Ein heisser Sommer
- 3 years ago
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Anja ist gerade 18 geworden und hat einen Körper, um den sie jedes anständige Mädel beneiden würde. ihre endlos lange Beine sind schlank, aber nicht so dürre, wie bei den Models in Paris und ihre festen Brüste füllen ein C-Körbchen gut aus. Stolz kann sie auf ihren perfekten Oberkörper sein, sagt man und ihr Gesicht wird oft mit der Schönheit und dem Glanz eines Diamanten verglichen. Wallend fällt ihr hellblondes Haar über ihren Rücken.
Bei Sandra, ihrer besten Freunden sieht es etwas anders aus. Was ihr an klassischer Schönheit fehlen mag gleicht sie durch Größe und Niedlichkeit mehr als aus. Wenn auch ihre Beine nicht ganz so schlank sind wie die von Anja, und der Oberkörper nicht ganz so perfekt, so kann sie immer noch stolz auf ihre D-Oberweite sein. Ihr kindliches Gesicht wird von roten Locken eingerahmt und ihre Augen sind dunkelgrün und tief, wie klare Bergseen. So mancher wollte in diesen Augen schon ertrinken.
Die beiden Engel kennen sich nun schon seit fast zehn Jahren, seit Anja neun war und Sandra acht. Über die Jahre hinweg entwickelte sich eine Beziehung zwischen den beiden, die mittlerweile weit über Freundschaft hinausging und sich gerade in eine lesbische Liebe und sexuelles Verlangen verwandelte. Die einzige, die von dieser Beziehung wusste war Anjas kleinere Schwester Katharina. Sie ist 16 und ihrer großen Schwester in Sachen Schönheit mehr als ebenbürtig. Ihr junger Körper ist noch jungfräulich und unberührt. Natürlich gibt es Jungs, die mehr von Katharina wollen und sie ist sich dessen vollauf bewusst. Doch sie genießt das Wissen, dass ihre vorgetäuschte Schüchternheit sie noch begehrenswerter macht, als sie sowieso schon ist. Sie spielt dieses "Ich bin sooooo unschuldig"-Spiel ziemlich gerne, aber insgeheim hat sie sich schon entschieden, welcher Junge es verdient, ihre Jungfräulichkeit zu beenden. Schon bald wird es soweit sein,ihre Eltern werden nicht da sein. Alles ist vorbereitet und es wird das perfekte erste Mal sein. Mario wird der Glückliche sein, er weiß es nur noch nicht...
It took Tandra and me a half hour to unpack and get used to this palace that Carson Sommers regarded as a summer cabin. We'd been invited to join Carson and his daughter on one of the patios that surrounded the Olympic-sized pool the retreat sported. Seeing it from the window of our room was a matter of looking outside. Getting from our room to the pool itself required a circuitous route that almost had us lost. But the unguided tour revealed a ballroom that would rival anything you'd find...
Jeez, it was cold and wet on that hill. Doesn’t matter who you are, cold and wet is cold and wet. We were sent here, repurposed “special operators”, backing up a last-minute operation to take out a really bad dude. Not the tough kind, the just yucky kind. Without his army of crazed minions, he’d be a nothing burger. He was just in the right place at the right time to take over leadership. They say he’s married to somebody’s sister or something. You know, actual qualifications for a radical...
Juni, Sommeranfang. An den Tag werde ich mich wohl noch lange erinnern. An die Gefühle, die meinen Körper durchfluteten, als ER ihn unter Kontrolle hatte. ER mit seinen sanften und zugleich kräftigen Händen, ER mit den großen, dunkelbraunen Augen, die mich zu hypnotisieren schienen… Ich saß gerade am PC und blätterte ein paar Mails durch. Draußen waren’s gute 28°C im Schatten und ich zog es vor, mich bis zum späten Nachmittag dieser Hitze nicht auszusetzen. Auf EinsLive spielten sie...
