the head of my throbbing cock was touching and pressing between the warm soft lips of her cunt. She jerked and then gave a shiver of pleasure as she felt the hot contact between us. She was looking up into my eyes and I could see that she knew the moment had arrived. My cock was going to go into her and I was going to fuck her.

Letting myself down over her and using my hand to guide my cockhead it to where I know her opening is, I started pushing. I felt the resistance and saw the tension on Sandra’s face. I lowered my mouth to hers and felt her arms come up around my shoulders, as she began kissing me and pulling me to her. When I pushed harder, I felt the resistance give way and the head of my cock start to slide in. Two or three seconds later, the head popped through and I was inside of her. The sensation of having Sandra’s warm cunt on my cock was too stimulating and I knew that I had to get it all in RIGHT NOW, because if I waited any longer I knew I’d cum before it was. I pulled back slightly and gave a powerful forward thrust that drove my cock all the way into her. She cried out as it tore her cherry away and went up into her but I couldn’t wait. I just had to fuck her and I started fucking my cock in an out of my twelve year old sister Sandra’s tight, no longer virgin cunt. Her arms were off to the side and she was twisting the sheet in her hands as I fiercely fucked my cock in and out of her. Well under a minute later, I felt an incredibly explosive orgasm start roaring up through my cock and then huge tidal waves of my hot cum began flooding and splashing against the deep end of Sandra’s cum catcher. Just as I’d started cumming, her arms had locked around my waist and now she was holding her cunt up to me as if it were a receptive vessel and she was making sure that every drop of it went into her. My whole body felt as if I was plugged into to electrical outlet as my cum just kept pulsing and squirting into her. By the time it was over, I realized that Sandra had recovered slightly from my initial entry and was still holding me inside of her. I had no doubt, now, that she’d watched some videos because she’d known that I was cumming and had pushed her cunt up to take all of my cock and my cum inside of her. I was stunned by the awesome shock effect of the most powerful orgasm I’d ever had. Masturbation doesn’t come anywhere close to what I’d just experienced. . . . .

I can feel Sandra’s hands softly caressing my back as she continues to hold her cunt up against me and plant tender kisses on my chest When I was finally able to lift my head and look down at her, I could see that she knew that I’d just cum inside of her. She looked a little stunned, too, but I could also see that she was totally fulfilled and utterly happy. I slowly lowered my face to hers and began softly and tenderly kissing all over it.

This morning, Sandra had just my sister …. But, now and forevermore, she’s much more than that… and Sandra knows that I’m no longer just her brother.

After we’d kissed and made love to each other for a few more minutes, I lifted myself and slowly drew my soft cock out of her. When it came out, the look on her face was as if she already missed having it in her. I rolled over next to her and put my arm around her, pulling her against me. She snuggled her face into my shoulder and let out a soft happy sigh.

As I lay there resting and recovering, I felt her hand slide over my chest and gently begin caressing it. I felt shivers of pleasure run through me as her fingertips began lightly tracing over every inch of it. Then I felt her begin shifting her body downward over mine…. Planting soft sweet kisses.. As if marking a return trail. When she arrived at her destination, she began tracing a street map of soft licks and kisses through the vaginal lubricant ‘ala Sandra’ soaked pubic hair around the base of my cock. I felt her mouth touch and then begin sucking along the cum slickened shaft as she moved up its length and went over the top. I could feel her vacuum as she drew the entire soft length of my cock into her mouth and began washing it with her tongue. When she’d drawn the last of my cum out of my shaft, she moved lower and started running her soft tongue over the entire surface of my scrotum…. Sucking its skin into her mouth and washing it with her tongue, before moving on. When she was finished, she moved up next to me and resumed her position against my shoulder.

I was dumbstruck by thoroughness of the service she’d just performed on me. It only re-enforced my belief that she’d spent considerable time watching videos and learning how to do what she’d just done…. Although I’d rarely seen one where the woman did what Sandra had just done with so much sweetness. I put my hand under her chin and tilted her face up to mine. No words had to be spoken… our eyes communicating our thoughts. I brought my mouth to her lips and, after running my tongue over them, kissed her ever so softly.

Two or three minutes passed and then, in a quiet voice, she said, “i’ve wanted to do that with you ever since I started having my periods…over a year ago. I’m glad we finally did. … I wasn’t taking birth control pills, then, but I would have let you fuck me and cum in me anyway… I wanted you to. When I knew you were starting to cum, just now, I was afraid you were going to pull it out. That’s why I wrapped my arms around your waist and held you in me. I don’t ever want you to take it out. Just cum in me. I won’t get pregnant.” A devilish smile played over her lips and then she said, “I started taking birth control pills almost a year ago, ‘cause I already knew we were going to do it…. Even if I had to sneak into bed with you but I couldn’t get up enough nerve. . . . . But today, just before you got home, I decided that, as soon as you came to your room tonight, I was going to take all my clothes off and come in while you were still undressed. I was going to get on your bed and tell you to come put your cock in me and fuck me…. But you ruined my plan after I asked you what you wanted to do tonight…. How did you know?” I smiled at her and then said, “I heard it in your voice and saw it on your face, when you said you’d do anything I wanted to do….. But the truth is… I was already going to do it. I decided to do it on the way home. That’s why I was still flushed and hot. When I came upstairs, I even brought the jar of Vaseline in from the bathroom. See it on the nightstand? I was going to put it on my cock so I could make it slide into your pussy…. But I forgot all about it. We’re sure never going to need to use anything to lubricate your pussy, are we?” “I don’t think so.”, she said and laughed, happily.

