En Rigtig Varm Sommer free porn video

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"Er du oppe" spurgte hun lidt forbavset.

"Jah, jeg kunne ikke sove mere. Jeg vågnede af at jeg havde det alt for varmt." Svarede jeg.

"Skal du så ikke med ned og tage en morgemdukket?“ spurgte hun. Hun var iklædt sin bikini. Jeg funderede lidt over om jeg mon skulle sige ja, og besluttede mig for at det ikke kunne skade.

"Hvorfor ikke, så går jeg lige ud og skifter" sagde jeg.

"Jeg venter her" svarede hun. Jeg skyndte mig at skifte over til badeshorts. Jeg tog mit badehåndklæde med mig og gik tilbage ud i gangen. Vi gik uden for døren og tog nogle forskellige sko på. Vi gik ned mod vandet. Luften lød tør, og græsset knasede. Det var en af de slemmeste og længste hedebølger jeg længe havde oplevet. Vi kom ned til vejen og krydsede hen over fårenes fold. Til sidst havnede vi nede ved sandet. Vi tog begge vores håndklæder af os og gik hen mod vandet. Birthe gik et par skridt foran. Jeg så på hende. Hun så godt ud i en bikini. Jeg havde tænkt der før og tænkte det igen. Birthe så rigtigt godt ud af sin alder. Vi endte henne ved vandkanten og gik langsomt ud i vandet. Vores ben blev omsvøbt vandet. Det nåede højere og højere op ad vores kroppe. Birthe havde sat håret op i en hestehale så det ikke ville rører vandet ligeså meget. Vi svømmede begge et stykke tid. Vi snakkede lidt sammen, men det var ikke ligefrem det mest dybtegående samtale. Vi gik op og satte os lidt.

"Jeg har aldrig oplevet sådan noget vejr i Danmark før" sagde Birthe.

"Nej, det er godt nok varmt." Svarede jeg.

"Det ser jo også ud til at fortsætte sådan her" sagde hun.

"Det er jo umuligt at fortage sig noget i denne varme. Det lyder jeg måske meget dansk for at sige" sagde jeg og grinte lidt af mig selv.

"Ja, jeg har det næsten varmt i bare det her." Sagde Birthe og kiggede på sig selv. Jeg så hurtigt på hende, og så væk igen.

"Ja det er ligefør det er så varmt at man bare skulle nøgenbade" sagde jeg for sjov og grinte lidt. Birthe smilede.

"Jamen det må du da gerne, jeg skal nok lade være med at kigge." Sagde hun og grinte lidt.

"Argh" Sagde jeg og hentydet til at jeg bare ville springe over denne gang.

"Jeg stopper dig ikke." Forsatte hun.

"Måske en anden dag" sagde jeg.

"Du skal ikke være flov. Vil du så gøre det hvis jeg går med?" Spurgte hun.

"Altså hvis du også nøgenbader?" Spurgte jeg.

"Hvorfor ikke?" Sagde hun og smilede.

"Jeg har aldrig prøvet det før, det kunne da være sjovt" sagde hun.

"Men ikke mærkeligt?" Spurgte jeg.

"Bare lige denne sommer. Der er jo ingen der behøver at vide noget." Sagde hun overbevisende.

Hun bandt knuden på sin top og og løsnede den. Hun trak den af og smed den ved siden af mig.

"Kom nu!" Sagde hun og smilede igen. Jeg rejste mig og trak langsomt mine badebukser med og steg ud af dem. Hun trak hendes bikini bund ned og var nu helt nøgen ligesom mig. Vi gik hen mod vandet og blev hurtigt omsvøbt det. Selvom vandet var forholdsvis koldt formåede min pik at vokse sig stor. Vi svømmede lidt og jeg prøvede at glemme tanken om Birthe nøgen. Jeg kunne ikke glemme det. Hun gik lidt ind mod land. Jeg kunne se hendes bryster over vandets horisont. De hang der frit ude i det åbne landskab. Omgivelserne gjorde dem smukke. Hun stod der helt uskyldig.

"Skal vi ikke til at gå op?" Spurgte hun og steg nu op af vandets horisont. Jeg vidste ikke hvad jeg skulle svarer. Min pik var stiv og det blev kun værre af at jeg kunne se hende nøgen igen.

"Øhm" formåede jeg kun at sige.