"Sind wir jetzt langsam mal da?" quaengelte Shawna vor ihm. "Jaja, gleich sind wir da. Ist nicht mehr weit. Nur noch zu den Baeumen da vorne, da ist der Fluss. Du wirst sehen, ist traumhaft." Sie schoben ihre Fahrraeder auf dem schmalen Trampelpfad ueber das offene Feld. Waehrend er mit ihr sprach sah Marc von hinten Shawna die ganze Zeit auf ihren geilen, prallen Hintern, der die abgeschnittene Jeans zur vollsten Zufriedenheit ausfuellte. Es war ein schoener Sommertag, die Hitze begann...
Sommerhitze Martin blickte Sehnsüchtig zu seiner kleiner Schwester rüber. Er begehrte Mila schon seitdem er denken konnte und jetzt, kurz nach ihren 18ten Geburtstag, starrten nicht nur seine Augen zu der süßen Blondine rüber. Seine Badeshorts saß verdammt eng. Mila rekelte sich auf ihrem Badehandtuch und scheinbar unbewusst streckte sie ihren Körper, der scheinbar einigen alten Säcken aufgefallen war, wie Martin missmutig feststellen musste. Auf dem Bauch liegend, um seinen vor Erregung...
BDSMEs war ein sehr warmer Abend, die Sommersonnenwende, und meine Nichte hatte eine Gruppe ihrer Freunde hier auf den Bauernhof eingeladen, um eine Party zu feiern. Ihre Freunde, einschließlich ihres Mannes Jeff, sind keine Partylöwen. Ungefähr zwei Dutzend versammelten sich vor der großen Scheune und machten nicht wirklich viel, außer Unsinn und zu trinken. Ja, es gab Alkohol, da die meisten weit über 21 Jahre alt waren, war das kein Problem. Ich hatte vorgehabt, sie in Ruhe zu lassen, während...
Group SexMia hatte ihr Abi gerade in der Tasche. Manche Leute würden sagen, dass es doch ziemlich überraschend war mit welch gutem Ergebnis. Insgesamt hatte sie eine glatte 2,2, trotz ihres Rufes als Schulmatratze. Ausgerechnet das Ergebnis in der mündlichen Matheprüfung in Mias ausgewiesener Schwächedisziplin war eine 1,7. Zwei der drei Prüfer waren männliche Lehrkräfte und es kam der einzigen weiblichen Kraft im Raum fast schon unheimlich vor, dass Mia tatsächlich auf die Fragen immer genau die...
Teen„Los, schieb IHN rein!“ „Wo? In deine Fotze?“ Mit einem Grinsen wandert mein Blick zu den Anderen, die sich begeistert die Schwänze reiben. „Du weißt genau, dass ich keine von diesen billigen Fotzenutten bin. Also… Entweder du fickst mich jetzt in mein Arschloch oder ich lass mich vom Nächsten voll stopfen.“ Lexa schaut sich ihre strammen Mitschüler mit lustvollen Augen an. Die Gruppe von insgesamt zehn Leuten befindet sich auf dem Knabenklo der Schule. Es ist kurz vor den Sommerferien und wie...
Rööööööt Rööööööt, weckte es mich. Mein alter Wecker war wirklich nervtötend. Müde schlug ich mit der Hand nach dem Gerät und schaltete es über die große Taste auf der Oberseite sofort aus. Endlich Ruhe, dachte ich mir, es waren schließlich Ferien. Um genau zu sein war heute der erste Tag der Schulferien und ich war froh, dass ich die Schule erst einmal für ein paar Wochen hinter mir lassen konnte. Ich war mit meinen 21 Jahren zwar keine schlechte Schülerin, aber eben längst nicht die beste,...
IncestIn diesem Jahr wollen Linda,Evi,Gala und Tia jeweils in ein anderes Land reisen und am Ende ihrer Reisen einander von ihren Erlebnissen berichten. Endlich ist der Sommer gekommen und die vier Mädls stehen am Vienna Flughafen,um sich voneinander zu verabschieden. Linda ist 20,schlank,blond,hat graue Augen und üppigen Busen.Sie trägt ein türkises Top,eine Jeanshotpants,lässige rosa Sportschuhe,einen blauenBh,aber kein Höschen.Ihre Reise geht nach Hamburg. Evi ist 19,zierlich-anmutig,hat...