Then she smiled up at me and said “If I wasn’t already taking birth control, I think you would have just made me pregnant. I’m fertile, now. . . . I’ve been thinking about it for a long time and I want to have your baby. Someday I’m going to. I promise.” I looked down at her and said, “i’ll never take it out of you, Sandra but we can’t let you get pregnant until we’re both grown up. . . . I wish you’d asked me, when you first wanted me to. I would have done it and we would have been doing it a lot sooner. .. I hope it didn’t hurt too much when I pushed it all in… but it felt so good… I knew I was going to cum, fast, … but I wasn’t all the way inside of you, yet. That’s why I pushed it in so hard.” She was kissing my shoulder and then she looked up and said, “It hurt when you first went all the way in but it stopped hurting pretty fast. It was starting to feel really good but then I knew you were cumming so I just held myself up so you could get it all inside of me.

Then, in a soft and serious voice, she said, “I know you’re my brother but you’re the only boy i’ve ever really liked or wanted to let put your penis in me.” She raised her head, looked down at my soft cock and said, “And now i’ve got my brother’s and my boyfriend’s cum inside of me. I’m just so happy!” And she buried her face into my chest. I tenderly caressed the side of her head and then tilted her face up to softly kiss her on the lips. When the kiss ended, I said, “Sandra?” She looked at me questioningly and I said, “You’re going to be having an awful lot of your brother’s and your boyfriend’s cum inside of you, from now on.” She smiled happily and said, “I know.” …. Then she said, “The second time I saw your cock, I was really surprised at how big it gets. I was afraid it might be too big to go in.” I raised up and looked at her. “When did you see it?” She smiled and said, “Just after I finished having my second period….. I came into your room, one night, after I knew you’d be asleep and looked at it. I had my little flashlight, so I wouldn’t have to turn the lights on. I lifted the covers and put my head under them before I turned the flashlight on, so you wouldn’t wake up. I looked at it for a long time. I liked how it looked and I wanted to touch it but I was scared to. I was afraid you might tell mom and dad, if you woke up and caught me. I went back to look at it again, the next night, too. That time, it was hard and that’s when I saw how big it gets. I didn’t see how you could get it into me….. But I wanted you to. Just before I was going to go back to my room, I kissed it but that wasn’t enough so I licked all over the end of it, too. You started making noises and pushing it at me so I licked it some more. I almost tried to see if I could get my mouth over it but I was too scared to try. Now I wish I’d done it and woke you up. You would have pulled me in bed and fucked me… and then we would have kept on doing it. I’d probably have been pregnant afterward, though, because I’d just finished my second period and wasn’t taking any pills. About a month before I had my first one, my girlfriend at school, Shari, told me her brother told her if a girl can get her mouth over it, it’ll go in her pussy. That’s why I wanted to see if I could. She said her brother’s went in her mouth so he had her get undressed and he pushed it into her pussy and fucked her. They’ve been doing it ever since. She uses birth control pills, too, and when she saw mine, she asked me if you were doing it to me. I told her you were.” Sandra looked at me with a guilty look on her face and said, “Even if you weren’t, I wished you were.” . . . . . .

Just as she was saying that, I was thinking, ‘I know who Shari is and I know her brother. He’s a year older and grade ahead of me but I know my cock is a lot bigger than his is.’

My cock was starting to come back to life, again. When it was almost hard, I rolled Sandra onto her back and moved between her legs. I said, “I’m going to fuck you again… but I hope I don’t cum so fast, this time.” She opened her legs wider and said, “Don’t lay all the way down on me, when you put it in. I want to watch it going in, first.” Her eyes were fixed on my cock as I guided it to her cum filled pussy. I could see some of my first load of cum leaking out of her and there was a pinkish color to it. I knew it was from when I broke her cherry. When I started sliding my cock up and down between the lips of her pussy, (as I’d seen done in the videos) she started twitching and after a few more passes, she began to moan with pleasure. I found her opening and started pushing forward. She winced as it started in and then we both watched as my cock slid up into her and out of sight.

When I looked back up at her, she was looking straight into my eyes and had a look of total ecstasy on her face. I knew my sister was always going to want me to fuck her and cum in her…. And I knew that I would always do it. I lowered my body to hers and started fucking her with slow, deep and penetrating strokes. The look on her face was one of supreme ecstasy. A moan escaped as she said, “Ohhhhh Rick. I love having your cock in me. It feels so good. I wish I’d had the nerve to try getting it in my mouth, that night, and made you wake up. It was so big and hard. I wanted you to put it in me and fuck me with it soooo bad. You could have fucked me and I would have gone back to my room with your cum in me.” I kissed her and said, “I’m going to fuck you and you’re going to get all of my cum, from now on, Sandra,… every drop of it.” She looked up at me and, before she pulled my mouth to hers, she said, “Fuck me now and don’t stop fucking me until you cum in me, again.”