"Hvad er der?" Spurgte hun en smule bekymret.

"Jeg tror måske det er bedst hvis du gå op først" saverede jeg.

"Er der noget galt Morten?" Spurgte hun seriøst.

"Nej, men altså..." Tøvede jeg. Jeg steg op ad vandet. Hun kunne nu se mit problem.

"Kan det ikke bare forblive om denne sommer?" Spurgte jeg.

"Vær nu ikke flov. Kom da bare med op" sagde hun og smilede. Vi nåede op til vores tøj. Vi var lige bag træerne på strandsiden og kunne ikke se huset.

"Lad os lige tørre og nyde udsigten" sagde hun. Jeg satte mig og hun satte sig efterfølgende lige ved siden af mig.

"Så har vi begge prøvet det" sagde hun tilfreds.

"Ja det har vi da" Sagde jeg og prøve at virke lidt mere tilpads med situationen.

"Vi kunne måske gøre det samme igen i morgen?" Spurgte hun.

"Ja, det kan vi vel godt. Samme tid? Spurgte jeg.

"Det synes jeg" svarede hun. Vi tog badetøjet på igen og gik tilbage til huset. Jeg havde pakket håndklædet rundt om livet. Det dækkede for den boner som stadig ikke var gået væk. Jeg kunne dog godt se at Birthes nipples var stive. Jeg kunne se bulerne gennem stoffet. Men måske frøs hun bare.

"Vil du i bad først?" Spurgte jeg.

"Det gør du bare, jeg tror jeg venter lidt med at gå i bad" sagde hun. Dagen gik som den gjorde. Efter at havde været i bad gik jeg op til Mette, og lagde mig lidt igen. Vi badet lidt i løbet af dagen, og spillede badminton senere hen på aftenen. Mette og jeg gik i seng og jeg vågnede dagen efter ved min alarm. Mette vendte sig og sov videre.

"Jeg går lige på toilettet" sagde jeg og tog mit tøj på. I dag var en anelse koldere end dagen før, men det var stadig alt for varmt. Jeg gik nedenunder hvor jeg mødte Birthe. Hun havde et håndklæde om sig.

"Jeg går lige ud og skifter. Er du klar?" Spurgte jeg.

"Ja" sagde hun og tog sko på. Jeg skiftede hurtigt og tog mit badehåndklæde omkring mig. Jeg gik ud og tog sko på. Vi gik sammen ned mod vandet igen i dag. Vi kom ned til det sted hvor vi i går sad. Jeg smed håndklædet og derefter badebukserne. Hun smed derefter også håndklædet. Hun havde dog intet på. Så det eneste hun havde med hernede var hendes badehåndklæde. Det kom lidt bag på mig. Vi gik ned i vandet og svømmede lidt rundt. Efter at havde kæmpet meget med at få min boner væk i går, kom den nu tilbage igen. Efter at blive kølet godt ned gik vi op igen. Vi gik hen til græskanten of satte os. Vi sad der lidt og blev lufttørret.

"Jeg skulle havde tisset da jeg var i vandet" sagde Birthe pludseligt.

"Du kan da bare gøre det her" sagde jeg.

"Ej, ikke lige foran dig" sagde hun genert.

"Du er nøgen, der er ikke så meget du gemmer på alligevel" sagde jeg og grinede. Hun grinede.

"Du har vel nok ret. Jeg kan da bare gøre det her." Sagde hun. Hun sad med benene oppe i en trekant. Hun spredte hendes ben lidt. Jeg kunne se en stråle af tis flyve ud fra hendes underliv. Min allerede stive pik blev lige helt fast. Den stod direkte ud i luften og var helt solid. Hun så ned på min pik. Jeg prøvede at gemme den lidt væk.

"Morten, det er okay" sagde hun

"Det er det ikke... Kan du ikke bare se borte fra den" spurgte jeg.

"Nej, det kan jeg ikke" sagde hun. Jeg undrede mig over hvad hun mente.

"Og det har jeg ikke lyst til" tilføjede hun og smilede.

"Jeg synes da det er smirende at du finder mig atraktiv på den måde" sagde hun og smilede. Hun og lod sin hånd glide ind over mit lår. Hun begyndte at gnubbe min pik.