Man sah Claudia König ihre Krastbürstigkeit nicht an. Eigentlich machte sie eine eher unschuldigen Eindruck aber das täuschte. In Wahrheit hatte sie es ganz faustdick hinter ihren blonden Haaren, besser gesagt sie war sogar ein Biest. Immer war sie nur auf ihren Vorteil bedacht und zögerte dabei nie ihren Prachtkörper für ihre Zwecke einzusetzen. Dies war schon während der Schulzeit so. Sie war an sich eine sehr gute Schülerin, aber sie hatte in der 10. und 11. Klasse massive Probleme in...
Hallo, mein Name ist Alec, ich wohne in Deutschland und bin 33 Jahre alt. Genau genommen ist Alec nur ein Spitzname, den mir meine englischsprachigen Freunde gegeben hatten, weil sie Probleme bei der Aussprache meines wirklichen Namens hatten. Aber er hat sich inzwischen irgendwie festgesetzt, also - das bin ich. Ich bin eins dreiundachzig groß schlank, habe dunkle, kurze Haare und grau-blaue Augen. Meinen Lebensunterhalt verdiene ich in diversen Jobs - ich konnte mich noch nie so richtig...
She was born Elizabeth Margaret Manchester. She'd never known her mother as her mother had died during childbirth. Her father, Edward Manchester became both Father and Mother to her. English immigrants, her grandparents had come over from England at the turn of the century, along with their son Edward, who would one day become her father. Named after both her mother, and her grandmother, her father had nicknamed her "Maggie". The same name he had affectionately called his wife for so many...
Bazza had been kicked out of his girlfriends home after shagging another woman in her bed and she found out about it, He was now homeless and had no were to go until he bumped into a friend down the town, her name was Helen, a sexy hot wife well in her 40's but still a cougar. He told Helen about him becoming homeless and Helen was shocked and didn’t want this to happen so she suggested Bazza come to her home for a while and she would speak to her husband about Bazza staying, he was over the...
It was late in the afternoon and I was sitting on a park bench waiting for my contact to arrive. I normally would have never agreed to a 'drop' in a place like this but according to my handlers the contact was scared to death. I am known as a 'messenger', I am the middleman between 'spies', 'moles' and other nefarious, traitorous characters that I have to interact with on a daily basis and the unnamed government agencies that I work for or "the alphabets" as they are known. You know, CIA, FBI,...
She lays there… tied up. Her wrists and ankles bound and she is blindfolded. He is so turned on by having her naked and completely helpless. He has fantasized about this for a long time. He begins by lightly caressing her. Starting with her cheeks, his fingertips move onto her jawline. However, he avoids those beautiful lips of hers. He gently strokes her ears and then moves down to her neck. As his gentle caresses continue, he can her soft sighs, and some quiet moans. As his touch on her is so...
After almost thirty minutes of him pounding my butt, Bruce rammed as far into me as he could and grind deep into my butt. I felt his cock harden and twitch and erupt a stream of fluid that struck the walls of my rectum. His stream of baby making juices was powerful and strong and caused my bowels to spasm around his cock head. Bruce exclaimed 'I'm coming and this bitch is coming too, damn it's good'. Bruce grind deep into me for another five minutes before he finally pulled from my butt. I...
“Professor Reznik!” Tracey burst out with. “Tracey! How nice to see you again” replied Jared Reznik as his eyes scanned up and down the man’s naked body with a quick pause over the man’s swinging penis. Tracey himself scanned up and down Jared’s naked body with his own eyes resting for a moment on Jared’s swinging penis then he asked, “What about Gloria? Where is she?” “Oh, she’s gone off down the street with the girls. We only just got here half an hour ago. They went shopping for some...
Angela got her veterinary degree and went into practice, and I made sure to refer every pet owner I came across to her. My devotees were only too happy to take their dogs and cats to her office. And after two years of successful practice, we were overjoyed to learn that Angela and Sam were to be parents. I liked Sam. He reminded me a little of Barry—so smart and well read. I think he felt a little intimidated around me, but I always encouraged him to share his store of knowledge when he and...