Sandra was kissing me passionately and, as my cock began sliding in and out of her tight, slippery cunt, she started making little sounds of joy, while still kissing me. I can’t describe the sensations I was having while her rippling cunt muscles slid back and forth over the head of my cock and the shaft.. I could feel them start squeezing and milking me and I was fighting to keep from cumming again because it felt too good to have it end so fast. A few seconds later, the sensations were becoming so intense that I had to stop fucking her. She looked up at me and I could see the fever in her eyes and hear the passionate intensity in her voice when she said, “Oh, God, Rick! Why’d you stop? I was starting to get tingly feelings in my whole pussy.” I apologized and said, “I have to stop for a minute or you’re going to make me cum again and I don’t want to, yet. Your pussy feels so good. I want to make it last a long time.” With a husky sound in her voice, she said, “It’s ok. Fuck me and cum in me anyway. Next time, you’ll be able to do it longer.” I started fucking her again and almost immediately Sandra started making little sounds of pleasure as she fucked her cunt up and down my cock. I could tell that she was trying to make me cum but the short break in fucking her had taken the intense edge off so now I just kept fucking her…. Taking long, hard strokes and going deep into her. My pelvis was pressing hard against hers at the end of each stroke and after two or three minutes she started bucking and moving faster. There was an urgency in her movements and then I realized what was happening. My sister was going to cum, while I was fucking her!! I started thrusting my cock deep into her so hard that my pelvis was slamming against hers. I could hear and feel my balls slapping against the firm round cheeks of her ass. The distraction of hearing the sound slowed the feeling that was building in me but I knew that it wasn’t going to be much longer before I exploded into her, again. I kept punching my cock into her and a few seconds later, her whole body stiffened and her back arched as she pushed and held her pussy up against me. I was still fucking her and then I felt a lot of something warm running around the base of my cock and down over my balls. The sound of my balls slapping against her ass changed and began sounding like somebody sloshing through a rain puddle. I’d never felt anything like it before but I instinctively knew that my sister was cumming. I moved my hands under her and took as firm a grip as I could on each of the firm cum slickened cheeks of her ass. I lifted her ass and pulled her against me, as I started absolutely plowing my cock up into her hot slippery cunt. Her jaws were locked together and she was screaming through her clenched teeth as I continued fucking her. She was still cumming when I felt my cum start and almost instantly, it was blasting into Sandra’s cunt. She felt it and her mouth came open in a silent scream as I emptied everything I had into her.

When it was finally over, we collapsed almost in unison. Sandra had just had her first orgasm on my cock and I’d just had my second one in her cunt. Now we were both too weak to move. I lay collapsed on her, while feeling the final quivers of her cunt as it kissed it’s thank you to my cock. We were both sweating so hard that my sheet was soaked with it. After a few seconds, I lifted my head from beside Sandra’s and I could see the streams of perspiration running from her face and forehead. Her hair was completely wet and so was mine….. But no two lovers had ever been happier in all of history. The look on her face is one that i’ll remember for the rest of my life. It held a combination of surprise, awe, pure joy, elation, happiness, pleasure, satisfaction, completion and fifty other indescribable emotions. She was looking into my eyes with a joyous smile on her face as I lowered my mouth to hers and then we softly kissed each other. I finally found the strength to move off of her and collapsed on the bed beside her. She didn’t move her body but she turned her head toward me and her beautiful smile was still there. She said, simply, “I love you, Rick. I always have…. I always will…. And someday, I’m going to have your baby.”

We lay there for a full half an hour before I finally sat up. I was looking down at my love and, with our eyes locked together, I absolutely knew that someday, she really is going to have my baby. (Probably three or four.) She couldn’t possibly have been reading my mind but she clearly said the word five and then smiled.

When Sandra finally got up from the bed so that we could change the sheet, I couldn’t believe how much cum was under her. Some of it was mine but I knew that most of mine was still inside of her so the rest had to be from her. There was a tinge of pink and we knew that it had to be from when I took her virginity. We were both smiling and then she said, ‘Uh ohhh … I think I’m going to be washing our sheets, from now on. Mom would sure know what that was from.” . . . Then, with a wistful sound in her voice, she said, “I wish we could keep this one and not ever wash it.” I pulled her close and just held her against me for a few seconds. I couldn’t help caressing my hands down her back and when they slid over the round luscious globes of her ass, I lifted her and pulled her pussy against my soft and totally drained cock. Her legs opened and went around my waist as I held her there for a few seconds and kissed her before letting her back down.

I’d just pulled the sheet off the bed when Sandra said, “Wow!”. I turned and looked at where she was holding her hand and I saw a thick stream of my cum running down the inside of her left thigh. I pushed the sheet between her knees and wiped it up between her legs until it covered her beautiful sweat and cum soaked cunt. She said, “I think we need to go take a shower.”

Sandra started the shower while I ran down to the laundry room and stuffed the sheet into the washer. I started to turn it on and then pulled it back out and put it in the drier, instead. I turned it on and went to the cabinet under the kitchen sink, opened it and pulled out two kitchen trash bags. After laying them on top of the drier, I went back upstairs. I joined Sandra in the shower and we took our first long hot shower together. I told her what I’d done with the sheet and she said, “That’s going to set the blood stain and all our cum is still in it, too.” I smiled and said, “I know. . . . When it’s dry, I’m going to wrap it in plastic bags and find somewhere to hide it so we’ll always have it.” When she looked up at me, I knew that the happy look on her face had just said everything that needed to be said.