"Det er så smukt at vi sidder her nøgene ude i naturen. Jeg føler mig helt i et med den." Sagde hun og øgede tempoet. Jeg greb min arm omkring hende og lod mig nyde massagen. Hun skubbede til mig så jeg lå ned på grasset. Hun satte det ene ben hen over mig. Hun tog fat om min pik og førte den nu ind i hendes fisse. Vi lå der bag nogle træer og ud mod vandet. Min pik bankede sig ind og ud af hende. Hun hev hårdt i grasset. Hun stønnede. Det var ikke højt, men nok til at gøre mig ekstra liderlig. Hun gjorde tegn til at jeg skulle stoppe.

"Hvad er der?" Spurgte jeg.

"Hvis vi I forvejen ikke siger noget om den her sommer, og eftersom at det vist er en sommer hvor jeg oplever noget nyt..." Sagde hun og stoppede.

"Så hvad?“ spurgte jeg. Hun sagde ikke noget. Hun hev min pik ud af hende og rettede den lidt længere ned.

"Er du sikker? Spurgte jeg.

"Ja." Svarede hun bestemt.

"Jeg har altid gerne ville prøve det" tilføjede hun.

Jeg pressede langsomt min pik ind i hendes røvhul. Hun greb fat i mig og stønnede: ja! Ja! Ja Morten kom ind i mig! Da jeg nåede helt ind fløj hendes hoved ned til mine læber. Hun kyssede mig så intensivt. Der var som om jeg intet skulle gøre, og det ville stadig føles godt. Jeg begyndte at starte en rytme. Min pik gled frem og tilbage i det stramme røvhul. Jeg forsatte lidt sådan. Jeg hev min pik ud. Hun blev meget forbavset over at jeg gjorde det.

"Sæt dig på alle fire" sagde jeg.

"Så gør vi Det her rigtigt" tilføjede jeg. Jeg fandt hendes røvhul og lod min stive pik mase sig ind i hendes stramme røvhul. Hun lå med hovedet i jorden for at dæmpe på hendes stønnen. Jeg hamrede min pik ind og ud af hende. Jeg skubbede hårdt til hele hendes krop med hver stød. Hendes bryster hang og så yndige ud. Hun lå bare der og tog alt hvad min pik kunne give, og hun nød det. Jeg skulle lige til at sætte farten lidt ned.

"Nej! Bliv ved!" Udråbte hun. Så jeg forsatte endnu hårde end før. Jeg knepper luften ud af hende. Jeg bliver ved indtil jeg selv ikke kan holde mig tilbage. Jeg kommer tykt og meget inde i hendes røvhul. Jeg trækker langsomt min pik ud. Hun rejste sig op. Hun drejede sig om til mig og kyssede mig inderligt. Hun tog fat om min pik. Hun gjorde ikke noget med den men hun holdte bare ved den.

"Vi burde nok gå tilbage nu" sagde hun og samlede dit håndklæde op. Hun bandt det om sig. Jeg tog mine bade Buskerud på igen. Vi nåede op til huset og gik indenfor.

"I dag tror jeg gerne lige jeg vil skylde mig." Sagde hun og smilede til mig.

"Okay, så venter jeg bare her" svarede jeg.

"Hvorfor?“ spurgte hun.

"Jeg vil også gerne skylde mig" sagde jeg.

"Ja, så kom da med?“ sagde hun undrene.

"Men..." Sagde jeg bare og gav op. Jeg gik med hende ud på toilettet. Hun tog håndklædet af og tændte for vandet. Jeg var lige bage hende og skulle først lige havde smidt mine badebukser. Vi stod tæt sammen og skyldede os af. Min pik var blevet godt stiv igen. Hun slukkede for vandet. Jeg var klar til at gå ud fra bruseren, men hun gik ingen steder. Hun sat sig ned på knæ.

"Jeg vil have den alle steder jeg kan få den" sagde hun og kastede hendes hoved ind over min pik. Hun havde inden længe hele min pik nede af sin mund og hals. Hun begyndte at rykke hovedet frem og tilbage. Jeg greb fat i hendes hestehale og hjalp hende. Min pik var ved at eksplodere, jeg var så klar til at komme.

"Jeg kommer snart" sagde jeg ivrigt. Hun gjorde det lige lidt mere intensivt lige indtil hun stoppede. Hun trak hovedet væk.