All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. The Watcher, Asmodatu, appears to us on an alien landscape. "I am Asmodatu the Watcher" he told us, "like Uatu, I have observed the rise and fall of civilisations, worlds, galaxies. I know all that is, most of what has been and much of what will be. I also have many windows into the strange parallel worlds of what might have been" Asmodatu waved his hand and showed an image of Rey's lightsaber duel with Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force...
Mom looked at me with a look of pure lust. She began slowly walking on her knees up towards my face keeping her hairy brown slit open, she even reached down to pull back on her lips to open up and expose her clit hanging down. She continued with her whispering asking if this was what I wanted, did I want mommy to open up her slit for me? Did I want mommies slit in my face so that I could suckle on mommies slit? Do you want mommy to cunt fuck your mouth? She finally got her musky slit up by...
Friday, April 15, 2005 (Continued) Julia decided there was no time like the present, and rode her bike to my TK distance limit and back again, reporting that it was just under 0.1 of a mile away. Maybe 0.08 or 0.09, she guessed. I hadn't thought about the poor precision of her odometer, and a car's odo' wouldn't be any better either. Call it somewhere between four and five hundred feet. Not exactly good science, but it'd do as I had no need to measure the distance more accurately. The...
Jim and Joanne had met approximately a year ago and they hit it off from the start. Their sex life was great but tonight Jim had something special planned for Joanne. She had often told him of some of her fantasies that she had, tonight he was going to fulfill one of her most exotic fantasies. Jim had already picked out what she would be wearing tonight when they met for dinner, she would be wearing a black evening gown with a slit to mid thigh. Under the evening gown she would be wearing a...
Chapter 1It wasn't quite as though she was cheating. He had known for some time. And she knew he knew. She couldn't help crying out a bit louder when she came. She had always been quiet, her small throaty moan rising on those few special occasions when she seemed especially wet.Now she came with mouth wide open, filling the darkened bedroom with unfamiliar words, telling him over and over how she wanted him, how she loved his cock inside her. When she straddled him and played with her breasts,...
Wife LoversMay not be distributed or posted for a fee. GIRL Center - A Leap of Faith Copyright 2003 By Karen Elizabeth L. Harry and I were as close to brothers as two friends could get; we spent almost all of our free time together, went to the same school, and just like any other boys we got into trouble together. We thought we were just pulling a few pranks here and there, nothing to get all worked up over, but for some reason our parents, teachers, and other adults didn't see things the...
A Vida de Uma Barbie 1 Um impertinente raio de sol atravessava a pequena brecha entre as cortinas escuras e banhava o quarto com seu brilho t?o inconveniente numa manh? de s?bado. O garoto que estava deitado naquela cama espa?osa e confort?vel j? havia pensado in?meras em se levantar e dar um fim naquilo, mas sua cama estava especialmente espa?osa e confort?vel naquela manh?. Ele examinou seu rel?gio que estava sobre no m?vel ao lado da cama, ainda faltavam oito minutos para as nove horas, o garoto praguejou ...
* KARI'S, JAILHOUSE SWANK!!! =============================================================================== * A.K.A. " JUICY'BOX " ------ Hey there "SEXY!" How are you doing? Doing me, when I get out, "No-Doubt!" My pussy's just dripping wet, thinking about it, and your harder then a rock too, I just bet! I'll first get down on my knees, then unzip your jeans!...
I don’t remember being touched. I don’t remember being fondled. I don’t recall being ****d. I do recall having what a Psychologist might call an unhealthy interest in sex. It all started with my best friend Steven and I showing each other our dinky little dicks when we were young That lit a fire in my curiosity and, allow me to say it, pure perversion. Where it led from there was countless sexual encounters with countless other c***dren. The one that stands out the most is the time that I ****d...
Introduction: I think this story has to appeal to alot of men and women, enjoy As told to me directly from the young lady herself about a year later…enjoy it. Hi my name is Debbie when I was a senior in High School I used to baby sit for a couple that had a new baby, she was one year old and her name was Destiny. It was an easy job cause all I had to do was feed her a bottle and put her to bed when they went out. My 18th birthday had just come and gone and I graduated just a few weeks before...