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Stains of Blue

Stainsof Blue His house was exactly how I had imaginedit, though the word 'house' seemed barely appropriate for the huge mansion,surrounded by a flourishing green garden I stood in front of. I had dismissedthe driver, who had gotten me from the airport, and now trying to regainmy composure, I stood there on my own, brushing some folds out of my knee-longblack skirt and white blouse. I couldn't make myself move, couldn't do one more step towards that door, whereHe would wait for me. He, the man...

2 years ago
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Staining the Pure

The lights were dimmed, the overly heavy music turned up to the fullest. I sat on a stool at the busy bar of the downtown club, not yet reaching the climax hour when the real party people showed up. With their overdone makeup, too short, too cheap clothes and screaming like they were wild about the place as if it were a palace. Of course it isn't too early either, the people who wanted a drink and deafening music to drown their thoughts out left as soon as more teens and barely legal adults...

2 years ago
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Sisters HusbandChapter 3

Ginnie shivered deliciously as she pulled the tight fitting shorts up over her trim little hips. She wiggled a little, and turned around so that she could see the deep outline of the cleft between her neatly rounded buttocks. The hot pants were of a shiny satiny purple, and Ginnie enjoyed the cheap look they had about them. Everybody was wearing them, she knew, and the tighter the better. Her long legs looked just perfect, she thought as she surveyed herself in the bedroom mirror, and the...

3 years ago
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Ch 4 A Shock to the System

She stroked the top of his back before moving her hand to his face, then slowly insinuating her finger between the siblings lips as they kissed. Mom slid her index finger into her daughter’s mouth and Melissa sucked it greedily. The two children kept their lips locked together as their mom snaked her finger in and out. Then she did the same to Jack. His movements were instinctive and he sucked his mother’s finger hungrily. Finally, she pulled her finger out and sucked it into her own...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 181

Items to think about ... You deserve to chuckle at the very least once. Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety-one? If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea ... does that mean that one out of five enjoys it? Why do croutons come in airtight packages? Aren't they just stale bread to begin with? If people from Poland are called Poles, then why aren't people from Holland called Holes? If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled? Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist,...

1 year ago
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Towelset Photos

Note : This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live!! Natalie, along with her two children Kim and Mark, arrived at the photography studio. She was met at the door by Debbie, the photographer's red-haired assistant. Showing them to the studio, she turned to Natalie, asking, "Jim wasn't too specific about what you wanted, Mrs. Evans. Just what kind of pictures are we taking? I mean, it is after hours." Natalie smiled at her, answering, "We're taking nudes." Debbie stepped...

4 years ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 27 The City of the future

For the next month anyone that could work, worked. The entire city was ripped up from the ground like an old tree and rebuilt. A wall 20 metres high was slowly raised around the city. Luckily the city had a massive reserve of grain, so anyone that worked was fed from the stocks. The Imperial Branch wasn’t too happy with that, seeing as normally all those reserves were sold to the capital city and if they didn’t get a certain quota, the Imperial Clan would jump up and down and probably have...

1 year ago
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Naughty Farm Girl Part One

As I pressed to the barn I notice I forgot my bra!!!! I ride past mamma and thank god she didn’t notice. As she was getting the grain to the animals, I quickly put Jack away and ran to get changed and ready for the day. I took off my new thong because it was damp for Jack. I put on my nylon panties and the matching bra. Then I put on some spandex for shorts and a spaghetti strap tee on. While mamma walk in she yelled “ Baleigh go was the damn dog he got in the burrs again!” Ok mamma I...

2 years ago
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Parents Again Part 1

Two families on two coasts, tied together through years of friendship and understanding. They each had money, but also had something in common: neither could conceive children. One was a transgender couple, the other saw the husband losing his testicles due to cancer. Jaimie Samuels was transgender and happy to be so. She lost her testicles when she was 12, the result of an attack on her by a badly abused boy who feared his father's wrath more than going to jail. She forgave him and...

3 years ago
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Der Hochzeitsempfang

Meine süße jungfräuliche Braut Bridget und ich hatten erst vor einer Stunde geheiratet und gingen zu unserem Empfang in einem netten Club. Wir waren beide immer noch in unsere Hochzeitsklamotten gekleidet. Bridget hatte ein langes, luftig fließendes weißes Hochzeitskleid, blondes Haar in einer Hochsteckfrisur und blaue Augen, die vor Glück und Liebe funkelten. Sie war eine atemberaubende, schöne und sexy 23-jährige mit einer dieser fantastisch verführerischen Figuren. Ihre Maße waren eine...

1 year ago
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Swarm of Change

Welcome to my first writing piece, Up to now my only real story experience is running games of dungeons and dragons :D that should help with the choose your own path bit though :3 I may have some odd grammatical fails as that is my way but generally I hope you enjoy it. This story is about a person male or female, your choice ;D who is infected with a symbiotic swarm that does the bidding of its host body, able to burrow into others and change them to meet the hosts desires. I like to add...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Wife Plans Our Vacation Blacken

My wife, Susan, and I had a long flight to our "all inclusive" weeklong vacation in the Caribbean that she planned. After we had checked into the hotel, had dinner, showered and changed into our jammies I jokingly told my wife, Susan, that she could choose any porn movie on our hotel Cablevision."Oh goody," she replied, and smiled at me with a sexy look. I was triply surprised. First, that she would even consider watching a porn movie at all, and second, by the great detail she paid attention...