"Jeg tror lige vi gemmer det der til et andet hul" sagde hun. Hun gik ud og begyndte at tørre sig. Jeg gjorde det samme. Hun tog en bh på og smed derefter kun en halvkort sommerkjole ned over sig selv.

"Tag den her på" befalede hun mig og rækte mig hendes trusser.

"Hvad med dig?" Spurgte jeg og tog imod dem.

"Jeg har ikke brug for dem" Sagde hun og smilede til mig.

"Helt i orden, men hvorfor skal jeg så tage dem på?" Spurgte jeg.

"Jeg kan godt lide ideen om at du går rundt med mine trusser på." Sagde hun og greb fat i min pik.

Hun låste døren op og gik ud og videre ind i soveværelset. Jeg tog trusserne på og derefter mit eget tøj. Hun kom ud fra soveværelset igen. Hun gik videre ud i køkkenet for at lave noget morgenmad.

Klokken var blevet syv. Vi var færdige med at spise aftensmad, og vi var ved at vaske op. Mette kørte ind efter Anne på Coco. Rasmus var selvfølgelig allerede gået op for at spille igen. Da Mette var kørt ud af indkørslen gik Birthe op til mig. Jeg stod ved vasken og var ved at vaske en tallerken op. Hun krammede mig bagfra. Hun hoppede op på bordet ved siden af vasken. Hun løftede langsom op i hendes kjole og viste hendes fisse. Hun slikkede for vandet.

"Kom" sagde hun og hoppede ned igen. Hun gik ind på soveværelset og jeg fulgte med. Hun hoppede op på sengen og hev kjolen op. Hendes røv var nu helt bar og klar til mig. Jeg kom op bagpå hende og pakkede min stive pik ud. Jeg lagde min pik hen til hendes fisse.

"Nej" sagde hun og trak den op til hendes røv.


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I woke up very early Monday morning to make sure that I got up before Ella. I had a few things to do before she woke up, so I got up at 5:00 and got dressed. I lingered for a few minutes before leaving, to stare at the angel in my bed. I thought, “I still can’t believe that Ella is my girlfriend… and slut.” That last part brought a smile to my face as I left to go and set up the surprises. I came back home at 6:45 and saw that Ella was still asleep. This made sense since I usually got up for...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 71

We got Myra cleaned up and she started to leave. Laurie asked where Annette was and she told her the kids were down in the car. That meant getting a sweater on Laurie and going down to the car so she could say hello to her friend. Billy seemed happy to see me and Bozo. Yes, Bozo had to go down, too. And Posie. When we got back upstairs, Daddy and Mom were still talking at the kitchen table. I got the pot of coffee and topped everyone off. Again, I got the 'can't believe this coffee'...

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Lost FoundChapter 17

The coaches worked us harder the final week of practice. They wanted us to put on a good show for the faithful fans and alumni on Saturday afternoon. We averaged 65,000-75,000 fans at the game the past few years. We had team or position meetings every evening after dinner. I barely had time to finish my homework. My time with Kelly was limited to eating breakfasts and lunches together. Friday night after dinner the team met to review the plans for the game and to select team captains. No one...

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The Story of Brooke

The Story of Brooke It was not until I was coming up to sixteen years of age that things really started to change in my life that has brought me to the wonderful life that I now lead. I will try and explain all for my unusual lifestyle, in the hope that people will understand me and perhaps accept that I really do love the life I lead and would not have it any other way. I accept that not many people may be like me, but I would like to think that those who share my lifestyle should...

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At The Window

She was young.  She was new.  She had never been a part of an adult online community before now.  No one knew about it.  Not her friends.  No one.  This was her private secret.  One of several secrets she was keeping deep in her heart.  She had started by reading some of the stories.  Some had been awful but others were quite, well, stimulating to use an archaic term.  Eventually, she became a regular in the chatrooms.  Her experiences had been decidedly mixed.  There were interesting women but...

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The Tailors Shop

A friend of mine was getting married and I didn’t have a suit so I discussed the options with Lisa over breakfast, “My friend Danni works in a tailor shop Dad” she said, “I am sure she will get you a good deal, let me call her” she continued, well I had no other ideas and I needed one so I let her make the call.We finished breakfast and I ran up for a shower and on my return Lisa told me that I was in luck, Danni was happy for me to call and would sort me out with a nice suit, she told me to go...

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REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...