Fallen from Grace Synopsis ? Left in charge of the mansion, the young daughter and her friend delight in severely punishing the servants. When his Lordship returns unexpectedly, they have to pay an unwelcome price for their misdeeds. ? ? Fallen from Grace ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is...
You hate Mondays. They suck. You're coming down off the high (real or metaphorical) of the weekend, and then BOOM--learning. You head out the door on a Monday, early in your senior year. When you arrive at your school, you see the bulletin board is covered in various advertisements for various extracurricular activites. It's already 2 weeks into your senior year, Maybe you should apply for a few. Looking on the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria, you see a number of options. Student...
GayHello readers. This is a true story, which happened to me a few weeks back and somehow, i just can’t come over it and now my desires have given way to a more sedate lifestyle. I am 35 years and have been happily married for the last 4 years but somehow it’s only when i had this venture with one of my aunties recently, did i realize the value of sexual gratification. As far as i can remember, i have always fantasized about having sex with matured ladies. I cannot really explain why this should...
IncestTum sabki randi mom fir se tum sab ke liye ek story le kar aayi hai, jinhone meri purani story nhi padi vo pad lo MERE BETE AUR USKE DOSTON NE CHODA. Aaj ye randi tum sab ke liye ek new story le kar aayi hai apni. Is liye sab ladke apna lund hath me le lo aur ladkiya apni chut me ugli daal lo. Ye kahani 26 jan ki hai us din raat ko mere beta apni 4 doston ke sath ghar aaya. sab mujhe dekh kar bahut khush huye raat ka koi 9pm ka time tha or mene gown pehna hua, jo ki sirf meri thighs tak ki...
Now the little woman and I have been known to just up and take off across the country rolling on 18. Usually we end up taking our youngest c***d and a dog or 3 and it makes for a lot of extra unwanted work and although my girls are with me, I still get stressed out. I had actually planned this trip out and everything fell into place. I was operating a flatbed at the time and went ahead and got loaded , strapped, and tarped and returned home to help the little woman gather her things for the...
Jim’s day hadn’t started well. He’d forgotten to set the alarm for an early start – and so had almost missed the train. His relief was short lived. Half an hour into the journey the train had stopped. A major points failure, was the explanation. After another half an hour standing still he’d realised he was never going to make the meeting. He phoned to let his boss know – and eventually he managed to get back to his home station. At around 10.30 he was unlocking the door to the home he’d left...
She loved to come to the dance hall and dance and look for men. Tonight a handsome man asked her to dance and as he held her tight she could feel the hardness of his cock pressed against her stomach. She pushed tighter to him to feel more of his hard love rod. She could feel him get harder and clutch her tighter to his body. She whispered to him "Want to stick that hard cock in my wet fuck hole?" He answered "Of course I do. I would love to fuck you all night. Are you offering?" She told him "I...
Meine Freundin und ich hatten schon lange unsere Vorliebe für Gummi und Rollenspiele im Ponyplaybereich entdeckt. Nur waren unsere finanziellen Mittel leider eher bescheiden, sodass wir die aufwändigen Anzüge, Hufschuhe und Masken nur sehnsüchtig im Internet betrachten konnten. Zu einem einfachen selbstgebauten Zaumzeug und einem Pferdeschweif zum Anhängen hatte es dann doch gereicht. Doch ein Tag sollte alles ändern.Christina (meine Freundin) hatte im Lotto gewonnen und dabei ganze 30.000 Euro...
Located in a normal city is a normal restaurant. This restaurant is owned by an ugly bastard that is very perverted and this would have caused the downfall of his restaurant if it weren’t for his popular dish. Lots of hot girls go to this restaurant in order to celebrate their 18th birthday, graduation, etc. They can’t get enough of the fat chef’s delicious dessert.
Mind ControlIt was late in the night on Friday. Sowmya was growing restless as she hasn’t received any message as was told by Mr. Dutt. She was checking her mobile frequently in anticipation but nothing came till then. At the same time, those words ‘BE OPEN TO ANYTHING AND DON’T GIVE UP EASILY’ kept ringing in her mind, making her more nervous. She had already told her mother about the plan, but in a slightly fabricated way. Mrs. Nair knew that they will be picked up from college and dropped back at home,...