3 years ago
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Twilight Voyeur part 9

When Bonnie called before dinner, I told her about the fun with Ellen on the deck, the visit from Gary, and his interest in getting involved. She was excited to hear about it and asked what Jen had said."I haven't talked to her yet, but obviously he has no idea about her visits to our place." Jen and Bonnie had hooked up one night after an evening of wine and girl talk. This had led to a few encounters between them before Bonnie had included me in the mix."I'll talk to her," Bonnie advised....

3 years ago
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A Chefs JourneyPrologue

The giggle from the bedroom reminded me that two women in my life were putting the finishing touches on their makeup before we would all be heading to the graduation ceremony where both would be receiving official recognition of receiving bachelor's degrees. A huge part of me is still amazed we have ended up here, since seven years ago; it all seemed a very distant possibility. I guess I should start with a quick description of myself and then go to the beginning and explain everything in...

3 years ago
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Hot For Teacher chapter 2

I sat in my classroom, watching my students goof off for the last few minutes of class. This class was full of kids who didn’t give a shit about school. I couldn’t wait for my next history class to start. Not only were they kids who actually cared about learning, she was in my next class. Ms. Anna Rogers. My dirty little fantasy girl. I had met her last year right after I started. I was standing in the hallway outside my classroom chatting with another teacher. They left, as the bell was about...

3 years ago
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Lesson learned I expect this fat man was my fina

This afternoon my ass still hurts. Ken calls and asks if I can prep a larger dinner as he is bringing a friend home.Sure. Veal Marsala for 3 versus 2 is no big deal.Thank god I do not know this guy. A c***dhood pal I'm told and I swear he was around 350 pounds. I clean up after dinner, come back and I don't see him. Bathrooms empty too and Ken is putting on his hat. "Ken, I didn't hear him leave. Are you guys going out?". Ken says "You still need to learn. This is the last lesson. He...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Krissy Lynn Third Appearance

Krissy is a stone cold fox! She’s also a horny housewife who likes to fornicate with strangers! She spends her days dreaming of cock! Big juicy cock. Luckily her dreams are about to come true. While reading by herself on the couch…a couple of “salesmen” knock on her door to talk about the “gospel”. Prince and Isiah are trying to spread “the word”. She tells the 2 studs that she isn’t very religious, but I think the guys are interested in...

3 years ago
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Why Mothers Cry

'Ello, Alex=), again. This time I'm going to do an incest since I was told so many times not to in my last story. Aren't I just the worst =] Another difference is that I'm going to put this in a boy's point of view. By how well I do this, I'd like to bring the question up again. Am I a boy or a girl? =) No offense to mothers, it's just a story =} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My...

3 years ago
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A Fantastic RingChapter 8

Mary and I lay down on my bed with her in my arms, and Mary was soon asleep. However, I had another project that I wanted to work on, or start on, at least. I thought, Ring, I know that you cannot talk to me when I am awake, but you can reach me when I am asleep. What I want to do is to try an experiment. I want to ask you a series of questions and have you answer me after I go to sleep. However, before I ask my questions, I want to thank you for the way you have cared for me since we found...

4 years ago
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Bridgets Days Ch 10

I smiled, wondering what would have happened had I been able to follow up on my impulse of that long ago evening. Probably for the best that I didn’t have the chance. Things were confusing enough without the memory of having slept with my great-great-great whatever father-in-law. I closed the book, locked it and set it beside the chair. Oh, there were so many other stories I wanted to tell, so many tales of the ‘ancestors’. I looked across the room again at the picture of Mike and the...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday0

My name is Josh. My father runs this town. Well, he controls everything that happens here, but he aint exactly an elected official, if you get what I mean. Nothing happens here that he doesn’t have a say in, so I have grown up almost as royalty here. It may be a small town, but it is MY town. One of the clubs my father owns holds a regular poker night and it is pretty popular. The stakes are big, and since I’ve been playing all my life, I normally do pretty well. As well as I do, however,...

2 years ago
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The Midweek MatchA game of two halves

It was a miserable Wednesday night.Pissing down outside and me and Tommy were sitting in our local watching the football on T.V. It was his team that playing in the early stages of a European tie against some useless no hopers from Latvia or somewhere like that. They were beating them two nil but it had been a crap game.the top striker had been replaced at half time after scoring the two goals in the early part of the game,but since then it had been long and boring. Tommy was enjoying himself...

2 years ago
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Last Minute Shopping

Last Minute Shopping by Miss Anonna The very last of my holiday shopping was nearly done but through all the hustle and bustle I had forgotten the most important person on my list, me. I figured I would run through a couple of stores and see what I could find for myself and at a semi ritzy department store I began rummaging through the juniors’ rack. Everything was so geared towards the teens that I had become extremely frustrated. I finally gave in to a little mini skirt and a knitted cami...

2 years ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 9

"She didn't want to have anything to do with that cock. He just shoved her down there, stuck it in her mouth... and fucked." Tara happened to park her car right next to Danielle's, and the two women hurried to get in line. "Wow, Tara, you outdid everyone in the slut department tonight!" Danielle exclaimed, and she was right. Tara was wearing nothing but her too-tight porn-star platform heels, a punishment-bra and a white T-shirt that almost covered her bare ass and pussy. "I wanted...