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Growing UpChapter 5

We walked back to where our stateroom was. I was feeling very good, because I'd finally summoned up the nerve to tell Tina how I felt about her. I'd certainly meant it when I'd asked her to marry me, but that hadn't been part of what I'd planned to say to her. It somehow just escaped my lips before I'd had an opportunity to restrain my sudden impulse to ask her to marry me. Impulse or not though, I was pleased with her acceptance of both my declaration of love, and the proposal. By the...

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An Excerpt from my Biker Book

Rick couldn't remember how long he’d been carrying Lieutenant Jack Dennis' body, but it seemed to him the ordeal had been going on forever. When the attack had occurred earlier the entire team had been dead tired from three days hard march in the bush; the L.T. ordered them on after a five-minute break. Rick had taken only one step toward the point man when he’d felt Jack shoving him to the ground. Rick heard several shots and felt the impacts as the bullets struck Lt. Dennis' body!...

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Zoe Part Three

Part ThreeZoe lay back exhausted as all the men slowly left the room. Her head was buzzing and her body was still occasionally vibrating in her post orgasmic state. She wasn’t quite sure how long she remained there, legs spread wide, spunk slowly dribbling out of her sore pussy, but suddenly she heard Stacey’s husky voice.“Come on now, let’s get you cleaned up.” She took Zoe’s hand and helped her back to the changing rooms. She led her through a connecting door into a private shower room where...

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Incest Fantasy

 I was running late again. I was supposed to pick up my daughter Missy and her best friend Jan from the East Hampton train station twenty minutes ago. The weather was terrible, it had been raining all day. I haven’t seen my daughter for about two months. My job forces me to travel a lot and I was really looking forward to the following week and spending some time with her. My wife and I divorced about four years ago and we share custody of Missy. Missy is sixteen and her best friend Jan is...

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The Scrapbook

First warning, there is no explicit sex in this story. Second warning, this is the third part to the 'Wetap' series. Each sequence has a stand alone story but intertwines characters, actions, and events from the previous stories. The reader will gain a much deeper understanding of the characters and story line if they read and have first hand knowledge of 'Binding Ashes' and 'Wasting Time.' This story is totally fictitious; any resemblance the characters might have to any person living or...

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Cheating Wife 8211 Gets Rubbed By Penis In A Crowded Market

This is the story I was in Hyderabad, the days of call center just started, newly married, and me and my wife went to vegetable market in near Miyapur Hyderabad. This market happens to be on very Tuesday and the local farmers from far and wide sell their produce. And as usual this place was crowded, with lot of IT employees and construction workers, jostling for space and bargaining. As the vegetable were sold on the open ground with just a cloth below it, there was a lot of dust and stamping...

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Sex With My Cousin Renuka In Kerala 8211 Part 2

My widowed cousin sister, Renuka, had agreed to my conditions to have sex with her. Now, I continued driving to Munnar. In between, I asked her, “Shouldn’t we buy some night-dress cause I haven’t taken any extra.” R: Are we gonna stay in dress for these 2 days? (with a seductive look and tone) Me: No, but still. R: Yeah I know. There’s a town coming up. We can buy things from there. Purchasing time: Once we reached the store I headed towards the gents section and bought a t-shirt and shorts....

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First time with a man

I've known him for more than twenty years now and since he knows he is gay I've known it as well. And he always told me that if I ever wanted to try, I just had to give him a ring. But I always told him: he, I'm straight. So thanks but no thanks. But lately, I noticed I got aroused by watching Bi-sex videos and the idea of having something in my ass made my dick hard instantly. I tried the little vibrator my girl and I bought and I never came so hard. When my girl fucked me with the vibrator...

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Teacher in a Private School

"Mr Doe I'd like to offer you the job." The young headmistress tells you. "Brilliant thanks a lot." You answer standing up from the chair. You stand up to shake your new bosses hand and you can already admire her beauty. Her name is Miss Roberts and she is the headmistress of an all Girls Private School. It also has all women teachers. You are the new PE Teacher and the first ever male teacher. The headmistress is quiet young for her job at only twenty-six. She had raven hair that was done in...