There's something exciting about having control over her and making her feel what I want her to feel when I want her to feel it. That was the thought going through my mind as we collected our tickets from the counter outside the theater. I had received two passes for movies and knew that she was the one I wanted to accompany me. I wanted hers to be the hand that touched mine as we ate popcorn from the same bucket and hers to the be thigh that mine touched when my leg wandered over to the...
Sarah knew that she looked good. The leather jeans were so tight it barely showed any wrinkles except for the puckering around her protrusive pubic mound and a few creases behind her knees. Even her two hip bones protrude and shine out. She wondered what Kip was thinking. He hadn't taken his eyes off of her as she disappeared down the hallway. He waited a moment and then followed. She'd left the bedroom door open and he quietly looked in. He could see her in the bathroom, standing in front...
Hi Dosto. I am Ashish from Delhi. Aap logo ne meri our house partner auntee ki story padi. Story ke last me maine bataya tha ki auntee ko ek saath do do land lene ka bada man hota hai. Ab aage ki kahani batata hoon. Maine auntee ko bola ki aao kisi ko bhi is kaam ke liye room par la sakati hain mujhe koi etraaj nahin balki mujhe bhi group sex enjoy karane ka man hai. Hum dono ne kishish ki magar kabhi kisi se group sex karane ki baat karane ki himmat hi nahin hui. Kyonki baat khul jaane par...
I am running late for a client meeting. A very, very important client meeting this could make or break my small design firm. From what I had heard Edward Kline was a stickler for punctually, and did not like dealings with women. It was said that he was really tough and could make a grown man cry with his criticisms. Now straight out the gate I had two strikes against me. Practically running, the hem of my long skirt swishing around my black riding boots I rush into the shiny chrome and glass...
Hey everybody! This is Raman & I wanted to share this experience with you kinky readers. I was working as a personal trainer in a gym, so I had a few personal clients whom I used to train one-on-one. One of them was Naveen, in his mid-thirties who started treating me like a friend. He started telling me everything about his life. Things like where he works, what he does, about his wife & k**s and pretty much everything. He was a nice guy who had everything but only one problem. He was...
After work, I had a tendency to go out cruising in my car, which would be anywhere from 11 at night, or sometimes I wouldn’t go cruising until 2am, depending on when my shift ended. In any case, I had the habit of driving all the way from there in San Bruno, down to Santa Clara on El Camino Real, scouting for men who might need a ride (and hopefully so much more). My luck was pretty good, actually. There were a few guys who would look into my rolled-down passenger window after I’d pull up...
Hellu guys!! Here is a new story I’ve been working on. Inspiration hasn’t hit me yet to continue the chapters of To be transformed or not so hope you like reading this series while I work on the further chapters of the former one!! Keep the votes, rates and comments comming!!! XXX ‘Oh shit!! Oh shit…’ she murmured as she rushed through the crowded corridors of her university. She was late of Prof. Tam’s Economics class. That old man was one of the meanest people she’d encountered in the 21...
BILLYS DREAM As he lay next to Rose and played with her clit Billy slowly unzipped and unbuckled his pants. He slowly took them off leaving his jock strap on. His cock was as hard as steel and he needed to get it into Rose’s sweet tight pussy. Just as Rose was getting ready to cum for the fourth time Billy stopped and said to Rose, “let’s go to my room”. Rose being in a sexual daze stood up on her weak knees and just followed Billy. When Rose looked at Billy she realized that he had taken off...
BDSMIn March I started talking about Bess to Albert. Telling him that before Mommy started guarding us, she ordered him 11 little brothers and sisters. “I’m very excited, your first little sister comes in April. She will be so much fun. Just think we will have two birthday parties every year, one for you, and one for her!” “Ice cream?” he asked. “She might like cake. Or maybe cupcakes. We won’t know until we ask her. But something you should know about babies. They are small and delicate. At...