1 year ago
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The Time Machine Paradox

The Time Machine Paradox Copyright by: Donna-Allyson McCleod Mindy may archive or use this story in whatever way she sees fit within the Fictionmania environment. If anyone else wishes to archive my works, please E-mail me at [email protected] with your request and the address of the site where the story will be located. I will check out the site to see if it meets my standards as posted on my website. If you intend to post any of my stories on a dedicated X rated Hard-core...

2 years ago
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Winter Love

Winter on the Oregon coast is the most spectacular time for romance. The storms roll in over the dark blue waters and the surf pounds the sand, creating phosphorescence in the crashing waves. Viewing from a warm hotel room with a fire glowing in a fireplace with a special someone makes one become romantic and introspective.The two women hardly knew each other. Julia and Leslie’s husbands had socialized at the local gun club, becoming hunting buddies each fall for the past five years, leaving...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Girlfriend In Delhi

Hi everyone this is Rahul. And I m writing today about an incident that happened with me a few days back. About me I m 5’10” tall, fair, with a dick of 7 inches. I am writing for the first time on Indian sex stories. I had been reading stories on ISS from around 2 years. And I love the stories that people share. So I thought I should also share one of my experience with everyone. Me and my then gf rupali were coming back to delhi from a small trip. She was angry with me I don’t know why. So I...

4 years ago
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Longing for Australia

~Dedicated to the hard-working, passionate man that is my inspiration. You are always with me, deep in my heart. ~ * After yet another long tiring day at work, I finally arrive home. The cottage is in darkness but I can hear the delighted cries of my pets as the key turns in the lock, and I am greeted by a flurry of little furry faces demanding their evening meal. Despite my exhaustion, I can’t help smiling as I scoop up a wriggly pup and accept her kisses as I dish up for us all. When the...

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Become Slave In Public Train 8211 My First Public Femdom

Hello frnds mai sidharth ek baar fir se aap sabke paas apni naye real story ke sath hazir hu..Hope aap sab ne mere previous story my first femdom with unknown girl padhe hoge…Aur kai sare reply aur mail ke liye dil se shukriya…Jaisa ki maine bataya tha mere age 26 years h aur height 5-9 hai. Lund ka size 9 inch lamba 3 inch mota h…Ab bina time waste kiye sidhe story pe aata hu… Ye ghatna last 3 month pahle ki h..Mai delhi me rahta hu mere kuch relative bangalore me rahte h ..Achanak kisi...

4 years ago
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End of the WorldChapter 5 Revelations

Esmeralda a had just said to me, "Just go ahead and say it. You've been fantasying about having a three-way with Teresa and Cheryl, right?" Before I could answer, Teresa said to Kayla, "It's not fair for you to ask Bruce to share his private fantasies with us unless were all willing to do the same thing." "I'll do it if you will!" Esmeralda retorted. Alex looked at her and said, "Why don't you start things off then?" "Fine, I've always wondered what it would be like to fuck...

3 years ago
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Worth continuing let me know and ill write

My neighbour Karen is 59 years i think, a real nice lady, good looking, always tanned and make up that makes her look slutty but in a nice way, always has her long chestnut waist length hair nicely trimmed and i thought it was probably dyed, but found out last week that her hair is still naturally chestnut, i'll come to how i found that out in a little while, this was a day i shall never forget, and i am having to stop every once in a while whilst writing this pop my nose over the hedge to see...

2 years ago
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Natalie By: Katie Anne, aka Malissa Madison Nathan West was nearly seventeen, he'd been a loner most of his life. never fitting in with the rough and tumble jocks. Never had a real girlfriend, despite his many fantasies. Fantasies which had been fueled three years earlier by his unwitting older sister Tina. Tina was herself almost nineteen, five foot four inches. She weighed in at a whopping one hundred two pounds if that. but her rocking hot body made up for it. Nathan had seen...

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If Thats Your Excuse

‘Have you been to Birnbaum’s class yet?’ my friend Maggie asked me as she ran up in the library. I glanced up from the book I was reading for class with a confused look. Maggie was never what you would call an academic, so her having any interest in a class was a one in a million shot. ‘Uh.. no. Why? Should I be worried or something?’ She shook her head as if in amazement and said ‘, Lexi, that is the hottest teacher on this side of the planet!’ Maggie has always had a tendency to over...

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South of Bikini 5 Devils Cauldron

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 6 "Devil's Cauldron" 1830hrs, Reilly Research Station, July 8th, 2020BC "So you can't recall what you were thinking before that bottle hit you- and you don't remember transporting up to 720BC Mahram?" Emily was still interrogating our sister when I walked into the infirmary. She was intently examining the back of Allie's head. I had failed to notice the dried blood scabbed back there after I had pulled her free of Bilkis. Emily was...

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Tropical Escort Pt 1 Monday

So, this is a series of stories that are 100% true. I went through a separation from my ex a few years ago. This is when I really gave into my desires to dress and be with men. And as a gift to myself, I decided to go on vacation! To San Juan Puerto Rico at that. Needless to say, my shopping trips leading up to the vacation were rather fun and expensive, but who cares! This is a once in a lifetime chance, and I wasn’t going to let it pass me by. Besides the obvious thrill of being able to dress...