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The Glory Hole 2015

Sylvia and Judy at the Glory HoleThe Glory HoleA much older Silkie tells this story to her daughter Mistye about her teenage adventures:"I''d had boys in my ass before, in fact, I often preferred it to vaginal sex because I was so small. I hadn't had anybody or anything like MIguel before. He wasn't trying to hurt me, that just that way it was. I was really tiny there. probably a lot like you. I don't have to tell you how it feels to get fucked really super hard He came in my insides like three...

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Julie goes to the Mall

It was 2 days after the session with Mary and Julie; and I was knocking at Julie's door again to be let in for what she thought would be our usual session of fucking, sucking and creampie cleaning and cumswap/eating fun. Only today I had a thought in mind to take things to a slightly different level. I'd rung her earlier and asked her to be waiting for me dressed in a short skirt and sheer blouse, so that her tits and nipples could be clearly seen as the moved when she walked. Shall we go...

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Sex With Pinni And Mom 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone, this Rahul . Thanks for the wonderful response for my first story sex with my pinni and mom . Now I am back with the continuation of my first story . Hope you guys will enjoy this one also . I am a medium built boy with a 6inch long dick . I am attracted a lot to elder women that is aunties . Early in the morning bell wrung I was drowsy and went to open the door I have forgotten wear my clothes then . When I opened the door it was my mom. My mom was shocked to see me so and even...

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Tenjho Tenge Rewritten

You sigh as you enter your new high school, its pristine walls high looming dauntingly above you with every passing step... After ages of training, you have finally managed to perfect your family's personalized style of martial art - an obscure mix of judo, hapkido, and wudang. With your newly-sharpened prowess, it was easy to secure a spot in Tadou Academy, and equally easy to find yourself the center of attention among the freshmen. A young man soon approaches you, a chibi-looking girl...

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They Called Me The Babysitter 2

TheyCalled Me ‘The Babysitter’ — 2 This story is based on some of the sexual events of my life when I was in graduate school back in 1971-73. I was attending a college in rural Mississippi, working on a master’s degree in physics. Charlotte, Megan’s little sister was fast becoming a distant memory. Still, despite the loss, it had buoyed up my self-image. It had been the most sexually fantastic six hours of my life! It was only a week or two later that Bruce, who was also a member of the...

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Mesmerising Experience With Online Friend

This is my fourth story to ISS. I will not call it a story since its an real life incident which I cherish till date. Names and locations have been changed to protect the privacy of the concerned else all the happenings are true to best of my memories. I am raj, 32 years of age, working as an electrical engg at south eastern part of india.I keep traveling to most of the major cities and love making friends, gossiping with them, meeting and knowing about different cultures and civilization.I...

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Latest Capture Roleplay

Latest Capture and **** RoleplayPre-story:The stage was set. Sara my wife said that she was up for role play last Saturday night. We finally got the k**s in to bed then I set up the webcam in the living room opened the blinds and then stepped out to walk the dog.The Role-play Begins……..I quietly entered the house ski mask on cuffs and blind fold on and in hand, ready to capture a milf. She was laying in the bed on her iPad the baby a sleep in the crib on the other side of the room. I came up...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 58 Out of the Dark

I had a sensation of being deep within a subterranean well. Maybe that's being too specific; it would be more accurate to say that the utter darkness and isolation I sensed was reminiscent of being confined within a well, or an underground cave. At intervals, I saw a source of light far in the distance, similar to a round hole of daylight viewed from the bottom of a narrow vertical aperture. Then, the light would disappear in the manner of an unknown object passing in front of a well...

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Early Days Chapter 10

I woke up early next morning. I kinda had to shake myself to believe what was happening. Just to recap: My parents were away for 3 months … My Aunt Julie was taking care of us … Us consists of me, Daisy, 16, Jenn, my sister, 17, Terry, my brother, 19.So the first night they were away Jenn and I caught Terry and his friends watching a video of me masturbating so we threatened them with exposure and now they all do anything we tell them. We also caught Terry fucking my Aunt Julie. That was even...

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Fantasy of the Mind

The room was quiet and cool…the hum of the air conditioner buzzed in the corner. A typical small inexpensive hotel room. The bed had the pillows in a ’T’ shape. Also some of the covers folded to create and complete the ’T’ shape with a slight gap in it, the other bed almost bare except for a sheet. Something shiny sit on the counter beside the bed along with a cup of what looked to be ice water. Multiple ropes was on the bed also.He instructed her to disrobe. Not strip, but to disrobe. Quietly,...