Reddit NSFW ASMR, aka r/NSFWASMR! Now here’s a subreddit on Reddit.com that I never thought I’d see. A subreddit dedicated to ASMR, but not just any kind of ASMR. Heck, if it was just regular old ASMR, I wouldn’t be writing a review about it. Instead, it’s about NSFW ASMR. That’s a huge fucking acronym and by this point in time even I have no fucking idea what it’s supposed to mean. It’s getting longer than the LGBTQAI+ bullshit that I keep hearing all over the news. Fucking feminists… Wait,...
Reddit NSFW ListDISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. AUTHOR’S NOTE- This story is a bit lengthy and thus would be in a few parts/episodes. Kindly cooperate and wait for the next parts/episodes. I assure you the quality and eroticism. Also, this is my first erotic...
IncestAfter a very brief separation Yvonne and Tony Marsh, both aged sixty, were back together again although Yvonne acquired a very sore backside as part of the reconciliation.The spanking was suggested to Yvonne by her friend Sheila Butcher and Sheila was speaking from experience because a short while previously she had received a good hiding from her husband Jim.The hiding that Sheila got came about by Jim finally snapping after years of being henpecked and dominated but soon after the spanking...
SwingersBy Depraved Pervert DADDY'S BOY PART 2 For the next week I convinced myself my son was the innocent victim of a mob of gym perverts. I mulled over ways of getting even with my mate Laurie and his gym buddies who'd betrayed me, all the while jerking off to the memory of my son's gang fuck at their hands. I wondered how long it had been going on. I had no choice but to allow Justin to keep going to the gym in the afternoon until I could find other more suitable minding...
Summertime With FemdomShe bumped the double fold of her cunt against his crotch, feeling the comfortable tautness in her thighs as she straddled him, kneeling and squirming on top of his supine body. Somehow, in the bump and crash of stripping and making out between the door and the bed, they’d ended up that way, him on the bottom the way she liked. He was naked, except for the black band of the collar at his throat and one sock, and she was stripped down to her skin, smooth, sticky with summer...
My name is Rahul Raj. I am 39 years old. I am 5ft 10” tall, muscular in build and my tool is 8.1” big and 3” thick. I work as an operations manager for a steel plate company. I handle the operation in the middle-east and India. I am located in Dubai and I am a frequent traveler. This happened in Saudi. I had to work in Saudi for 2 months on a business visit. My company office in Saudi was in a remote location and so the apartment given to me was near the factory location. There were no shopping...
Another day on the Bang Bus and we got lucky today. We talked to a beautiful young girl about some serious issues. We told her that we were shooting a documentary about the earth and wanted to interview her, she got in the bus and to our surprise, she had a lot to say. It didn’t take much convincing to try and get her in the mood to fuck though, just a few hundred dollar bills and a big dick got her ready. She showed off her amazing ass, a huge white girl booty. Tyler fucked her in multiple...
xmoviesforyouHanna groaned as her alarm clock buzzed at 10am that morning. Not that the alarm clock was needed; she was awake already. In fact she had hardly slept at all. For hours, she had lain awake, mulling things over in her mind. Who had sent the note? Was it the same person who had requested the connection halfway along the canal? And, most importantly, why? Why her? At 3am, her brain had finally had enough and conveyed the message that it was time to sleep. Just as she was drifting off into...
I tell him that's enough with my legs and he goes back to his desk smiling like the cat that's got the cream. And he did get the cream, didn't he? Not only that, he got to rub it into my sexy legs. Next thing that happens is Cynthia comes back and she's got her tiny little pink bikini on. She'd look bad in this even if it fitted her but with it also being way too small she looks absolutely ridiculous. Chorus of sarcastic cheers and jeers from the guys. "Don't fancy yours much,"...
Authors Notes Im having difficulty doing dailies with all of the family stuff going on for the holidays. The story is far from over, and Im still writing. Im just having a hard time finding the time to write 6-8K words every day. Thanks for sticking with me :] _____________________________ CHAPTER SEVEN: Scene 01: Cassius – Sex? No. Scene 02: Callia – Sex? Yes. Scene 03: Cassius – Sex? Yes. _____________________________ [u]CASSIUS[u] He wasnt a man to use the word cute. But Callia, today,...