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Making Mandy Cum

Sumter slid his finger through his sister's hot wet crease as she stood there with her legs slightly open beside the bed. He loved how she closed her eyes and sighed heavily as his finger glided slowly through her hot partition. Mandy's core slathered his finger slowly as Sumter moved it through her tender smooth slice of pink heaven. Mandy tilted her head back as she felt her brother's finger inside her sexual fold. She felt the flow of her stimulated state coat his finger and make a slurping...

3 years ago
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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 22 CounterArguments

Less than an hour later Ambassador Sharon Klein was standing in the Throne Room, trembling as the Emir glowered at her. The meeting had started badly when she was kept waiting for forty minutes after an urgent summons had brought her post-haste to the Palace. Then the Emir entered and stood on the dais before his throne, while those few of his subjects in the room made obeisance. Sharon had no idea why she had been summoned but the delay, for which no explanation was offered, did not bode...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 214 Lilys Sexual Servitude Celebration

Friday, May 13, 2005 (Continued) I called Lily. "Hi Lily, it's Mark here. It's half an hour later than I thought we'd start, so do you still want to have your sex celebration?" "YES! I outside Julia's now. Very hope you come soon." "Haha. Okay, I'll come now. See you in a few minutes." I hung up, started the car, and sped toward Julia's. I was feeling horny from all the pretty girls at the pipeline date, the cock sucking talk with Kaiya, anticipation of the flying bed fun in a...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Chloe Cherry Sneaking In To Fuck My Step Bro

Chloe Cherry has borrowed her stepbrother, Tony’s, laptop and has found a sex tape that Tony and his girlfriend made. Suddenly, she no longer thinks her stepbrother is quite as much of a prude! She shows it to Tony to call him on it, which freaks Tony out. That video gets Chloe way too hot to resist Tony any longer. After thinking about her brother’s cock for a while, Chloe decides to take action. She sneaks into Tony’s bedroom when he’s sleeping and starts sucking him...

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An Arab in the USA

Some ways out from Omaha, Nebraska, near Columbus, an Islamic family. Hamid Abdi took his family to this sparsely populated location because it was the only place he could work as an insurance salesman outside of Omaha. His wife, Abra, was a stay at home mother raising their two daughters, Barirah (18) and Asha (16). Barirah had been happy living in Dearborn, Michigan. Her family had moved from Saudi Arabia before her birth. She was saddened by the news that they would move to Omaha and felt...

2 years ago
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1st Time Sisterinlaw

We were all playing pool games...Marco Polo...Volleyball...etc. "T" was doing the best she could to get as close to me as possible when my brother wasn't looking. At one point when his eyes were closed she swam up between my legs and rubbed her hand across my balls. She came up out of the water and smiled at me then swam away. After hours of this type of torture, I had had enough, I was getting frustrated so I left the pool and went back to our apartment. I immediately dropped my shorts and...

3 years ago
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Meeting Mr Clean

The temptation was in the air. My meetings were over and I had the freedom to sample the Big Apple. But how far would I allow myself to go? Would I even have the nerve to go all out on the make in this fast-moving concrete jungle? Would one night on the loose be worth the risk?When I accepted this assignment to travel to New York to interview a celebrity for my magazine, I had not planned on such a thing. I was merely doing some sightseeing, perhaps visit some places I’d missed when I traveled...

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Forced Circumcision Of A Male Stripper

??    Forced Circumcision Of A Male Stripper?By: Wayne T.????A backpacker travelling the world runs out of money and is forced to look for work to support himself. Not having a visa, he branches out into the sex industry before attending a private party, where he is used for the evenings entertainment. He then receives by force from some of the guests, the fullest male circumcision possible, there and then, of the most tightest and extreme kind. This is in full view and humiliation, in...

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Im Now a Blackcock Gangbang Fuckpig

I thought I would tell you of what I have got myself in to as I still cannot believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby’ Have been marred for many years with not that much exciting happening along the way as it were! I thought our sex life was ok but that it & me thinking his Cock was an ok size of around 5 inch’s & sex lasting around 5mins being the norm’ The only excitement I get is knowing the lads at work like to get a look at my arse when I am...

3 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 12 Cant Help Falling In Love With You

I awoke to the sound of Cathy bringing in a breakfast tray for the three of us. Lori was still next to me, her arm across my side. The two of us sat up in bed, stretching and rubbing the sleep from our eyes. "Good morning, you two lovers," Cathy said gaily. "Did you sleep well?" "Mmm, yes, like a log," I replied. I swung my legs out of the bed, trying not to dislodge Lori. "But I need to have a pee first." "So do I," Lori said, jumping out of the bed. "Race you to the...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter Three

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is the third chapter of Eternal Awakening. Don't forget to rate and comment and be aware that this chapter is part of a double post so once you are done with this one you will also find chapter four posted as well. Chapter Three: Chaos Week Richard's first week as a personal attendant to Lythia had crawled by at an excruciating pace. He...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Gina Valentina Cunt Hunt

Raven haired cutie Gina Valentina has been misbehaving. She has a whole list of infractions going against her, including “dick biting” and Ramon Nomar is going to teach her a lesson about manners. Tied up and gagged with a leather collar and tight nipple clamps on her perky little tits Ramon disciplines Gina with the crop and flogger. He takes her gag out and Gina sucks his cock all sloppy and slurpy until she can’t help herself and bites his dick. She just can’t learn...