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Tester Tracey

Luckily she was born brainy and had secured a job in the labs of Slave-X two years ago. She was twenty three now and the slave age was eighteen to thirty and as she was a busty pretty blonde she knew she was prime slave material and if she didn't have this job that's probably what she would be by now. The female slavery Act had been made law five years earlier and was now big business with around fifty percent of the female population of slave age legally registered as slaves and the...

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They Both Know Now

that.' Charlotte wriggled her body gently, enjoying the feeling of Jon,s muscular chest on her back and the more pressing belly of Sol,s on her tummy. She felt snug and warm in between the...

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My Wife Her Brother And Myself 8211 Part 2

Dear readers, this is in continuation with the story I wrote before, My Wife, Her Brother And Myself. This is part II of the story As I mentioned previously, my wife’s relationship with her brother continued for long time even after his marriage, initially they lived in another flat which is close by but every day we used to meet for some or other reason. My wife missed him for initial days since she was not getting enough sex and she also started looking alternative with my friends whom we...

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The Bet Chapter 45

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 45 (Monday - week 7) He wore the same blue dress, the same shoes, the same everything. But in his dream, he was alone with Derek. The two of them were simply walking side by side together, and he felt totally comfortable, totally secure with him. They didn't hold hands. Instead, Derek's arm was across his shoulders, holding him close to his side as they walked. For some reason, they stopped and Derek turned toward him. Derek cupped his...

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Ice Cream

You have just come out of the shower and are lying on the bed in your towel feeling really relaxed. I have been in the kitchen – you have been wondering what I have been up to as I had a huge grin on my face as you were going into the shower -you were hoping I was going to join you but I just went into the kitchen. I come into the bedroom wearing only a pair of sweatpants and carrying your favorite ice cream – chocolate! ‘It’s not what you think sweety – I have a better use for this’ I say...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 25

First out of the limo was Amara, then followed by Mom, Laura, Elsa, Elsie, Emily, Lacey, and finally, Pip. A few of the restaurant’s other guests were looking out the window at the arrival of our party. As each girl emerged from within the limo, I sensed some measure of interest, curiosity, and even jealousy that grew as they came into view. The limo itself was nothing new to the restaurant’s usual clientele; I would bet that the car park was full of Maybachs and Rolls-Royces, and a number of...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 51

Time: January 2, year 204,894 2:15 PM London Local Time (T plus 17 hours, 15 minutes) Jim paused for a second, staring at the corporal beckoning him to the couch. He then felt a brief taste of lemon in his mouth, and he realized it was Gary reminding him that Gary would protect him if things really got out of hand. Jim smiled a bit as he thought of what Gary's definition of "out of hand" would be in a situation like this. He walked over to the couch. "There's a good puppy! Such a nice...

1 year ago
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Holiday house

Note : This story is completely fictional! My parents died a while ago in a car accident so there was just me and my who is a lesbian. We went to my parent holiday house 1 weekend with my girlfriend for my birthday. "Whats in the black bag" I asked my girlfriend julie "cant say" why not?" "its your birthday present" "can I have a clue" I asked "I dont see why not it concists of your favorite 2 colours black and red and you'll know when your getting it" I sat down after tea watching the footy on...

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A New Start in Life Chapter 14

A New Start in Life Part 14 This is a gentle tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl. Thank you for you very kind comments, you have all been very kind to me, I will continue with this story until it comes to a natural conclusion, this will continue to be a gentle sentimental journey. We got together all our stuff and packed it into our...

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A quick tease

I'd Most likely come in to your room, out of the shower with nothing but a towel loosely wrapped around my waist steam rolling off my skin trailing up my body. I spot you watching me from the bed your eyes glued to my body as you gently bite your lip, I notice your body slowly moving under the duvet your legs gently rubbing together creating friction between your legs. You notice me watching you and you smile an enticing naughty smile letting your head gently lean back as you let your fingers...

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The Masseuse 1

So, I got a call from a beautiful woman just south of me. I loaded up my massage table, oils and candles and headed south for my appointment. I arrived at the house. My beautiful client showed me the way to the area I was to set up my table and prepare for the massage. I told be beautiful woman to undress to her comfort level and lie down on the table. Luckily for me, she undressed totally. Nude, she got up on the table, face down, and told me not to worry about dr****g. I totally agreed,...

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