4 years ago
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Mom Banged

This story is of one of my foreign fried on net he sent me his story to me and I am sharing it with u enjoy and give credits to him and his momJeffrey had been away at college for almost a year, and was coming home for Thanksgiving. His mother, Sara was excitedly looking forward to it. His father had passed away right before Jeffrey left for college, and Sara was very lonely. She was 41 years old, and very shapely. She had large breasts, and dark blonde hair. Jeffrey couldn’t understand why she...

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My first 3some

Steve & Jean lived in Wales and wanted a third to join their activities and they wanted that someone to be me. We met on a late Friday afternoon, I was supposed to be away on business, the initial contact was very shaky but Jean soon put me at ease, after a couple of drinks we decided to head for a hotel room close by where they were staying. Now the nerves really kicked in, I was excited and scared, wondering what I was install for me or would I be safe. Steve soon put my fears to rest, there...

2 years ago
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Hi hello sabhi ko meri taraf say mera naam rajan hai mai Punjabi may rehta hoon. meri age 23 hai about me mera rang saaf hai and meri height 5 feet 7 inches hai mere penis ke size ke bare may to mai yehi keh sakta hoon ki kisi ladki ko satisfy kar sakta hai apko padne ke badn meri story kaisi lagi mujhe iske liye mujhe e mails kare meri e mail id hai Ye meri story mere aur meri class fellow Nidhi ki hai ye baat tab ki hai jab hum 10 plus 2 may padte the meri class may ek ladki padti thi Nidhi,...

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Summer Camp Once a Scout Always a Scout

Summer Camp: Once a Scout, Always a Scout Prologue The line separating fact from fantasy often blurs as one ages, this is not true for me. The line is very clear. With one exception, all of the characters and most of the incidents are as described. The reader will have to determine which is the exception. There is one indisputable fact that runs throughout, however: almost all older women (any woman over thirty in my view) are horny by nature. Place them with a bunch of horny young men and...

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Italian lessons 2

Italian Lessons 2Erotic. Taboo. FMf. Instruction .The fortnight passed slowly and my nights were filled with fantastical dreams of the beautiful Margeurite and her pretty young charge Christy, who had stood quietly, head down tonguing Margeurites pussy, as I fucked her in the middle of an empty restaurant. The feel of her tightness though eluded me and I woke many times to find my hand rubbing my own cock gently. I tried to resist this in the second week as I hoped I would be invited to further...

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The Dirty DoctorsChapter 5

Linda walked into the house and saw her mother sitting in the den watching TV. Her mother said, "Wow I didn't expect you back this early, I am glad you are here. Dispatch called your Father in, one of the trains has a problem." Linda said, "Yea, it was a short night; I have so much on my mind right now with the wedding and all." Her mother said, "Want to talk about it dear?" Linda said, "Hmmm, let me put my stuff up first, I will be right back." She went to her bedroom and put...

2 years ago
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Her Mom and I help her LOSE her Virginity

I had a nice house but had a small fire one day that required me to get a rental home in a really shitty trailer park here in North Georgia. The place was ok but crowed with young single parent mom's and their equally slutty trailer trash daughters that would hang around all day with no job or anything else for that matter except a welfare check every month, which they used on beer and cigarettes, and their government paid trailer homes.One good thing about it was that since I worked from home...

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Mommy Dearest

I was born in London but I grew up in Toronto. I was also married and widowed there. After my husband died I returned to London to live with my mother. I had not seen her in ten years, but she was there for me when I needed her. My mother was a lush and a slut but she had a heart of gold.I had a boyfriend I met at work, but we were not a heavy item. Occasionally we would have a drink and head back to my place for a screw. Sometimes I would hook up with a boy or girl. Most evenings I would watch...

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Punished by Employees

Lucky day, I thought. It’s not everyday you find a coin in the sidewalk. Money isn’t easy to get, I chastised myself. Being an owner of a small café is no easy task. I’ve been alone almost my entire life. My parents were divorced and none of them either cared for me anyways. To them, I was just a boy to feed, keep a roof over my head, and a heavy burden. Luckily, I’ve moved past all of those negativity that held me down. I continued my walk and finally arrived at my little Café....

1 year ago
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Kassy 2

Je me réveille avec le téléphone qui sonne... - Allo, répondis-je.- Oui c'est Michel, ton collègue je suis en bas de chez toi tu m'ouvres? Mais comment Michel a bien pu savoir ou j'habitais, je n'hésitais pas et lui ouvrit.Il arriva à ma porte, je m'étais habillé simple avec une culotte et un t-shirt qui moulait mes tétons durcis du matin. - Bonjour Michel ca va? lui demandais-je, en ouvrant la porte, comment as-tu eue mon adresse et mon numéro? continuais-je. - Avec les bonnes relations au...

1 year ago
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Booty Expo! If you are ready for an ad hoc booty call, then you will be interested in what Booty Expo has to offer. There are loads of black and brown beauties with fucking ample asses that will make you drool and leave your cock rock hard and thumping. Call them sweet pear-shaped asses, bubble butts, big black butts, apple butts or whatever the fuck you call them; you are guaranteed to find the kind of delicious nastiness only ebony girls can offer. Because ultimately, what is tastier than...

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